SOUNDDOCK® PORTABLE AND SOUNDLINK® CAR CHARGER Owner's Guide I Brugervej!edn ing ! Bed ier1ungsanleitung I Gufa de usuario Omistajan opas I Notice utilisation I Fe!hasznal6i utrnutat6 I fv1anuale di istruzioni Gebruiksaanvv!jzing I Pod r\'cznik u/_ytkovvnika I Bruksanvisningen cr ~~B~l; 'iJ <U I AL2Al f a r 01......;~LHAj ,, l , I mp f~r¥1 I f(lJ LfJ! /s· l~t~i;('?:f I , _ _ . l. , !J, . •v 1 4--_-+--:;;:_'-+o' .} /.J"! /j l:' ~~ I ~WI .~ · \,i j ENGUSH Important Safety Instructio ns Please read this guide Please take the time to follow the instructions in this owner's guide carefully. It will help you operate your product properly. WARNINGS: • To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock, do not expose the product to rain or moisture. • Do not expose this apparatus to dripping or splashing, and do not place objects filled with liquids on or near the apparatus. As with any electronic product, use care not to spill liquids into any part of the system. Liquids can cause a failure and/or a fire hazard. • Do not place naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, on or near the apparatus. • Make no modifications to the system or accessories. Unauthorized alterations may compromise safety regulatory compliance, and system performance. ( E This product conforms to all EU Directive requirements as applicable by law. The complete Declaration of Conformity can be found at 1. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS- This manual contains important safety and operating instructions for the Bose® Sound Dock Portable and Sound link~ car charger. 2. Before using the charger, read all instructions and cautionary markings on the charger, battery, and the product using the battery. 3. CAUTION -To reduce risk of injury, only use this charger with Sound Dock Portable and Sound link batteries. Other batteries may burst causing injury to persons and damage. 4. Do not expose the charger to rain, moisture, or snow. 5. Use of an attachment not recommended or sold by the charger manufacturer may result in a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons. 6. To reduce risk of damage to the 12-volt plug and cord , pull by the plug rather than by the cord when disconnecting the charger. 7. Make sure the cord is located so that it will not be stepped on, tripped over, or otherwise subjected to damage or stress. 8. Do not operate the charger with a damaged 12-volt plug or cord- replace it immediately. 9. Do not operate charger if it has received a sharp blow, been dropped, or otherwise been damaged in any way; take it to a qualified service person. 1 0. Do not disassemble the charger; take it to a qualified service person when service or repair is required. Incorrect reassembly may result in a risk of electric shock or fire. 11. To reduce the risk of electric shock, unplug the charger before attempting any maintenance or cleaning. Turning off controls will not reduce this risk. Operating Instructions This car charger works with both the SoundDoc~ Portable and Soundlin!<systems. For more information on using either product, refer to its owner's guide. To arrange servicing, or to contact Bose with any questions, see the contact list on your warranty card. A blinking red light on the front of the system indicates when the battery needs to be recharged. Recharging the battery may take up to 10 hours, whether it is playing or not. WARNING: Do not play your SoundDock Portable or SoundUnk system while driving. The distraction may present a danger to you or others. CAUTION: Using the car charger for more than a few hours with the car engine turned off may result in a weak or dead car battery depending on its ability to hold a charge. After 6 hours of charging or playing music while the car