Name: van Oijen, Antoine M. Office Address: Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials Centre for Synthetic Biology University of Groningen Nijenborgh 4, room 5115.0108 9747 AG Groningen Work Phone: Work E-Mail: +31-50-363-9883 [email protected] (updated June 2014) Education 1996 2001 MSc PhD (Cum laude; top 5%) Physics Leiden University, the Netherlands Physics Leiden University, the Netherlands (Adv.: Prof. Jan Schmidt) Postdoctoral Training 2001-2004 Postdoctoral Research Fellow Chemistry and Chemical Biology (Adv.: Prof. X. Sunney Xie) Harvard University Faculty Academic Appointments 2004-2010 Assistant Professor 2010-present Full Professor 2014-present Full Professor Biological Chemistry and Harvard Medical Molecular Pharmacology School Zernike Institute for Advanced Groningen University Materials & Centre for Synthetic Biology School of Chemistry University of Wollongong, Australia Other Professional Positions 2008-2010 2012-present 2013-2014 Scientific Advisory Board Council member (elected) Chairman of the Board Ion Torrent Systems (subsidiary of Life Technologies) Biophysical Society Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, Groningen Univ. Honors and Prizes 2001 2002 2002 2005 2005 2006 2007 2011 2011 2011 2013 Postdoctoral fellowship Long-term postdoctoral fellowship C.J. Kok award for best doctoral thesis in sciences Armenise-Harvard Junior Faculty Award Searle Scholar CAREER Award Research Scholar Award Vici Award Young Researcher Award Starting grant Physics Instructor of the Year Award Niels Stensen Foundation, the Netherlands Human Frontier Science Program Leiden University, the Netherlands Giovanni Armenise-Harvard Foundation Kinship Foundation National Science Foundation American Cancer Society Dutch Science Foundation Dutch Society for Biochemistry and Mol. Biology European Research Council University of Groningen, Physics Editorial Boards 2008-present 2010-present 2011-present 2013-present 2013-present Advisory Board Editorial Board Editorial Board Editorial Board Faculty member Molecular BioSystems BMC Biophysics Cell Reports Biophysical Journal Faculty of 1000 1 Research statement Antoine van Oijen’s research centers on the development and use of single-molecule biophysical tools to study complex biochemical systems, an area in which he has made pioneering contributions. As a PhD student, he provided the first experimental demonstration of the ability to use the fluorescence of individual molecules to beat the classical diffraction limit (Chem. Phys. Lett. 1998). More than a decade later, this approach has become a key ingredient of single-molecule based PALM and STORM super-resolution techniques. Further, he performed the first high-resolution spectroscopic study of an individual protein (Science 1999). Since then, his research has focused on the development of single-molecule methods and their application to unravel biological mechanisms. He has developed tools to massively parallelize mechanical experiments on DNA (Science 2003), to combine mechanical experiments on DNA with the fluorescence imaging of single, DNA-bound proteins (PNAS 2011, PNAS 2014), and to visualize single molecules under conditions of high fluorophore concentration (Nature Meth. 2012). Van Oijen has successfully utilized these techniques to address a large number of mechanistic questions related to DNA replication. Using viral and bacterial model replication systems, he studied how priming of DNA synthesis on one of the two product strands influences the progression of the synthesis on