1 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 3 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Table of contents please view this pdf in Adobe Acrobat to watch the movie Preface 1 About NSA International 6 The team 7 The management 7 The programme countries 7 Egypt 8 8 Indonesia 10 Burkina Faso and Mali 12 Kenya, Uganda and South Sudan 14 Surinam 16 3 Programmes in the Netherlands programme. 6 Our work 2 Programmes in the South Annual Report 2012 in Video Animation 4 18 Peace Beyond Borders Tour 18 Compassion Prize Amsterdam 18 Inspiration Session Utrecht 19 4 Exchange 20 SM&O Pamoja 20 20 5 Partners 22 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 5 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Preface SPORTS & DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION, FULL STEAM AHEAD! From different viewpoints, the year 2012 was a special year for NSA International. Once again, our unique and successful sports programmes and initiatives contributed to a better position of young people in the world. We have even taken it one step further! sports leaders Through the foundation of NSA International, we have taken care that Sports & Development Cooperation can enter into an independent and lasting future, built on the intellectual capital - knowledge, workers, programmes and networks- of the Netherlands Sports Alliance and the NKS (Netherlands Catholic Sports Federation). experience, a thorough basis for a successful future! As an international organization for sports & development cooperation, NSA International fosters ambitious targets. With increased power, we build on the We take pride in the tangible results we achieved in our international programmes Report 2012. Board and Management Team NSA International future. mobilization of local sports organizations to enable peaceful presidential elections national networks for sports & development cooperation. A unique cooperation of attention to grassroots sports and the training of sports leaders. Our programme with the power of sports in development cooperation. “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. Sport can awaken hope where there was previously only despair.” Nelson Mandela 6 1 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 7 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 About NSA International 1 // About NSA International NSA International is an ambitious non-profit organization, dedicated to the strengthening of the capacity of sports and developing programmes in Africa, Asia and South America. In the Netherlands, we aim at strengthening the basis for the themes of sports and development cooperation. NSA International believes in the connecting force of sports and stimulates the development of networks for development. Each day, our partner organizations dedicate themselves to successful sports & development activities, in such a way that fraternization and equal opportunities for every one are brought about. For more than ten years, NSA International, in cooperation with its local partners, has supported developing programmes in for instance Burkina Faso, Egypt, Indonesia, Kenya, Mali, Uganda, South Sudan, Surinam and South Africa. To us, sports is the means to activate people. This is what makes us tick! Our job NSA International makes use of the power of sports, Human Resources Development: improving and worldwide development! In our job, we depart from of the personal means of the organization. the power and possibilities of the local population Strengthening of the Organization: the lasting to local ownership and invest in the strengthening on improvement and strengthening of the internal organizations is crucial for a positive development is better able to perform its responsibilities. in the long run. Strategic planning, strengthening of the management, monitoring and evaluation and Institutional Development: and the cultures in which the organizations work. Our team Our management In 2012, NSA International ran its business with an In 2012, three members of the board, who share a enthusiastic team of co-workers, volunteers and passion for sports and development cooperation, trainees. People who are passionate about sports, but managed NSA International. who are most of all passionate about a better world. Leonie Hallers General Director Rolf Oosterbaan Chairman Cees Noels Financial Director Henrik Looij Secretary Martijn Harlaar Director of Programmes Giel Deelen Ward Karssemeijer Niko Moreno Ruiz Jacobien Nagel Matthijs Zantinge Trainee Marjolein Wildeboer Volunteer Volunteer Gerard Gutjens Volunteer The Programme Countries Apart from the Netherlands, NSA International operated in eight Treasurer 2 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2 // Programmes in the South EGYPT In 2012, NSA International carried out an identification study of the state of affairs concerning sports for peace & development in Egypt and the development needs of local organizations in this matter. The identification is used as the basis of the development of a programme strategy with the underlying activities. There were talks with ten organizations and about three independent consultants and there was an additional visit to the Netherlands Embassy for orientation on cooperation. The organizations consulted are located in Cairo, but apart from Cairo, their activities are also aimed at other big cities and Upper Egypt. united campaign directed at the authorities, sports 5. methods and the curriculum. 2. 3. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Programmes in the South 4. 