charger is connected to your car battery, Bose recommends running your car engine 10 minutes for every hour of additional anticipated playback. Light glows to confinn power"' 12-volt car outlet SoundDock Portable *May glow for up to 10 seconds after disconnecting charger from 12-volt power. _HilS~ Better sound through research® ©201 0 Bose Corporation, The Mountain, Framingham, MA 01701-9168 USA AM343103 Rev.01 3431 03-001 0 Warranty information inside Register your product now Contiene informaciOn sabre Ia garantfa Registre su producto ahora Renseignements sur Ia garantie a l'interieur Enregistrez votre produit des maintenant Serial number: Numero de serie: Numero de serie : @201 0 Bose Corporation. C_007933 AM324486 _02 324486-0010 Registre su producto: Conozca toda Ia gama de servicios que su garantia le ofrece. Registrarse en lfnea es facil y rapido. Enlace directo para registrarse: (Europa) (EE.UU., Puerto Rico e Islas Virgenes de EE. UU.) L'enregistrement en ligne est simple et rapide. (Australia) (Canada) (Nueva Zelanda) Envie cualquier correspondencia en relacion con informacion de productos o los servicios de Ia Garantia limitada a Ia sede corporativa de Ia empresa en: Registro del producto Bose Corporation The Mountain PO Box 9168 Framingham, MA 01701-9168 EE.UU. A oolen cubre: Esta garantia se extiende tlnicamente al cornprador final original o a Ia persona que reciba et producto como regalo y no se extendera a cualquier otra persona o beneficiario. oue se C!Qe/Por cuanto tiemoo: A menos que un periodo de garantia tiferente se expiK:tte en Ia Guia del usuario prOIIista con su producto ~ por un periodo de 1 aiio (2 alios en Ia UE.) [5 alios para altavoces no eklctricos incorporados en el producto) a pamr de Ia fecha de Ia compra minorista por parte del usuano final original, Bose garantiza que este producto, cuando se le entrega en su paquete original y en nueva condK:i6n, por parte de un revendedof autorizado por Bose y es utilizado en condiciones normales, no tiene defectos de fabricad6n, de matenales ni de producci6n. oue es 1o que no se cul!re: Esta garantia no cubre defectos ocasionados por practicas de uso o mantenimiento irrurectas o no razonables. el incumplimiento de las instrucciones de uso; accidentes; .humedad excesiva; insectos; rayos; suiJidas de tensi6n; conexi6n a voltaje incorrecto; atteraciones o modifiCaciones no autorizadas del producto original; dai'os causados por embalaje o proceso de envio inapropiado; perdida, daiio o atteraci6n de Ia informaci6n guardada; daOOs ocasionados por el uso con productos que no sean de Bose; productos que requieren de modificaci6n o adaptaci6n para permitir que se utiiK:en en cualquier pais fuera del pais para el que tueron disel\ados, 1-800-736-5076 (EE.UU.) 1-508-766-1 000 (INTL) fs posible que se ap/iquen cargos por Ia 1/amada. Tenga a mano el numero de serie cuando rea/ice Ia 1/amada. Los propietarios que vivan fuera de los Estados Unidos deben revisar Ia Guia del usuario o ira para encontrar Ia direcci6n mas cercana. fabricados, aprobados y/o autonzados, o reparaci6n de productos daiiados por estias modificaciones; y productos adquiridos de vendedores no autorizados. oue haremos: Durante el periodo de garantia repararemos o sustituiremos, a nuestra discreci6n, las partes defectuosas en un periodc razonable detiempc y sin cargo utilizando repuestos nuevas o rehabilitada. aue es lo que no haremos: Pagar cargos per envio, seguros o transpcrte del producto de usted a nosotros, tasas de importaci6n o impuestos. oue debe " hacer oara ob!ener et servlcio Garantia limitada: Devuelva el producto con el comprobante de compra emitido per un vendedor autorizado de Bose, realizando los siguientes pesos; 1. Contictese con Ia compaiiia Bose en su