the other (Nature 2006; Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 2008) and investigated the molecular mechanisms controlling the dynamics of so-called “replication loops” during the duplication of DNA (Nature 2009). Further, he used single-molecule fluorescence imaging methods to visualize DNA replication in eukaryotic cellular extracts (Mol. Cell 2010) and used this approach to end a longstanding controversy on how eukaryotic replicative helicases work (Cell 2011, Nature 2012). Currently, he is developing the tools to visualize the behavior of individual, fluorescently labeled molecules inside living cells. Using these approaches, he aims to understand the spatiotemporal relationships between DNA replication and repair. Besides DNA replication, van Oijen is interested in a number of other biological problems and has developed singlemolecule approaches towards the study of viral fusion (PNAS 2008, eLife 2013) and membrane transporters (Nature 2013). Finally, he has been closely involved in the development of next-generation DNA sequencing technology. He is co-inventor on the key patents underlying highly scalable semiconductor sequencing technology that is commercialized by Ion Torrent, a Life Technologies subsidiary (now Thermo Fisher). He made essential contributions to the concepts underlying the detection of the chemical signatures of nucleotide incorporation and their conversion into digital signals. This platform has been a remarkable success; it currently provides a significant portion of the volume of bases sequenced worldwide. Research support External funding raised: €5.1 million from 2010-present and US$2.8 million from 2004-2009 Ongoing research support FOM Program (VP140) van Oijen (Program leader) Sep 2013-Aug 2018 €2.4 million Crowd Management: The physics of genome processing in complex environments (€0.5 million for van Oijen) Eight-group consortium to study the effects of intracellular crowding on genomic processes Role: Program leader ERC Starting Grant (281098) van Oijen (PI) Feb 2012-Jan 2017 €2.0 million Under the hood: single-molecule studies of the DNA replication machinery Development and use of single-molecule fluorescence tools to study prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA replication. Role: PI NWO Vici (680-47-607) van Oijen (PI) June 2011-May 2016 €1.5 million Single-molecule studies of DNA replication Development and use of single-molecule fluorescence tools to study prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA replication. Role: PI 2 NWO FOM Projectruimte (11PR2487) van Oijen (PI) Sep 2011-Aug 2015 A single-molecule view of protein translocation Single-molecule fluorescence studies of the molecular mechanisms of SecYEG protein translocation. Role: PI €0.6 million NWO TOP-GO (TOPGO.L.10.060) Poolman (PI) Dec 2010-Nov 2014 €0.8 million Understanding the bottlenecks in membrane protein biogenesis (€0.3 million for van Oijen) Live-cell, single-molecule fluorescence imaging studies on L. lactis to unravel the transcriptional, translational, and membrane-insertion steps of membrane-protein biogenesis. Role: co-PI Completed research support National Institutes of Health R01 (GM077248) van Oijen (PI) 2007-2012 US$0.9 million Single-molecule enzymology of the replisome The major goals of this project are to define the mechanisms that coordinate various activities at the DNA replication fork using single-molecule methods. Role: PI (This grant moved with me from the U.S. to the Netherlands) Sponsored Rsrch Agreement Crucell van Oijen (PI) 2011-2012 €0.15 million/yr Single-particle studies of influenza fusion and broadly neutralizing antibodies We work with vaccine developer Crucell (subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson) on the development and use of single-particle tools to characterize how newly developed broadly neutralizing antibodies inhibit fusion. NSF CAREER Award (MCB-0543784) van Oijen (PI) 2006-2010 US$0.6 million Under the hood of the replisome: Single-molecule mechanics of DNA replication Supports the study of the enzymatic mechanisms of bacteriophage T7 replication proteins at the single-molecule level. Role: PI American Cancer Society (GMC-116053) van Oijen (PI) 2008-2010 US$0.8 million A single-molecule view of eukaryotic DNA replication Single-molecule fluorescence imaging tools are developed and used to study the kinetics of replication initiation and fork elongation in Xenopus cell-free extracts. Role: PI NIH R21 (5R21AI072346-02) van Oijen (PI) 2007-2008 US$0.2 million Single-particle fluorescence studies of viral fusion Using single-particle fluorescence imaging, we aim to characterize the molecular mechanisms underlying membrane fusion catalyzed by the influenza hemagglutinin fusion protein. Role: PI Searle Scholarship (Kinship Foundation) van Oijen (PI) 2005-2008 US$0.3 million Eukaryotic DNA replication studied at the single-molecule level The major goal of this project is to develop single-molecule fluorescence microscopic techniques to study the spatial and temporal behavior of eukaryotic replication forks on DNA during replication in cell-free extracts. Role: PI 3 Granted patents and patent applications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ‘Triggered microdroplet-based reactions’; European filing nr. 13170606.1; 2013 ‘Molecular sleds and used thereof’; United States filing nr. PCT/US13/50451; 2012 ‘Methods and apparatus for rapid nucleic-acid sequencing’; United States publication nr. 20110275522; 2011 ‘Methods and apparatus for measuring analytes’; United States publication nr. 20100137143; 2010 ‘Methods for sequencing individual nucleic acids under tension’; United States publication nr. 20100035252; 2009 ‘Compounds and methods for assaying fusion of an individual, enveloped virus with target membrane’; Unites States publication nr. 20090017449; 2008 Patents 3 and 4 form the basis of semiconductor sequencing, developed and marketed by Ion Torrent Systems (A Life Technologies subsidiary). Publications Peer Reviewed Publications 67 articles, average impact factor 10.1 Including 4 articles in Nature, 2 in Science, 2 in Cell, 9 in PNAS, and 4 in Nature sister journals Total citations: 4415, h-index: 31 (June 2014) T.G. Graham, X. Wang, D. Song, C.M. Etson, A.M. van Oijen, D.Z. Rudner, J.J. Loparo ParB spreading requires DNA bridging. Genes Dev. (2014) 28: 1228-38 S. Mashaghi, A.M. van Oijen A versatile approach to the generation of fluid supported lipid bilayers and its applications. Biotechnol. Bioeng. (2014) [Epub ahead of print] I. Kusters, A.M. van Oijen AM, A.J. Driessen Membrane-on-a-chip: microstructured silicon/silicon-dioxide chips for high-throughput screening of membrane transport and viral membrane fusion. ACS Nano (2014) 8: 3380-92 H.J. Geertsema, A.W. Kulczyk, C.C. Richardson, A.M. van Oijen Single-molecule studies of polymerase dynamics and stoichiometry at the bacteriophage T7 replication machinery Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2014) 111: 4073-80 S.A. Stratmann, A.M. van Oijen DNA replication at the single-molecule level Chem. Soc. Rev. (2014) 43: 