赤外線天文衛星「あかり」による 新星の近赤外分光観測 左近 樹、尾中 敬、田中雅臣、守屋 尭(東京大学)、 新井彰、植村誠、川端弘治 (広島大学) AKARI IRC チーム、新星サイエンス検討チーム、 新星 古典新星 (Gehrz et al. 1998) -- a phenomenon resulting from the accretion of matters in the atmosphere of red-giant or red-dwarf companion onto the white dwarf. Observed Nova rate in the Galaxy ; 35±11yr-1 (Shafter 1997) The mean mass returned by a nova outburst into the ISM; 2x10-4M☉ 7x10-3M☉ yr-1 of processed matter is ejected by novae into the ISM cf. Supernovae rate ~0.02yr-1 in a galaxy The mean mass returned by a supernova into the ISM; 3M ☉ 0.06 M☉ yr-1 of processed matter is ejected by supernova into the ISM 宇宙の化学進化に対する新星の貢献 ・Less than ~0.3% of the interstellar matter in the Galaxy ・Only about 0.1% of the Galactic “stardust” ・a significant fraction of the 26Al (t1/2~7.2 x 105yr) that exists in Galactic matter Theoretical studies suggest that large amount of 22Na and 26Al can be produced in outbursts of ONeMg WDs (Weiss & Truran 1990; Nofar et al. 1991); possible candidates that are responsible for the 22Ne (Black 1972) and 26Mg (Truran 1985) anomalies found in meteorites (Gehrz et al. 1998) 新星の赤外線観測 CO Novae および ONeMg Novae の赤外スペクトル進化 - Hot ejecta gas is initially seen as an expanding photosphere or “fireball” - When the expanding material becomes optically thin, free-free and line emission dominate 1). CO Novae; 比較的低質量(e.g., MWD<1.1M☉)のCO 白色矮星 の表面上での熱核暴走(thermonuclear runaway ;TNR) - いくつかのケースでfree-free 期に続いてダスト形成が報告 (e.g., V2362 CYGNI; Lynch et al. 2008) 2). ONeMg Novae; 比較的質量の大きな(e.g., MWD>1.1M☉)の ONeMg 白色矮星の表面上での熱核暴走(TNR) - free-free 期に引き続いて coronal emission-line 期を迎える - いくつかの例外を除いて観測的にダスト形成の報告は ほとんどない (e.g., V1974 CYGNI; Woodward et al. 1995 ) 赤外線天文衛星「あかり」 JAXA/ISAS mission for infrared astronomy with ESA participation Telescope with 685mm SiC Mirror cooled by 179l LHe & mechanical coolers 2 instruments: IRC & FIS Launched on Feb. 22, 2006 Successfully performed nearto far-infrared observation LHe: 2006 May - 2007 Aug (phases I&II) Warm mission: 2008 June – (phase III; 2-5mm imag. & spec.) 「あかり」衛星 近・中間赤外線カメラ 近赤外分光素子の波長透過率特性 NIR dispersers AKARI’s spectroscopic ability in the near-infrared in the warm mission is quite unique and valuable Two Near-Infrared Dispersers with different spectral resolution power - Near-Infrared Prism (NP) - Near-Infrared Grism (NG) Effective Coverage NP 1.8mm-5.5mm NG 2.5mm-5.0mm Dispersion 0.06 mm/pix at 3mm 0.0097mm/pix The 1-s noise-equivalent flux for slit-less spectroscopy at the ecliptic poles NP NG Phases I&II ~0.05mJy ~0.1mJy Phase III ~0.1mJy ~0.2mJy あかり衛星による新星の観測 Phase 3-II AKARI Open Time Program: Spectral Evolution of Novae in the Near-Infrared based on AKARI Observation (SENNA; PI: I. Sakon) Discovery V1213 