1. 9 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2 // Programmes in the South INDONESIA In the autumn of 2012, NSA International supported a sports tournament for more than 200 disabled children in the Moluccas. Disabled children in Moluccan society seldom have an opportunity to participate in sports, not in the least together with able people. Disabled people are often pushed to the margins of society. Through sports, NSA International aims at involving as many young people as possible in Indonesian society and providing them with the means to play a useful and meaningful role in that society. This involves boys and girls with and without a disability. 1. a. b. c. d. with ten organizations and three independent people. e. the study had a national approach. There were talks 2. consultations with Moluccan organizations. 3. united campaign directed at the authorities, sports 11 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2 // Programmes in the South 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2 // Programmes in the South BURKINA FASO AND MALI More than one hundred youth sports leaders were trained in five different regions in Burkina Faso in cooperation with the national sports institute and three sports associations. They will organize sports activities for more than 1,000 deprived young people in the districts and clubs. More than one hundred youth sports leaders were cooperation with the national sports institute and three sports associations. They will organize sports within the national sports institute and the three sports leaders a lasting impulse. Bamako and the role sports can play in getting these and AMPJF, which are all Malian organizations that unemployed young people and the enormous cance to what they are doing and to who they are. 13 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2 // Programmes in the South 14 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2 // Programmes in the South KENYA, UGANDA AND SOUTH SUDAN In 2012, NSA International elaborated on the results of the programme Sports Coalitions in Kenya. In the course of this programme, about twenty Kenyan sports & development organizations (CBOs and NGOs) from different regions, joined forces in the ‘Kenyan Netherlands Sports for Development Partnership’ (KNSDP). Led by the coordinating organization ‘Seeds of Peace Africa’ (SOPA), this partnership focussed on a joint development in six subsectors during the past two years. Based on this successful partnership, the Kenyan organizations involved decided to continue their cooperation for the next few years as ‘Kenyan Sports for Development Partnership’ (KSDP). 15 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2 // Programmes in the South 16 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2 // Programmes in the South SURINAM In 2012, NSA International aimed at strengthening the community sports & culture organizations in Surinam by means of strengthening youth leadership. For this, a start was made by training 40 youth leaders. Through these youth leaders, the organizations can develop into role models of ‘sports development’ in Surinam. Proceeding from this role, they can in the long term - support and strengthen local initiatives. Saramacca. 17 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2 // Programmes in the South 3 18 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 19 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Programmes in the Netherlands 3 // Programmes in the Netherlands Peace Beyond Borders tour programme in Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda. The symposium was held in cooperation with local Inspiration Session Utrecht it’s all game in the central at this meeting, where the two keynote nd act reflectflaict n A day to & co on sport 5, 2012 Amsterdam 1 February kshops ive wor Interact Ê-«ÀÌà UÊ*i>ViÊE iÌ of >>}i making UÊ yVÌÊ `iÀýÊÊThe iÞ`ÊÀ Uʼ*i>ViÊ Êwi` iÃÊvÀÊÌ i UÊ >i} The Peace Beyond Borders Tour reached and inspired therlands d the Ne anda an nya, Ug from Ke ya) rs Ken ke herlands) e, Net ea the Sp programm of Peace, & Sports other how to deal with challenges in practice. Apart ter ce ÜÊ(Minis inator Pea ) >Ê/iÀÕ ÌiÊ(coörd or, Uganda >V>>Ê rts facilitat 7 ÞVvviÊ eace & Spo herlands) Ê}iÊ(P herlands) the Net ,> the Net s) producer, Christi, film ÌÊ( IKV Pax Netherland >Êà e leader, tional, the mm rna gra Inte >>À (pro er, NSA ->À>ÊiÌi me lead ram rog À>>ÀÊ(p >ÀÌÊ> game all in the VÊÊit’s ðÊ>`ÊV `LÀ`iÀ °«i>ViLiÞ LÃÌiÊÜÜÜ ÊÜi ÕÀ ÊÌÊ n) rticipatio ! (Free pa Sign up www.peacebeyondborders.nl partners, with organizations in the eight countries Kickoff programme Sports for Development and with interested partner organizations in the Compassion Prize Amsterdam knows how to unite people and how to soothe had the opportunity to share his knowledge with More than 70 interested people were present at the . 