Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Water innovations in the Netherlands A brief overview Foreword In today’s world we need innovative solutions to help us anticipate more complex demands, demands that will emerge against a backdrop of limited resources – not only in the Netherlands but across the globe. Water is strongly linked to global socioeconomic development, ranging from basic water safety, through water quality and sanitation, to food supply and generation of renewable energy. The interwoven nature of these issues presents us with an ongoing challenge: to create feasible, smart and sustainable water solutions. Staying ahead of the curve with new insights, technologies and approaches is helping the Netherlands to meet these challenges effectively. We are establishing new forms of collaboration in which government authorities and market parties join forces with knowledge institutions. Whether it involves developing new methods of reinforcing dikes, generating tidal energy or applying 3D technology to flood simulations, the challenge is to look at water with the broadest possible perspective. We are called upon to share our experiences at international level. I believe it is important to do this by giving concrete examples of what is possible. So it is a great pleasure to present in this brochure a variety of current innovative water projects in the Netherlands. I hope this will inspire you and perhaps encourage you to visit. Together we can create innovative solutions all over the world. Yours sincerely, THE MINISTER OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND THE ENVIRONMENT, Melanie Schultz van Haegen Introduction In this brochure the innovative projects are arranged as follows: 1 Projects that encourage water safety. Geotextile for the prevention of piping is an example of such an innovation. But the experiments with dike monitoring with sensors also serve this purpose. 2 Projects that respond to developments in the availability of freshwater. The so-called backshore concept at Andijk combines improvements of water safety with the storage of excessive freshwater for later on use. 3 Projects that contribute to the water quality. An example of such a project is the Pharmafilter which ensures that medicinal residues and hormone-disrupting substances from hospitals are filtered before being discharged as waste water. 4 Projects that ensure climate resistant cities. In Rotterdam a playground has been realised that also function as a temporary water storage for excessive rain water. Projects that have various objectives are categorised in the sections denoting their original purpose. For each project briefly is described what the innovation entails and to what it contributes. It also shows when it is or will be realised. Most of the projects in this brochure also cover other objectives, broader than those mentioned above. Those projects have ‘cross-overs’ to other governmental policies. A symbol indicates the cross-overs . Explanation of icons Waste and recycling of materials The preservation of raw material usage is important to achieve the least possible environmental pressure of production and consumption. The projects anticipate this. Examples: The sewage purification plant (RWZI) at Horstermeer (1 STEP® filter) and phosphate recovery Energy The desire to make energy supplies more sustainable is widely supported, so too in the water sector. Projects that respond to these developments have this symbol. Examples: Desalination at Voltea, thermal pressure hydrolysis in the sewage purification plant (RWZI) at Venlo, tidal turbines at the Oosterschelde storm-surge barrier Climate adaptation These projects help to manage unavoidable climate changes and where possible, to prevent further climate change. Examples: The plan to widen the river and create terps at Overdiepse Polder Agriculture By using innovative and sustainable solutions from the water sector, much is to be gained in the production of food. One of the aims of these projects is More Crop per Drop: more food with less water. Examples: Cultivation of potatoes in briny soil (Texel) Nature development Projects in the field of water can often be designed in accordance with the design principles of ‘building with nature’. This provides benefits for nature and for recreation, and is often financially attractive too. Examples: Multi-functional river dike Munnikenland, safety buffer Oester Dam Spatial layout Aside from its aims for safety, the realisation of the ‘Room for the River' project also aims to improve the environmental quality of the rivers region. These projects as well as others, anticipate this. Examples: Dike repositioning at Lent, Scheveningen and Cadzand Boulevards 4 27 18 34 21 17 22 23 29 29 25 5 14 8 1 Zwa r t e Water 1 15 24 29 27 27 9 e Geldersc h 31 3 2 l 35eg Spui 16 26 33 e M a as ede Waal Ni e uw eM e r w 20 13 12 21 k aas Nieu w e M Ou d r-Rijn 11 Waal 2 s rw 9 Nede Maa n lka rte aa 26 15 16 8 Le a te W Ha l 27 28 6 Nie uw e e IJss 18 23 s Bergsc h e Maa 10 19 s Maa 20 20 30 3 26 32 Innovative projects Projects that encourage water safety 1 Houtrib dike strengthened with sand 2 Innovative dike reinforcement 3 Combination dike Projects that respond to developments in the availability of freshwater and the water chain 19 Freshwater and salt water separation with an air screen 4 Dike monitoring with sensors 20 Freshwater to counteract salinisation 5 Inland shores 21 