Advanced Virgo

Probing Dynamical Spacetimes
Scientific exploitation of Advanced Virgo
Nikhef SAC, April 24, 2014 - [email protected]
 Motivation
 Aim and focus
 Composition of consortium
 Requested positions versus aim
 Coherence and added value
Einstein gravity :
G  8 T
Gravity as a geometry
Space and time are physical objects
 Gravitation
Least understood interaction
Large world-wide intellectual activity
– Theoretical: ART + QM, Cosmology
– Experimental: Interferometers on Earth and in space
Gravitational waves
Dynamical part of gravitation, all space is filled with GW
Ideal information carrier, almost no scattering or attenuation
The entire universe has been transparent for GWs, all the way back
to the Big Bang
Aim and focus
To Detect and Observe Gravitational Waves
Focus on 3 activities
 Scientific promise
Direct discovery of gravitational waves
Fundamental physics, cosmology and astrophysics
Towards gravitational wave observatories
 Bundle existing strengths
(astro)particle physics: experiment and theory
Astrophysics, astronomy and cosmology
 Multi-disciplinary physics program
R.A. Hulse and J.H.
Taylor Jr (1993)
Advanced LIGO and Virgo
First common run in 2016
Kagra joins 2020
LIGO India?
Kagra, Kamioka, Hida, Japan
Evolution of sensitivity
1st Generation interferometers
 Nominal sensitivity achieved
Virgo: low frequency performance
1.2 years of scientific data taking
No detection
1st Generation interferometers
 Nominal sensitivity achieved
Virgo: low frequency performance
1.2 years of scientific data taking
No detection
Direct discovery of GW
 Advanced Virgo
Improve sensitivity by factor 10
From Virgo cluster to Local supercluster
This yields a factor 1000 increase in event rate!
Astronomy: we
know GW
sources exist!
 Probable sources
Binary black hole coalescence
Binary neutron star mergers, supernovae, pulsars
 BNS Rates: (most likely and 95% interval)
Initial Virgo (30Mpc)
Advanced detectors (350Mpc)
– 1/100yr (1/500 - 1/25 yr)
– 40/yr (8 - 160/yr)
Kalogera et al.; astro-ph/0312101
 BBH more difficult to predict
Advanced Virgo
 Upgrade Virgo to a 2nd generation detector. Sensitivity: 10x better than Virgo
 Be part of the 2nd generation GW detectors network.
Timeline: data taking with Advanced LIGO
 Improvements
High quality optics
Sensing devices under vacuum
Larger beams
Heavier mirrors
Low absorption
Coating thermal noise
0.2 nm rms surfaces
Thermal compensation
Monolithic suspensions
Modification of UHV system
Signal recycling
2015 Challenge
NL contributions
Input Mode Cleaner
Seismic attenuation systems
Linear alignment and phase camera’s
External injection bench
 Priority of commissioning
EIB is the last bench before laser beam enters the vacuum
First stage in the commissioning process
External injection bench
 SAS features
 Single-stage attenuation system
 Six degrees of freedom
 Sensors: 6 accelerometers, 6 LVDTs
 Consistent with 10-12 m/rtHz
 Compact design
 Installed and tested in Virgo
 EIBSAS was first major installation of AdV
EIBSAS: finishing touch(es)
Mathieu Blom
November 18, 2013
EIBSAS in Advanced Virgo
Laser bench
Install optics: Q1 2014
Commission controls: Q2 2014
EIBSAS: new TF with
PZT driven shaker
Input mode cleaner
Triangular cavity
High finesse, 145 m length
First stage in frequency stabilization
 Dihedron
Complex optical component
