Contents Education and Student Affairs Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences AES News 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 4 11/12/2014 – Number 16_49 Planning to take AES2009 in fall 2015? If so, please read this notice AESB3400 BSc-eindwerk, periode 3, 2014/2015 Opening hours Student- and International Office CeG Research meeting 2015 Grant Applications “Stichting Molengraaff Fonds” Data joint Board of Examiners CE and AES Data Examination Meetings Agenda / student events Opening hours CEG Opening hours restaurant and café CEG Planning to take AES2009 in fall 2015? If so, please read this notice The MSc Study Guide lists the following courses as prerequisites for the Field Development project, AES2009: 1. Students may not take AES2009 until they have completed the Bachelor of Science programme. 2 Students who have been admitted to the MSc program on the basis of a Dutch higher vocational institute Bachelor degree, and were assigned a subsidiary programme of courses for the MSc degree, must have completed this programme before they are allowed to take AES2009. 3. Students may not take AES2009 until they have completed a total of 20 ECTS from the following courses of the core programme: Properties of Hydrocarbons (AES1300), Rock Fluid Physics (AES1310-10), Modeling Flow in Porous Media (AES1320), Reservoir Engineering (AES1340), Geologic Interpretation of Seismic Data (AES1510), Log Evaluation (AES1520), Sedimentary systems (AES1890), Geostatistics (AES1920) and Reservoir Characterisation and Development (or AES1820). Additionally, students with the specification 'Petroleum Engineering' are recommended to have completed the courses Drilling and Production (AES1330) and Production Optimisation (AES1360). Please note, though, these two additional courses do not count toward the required total of 20 ECTS. If you plan to take AES2009 this fall, please take care that you have completed all the prerequisite courses beforehand. Plan ahead to take the required examinations (and re-examinations if necessary) in time (especially any exams you may have missed in the first quarter!). If you foresee that you will not be able to finish all prerequisite courses before the start of AES2009, contact me as soon as possible, but definitely by the end of June. All courses must be completed by Aug. 15, including re-sit exams and any special arrangements you may have made with an individual instructor. Students intending to take AES2009 in the fall of 2015 should register in advance by sending an email to Marlijn Ammerlaan ([email protected]) by 1 August. This will allow us to verify your eligibility before the class begins. Finally, be aware that all students are expected to attend the FDP for the full day, five days a week, for all six weeks of the course. Absences are not allowed except for extreme emergencies. If you foresee a problem with any of these requirements, please contact me at the earliest possible moment. Don't wait until the last minute. Regards, W. R. Rossen, Coordinator, AES2009 [email protected] AES News 11/12/2014 – Number 16_49 AESB3400 BSc-eindwerk, periode 3, 2014/2015 Tot uiterlijk 28 januari 2015 kun je je aanmelden voor het BSc-eindwerk AES, periode 3. Het inschrijfformulier en andere informatie, zoals handleiding, tijdschema, etc. is te vinden op BB, AESB3400 Q3, bij Course Information. De startbijeenkomst is op maandag 9 februari 2015. Tijd en locatie volgen later. Aan het bacheloreindwerk mag pas worden begonnen als je het propedeuse-examen of de propedeutische fase hebt behaald en vakken met een totale studielast van 80 studiepunten uit het tweede en derde cursusjaar hebt behaald. In afwachting van tentamenuitslagen van het voorgaande kwartiel mag een start worden gemaakt met het eindwerk. Als na de nakijkperiode van 20 werkdagen blijkt dat je niet aan de toelatingseis voldoet dan word je met onmiddellijke ingang uit het bacheloreindwerk verwijderd. Zie ook de BSc eindwerk handleiding op BB, de OER/UR Hfdst 3, artikel 5 en 6 en de RRvE Examencommissie CT-TA artikelen 27, 28, 29 op deze pagina Opening hours Student- and International Office CeG Due to a team meeting the Student and International Office Desk will be closed on Monday 15 December. Because of the Christmas Holidays the desk will be closed as of Monday 22nd December u/i Friday 2nd January. For information regarding studying abroad, exchange, multidisciplinary project, etc. click here. Information can also be found on BB. Here you can find general information regarding studying or doing an internship abroad. Student- and International Office CeG Dear staff and students, AES News 11/12/2014 – Number 16_49 The Research Meeting 2015 - a joint meeting of the department of Geoscience & Engineering and the department of Geoscience & Remote Sensing - will be held on Thursday, 29 January 2015. Please reserve this day in your agenda. The detailed programme and how to register will be announced in the first half of January. To stimulate the scientific discussion between the groups, we will also have a poster session. For the two Poster Awards, all PhD students (who are not presenting a talk) and students preparing their MSc thesis are invited to prepare a poster that will be judged during the day. Please let us know if you want to contribute by reply to this mail until 29 December 2014 (also if you don’t know yet whether you will give a talk). Participants of the poster competition will get a separate mail with details on how to deliver the poster and the poster abstract later. With kind regards, Ramon Hanssen Chair Department of Geoscience & Remote Sensing Grant Applications “Stichting Molengraaff Fonds” The aim of the foundation “Stichting Molengraaff Fonds” (STMF) is to grant financial support, paid by the interest of the capital of the foundation, to students or graduates who got their degree less than three years ago at institutions of scientific education in the Netherlands, for performing research in geology in the widest interpretation of the word, so including research on crystallography, petrography, paleontology, geophysics and ore metallurgy, with the understanding that for comparable requests of equal level preference will be given to students or graduates of the TU Delft. Deadline: 21 January 2015 By e-mail: [email protected] By mail: M.J. Schillemans-van Tuijl, Geoscience & Engineering, Room 3.14 Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN DELFT Data joint Board of Examiners CE and AES 12 January 2015, 9 February 2015, 9 March 2015, 13 April 2015, 11 May 2015 and 8 June 2015 Meetings will take place at Mondays, 15.00 hrs. in room 2.72 Letters for the Board of Examiners have to be provided with study number, name, address and signature and shall be handed in 12 days prior to the meeting. Data Examination Meetings Apply before Meeting date Graduation Ceremony BSc AES 17-11-2014 22-12-2014 19-01-2015 16-02-2015 23-03-2015 20-04-2015 18-05-2015 22-06-2015 03-07-2015 15-12-2014 19-01-2015 16-02-2015 16-03-2015 20-04-2015 18-05-2015 15-06-2015 20-07-2015 31-08-2015 20-03-2015 20-03-2015 20-03-2015 12-06-2015 12-06-2015 12-06-2015 Nny Nny Nny The data can also be found here. AES News 11/12/2014 – Number 16_49 Agenda / student events 1-16 December MSc information sessions 22 December Deadline applying for Examination meeting 15 December Lecture room G 1 January Deadline applying for Board of Examiners CE/AES 12 January 30 January Deadline applying for Startup Competition MIT Global etc. Startup Competition Link to page Board of Examiners, Opleidingscommissies Link to page Board of Studies, Examencommissies Editors: Education and Student Affairs CEG (e-mail: [email protected]) Copy to be delivered to: AES News appears two-weekly. The deadline for items is Wednesday morning before 10:00. Items should be e-mailed in Word (Windows XP) and should be provided in Dutch and English with a maximum of 150 words. Items specifically for Bachelor students only have to be provided in Dutch.
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