Vacuum toilets and urine purification 6 The Sand Motor 22 Potatoes from briny soil 7 High water channel 23 Energy-efficient desalination 8 Testing of dike revetments in the 'Delta Flume' 9 Dike reinforcement with geotextile Projects that contribute to the water quality 10 River-widening and plans for terps 24 The Marker Wadden 11 Dike relocation at Lent 25 Water Insight 12 Tidal Test Centre Grevelingen 26 Pharmafilter 13 Tidal turbines in the Oosterschelde 27 Nereda – biological waste water purification storm-surge barriers 14 Multi-functional turbine 15 3Di water management 16 ClimateGame 17 A sustainable Afsluitdijk 18 BoxBarrier 28 1 STEP® filter 29 Phosphate recovery 30 Thermal pressure hydrolysis 31 Hydrochip 32 Remote control water quality Projects that ensure climate resistant cities 33 Water Square 34 Climate buffers 35 Climate Adaptation Atlas 1 26 21 1 Houtribproject Naam dike strengthened with sand 1 Verbeter de kwaliteit van het huidige HWBP-2 door te focussen op enkele 35 cruciale thema’s, zoals wederzijdse overon hetpart doel As an experiment a sandy foreshorehelderheid is constructed ofvan the contact Houtrib dike, momenten het ondubbelzinnig van afspraken, verbetering van in which theen width and steepness ofvastleggen the foreshore varies. To establish to what financiële en beheersing van demonitoring planning. Andere cruciale thema’s extent the ramingen sand is relocated by the waves will be done, together zijn van verschillende aanbestedingsvormen op de inhoud en timing withde theimpact monitoring of the development of the vegetation. 22 van contactmomenten tussen waterbeheerders en programmabureau en borging van kennisstems en toepassing van innovatie hetand programma en de as a A sandy foreshore the wave impact on the in dike can be applied 4 projectrealisatie. alternative solution for dikes that are too low or are not strong enough. Furthermore, the foreshore provides possibilities for nature conservation 11 development. 29 33 37 k e g Nieu w e M Ou d Spui 11 r-Rijn Nede 3 W e M a as ede eM e r w Waal 15 s 8 l 13 3 Maa n lka rte aa rw Le a te e uw Ha 19 20 32 39 41 aas Ni Nie uw e 34 10 20 32 8 W Completion: 2014 Monitoring period: 2015-2018 Location: Houtrib dike (Enkhuizen-Lelystad) 21 26 21 1 6 2 33 5 40 28 25 30 35 22 27 35 354 18 e M a as ede eM e r w 33 Geldersc h A new method to nailvan down is todoor drill anchorsopinenkele the steep Verbeter de kwaliteit hetexisting huidigedikes HWBP-2 focussen 23tesoil slope. soil anchors give the dike additional strength, which prevents it crucialeThese thema’s, zoals24 wederzijdse helderheid over het doel van contact 16 from shifting. momenten en het ondubbelzinnig vastleggen van afspraken, verbetering van 17 financiële13 ramingen en beheersing van de planning. Andere cruciale thema’s In vergesaan arebnormally constructed against theendike. zijnthe detraditional impact vanmethod, verschillende estedingsvormen op de inhoud timing l 24 This can have major consequences for the7 buildings next to the dike. This van contactmomenten tussen waterbeheerders en programmabureau en is not the case van withkennis dike reinforcement the inside,inlike down.en de borging en toepassingfrom van innovatie hetnailing programma projectrealisatie. 24 Construction: 2014 9 Waal 2 s Ou d Spui Ni 29 l e g Nieu w e M Maa n lka rte 33 aa rw r-Rijn Nede e uw a te W Ha 19 20 32 39 41 aas k 8 Nie uw e Le Innovative Naam project dike 1 reinforcement Zwa r t e Wate r 10 2 10 20 32 s BergsLocation: c h e Maa Projectnaam 12 Hagestein and Opijnen e IJs se 25 Waal 4 32 14 9 2 31 29 2 Naam projectdike Combination Verbeter When it’sde necessary kwaliteittovan apply hetdike huidige reinforcement, HWBP-2 door a combination te focussen op dike enkele makes it cruciale possiblethema’s, to fulfil other zoals spatial wederzijdse requirements helderheid in the overparticular het doel van region, contact such as momenten areas for recreation, en het ondubbelzinnig spatial quality and vastleggen nature.van In this afspraken, way several verbetering interestsvan are financiële served. ramingen en beheersing van de planning. Andere cruciale thema’s zijn de impact van verschillende aanbestedingsvormen op de inhoud en timing van In Scheveningen contactmomenten the dike tussen reinforcement waterbeheerders was combined en programmabureau with the development en borging of the boulevard van kennis which en toepassing was given international van innovatieallure, in het programma designed by en thede Spanish projectrealisatie. architect De Solà-Morales. 3 Location: Scheveningen and Cadzand In Cadzand dike reinforcement was combined with the construction of a municipal marina. Completion: 2014-2015 (Cadzand) 10 4 1 4 4 Dike monitoring Naam project with sensors 25 26 By using sensors the current of dikesdoor can te continuously Verbeter de kwaliteit van hetcondition huidige HWBP-2 focussen opbe enkele monitored. This provides essential information for the inspection of dikes cruciale thema’s, zoals wederzijdse helderheid over het doel van contact 21 during periods of high water. momenten en het ondubbelzinnig vastleggen van afspraken, verbetering van financiële ramingen en beheersing van de planning. Andere cruciale thema’s 27ofendikes, This information also be used forbestedingsvormen improving designsopand zijn de impact vancan verschillende aan de testing inhoud timing as as for daily control and waterbeheerders maintenance. en programmabureau35 vanwell contactmomenten tussen en borging van kennis en toepassing van innovatie in het programma en de In the forthcoming years the system will be further developed together with projectrealisatie. water 1boards, private companies and knowledge institutes, and will be applied 6 at a number of locations. 