Tilburg University Solving the nonlinear complementarity problem with lower and upper bounds Kremers, J.A.W.M.; Talman, A.J.J. Publication date: 1988 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Kremers, J. A. W. M., & Talman, A. J. J. (1988). Solving the nonlinear complementarity problem with lower and upper bounds. (Research memorandum / Tilburg University, Department of Economics; ???volumeLabel??? FEW 330). Unknown Publisher. 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SOLVING THE NONLINEAR COMPLEMENTARITY PROBLEM WITH LOWER AND UPPER BOUNDS Hans Kremers Dolf Talman ~ 330 Department of Econometrics Tilburg University P.O. Box 90153 5000 LE Tilburg The Netherlands .Tuly 1988 This research is part of the VF-program "Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Demand and Supply", which has been approved by the Netherlands Ministry of Education and Sciences. 1 SOLVING THE NONLINEAR COMPLEMENTARITY PROBLEM WITH LOWER AND UPPER BOUNDS Hans KREMERS and Dolf TALMAN, Abstract: lower In order to solve the nonlinear complementarity problem with and upper bounds, algorithm is introduced. problem is chosen Tilburg defined a simplicial variable The algorithm subdivides dimension restart the set on which the into simplices and generates from an arbitrarily starting point a piecewise linear path of points approximate algorithm solution. can simplicial When the be restarted subdivision. at The accuracy is not leading to an sufficient the the approximate solution with a finer piecewise algorithm is dimension. The path can be interpreted as linear path generated by the followed by a sequence of adjacent simplices of varying the path of solutions of the nonlinear complementarity problem with parametrized bounds. 1. Introduction. This paper algorithm for is concerned findíng complementarity problem an with the approximate with development of a simplicial solution for the nonlinear lower and upper bounds. The problem is defined as follows. Given two vectors a and b in Rn with ai C bi for all i E{1,...,n} and a continuous function f:Cn ~ Rn, with Cn defined as Cn -{x E Rn~ a C x C b}, find an xM E Cn such that for all i E {1, . fi(x`) ,n} C 0 if ai - xi fi(x~) - 0 if ai C xi C bi fi(x") ~ 0 if xi - bi. 2 This problem is complementarity also problem known (GNLCP) as the and it is generalized frequently met nonlinear in economic problems. The GNLCP encloses mathematical nonlinear programming. complementarity complementarity of (1.1) by algorithm problem to well-known Among problem (GLCP). taking ai problems in the field of these problems we mention (NLCP) and the generalized linear The NLCP can be seen - 0 and bi -;m f'or all solving the NLCP we refer to special case of (1.1) the many GLCP can be found in the simplicial The paper (2). by assuming f to be (3). the as a limit case i E{1,...,n}. For an The GLCP can be seen as linear. Our algorithm a An algorithm solving is a natural alternative algorithm developed by van der Laen and Talman in (4) of points is organized as follows. the algorithm are described in subdivision algorithm follows described section of Cn. in 2 the Section 2 introduces the path approximately. section 3. algorithm To makes The steps of the approximate use the path of a simplicial In section 4 we present an appropriate simplicial subdivision of Cn. 2. The path to be approximated by the algorithm. Starting in an arbitrarily chosen point v E Cn the algorithm follows approximately a path of points x in Cn such that for some p, 0 ~ p C 1, x solves the GNLCP on CP :- (1-p){v} t pCn with respect to f, i.e., for all i E{1,...,n} fi(x) ( 0 if (1-p)vi t pai - xi fi(x) - 0 if (1-p)vi t pai C xi ~(1-p)vi t pbi fi(x) ~ 0 if (2.1) xi -(1-p)vi t pbi. Under some regularity and nondegeneracy conditions the set of points x being a solution of (2.1) curves. Each points. One for some p, 0( p( 1, form piecewise smooth of these curves is either a loop or a path with two end of these paths, say P, has v as an end point for p- 0. 