UNITED NATIONS MICT-12-20 30-09-2014 (297 - 296) Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals 297 ZS Case No: MICT-12-20 MICT-12-25 Date: 30 September 2014 Original: English BEFORE THE REGISTRAR IN THE MATTERS OF JEAN UWINKINDI AND BERNARD MUNYAGISHARI ORDER APPOINTING A MONITOR Received by the Registry Mechanism for Intemational Criminal Tribunals 30109/2014 11 :05 296 THE REGISTRAR of the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals ("MICT"); NOTING the need to ensure the constant availability of monitors for the cases referred to the Republic of Rwanda; PURSUANT TO Article 6, paragraph 5 of the Statute of the MICT and Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the MICT ("Rules"); IN ACCORDANCE WITH the "President's Decision on the Monitoring Arrangements for the Trial of Jean Uwinkindi in the Republic of Rwanda", 5 April 2012, in the case of The Prosecutor v. UWinkindi, Case No. ICTR-01-75-Rllbis, and the "Public Decision on the Prosecutor's Request for Referral of the Case to the Republic of Rwanda", 6 June 2012, in the case of The Prosecutor v. Munyagishari, Case No. ICTR-2005-89-Rll bis, and after consultation with the President of the MICT; APPOINTS Ms. Xheni Shehu, Associate Legal Officer in the Office of the Registrar, as an interim monitor for the cases of Jean Uwinkindi and Bernard Munyagishari in the Republic of Rwanda. Arusha, 30 September 2014, done in English. John Hocking Registrar [Seal of the MICT] 2 3 ApJil2014 TRANSMISSION SHEET FOR FILING OF DOCUMENTS WITH THE MECHANISM FOR INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNALS/ FICHE DE TRANSMISSION POUR LE DEPOT DE DOCUMENTS DEVANT LE MECANISME POUR LES'TRIBUNA UX PENA UX INTERNA TIONA UX I - FILING INFORMATION / INFORMATIONS GENERALES To! A: D The Hague/ La Haye [gj Arusha/ Arusha MICT Registry/ Greffe du MTPI From/ De: D Chambers/ D Defencel o Prosecution/ Chambre Defense Bureau du Procureur Case Name! Affaire: Munyagishari; Uwinkindi Date Created/ Datedu: 30 September 2014 Original Language! Langue de roriginal : [gj English/ Title of Document! Titre du document: Order Appointing a Monitor Classification Levell Categories de c/assification : !8J Unclassified/ Non classifie Document type! Type de document; Case Number! Affaire nO: Date transmitted! Transmis /e : o Frenchl 30 September 2014 MICT-12-20; MICT-12-25 No. of Pages! Nombre de pages: 2 o Kinyarwanda o B/C/S o OtherlAutre Franr;ais Anglais !8J Other/ Autre: Registry (specify/preciser) : o Ex Parte Defence excludedl Defense exclue o Ex Parte Prosecution excludedl Bureau du Procureur exclu o Ex Parte R86(H) applicant excluded/ Art. 86 H) requerant exclu o Confidentiall Confidentiel o Ex Parte Amicus Curiae excluded! Amicus curiae exclu o Ex Parte other exclusion/ autre(s) partie(s) exclue(s) o Strictly Confidentiall (specify!precisel') : Strictement confidentiel o Motion/ o Submission from parties/ o Indictment! Requete Ecritures deposees par des parties Acte d'accusation o Decision/ o Submission from non-parties! o Warrant! Decision Ecritures deposees par des tiers Mandat o Book of Authorities/ !8J Order! o Notice of Appeal/ Ordonnance Recueil de sources Acte d'appel o Judgement! o Affidavit! Jugement!Arret Declaration sous serment II - TRANSLATION STATUS ON THE FILING DATE/ ETATDELA TRADUCTIONAUJOUR DU DEPOT o Translation not required/ La traduction n'est pas requise !8JFiling Party hereby submits only the original, and requests the Registry to translate/ La partie deposante ne soumel que /'original et sollicite que Ie Greffe prenne en charge la traduction: (Word version of the document is attached/ La version Word est jointe) o English/ Anglais !8J French/ !8J Kinyarwanda o B/C/S o OtherlAutre (specify/preciseI') : Franr;ais o Filing Party hereby submits both the original and the translated version for filing, as follows! La partie deposante soumel /'original et la version traduite aux fins de depot, comme suit : Original! D English! o French! o Kinyarwanda o B/C/S o Other!Autre (specify/preciser) : Original en Ang/ais Franc;ais Translation! D English! o French/ o Kinyarwanda o B/C/S o Other!Autre (specify/preciseI') : Anglais Franc;ais Traduction en o Filing Party will be submitting the translated version(s) in due course in the following language(s)/ La partie deposante soumettra la (Ies) version(s) traduite(s) sous peu, dans /a (Ies) langue(s) suivante(s) : o English/ Anglais o French! o Kinyarwanda o B/C/S o Other/Autre I Franr;ais (specify/preciser) : Send completed transmission sheet to/ Veuillez soumettre cette fiche dument remplie a: [email protected] OR/OU [email protected] Rev: April 20 14/Rev. : Avril 2014
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