Book VI of the Code of Economic Law
Impact on the financial sector
Jules Stuyck and Tom Van Dyck
24 June 2014
Brussels • London -
How can we assist you?
« […] impressed by the level of attention we receive –
we feel that we get red carpet treatment »
Chambers 2014
and training
With the
and procedures
your case
Brussels • London -
Jan Vincent Lindemans
[email protected]
+32 2 551 15 58
Jules Stuyck
[email protected]
+32 2 551 15 58
Tom Van Dyck
[email protected]
+32 2 551 15 51 (direct)
+32 491 34 07 82 (mobile)
 Making sense of the new rules
 Introduction of a new key definition (…)
 (…) Results in an important legal shift (…)
 (…) And which must be linked to other legislation
 Focus on two important developments
 Unfair contract terms
 Off-premises contracts
 Some conclusions
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
Introduction of a new key definition (1/5)
Book VI of the Code of
Economic Law reiterates
most of the Law of 6
April 2010 without
significant changes
It also transposes
Consumer Rights
Directive 2011/83/EU
Alongside the
transposition a limited
number of areas are
revisited and modified
« In de mate dat een
onderscheiden behandeling
tussen financiële diensten —
waarop de bepalingen van de
WMPC altijd van toepassing zijn
geweest — en financiële
instrumenten geen enkel nut
heeft, moet deze worden
verlaten […] »
Explanatory Memorandum, p. 6
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
Introduction of a new key definition (2/5)
Key is the introduction of a new definition of « financial service »
Art. I.8.18°
« financiële dienst: iedere dienst van bancaire aard of op het gebied van
kredietverstrekking, verzekering, individuele pensioenen, beleggingen en
betalingen »
« service financier: tout service ayant trait à la banque, au crédit, à
l'assurance, aux retraites individuelles, aux investissements et aux paiements»
Critical remark by the State Council (can financial instruments be
considered a financial service, taking into account the definition
of « service » in art. I.1.5° Code of Economic Law?)
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
Introduction of a new key definition (3/5)
The definition of art. I.8.18° includes
Art. 4, §1, 10°
Law of 16 June 2006
« Financial instruments » (art. 2,
1° of the Law of 2 August 2002)
« Securities » (art. 2, 31° of the
Law of 2 August 2002)
« Financial products » (art. 2, 39°
Law of 2 August 2002)
« Investment instruments » (art.
4 Law of 16 June 2006)
« Voor de toepassing van
deze wet wordt onder
verstaan : […] alle andere
instrumenten die het
mogelijk maken een
financiële belegging uit te
voeren, ongeacht de
onderliggende activa »
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
Introduction of a new key definition (4/5)
Art. I.8.18°
Code of Economic Law
Art. 2, 40°
Law of 2 August 2002
« financiële dienst: iedere dienst
van bancaire aard of op het
gebied van kredietverstrekking,
verzekering, individuele
pensioenen, beleggingen en
betalingen »
« financiële diensten : diensten die
verband houden met een of
meerdere financiële producten »
Art. 2, 39°
Law of 2 August 2002
« financiële producten : spaar-,
beleggings-, of
verzekeringsproducten »
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
Introduction of a new key definition (5/5)
Let’s consider some examples (…)
Would the
securities issued
by a French
issuer that are
passported under
the Law of 16
June 2006 to
Belgium fall
within the scope
of art. I.8.18°?
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
Introduction of a new key definition (5/5)
Let’s consider some examples (…)
Would the
securities issued
by a French
issuer that are
Falls within
of 16
June 2006 to
Belgium fall
within the scope
of art. I.8.18°?
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
Introduction of a new key definition (5/5)
Let’s consider some examples (…)
Would the
securities issued
by a French
issuer that are
passported under
the Law of 16
June 2006 to
Belgium fall
within the scope
of art. I.8.18°?