Manufactured by Dutch industry: Optronica
Also produced the end mirror(s)
Marine: zorg dat je erbij komt…
Den Helder
Input mode cleaner
 IMC end-mirror system
Mirror payload
Installed in Q1 2014
Commissioning now in progress
Including marionette
First optical payload installed in Advanced Virgo
Crucial to stay on timeline
Advanced Virgo
Thomas Bauer
Marko Kraan
Our first installations
Commisioning in progress
 Cryolink features
Four LN2 links: 10-10 mbar region
Designed by Nikhef
Factory acceptance completed
Installation schedule
First link in May 2014
Controls and safety systems
Completed in November 2014
Optical sensing systems
 Angular alignment
DC QPD sensing at WE (B8) and NE (B7)
RF sensing
Up to 131 MHz
 Phase camera’s
RF sensing of cavity fields
Amplitude and phase distribution
For all wave fields (i.e. side bands)
Optical sensing systems
Shot noise limited
Shot noise lightt
Freq [Hz]
Phase camera’s: 3D imaging
 Imaging of cavity fields
 Both carrier and sidebands
Martin van Beuzekom
Kazuhiro Agatsuma
f1 = 6.270 777 MHz
f2 = 56.436 993 MHz
f3 = 8.361 036 MHz
f4 = 131.686 317 MHz
f5 = 22.38
fH= 80.00
 Amplitude and phase
High speed imaging of HOM
Avoid moving parts (CCD based)
 AdV optical design: MSRC
 Main diagnostics for Advanced Virgo
 Input for Thermal Compensation Systems
Femtometer/Hz isolation
Production for AdV
Horizontal geophones
Production for AdV
E. Hennes
A. Rietmeijer
L. Ceelie
M. Jaspers
W. Kuilman
P. de Groen
J. Soede
MultiSAS challenges
Expected performance
Optical levers
MultiSAS schedule
National context
 National APP Strategic Plan
– Nikhef strategic plan
– PTA, eLISA, Astronomy, Theory communities
 Astrophysics at RU
– Joined Virgo in May 2012
– First Astrophysics group in Virgo
 BlackGEM Proposal
– Approved by NOVA Phase-4 Instrum. Prop.
Third GW meeting
Astron, Feb. 7, 2014
Design phase approved, with PHASE-I reservation
Black-hole merger GW-EM radiation array
Multi-messenger astronomy
 GW signal in astrophysical context
 Give precise localization
– Identify host galaxy
 Multi-messenger picture of most
energetic events
Insight into physics of progenitors
Mass, spin, distance
Environment: temperature, density, redshift
Received 64 applications so far ...
International context
 Nikhef – Kagra collaboration in ELiTES
EU funded technology transfer from Nikhef to Kagra
 Einstein Telescope
On ApPEC readmap; Listed as A-Topic for Horizon 2020
Nikhef leads JRA3 on site selection and gravity gradient noise
University of Tokyo, December 5, 2013
November 28, 2013: eLISA approved!
GW antenna in space - eLISA
3 spacecraft in Earth-trailing solar orbit
separated by 106 km.
Measure changes in distance between
fiducial masses in each spacecraft
ESA funded
Launch date 2034
LISA pathfinder
Science goals
What happens at the edge of a Black Hole?
Chandra - Each point of x-ray
light is a Black Hole!
First model-independent precision test of strong field
dynamics of spacetime using signals from coalescing
compact binaries
Robust against unknown instrumental features
(e.g. calibration errors)
Robust against currently unknown GR effects
(e.g. neutron star tidal effects)
Expand to BBH, pure spacetime process, rich dynamics
Prompted formation of new LSC-Virgo technical subgroup, led by Del Pozzo
Is Einstein’s theory still right in
these conditions of extreme
gravity? Or is new physics
awaiting us?