3 All other algorithm end points follows of paths approximately in Cn are solutions the to (1.1). The path P from v to its other end point. By increasing pointing and p towards zi from 0 the path the corner point z P leaves v in the direction of Cn where zi - ai if generality we assume that no component of f(v) the fi(v) ~ path P at a point x-(1-p)v t pz, point in while the boundary of Cn, z~ - continues p)v~ pb~). (1-p)v~ b~), decreasing on P, p pb~) conditions in in equal (2.1) (1.1) reduce equals zero. with p between 0 and If along 1 and z a becomes zero for some j E{1,...,n} either or the path (1-p)v~ f~(x) to to 1, x solves . pa~ - then, Finally, (1- because Ci if at a point x - Cn and hence the the point x is a solution to the and thereby an end point of the path P in Cn. way the path P leads from to (1-p)v, t J paJ then the path P continues 0}, from zero. (1.1), (1.1) (decreasing x~ x~ becomes equal E{i~fi(x) (increasing) becomes O then from for a j ~ Without loss of f~(x) If at a point x on P, t by GNLCP (or by increasing x~ t (or a~ - bi if fi(v) 0 for sll i E{1,...,n}. In this from v to a solution of (1.1). 3. The algorithm. The section with p.l. algorithm follows 2 by generating a piecewise linear an approximate solution x of path we approximate the function To define a p.l. simplices. Cn. approximately For (1.1). the path (p.l.) P described in path P connecting v For a description of this f by a p.l. approximation F. approximation F of f we need to subdivide Cn into So, an let Gn be a triangulation or simplicial subdivision of appropriate simplicial subdivision of Cn we refer the interested reader to section 4. Definition 3.1: The p.l. approximation F of f with respect to the simplicial subdivision Gn of Cn at a point x E Cn is given by F(x) - ~i}1 ~if(yi) (3,1) 4 where the convex hull .yntl) of 6(yl 1 y. ..Y nfl in C n is an nor n-simplex in Gn containing x and where ~1,...,~ntl -~ 0 ntl i n41 are such that x - ~i-1 aiy and ~i-1 ~i - 1. dimensional The applied a p.l. with results obtained in section 2 with respect to f can also be to the p.l. approximation F of f. In particular, there exists n path P of points in C connecting v and a solution to (1.1) respect to between 0 and 1 F. such For each point x on the path P there exists a p that for all i E{1,...,n} Fi(x) ~ 0 if (1-p)vi t pai - xi Fi(x) - 0 if (1-p)vi t pai t xi ((1-p)vi t pbi Fi(x) ~ 0 if (3.2) xi -(1-p)~i , pbi, Notice that in DePinition 3.2: A vector s E Rn i s a sign vector if, (3.2) the sign pattern of F(x) plays a very important role. Therefore we introduce the notion of a sign vector. for all i, si E {-1,O,t1}. Now, let for each sign vector s the set Cn(s) n n C(s) -{x E C ~ for all i, xi - ai if si --1 and If n v E C(s) v and Cn(s), A(s) be defined by we define A(s) xi - bi if si -;1}. - m, otherwise A(s) is (3.3) the convex hull of i.e., -{x E Cn~ for some p, 0( p~ 1, and for all i if si --1 (1-P)~i t Pai - xi (1-p)vi t pai C xi ((1-p)vi t pbi if si - 0 (3.4) x. -(1-p)v. . pb. if s. - tl}. i i i i Clearly, x E P satisfies x E A(s) with s the sign vector such that ssgn(F(x)). 5 The simplicial triangulates dimension subdivision each of - subdivision). 1 ttl a(y ,..,y ) of Cn nonempty subset A(s) A(s), {1,...,n}~si Gn is 0} equal (see So, if in A(s) to section E x has ~I~(s)~tl 4 for A(s), with an be such that then I~(s) .