2 28 30 2 Zwa r t e Wate r 10 Continued development: 2014-2016 Projectnaam Locations: including Lauwersmeer dike and Ommelander sea dike (Groningen) 18 1 33 11 35 15 26 21 Naam Inland project shores 1 k Projectnaam Location: Koopmans polder (Andijk) 35 Le W The ‘inland shore’ concept focuses on new forms of water storage and function Verbeter de kwaliteit vanimproved het huidige HWBP-2 focussen op enkelewhen combinations to enable water safetydoor and te smart management, cruciale thema’s, zoals wederzijdse helderheid over het doel van dealing with freshwater shortages and the living environment incontact and around momenten en het ondubbelzinnig vastleggen van afspraken, verbetering van Lake IJsselmeer. Nie cruciale thema’s financiële ramingen en beheersing van de planning. Andere uw e zijn de impact verschillende aan estedingsvormen op de inhoud The first inlandvan shore was realised inb2013 in the Koopmanspolder is timing ate anden rw aas Ha ieu w e M e g Nen van contactmomenten tussen en programmabureau specifically geared towards fishwaterbeheerders and nature. By making use of an innovative and borging van kennis en toepassing van innovatie het programma en Ode fish-friendly axial pump the Koopmanspolder is in connected to the ud e M a a Lake l a as projectrealisatie. IJsselmeer. Experiments will be carried out with the water level management Spui over a period of three years. 5 n lka rte e uw e Ni 22 In 2014 a survey will be carried out for a possible inland shore in the Wieringermeer which will be geared towards agriculture, 4 horticulture, aquaculture and fishing. W a te r 19 20 32 39 41 aas k Nie uw e s Bergsc h e Maa 33 37 10 20 32 Le 12 8 34 3 11 Completion: 2013 Experimental phase: 2014-2016 Waal de M e r we 11 r-Rijn Nede Zwa r t e Water 6 22 The Sand Motor 6 e Geldersc h Nie uw e a te W e IJss Ha n lka rte l aa The Sand Motor is a large-scale pilot project in which a new, sustainable method of coastal maintenance is surveyed. r-Rijn Maa s Nede 29 The Sand Motor is constructed as a peninsula of 21.5 million m3 of sand. Under 17 the influence of wind, waves and currents the sand spreads along the shore, thereby reinforcing the coastline and creating a dynamic area for nature and 24 Waal recreational purposes. The Sand Motor is part of a gigantic research programme in which the 24 government, knowledge institutions and the business community are very closely involved. The first findings about the operation 4 of the Sand Motor are positive. It is expected that after a period of 20 years the Sand Motor will result 32 in 35 hectares of additional beach and dunes. Maa s Completion: 2011 Evaluations: 2016 and 2021 rw l aas e g Nieu w e M Ou d Spui e M a as Location: Ter Heijde 24 23 16 7 7 25 26 21 27 35 1 6 2 Zwa r t e Wate r 10 28 High water channel 35 7 Geldersc h e IJs 34 l se 22 In the Netherlands there is an increasing chance of flooding, because the rivers 3 are given 4 less and less room. Rivers lie wedged between progressively higher dikes. At the same time the land behind the dikes33 subsides 37 and it rains more 11water that the rivers must cope with. often and harder, swelling the amount of 10 20 32 8 Location: Veessen-Wapenveld 25 W Le k Within the 19 program Room for the River, additional space is being created for Rijn Nie ederuw the IJssel River by constructing two dikes through agriculturalNland, so that the 11 e 20 39 32 41 a te s water can be discharged during high water periods. This area of 713 hectares aa rw Ha 3 e g Nieu w e M will be flooded during high water periods. It is expected that the area will fillWaal aonce e M a as inOaudlifetime. During high water the river level will15 drop by 71 cm. al n lka rte 23 24 e uw Ni Waal s Completion: 2014 ede eM e r w Maa Spui 14 s Bergsc h e Maa 12 16 Maa s 14 7 8 33 5 40 21 35 18 17 22 27 1 1 Testing of dike revetments in the ‘Delta Flume’ 6 2 28 8 30 Zwa r t e Wate r 33 35 2 Location: Delft 35 33 9 se l 33 37 The tests mark the end of the existing ‘Delta Flume’11and the commissioning of the new ‘Delta Flume’ 10 in20Delft. 32 W a te n lka rte aa rw l k e Ha 19 20 32 39 41 aas Le 8 N ieu Construction: 2014 w e g Nieu w e M Ou d 11 Rijn 25 rNede 3 Waal 15 e M a as 11 Maa uw 29 s Waal 15 Spui ede eM e r w e IJs 13 The larger the wave-reducing qualities of the stones, the lower the dike needs 34 to be to comply legal standards. This is expected to provide a possibility to save 22 costs on dike reinforcements, and at the same time benefits the environment 3 and the surroundings. 4 Geldersc h In the unique ‘Delta Flume’ of Deltares the strength and wave-reducing qualities of various types of stones used for dike revetments are being tested. 9 25 26 21 1 6 2 28 30 2 35 9 34 22 13 4 Dike reinforcement with geotextile 10 20 32 l e g Nieu w e M Ou d Spui Waal e M a as Ni e uw de The danger of ‘piping’ affects many dikes. If water flows through aedike M e r weit carries sand29 along with it and small tunnels (pipes) arise which can eventually Bergsc h e result in a breakthrough of the dike. 23 24 16 Geotextile that is fitted vertically in the dike acts like a type of filter that does 17 allow the water to flow through but not the sand. The counteracting of piping with traditional measures is relatively expensive. The fitting of geotextile is 24 7 the residents. cheaper and is less of a nuisance for In the ‘Room 24 for the River’ project a practical test with geotextile is being carried out at four locations. 