Tests of post-Newtonian theory
 Test of GR without assuming alternative model
Based on post-Newtonian phase expansion of BBH inspiral signal
Single (2, 20) Msun BBH merger (zero spin): PN coefficients all
depend on only the component masses. Thus only two are
Fit to a model where three PN coefficients are treated as
Test non-linear predictions (e.g. tail terms, logarithmic terms)
Van Den Broeck, Li,
Del Pozzo, Vitale
Compact binary coalescence
Mass at source
Mass ratio
Spin magnitudes
Distance to the source
GW signal detected months before merger
Signal visible by eye in data stream
BH merger rate
– eLISA: from a handful up to a few hundred events per year
Test of BH uniqueness theorem
 Kerr metric is the unique end
state of gravitational collapse
 Based on assumptions
Spacetime is vacuum, axisymmetric
(stationary), asymptotically flat
There is a horizon in spacetime
 IMRI can map spacetime
ET can see IMRIs out to z  3
See few % deviation quadrupole
 BH no-hair theorem
Perturbed GW has QNM given by M
and S
Kerr relation for multipole moments
Counting polarization states
 Polarization tests are qualitative tests
 A single measurement is good enough to rule the theory out
 Only two states in GR
Plus and cross polarizations
 Polarization states in a scalar-tensor theory
Six different polarization modes
Science goals
What is the mysterious Dark Energy pulling the Universe apart?
CBC as standard
candles (sirens)
Hubble constant
Walter Del Pozzo
“Inference of cosmological parameters from
gravitational waves: Applications to second
generation interferometers”
Dark energy and matter
interact through gravity
Phys. Rev. D86, 043011 (2012)
Science goals
What powered the Big Bang?
Gravitational Waves Can Escape from
Earliest Moments of the Big Bang
1 second
(Big Bang plus
10-34 Seconds)
Big Bang plus
380,000 Years
Nature 460, 990-994 (20 August 2009)
An upper limit on the stochastic
gravitational-wave background of
cosmological origin
Big Bang plus
14 Billion Years
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration &
The Virgo Collaboration
Coherent Consortium
T. Bauer
A. Bertolini
N. Van Bakel
M. Van Beuzekom
J.W. van Holten
C. Van Den Broeck
H.J. Bulten
J. van den Brand
Linear alignment
Phase camera’s
CBC Analysis
CW Analysis, eLISA
K. Agatsuma (postdoc)
K. van Heijningen (PhD)
R. Jonker (PhD)
M. Agathos (PhD)
J. Meidam (PhD)
G. d’Ambrosi (PhD)
S. Kumar (PhD)
P. Groot
G. Nelemans
S. Ghosh (postdoc)
S. Shah (PhD)
Discovery, ET
CW Analysis
CBC Analysis
CBC Analysis
EM connection (BlackGEM)
Sources, eLISA
Joint GW-EM studies
Joint GW-EM studies
All members bring in
relevant experience
Requested resources – projects
 Periodic sources analysis – GRID
H.J. Bulten (VU), R. Jonker (PhD)
 Coalescing binaries – BNS, BBH
C. Van Den Broeck (Nikhef), M. Agathos, J. Meidam, pd1 (3 yr), PhD1
 Advanced Virgo upgrade
JvdB (VU), A. Bertolini (Nikhef), N. van Bakel (Nikhef), M. van Beuzekom (Nikhef), all PhD and pd
 Stochastic background – theory and analysis
JvdB (VU), J.W. van Holten (Nikhef), G. d’Ambrosi (PhD), pd3 (3 yr), PhD4
 Coalescing binaries – Joint GW-EM data analysis
G. Nelemans (RU), C. Van Den Broeck (Nikhef), pd2 (3 yr), PhD2
 Multi-messenger analysis (BlackGEM, UC binaries)
P. Groot (RU), G. Nelemans (RU), H.J. Bulten (VU), PhD3
 Einstein Telescope and eLISA preparations
JvdB (VU), G. Nelemans (RU), A. Bertolini (Nikhef), N. van Bakel (Nikhef), pd4 (2 yr), PhD5
 Running budget
Annual contribution to Virgo
 Investment budget: 300 k€
Third generation: crystalline suspensions, sensor networks
6 year program
6 PhDs, 2 postdocs
Investment 300 k€
Added value of FOM program
 Ambitious program
Combines resources from universities and research institute
 Strong position at international forefront
Program provides focus, collaboration and coherence
 Timing and urgency: Advanced Virgo and LIGO operational in 2016