pais/ region (visile para obtener informaciOn de contacto en su paislregi6n) a fin de obtener instrucciones especificas sabre devoluci6n y envio; 2. Rotule y envie et producto, con ftete pago, a Ia direcci6n de Ia campania Bose en su pais; y 3. Coloque cualquier mimero de autorizaci6n para Ia devoluci6n que sea necesario en forma visible yen Ia parteexterior del paquete. Los paquetes que no tengan un nlirnero de autlllizaci6n de devoluct6n, cuando sea necesario, rechazados. Enregistrez votre produit: Renseignez-vous sur Ia gamme complete de services offerts dans le cadre de notre garantie. otras condiciones: lAS DISPOSICIONES DE ESTA G.APANT1A LIMITADA REEMPLAZAN ClJ.AJ..QUIER OTRA. G.APANT1A, YA SEA EXPRESA 0 IMPUCITA, ESCRITA U ORAL, INCLUYENDO CUALQUIER GARANTIA DE COMERCLI\BILIDAD 0 ADECUACI6N A UN FIN PARTICULAR. LA RESPONSABILIDAD MAXIMA DE BOSE CORPORATION NO PUEDE EXCEDER EL PRECIO DE COMPRA REAL QUE USTED PAG6 POR EL PRODUCTO. BAJO NINGUNA CIRCUNST.AJ'JCIA SERA BOSE RESPONSABU PORLA PERDIDA. DANO 0 ALTERACI6N DE INFORMAQ6N GUARDADA 0 POR DANOS ESPECIALES, INCIDENTALES, EN CONSECUENCIA 0 INDIRECTOS CUALOUIERA SEA LA CAUSA DE LOS MISMOS, INQlNENDO SIN LIMITACI6N, EL REEMPLAZO DE EQUIPOS Y PROPIEDADES Y CUALQUIER COSTO DE RECUPERAQ6N, PROGfWIN\CI6N 0 IB'ROOJCCI6N DE CUALQUIER PROGRAMA 0 INFORMACI6N GUARDADA 0 LITlUZADACON SU PRODUCTOBOSE Esta garantia se anula en caso de que Ia etiqueta con el ntlmero de sene haya sido quttada o daiiada. O!ros derechos legales: Esta garantia limttada le otorga derechos legales especificos y es pcsible que tambien se le otorguen otros derechos que varian segtln los estados o paises. Algunos lugares no permiten limttaciones en garantias implicttas o Ia exclusiOn o limttaci6n PD' daOOs secunclarios o resultantes, por lo que es pcsible que las limttaciones o exclusiones anteriores no se apliquen a usted 'En caso de que no registre su producto no se veran afectados sus derechos de garantia limitada. Liens directs vers les sites d'enregistrement : (Europe) (ttats-Unis, Puerto Rico et hes Vierges des ttats-Unis) (Australie) (Canada) (Nouvelle-Zelande) Pour toute correspondance relevant d'une demande de renseignements au sujet de nos produits ou de nos services de garantie limltee, veulllez nous ecrire notre siege social, l'adresse suivante : a Enregistrement de produits Bose Corporation The Mountain PO Box 9168 Framingham, MA 01701-9168 Etats-Unis Benillk:iaire : La pnisente garantie est uniquement valable pcur le premier acheteur ou Ia personne ayant re9u le produtt en cadeau et ne peut en aucun cas etre etendue ou transferee aune autre personne. Objet et dunie de Ia garantie : Amoins qu'uneduree diflerente ne sott indiquee dans le guk1e de l'utilisateur foumi avec le produtt, Bose"' garanttt pendant une p8fiode d'un an (deux ans dans I'UE) [cinq ans pcur tout haut-parleur non amplifie integra au produ ~]. a pamr de Ia date d'achat au detail par le premier acheteur, que le produ~ est libre de tout vice de matenaux et de fabrication lorsqu'il est livre al'etat neuf, dans son emballage d'ongine et par un ootaillant autorise Bose, et qu'il est utilise dans des conditions normales. Exclusions : La presente garantie ne COlMe pas : les defauts ou dommages resultant d'une utilisation ou d'un entretien inappropne ou incorrect, du non-respect des directives d'utlisation, d'un accident, d'une humidtte excessive, de Ia presence d'insectes, de Ia foudre, d'une pointe de courant electrique, d'un raccordement un courant electrique d'une tension incorrecte, d'une a~eration ou d'une modification du produtt, de procedures d'emballage ou d'exp8dition inappropnees; Ia parte, l'atteration ou Ia deterklration de donnees informatiques; les dammages causes par l'utilisaticn avec un produtt