1201-20 K.E. Duderstadt, R. Reyes-Lamothe, A.M. van Oijen, D.J. Sherratt Replication-Fork Dynamics Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. (2014) 6: pii:a010157 B. Brandenburg, W. Koudstaal, J. Goudsmit, V. Klaren, C. Tang, M.V. Bujny, H.J. Korse, T. Kwaks, J.J. Otterstrom, J. Juraszek, A.M. van Oijen, R. Vogels, R.H. Friesen Mechanisms of hemagglutinin targeted influenza virus neutralization PLoS One (2013) 8: e80034 4 G.B. Erkens, I. Hänelt, J.M.H. Goudsmits, D.J. Slotboom, A.M. van Oijen Unsynchronised subunit motion in single trimeric sodium-coupled aspartate transporters Nature (2013) 502: 119-23 T. Ivanovic, J.L. Choi, S.P. Whelan, A.M. van Oijen, S.C. Harrison Influenza-virus membrane fusion by cooperative fold-back of stochastically induced hemagglutinin intermediates Elife (2013) 2:e00333; doi: 10.7554/eLife.00333 A. Robinson, A.M. van Oijen Bacterial replication, transcription and translation: mechanistic insights from single-molecule biochemical studies Nature Rev Microbiol. (2013) 11:303-15 H.J. Geertsema, A.M. van Oijen A single-molecule view of DNA replication: the dynamic nature of multi-protein complexes revealed Curr Opin Struct Biol. (2013) 23:788-93 S. Jergic, N.P. Horan, M.M. Elshenawy, C.E. Mason, T. Urathamakul, K. Ozawa, A. Robinson, J.M. Goudsmits, Y. Wang, X. Pan, J.L. Beck, A.M. van Oijen, T. Huber, S.M. Hamdan, N.E. Dixon A direct proofreader-clamp interaction stabilizes the Pol III replicase in the polymerization mode. EMBO Journal (2013) 32:1322-33 J. Otterstrom, A.M. van Oijen Visualization of Membrane Fusion, One Particle at a Time. Biochemistry (2013) 52: 1654-68 H. Yardimci, X. Wang, A.B. Loveland, I. Tappin, D.Z. Rudner, J. Hurwitz, A.M. van Oijen, J.C. Walter Bypass of a protein barrier by a replicative helicase Nature (2012) 492: 205-9 A.B. Loveland, S. Habuchi, J.C. Walter, A.M. van Oijen A general approach to break the concentration barrier in single-molecule imaging Nature Methods (2012) 9: 987-92 J.S. Leith, A. Tafvizi, F. Huang, W.E. Uspal, P.S. Doyle, A.R. Fersht, L.A. Mirny, A.M. van Oijen Sequence-dependent sliding kinetics of p53 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2012) 109: 16552-7 H. Yardimci, A.B. Loveland, A.M. van Oijen, J.C. Walter Single-molecule analysis of DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts Methods (2012) 57: 179-86 T. Ivanovic, R. Rozendaal, D.L. Floyd, M. Popovic, A.M. van Oijen, S.C. Harrison Kinetics of proton transport into influenza virions by the viral M2 channel PLoS One (2012) 7: e31566 A.K. Satapathy, A.W. Kulczyk, S. Ghosh , A.M. van Oijen, C.C. Richardson Coupling dTTP hydrolysis with DNA unwinding by the DNA helicase of bacteriophage T7 J Biol. Chem. (2011) 286: 34468-78 B. Akabayov, A.W. Kulczyk, S.R. Akabayov, C. Theile, L.W. McLaughlin, B. Beauchamp, A.M. van Oijen, C.C. Richardson 5 Pyrovanadolysis, a pyrophosphorolysis-like reaction mediated by pyrovanadate, Mn2+, and DNA polymerase of bacteriophage T7 J Biol Chem (2011) 286: 29146-57 A. Tafvizi, L.A. Mirny, A.M. van Oijen Dancing on DNA: kinetic aspects of search processes on DNA ChemPhysChem (2011) 12:1481-9 N.A. Tanner, G. Tolun, J.J. Loparo, S. Jergic, J.D. Griffith, N.E. Dixon, A.M. van Oijen E. coli DNA replication in the absence of free beta clamps EMBO J. (2011) 30: 1830-40 Y.V. Fu, H. Yardimci, D.T. Long, T.V. Ho, A. Guainazzi, V.P. Bermudez, J. Hurwitz, A.M. van Oijen, O.D. Schaerer, J.C. Walter Selective bypass of a lagging strand roadblock by the eukaryotic replicative DNA helicase Cell (2011) 146: 931-41 