 Attractive context for advanced research
Excellent environment for postdocs, students, guests
High quality training
 Broadening of scientific experience
Experimental physics, analysis, GRID computing, astronomy, astrophysics,
cosmology, theory
 Organize national GW community
Annual Dutch GW meetings through Nikhef
 Links to other programs
Multi-messenger astroparticle physics (GW-EM, neutrino’s)
Outreach and social relevance
 Nikhef spin out company
Commercialize “Gravitational Physics” instrumentation
Vibration isolation
Sensor networks
 Outreach publications
Science Park Amsterdam
[email protected]
Shell – Nikhef collaboration agreement
 Cooperation agreement on PHASE-I.1
Contract signed October 16, 2013
 Specifications
 Ultra-sensitive readout electronics
– Seismic sensor networks
– MEMS sensors
– Bandwidth 1 – 100 Hz
Niels van Bakel – main PI
VU University Amsterdam
ST Microelectronics
Nikhef SAC; April 24, 2014
Jo van den Brand, Nikhef and VU University Amsterdam
Backup slides
 Nikhef spin out company
Commercialize “Gravitational Physics” instrumentation developments
Launched in 2013
Distributed wireless networks
Advanced sensors: e.g. accelerometers
Mesh network protocols
Femtometer positioning
Vibration attenuation systems with 106 suppression factor
Science Park Amsterdam
[email protected]
MEMS-sensor development
 Accelerometer prototype
– Sensitivity 1 ng/rtHz
– Bandwidth 1 – 200 Hz
– Electronics
– Read-out
– Force-feedback
 Sensor network
Thousands of sensors around core optics
Measure correlations with seismic field
Subtraction of gravity gradient noise
Actuators in MEMS
Seismic sensor demo as etched
Predicted sensitivity evolution
 Advanced detectors only
Joint runs: 6 months, 9 m, 1 year, 1 y
BNS only (BBH can double rates)
Kagra and Indigo will join later
See arXiv 1304.06
Primeordial gravitational waves
 Primeordial background
Quantum fluctuations produce a
background GW that is amplified by
the background gravitational field
 Stochastic background
– Period of exponential growth
of the Universe
Phase transitions
Cosmic strings
– Forces of Nature splitting off
– Topological defects or
fundamental (super)strings
Predictions quantum gravity theories
– Pre-Big-Bang cosmology
– Brane world scenarios
– “Bounce” cosmologies
– …
Primordial stochastic background
 Wide-band sources
Numerous inflation models
– Approx. Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum
– Reheating to at least T needed for primordial
– Tensor to scalar ratio r sensitive to V1/4
– For scale invariant spectrum CMB implies
that interferometers cannot access SBGW
Processes extend over a large
range of scale factor
Pre-Big Bang Cosmology
Cosmic string evolution
– Flat spectrum
– Topological defects
– Brane inflation models
 Peaked sources
Phase transitions and reheating
– Need temperatures of 106 – 107 GeV for ET
Grojean and Servant, Phys. Rev. D75, p. 043507, 2007
Advanced Detectors and the
Stochastic Background
Catalog of models:
“Old” constraint from
CMB temperature.
Out of reach of advanced
detectors by ~5 orders of
Advanced Detectors and the
Stochastic Background
Catalog of models:
Rough (to be checked)
spectrum corresponding
to r = 0.2.
Out of reach of advanced
detectors by 6-7 orders of
Advanced Detectors and the
Stochastic Background
10 GeV
1013 GeV
Catalog of models:
If inflation ends with a
preheating resonant phase,
inflaton energy is efficiently
transferred to other particles.
Can have significant
increase in GW background.
Peak depends on energy
» Easther & Lim, JCAP 0604,
010 (2006).
» Easther et al, PRL 99, 221301
» Easther, Nucl. Phys. Proc.
Suppl. 194, 33 (2009).
Advanced Detectors and the
Stochastic Background
Axion-based inflation models
include axion-gauge
Gauge backreaction on the
inflaton extends inflation.
This late inflationary phase
increases GW production at
high frequencies.
