DUAL NATIONALITY: ADVANTAGEOUS OR DISADVANTAGEOUS FOR JAPAN? B11589 Mari Matsumoto Quiz ×日本人 ○カンボジア人 Quiz ○日本人 ○ブラジル人 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Defining Terms Advantageous Disadvantageous Analysis Conclusion Introduction WHO needs to select the nationality? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 日本国籍の母&父系血統主義を採る国の国籍を持つ父 の 間に生まれた子 日本国籍の父OR母&父母両系血統主義を採る国の国籍を持 つ父OR母 の間に生まれた子 日本国籍の父OR母(あるいは父母)の子として生地主義を 採る国で生まれた子 認知・養子縁組・婚姻によって外国籍を取得した日本国民 帰化または国籍取得届により日本国籍を取得した後、以前 の外国の国籍を保持している人 (MOJ 2011a:2) Introduction HOW they select or appeal to the government? 日本国籍選択の方法 外国籍を離脱 日本国籍の選択を宣言 外国国籍選択の方法 日本の国籍を離脱 外国の国籍を選択 (MOJ 2011a:2) Introduction HOW they select or appeal to the government? 日本国籍選択の方法 外国籍を離脱 日本国籍の選択を宣言 外国国籍選択の方法 日本の国籍を離脱 外国の国籍を選択 (MOJ 2011a:2) Introduction MOJ (2011b) Introduction Introduction 例1:猫ひろしとラモスの決定的な違いは…こ こ! 猫ひろし:日本で生まれてる (二重国籍ダメな国だから自動的に日本国籍は離 脱) ラモス:ブラジルで生まれてる (ブラジルは一度国籍取得しちゃうとブラジル国 籍離脱不可 =重国籍、でも日本内では日本人に Introduction WHO needs to select the nationality? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 日本国籍の母&父系血統主義を採る国の国籍を持つ父 の 間に生まれた子 日本国籍の父OR母&父母両系血統主義を採る国の国籍を持 つ父OR母 の間に生まれた子 日本国籍の父OR母(あるいは父母)の子として生地主義を 採る国で生まれた子 認知・養子縁組・婚姻によって外国籍を取得した日本国民 帰化または国籍取得届により日本国籍を取得した後、以前 の外国の国籍を保持している人 (MOJ 2011:2) Introduction HOW they select or appeal to the government? 日本国籍選択の方法 外国籍を離脱 日本国籍の選択を宣言 外国国籍選択の方法 日本の国籍を離脱 外国の国籍を選択 (MOJ 2011:2) Introduction Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Back Ground Defining Terms Advantageous Disadvantageous Analysis Conclusion Defining Terms Dual Nationality: Advantageous or Disadvantageous for Japan? (二重国籍は日本にとって好都合か不都合か?) Defining Terms Dual Nationality: Advantageous or Disadvantageous for Japan? (二重国籍は日本にとって好都合か不都合か?) Defining Terms Dual Nationality ‘Person who has dual nationality’ refers to ‘Person who is a citizen of two countries’ (Longman 2009:524) Defining Terms Dual Nationality: Advantageous or Disadvantageous for Japan? (二重国籍は日本にとって好都合か不都合か?) Defining Terms Dual Nationality: Advantageous or Disadvantageous for Japan? (二重国籍は日本にとって好都合か不都合か?) Defining Terms Advantageous ‘helpful and likely to make you successful’ Disadvantageous ‘unfavorable and likely cause problems for you’ (Longman 2009:25&477) Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Back Ground Defining Terms Advantageous Disadvantageous Analysis Conclusion Advantageous Merits for… 1. 2. Global Human Resources Solution for the population decrease Advantageous 2.1 Fig.1 The supply of young Japanese workers who can work overseas (2011) Source: METI(2012:2) Advantageous 2.1 Table.1 The attitude of 20 to 50 male workers to work in overseas (2009) Source: METI (2012:3) Advantageous 2.1 People feel sympathy for two countries → because both are homelands for them It is sure way to get excellent young workers → it needs less money and effort (than putting into Japanese educational system) Advantageous… ‘helpful and likely to make you successful’ Population (thousand) Advantageous 126,500 126,400 126,300 126,200 126,100 126,000 125,900 125,800 125,700 125,600 125,500 125,400 2.2 Fig.2 The number of Japanese population 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Year Created by the author from MIC (2013) 2.2 Advantageous Table.2 The rate and estimate rate of over 65 years old people of the all population (2010-20) 2010 2020 Japan 20.3% 28.6% South Korea 11.1 15.5 Taiwan 10.7 16.1 Singapore 9.0 13.9 Thailand 8.9 13.0 China 8.4 11.7 Vietnam 6.5 8.2 Indonesia 5.0 6.3 India 5.1 6.3 Malaysia 4.8 6.9 The Philippines 3.7 4.9 Created by the author from Nippon Keizai Shimbun (2013:11) Advantageous 2.2 The government can collect more taxes → for the public services Young people from other countries can be new supporters → the number of people who aged 15 to 65 will increase Advantageous… ‘helpful and likely to make you successful’ Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Back Ground Defining Terms Advantageous Disadvantageous Analysis Conclusion Disadvantageous Demerits for… 1. 