CSIS Workshop on Research Agenda for Spatial Analysis 2003年2月22日(土) ホテル機山館 宝の間 地理学における計量革命とGIS革命: GeoComputationとは何か? 矢野桂司 立命館大学文学部地理学科 [email protected] Stan Openshaw先生のスライドを一部お借りしています。 Geographic Information GISystems GIScience GIStudy GIService S Geographic Information Science Land Information Science Spatial Information Science Geomatics and Geoinformatics Geoinformation Engineering 地理情報科学 空間情報科学 Geo-Information Science GeoComputation GIScience is an emerging interdisciplinary field that aims to advance our basic understanding in the use of digital geographic information to acquire and communicate knowledge about the world. It bridges geography, computer science, psychology, mathematics, philosophy, statistics, surveying, the earth sciences, among other disciplines. GIScience emphasizes basic theoretical and empirical research over unique GIS applications. Also, it harbors a decidedly scientific and engineering perspective on GIS, as opposed to the view of GIS as a tool (Goodchild, 1992; Wright, et al., 1997). Geographic Information Science http://www.giscience.org/ GIScience 2002 Second International Conference on Geographic Information Science Boulder, Colorado, USA, September 25-28, 2002 GIScience 2000 First International Conference on Geographic Information Science Savannah, Georgia, USA, October 28-31, 2000 GIScience 2002 is the follow-up meeting to the highly successful GIScience 2000 conference with over 300 researchers attending. GIScience 2002 will again bring together scientists from academia, industry, and government to analyze progress and to explore new research directions. It will focus on emerging topics and basic research findings across all sectors of geographic information science. The conference program aims to attract leading GIScience researchers from all fields to reflect the interdisciplinary breadth of GIScience, including cognitive science, computer science, engineering, geography, information science, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, social science, and statistics. 本日の話題 1. GCの誕生前 2. 英国におけるGCの開花 3. GCの主要な研究テーマ 4. GCの地理学における展開 GCの誕生前 1. 1980年代までの人文地理学にお ける計量地理学の位置 2. GIS革命の展開 3. 非計量地理学者からのGIS批判 欧米と日本の計量地理学の系譜 年代 1950 地理学界の潮流 計量地理学の 研究トピックス 後半 計量革命 北米 1970 前半 中葉 システム論 因子生態研究 後半 エントロピー・モデル 理論地理学 都市モデル 行動主義地理学 時間地理学 前半 計量批判 人文主義地理学 中葉 ラディカル地理学 Marx主義地理学 後半 1980 前半 新しい文化地理学 後半 GIS革命 2000 前半 Journal 記述的な統計地理学 Ohio State Univ. Golledge,R.G. Leeds Univ. Brown,L. Wilson,A.G. Pennsylvania State Univ. Batty,M. Gould,P. Cliff,A. Johnston,R.J. Openshaw,S. Rushuton,G. Golledge,R.G. Bennett,R.J. Getis,A. Wrigley,N. McMaster Univ. O'Kelly,M.E. Fotheringham,A.S. Gatrell,T. UCSB Haining,R.P. Goodchild,M.F. Computational地理学 (AI・CI) 後半 Geocomputation RS(1967) E&P(1969) GA(1969) 理論地理学 空間統計学 NCGIA UCSB SUNY Geographical Information Systems の出版 中葉 前半 ? 日本での隣接分野 Cambridge Univ. Haggett,P. Chorley,R.J. Bristol Univ. Haggett,P. Harvey,D. 地理的データへの 統計手法の問題 メンタルマップ 空間的自己相関 地図パターン問題 集計問題(MAUP) 相対空間(MDS) 意志決定モデル 時空間系列モデル カテゴリカル分析 カタストロフィー 立地・配分モデル 空間的相互作用モデル 空間統計学 社会的関わり 中葉 1990 Washington Univ. Garrison,W.L. Berry,B.J.L. Chicago Univ. Northwestern Univ. Michigan Univ. UCSB 日本の計量地理学 統計地理学 統計学的手法 記述的な空間統計学 1960 英国 RRL 多変量解析の地理学 中心地研究 地域区分研究 因子生態研究 都市群システム研究 日本の都市システム 世界の都市システム 都市工学 社会工学 建築計画学 土木計画学 都市経済学 地域科学 都市解析 計量的行動地理学-認知地図研究 大都市圏研究 人口移動研究 応用地域科学研究会 IJGIS(1987) GIS Varenius Proj. GeoVISTA GISC GMAP CASA 重点領域研究『近代化による環境変化の地理情報システム』 地理情報システム学会 GIS理論と応用(1993) JGS(1994) TG(1996) GI(1997) GEM(1997) 東大空間情報科学研究センター GeoComputation 1980年代の計量地理学 帰納的計量地理学 演繹的計量地理学 vs (inductive number-crunchers) 純粋地理学 (Academic) (deductive modellers) vs 応用地理学 (Applied / Relevance) GIS革命の展開 NCGIA (1988-97) (National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis) University of California, Santa Barbara University at Buffalo University of Maine • The Midland RRL (MRRL) at the Universities of Leicester