Density-Matrix Renormalization-Group Study on Magnetic Properties of Nanographite Ribbons T.Hikihara and X.Hu (引原 俊哉、胡暁) National Institute for Materials Science 1st, Feb, 2002 at National Center for Theoretical Sciences zigzag ribbon armchair ribbon Outline I. Density-Matrix Renormalization-Group Method 1.1 Problem 1.2 Basic idea of DM truncation 1.3 Algorithm : infinite-system & finite-system method 1.4 Characteristics of DMRG method II. Magnetic Properties of Nanographite Ribbons 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Introduction tight-binding model on nanographite ribbons electron-electron coupling Prospect of future studies I. Density-Matrix Renormalization-Group Method 1.1 Problem investigation of the properties of strongly correlated systems on lattice sites Hubbard model : H t (c c H t (c i . j t-J model : i . j Heisenberg model : i, i , j , c j , h.c.) U ni , ni , i h.c.) J Si S j i , j H J Si S j i , j Strong correlation between (quasi-) particles ・・・ many-body problem we must solve eigenvalue problem of a large Hamiltonian matrix without (or, at least, with controlled, unbiased) approximation Numerical approach Exact Diagonalization (Lanczos, Householder etc.) - extremely high accuracy - applicable for arbitrary systems - severe restriction on system size (ex. Hubbard model : up to 14 sites) Quantum Monte Carlo method - rather large system size - minus sign problem - flexible - slow convergence at low-T Variational Monte Carlo method - rather large system size - results depend on the trial function We want to treat larger system with smaller memory/ CPU time controlled (unbiased) accuracy extend the ED method by using truncated basis 1.2 Basic idea of Density-Matrix truncation 1.2.1 Truncation of Hilbert space Exact Diagonalization s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 sL ・・・・・ L site system basis : w.f. : s l s1 s2 sL asl sl sl Hamiltonian : Hii' sl H sl ' # of basis : nL (n : degree of freedom/site) ・・・ exponential growth with L memory overflow occurs at quite small L Reduction of Hilbert space by truncation basis for whole system : L sites ・・・ block l : Ll sites il : nLl - basis i il ir : nLl nLr = nL -basis ・・・ block r : Lr sites Ll + Lr = L ir : nLr - basis truncate !! ~ il : m -basis ~ whole system : i i l ir : m nLr - basis ・・・ if m is small enough, Hii' is diagonalizable truncation = discarding the contribution of the basis to wave function of whole system = loss of information truncation procedure consists of (i) selecting an orthonormal set to expand the Hilbert space for the block (ii) discarding all but the m important basis ・・・ We can improve the procedure (i) to reduce the loss Question : Which basis set is optimal to keep the information ? 1.2.2 (Wilson's) Real Space RG Real Space RG (RSRG) : method to investigate low-energy properties of the system basic idea : highly-excited states of a local block do not contribute to the low-energy properties of whole system H = Hl + Hlr + Hr Hlr ・・・ ・・・ Hl Hr diagonalize a block Hamiltonian Hl keep the m-lowest eigenstates of Hl as a basis set algorithm of RSRG Hb HL ・・・ L sites (m-basis) HL+1=HL+Hb L+1 site (nm-basis) n-basis (i) Isolate block L from the whole system (ii) Add a new site to block L and Form new block Hamiltonian HL+1 from HL and Hb (iii) Diagonalize the block HL+1 (nm×nm matrix) to obtain m-lowest eigenstates ~ (iv) “Renormalize" HL+1 to HL 1 (m×m matrix) into the new basis ~ (v) Go to (ii) by Substituting H L 1 for HL The RSRG scheme works well for Kondo impurity problem random bond spin system etc. but RSRG becomes very poor for other strongly correlated systems Why? reconsideration of RSRG ・・・ ・・・ Isolate a part of system ・・・ (ex.) one-particle in a 1D box keep the low-energy states of a block ψ g.s.w.f. of whole system x low-energy states of