関西英語教育学会 2011年度(第16回) 研究大会 ◇日 程2011(平成23)年6月4日(土) 9:00~17:45 ◇会 場関西大学・千里山キャンパス 第1学舎(5号館) 12:30~13:50ワークショップ 【5号館4階E402教室】「教科書 を活用して統合的な授業を行う」 講 師 磯田 貴道先生(広島大学) 実践報告: パワーポイントの VBA機能を利用したデジタル教 材による授業活性化の試み 加藤雅之(神戸大学) JACET関西支部研究大会 2011.11.27 武庫川女子大学 VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) • Visual Basic=Windowsで実行ファイル( .exe) を作成するためのプログラム言語 • VBA= Microsoft Office製品に内蔵された、ア プリケーション(Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint等)にカスタマイズされたプログラ ム言語 VBAというと... 1. Excel VBAのプログラミングのツボとコツがゼッ... 2. 図解でわかるエクセルのマクロとVBAがみ... 3. VBAエキスパート公式テキスト Excel VBA ベーシック 4. Excel VBA 逆引き辞典パーフェクト 5. かんたんプログラミング Excel2003 VBA 基礎編 6. VBAエキスパート公式テキスト Excel VBA スタンダード 7. よくわかるMicrosoft Office Excel2007 マクロ/VBA入門 8. Excel VBA実践テクニックユーザー・ハンドブッ... 9. できる大事典Excel VBA 2007/2003/2002対応 10. かんたんプログラミング Excel2003 VBA コントロール・関数編 11. 世界でいちばん簡単なExcel VBAのe本 最新版―Excel VBAの基本と考え方 が... 12. 続Excel VBAのプログラミングのツボ... 13. Excel VBA アクションゲーム作成入門 14. Excel VBAパーフェクトマスター 15. よくわかる Excel2007 VBAプログラミング実践編 16. Excel VBA逆引き大全600の極意... ® Microsoft できること PowerPoint 削除 できないこと Start Stop Randomize 「解剖台の上のミシンと蝙 蝠傘の偶然の出会いのよ うに...」 5 A child’s first dance or music recital is a big event. Children fee it is important for their parents to attend. 5 A child’s first dance or music recital is a big event. Children fee it is important for their parents to attend. Initialization fetch vice mixer eraser wiper • • • • • • • • • • 1 Children often feel alone and do not know who they can turn to when their parents get divorced. 2 For many children, getting used to living with one parent after a divorce is very difficult. 3 People often find it difficult to explain their reasons for divorce. Is it the parents’ responsibility to share there reasons with their children? 4 When people divorce, they should have reassuring conversations with their children to make them feel that everything will be all right 5 A child’s first dance or music recital is a big event. Children feel it is important for their parents to attend. 6 A good guidance counselor works with children in two ways: helping with school issues and giving advice about family problems. 7 Children suffer most when their parents first divorce; however, with time, they can usually get through it. 8 It is very difficult for children to see one of their parents packing up to leave the house forever. 9 When people divorce, it is usually not one person’s fault. There have often been problems and difficulties with both people. 10 Authors sometimes decide to write a series of books if their first book has been successful. 'Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!' Initialize fetch Start Finish Record • • • • • • When Maria Montessori was born in Italy in 1870, her future seemed certain. Women did not have careers in those days, nor did they attend college. People generally believed that women were not very intelligent and not capable of complex thought, so Maria, it seemed, had little choice. Like her mother and most women of her day, she would become a mother and a housewife. She did, in fact, become a mother, but otherwise, her life took a very different course. She became a doctor—the first woman doctor in Italy. With her brilliant medical studies and research, she proved that women could indeed think and work as well as men. Later, she became internationally famous as the inventor of the Montessori method of learning. She was born in Chiaravalle, near Ancona, Italy. Her father, Alessandro Montessori, was a government official in the state-run tobacco industry. In his youth, he had fought for the liberation and unification of Italy. Well-educated himself, he wanted the best for his daughter. However, he was also conservative and did not approve of her unusual choices. Only later, when she became famous, did he change his mind and become proud of her. Maria’s mother never had any doubts about her daughter. She supported all of Maria’s decisions and helped her through many difficult times. Her own life was ordinary enough, but she wanted her daughter’s life to be different. It was she who gave Maria the optimism and the ideals necessary for success. She also taught Maria not to be afraid of hard work. Even as a small girl, Maria always had her share of housework to do. And finally, Maria’s mother gave her a sense of responsibility toward others. This was an important factor in her later work as a doctor and as an educator. The Montessori family moved several times when Maria was young. When she was five, they went to live in Rome, and there she started primary school. Only an average student at that time, Maria did not seem very ambitions. Nor did she sympathize with the competitive behavior of some of her classmates. When she won a prize in the first grade, it was for good behavior. In second grade, she won another prize for sewing and needlework. So far, her interests and achievements were the same as those of any other girl of her time. However, something in Maria’s character stood out among the other children and she was often the leader in their games. Self-confident and strong-willed, she came to believe that her life was somehow going to be different. At the age of ten, when she became dangerously ill, that belief in herself was already strong. She told her mother that she couldn’t die because she had too much to do in life. WPM記録 traditional ideas about the role of women. • They believe that women should stay home and take care of the family and should not try to get an education or look for a job. These beliefs are one of the factors that prevent Eritrea and other developing countries from improving their economic situation. Experience in many countries has shown that educated women have fewer children and have more opportunities for improving their lives and the lives of their families. In Eritrea, in fact, there is great need for improvement. It is one of the poorest countries in the world, partly because of the dry climate and difficult farming conditions and partly because of thirty years of war with Ethiopia. For many Eritrean families, getting enough food is a daily problem. Speed Control Fast Medium Slow Stop Resume Reset アドバイス 授業での活用 参考資料 • 磯田貴道. 『教科書の文書を活用する英語指導-授 業を活性化する技108』(成美堂、2011) • David Marcovits. Powerful PowerPoint for Educators. Westport: Library Unlimited, 2004. • 「パワーポイントがプレゼンテーションをダメにする」 http://www.tackns.net/sub/powerpoint.html ( 2011.10.31閲覧) • Jane Bozarth. Better Than Bullet Points. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, 2008 • 引用文: Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries, More Reading Power, 2nd Edition (Longman) (参考)VBAスクリプト例 Macrovits: Powerful PowerPoint for Educators http://www.loyola.edu/edudept/powerfulp owerpoint/ http://www.solac.kobe-u.ac.jp/~masakato 本日の発表 (11月29日より閲覧可能)
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