Talking Points - Royal Canin

社外秘 Confidential
May 2014
English follows Japanese.
本資料は 2014 年 5 月、マース インコーポレイテッド、ポール・S・マイケルズ社長が全アソシエイトに向けて発信した「2014
年度第 1 四半期/YTD のグローバル ビジネス アップデート」の日本語版です。
来事の筆頭に上がるのが、退任する私に代わってグラント・リード(Grant Reid)がオフィス オ
ブ プレジデント(Office of the President)に就くことです。マース リーダーシップ チーム(MLT)
で共に働いた最後の 7 年間を含む 20 年近くグラントと働けたことは私にとって大きな喜びで
せられると確信しています。7 月 2 日に共同オフィス オブ プレジデント(co-Office of the
れ、アソシエイトと交流し、皆さんの声に傾聴して学びたいと思っていることでしょう。MLT として、これからの数カ月間、2014
年のプラン達成に注力し、2015 年とそれ以降のプラン策定で協働していきます。
マース ペットケアの業容拡大に関しては、プロクター・アンド・ギャンブル社の北米、中南米、その他の国におけるペットケア
事業の大部分を買収するという大ニュースがありました。これには IAMS®(アイムス)、EUKANUBA®(ユーカヌバ)、
NATURA®(ナチュラ)といったブランドが含まれ、マース インコーポレイテッドにとって大きな成功と言えます。ペットケアは、
Sustainable in a Generation(次世代に向けた持続可能な環境整備プログラム)に基づく事業運営を目指して
そして、つい先週、私たちの再生エネルギーに対する最大かつ長期的取り組みについて発表を行いました。2040 年までに
マースの事業運営から温室効果ガスを削減するための大きな一歩として、住友商事と組んで、118 基のタービンを持つ
25,000 エーカー(約 101 平方キロ)の風力発電所をテキサス州ラミーサに建設します。この風力発電所は、マースの米国内
の 70 拠点(37 の工場を含む)を賄える電力供給能力を持ち、また、マースの世界中の工場とオフィスにおける二酸化炭素
排出量の 24%に相当します。
財務面では、今年度は見込みより遅めの出だしとなり、YTD の総売上が 3.0%と計画を下回りました。第1四半期の売上利
益率は 20.1%、ROTA(総資産経常利益率)は 14.28% と計画通りあるいは上回っています。キャッシュフローも近年で初め
ペットケアの YTD の売上増加は 4.7%で、主にアジア、CIS(旧ソ連)、META(中東及びトルコ、アフリカ)の二桁成長が牽引
四半期は 2.1%の成長と堅調で、ほぼすべてのリージョンが貢献した他、特に米国、META、欧州で高い業績を上げました。
食品事業は、北米の Ready to Heat(調理済み)食品、Express Rice(インスタントライス)の業績に支えられ、2.6%の成長
です。ドリンク製品事業は、KLIX の成長を Single Serve ドリンク(一杯毎に提供する飲料)の低迷が相殺し、この四半期は
社外秘 Confidential
May 2014
今年 11 年目となるアソシエイト エンゲージメント調査を、例年より早くスタートします。新たな調査期間は 5 月 27 日から 6
月 13 日となり、年の早い時期にチームにデータを提供し、会社としては年末までに計画を立てる時間的猶予ができます。長
マース インコーポレイテッド
社外秘 Confidential
May 2014
Following is Paul Michael’s messaging in regards to our Q1/YTD 2014 Global Business Update which was
shared with all Mars associates in May 2014. This message is also available in dot.Mars.
Dear Mars Associates:
A number of exciting events have made the first few months of the year anything but ‘business as usual’. At the top of that list
was the announcement that Grant Reid will take over the Office of the President upon my retirement. I’ve had the pleasure of
working with Grant for nearly two decades, including the last seven on the Mars Leadership Team. He has played a critical role
in shaping the long-term vision and business strategy for Mars and I’m confident that, with your help, he’ll have great success
in taking the business forward. I look forward to July 2, when Grant will join me to serve as “co-Office of the President.” This
will provide Grant and me with ample time to partner on our transition. During this time, I know that Grant is eager to spend
time visiting our sites, engaging with Associates and listening and learning. As an MLT, the coming months will focus on
delivering our 2014 plan, and partnering to set plans for 2015 and beyond.
Driving Growth
We also had big news around the expansion of our Mars Petcare business and our intent to buy a significant portion of Procter
and Gamble’s petcare business in North America, Latin America and other countries. The brands include IAMS®, EUKANUBA®
and NATURA®. This is a big win for Mars, Incorporated. Petcare is our largest segment and a fast-growing category. These
brands will complement our portfolio, help us meet the diverse needs of pet owners and retail channels, and give us critical
mass in the U.S. The deal is currently going through a rigorous regulatory review. When we complete that successfully, we will
be able to acquire the business with cash. So, there will be no increase in our debt.
Making our Operations Sustainable in a Generation
Just this past week, we also announced our biggest, long-term commitment to renewable energy. As a major step to help
eliminate greenhouse gases from our operations by 2040, we will partner with Sumitomo Corporation to build a 118-turbine
wind farm on 25,000 acres in Lamesa, Texas. The wind farm will generate enough electricity to serve the needs of all 70 US
sites, including 37 factories. It also represents 24 percent of Mars’ total global factory and office carbon footprint.
Q1 Financial Performance
On the financial front, the year is off to a slower start than anticipated with year-to-date net sales slightly behind plan at 3.0%.
First quarter earnings and ROTA came in at or above plan at 20.1% and 14.28% respectively. Cash generation is also behind
plan for the first time in recent history, but is expected to recover in the next several periods. While the business is in healthy
financial shape, we continue to keep an eye on cost pressures, especially those we’re facing in the Chocolate segment. Focus
on efficiency is the key to getting us back on track for the balance of the year.
Petcare had topline growth of 4.7% YTD principally driven by double-digit growth in Asia, CIS and META. Chocolate had a slow
start to the year with 1.5% growth due, in part, to a later Easter season. Wrigley saw positive growth of 2.1% in the first
quarter with contribution from nearly every region, and particularly strong performances in the U.S., META and Europe. The
Food segment’s 2.6% growth is attributable to the Ready to Heat/Express Rice performance in North America. The Drinks
business was flat, with KLIX growth offsetting a decline in Single Serve during the quarter. Symbioscience ended first quarter
with earnings favorable to plan.
Engagement as a Year-round Activity
This year, our 11th annual Associate Engagement Survey will kick off earlier than in years past. The new survey period—May
27 to June 13—will provide teams with data earlier in the year, giving us more time to take action before year end. Over the
years of leveraging the Engagement Survey, we’ve seen teams that embed impact planning and follow-through as a standard
practice are the teams with the highest engagement. So, this is a practice we’d like to see universally adopted across the
business and throughout the year.
If the first several months of the year are any indication, it’s going to be a busy year. I’m confident that our business strategy,
our leadership transition plan and all of you, will help us achieve yet another strong year. Thank you for all you do!
Best regards,
社外秘 Confidential
May 2014
Paul S. Michaels
President, Mars, Incorporated