Would the fact
that the
securities of this
French issuer
are being
offered in
Belgium on the
basis of a
change the
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
Introduction of a new key definition (5/5)
Let’s consider some examples (…)
Would the
securities issued
by a French
issuer that are
passported under
the Law of 16
June 2006 to
Belgium fall
within the scope
of art. I.8.18°?
Would the fact
that the
securities of this
French issuer
the scope
Belgium on the
basis of a
change the
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
Introduction of a new key definition (5/5)
Let’s consider some examples (…)
Would the
securities issued
by a French
issuer that are
passported under
the Law of 16
June 2006 to
Belgium fall
within the scope
of art. I.8.18°?
Would the fact that
the securities of
this French issuer
are being offered
in Belgium on the
basis of a private
placement change
the analysis?
Brussels • London -
Would the fact
that this would
not concern a
corporate issuer
but securities
marketed under
the AIFMD Law
of 19 April 2014
change the
Making sense of the new rules
Introduction of a new key definition (5/5)
Let’s consider some examples (…)
Would the
securities issued
by a French
issuer that are
passported under
the Law of 16
June 2006 to
Belgium fall
within the scope
of art. I.8.18°?
Would the fact that
the securities of
this French issuer
are being offered
in Belgium on the
basis of a private
placement change
the analysis?
Brussels • London -
Would the fact
that this would
not concern a
corporate issuer
the scope
the AIFMD Law
of 19 April 2014
change the
 Making sense of the new rules
 Introduction of a new key definition (…)
 (…) Results in an important legal shift (…)
 (…) And which must be linked to other legislation
 Focus on two important developments
 Unfair contract terms
 Off-premises contracts
 Some conclusions
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
(…) Results in a major legislative shift (1/5)
This results in an important
legislative shift
The Royal Decree of 5
December 2000 (which
declared applicable
certain provisions) is
abolished (…)
(…) and replaced by
the Royal Decree of 23
March 2014 (which
delares inapplicable
certain provisions)
« De Koning zal dus gemachtigd zijn
om, aan de ene kant, striktere regels
aan te nemen inzake financiële
diensten en, aan de andere kant,
andere regels vast te stellen,
desgevallend soepeler maar beter
aangepast aan bepaalde van die
diensten of aan een categorie ervan.
Hij zou dus ook de toepassing kunnen
uitsluiten van sommige bepalingen
die onaangepast zijn voor financiële
diensten. […] »
Explanatory Memorandum, p. 21
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
(…) Results in a major legislative shift (2/5)
Exclusion n. 1
Art. VI.3, §2
Code of Economic Law
« Elke onderneming die
aan de consument
homogene diensten
aanbiedt, duidt de prijs
hiervan schriftelijk,
leesbaar, goed zichtbaar
en ondubbelzinnig aan »
Art. VI.3,§2 is not applicable to the
price of investment instruments that
are sold or offered for subscription,
if the price is not pre-determined
Quid financial products other
than investment instruments?
Quid public exchange offers of
investment instruments?
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
(…) Results in a major legislative shift (3/5)
Art. VI.5 is not applicable to
financial products expressed in a
currency other than the EUR
(except the related fees and costs)
Quid a private placement
document that is distributed to
high net worth individuals?