CENTAURUS V5582 SAGITTARII V679 CARINAE V5580 SAGITTARII QY MUSCAE V1309 SCORPII V2468 CYGNI V5579 SAGITTARII V1280 SCORPII #1 Oct. 2009 – Feb. 2010, Mar 2009 Feb 2009 Nov 2008 Nov 2008 Sep 2008 Sep 2008 Mar 2008 Apr 2008 Feb 2007 #2 Mar. approved observation schedules phase 3-II-1#1 phase 3-II-2#2 ○ ○ × ○ ○ ○ × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × ○ 2010– Sep. 2010 ・Continuous 2.5—5mm spectra taken with AKARI/IRC are quite unique ・Collaborative optical (B,V,R) to NIR(J, H, Ks) observations with TRISPEC on the 2m KANATA telescope of Hiroshima University and with other ground-based facilities are important あかり衛星によるV2468 CYGNIの近赤外分光観測 Nova V2468 CYGNI (R.A., DEC. [J2000]) = (19:58:33.57, +29:52:11.6) 2008年3月に発見 (Munari et al. 2008, Cent. Bur. Electron. Tel. 1431, 1) Multi-epoch NIR spectroscopic observations of V2468 CYGNI with AKARI/IRC First observation; on 2nd Nov., 2008 (t~240days; hereafter first epoch) Second observation; on 1st May, 2009 (t~420days; hereafter second epoch) Both observations were carried out in the framework of AKARI Director’s Time N3 band reference image of V2468 CYGNI on 2nd NOV. 2008 Raw NG data of V2468 CYGNI on 2nd NOV. 2008 N3 band reference image of V2468 CYGNI on 1st May. 2009 Raw NG data of V2468 CYGNI on 1st May. 2009 Pointing ID’s; 5200318.1 (Nov., 2008), 5200732.1 & 5200733.1 (May, 2009) Near-Infrared Grism (NG) is used to obtain the 2.52mm-5.0mm spectra with a resolution of R(=l/Dl)~80 (@3mm) あかり衛星によるV2468 CYGNIの近赤外分光観測 1回目のV2468 CYGNIの近赤外分光観測 (2nd Nov., 2008; t~240 days) あかり衛星によるV2468 CYGNIの近赤外分光観測 2回目のV2468 CYGNIの近赤外分光観測 (1st May., 2009; t~420 days) Bra 4.05mm lineのライン形状 Signal count profile of the Bra line in the spectrum of May 2009 平均的な放出ガスの視線速度成分は420日後の時点で~1500-1800km s-1 あかり衛星によるV2468 CYGNIの近赤外分光観測 V2468 CYGNI の近赤外スペクトルの進化 Strength of Hydrogen recombination lines (10-16W/m2); Epoch Bra(4.05mm) Brb(2.63mm) Pfg(3.74mm) Pfb(4.65mm) Nov. 2008 20.2±0.5 12.4±1.2 3.3±0.4 4.3±0.4 May. 2009 5.1 ±0.2 4.0±0.4 0.95±0.18 0.91±0.40 Relative Strengths of Hydrogen recombination lines Epoch Brb/Bra Pfg/Bra Nov. 2008 0.618±0.062 0.164±0.021 May. 2009 0.790 ±0.088 0.187±0.034 Pfb/Bra 0.213±0.020 0.178±0.080 Free-free continuum emission Fn ~ 30mJy (on 240 days), ~12mJy (on 420 days) あかり衛星によるV2468 CYGNIの近赤外分光観測 V2468 CYGNI 近赤外スペクトルの進化 電子温度; Te ~数千度 K 電子密度; ne ~109 cm-3 (on 240 days), ~1011cm-3 (on 420 days) (Case B; Osterbrock 1989; Hummer & Strey 1987; Storey & Hummer 1995) あかり衛星によるV2468 CYGNIの近赤外分光観測 V2468 CYGNI の近赤外スペクトルの進化 “coronal” lines の強度 (10-16W/m2); [CaIV] [CaV] [MgIV] [AlV] [AlVI] lc (mm) 3.207 4.150 4.487 2.905 3.650 eion (eV) 67.27 84.50 109.24 153.83 190.48 eex (eV) 50.91 67.27 80.14 120.00 153.83 Nov. 2008 4.1±0.7 0.9±0.3 1.5±0.2 --May. 2009 4.5±0.3 2.0±0.2 14.2±0.2 2.5±0.3 0.35±0.11 基本的には典型的なONeMg 新星の 近赤外スペクトル進化と一致; -- free-free emission line phaseの終了段階 に近づくにつれてwind fluxは落ちる --光学厚さ t~1で決定される半径が後退 白色矮星の光球のより深く熱い層が 見えるようになる。