4 Completion: 2014 32 16 r-Rijn Waal Location: Lek and Rijndijk (between Opheusden and s aa Vianen) M12 s n lka rte aa rw 9 Nede Maa a te W Ha 19 20 32 39 41 aas k Nie uw e Le 8 10 1 6 2 27 35 35 28 18 10 35 Zwa r t e Wate r 1 33 3 4 33 W a te rw n lka rte e g Nieu w e M Ou d River-widening and plans for terps aa l Spui e M a as 29 24 k se Ha 19 20 32 39 41 aas Le Nie uw e 33 37 10 20 32 8 23 Waal ede eM e r w e uw e IJs 13 Ni Geldersc h 11 l 14 34 22 s Bergsc h e Maa 10 16 17 24 7 In the context of the ‘Room for the River’ project, 550 hectares of the Overdiepse Polder is being changed into a water storage area, with agricultural farms on eight terps. 24 Location: Waspik s Maa In a unique 4 collaboration between local residents and the government, the flood protection has been improved through the creation of water storage in 32 case of high level water. Agriculture in the area can further be sustained with the construction of terps. Construction: 2010-2015 36 17 17 22 1 11 27 35 1 6 2 30 Zwa r t e Wate r 28 8 2 35 33 se 11 33 37 10 20 32 19 20 32 39 41 aas k a te l 3 4 Nie uw e 11 Rijn e g Nieu w e M Spui e M a as ede eM e r w 24 s Bergsc h e Maa 12 16 Verbeter The dike de along kwaliteit the Waal vanathet Lent huidige will beHWBP-2 relocated door approximately te focussen op 350enkele metres cruciale inland. This thema’s, will create zoals wederzijdse space for a new helderheid channelover in the hetfloodplain doel van contact of the river momenten Waal. 7 en het ondubbelzinnig vastleggen van afspraken, verbetering van financiële ramingen en beheersing van de planning. Andere cruciale thema’s zijn Thisde new impact channel vanwill verschillende provide additional aanbestedingsvormen capacity for the opwater de inhoud discharge en timing van during contactmomenten high water periods, tussen which waterbeheerders will reduce theenwater programmabureau levels. Excavation en of the borging channel van and kennis the relocation en toepassing of the dike van innovatie will createinanhet island. programma This new enisland de projectrealisatie. will be laid out like a unique river park with possibilities for recreation and nature. The prestigious Waterfront Centre Award was granted to this plan in 2011. Construction: 2013-2015 18 Location: Lent, Nijmegen s 32 15 11 Maa 24 23 Ni e uw 29 Waal Waal s Ou d 3 Maa n lka rte l Le W aa rw 25 rNede Naamrelocation Dike project at Lent Ha e IJs 22 8 13 34 Geldersc h 9 3 1 12 4 1 8 Nie uw e a te W Ha n lka rte aa Tidal Test Naam project Centre Grevelingen 12 17 24 The Tidalde Verbeter Test kwaliteit Centre van is being het huidige built at HWBP-2 the discharge door sluice te focussen of Flakkee. op enkele The six cruciale tubes of thema’s, this discharge zoals wederzijdse sluice will behelderheid ready for the over testing het doel of tidal van contact turbines. Here momenten use is made en of the het water ondubbelzinnig level differences vastleggen between van afspraken, the Grevelingenmeer van 4 verbeteringand financiële the Oosterschelde. ramingenThe en testing beheersing centre van is de unique planning. in theAndere world, cruciale becausethema’s power zijn de will be impact generated vanwith verschillende relatively small aanbestedingsvormen water level differences. op de inhoud en timing van contactmomenten tussen waterbeheerders en programmabureau en borging vancentre kennisisen toepassing van innovatiedevelopment in het programma en further de The testing geared towards knowledge and the projectrealisatie. development of promising technologies for application in the marketplace. The effects on the environment are also measured in terms of the fishfriendliness of the turbines. Location: Discharge sluice 24Projectnaam of Flakkee, Grevelingen Dam 32 Construction: 2015-2016 19 rw l e g Nieu w Ou d Spui 1 13 Tidal turbines Naam project in the Oosterschelde storm-surge barriers Verbeter de kwaliteit van het huidige HWBP-2 door te focussen op enkele cruciale thema’s, zoals wederzijdse helderheid het doel van contact Two openings of the Oosterschelde storm-surgeover barrier are going to function momenten enfor hettwo ondubbelzinnig vanaafspraken, verbetering as a showcase types of tidal vastleggen turbines with joint capacity of 4.5 van financiële megawatt.ramingen en beheersing van de planning. Andere cruciale thema’s zijn de impact van verschillende aanbestedingsvormen op de inhoud en timing van contactmomenten waterbeheerders programmabureau en in For the initiators of thistussen project, the generating en of sustainable tidal energy borging van kennisstorm-surge en toepassing van innovatie in het enworld. de the Oosterschelde barrier is a showcase to programma the rest of the projectrealisatie. If the turbines function well under these circumstances, then they can be applied almost all over the world. Completion: 2014 20 13 Location: Oosterschelde 4storm-surge barrier 32 1 14 33 5 40 21 17 22 1 Multi-functional Naam project turbine 27 35 14 6 8 1 Zwa r t e Wate r 2 Projectnaam Location: Stieltjes canal near Nieuw-Amsterdam 27 (Drenthe) Geldersc h At the lock the Stieltjes canal a multi-functional fish-friendly turbine is Verbeter deof kwaliteit van28 het