4 20 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 21 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Exchange Programmes 4 // Exchange Programmes NSA International believes in the power of exchange, NorthSouth, South-North and South-South. Each year, Dutch young people, through NSA International, find voluntary work and internships at our partner organizations in the South and experts from the South share their experiences with organizations in the Netherlands. SM&O (Sports, Management and Business) Pamoja organization A-STEP in Kenya. Together with Kenyan Omgekeerde ontwikkelingshulp: een Afrikaanse consultant in Utrecht Na vrede in Kenia rust in Ondiep Ook Nederland krijgt ontwikkelingshulp. Zo leren jongerenwerkers in Utrecht van Ambrose Ongwen, die geweld in Oost-Afrika terugdrong. Door Hille Takken Utrecht. „Ze noemen mij Mister Nobody”, zegt Ambrose Ongwen tegen een groep voetballende jongeren in de Utrechtse wijk Ondiep. „Ik kreeg die naam van jonge Keniaanse krijgers toen ik hun vertelde: ‘Niemand zal het roven van vee stoppen. Niemand zal jullie vrede brengen. Jullie zullen het zelf moeten doen.’” Ongwen, een grote Keniaan van een jaar of zestig, wist het dodelijke geweld in het onrustige grensgebied van zijn land met Oeganda en ZuidSoedan in te dammen. Hij overtuigde de veehouders die er met geweld elkaars koeien roofden, hun wapens neer te leggen. Hij liet de strijders voetballen in plaats van vechten, zodat ze evengoed als held thuiskwamen. Door dat succes geniet hij nu zelf een soort heldenstatus. Deze week is de consultant in conflictmanagement, zoals hij zichzelf omschrijft, in Utrecht om te praten met jongerenwerkers. Zijn bezoek kan beschouwd worden als een soort omgekeerde ontwikkelingshulp. Ongwen, die toen hij jong was missionaris wilde worden, spreekt vol zelfvertrouwen over de rol die hij in Nederland denkt te kunnen spelen. „Ontwikkelingshulp is niet alleen een stroom geld. Het gaat ook om kennis en ervaring, en ja, wat dat betreft kan ik zeker iets bijdragen. Mijn suggestie zou bijvoorbeeld zijn om positiever te kijken naar lastige jongeren. Stigmatiseer je ze als criminelen, dan gaat dat tegenwerken. Kijk liever naar wat ze wel kunnen.” Carin Boersma, woordvoerder van de organisatie die het bezoek van Ongwen mogelijk heeft gemaakt, terugtrekkende overheid”, zegt zij. De Utrechtse jongerenwerkers die naar Ongwen zijn komen luisteren, vuren gretig vragen af. Hebben Keniaanse krijgers te maken met verschillende religies? („Nee, en ze spreken ook dezelfde taal.”) Was het hun keuze om geen overheid bij het oplossen van de problemen te betrekken? („Nee, er was geen functionerende overheid.”) En verder: drinken Keniaanse krijgers ook alcohol? („Nee, er is geen bar te vinden in hun regio. Ze kunnen het wel zelf brouwen, maar dat is te lastig omdat ze rondtrekken.”) Maar ze kauwen wel qat, toch? ‘Ook jongeren in achterstandswijken worden crimineel omdat het ze een heldenstatus geeft’ formuleert het zo: „Maatschappelijke vraagstukken in Nederland doen soms denken aan die in ontwikkelingslanden. Ook jongeren in achterstandswijken hier worden verleid tot criminele activiteiten omdat ze daarmee een heldenstatus verwerven.” Boersma denkt bovendien dat Nederland kan leren van landen waar, door een afwezige of falende overheid, veel meer creatieve oplossingen uit de maatschappij zelf moeten komen. „Dat is des te interessanter nu Nederland te maken heeft met een („Nee, ze denken alleen aan de koeien die ze willen behouden en de koeien die ze erbij willen. Zonder koeien kunnen ze niet overleven. Ze willen dus scherp blijven en daar kunnen ze geen drugs bij gebruiken.”) Door het Utrechtse Ondiep lopen geen koeien en in het Keniaanse grensgebied spelen drugs en alcohol geen rol. Toch zijn er ook overeenkomsten tussen de beide werkvelden, benadrukt Ongwen. „Wij werken met jongeren die een plekje in de samenleving willen, die erkenning zoeken voor wat ze kunnen en bevestiging van wie ze zijn.” Na hun gesprek wandelen Ongwen en de jongerenwerkers door de buurt. Eerst langs een nieuwe hangplek met een dak en stalen stoeltjes – volgens de toelichting van een jongerenwerker ‘hufterproof’. Vervolgens loopt het gezelschap langs een speeltuin waar het zo goed gaat dat de gemeente onlangs het cameratoezicht heeft opgeschort, langs een ‘zwarte school’, en het Cruyff Court. Daar voetballen ze een potje met een paar enthousiaste jongens en vertelt Ambrose Ongwen ook hun over zijn achtergrond en ideeën. De Marokkaans-Nederlandse jongerenwerker Soufian Lamdaghri (30) ziet weinig in het idee van omgekeerde ontwikkelingshulp. „De verschillen tussen Nederland en Kenia zijn wel erg groot, en volgens mij zijn wij veel verder met talentontwikkeling.” Zijn Turks-Nederlandse collega Emin Yilmaz (42) is wel onder de indruk van het werken met schaarse middelen. „Zij werken veel breder, ook aan alternatieve inkomstenbronnen voor jongeren. Vergeleken daarmee zijn wij verwend. Wij kijken voor ieder probleem naar de overheid en doen niets aan maatschappijopbouw. Zolang we lastige jongeren van de straat houden, doen we het hier al goed genoeg.” E-Motive De Keniaan Ambrose Ongwen helpt Nederlandse opbouwwerkers. In Kenia liet hij strijders voetballen in plaats van vechten. Foto Evelyne Jacq 22 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 23 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Partners 6 // Partners In 2012, NSA International cooperated with the following organizations: The Netherlands Indonesia Kenia/Oeganda South Sudan SOPA Flaks CREATA Smart Ladies Plan Indonesia Stichting JoU A-STEP Rumah Cemara LSM Cergas Impulsis RESPO International Women Win Stichting Oikos Mali/Burkina Faso AMPJF IEP Right To Play Mali Egypt Surinam Stichting Projekta Aspire Egypt Care Egypt Sports Unlimited Suriname Masterpeace Sportpromotie ICA 24 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Colophon Publication www.nsa-international.nl Editing & Texts Graphic Design Photography 25 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 26 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Marathonloop 1 www.nsa-international.nl
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