A Letter from the JFA Board of Directors

June 26, 2014
Dear Supporters of Justice For All,
Here at JFA, we are in a season of challenge and opportunity.
One challenge is this: Last month, David Lee resigned from his position as JFA’s Executive Director to attend to the
needs of his family. He explains:
“Twenty years after founding Justice For All, I needed to sort out and fast-track some of my family's
needs. At the time, I still had six of my fourteen children – all teens – living at home! I seriously
considered resignation, but at the recommendation of the Board of Directors, I instead took a
sabbatical during the first part of 2013. During my sabbatical, JFA's leadership staff (Steve Wagner,
Paul Kulas, Tammy Cook, and John Michener) and Board of Directors hardly missed a beat!
“A year later, still feeling the weight of personal and family needs, I believed it best to resign and entrust
JFA's future ministry to JFA's more than capable leadership team, Board of Directors, and incredible
“Your continued prayerful support means so much to me as JFA continues to train ambassadors to
change hearts and save lives.”
After prayerfully weighing various courses of action, the Board of Directors unanimously appointed Steve Wagner the
new Executive Director of JFA. Steve has worked as JFA’s Director of Training since 2009 and also served as JFA’s
principal training instructor during almost every JFA training event from 2003-2008. During those years, he served
alongside David as co-creator of JFA’s Training Program, helping David bring to maturity his vision of JFA as an
organization which treats mentors, Seat Work events, and Feet Work events as essential components of training prolife Christians to change hearts and minds. To learn more about Steve, see his blog: www.jfaweb.org/Steve-Wagner.
We are deeply grateful to David, his wife Diane, and their family for 21 years of tireless service to JFA. The scripture
that animated much of David’s ministry through the years was Mark 10:45: “For even the Son of Man did not come to
be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.” During his tenure at JFA, David spent many
thousands of hours serving: he listened, gave counsel, and met practical needs while leading both the growing team at
JFA and his growing family. In all of this, David regularly encouraged the members of the JFA staff to care for their
families, so please join us in praying for David’s efforts to continue to care for his family during this time of transition.
JFA is likewise in transition under a new leader, but we are not slowing down. After every outreach event, our
volunteers report that they changed the minds of pro-choice advocates about abortion and that JFA changed their
lives, making them ready to engage their communities with confidence. The opportunity is great, and our team is
uniquely positioned to help thousands who are eager for training. By increasing our partnerships with schools and
church groups, JFA will train more people in the coming year than in the last. Please join us in praying for our new
Executive Director Steve Wagner, and please continue to support Justice For All.
Justice For All Board of Directors
William Johnson
Steve Fisher
Reva Redmond
Scott Klusendorf
[email protected]