huidige te focussen op enkele 30HWBP-2 doorand being tested. Besides sustainable energy, this turbine can be used as cruciale thema’s, zoalsgenerating wederzijdse helderheid over het doel van contact 2 amomenten pump to accelerate the discharge of canal water theverbetering locks duringvan en het ondubbelzinnig vastleggen vanthrough afspraken, periods of ramingen high water.enDuring periods drought the Andere turbinecruciale can alsothema’s function financiële beheersing vanofde planning. vice versa, to fill the canal. zijn de impact van verschillende aan b estedingsvormen op de inhoud en timing 35 33 van contactmomenten tussen waterbeheerders en programmabureau en This initiative is a potential innovation being studied in search borging van kennis en toepassing van innovatie in hetupon programma enofdefinding smart solutions for the replacement or renovation 9 of locks which were built in projectrealisatie. 13 the early years of last century. 34 l e IJs 4 se 22 Completion: 2014 11 10 20 32 3 33 37 Le k 25 19 Rijn re d Ne 21 11 20 39 32 41 s a 3 eu w e Ma 1 15 3Di water Naam project management Nie uw e 15 a te W Ha n lka rte aa Verbeter The research de kwaliteit programme van het 3Dihuidige Water Management HWBP-2 doorfocuses te focussen on superfast op enkele and 29 cruciale accuratethema’s, water flow zoals calculations wederzijdse andhelderheid a realistic over visualisation het doel of vanthe contact calculation momenten results in 3Den stereo het ondubbelzinnig for direct use at vastleggen the drawingvan board. afspraken, The interactive verbetering models van 24 financiële can be considered ramingen as en maps beheersing where you vancan de‘allow planning. water Andere to flow’. cruciale The integrated thema’s zijn models de impact are useful vanfor verschillende water specialists, aanbestedingsvormen spatial designers, oppolicy de inhoud officials en and timing 17 van contingency contactmomenten managers.tussen waterbeheerders en programmabureau en borging van kennis en toepassing van innovatie in het programma en de 24 projectrealisatie. 24 4 32 22 rw l aas e g Nieu w e M Ou d Spui e M a as Location: Delfland, Hollands Noorderkwartier, 23 Brouwers Dam. In 16 addition, Mekong Delta Vietnam, New York, Singapore and Cape Town. 7 1 16 Naam project ClimateGame Nie uw e a te W Ha n lka rte aa Tygron an interactive spatialHWBP-2 planning tool; stakeholders can Verbeteroffers de kwaliteit van het3D huidige door te the focussen op enkele 29 make their spatialzoals challenges and solutions visible of the cruciale thema’s, wederzijdse helderheid overby hetmeans doel van contact ClimateGame. In spatial development multiplevan stakeholders involvedvan and momenten en het ondubbelzinnig vastleggen afspraken, are verbetering 24 their conflict of interest often leads van to disputes and delays. software financiële ramingen en beheersing de planning. AndereThe cruciale thema’s offered by Tygron the stakeholders to enter all the requirements and zijn de impact vanenables verschillende aanbestedingsvormen op de inhoud en timing 17 parameters fully, thus enabling you to recognizeen together the conflict areas van contactmomenten tussen waterbeheerders programmabureau en and solve together the problems at an early stage. in het programma en de borging van kennis en toepassing van innovatie 24 projectrealisatie. 16 rw l aas e g Nieu w e M Ou d Spui 16 e M a as Projectnaam Location: Delft, Rotterdam and other cities 23 16 7 24 4 32 23 17 A sustainable Naam project Afsluitdijk Verbeter Government de kwaliteit and localvan authorities het huidige areHWBP-2 workingdoor together te focussen on the realisation op enkele of 1 cruciale regionalthema’s, ambitions zoals at the wederzijdse Afsluitdijkhelderheid (Barrier dam): over het doel van contact momenten • Power generation en het ondubbelzinnig through osmotic vastleggen power. The vanBlue afspraken, Energyverbetering pilot plant will van financiële be operational ramingen in April en beheersing 2014. van de planning. Andere cruciale thema’s zijn • Tidal de impact energyvan (Den verschillende Oever): Testing aanand bestedingsvormen demonstrating op facilities de inhoud for energy en timing vanproduction. contactmomenten tussen waterbeheerders en programmabureau en borging • Wind turbines van kennis potentially en toepassing possible vanin innovatie the longin term. het programma It is a good location en de for projectrealisatie. wind energy. • Solar energy: The region is developing plans for solar energy. • The region has plans for an innovative fish migration river. 22 24 17 22 4 6 2 28 35 34 3 33 37 30 2 1 18 1 Naam project BoxBarrier 18 W The BoxBarrier can bevan used temporarily raisedoor a dike or a flat piece of land, as Location: The Projectnaam Verbeter de kwaliteit hettohuidige HWBP-2 te focussen op enkele 10 Water 20 32 8 of Rijnland and the acruciale protection against flooding. It uses water to keep away: elements thema’s, zoals wederzijdse helderheid overwater het doel vanthe contact Board 19Water (containers) arehet filled with water. The system isvan efficient for storage, easy to momenten en ondubbelzinnig vastleggen afspraken, verbetering van Nieuw Noorderzijlvest e 20 transport metresenofbeheersing temporary van water-restraint a container) and simple financiële(400 ramingen de planning.inAndere cruciale thema’s Board (this water board 32 39 a te as rw H Ma e g Nieu w e 400 to zijnfill. de impact van verschillende aanbestedingsvormen op de inhoud en timing a has provided metres Oud to aide the van contactmomenten tussen waterbeheerders en programmabureau en of a aBoxBarrier e M a as l i Until now sand bagsen have been used dike elevations. For this sand borging van kennis toepassing vanfor innovatie in het programma en must de be United Kingdom). Spu available and it takes a long time to clear away the sand bags after the flooding. projectrealisatie. 