4/7/2014 NUMERIEKE INSTABILITEIT - NUMERIEK LUMBALISATIE SACRALISATIE - TRAUMATISCH - SCOLIOSE “NORMAAL” 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 paaltjes = 4 gaatjes Rosenberg collectie: Museum Bleulandinum, Utrecht 1 4/7/2014 This study is consistent with previous research, indicating that the prevalence of LTV (lumbar transitional vertebra) is not significantly higher amongst patients with LBP (low back pain). TRAUMATISCHE INSTABILITEIT Research Article The clinical assessment of transitional vertebrae and back pain K. Murtaugh, W. F. Kean Inflammopharmacology 16 (2008) 278–283 2 4/7/2014 SCOLIOSE SAGITTALE INSTABILITEIT 3 4/7/2014 Thoracale scoliose: Lumbale scoliose: Procc. Spin. roteren in de concaviteit. “Midden” corpus vertebrae Procc. Spin. roteren in de concaviteit. Proc. spinosus Naar R. Dickson (2004) Current Orthopaedics (2004) 18, 411–425 MINI-SY MPOSIUM: THE SPINE (i) Spinal def ormity —basic principles Robert A. Dickson 4 4/7/2014 Geometric Torsion in Idiopathic Scoliosis T hree-Dimensional Analysis and Proposal for a New Classification Philippe Poncet, MSc,*‡ Jean Dansereau, PhD,†‡ and Hubert Labelle, MD,‡ SPINE Volume 26, Number 20, pp 2235– 2243 2001 CONCLUSIE: BIJ EEN SCOLIOSE - LUMBAAL OF THORACAAL DRAAIEN DE PROCC. SPINOSI IN DE CONCAVITEIT! Poncet P. et al Spine, 2001 PA AP Lordose: Lateraal flexie + Heteronyme Rotatie WAAROM DRAAIEN DE WERVELS VAN EEN THORACALE SCOLIOSE, NET ALS DIE VAN EEN LUMBALE SCOLIOSE, IN DE CONCAVITEIT? CONCAVITEIT? Aanzicht Hoek van Cobb 5 4/7/2014 128o 87o 128o 87o 14o (Schijnbare) kyfose Werkelijke lordose 61o 61o 14o The etiology and pathogenesis of idiopathic scoliosis. Dickson RA (1992). University Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, St James's University Hospital, Leeds, United Kingdom. Idiopathic scoliosis is a complex threedimensional deformity and in the thoracic region the essential lesion lies in the sagittal plane in the form of an area of inappropriate lordosis. 14o THE PATHOGENESIS OF IDIOPATHIC SCOLIOSIS BIPLANAR SPINAL ASYMME TRY R. A. DICKSON, J. 0. LAWTON, I. A. ARCHER, W. P. BUTT (1984) Idiopathic kyphoscoliosis cannot and does not exist, from the mildest cases in the community to the most severe cases in pathology museums. 6 4/7/2014 SCOLIOSE PREPARAAT X-FOTO PREPARAAT Naar: Dickson LATERAAL AANZICHT PREPARAAT: KYFOSE LATERAAL AANZICHT X-FOTO: KYFOSE Naar: Dickson L O K R Y D F O O S S E E LATERAAL AANZICHT SCOLIOSE: LORDOSE LATERAAL AANZICHT SCOLIOSE: LORDOSE Naar: Dickson APPREPARAAT LATERAALPREPARAAT LATERAALSCOLIOSE Naar: Dickson Sagittal Plane Correction in Idiopathic Scoliosis de Jonge, Tamás MD,*†; Dubousset, Jean F. MD, DSc,† and; Illés, Tamás MD, PhD* Spine Issue: Volume 27(7), 1 April 2002, pp 754-760 2002 -22 +14 Scoliosis: a rev iew Colin Nnadi Jeremy Fairbank PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 20:5 215 2009 7 4/7/2014 Carolin Schmidt • Ulf Liljenqvist • Thomas Lerner • Tobias L. Schulte • Viola Bullmann Sagittal balance of thoracic lordoscoliosis: anterior dual rod instrumentation versus Eur Spine J (2011) 20:1118–1126 posterior pedicle screw fixation Alleen achterste benadering: Pediculus schroeven: Resterende hypokyfose van 50 Pre-op. Carolin Schmidt • Ulf Liljenqvist • Thomas Lerner • Tobias L. Schulte • Viola Bullmann Sagittal balance of thoracic lordoscoliosis: anterior dual rod instrumentation versus Eur Spine J (2011) 20:1118–1126 posterior pedicle screw fixation Posterior pedicle screw instrumentation and anterior dual rod instrumentation allow restoration of thoracic ky phosis, with comparable coronal plane correction. In patients who hav e hy poky photic thoracic curv es preoperativ ely, howev er, better restoration of thoracic ky phosis can be achiev ed with anterior Alleen voorste benadering: instrumentation in contrast to posterior Dual rod: pedicle screw instrumentation. Grotere kyfose: 140 Post-op. Post-op. Ant. release Post. Instr. PA-opnamen SPINE Volume 38 , Number 26, pp 1662 – 1668 ©2013 Michael Ruf , Lynn Letko , Nora Matis , MD Harry R. Merk ,and Juergen Harms Post-op. Ant. release Pre-op. Post-op. Post. Instr. Poncet P. et al Spine, 2001 Poser Scoliose juni 2007 jan 2008 mrt 2012 dec 2012 8 4/7/2014 Boston Brace Spine core Milwaukee Brace 9 4/7/2014 Draagduur: gem.: 18 mnd Draagduur: Follow--up: gem.: 8 jaar Follow Frontaal Sagittaal Frontaal Sagittaal Grijs: zonder brace Zwart: met brace Treatment of Idiopathic Scoliosis in the Milw aukee Brace: Long-term results. By w illiam A. Carr, John H. Moe, Robert B. Winter, and John E. Lonstein The journal of bone and joint surgery, vol. 62-a, no. 4, june 1980 To date, a major criticism of the bracing literature remains the absence of a prospective, randomized study to determine the efficacy of brace treatment. Results of brace treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in boys compared with girls: a retrospective study of 102 patients treated with the Boston brace Timo Yrjönen, Mauno Ylikoski, Dietrich Schlenzka, Mikko Poussa Eur Spine J (2007) 16:393–397 Topwervel / Apex 10 4/7/2014 The End 0 30 60 90 60 30 0 Hoek van Cobb en de aanzichts-hoek. 90 RETURN RETURN 11
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