» Barnaby et al, Phys. Rev. D. 85,
023525 (2012).
» Cook & Sorbo, Phys. Rev. D85,
023534 (2012).
Catalog of models:
Consistency Relation
Need Not Hold
• The consistency relation
nt  r / 8
need not be correct.
• The tensor spectral index should be
measured, and this relation should be
confirmed or disproved.
• Various authors have suggested that
the equation of state between inflation
and radiation era could be stiff.
• If so, GW could increase with
• Potentially detectable by
advanced detectors.
Boyle & Buonanno, PRD 78,
043531 (2008).
Advanced Detectors and the
Stochastic Background
Catalog of models:
Cosmic (super)strings
models: cusps or kinks
moving at relativistic speeds
produce bursts of
gravitational radiation.
Integrating over the whole
universe leads to a GW
Large parameter space,
some of it already probed by
initial LIGO.
» Damour & Vilenkin, PRL 85,
3761 (2000).
» Siemens et al, PRL 98, 111101
» Olmez et al, PRD 81, 104028
Advanced Detectors and the
Stochastic Background
Alternative cosmologies,
such as pre-Big-Bang
models, can lead to strong
GW backgrounds at high
» Gasperini & Veneziano, Phys.
Rep. 373, 1 (2003).
» Buonanno et al, PRD 55, 3330
Catalog of models:
Advanced Detectors and the
Stochastic Background
Catalog of models:
Individual neutron star and/or
black hole pairs generate
chirp GW signals.
Integrating over the whole
universe (z<6) leads to a GW
Peak in the LIGO band.
» Phinney, ApJ 380, L17 (1991).
» Ignatiev et al., MNRAS 327, 531
» Regimbau & de Freitas Pacheco,
ApJ 642, 455 (2006).
» Wu et al, Phys. Rev. D 85,
104024 (2012).
Advanced Detectors and the
Stochastic Background
Neutron stars can have a
variety of instabilities: rmodes, bar-modes etc.
Integrating over the entire
universe leads to a GW
» Owen et al, PRD 58, 084020
» Lai & Shapiro, ApJ 442, 259
» Regimbau & de Freitas
Pacheco,, A&A 376, 381 (2001).
Catalog of models:
Advanced Detectors and the
Stochastic Background
Catalog of models:
Magnetar model: protoneutron
stars in very strong magnetic
fields (1016 G) can be distorted
(high ellipticity).
Integrating over the whole
universe leads to a GW
» Cutler, PRD 66, 084025
» Regimbau & Mandic, CQG
25, 184018 (2008).
» Dall’Osso et al, MNRAS 398,
1869 (2009).
» Marassi et al, MNRAS 411,
2549 (2011).
» Wu et al, Phys. Rev. D 87,
042002 (2013).
• If BICEP-2 result holds up, this is really good news for us!
• We now know that it is possible to study the physics of these very
early times and high energies.
• This was not a “given”!
• Not possible with any lab-based techniques.
• Physics of inflation could be rich.
• Many processes do not leave signatures in the CMB, but
could be detectable by direct GW observations today.
• Combine CMB B-mode measurements with interferometric
SGWB measurements at different frequencies to disentangle
different models, and to really study the physics of inflation.
• BICEP-2 result is the strongest argument to build the nextgeneration GW detector dedicated to searching for SGWB.
• This story is just beginning to unfold, and we have an important role
to play!