d'une marque autre que Bose; les modifications ou adaptations effectuees au produtt pcur qu'il sott utilisable dans un pays autre que celui pour leqlel il a ete con9u, fabnque, a a 1-800-736-5076 (Etats-Unis) 1-508-766-1000 (International) Des frais peuvent s'appliquer. Veuillez avoir en main votre numero de sene tors de /'appet. Si vous residez hors des Etats-Unis, consultezle guide de l'utilisateur ou le Globa/ pour obtenir l'adresse postale Ia plus proche. approuve et'ou autolise, de rneme que Ia reparation d'un produtt endommage par ces modifiCations; les produtts achetes aupres d'un ootaillant non agree. Notre enaagement : Au cours de Ia p8riode de garantie, a rotre seule discretioo, oous r8parerons ou rernPacerons toute piece defectueuse dans un d8lai raisoonable, sans frais utilm notNel ou rilnove 1es partes de remplacement. Frais exc!us : La garantie ne couvre pas le paiement des trais d'expediticn, d'assurance et de transport du produit vers notre adresse, ainsi que de toutes taxes et de tous drotts d'1mpcrtation ou autres. Conditions de l'ob!8ntlon des seMces de qarantie llm!tee reoaratlon : Expediez·nous le produtt, accompagne de Ia prewe d'achat d'ongine d'un ootaillant Bose autorise, en suivant les directives ci-dessous : 1. Communiquez avec l'enttte Bose de votre pays ou region (consultez le stte pcur connaitre les coordonnees de Bose dans votre pays ou regkm) pcur obtenir les instructions de retour et d'exp8dition pamculieres; 2. Etiquetez et exp8diez le produrt, en port paye, l'adresse foumie par l'entM Bose de votra pays ou region; et 3. lnscrivez de tac;oo tres visible sur l'exteneur de l'emballage tout nurnero d'autorisation de retour !lOCessaire. Un envoi qui ne cornporie pas de numero d'autorisation de retour lorsque celui-ci est requis sera refuse. a Au!res conditions ; LES COf'.[)ITIONS DE LA PRESNTE GARANTIE LIMIITE REMPLACENT TOUTE AUTRE GARANTIE, EXPRESSE OU IMPUCITE, EXPRIMI± PAR ECRIT OU ORALEMENT, Y COMPRIS TOUTE GARANTIE DE QIJAl./TE MARCHANDE OU D'ADAPTATION A UN USAGE PARTICULIER. LA RESPONSABILIIT MAXIMAl£ DE BOSE CORPORATION EOUNAUT AU PRIX PAYE PAR LE CONSOMMATEIJ1 AL'ACHAT OU PRODUIT. BOSE NE PEUT EN AUCIJ'l CAS trRE TENUE RESPONSABLE DE LA PEATE, DE L'ALTERATION OU DE lA DtrERIOATION DE DONNEES INFORMATIOUES, Nl DE DOMMAGES PARTICULIERS, ACCESSOIRES OU INDIRECTS, OUELLE QU'EN SOIT LA CAUSE, Y COMPRIS, SANS RESTRICTION, LE REMPLACEMENT D'EQUIPEMENT ET DE BIENS ET TOUS FRAIS DE RECUPtRATION, DE PROGRAMMATION OU DE REPROOUCTION DE TOUT PROGRAMME OU DE TOUTES DONNEES ENREGISTRES D.AJ'JS LE PRODUIT BOSE OU UTIL~S AVEC CELUI-CI. La presente garantie est annulee si I'etiquette portant le numero de serie est retiree ou alteree. Au!res dro!!s ; La presente garantie limttee vous confere des drotts pamculiers selon Ia loi; vous pouvez aussi b8neticier d'autres drotts qui vanent selon votre pays ou region de residence. Certains tenitoires ne permettant pas Ia limttaticn des garanbes impiK:rtes ou I'exclusion ou Ia limiTation des dommages indirects ou accessoires, il est done possible que les limttes ou exclusions ci-dessus ne s'appliquent pas avous. 'Le non-enregistrement du produit n'affecte aucunement vas droits en vertu de Ia garantie limitee. Register your product: Learn about the full range of services your warranty provides. Registering online is quick and easy! To link directly to registration: (Europe) (US, PR & USVQ www (Australia) (Canada) (New Zealand) Send any correspondence regarding product information or Limited Warranty services to our corporate headquarters at: 1-800-736-5076 (US) 1-508-766-1 000 (INTL) Charges may apply. Please have your serial number available when you call. Product Registration Bose Corporation The Mountain PO Box 9168 Framingham, MA 