J.J. Loparo, A.W. Kulczyk, C.C. Richardson, A.M. van Oijen Simultaneous single-molecule measurements of phage T7 replisome composition and function reveal the mechanism of polymerase exchange Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2011) 108: 3584-9 A. Tafvizi, F. Huang, A.R. Fersht, L.A. Mirny, A.M. van Oijen A single-molecule characterization of p53 search on DNA Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2011) 108: 563-8 H. Yardimci, A.B. Loveland, S. Habuchi, A.M. van Oijen, J.C. Walter Uncoupling of sister replisomes during eukaryotic DNA replication Mol. Cell (2010) 40: 834-40 R. Lebofsky, A.M. van Oijen, J.C. Walter DNA is a co-factor for its own replication in Xenopus egg extracts Nucleic Acids Res. (2011) 39: 545-55 A.M. van Oijen Single-molecule approaches to characterizing kinetics of biomolecular interactions Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. (2011) 22: 75-80 M.P. Elenko, J.W. Szostak, A.M. van Oijen Single-molecule binding experiments on long time scales Rev. Sci. Instrum. (2010) 81: 083705 A.M. van Oijen, J.J. Loparo Single-molecule studies of the replisome Annu. Rev. Biophys. (2010) 39: 429-48 A.K. Satapathy, A.B. Kochaniak, S. Mukherjee, D.J. Crampton, A. van Oijen, C.C. Richardson Residues in the central beta-hairpin of the DNA helicase of bacteriophage T7 are important in DNA unwinding Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2010) 107: 6782-7 N.A. Tanner, A.M. van Oijen Visualizing DNA replication at the single-molecule level Methods Enzymology (2010) 475: 259-78 6 D.L. Floyd, S.C. Harrison, A.M. van Oijen Analysis of kinetic intermediates in single-particle dwell-time distributions Biophys. Jrnl. (2010) 99: 360-6 J. Al-Bassam, H. Kim, G. Brouhard, A. van Oijen, S.C. Harrison, F. Chang CLASP promotes microtubule rescue by recruiting tubulin dimmers to the microtubule Dev. Cell (2010) 19: 245-58 S.M. Hamdan, A.M. van Oijen Timing, coordination, and rhythm: acrobatics at the DNA replication fork J. Biol. Chem. (2010) 285:18979-83 C.M. Etson, S.M. Hamdan, C.C. Richardson, A.M. van Oijen Thioredoxin suppresses microscopic hopping of T7 DNA polymerase on duplex DNA Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2010) 107: 1900-5 M.P. Elenko, J.W. Szostak, A.M. van Oijen Single-molecule imaging of an in vitro-evolved RNA aptamer reveals homogeneous ligand binding kinetics J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2009) 131: 9866-7 N.A. Tanner, A.M. van Oijen Single-molecule observation of prokaryotic DNA replication Methods Mol. Biol. (2009) 521:397-410 N.A. Tanner, J.J. Loparo, S.M. Hamdan, S. Jergic, N.E. Dixon, A.M. van Oijen Real-time single-molecule observation of rolling-circle DNA replication. Nucleic Acids Res. (2009) 37(4):e27 S.M. Hamdan, J.J. Loparo, M. Takahashi, C.C. Richardson, A.M. van Oijen Dynamics of individual DNA replication loops reveal temporal control of lagging-strand synthesis Nature (2009) 457: 336-9 D.L. Floyd, J. Ragains, J.J. Skehel, S.C. Harrison, A.M. van Oijen Single-particle kinetics of influenza membrane fusion Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2008) 105: 15382-7 G. Komazin-Meredith, R. Mirchev, P.W. Yacono, D.E. Golan, A.M. van Oijen, D.M. Coen Hopping of a processivity factor on DNA revealed by single-molecule assays of diffusion Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2008) 105:10721-6 A. Tafvizi, F. Huang, J.S. Leith, A.R. Fersht, L.A. Mirny, A.M. van Oijen Tumor suppressor p53 slides on DNA with low friction and high stability Biophys. Jrnl. (2008) 95:L01-L03 N.A. Tanner, S.M. Hamdan, J. Slobodan, K.V. Loscha, P.M. Schaeffer, N.E. Dixon, A.M. van Oijen Single-molecule studies of fork dynamics in Escherichia coli DNA replication Nature Structure & Molecular Biology (2008) 15:170-5 S. Habuchi, H. Tsutui, A.B. Kochaniak, A. Miyawaki, A.M. van Oijen mKikGR, a monomeric photoswitchable protein PLoS One (2008) 3: e3944 A.M. van Oijen 7 Honey, I shrunk the DNA: DNA length as a probe for nucleic-acid enzyme activity Biopolymers (2007) 144-53 S.M. Hamdan, D.E. Johnson, N.A. Tanner, J.