and Loughborough RRL • The North East RRL (NERRL) at the University of Newcastle • Northern Ireland RRL (NIRRL) at Queens University, Belfast and the University of Ulster (1987-91) (Regional Research Laboratory) • The North West RRL (NWRRL) at the University of Lancaster • The South East RRL (SERRL) at Birkbeck College, University of London • The Urban and Regional Policy RRL (URPRRL) at the Universities of Liverpool and Manchester • The GIRL at the London School of Economics (LSE) • RRL Scotland at The University of Edinburgh. CSIS (1998) (Center for Spatial Information Science) University of Tokyo GIS派 vs 社会理論派 Taylor (1990) Goodchild (1990) Openshaw (1991) Taylor & Overton (1991) Openshaw (1992) Taylor & Johnston (1995) 英国におけるGCの開花 1. Key Personの移動 2. Leeds大学地理学部の挑戦 3. Stan Openshaw 4. GeoComputation 1) GIS革命 2) 人工知能(AI)ツールの発展 3) パラレル・スーパーコンピュータの出現 the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) http://www.rae.ac.uk/ Institution name University of Bristol University of Durham University College London University of Edinburgh Open University Royal Holloway, University of London University of Cambridge University of Hull University of Leeds London School of Economics and Political Science Loughborough University Queen Mary, University of London University of Newcastle University of Nottingham University of Sheffield University of Southampton University of Birmingham University of East Anglia University of Exeter University of Leicester University of Liverpool University of Manchester University of Oxford University of Wales, Swansea University of Wales, Aberystwyth 2001 1996 1992 Rating Rating Rating 5* 5* 5 5* 5* 5 5* 5* 5 5* 5* 5 5* 4 4 5* 5 4 5 5* 5 5 4 3 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 3 5 4 3 5 5 4 5 4 3 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 4 Leeds University Newcastle University A. Stewart Fotheringham Chris Brunsdon Martin Charlton (The Centre for Computational Geography (CCG)) Alan G. Wilson Stan Openshaw Ian Turton Daniel Dorling Oxford University Bill Macmillan CASA, UCL Mike Batty Paul Longley School of Geography, University of Leeds Wilson学派 (Since 1970) GMAP エントロピー最大化モデル 都市モデル研究 空間的相互作用モデルと立地論 応用地理学 Ltd. GeoCAT (Since 1983, Geographical Modelling and Planning) CCG (Since 1999, Geographical Consultancy & Training) GMAP (Since 2001, Global Market Analysis Planning) (Since 1992, Centre for Computational Geography) GeoComputationの拠点 Alan G. Wilson Professor of Urban and Regional Geography Employment Record : •1991- Vice-Chancellor, University of Leeds •1970-1992 Professor of Urban and Regional Geography, University of Leeds •1968-1970 Assistant Director, The Centre for Environment Studies •1967-1968 Director, The Mathematical Advisory Unit of Economic Planning Directorate at the Ministry of Transport •1966-1967 Research Officer, The institute of Economics and Statistics at the University of Oxford •1965-1966 Research Officer, The Institute of Economics and Statistics at the University of Oxford •1964-1966 Scientific Officer, The Rutherford Laboratory of the National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science Qualifications and education: •1968 B.A. (first class) honours degree in Mathematics, the University of Cambridge Entropy Maximised Spatial Interaction Model Tij = Ai Bi Oi Dj exp(βdij) Stan Openshaw Professor of Human Geography Employment Record : •1992-1999 Professor of Human Geography, University of Leeds •1989-1992 Personal Chair in Quantitative Geography, Newcastle University •1982-1989 Lecturer in Department of Geography, Newcastle University Senior Lecturer since 1985 •1974-1982 Lecturer in the Department of Town and Country Planning, Newcastle University. •1971-1974 Planning Department, Durham County Council leaving as a Principal Planning Officer in the Research and Intelligence Team Qualifications and education: •1993 F.R.G.S. Fellow of Royal Geographical Society •1993 C.Stat (Chartered Statistician) •1988 F.R.S.S. (Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society) •1983 F.I.S. (Fellow of the Institute of Statisticians) •1983 M.B.C.S. (Member of British Computer Society) •1974 Ph.D. in Geography, Newcastle University. •1968 B.A. (first class) honours degree in Geography, Newcastle University. MAUP (可変単位地区問題) Modifiable Areal Unit Problem Daniel Dorling Professor of Quantitative Human Geography Employment Record : •2000- Professor of Quantitative Human Geography, University of Leeds •1996-2000: Lecturer and Reader in Geography, School of Geographical Sciences, Bristol University (and University Fellow 1999-2000). •1994-1995: British Academy Fellow and Senior Research Associate, Department of Geography, Newcastle University (and Fellow in the Department of Town and County Planning, Newcastle). •1991-1993: Joseph Rowntree Foundation Fellow, Housing and Society Research Group, Newcastle University - working in the Departments of Town and Country Planning, Social Policy and Geography. Qualifications and education: •2001: Member of the Institute for Teaching and Learning •1991: PhD 'The Visualization of Spatial Social Structure' University of Newcastle •1989: BSc (Hons) Geography Mathematics and Statistics. First Class, University of Newcastle Cartogram Dorling, D. (1995): A new social atlas of Britain. Wiley. GeoComputation GIS革命 AI・CI HPC データ スマート・ツール パワー SPATIAL DATA AND.. there are now LOTS of it! Everyday there are More DATA than previously More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More Data and More DATA More DATA More DATA A bigger ... •DATA Lake ? •DATA Swamp ? •DATA Warehouse ? •DATA Mountain ? NO.. just a BIGGER GIS database most of which will hardly ever be analyzed or used other than for drawing maps Indeed spatial data are being created and stored many times faster than they can be processed! So the NEED is for user friendly Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis capable of being safely and easily used and understood by people who do not have higher degrees in the statistical or spatial sciences 超高速パラレル・ スーパーコンピュータ テラフロップ・コンピュータ(1秒間に1兆回) 計量革命時の10の9乗倍 エントロピーモデルの10の8乗倍 GIS革命期の10の6乗倍 GeoComputation 1. 空間データに適した手法の開発 2. コンピュータの集中的利用 3. データ・フリー、探索的アプローチ GeoComputation is the use of computing techniques to solve geographical problems that are too complex to solve 'by hand'. A. Stewart Fotheringham 1. weak GeoComputation 2. strong GeoComputation Global model -> Local model GIS環境下での 新しい計量地理学 演繹的計量地理学 vs (deductive modellers) 確証的技法 (Confirmatory) 帰納的計量地理学 (inductive number-crunchers) vs 探索的技法 (Exploratory) GeoComputation GeoComputation は •GISの別名ではない •計量地理学ではない •極端な帰納主義でない •理論が欠けているわけではない •哲学がないわけでない •道具箱ではない GeoComputation Conference http://www.ashville.demon.co.uk/geocomp/ GeoComputation '01 - University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia GeoComputation '00 - University of Greenwich, Medway Campus, United Kingdom GeoComputation '99 - Mary Washington College, Virginia, USA GeoComputation '98 - University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom GeoComputation '97 - University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand GeoComputation '96 - University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom GCの主要な研究テーマ 1. パラレル空間的相互作用モデル 2. 新しいパラメータ推定方法 3. 最適配置問題へのパラレル・コンピュテーション 4. 自動化モデリングシステム 5. パラレル可変単位地区問題や最適地理的分割問題 6. パラレル空間分類法 7. パラレル地理学的パターンと地理学的関係の発見方法 パラレル 空間的相互作用モデル Competing Destinations Spatial Interaction Model with 5 parameters α γ Tij = Ai Oi Wj Hj exp(βdij) π Hj = Σk Pk / djk σ Applying GAM to the study of Long Term Limiting Illness data for 6,905 census areas in Northern England Age-Sex Adjusted Clusters GCの地理学における展開 人文地理学の 更なる発展のためには、 計量地理学派と社会理論学派の 協調が不可欠
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