- it the {i E appropriate simplicial there and numbers ~1,...,~ttl ) - ~iyl and ~i}i ~i - 1. On to into t-simplices where t, are a t-simplex - ~t,l 0 such that x i-1 the other hand, if sgn(F(x)) - s, then there exist y.h ) 0, h~ IG(s), such that dimensional unit F(x) -~hal0(s) ~she(h), where e(h) is the n- vector with ei(h) - 1 if h- i. Hence, if x lies on the path P, then for some sign vector s there is a t-simplex 1 a(y ,..,y ttl ) in A(s) such that the system of linear equations given by ~i}1 Ailf ( 11)) has a - (3.5) lOJ nonnegative solution ai ) 0, i- 1,...,ttl, ~) 0, halG(s), ~ttl ~,~yi ~e vector 0 in (3.5) denotes the n-vector of i-1 i - x- with zeros. System leaving line (3.5) us a In 0 system to solutions to programming the of ntl freedom. (3.5) equations with nt2 unknowns So, assuming nondegeneracy, lies either ap a exists which can be followed by pivot step in (3.5). This line segment linear piece of P in cs defined by the points x- either ~p some p E{1,...,ttl} or y,j - 0 for some j f~ IG(s). point, ~iyl a an end point of a line segment of solutions to (3.5) for end of linear corresponds t}1 i ~i-1 ~iy ' is with one degree of segment making - - ~h~IG(s) uhshle0h)J - 0 for some p E{1,...,t41}, If at an then the point x-~i~ in the facet T of a opposite the vertex yp. The facet T isp also a facet of exactly one other t-simplex, say 6, in A(s) or z lies in the boundary of A(s). Suppose 6 exists. Then, pivot to the step in order to continue the path P in A(s), a is made in ( 3.5) with the column [f(y)T,1]T corresponding unique vertex y of ct not contained in T. continued by repeating the procedure described. The algorithm is 6 Suppose 6 does not exist and hence T lies in the boundary of A(s). If t].ies in Cn(s), then the algorithm has found a point x E Cn(s) with sign vector s equal to sgn(F(x)) so that x is an approximate solution for (1.1). Otherwise, T is a(t-1)-simplex in A(s) where s is a sign vector such that s~ ~ 0 for some .~ E ID(s) while si - si for all i~ i. Then the algorithm continues in A(s) by pivoting the column [s~e(,~)T,o)T into (3.5). If IC(s), at an end point of solutions to then at x--~i}1 vector such that s~ - whereas sgn(F(x)) solution Otherwise, to (1.1). cs in A(s) if A(s) having o - s. j. - 0. Let s be a sign Suppose Hence, ~ ó, as is zero for some j(t u~ - s~u~ ~iyl 0 and sh - sh for h~ Then x lies in Cn(s) (ttl)-simplex (3.5), we have F~(x) that A(s) then there is a facet. continues by pivoting the column [f(y)T,1]T into -~. x is an approximate exactly one Now the algorithm (3.5), where y is the vertex of o not contained in o. in Now we have described how the algorithm proceeds along the path P the different subsets A(s) of Cn, we still have to describe the initialization of the algorithm at v. At v the system (3.5) becomes allf(i) having a J - ~h-1 s0~re(hC)1 unique solution - r01 al (3.6) - 1, uh - s~fh(v) ~ 0, h E{1,...,n}, where s0 - sgn(f(v)). If A(s~) - rá, then v E Cn(s~) and the algorithm stops with an exact solution at v. Otherwise, a facet of a unique 1-simplex the starting point v is o(yl,y2) in A(s~) with yl - v. The algorithm then pivots the column [f(y2)T,1]T into (3.6). Since all steps are unique, number of finite number simplices of is returning to v is finite, the impossible, algorithm terminates within a steps with an approximate solution x of accuracy of the approximation f(x) and the (1.1). The can be measured by the smallest E~ 0 for which for all i E{1,...,n} Fi(X) -6 ~ fi(x) : E ( s if al - xi if ai ~ xi ~ bi (3.7) -e ( fi(x) If f(x) if xi - bi. is not accurate enough, i.e. if e is too large, the algorithm is repeated being started at v- x with a finer simplicial of Cn. This in the hope to subdivision find a more accurate approximation within a relative small number of steps. In this way, within a finite number of steps an approximate solution with any accuracy can be found. 