« Financial products » are more
limited than « financial
services » in the Code of
Economic Law: only savings,
investment and insurance
Exclusion n. 2
Art. VI.5
Code of Economic Law
« De prijzen voor
consumenten zijn
minstens in euro
vermeld »
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
(…) Results in a major legislative shift (4/5)
Exclusion n. 3
Art. VI.18
Code of Economic Law
« Een onderneming mag ten
aanzien van de consument slechts
overgaan tot de aankondiging van
een prijsvermindering ten opzichte
van de prijs die zij voorheen
toepaste voor hetzelfde product,
wanneer de nieuwe prijs lager is
dan de referentieprijs […] »
Art. VI.18 and VI.19 are
not applicable to the
sale or offer to
subscribe (to a
consumer) of
investment instruments
the price of which
fluctuates on the
financial market that the
company cannot
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
(…) Results in a major legislative shift (5/5)
Certain clauses are
deemed not to be unfair
(See further below)
Exclusion n. 4
Art. VI.83
Code of Economic Law
Brussels • London -
 Making sense of the new rules
 Introduction of a new key definition (…)
 (…) Results in an important legal shift (…)
 (…) And which must be linked to other legislation
 Focus on two important developments
 Unfair contract terms
 Off-premises contracts
 Some conclusions
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
(…) Which must be linked to other legislation (1/5)
As a general rule the Code of
Economic Law applies
cumulatively with specific
financial legislation, and in
case of a conflict « lex
specialis derogat generali »
Important qualifications
depending on whether the
matter is harmonized
(See next slide)
Report to the King,
RD of 23 March 2014
« Net zoals in andere
sectoren, vormt de
reglementering inzake
marktpraktijken zo de lex
generalis waarvan de
sectorale regels kunnen
afwijken bij toepassing van
het principe "lex specialis
generali derogat" (waarbij de
lex specialis hier de financiële
regelgeving is) »
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
(…) Which must be linked to other legislation (2/5)
Is a provision of the Code
of Economic Law (…)
Is a provision of a specific
financial legislation (…)
Scenario 1
Not harmonized
Not harmonized
Cumulative application (lex
specialis derogat generali)
Scenario 2
Not harmonized
Minimum harmonization
Scenario 3
Not harmonized
Full harmonization
Scenario 4
Minimum harmonization
Not harmonized
Scenario 5
Minimum harmonization
Minimum harmonization
Scenario 6
Minimum harmonization
Full harmonization
Scenario 7
Full harmonization
Not harmonized
Scenario 8
Full harmonization
Minimum harmonization
Scenario 9
Full harmonization
Full harmonization
Brussels • London -
Any deviating rules of the Code
will not be applicable
Any rules beyond the minimum
harmonization cannot be contrary
to full harmonization
Cumulative application unless
specified in the Directive 22
Making sense of the new rules
(…) Which must be linked to other legislation (2/5)
Is a provision of the Code
of Economic Law (…)
Is a provision of a specific
financial legislation (…)
Scenario 1
Not harmonized
Not harmonized
Cumulative application (lex
specialis derogat generali)
Scenario 2
Not harmonized
Minimum harmonization
Scenario 3
Not harmonized
Full harmonization
Any deviating rules of the Code
will not be applicable
Scenario 4
Minimum harmonization
Not harmonized
Scenario 5
Minimum harmonization
Minimum harmonization
Scenario 6
Minimum harmonization
Full harmonization
Any rules beyond the minimum
harmonization cannot be contrary
to full harmonization
Scenario 7
Full harmonization
Not harmonized
Scenario 8
Full harmonization
Minimum harmonization
Scenario 9
Full harmonization
Full harmonization
Cumulative application unless
specified in the Directive 23
Brussels • London -
Is a provision of the Code Is a provision of a specific Consequence
of Economic Law (…)
financial legislation
answers in bold)
sense of
new rules
Scenario 1
(…) Which must
be linked
Not harmonized
Not harmonized
to other
application (lex(1/3)
specialis derogat generali)
Scenario 2