the block very small contribution at the connection We must take account of the coupling between the blocks 1.2.3 Density-Matrix RG : S.R.White,PRL 69,2863(1992) ;PRB 48,10345(1993). utilize the density matrix for truncation procedure Target state : gs i, j i j i, j ・・・ ・・・ i j Density Matrix for the left block (i, i' ) *i, ji ' , j j basic scheme : keep the eigenstates of ρ with m-largest eigenvalues as a basis set The basis set with DM scheme is optimal to keep the information of the target state ~ ・・・Truncation error trunc target 2 is minimized m It can be shown that 1 P(i ) (where P(i) : i-th eigenvalue of DM) i 1 Calculations become more accurate as m gets larger ・・・ m : controlling parameter of DMRG the truncation error rapidly decreases with m (In many cases,) very high-precision can be achieved with feasible m 1.3 Algorithm of DMRG 1.3.1 Infinite-system algorithm H : n2m2×n2m2 matrix : diagonalizable ・・・ i ・・・ l : nm -basis ・・・right block is the reflection of the left block substitute form and diagonalize DM ・・・ new block inew : m -basis (i) Form H of whole system from operators of four blocks (ii) Diagonalize H (n2m2×n2m2 matrix) to obtain (iii) Form the density matrix ρfor left two blocks (iv) Diagonalize ρ(nm×nm matrix) to obtain m-largest eigenvalues and eigenstates (v) Transform operators of left two blocks into the new m-basis (vi) Go to (i), replacing old blocks by new ones 1.3.2 finite-system algorithm fixed L ・・・ Ll sites ・・・ 1 1 Lr sites form and diagonalize DM ・・・ stock use as a block with Ll+1 sites ・・・ draw a block with Lr sites ・・ After a few iterations of the sweep procedure one can obtain highly accurate results on a finite (L sites) system Characteristics of DMRG DMRG = Exact Diagnalization in truncated basis optimized to represent a target state using DM scheme - Highly accurate especially for a lowest-energy state in a subspace with given quantum number(s) 1D system - (In principle,) we can calculate expectation values of arbitrary operators in the target state (ex.) lowest energy for each subspace → charge (spin) gap, particle density at each site, two-point correlation function, three-point correlation ・・・ - less accurate for excited states → finite-T DMRG, dynamical DMRG 2D (or higher-D) system or 1D system with periodic b.c. Two-spin correlation function in the ground state of S=1/2 XXZ chain of 200 sites T.Hikihara and A. Furusaki, PRB58, R583 (1998). Numerical data is in excellent agreement with exact results DMRG for 2D system - Single-chain system An accuracy with m states kept - double-chain system We need m2 states to obtain the same accuracy - 2D system L-sites Equivalent to L/x-chain system mL/x states are needed # of states we must keep increases exponentially with the system width II. Magnetic Properties of Nanographite Ribbons 2.1 Introduction Nanographite : graphite system with length/width of nanometer scale - quantization of wave vector in dimension(s) - # of edge sites ~ # of bulk sites graphene sheet : 2D Nanotube : 1D Nanographite ribbon : 1D Graphite Nanoparticle : 0D graphite : sp2 carbons material Electron state around Fermi energy Ef = p-electron network on honeycomb lattice (# of p-electron) (# of carbon site) = 1 : half-filling Topology (boundary condition, edge shape etc.) is crucial in determining electric properties of nanographite systems (ex.) Nanotube : can be a metal or semi-conductor depending on chirality Nanographite ribbon : edge shape Experimental results on magnetic properties of nanographite Graphite sheet : large diamagnetic response - due to the Landau level at E = Ef = 0 (McClure, Phys. Rev. 104, 666 (1956). - weak temperature dependence - typical value at room temp. : cdia~ 21.0×10-6 (emu/g) Activated carbon fibers : 3D disorder network of nanographites (Shibayama et al., PRL 84, 1744 (2000); J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 69, 754 (2000).) - Curie like behavior at low temperature ・・・ due to the appearance of localized spins in nanographite particles Rh-C60 : 2D polymerized rhombohedral C60 phase (Makarove et al., Nature 413 718(2001).) - Ferromagnetism with Tc ~ 500 (K) Activated Carbon Fiber Disordered network of nanographite particles Each nanographite particle - consists of a stacking of 3 or 4 graphene sheets - average in-plane size ~ 30 (A) (Kaneko, Kotai Butsuri 27, 403 (1992)) Susceptibility measurement Crossover from diamagnetism (high T) to paramagnetism (low T) (Shibayama et al., PRL 84, 1744 (2000)) RhC60 (Makarova et al., Nature 413, 716 (2001).) Magnetic field(kOe) Hysteresis loop T-dependence of saturated magnetization Tc ~ 500 (K) Saturation of magnetization 2.2 tight-binding model on nanographite ribbons Nanographite ribbon : graphene sheet cut with nano-meter width Two typical shape of edge depending on cutting direction Zigzag ribbon Armchair ribbon Edge bonds are terminated by hydrogen atoms Definition of the site index i=1 N = finite, L →∞ : zigzag ribbon 2 3 L = finite, N →∞ : armchair ribbon N j = 1 2 3 4 5 6 ・・・・・・ : sublattice A : sublattice B L Tight-binding model H t ( c i, c j , h.c.) i . j i. j : sum only between nearest-neighboring sites t ~ 3 (eV) Band structure of graphite ribbons p-band structure of graphite ribbons can be (roughly) obtained by projecting the p-band of graphene sheet into length direction of ribbon p-band structure of graphene sheet However, presence of edges in graphite ribbons makes essential modification on the band structure Armchair ribbon : energy gap at k = 0 : Da = 0 (L = 3n-1) ~ 1/L (L = 3n, 3n+1) Zigzag ribbon : (almost) flat band appears at E = Ef = 0 !! “edge states” : electrons strongly localize at zigzag edges Band structure of armchair ribbon L=4 L=5 L=6 (Wakabayashi, Ph.D Thesis(2000)) L = 30 At k = 0, armchair ribbon is mapped to 2-leg ladder with L-rungs D a ( k 0) 0 n 2 2t cos( p ) t 3n 1 n 1 2 2t cos( p ) t 3n 2 ( L 3n 1) ( L 3n) ( L 3n 1) Energy gap of tight-binding model can be obtained exactly Band structure of zigzag ribbon L=4 L=5 L=6 (Wakabayashi, Ph.D Thesis(2000)) L = 30 Flat band appears for 2p/3 < k < p DOS has a sharp peak at Fermi energy E = Ef = 0 “edge state” Harper’s eq. : Apply H to one-particle w.f. : ijcij 0 i, j b a c If E = 0, H 0 a b c 0 Wave function for E = 0 and wave number k on A-sublattice 0eik ( r 1) 0eikr 0eik ( r 1) 0eik ( r 2) Amplitude : 0 1 0 2 cosk / 2 2 0 2 cos k / 2 2 m 0 2 cosk / 2 m (Wakabayashi, Ph.D Thesis(2000)) k=p k = 8p/9 k = 7p/9 perfect localization k = 2p/3 penetration - These localized states form an almost flat band for 2p/3 < k < p - Edge states exhibit large Pauli paramagnetism (might be) relevant to Curie-like behavior of ACF at low-T 2.3 electron-electron couplings Localized “edge” states at zigzag edge of graphite ribbon sharp peak DOS at E = Ef = 0 might be unstable against electron-phonon and/or electron-electron couplings Electron-phonon coupling : Fujita et al., J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 66,1864 (1997). Miyamoto et al., PRB 59, 9858 (1999). Lattice distortion is unlikely with realistic strength of electron-phonon couplings We consider the effect of electron-electron coupling Mean-field analysis (Wakabayashi et al., J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 65,1920(1996).) Infinitesimal interaction U of Hubbard type causes spontaneous spin-polarization Siz ni , ni , 0 around zigzag edge sites (Okada and Oshiyama, PRL 87,146803 (2001).) DFT calculation Appearance of spontaneous spin-polarization at zigzag edge However, Lieb’s theorem : For the Hubbard model on a bipartite lattice, (i) if coupling U is repulsive (U > 0) and (ii) if the system is at half-filling