4. A simplicial subdivision of Cn. In order The only underly of into unit triangulate Cn one can use any simplicisl subdivision, restriction the triangulate fits to A(s) described this framework is simplices in section 3 is describe j or -j to that perfectly in (1). In this section we adapt the triangulation of Cn. the a permutation of the that it has the V-triangulation of the product space developed triangulation into subsets A(s,y(T)) either n has to pose on the triangulation of Cn to all nonempty subsets A(s). A triangulation V-triangulation to a To one algorithm with y(T) we first subdivide each nonempty -(~ll,,,,,~t-1), t- ~ID(s)~tl, t-1 elements of a set T such that for all jEI~(s) belongs to T. Zf we define the projection p(s) of v on C(s) as the vector with elements ah if sh - -1 ph(s) - bh if sh -;1 h E{1,...,n}, (4.1) vh if sh - 0 then h p(s A(s,y(T)) is defined as the convex hull of v and the projections ), h E {1,...,t}, where sh - s t ~~.h e(Yh), with ei(,!~) Cn. for all i, h E {1,...,t}, (4.2) ei(~j) - fl if ,yj - i, ei(yj) --1 if ~j --i, and - 0 otherwise. Notice that st - s and that p(sl) is a vertex of a For some triangulated positive integer m, into t-simplices 6(yl,rt) each nonempty A(s,~r(T)) with vertices yl, ..,yttl is now in Cn such that i) 1 t y- v. ~k-I a(k)m 0 C ii) a(t) C... rt-(nl,...,rtt) C -1 a(1) q(k) with integers a(k) satisfying C m-1; is a permutation of the elements of {1,...,t} such that for all i E{1,...,t-1} holds p) p' if n,- i, rt- itl, and a(rt ,) iii) Y itl where q(1) we i - p(sl) denote is p 1,...,t, p - v and - p(sk-1). k- 2.....t. this triangulation by Gm(s,y(T)), triangulated by Cn p-1 p t m 9(rti). i- - p(sk) 9(k) If - Y : - a(n ); the union Gm(s) triangulated by of Gm(s,~(T)) (4.3) then the set A(s) over all 7~(T). the union Gm of Gm(s) over all s, m-1 is Moreover, being the grid size. In section making sequence After of a follow the path P through Cn by adjacent simplices 6 in A(s) having describe of 3 we described how to pivot steps in the system of equations introduced how, a specific 6, the with respect to a triangulation of Cn we will now g iven the parameters y, 1 t-simplex (3.5) for varying sign vectors s. rr, and a(h), for h- 1,...,t, parameters of a simplex á adjacent to 6 are obtained. The movement from a t-simplex ~(yl,n) sim p lex 6 (y-1 ,n) - t-simplex vertex cs by listed ttl, . in is in A(s,~r(T)) to an adjacent called a replacement step when a(yl,rr) is also a A(s,y(T)). Making a replacement step we replace the yp, p E{1,...,ttl}, of 6 opposite the common facet T of 6 and the vertex y of á not belonging to i. The possibilities are in ,n. Table 1, where ah - a(h), h- 1,...,t, and ah - 0, h- 9 Table l: Replncement, step. p - 1 -1 Y rt a yl}m-lq(R1) ( rt2,....nt,n1) ate(nl) (n1,...,Rp-2'Rp'rtp-1'Rptl~...,nt) a ( nt,rt1,...,Rt-1) a-e(Rt) 1 1 ~ p ~ ttl Y P - ttl yl-m-lq(rtt) In case the performed, the A(s,y(T)). Lemma replacement step facet T of ~(yl,n) 4.1 describes with respect to yp cannot be opposite yp lies in the boundary of when T lies in the boundary of and T the facet of A(s,~r(T) ) . Lemma 4.1: 6 opposite A(s,~(T)) Let 6(yl,n) be a t-simplex vertex 1~ p C yp, P- 1, nl - 1, 2) 1~ and In Then T lies in the boundary of and a(rtl) - m-1; p( ttl, np-1 - i and np - itl for some i E{1,...,t-1}, a(rtp-1) - aÍRp); nt - t, and a(nt) P- ttl, case ttl. if and only if one of the following cases holds: 1) 3) in Gn(s,y(T)) 1 of Lemma 4.1, T - 0. lies in Cn(s). shares i with an adjacent t-simplex 6(yl,rr) In case 2 and when iin A(s,y(T)) 1, 6 where T- T` {yl} u{-ól}. ë(T) -(-ál,à~2....,ët-1)' and R-(A1,... n 2,rr rr },.. n Otherwise in case 2, 6 (Yl,rt) shares T, with pp' an p-1' p 1' ' t)' adjacent t-simplex 6(yl,n) in A(s,y(T)) where ~r(T) -(~r ,.. ~r ~r rr 1 ~i-1,?fitl..O..