FEDERATION EQUESTRE INTERNATIONALE EVENTING Dressuurproef 2014 TWEE STERREN (2*) B 2014 CCI / CIC 2* B Wedstrijd: Datum: Jury: Programmanummer: Deelnemer: Nationaliteit: Paard: Handtekening van de jury: Copyright © 2014 Fédération Equestre Internationale Reproduction strictly reserved 2014 FEI Eventing 2* star Dressage Test - B Time: From entrance to final salute – approx 5 1/4 CI 2* B mins Test Directive ideas Pts Mark The regularity, rhythm and straightness. The halt, transitions, contact and poll 10 I Binnenkomen in verzamelde draf Halthouden – groeten en voorwaarts in verzamelde draf. 2 C MB Rechterhand Schouderbinnenwaarts Regularity and quality of the trot, collection and balance, flexion, bend and angle 10 3 BX Halve volte halve baan rechts Halve volte halve baan links Regularity and quality of the trot, collection and balance, bend, fluency, shape of the half circles 10 Regularity and quality of the trot, collection and balance, flexion, bend and angle Regularity and quality of trot, collection and balance. Flexion, bend, fluency, crossing of legs 10 1 A XE 4 EK KA Schouderbinnenwaarts Verzamelde draf 5 A DS Afwenden Appuyeren 6 SH H Verzamelde draf Afwenden en middenstap Keertwending om de achterhand naar rechts voorwaarts in verzamelde draf The transition to walk. Regularity, rhythm and acceptance of the contact. The flexion and bend, the regularity, the activity of the hind leg. 10 Regularity, rhythm, elasticity and the lengthening of the strides and frame. The transitions to and from medium trot Regularity and quality of trot, collection and balance. Flexion, bend, fluency, crossing of legs 10 Tussen G&M 10 7 H SF 8 FA Linkerhand Van hand veranderen in middendraf Verzamelde draf 9 A DR RM Afwenden Appuyeren Verzamelde draf 10 MCH HM Middenstap Halve grote volte in uitgestrekte stap Middenstap The regularity, activity, suppleness over the back, lengthening of the strides in the extended walk, freedom in shoulders. Stretching to the bit 10 De middenstap MCH en MC The regularity of the steps, the rhythm, the outline and the acceptance of the contact Precise execution and fluency. 10 MC 11 12 C 10 10 10 CH Verzamelde gallop links aanspringen direct vanuit stap Verzamelde galop 13 HV VKA Midden galop Verzamelde galop The regularity and rhythm and the lengthening of the strides. The straightness. The transitions 10 14 AC Verzamelde gallop, slangenvolte met 3 bogen, 2e boog in contragalop Op de linkerhand in verzamelde galop The regularity, the rhythm, the balance and quality of the canter 10 Verzamelde galop Afwenden Middenstap The regularity, straightness and quality of the canter. The transition to walk, regularity, rhythm and acceptance of the contact. The flexion and bend, the regularity, the activity of the hind leg. 10 C 15 HE E Voor X 16 Tussen X & Keertwending om de achterhand naar links B 10 Remarks 17 Vóór E 18 E ESHC CM MP PFA 19 AC C Verzamelde gallop rechts aanspringen Op de rechterhand Verzamelde galop Verzamelde galop Midden galop Verzamelde galop Verzamelde gallop, slangenvolte met 3 bogen, 2e boog in contragalop Op de rechterhand in verzamelde galop The transition to canter, precise execution and straightness. The quality of the canter. 10 The regularity and rhythm and the lengthening of the strides. The straightness. The transitions 10 The regularity, the rhythm, the balance and quality of the canter 10 20 CMR R Verzamelde galop Verzamelde draf The quality of the canter. The transition to trot. Regularity and quality of the trot. 10 21 B Halve grote volte rechts Afwenden op de middenlijn Regularity and quality of the trot, collection and balance, bend, fluency, shape of the half circle. The regularity and straightness on the centre line. The halt and immobility during the salute. 10 X 22 G Halthouden – groeten 10 De ring verlaten bij A in vrije stap met lange teugel 220 COLLECTIVE MARKS PTS 23 Gangen en regelmaat Freedom and regularity. 10 24 Impuls 10 25 Gehoorzaamheid Desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the back and engagement of the hind quarters. Attention and obedience, lightness and ease of the movements, acceptance of the contact 26 Ruiter Position and seat of the rider, correct use of the aids and effectiveness of the aids. 10 TOTAAL 260 MARK Remarks 10 Aft e trekken: Fouten in de parcours of uitvoering worden bestraft: 1ste maal = 2 punten……………………………………. 2de maal = 4 punten……………………………………. 3de maal = uitsluiting Other errors: two (2) points per error to be deducted TOTAL Note 1: Doorzitten tenzij lichtrijden wordt gevraagd Note 2: Proeven CIC/CCI 1* te rijden met enkele trens. Stang en trens is enkel toegelaten in proeven CIC/CCI 2* - 4*
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