41 Completion: 2012 at testing location, 2013 put into operation. 24 16 17 24 7 24 25 Ni 23 e uw n lka rte 29 19 22 4 10 20 32 Nie uw e a te W n lka rte Naam Freshwater project and salt water separation with an air screen Ha aa rw aas e g Nieu w e M Ou d l Spui e M a as 29 17 Projectnaam Location: Philips Dam, complex of Krammer locks Le W Verbeter de kwaliteit van het huidige HWBP-2 door te focussen op enkele 24 cruciale zoalsatwederzijdse over hettodoel vanan contact By usingthema’s, an air screen navigation helderheid locks it is possible create effective momenten en het ondubbelzinnig verbetering separation between fresh water andvastleggen salt water.van Thisafspraken, will prevent too muchvan salt Nie cruciale financiële en beheersing van de planning. Andere thema’s water fromramingen flowing into the fresh water area when vessels travel through locks. 24 uw e zijn impact vanfor verschillende aan bestedingsvormen op dewater inhoud enistiming Thatde is hazardous the flora and fauna as well as the fresh used ate that as rw Ha ieu w e M a e N g van contactmomenten tussen waterbeheerders en programmabureau en for agriculture and consumption. 4 borging van kennis en toepassing van innovatie in het programma de O ud e M a a en32 l a as projectrealisatie. At one of the Krammer locks a new type of air screen is being tested. It Spui is expected that this innovative system will ensure that the passage time through the locks and the costs for the operation and maintenance are reduced. 19 k 24 n lka rte In the Netherlands there are 23 navigational locks at fresh water/salt water interfaces where this technological potential can be applied. Completion: 2014 26 Ni e uw e de M e r we Waal s Bergsc h e Maa Zwa r t e Water 20 e Geldersc h Freshwater to counteract salinisation 20 20 e IJss l r-Rijn Maa s Nede Salt penetration that renders agricultural land unusable in combination with a freshwater shortage, is increasingly becoming a problem in deltas all over of world, so too in the Netherlands. Freshwater in the soil bed counteracts salinisation. 20 Location: Kerkwerve, Serooskerke, Ovezande Tests are being undertaken at three locations with an increased volume of Waal freshwater in the soil bed: • Creek ridge [Kreekrug] infiltration experiment: system of subterranean storage of rain water, by means of water drainage. • Freshmaker: system for applying and storing of fresh water in the soil bed. • Drains2buffer: by using this technique the freshwater bubble in the creek ridge is enlarged, by raising the groundwater level in the winter over a long period. s Maa Completion: 2013 27 21 Vacuum toilets and urine purification 22 21 17 Vacuum toilets make use of air for flushing instead of (lots of ) water. This produces very concentrated waste water that is easier to purify. Urine purification is performed by a microbial fuel cell that removes the pollution and the ammonia. The phosphate can also 1 be reclaimed. After a (successful) test phase a scaled-up version will be realized in the IenM building6 along Rijnstraat. It is the first commercial scaling up of its kind. 28 2 Location: Sneek, Wageningen (at the offices of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology), the Hague (at the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment) 30 2 35 28 27 33 9 22 33 5 40 Potatoes from briny soil 22 The worldwide salinisation of agricultural land will escalate under the influence of climate change. That is detrimental for agriculture. 7 35 Location: Texel 29 1 The research facility ‘Tested on Texel’ seeks opportunities for the agriculture 14 and researches the cultivation of vegetation, including under salty conditions potatoes, in briny soil. The “briny potato” has a very rich mineral composition and an exceptionally good taste. The briny potato is available at Texel’s local market. 8 Zwa r t e Wate r 1 A comparable project has been started up in Egypt. 27 35 3 Geldersc h e IJs 13 29 22 se 23 26 1 Energy-efficient desalination 23 11 Location: Sassenheim W 20 a te To this end Voltea BV has developed a technique known as Capacitive H aas rw a e g Nieu w e M Deionization (CapDI). Ou d e M a as A two-step system of electrodes covered with membranes, separates watera from al i Spu the pollution. 32 39 41 k Nie uw e Le Desalination is an energy-intensive and costly process. An energy-efficient desalination method with low maintenance costs and a high water output is of 8 major social and commercial importance. n lka rte 16 17 24 30 7 24 23 Ni The CapDI system is currently marketed in Europe, Northern America and Asia to save on water, chemicals and energy in cooling towers. 