ót-1) and when I(s) and n - ~ ó represents vertex yt}1 of 6 is the ' ' (nl,....rtp-2'Rp'rtp-1'np}1,...,Rt). the case where (t-1)-simplex ~(yl,n) i-2' i' Case 3 the facet T opposite in A(s,~r(T)) the where s- s t e(ót-1). T- T`{yt-1}. à'(T) -(ól.-...Yt-2) and n -( nl,....Rt-1). Otherwise in case 3, we have that t- 1 and e(1) - 0 which means that T - {v}. 10 Finally, one - - c(yl,n) in A(s,~r(T)) . where sk si for all other i E{1,...,n}. tl and h--k if sk --1, A(s,y(T)) Ínl, t-simplex (ttl)-simplex 6 in a nonempty A(s) and si sk a where T- T More precisely, then ~ is u{h}, is a facet of exactly - 0 for some k~ IO(s) ~(T) the let h- tk if (ttl)-simplex 6(yl,n) in ~d n- -(JJl,,,,~~t-l~h)~ .nt,ttl). References. (1) T.M DOUP, Dimension A.J.J. Unit Simplices. (2) M. KOJIMA (1974), University, G. to (1987), Find A New Computational Methods Problem. Yokohama, VAN DER LAAN Variable Keio 319-355. for Solving the Nonlinear Engineering Reports 27, Keio Japan. ,A.J.J TALMAN Complementarity Problem Memorandum 200, FEW Simplicial Equilibria on the Product Space of Mathematical Programming 37, Complementarity (3) TALMAN Algorithm (1985), with Upper An Algorithm and Tilburg University, for the Linear Lower Bounds. Tilburg, Research The Netherlands (to appear in JOTA). (4) G. 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The Octahedral Algorithm, Mathematical A New Simplicial Programming 21, 47- 69. 1 IN 1987 REEDS VERSCHENEN 242 Gerard van den Berg Nonstationarity in job search theory 243 Annie Cuyt, Brigitte Verdonk Block-tridiagonal linear systems and branched continued fractions 244 J.C. de Vos, W. Vervaat Local Times of Bernoulli Walk 245 Arie Kapteyn, Peter Kooreman, Rob Willemse Some methodological issues in the of subjective poverty definitions implementation 246 J.P.C. Kleijnen, J. Kriens, M.C.H.M. Lafleur, J.H.F. Sampling for Quality Inspection and Correction: Criteria 247 D.B.J. Schouten Pardoel AOQL Performance Algemene theorie van de internationale conjuncturele afhankelijkheden en strukturele 248 F.C. Bussemaker, W.H. Haemers, J.J. Seidel, E. Spence On (v,k,~.) graphs and designs with trivial automorphism group 2e}9 peter M. Kort The Influence of a Stochastic Environment on the Firm's Optimal Dynamic Investment Policy 250 R.H.J.M. Gradus Preliminary version The reaction of the approach 251 firm on governmental policy: a game-theoretical J.G. de Gooijer, R.M.J. Heuts Higher order moments of bilinear cally distributed errors time series processes with symmetri- 252 P.H. Stevers, P.A.M. Versteijne Evaluatie van marketing-activiteiten 253 H.P.A. Mulders, A.J. van Reeken DATAAL - een hulpmiddel voor onderhoud van gegevensverzamelingen 254 P. Kooreman, A. Kapteyn On the identifiability of household production functions with joint products: A comment 255 B. van Riel Was er een profit-squeeze in de Nederlandse industrie? 