スライド タイトルなし

Conflict of Interest disclosure slide for representative speakers or investigators
Research fund
□contract □donation □public scientific research fund
□other (
Name of
lead presenter
Institution or
employee of company and/or profit-making organization
adviser of company and/or profit-making organization
profit of stock
lecturer fees
manuscript fees
research expenses by contract with profit-making organization
fees of testimony, judgment, comment, etc.
gifts or any other payment
Name of principal
If yes, please specify the name of company and/or organization, your status.
Institution or
employee of company and/or profit-making organization
adviser of company and/or profit-making organization
profit of stock
lecturer fees
manuscript fees
research expenses by contract with profit-making organization
fees of testimony, judgment, comment, etc.
gifts or any other payment
If yes, please specify the name of company and/or organization, your status.
The Japan Lung Cancer Society
Conflict of Interest disclosure slide for representative speakers or investigators
( Lead presenter and principal investigator must describe the COI status from January 1st, 2013 to December 31st,
which is related to the content of the publication.)
employee of company and/or profit-making organization
adviser of company and/or profit-making organization
$10,000 or more annual compensation from a single business, entity, or
profit of stock
$10,000 or more annual dividends, or 5% or more in the applicable
lecturer fees
$5,000 or more annual income from a single company or organization.
manuscript fees
$5,000 or more annual income from a single company or organization.
$20,000 or more annual donations/contributions paid by a single
company or organization to you or your department.
research expenses by contract with profit-making organization
$20,000 or more total annual research expenses paid by a single
company or organization to you or your department.
fees of testimony, judgment, comment, etc.
$10,000 or more annual judgment and comment etc, paid by a single
company or organization.
gifts or any other payment
$500 or more annual gifts from a single company or organization, etc.