Chapter 5

An Introduction to Human Geography
The Cultural Landscape, 9e
James M. Rubenstein
Chapter 5
Victoria Alapo, Instructor
Geog 1050
Language & Dialects
• Language is a major difference in pattern of
communication e.g. English, Yoruba, French,
• Dialects
– Minor variations in pattern within a language. E.g.
Pidgin English, American English, British English –
different types of the same language.
– Oyo Yoruba, Ogun Yoruba, Lagos Yoruba.
– French: standard, Creole, etc
– Spanish: standard (Spain), Mexican, etc
Origin, Diffusion, and Dialects
of English
• Origin and diffusion of English
– Origin of English in England, see text
– English colonies
• Dialects of English
– Dialects in England, text
– Differences between British and American English
(spelling, pronunciation, etc), e.g. Colour, Saviour, etc
– Dialects in the United States
English Speaking Countries
English is the official language in 42 countries, including some in which it is not the most widely
spoken language. It is also used and understood in many others.
Dialects in the Eastern U.S.
Hans Kurath (1949) divided the eastern U.S. into three dialect regions, whose
distribution is similar to that of house types (Fig. 4-9).
Indo-European Language Family
The main branches of the Indo-European language family include Germanic,
Romance, Balto-Slavic, and Indo-Iranian. English is in the West Germanic group
Romance Branch of Indo-European
The Romance branch includes three of the world’s 12 most widely spoken languages
(Spanish, French, and Portuguese), as well as a number of smaller languages and dialects.
South Asian Languages and Language
Families (Indo-Iranian Branch)
Indo-European is the largest of four main language families in South Asia.
The country of India has 18 official languages.
Distribution of Other Language
• Classification of languages
• Distribution of language families
– Sino-Tibetan language family
– Other East and Southeast Asian language
– Afro-Asiatic language family
– Altaic and Uralic language families
– African language families
Language Families of the World
Distribution of the world’s main language families.
Languages with more than 100 million speakers are named.
Major Language Families
Percentage of World Population
The percentage of world population speaking each of the main language families. Indo-European
and Sino-Tibetan together represent almost 75% of the world’s people.
Language Family Trees
Family trees and estimated numbers of speakers for the main world language families.
Chinese Ideograms
Chinese language ideograms mostly represent concepts rather than sounds.
The two basic characters at the top can be built into more complex words.
Language Families of Africa
The 1,000 or more languages of Africa are divided among five main language families,
including Austronesian languages in Madagascar.
Languages of Nigeria
More than 400 languages are spoken in Nigeria, the largest country in Africa (by population).
English, considered neutral, is the official language, see pg 167.
Language Diversity and
• Preserving language diversity
Hebrew: reviving extinct languages, pg 168
Celtic: preserving endangered languages
Multilingual states, e.g. Canada, Nigeria, tec
Isolated languages – unchanging thru lack of interaction.
E.g. Basque & Icelandic.
– Australian & New Zealand experience; Read pg 173
• Global dominance of English
– English is a lingua franca – common language or language
of international communication. Others include, Arabic,
Swahili, French, Hausa, etc
– Diffusion to other languages e.g. “Spanglish” & “Franglais”
(pg 173-177).
Other Definitions of Languages
• Official Language – the language in which
government records are kept. Includes
signage and education.
• National language – a language tied to just
one country. E.g. Japanese, Icelandic,
• Polyglot states – more than one official
language recognized. E.g. Israel, Canada,
Belgium, India, Switzerland, etc (see next
slides). That means a country can be
multilingual e.g. Nigeria, and yet only have
one official language.
American English: Should it be the
Official Language?
• U.S. Constitution did not specify language
– U.S. House and Senate disagree
• Dedication to common language (patriotism)
or resentment of changing immigration
Language Divisions in Belgium
There has been much tension in Belgium between the Flemings, who live in the north and speak
Flemish (a Dutch dialect), and the Walloons, who live in the south and speak French.
Language Areas in Switzerland
Switzerland remains peaceful with four official languages and a
decentralized government structure.
French-English Boundary in Canada
Although Canada is bilingual, French speakers are concentrated in the province
of Québec, where 80% of the population speaks French.
French Road
Internet Hosts, by Language
The large majority of internet hosts in 1999 used English, Chinese,
Japanese, or European languages.
Internet Hosts
A large proportion of the world’s internet users and hosts are in the developed countries of North
America, Western Europe and Japan. 50% of people online and 75% of websites use English.