Encouragement of Foreign Tourism to Japan: Advantageous or Disadvantageous to Japan? B11545 Haruka Oyama Figure 1: The number of foreign tourists (JNTO 2011) Japan Tourism Agency (観光庁) 2008年発足 目標 国内における旅行消費額:2016年までに30兆円 (2010年旅行消費額は23.8兆円) 訪日旅行者数:2016年までに1800万人 (2011年訪日旅行者数は621.9万人) (JTA ) OUTLINE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Defining Terms Advantageous Disadvantageous Analysis Conclusion OUTLINE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Defining Terms Advantageous Disadvantageous Analysis Conclusion 2. Defining Terms Foreign Tourism • Advantageous • Disadvantageous • 2. Defining Terms Foreign Tourism Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes. Activities of foreign tourists in Japan (UNWTO 2011) 2. Defining Terms Advantageous UNWTO promotes tourism as Tourism is a driver of a driver of economic growth, economic growth, inclusive inclusive development and development and environmental sustainability. environmental sustainability. (UNWTO) 2. Defining Terms Disadvantageous Tourism brings problems to Japan. OUTLINE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Defining Terms Advantageous Disadvantageous Analysis Conclusion 3. Advantageous 3.1 Economic activation 3.2 Community activation 3.1 Economy activation If the number of foreign tourists reaches 30 million in 2019….. 経済効果 2008年の3倍 雇用効果 2008年の3倍 (JNTO 2011 : p.9) Figure 2 :Economic Effect (JNTO 2011 : p.9) Figure 3 : Employment Effect (JNTO 2011 : p.9) 3.1 Economy activation If the number of foreign tourists reaches 30 million in 2019….. 経済効果 2008年の3倍 雇用効果 2008年の3倍 (JNTO 2011 : p.9) 3. Advantageous 3.1 Economic activation 3.2 Community activation 3.2 Community activation Greeting foreign tourists activates communities. This is because..... ① We put our communities in good condition. ② Tradition is protected. 3.2 Community activation ①We put our communities in good condition. 京都府大江町の例 少子高齢化で集落存続 の危機 「棚田体験ツアー」、 「棚田オーナー制」を開 始 移住者や定期的に通う 人が増える (Yamamura 2003 : 3.2 Community activation ② Tradition is protected 神奈川 県厚木市 相模川 の屋形船体験 屋形 船復活へ 3.2 Community activation ② Tradition is protected] 富山)を誰 詰所(京都や でも泊まれるようにし、 PRも積極的にし始める 詰所維持が可能に (Gaikokujin kankokyaku kenkyujo 2010) OUTLINE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Defining Terms Advantageous Disadvantageous Analysis Conclusion 4. Disadvantageous 4.1 An increase in the number of crimes 4.2 An obstruction to lives of local residents Figure 4 : Reaction to foreign tourists (Cabinet Office 2008 : p.2) 4.1 An increase in the number of crimes • • • Deregulation of entry Services for foreign tourists Globalization of the crime Crimes that exploit them may increase. The more foreign tourists come to Japan, the more troubles may occur. 4.1 An increase in the number of crimes 中国人訪日観光の経緯 ①1999年1月:中国政府、団体観光解禁 ②2000年9月:日本政府,団体観光客への査 証発給 ③2009年7月:日本政府,個人観光客への査 証発給 ④ 2010年7月:日本政府,個人観光客への査 証発給要件を緩和。 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan 2011) 4.1 An increase in the number of crimes 「最近の来日外国人犯罪の特徴として、世界 的規模で活動する犯罪組織が、我が国の犯罪 組織等と相互に連携・補完を図りつつ、より 大規模かつ効率的に犯罪を敢行していること、 より巧妙かつ効率的に犯罪を敢行するため、 様々な国籍の構成員が、それぞれの特性を生 かして役割を分担するなど、国籍等にかかわ らず結びついている・・・」(例)ピンクパ ンサー (Keisatsucho 2011 : p.125) 4. Disadvantageous 4.1 An increase in the number of crimes 4.2 An obstruction to lives of local residents 4.2 An obstruction to lives of local residents An inflow of a lot of foreign tourists invade lives of local residents. 北海道ニセコ地域 オーストラリア人を中心にたくさんの外国人 観光客が訪れる(2002年に12,113人だった 外国人観光客が10倍の115,783人に) • パウダースノーのスキー場 • ラフティング (Yamamoto) 4.2 An obstruction to lives of local residents Some troubles • The rapid rise of land prices Fear of an investment of foreign capital and destructive development • Diversion of farmland • A decline of local business (Especially, a pension business) (Kato 2010) OUTLINE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Defining Terms Advantageous Disadvantageous Analysis Conclusion 5. Analysis 3. Advantageous 3.1 Economic activation 3.2 Community activation Figure 5 : 消費額・観光客数 (MLIT 2010 : p.173) (JTA 2011) 5. Analysis 3.1 あくまで推計 劇的に上がってはいない 訪日外国人消費額の国内旅行消費 額を占める割合は毎年約5% ② 5. Analysis 3.2 The example Kyoto Oecho Tourists are maybe Japanese people. 詰所 in Kyoto and Toyama Foreign tourists are 10 % of all tourists. ④ 5. Analysis 4. Disadvantageous 4.1 An increase in the number of crimes 4.2 An obstruction to lives of local residents Figure 6 : 中国人検挙人員・訪日中国人数 中国人検挙人員 訪日中国人数 4,500 1,600,000 4,000 1,400,000 3,500 1,200,000 3,000 1,000,000 2,500 人 刑法犯検挙人員 2,000 特別法犯検挙人員 800,000 1,500 600,000 1,000 400,000 500 200,000 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 (Keisatsucho 2011: p.23) 訪日中国人数 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 (JNTO) 5. Analysis 4.1 Weak point Organized crimes are 51 percent of all crimes. “来日外国人” includes foreigners who live in Japan An average of the crime rate (past five years) is only about 0.002 % ① 5. Analysis 4.2 (新聞にみるオーストラリア 2007) 5. Analysis 4.2 Community 乱開発を防ぐルール作り(Kato:2010) NPB(有限責任中間法人ニセコ倶知安リゾート 協議会) ⇒地元観光事業者と外国人事業者から成る ③ 5. Analysis Advantageous ②+④=⑥ Disadvantageous ①+③=④ 6. Conclusion Encouragement of Foreign Tourism to Japan is ….. Advantageous OUTLINE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Defining Terms Advantageous Disadvantageous Analysis Conclusion
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