256 R.P. Gilles Economies with coalitional cepts structures and core-like equilibrium con- 11 25~ P.H.M. 258 W.H. Haemers, A.E. Brouwer Association schemes 259 G.J.M. Ruys, G. van der Laan Computation of an industrial equilibrium van den Boom Some modifications and applications of Rubinstein's perfect equilibrium model of bargaining 260 A.W.A. Boot, Competition, A.V. Thakor, G.F. Udell Risk Neutrality and Loan Commitments 261 A.W.A. Boot, A.V. Thakor, G.F. Udell Collateral and Borrower Risk 262 A. Kapteyn, I. Woittiez Preference Interdependence and Habit Formation in Family Labor Supply 263 B. Bettonvil A formal description of pcrturbation ana]ysis discrete event dynamic systems including 264 Sylvester C.W. Eijffinger A monthly model for the monetary policy in the Netherlands 265 F. van der Ploeg, A.J. de Zeeuw Conflict over arms accumulation in market and command economies 266 F. van der Ploeg, A.J. de Zeeuw Perfect equilibrium in a model of competitive arms accumulation 26~ Aart de Zeeuw Inflation and reputation: comment 268 A.J. de Zeeuw, F. van der Ploeg Difference games and policy evaluation: 269 a conceptual framework Frederick van der Ploeg Rationing in open economy and dynamic macroeconomics: a survey 2~0 G. van der Laan and A.J.J. Talman Computing economic equilibria by variable dimension algorithms: state of the art 2~1 C.A.J.M. Dirven and A.J.J. Talman A simplicial algorithm for finding linear production technologies 272 Th.E. Nijman and F.C. Palm Consistent estimation of regression models with incompletely observed exogenous variables 2~3 Th.E. Nijman and F.C. Palm Predictive accuracy gain from disaggregate sampling in arima - models equilibria in economies with 111 2~4 Raymond H.J.M. Gradus The net present value of governmental policy: the Stackelberg solutions 275 277 find Jack P.C. Kleijnen A DSS for production planning: optimization 2~6 a possible way to A.M.H. Gerards A short proof of matrices Tutte's a case study including simulation and characterization of totally unimodular Th. van de Klundert and F. van der Ploeg Wage rigidity and capítal mobility in an optimizing model of a small open economy 2~8 Peter M. Kort The net present value in dynamic models of the firm 2~9 280 281 282 Th. van de Klundert A Macroeconomic Two-Country Model with lists Price-Discriminating Arnoud Boot and Anjan V. Thakor Dynamic equilibrium in a competitive credit market: contracting as insurance against rationing Monopo- intertemporal Arnoud Boot and Anjan V. Thakor Appendix: "Dynamic equilibrium in a competitive credit intertemporal contracting as insurance against rationing Arnoud Boot, Anjan V. Thakor and Gregory F. Udell Credible commitments, contract enforcement problems intermediation as credibility assurance market: and banks- 283 Eduard Ponds Wage bargaining and business cycles a Goodwin-Nash model 284 Prof.Dr. hab. Stefan Mynarski The mechanism of restoring equilibrium and stability in polish market 285 P. Meulendijks An exercise in welfare economics (II) 286 S. Jfórgensen, P.M. Optimal investment, tial game 28~ 288 Kort, G.J.C.Th. van Schijndel financing and dividends: E. Nijssen, W. Reijnders Privatisering en commercialisering; verzelfstandiging a Stackelberg differen- een oriëntatie ten aanzien van C.B. Mulder Inefficiency of automatically lialcing unemployment benefits to private sector wage rates 1V 2B9 290 M.II.C. Paardekooper A Quadratically convergent parallel Jacobi nal matrices with distinct eigenvalues process for almost diago- Pieter H.M. Ruys Industries with private and public enterprises 291 J.J.A. Moors 8~ J.C. van Houwelingen Estimation of linear models with inequality restrictions 292 Arthur van Soest, Peter Kooreman Vakantiebestemming en -bestedingen 293 Rob Alessie, Raymond Gradus, Bertrand Melenberg 294 The problem of not expenditure survey observing small expenditures in a consumer F. Boekema, L. Oerlemans, A.J. Hendriks Kansrijkheid en economische potentie: Top-down en bottom-up analyses 295 Rob Alessie, Bertrand Melenberg, Guglielmo Weber Consumption, Leisure and Earnings-Related Liquidity