Not harmonized
Minimum harmonization
Cumulative application may not be
contrary to min. harmonization
Scenario 3
Not harmonized
Full harmonization
Any deviating rules of the Code will
not be applicable
Scenario 4
Minimum harmonization
Not harmonized
Cumulative application may not be
contrary to min. harmonization
Scenario 5
Minimum harmonization
Minimum harmonization
Cumulative application may not be
contrary to min. harmonization
Scenario 6
Minimum harmonization
Full harmonization
Any rules beyond the minimum
harmonization cannot be contrary
to full harmonization
Scenario 7
Full harmonization
Not harmonized
Any deviating rules of the specific
law will not be applicable
Scenario 8
Full harmonization
Minimum harmonization
Any rules beyond the minimum
harmonization cannot be contrary
to full harmonization
Scenario 9
Full harmonization
Full harmonization
Cumulative application unless
specified in the Directive
Brussels • London -
Making sense of the new rules
(…) Which must be linked to other legislation (4/5)
The application of the Code of
Economic Law to the language of
a prospectus: Scenario 3
The application of the rules on
misleading advertizements in the
Code to MiFID advertizements:
Scenario 6
The application of the rules on
distance selling to an public offer
with distance selling: Scenario 9
Brussels • London -
Report to the King,
RD of 23 March 2014
« De aanname van dit
koninklijk besluit
ontheft niet van deze
oefening om geval per
geval de toepasselijke
norm na te gaan […] »
Making sense of the new rules
(…) Which must be linked to other legislation (5/5)
But, as you (unfortunately)
know, the legal reality is even
more complex as there are
different layers of specific
financial legislation
Impact of the Transversal
Royal Decree
Impact of product
intervention such as the
Impact of circulars such
as FSMA Circular 2013-13
FSMA Circular 2013-13,
para 85
« De publiciteitsregels
bedoeld in deze circulaire
[…] en de publiciteitsregels
in artikel 8 van het KB van
3 juni 2007 […] moeten
beiden gerespecteerd
worden in publicitair
materiaal m.b.t. ICB's.
Doch, indien de regels van
elkaar zouden afwijken, is
de strengste regel van
toepassing »
Brussels • London -
 Making sense of the new rules
 Introduction of a new key definition (…)
 (…) Results in an important legal shift (…)
 (…) And which must be linked to other legislation
 Focus on two important developments
 Unfair contract terms
 Off-premises contracts
 Some conclusions
Brussels • London -
Focus on two important developments
Unfair contract terms (1/3)
Unfair contract terms
provisions become
applicable to financial
Art. I.8.22°
Defined in art. I.8.22°
Assessment criteria
in art. VI.82
Black list in art. VI.83
« elk beding of elke
voorwaarde in een
overeenkomst tussen een
onderneming en een
consument die, alleen of in
samenhang met een of meer
andere bedingen of
voorwaarden, een kennelijk
onevenwicht schept tussen de
rechten en plichten van de
partijen ten nadele van de
consument »
Brussels • London -
Focus on two important developments
Unfair contract terms (2/3)
The Royal Decree of 23 March 2014 provides for three exclusions (…)
Clauses that allow for unilateral termination, without notice, of an
agreement with indefinite term that relates to investment
instruments do not violate art. VI.83.11° if there is a valid reason and
if the company notifies the consumer immediately
Clauses that would fall within art. VI.83, 2°, 3°, 5° or 11° are
nonetheless exempt if the price is dependent on the fluctuations on
the financial market that the company does not influence
Clauses that would fall within art. VI.83, 3° are deemed not unfair if
they intend to determine the price of products on the moment of
delivery, provided that it concerns the purchase or sale of cash
Brussels • London -
Focus on two important developments
Unfair contract terms (3/3)
(…) Nonetheless, many
questions remain. For
Can AIF investment
agreements (eg. VC/PE)
run contrary to art.
Can a foreign law
prospectus that entails
the right for the issuer to
change certain essential
conditions run contrary to
art. VI.83.4°?