-B. Lee, U. Qimron, S. Tabor, A.M. van Oijen, C.C. Richardson DNA helicase-DNA polymerase interactions assure processive replication fork movement Molecular Cell (2007) 27:539-49 A.M. van Oijen Single-molecule studies of complex systems: The replisome Mol. Biosystems (2007) 3:117-25 S. Fujiyoshi, M. Fujiwara, C. Kim, M. Matsushita, A.M. van Oijen, J. Schmidt Single-component reflective objective for low-temperature spectroscopy in the entire visible region Appl. Phys. Lett. (2007) 051125 P.C. Blainey, A.M. van Oijen, A. Banerjee, G.L. Verdine, X.S. Xie A base-excision DNA-repair protein searches for intrahelical lesions by fast sliding along DNA Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2006), 103:5752-7 J.B. Lee, R.K. Hite, S.M. Hamdan, X.S. Xie, C.C. Richardson, A.M. van Oijen DNA primase acts as a molecular brake in DNA replication Nature (2006) 439:621-4 Brian P. English, Wei Min, Antoine M. van Oijen, Kang Taek Lee, Guobin Luo, Hongye Sun, Binny J Cherayil, S.C. Kou, X. Sunney Xie Ever-fluctuating single enzyme molecules: Michaelis-Menten equation revisited Nature Chemical Biology (2006) 2:87-94 Marcelo Ehrlich, Werner Boll, Antoine van Oijen, Ramesh Hariharan, Kartik Chandran, Max L. Nibert, Tomas Kirchhausen Endocytosis by Random Initiation and Stabilization of Clathrin-Coated Pits Cell (2004) 118:591-605 A.M. van Oijen, P.C. Blainey, D.J. Crampton, C.C. Richardson, T. Ellenberger, X.S. Xie Single-molecule kinetics reveal base dependence and dynamic disorder of lambda exonuclease Science (2003) 301:1235-1238 R. Verberk, A.M.van Oijen, M. Orrit A simple model for the power-law blinking of single semiconductor nanocrystals Phys. Rev. B (2002) 66 (233202):1-4 A.M. van Oijen, R. Verberk, Y. Durand, J. Schmidt, J.N.J. van Lingen, A.A. Bol, A. Meijerink Continuous-wave two-photon excitation of individual CdS nanocrystallites Appl. Phys. Lett. (2001) 79:830-832 M. Matsushita, M. Ketelaars, A.M. van Oijen, J. Köhler, T.J. Aartsma, J.Schmidt Spectroscopy on the B850 band of individual light-harvesting 2 complexes of Rhodopseudomonas acidophila; II. Exciton states of an elliptically deformed ring aggregate Biophys. Jrnl. (2001) 80:1604-1614 M. Ketelaars, A.M. van Oijen, M. Matsushita, J. Köhler, J. Schmidt, T.J. Aartsma Spectroscopy on the B850 band of individual light-harvesting 2 complexes of Rhodopseudomonas acidophila; I. Experiments and Monte-Carlo simulations Biophys. Jrnl. (2001) 80:1591-1603 8 Y. Durand, A. Bloeß, A.M. van Oijen, E.J.J. Groenen, J. Schmidt Pentacene: a suitable molecule to investigate the Sphol’skii effect at a molecular level? Chem. Phys. Lett. (2000) 317:232-237 A.M. van Oijen, M. Ketelaars, C. Hofmann, M. Matsushita, T.J. Aartsma, J. Schmidt Optical spectroscopy of individual photosynthetic pigment protein complexes International Journal of Modern Physics B (2001) 15:3633-3636 A.M. van Oijen, M. Ketelaars, J. Köhler, T.J. Aartsma, J. Schmidt Spectroscopy of individual LH2 complexes of Rhodopseudomonas acidophila: diagonal disorder, sample heterogeneity, spectral diffusion