24 ede eM e r w e uw 29 Berg 5 40 25 21 27 26 2 30 2 21 1 Zwa r t e Wate r 28 1 33 6 The Marker Wadden 33 9 e IJs 13 l 13 3 33 37 11 3 15 35 The Marker Wadden is a nature restoration plan by Natuurmonumenten for the Markermeer. The aquatic ecosystem of the Markermeer is obstructed because 25 of theijnturbidity of the water, caused by fine-grained sediments. Dredgers R 22 re d e N should excavate metre deep channels where fine-grained sediments can settle and be dredged up again. This ‘sediment engine’ should act like a vacuum 4 cleaner that clears water. Waal the murky14 11 Location: Markermeer along the Houtrib dike 34 Lelystad near 3 33 37 The fine-grained sediments should be used as a building material for the 10 20 32 development of swampy islands8with natural embankments in the 19 for plants, fish, birds, nature Markermeer. This is thought Nie to be beneficial uw e lovers and recreationists. Building with fine-grained sediments to bring about11 20 a te s 32 39 41 aaseen r wnever Ha has u e i w M more nature and biodiversity been or done in this way before. e eg N k Le W Maa s Sp 29 ede eM e r w 24 23 16 Waal s Bergsc h e Maa 12 25 3 Waal 15 s eM Rijn rNede Maa n lka rte Ou d a al a as Commencement of first phase 2015, completion 2020. ui e uw 12 Ni as gsc h e Ma 9 13 Maa s Waal 24 se 34 25 35 18 6 Geldersc h 1 24 33 25 Water Insight It is of vital importance for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive to be able to ascertain the quality of water. Water Insight BV provides innovative products and services to enable the optical determining of the water quality based on earth observation techniques. From a ‘photograph’ the precise colour of the water is translated, for example, to concentrations of algae and sediments. The WISP 3 (Water Insight Spectrometer) is used to take this ‘photograph’. The same can be done using satellite images. This method is used worldwide. In the Black Sea and in the Danube Delta, Water Insight assesses the water quality for local authorities. 26 Nie Ha 29 24 17 24 Pharmafilter 4 26 20 to 45 percent of the pollution of waste water with medicinal residues and hormone-disrupting substances is attributable to hospitals. Location: Delft, Terneuzen, Rotterdam Pharmafilter is a total solution for waste and waste water in hospitals. The system uses bioplastic products that are used in the care industry. In the past these products were cleaned for reuse, with high logistics and cleaning costs. Nowadays, after use these products are sent to a treatment plant together with the waste water. The system ferments the waste and filters medicinal residues out of the waste water. The residual product after fermentation is biogas, which is used for the production of energy and heat. Completion: 2012, 2014 and 2015/2016 4 16 27 33 5 40 21 17 22 27 35 1 29 14 6 2 8 28 30 Zwa r t e Wate r Nereda – biological waste water purification 2 35 Geldersc h e IJs 13 se Sewage is purified 34 by bacteria which are cultivated in large tanks. l The Nereda technology uses grains in which the bacteria that are used to purify the water, grow. 3 33 amount 37 of organic dirt and nutrients (nitrogen, phosphate) is An extensive 11 removed by these grains, mostly without the use of chemicals. An advantage is that the purification now takes place in a single smaller tank in a single step. 25 This saves a lot of space and energy, because less water needs to be circulated r-Rijn e d e and less11 chemicals areNnecessary. k 32 39 41 Le 3 The technique is also used to captureWalginate from11the sludge. Alginate is used aal for medical materials (dental impressions) and for food. 15 Ni Waal Maa s e uw ede eM e r w 27 33 9 2 1 Completion: 2012, 2013 and later s Bergsc h e Maa 12 Locations: Vroomshoop, Epe, Garmerwolde, Utrecht, South Africa, Brazil and Portugal 28 26 21 1 6 2 28 30 1 STEP® filter 22 28 4 37 Location: 33 Municipality 11 of Wijdemeren The 1 STEP® filter is a purification technique (post-treatment system) for the removal of nutrients (phosphor, nitrogen) and contaminations such as 10 20 32 medicinal residues and pesticides. 8 ud e M a as Completion: 21 November 242013 23 16 17 24 7 24 Ni e uw The sewage purification plant at Horstermeer is the first full scale filter system ede eM e r w 29 in the world. 3 Waal 15 s Spui r-Rijn Nede Maa n lka rte l 11 Le W aa k 19 Nie u we It is a filter that combines a number of purification processes in a single step, 20 32 39 41 a as rw Ha thus saving space. Its modular design gives itteflexibility, Ma it is cost-efficient e g Nieu w e and with a low energy consumption. O s Bergsc h e Maa 12 2 29 33 5 40 21 17 2 Phosphate recovery 27 35 29 14 6 2 8 1 Zwa r t e Wate r Phosphate recovered from sludge derived from a sewage treatment plant is Location: Emmen, Echten, transformed into struvite. In Echten about 200 tonnes is produced per year. The Amsterdam, Amersfoort 28 is used 30in the agricultural sector in Germany until permission is struvite 2 granted in the Netherlands. 27 In Amsterdam the phosphate recovery will resolve blockages, wear and tear of the equipment and closures of the system, 33 and it’s also useful as a raw material. By pooling the sludge flows from various cities at Amersfoort, a potential for green energy comes about (for 9 approximately 600 households). It yields about 13 900 tonnes of fertilizer per annum. 