then, (1) the ground state has no degeneracy (2) the total spin of the g.s. is Stotal 12 N A NB (where NA(NB) is # of sites on A(B) sublattice) In the case of graphite ribbons, NA=NB the ground state is spin-singlet Non-zero local spin-polarization Siz ni , ni , 0 is prohibited Detailed investigation on magnetic properties is desired. We perform DMRG calculation on Hubbard model H t ( c i, c j , h.c.) U ni,ni, i . j i - zigzag ribbon : N = 2, 3 - # of kept states m : up to typically 1000. charge gap : Dc E0 M 2 1, M 2 E0 M 2 1, M 2 2E0 M 2 , M 2 spin gap : Ds E0 M 2 1, M 2 1 E0 M 2 , M 2 (M=NL: # of sites, E0(n↑,n↓) : lowest energy in the subspace (n↑,n↓) ) local spin polarization : Spin-spin correlation : S z i 1 ni , ni , 2 Siz S jz 1 n n ni , n j , ni , n j , ni , n j , 4 i , j , N=2 Zigzag ribbon Charge (spin) gap opens for U Uccharge (Ucspin ) Uccharge Ucspin 0 N=3 Zigzag ribbon Charge gap opens for U U ccharge 0 z Siz 1 Distribution of Szi for N = 2 in the lowest energy state of Stotal i U=0 U=1 U=4 Zigzag edge favors spin polarization z Siz 1 Distribution of Szi for N = 3 in the lowest energy state of Stotal i U=0 U=1 U=4 spin-spin correlation function AF correlation grows as U increases Spin-polarization induced in zigzag edge sites correlates ferrimagnetically resulting in the formation of effective spins on both edges Schematic picture of ground state of zigzag ribbon effective spin Singlet state Jeff - bulk sites form spin-singlet state - Effective spins appear in zigzag edges effective spin AF effective coupling between effective spins : Jeff ・・・ ground state is a spin-singlet (consistent with Lieb’s theorem) Jeff becomes smaller as the width N becomes larger ・・・ spin gap becomes smaller small magnetic field can induce magnetization Heisenberg model on zigzag ribbon H J Si S j : Effective model for spin-degree of freedom i , j Spin gap Ds(N=4) < Ds(N=2) z Siz 1 Distribution of Szi for N = 4 in the lowest energy state of Stotal i 2.4 Prospect of Future Studies Realization of nanographite system with edge (i) graphite ribbon Epitaxial growth of carbon system on substrate with step edges graphite ribbons with controlled shape (ii) Open end of carbon nanotubes ・・・ open end of zigzag nanotube = zigzag edge (iii) Carbon island in BNC system Honeycomb structure consisting of B, N, and C atoms Hexagonal BN sheet has a large energy gap ・・・ BN region can work as a separator between C regions (Okada and Oshiyama, PRL 87,146803 (2001).) BN - C boundary ~ open edge of C system Flat band ferromagnetism Azupyrene defect Four hexagons are replaced by two pentagons and two heptagons Azupyrene defect in armchair ribbon (Kusakabe et al., Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst. 305, 445 (1997)) Perfect flat band appears at E = 0 Ferromagnetism might appear for infinitesimal U Summary Nanographite ribbon -1D graphene sheet cut with nano-meter width - p-electron system at half-filling - presence of edges is crucial for electronic/magnetic properties Tight-bonding model : - armchair ribbon : energy gap at k = 0 appears depending of width Da = 0 (L = 3n-1) ~ 1/L (L = 3n, 3n+1) - zigzag ribbon : localized “edge state” appears for 2p/3 < k < p ・・・ resulting in sharp peak of DOS at E = Ef = 0 (might be) relevant to paramagnetism in nanographite Summary(continued) Effect of electron-electron couplings - zigzag ribbon charge (spin) gap appears for U U ccharge (Ucspin ) : Uccharge Ucspin 0 ground state is spin-singlet : Siz ni , ni , 0 for all site upon applying a magnetic field, - magnetization appears around zigzag edge site - spin-polarizations ferrimagnetically correlated each other forms a effective spin - effective coupling between effective spins in zigzag edges gets weaker as the width N increases
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