and energy transfer in the B 800 band Biophys. Jrnl. (2000) 78:1570-1577 A.M. van Oijen, M. Ketelaars, J. Köhler, T.J. Aartsma, J. Schmidt Spectroscopy of individual LH2 complexes of Rhodopseudomonas acidophila: Localized excitations in the B800 band Chem. Phys. (1999) 247:53-60 A.M. van Oijen, M. Ketelaars, J. Köhler, T.J. Aartsma, J. Schmidt Unraveling the electronic structure of individual photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes Science (1999) 285:400-402 A.C.J. Brouwer, J. Köhler, A.M. van Oijen, E.J.J. Groenen, J. Schmidt Single-molecule fluorescence autocorrelation experiments on pentacene. The dependence of intersystem crossing on isotopic composition J. Chem. Phys. (1999) 110:9151-9159 A.M. van Oijen, J. Köhler, J. Schmidt, M. Müller, G.J. Brakenhoff Far-field fluorescence microscopy beyond the diffraction limit J. Opt. Soc. Am. A (1999) 16:909-915 A.M. van Oijen, M. Ketelaars, J. Köhler, T.J. Aartsma, J. Schmidt Spectroscopy of Single Light-Harvesting Complexes from Purple Photosynthetic Bacteria at 1.2 K J. Phys. Chem. B (1998) 102:9363-9366 A.M. van Oijen, J. Köhler, J. Schmidt, M. Müller, G.J. Brakenhoff 3-Dimensional super-resolution by spectrally selective imaging Chem. Phys. Lett. (1998) 292:183-187 Non-peer-reviewed publications A. Quessada-Vial, A.M. van Oijen How DNA-repair proteins find their targets Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2012) 109: 18243-4 A. Quessada-Vial, A.M. van Oijen Spotting the mistakes, one molecule at a time Structure (2012) 20: 1130-2 J.J. Otterstrom, A.M. van Oijen Nudging through a nucleosome Science (2009) 325: 547-8 9 A.M. van Oijen Cutting down the forest to see a single tree Nature Chemical Biology (2008) 4:440-3 Books A.M. van Oijen and P. Hinterdorfer (editors) Handbook of Single-Molecule Biophysics; Springer-Verlag, 2009 Contributions to books K.E. Duderstadt, R. Reyes-Lamothe, A.M. van Oijen, D.J. Sherratt Replication-fork dynamics In: DNA Replication, 3rd Edition; Cold Spring Harbor Press (editors: M. DePamphilis, M. Méchali, S. Bell), 2013 J.L. Loparo and A.M. van Oijen Single-molecule enzymology In: Handbook of Single-Molecule Biophysics; Springer-Verlag (editors: A.M. van Oijen and P. Hinterdorfer), 2009 N.A. Tanner and A.M. van Oijen Single-molecule observation of prokaryotic DNA replication In: DNA Replication, Methods and Protocols; Methods in Molecular Biology; Humana Press, 2009 S.M. Hamdan and A.M. van Oijen Single-molecule studies of nucleic-acid enzymes In: Single-Molecule Biology; Academic Press (editor: A.E. Knight), 2008 J. Wrachtrup, T.J. Aartsma, J. Köhler, M. Ketelaars, A.M. van Oijen, M. Matsushita, J. Schmidt, C. Tietz, F. Jelezko Fluorescence-excitation spectroscopy on individual light-harvesting 2 complexes of Rhodopseudomonas acidophila In: Single-Molecule Detection in Solution; Methods and Applications; John Wiley & Sons (Editors: Ch. Zander, J. Enderlein, R.A. Keller, R.R. Keller), 2002 A.M. van Oijen, M. Ketelaars, J. Köhler, T.J Aartsma, J. Schmidt The electronic structure of single photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes In: Springer Series in Chemical Physics, 2001; 67: 62-81 Popular Science A.M. van Oijen A singular focus The Scientist, 2008; 22: 50-55 A.M. van Oijen, M. Ketelaars Een nieuwe kijk op fotosynthese Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 2000; 66: 38-41 Thesis A.M. van Oijen Microscopy and spectroscopy on single molecules at low temperature Leiden, the Netherlands; Leiden University, 2001 10
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