35 Geldersc h e IJs 34 se l Completion: 2013, 2014, 2015 3 11 33 37 11 r-Rijn Nede 25 2 30 Zwa r t e Wate r 30 28 8 2 35 33 e g Nieu w e M Ou d Spui e M a as ede eM e r w 23 Ni e uw l 11 r-Rijn 25 Nede 3 Waal 11 Waal 15 s rw 19 20 32 39 41 aas Maa n lka rte aa 33 37 10 20 32 Le k W Ha se 11 a te l 3 4 Nie uw e e IJs 22 8 13 34 Geldersc h 9 s Bergsc h e Maa 12 16 Maa Thermal pressure hydrolysis s 7 30 Thermal pressure hydrolysis is applied at sewage treatment plants to obtain biogas from sewage sludge. Sludge particles dissolve easier by applying thermal pressure and during fermentation up to 40 percent more biogas is released. This provides for 50 percent of the electricity requirement for the sewage treatment plant in Venlo. The volume of dry residue also shrinks to such an extent that significant savings are made on transport distances (discharge), as well as in the CO2 emissions. Completion: 2012 32 Location: Venlo 31 26 21 1 6 2 28 30 35 Hydrochip 22 4 31 10 20 32 Ou d e M a as Ni e uw The Hyrdochip is a small square glass plate thatScontains the DNA profile of pui various types of micro-organisms, such as diatoms and algae. These micro- eM e r wede 29 organisms are very sensitive to changes in the water quality. Bergsc h e 23 the DNA on the little The small plate lights up when there’s a ‘match’ between plate and the DNA in the24 water sample. 16The chip can identify and quantify a wide spectrum of indicator organisms in water samples in a single reading. 17 That currently takes place with light microscopy which is time-consuming, expensive and specialist work. 24 7 Completion: 2012 (prototype), testing and experimental phase until 2016. 24 4 32 Nede 3 Waal 15 s l 11 Maa n lka rte aa r-Rijn Location: Zeist k W 19 into the water by the Nie being discharged Due to pollution and excessive fertilizers uw e agricultural sector, water authorities have toatake steps to improve the 41 20 32 39 te r as Ha u w emonitor Ma e g Nieto ecological quality of water. Hence they must bewable the quality. Le 8 as Ma 12 2 l 2925 33 19 5 40 20 39 32 41 aas e g Nieu w e M Ou d Spui e M a as Ni e uw e eM e r w 23 24 11 r-Rijn 3 Waal de 25 Nede 11 Waal 15 s n lka rte aa rw 33 37 Maa a te W Ha 10 20 32 8 Le k 32 Nie uw e 11 s Bergsc h e Maa 12 16 s 35 Maa 27 7 35 18 24 3 10 1 Zwa r t e Wate r 32 33 33 Geldersc h 9 13 e IJs Remote control water quality se l 13 32 25 Identifying harmful algae in surface water is a time-consuming process. Flowcytometry is an innovative technique which fully automates this process. Waal 14 The algae are screened and lit up one by one with lasers which creates a ´fingerprint’ of each individual. Additional identification takes place with an imaging camera. Maa Due to the high processing speed, this technique is highly suited for obtaining a continuous stream of information about the biological water quality. The instrument is operated by remote control and the collected data is presented online. s Application: Since 2013 36 Location: Eijsden Pontoon 33 26 1 22 Water Square n lka rte aa Due to climate change it rains more often and intense. In 29the dense urban region of Rotterdam there is relatively little space to create more rainwater storage. 24 16 17 has been created. A At Benthemplein a multi-functional water square temporary rainwater catchment at the square is combined with a rather special public area for the citizens. To achieve this,24 the municipality of Rotterdam 7 collaborated with the research and design agency DE URBANISTEN. 24 4 32 40 rw l aas e g Nieu w e M Ou d Spui 33 e M a as Location: Benthemplein, Rotterdam 23 e eM e r w e uw a te W Ha Ni Nie uw e 34 25 21 27 35 35 18 6 2 30 1 Zwa r t e Wate r 28 10 2 35 33 33 Geldersc h 9 e IJs 13 l se 34 13 3 33 37 Climate buffers 11 Le k 11 3 34 Climate buffers often are water-abundant25 areas which, aside from taking care of habitat restoration and safeguarding biodiversity, also ensure more safety, liveability and better 21 freshwater supplies. The focus of climate buffers is to make use of possibilities in nature in adapting to climate change. s Waal 14 Waal 15 26 s Bergsc h e Maa 12 Maa Location: Eelder Benthemplein, Rotterdam Groningen Peizermade, s Maa 27largest natural water The nature conservation area De Onlanden is now the storage area of the Netherlands and is meant to alleviate 35floodings in the city of Groningen. The project is a cheap alternative for dike construction and drainage. 1 6 36 2 28 30 2 10 Zwa r t e Wate r ede 25 ijn r-R Nede 35 18 1 33 41 35 Climate Adaptation Atlas Nie uw e n lka rte aa 29 The Climate Adaptation Atlas is a digital tool that consists of geospatial maps visualizing the possible impacts of climate change, and its consequences on a regional scale. This supports the debate and decision-making process. It 24 also helps local public authorities to work on a climate-resistant17 future. The Touchtable, a follow-up instrument of the atlas, is used 24 in Bangladesh for issues relating to land usage, water management and food production. 24 4 32 42 a te W Ha rw l 35eg aas Nieu w e M Ou d Spui e M a as Location: e.g. used in 23 Rotterdam 16 7 Image sources: 1Ecoshape 2 Witteveen+Bos 3 Beeldbank Rijkswaterstaat 4 Stichting IJkdijk, Geotextiel: TenCate 5 Mennobart van Eeden 6 Joop van Houdt 7 Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe, Combinatie IJsselweide 8Deltares 11 Beeldbank Rijkswaterstaat, Ruimte voor de Rivier/PDR 12 Beeldbank Rijkswaterstaat 13 IHC Merwede 14 Pentair 153Di 16Tygron 17Redstack 18 BoxBarrier 19 Rijkswaterstaat, Neeltje Kielen 20 Deltares 21Wetsus 23Voltea 24 Natuurmonumenten 25 Water Insight 26 Pharmafilter 27Waterschap Vechtstromen 28 Waternet 29 Waterschap Reest en Wieden 30 Waterschapsbedrijf Limburg 31 TNO 32Rijkswaterstaat 33 De Urbanisten 34 Natuurmonumenten 35WUR This is a publication of: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment march 2014 | wvl0314tp107
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