Art. VI.83.1°
« te voorzien in een
onherroepelijke verbintenis van
de consument terwijl de
uitvoering van de prestaties van
de onderneming onderworpen
is aan een voorwaarde
waarvan de verwezenlijking
uitsluitend afhankelijk is van
haar wil »
Brussels • London -
 Making sense of the new rules
 Introduction of a new key definition (…)
 (…) Results in an important legal shift (…)
 (…) And which must be linked to other legislation
 Focus on two important developments
 Unfair contract terms
 Off-premises contracts
 Some conclusions
Brussels • London -
Focus on two important developments
Off-premises contracts (1/4)
The new rules on
Preamble (32)
states that « this
Directive should
not apply to
contracts in those
areas »
Preamble (32) Directive 2011/83/EU
« The existing Union legislation, inter alia,
relating to consumer financial services […]
contains numerous rules on consumer
protection. For this reason, this Directive
should not apply to contracts in those
areas. With regard to financial services,
Member States should be encouraged to
draw inspiration from existing Union
legislation in that area when legislating in
areas not regulated at Union level, in such
a way that a level playing field for all
consumers and all contracts relating to
financial services is ensured. »
Brussels • London -
Focus on two important developments
Off-premises contracts (2/4)
Art. I.8.31°
The new rules on
« 31° contracts
buiten verkoopruimten gesloten overeenkomst: iedere overeenkomst tussen de
en de consument:
a) die
wordt gesloten in gelijktijdige fysieke aanwezigheid van de onderneming en de
op een andere plaats dan de verkoopruimten van de onderneming; of
b) waarvoor een aanbod werd gedaan door de consument onder dezelfde
omstandigheden als bedoeld onder a); of
 However,
c) die gesloten wordt in de verkoopruimten van de onderneming of met behulp van
Preamble (32)
een techniek voor communicatie op afstand, onmiddellijk nadat de consument
states that « this
persoonlijk en individueel is aangesproken op een plaats die niet de verkoopruimte van
Directive should
de onderneming is, in gelijktijdige fysieke aanwezigheid van de onderneming en de
not apply to
consument; of
contracts in those
d) die gesloten wordt tijdens een excursie die door de onderneming is georganiseerd
areas »
met als doel of effect de promotie en de verkoop van goederen of diensten aan de
consument »
Brussels • London -
Focus on two important developments
Off-premises contracts (3/4)
Art. VI.64 lists the pre-contractual information to be provided to
the consumer – But it is not clear how this should be applied
when proposing financial products « off-site »
Meaning of art. VI.64.17° or art. VI.64.18°?
How is this to be applied in combination with art. 3, §1 of the
Transversal Royal Decree?
« [O]n paper or, if the consumer agrees, another form of durable
medium » (art. VI.65, §1)
Can this be done through the general conditions?
Brussels • London -
Focus on two important developments
Off-premises contracts (4/4)
What is the delineation with other
rules and legislation?
Rules on distance selling?
« Service » information
requirements (MiFID):
Scenario 3?
« Product » information
requirements (Prospectus):
Scenario 3?
Report to the King,
RD of 23 March 2014
« Wanneer de regels van
financieel recht de omzetting
vormen van richtlijnen van
"maximale harmonisatie"
(door bijvoorbeeld de richtlijn
2003/71/EG […]), zullen de
eventueel afwijkende regels
inzake marktpraktijken die
geen omzetting vormen van
een Europese richtlijn, buiten
toepassing moeten worden
gelaten »
Brussels • London -
 Making sense of the new rules
 Introduction of a new key definition (…)
 (…) Results in an important legal shift (…)
 (…) And which must be linked to other legislation
 Focus on two important developments
 Unfair contract terms
 Off-premises contracts
 Some conclusions
Brussels • London -
Some conclusions
The 2014 tsunami increases compliance risks
Particularly complex laws
Unintended consequences
Practical difficulties
How to best (better) deal with this?
Holistic view
Risk-based approach
Checks with counsel and FSMA
Brussels • London -
How can we assist you?
« […] impressed by the level of attention we receive –
we feel that we get red carpet treatment »
Chambers 2014
and training
With the
and procedures
your case
Brussels • London -
Jan Vincent Lindemans
[email protected]
+32 2 551 15 58
Jules Stuyck
[email protected]
+32 2 551 15 58
Tom Van Dyck
[email protected]
+32 2 551 15 51 (direct)
+32 491 34 07 82 (mobile)