2. Vote and conscription system Patriotic Disadvantageous 3.1 選挙権 …日本国民で満20歳以上 被選挙権 …日本国民で満25歳以上 OR30歳以上 (MIC 2009) Disadvantageous 3.1 選挙権 …日本国民で満20歳以上 被選挙権 …日本国民で満25歳以上 OR30歳以上 (MIC 2009) Disadvantageous 3.1 Fig.3 Conscription map of the world(2013) 軍隊を保有していな い 志願徴兵実施国 徴兵制廃止予定国 徴兵制実施国 Wikipedia (2013a) Disadvantageous 3.1 People have double right and responsibility → the government needs careful checks Which side they should stand → wars/political problems/diplomatic relations Disadvantageous… ‘unfavorable and likely cause problems for you’ Disadvantageous 3.2 ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED U.S. U.K. Brazil The Philippines South, North Korea China Thailand 上記の国:日本人男性もしくは女性の国際結婚相手で多い国 籍 注目点:移民国家は認める風潮? 日本と外交問題を抱える中国・韓国でもNG immihelp (2013) & eHow (2013) &Wikepedia(2013b) Disadvantageous 3.2 Other East Asian countries also prohibit It can trigger more troubles People who have ‘anti-Japanese’ may also get Japanese-nationalities Disadvantageous… ‘unfavorable and likely cause problems for you’ Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Back Ground Defining Terms Advantageous Disadvantageous Analysis Conclusion Analysis Merits for… 1. 2. Global Human Resources Solution for the population decrease Analysis Fig.1 The supply of young Japanese workers who can work overseas (2011) Source: METI(2012:2) Analysis Table.1 The attitude of 20 to 50 male workers to work in overseas (2009) Source: METI (2012:3) Analysis People feel sympathy for two countries → because both are homelands for them It is sure way to get excellent young workers → it needs less money and effort (than putting into Japanese educational system) ⇒Moderating visa’s regulation is easier way? 7 Population (thousand) Analysis 126,500 126,400 126,300 126,200 126,100 126,000 125,900 125,800 125,700 125,600 125,500 125,400 Fig.2 The number of Japanese population 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Year Created by the author from MIC (2013) Analysis Table.2 The rate and estimate rate of over 65 years old people of the all population (2010-20) 2010 2020 Japan 20.3% 28.6% South Korea 11.1 15.5 Taiwan 10.7 16.1 Singapore 9.0 13.9 Thailand 8.9 13.0 China 8.4 11.7 Vietnam 6.5 8.2 Indonesia 5.0 6.3 India 5.1 6.3 Malaysia 4.8 6.9 The Philippines 3.7 4.9 Created by the author from Nippon Keizai Shimbun (2013:11) Analysis The government can collect more taxes → for the public services Young people from other countries can be new supporters → the number of people who aged 15 to 65 will increase ⇒They also have a right to enjoy welfare services! 5 Analysis Demerits for… 1. 2. Vote and conscription system Patriotic problem Analysis 選挙権 …日本国民で満20歳以上 被選挙権 …日本国民で満25歳以上 OR30歳以上 (MIC 2009) Analysis Fig.3 Conscription map of the world(2013) 軍隊を保有していな い 志願徴兵実施国 徴兵制廃止予定国 徴兵制実施国 Wikipedia (2013a) Analysis People have double right and responsibility → the government needs careful checks Which side they should stand → wars/political problems/diplomatic relations ⇒ Other countries can be a model They become a prevention for another war 5 Analysis ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED U.S. U.K. Brazil The Philippines South, North Korea China Thailand 上記の国:日本人男性もしくは女性の国際結婚相手で多い国 籍 注目点:移民国家は認める風潮? immihelp (2013) & eHow (2013) &Wikepedia(2013b) Analysis ~patriotic disorder Other East Asian countries also prohibit It triggers more trouble ⇒we cannot distinguish! Japan can be a model People who have ‘anti-Japanese’ may get Japanese-nationalities ⇒but it’s not a majority 4 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Back Ground Defining Terms Advantageous Disadvantageous Analysis Conclusion Conclusion Advantageous Global Human Resources 7 Solution for the population decrease 5 Disadvantageous Vote and conscription system 5 Patriotic problem 4 Conclusion Dual Nationality : Advantageous or Disadvantageous for Japan? ⇒Advantageous × for the government ○ for people who think Japan is a home country Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Back Ground Defining Terms Advantageous Disadvantageous Analysis Conclusion DUAL NATIONALITY: ADVANTAGEOUS OR DISADVANTAGEOUS FOR JAPAN? B11589 Mari Matsumoto
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