IEE/12/046/SI2.645700 Gras as a green resource : inventory of grass residues in Flanders Alain De Vocht University college PXL 2013 - 2016 Hogeschool PXL – Elfde-Liniestraat 24 – B-3500 Hasselt - 04/07/2014 DISCLAIMER The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Outline • Targets • Vegetation types, area and yield mowed grass residue • Chemical composition grass residue • Biogas yield • Conclusions Targets • • • • List of stakeholders Area mowed grass residues Quantity per type Composition (hemicellulosis, cellulosis, lignin, fat, protein) • Mapping grass residues availability • Biogas yield and impact of conditions VEGETATION TYPES, AREA AND YIELD Grassland (nature conservation) roadsides • 11 types of common grassland: hk, hr, hx, hf, hp, hp*, hc, hu, hj, ha and mr • 8 types of common roadside: 6, 14, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27 en 34 • On sand-, loam- and clay soils type 14: meadow buttercup – red clover scherpe boterbloem rode klaver Nachtegalenstraat Zonhoven, 10/05/2011 type 20: spotted medick – Colsfoot klein hoefblad gevlekte rupsklaver E313 Bilzen, 11/05/2011 type 34: Common cat’s-ear – Sheep’s sorrel gewoon biggenkruid schapenzuring Plant inventarisation and sampling • 18 grasslands (ANB, Natuurpunt), 16 roadside (gemeentelijk, AWV) : PQ, full (Tansley) • Before mowing, mostly mowed 2/y (start and end summer) • Plantsociological typology (Schaminée) andSynBioSys (Alterra, Wageningen) Bent grassland (ha) Oudsberg 302, Meeuwen-Gruitrode, 12/08/2010 Chalk grassland (hk) Veursvallei Voeren, 09/05/2011 Wet grassland with meadowsweet Area and quantity • Based on real figures and assessments (based on surface) • Flanders: 66.369,42 ton DM/y (30.728,97 ha) • Belgium 128.000 ton DM/y Flanders Municipal roadsides bermmaaisel 0 - 137.55 137.55 - 457.82 457.82 - 960.16 960.16 - 2070.35 2070.35 - 5751.92 10 0 10 20 30 40 Kilometers Municipal roadsides 2009 2010 Motorways CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Composition grass residues Dry matter Lignin Difference first and second mowing Composition and soil type Ensilage • Micro-ensilage • 4,4 ≤ pH ≤ 6 • Gem. pH 4,97 Silage and pH BIOGAS YIELD Biogas • BGP: 274,2 lN/kg oDM • CH4: 59 % vCH4/fresh weight Methane volume • i.f.o. Date mowing (month), time after last mowing (months) en number of mowing a year National estimations based on 5 European regions • • • • Belgium: 128.000 ton dm Denmark: 1.024. 714 ton dm Italy: 1.104.655 ton dm Germany: 2.975.081 ton dm Identifying of productive regions Data quality assessment Manager ANB Limburg ANB Antwerpen ANB Vlaams-Brabant ANB Oost-Vlaanderen ANB West-Vlaanderen Natuurpunt Other private nature org. Airports Harbours Golf courses Erosion prev. Limburg Erosion prev.Vlaams-Brabant Erosion prev.Oost-Vlaanderen Erosion prev. West-Vlaanderen Total Grasslands Area (ha) 340,63 315,69 520,22 61,49 408,36 2.529,06 191,68 759,68 497,24 763,25 281,02 438,24 73,79 48,62 7.228,97 Residue (ton dm/year) 1.286,68 1.157,67 1.599,22 239,67 1.591,56 7.974,55 662,17 3.188,73 751,0 3.053,00 1.686,13 2.629,44 442,75 291,72 26.554,29 Conclusions • ± 250.000 ton mowed yearly (fresh) • Despite diff. vegetation types small diff. in chem. composition • Realistic quantities • In the season higher cellulosis, lignin and protein. • hemicellulosis and fat decrease Conclusions • Difference do not result in sign. differences in methane volume. • BGP: 274,2 lN/kg oDM • BMP: 59 % of gem. 161,5 lN/kg oDM • 59,5 Nm3/ton VG Conclusions • Variability is low – No effect of soil type, type of grassland, plant species – Higher lignin content -> less biogas Met dank aan Ramon Pasmans, Anja Delief, Jan Cielen, Katrien Achten, Sarah Descamps, Raf Dewil en vele informatieverstrekkers en instanties FINANCIERING LNE, PXL, EFRO, IEE
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