01701-9168 USA Who is covered: This warranty is extended only to the original end-use purchaser or the person receiving the product as a gift, and shall not be extended to any other person or transferee. What is covered/For how long: Unless a different warranty period is stated in the Owner's Guide provided with your Bose® product, for a period of 1 year (2 years Ell) [5 years for any non-powered speakers that may be incorporated into this product] from the date of retail purchase by the original end-use purchaser, Bose warrants that this product, when delivered to you in n8\tV condition, in original packaging, from a Bose authorized reseller and used in normal conditions, is free from any defects in manufacturing, materials and workmanship. What is not covered: This warranty does not cover defects resu~ing from improper or unreasonable use or maintenance; failure to follow operating instructions; accident; excess moisture; insects; lightning; power surges; connections to improper vo~ge supply; unauthorized alteration or modification of original condition; damages caused by inadequate packing or shipping procedures; loss of, damage to or corruption of stored data; damages caused by use with nonBose products; product that requires modification or adaptation to enable it to operate in any country other than the country for which it was designed, Owners living outside the United States should check the Owner's Guide or Global. Bose. com for the nearest mailing address. manufactured, approved and/or authorized, or repair of products damaged by these modifications; and products purchased from unauthorized dealers. What we will do: During the warranty period, we will, at our sole qJtion, repair or replace (using new or refurbished replacement parts) any defective parts within a reasonable period of time and free of charge. What we will not do: Pay shipping, insurance or transportation charges from you to us, or any import fees, duties and taxes. What vou must do to obtain Umited Warranty Service: Return product, with proof of purchase from an authorized Bose dealer, using the following procedures: 1. Contact the Bose organization in your country/ region (visit for Bose contact information in your country/region) for specific return and shipping instructions; 2. Label and ship the product, freight prepaid, to the address provided by the Bose organization in your country; and 3. Place any necessary return authorization number prominently on the outside of the carton. Cartons not bearing a return authorization number, where required, will be refused. *Failure to register your product will not affect your limited warranty rights. Other conditions: THE PROVISIONS OF THIS LIMITED WARRANlY ARE IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WRITIEN OR ORAL, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. BOSE CORPORATION'S MAXIMUM LIABILITY SHALL NOT EXCEED THE ACTUAL PURCHASE PRICE PAID BY YOU FOR THE PRODUCT. IN NO EVENT SHALl BOSE BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF, DAMAGE TO OR CORRUPTION OF STORED DATA, OR FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEOUENllAL, HOWSOEVER DAMAGES INDIRECT OR CAUSED INCLUDING WITHOLJf LIMITATION THE REPLACEMENT OF EQUIPMENT AND PROPERTY, AND ANY COSTS OF RECOVERING, PROGRAMMING OR REPRODUCING ANY PROGRAM OR DATA STORED IN OR USED WITH YOUR BOSE PRODUCT. This warranty is void if the label bearing the serial number has been removed or defaced. Other legal rights: This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you also may have other rights that vary from state to state or country to country. Some places do not allow limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.
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