LIGO, Virgo and GEO exchange data since 2007
1st generation observational results
Teleac Radio5
De Volkskrant
Technisch weekblad
Civiele Techniek
R&D budget breakdown
Cryogenic mirror suspension R&D budget breakdown
Cost estimate (kE)
Test facility upgrade
Fiber coupled optical sensors
Components R&D
Cryogenic GAS filter
Sapphire Williams toggles
Alternative design for crystalline vertical springs
Sapphire suspension ribbons
Silicon flexures
Alternative materials for flexures
Suspension final prototype
Cryogenic GAS filter stage and heat links
Crystalline suspension structure
Sapphire/silicon test mass
RU involvement
 Eerste studies van EM-GW synergies voor Virgo (Ghosh et al), laten zien dat EM constraints op
afstand of inclinatie kan leiden tot betere parameterschatting
 Complete studie van EM-GW synergies voor eLISA binaries (Shah et al, 4 artikelen) die laten
zien dat zo'n studie alleen gedaan kan worden op een *volledige* en *representatieve* set
gesimuleerde signalen. Dat betekent dat voor de eerste Virgo studies grootschalig
moeten worden uitgebreid
 Duidelijke rol RU groep in definitie EM follow-up strategie van Virgo/LIGO (Gijs in EM
preparation committee, Paul in EM follow-up committee). Bijeenkomst in Amsterdam (1 van de
2 wereldwijd, andere in Chicago) was door ons georganiseerd. Inmiddels >60
aanmeldingen voor MoUs van EM groepen.
 Design studies voor BlackGEM hebben geleid tot een volwassen ontwerp voor de "ultieme GW
follow-up machine" waar door NOVA, RU, NWO, KU Leuven samen 3.2 M Euro voor is
uitgetrokken om te realiseren
 Compact binaries studies van Nelemans (e.g. Nissanke et al. 2012, Littenberg et al. 2013)
hebben geleid tot zijn lidmaatschap van eLISA consortium board (eerste bijeenkomst na
selectie in Amsterdam Jan 2014) en dus uitstekende posities om als NL ook in de
toekomst *zichtbaar* aan GW frontline projecten mee te doen.
 Uitnodiging Living Review Relativity te coordineren over eLISA compact binaries science
 Evt NWO-APP programma noemen? Was er denk ik niet gekomen als dit FOM programma er
niet geweest was (al is dat moeilijk aan te tonen)
GW Program Management
 Management Structure
Clear structure established to realize Mass and Focus
Initial MT composition: GN, CVDB, and JvdB (chair)
 MT tasks
Monitor progress in various scientific activities
Allocation of resources (re-discuss annually)
Provide steering
New scientific developments
Note: 1 PhD not allocated
Monitor finances
 Work towards a national GW community
Nikhef has a role here (annual and quarterly meetings)
 Links to other programs
Multi-messenger astroparticle physics (e.g. with KM3Net)
Complementarities of GW detectors
Difference of 104 in wavelength:
Like difference between X-rays and IR!
Neutron Stars
LISA will see all the compact white-dwarf and
neutron-star binaries in the Galaxy (Nelemans)
Nikhef: redesign and replace dihedron
Eric Hennes
Zorg dat je erbij komt…
Den Helder
ET WP1 – Infrastructure
 Infrastructure: big cost items
Tunnels, caverns, buildings
Vacuum, cryogenics, safety systems
Collaborate with industry
– COB (Amsterdam, October 9, 2008)
– Saes Getters Italy
– Demaco Netherlands
 Input from WG2 & 3
Topology (Albrecht Ruediger)
Length of superattenuators
 Experience
Virgo, GEO, Gran Sasso,
Kamioka, LIGO, etc.
Advanced Virgo: vacuum – cryo links
Fixed 300 K
Vacuum + super isolation
Isolation vacuum
Tie rod
3.2 mm/m
3.2 mm/m
Beam vacuum
 An efficient, responsive and light structure to support Virgo and
promote European collaboration under supervision by national
 EGO existence relies on Virgo/AdV success
 The future of GW in Europe depends upon a stronger
collaboration between EU countries. EGO may prefigure the
required infrastructure.
Interferometers – sensitivity
The horizon (best orientation) for a binary system of two
neutron stars is 22 Mpc and of two 10 solar mass black
holes is 110 Mpc
Activity 2: Signals from inflation and phase transitions
 Theoretical (astro)particle physics community
GW, inflation, string theory, cosmic defects
Jan Willem van Holten et al. (Nikhef, Leiden)
G. Koekoek
Provide templates, spectra, etc.
Participate in Virgo – LIGO analysis
Galluccio et al; Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (970)