A systemic approach

5th International Conference on Future-Oriented
Technology Analysis (FTA)
Engage today to shape tomorrow
Brussels, 27-28 November 2014
Future oriented-technology and –society
analysis in Flanders
A systemic approach
Zooming into the transition model
• Future oriented- technology and –society analysis: a
smart combination of foresight instruments,
quantitative and qualitative data.
• Establishing Strategy Houses for each of the seven
transition areas based on:
• More than 230 stakeholders from industry, research
institutes, government and civil society.
 Expert panels + Steering committee
 Delphi questionnaire
• Aim: determining STI priorities to retain Flanders’
competitiveness from a shared-value perspective
(Kramer & Porter, 2011).
Preparatory phase
• Inventories of (1) societal trends and (2) STI trends.
Scan the QR-code to download the VRWI
report Flanders in Transition (in Dutch only):
• Benchmark with regard to STI, economy and society.
A systemic transition model for Flanders 2025
• A broadly supported decision framework for the
strategic innovation agenda of the new Flemish
government (2014-2019).
• To create ownership and momentum among
stakeholders, ambassadors from industry were
appointed for each of the transition areas.
Elie Ratinckx, Flemish Council for Science and Innovation (VRWI)
Email: [email protected]
Co-authors: Danielle Raspoet, Els Compernolle, Boris Debeuf,
An Schrijvers, Kristien Vercoutere, Arnold Verbeek, Els Van de Velde,
Frank Bongers, Hugo Gillebaard, Leonique Korlaar, Luc Van der Biest,
Luk Bral, Joep Konings & Koenraad Debackere
BVBA Van der Biest