(i.e., Lynch et al. 2008) あかり衛星によるV1280 Scoの近赤外分光観測 V1280 Scorpii; -Discovered on 2007 Feb 4.86 by Y. Nakamura and Y. Sakurai (Yamaoka et al. 2007) -Dust formation occurred after d~23days (Das et al. 2007) 2009年9月9日にあかり衛星の 近・中間赤外線カメラによる近赤 外分光観測を遂行 右上がりの連続光放射に加えて、 強い長波長側のwingを有する顕著 な PAH 3.3mmバンド放射を検出 ※比較的大きな3.4mm/3.3mmのバ ンド強度比がV842 Cenでも観測。 (Hyland & McGregor 1988) The late time near-Infrared Spectrum of V1280 Sco obtained with AKARI/ IRC on ~940 days after the discovery. 赤外線波長域に見られるPAH featureの性質 Unidentified Infrared (UIR) Bands Polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs; Allamandola et al. 1989) 3.3mm feature; aromatic C-H stretch mode 3.4mm feature; aliphatic C-H stretch mode UKIRTで取得されたOrion Barの電離領域(上) と中性領域 (下) の近赤外スペクトル (Sloan et al. 1997) あかり衛星によるV1280 Scoの近赤外分光観測 Red wing in 3.4-3.6mm Near infrared spectrum of NGC1333 with UKIRT (Joblin et al. 1996) -- PAHについたaliphatic side groupから のC-H strech の振動モードの放射 (Jourdain de Muizon et al. 1990) -- いくつかのHerbig Ae/Be天体やNova Cen1986 - Novaに見られるhydrocarbon featureが Hydrogenated amorphous carbonによっ て担われている(Evans & Rawlings 1994) という主張に一貫 - 化学進化の観点からのHydrogenated amorphous carbon と PAHs との関連に 関する重要な情報 AKARI Near infrared spectrum of V1280 Sco at the epoch of 980 days Summary (1) Multi-epoch NIR spectroscopic observations of V2468 CYGNI were carried out with AKARI Infrared Camera (IRC) in the framework of AKARI Director’s Time First epoch; on 2nd Nov., 2008 (t~240days) Second epoch; on 1st May, 2009 (t~420days) ・The NIR spectrum on first epoch is characterized by strong hydrogen and helium recombination lines and “coronal” lines of [CaIV], [CaV] and [MgIV] ・The NIR spectrum of second epoch is characterized by relatively weaker hydrongen recombination lines and strong [MgIV], [CaIV], [CaV] together with the lines with higher ionization potential such as [AlV] and [AlVI] (eip>100eV) No significant signs of dust formation have been found for V2468 CYGNI Consistent with the typical evolution scenario of ONeMg Novae (2) NIR spectroscopic observations of V1280 Scorpii were carried out With AKARI IRC in the framework of AKARI Director’s Time First epoch; on 9th Sep., 2009 (t~940 days) ・ Clear signs of PAH 3.3mm band accompanied by a strong red-tail in 3.4-3.6mm arising from the aliphatic C-H bonds consistent with the scenario that hydrocarbon features in novae are carried by hydrogenated amorphous carbon (HAC) (Evans & Rawlings 1994)
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