Constraints: A Note 296 Arthur van Soest, Peter Kooreman Estimation of the indirect translog demand system with negativity constraints binding non- V IN 1988 REEDS VERSCHENEN 297 Bert Bettonvil Factor screeninq by sequential bifurcation 298 Robert P. Gilles On perfect competition in an economy with a coalitional structure 299 Willem Selen, Ruud M. Heuts Capacitated Lot-Size Production Planning in Process Industry 300 J. Kriens, J.Th. van Lieshout Notes on the Markowitz portfolio selection method 301 Bert Bettonvil, Jack P.C. Kleijnen Measurement scales and resolution IV designs: 302 a note Theo Nijman, Marno Verbeek Estimation of time dependent parameters in lineair models using cross sections, panels or both 303 Raymond H.J.M. Gradus A differential approach 30~1 Leo W.G. game between government and firms: Strijbosch, Ronald J.M.M. a non-cooperative Does Comparison of bias-reducing methods for estimating the dilution series 305 Drs. W.J. Reijnders, Drs. W.F. Strategische concept 306 307 bespiegelingen parameter in Verstappen betreffende het Nederlandse kwaliteits- J.P.C. Kleijnen, J. Kriens, H. Timmermans and H. Van den Wildenberg Regression sampling in statistical auditing Isolde Woittiez, Arie Kapteyn A Model of Job Choice, Labour Supply and Wages 308 Jack P.C. Kleijnen Simulation and optimization in production planning: A case study 309 Robert P. Gilles and Pieter H.M. Ruys Relational constraints in coalition formation 310 Drs. H. Leo Theuns Determinanten van de vraag naar vakantiereizen: materiële en immateriële factoren een 311 Peter M. Kort Dynamic Firm Behaviour within an Uncertain Environment 312 J.P.C. Blanc A numerical approach to cyclic-service queueing models verkenning van vi 313 Drs. Does N.J. de Deer, Drs. Morkmon Matter? 314 Th, van de Klundert Wage differentials labour market A.M. van Nunen, Drs. Aart de Zeeuw, Fons Groot, Cees Withagen On Credible Optimal Tax Rate Policies 316 Christian B. Mulder Wage moderating effects of corporatism Decentralized versus centralized wage government context setting 31~ Jdrg Glombowski, Michael KrUger A short-period Goodwin growth cycle 318 Theo Nijman, Marno Verbeek, Arthur van Soest 319 320 321 Nijkamp and employment in a two-sector model with a dual 315 The optimal design variance model M.O. of rotating panels in a in a union, simple analysis Th. van de Klundert Wage Rigidity, Capital Accumulation and Unemployment in a Small Economy M.H.C. Th. de Open Paardekooper to a nearby ten Raa, F. van der Ploeg A statistical analysis 323 of Drs. S.V. Hannema, Drs. P.A.M Versteijne De toepassing en toekomst ~an public private partnership's bij grote en middelgrote Nederlandse gemeenten An upper and a lower bound for the distance of a manifold point 322 firm, approach to the problem of negatives in input-output P. Kooreman Household Labor Force Participation as a Cooperative Game; cal Model an Empiri- 324 A.B.T.M. van Schaík Persistent Unemployment and Long Run Growth 325 Dr. F.W.M. Boekema, Drs. L.A.G. Oerlemans De lokale produktiestructuur doorgelicht. Bedrijfstakverkenningen ten behoeve van regionaal-economisch onderzoek 326 J.P.C. Kleijnen, J. Kriens, M.C.H.M. Lafleur, J.H.F. Pardoel Sampling for quality inspection and correction: AOQL performance criteria V11 32~ Theo E. Nijman, Mark F.J. Exclusion 328 Steel restrictions in instrumental variables equations B.B. van der Genugten Estimation in linear regression under ticity of a completely unknown form 329 Raymond H.J.M. Gradus The employment policy of government: create? the presence of heteroskedas- to create jobs or to let them VI~I Í~~~~~NÍ~VN ~ÍMÍ~~~II I
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