SHERWOOD VILLAGE NEWS 619 Churchill Way Grand Prairie, Texas APRIL 2015 Sherwood Village Mobile Home Community – 972-790-7791 FAX: 972-313-0932 Mailing Address: 619 Churchill Way – Irving, TX 75060 Email address: [email protected] - Website Address: NOMINEES FOR THE BOARD A three part letter was mailed to every household on March 25, 2015. The letter stated that there will be three openings for new directors. The directors nd whose terms will end on May 2 are as follows: Diane Wright, Mike Proctor, and Pearce Maness. The office received the names of seven nominees and all have been contacted for their willingness to run. Out of the seven, we have had only two acceptances: Diane Wright and Silvia Sanchez. Still, we must hold the election and so beginning on th April 20 through May 1, ballots will be available at the office for voting. On Saturday, 4/18/15, at 10:00 am, we will hold a “Meet the Candidates Meeting” at the clubhouse. The Annual Meeting will be on Saturday, May 2at 10:00 AM. ATTACHMENTS Advertisements Minutes of Open Board Meeting February 29, 2015 Properties for Sale –April 2015. Rules for Share Improvements – English & Spanish GET WELL Our prayers and good wishes go out to the following persons in Sherwood: NELDA BAUMEISTER BARBARA BROWN GAIL MANESS TOM AUSTIN TO ALL OTHERS who are ill, recovering from surgery, or relocated to nursing homes, we extend our hopes for full recoveries. Let us know who you are. NEWSLETTERS AVAILABLE AT THE OFFICE This is the final hand delivered newsletter. Beginning in May 2015, we will no longer hand deliver to each and every household a printed Newsletter. You can read such Newsletters online and they will continue to be published on our website and the deadline of being placed online will become the tenth of every month. However, you can still get a printed Newsletter by stopping by the office during normal business hours, Tuesday through 1pm on Saturdays. If, for various reasons, you are unable to come to the office to obtain your Newsletter, call the Property Manager and leave your name and address and a Newsletter will be delivered to your home. The acceptable reasons permitting home delivery will be due to infirmity, handicap, inability to drive, or a schedule which prevents you from coming to the office during business hours. Thanks to the ones who have already listed their names. DRIVERS – PLEASE SLOW DOWN USE EXTREME CAUTION CHILDREN MAY BE WALKING, RUNNING, OR PLAYING IN THE STREET WATCH YOUR CHILDREN SWIMMING POOL The swimming pool is getting some pampering and primping. Our pool company, JRJ Pool Services, has drained the pool, has replaced the blue decorative tiles around the top edge, repainted the depth signs, and has acid washed the bottom of the pool. The pool will be open to the Shareholders on the Memorial Day weekend, May 23, 24, 25, and will resume normal hours after school lets out for the summer. Remember, every user of the swimming pool must have a Pool Pass, which passes are available at the office. Please be patient with us as we too must adjust to this new schedule. OPEN MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS – APRIL 16, 2015 – 6:30 P.M. AT THE CLUBHOUSE PAGE 2 – APRIL 2015 OPEN BOARD MEETINGS The current Board attempted to hold regular open meetings once a month; however, fewer and fewer residents showed up for the meetings. The monthly meeting was thus cancelled in March. Hopefully, the attendance will improve at the April Open Board Meeting which we are happy to report that indeed it did. Last year the attendance at the Annual Meeting was so dismal that we were unable to hold a meeting at all. Out of a community that has 280 active shareholders, there were only 20 people who attended last year’s meeting. This year the meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on May 2 and we hope the weather will permit this meeting to be held outside. PLEASE COME TO THE ANNUAL MEETING! YARD SALES We have designated May 16 as the Yard Sale day. If you plan to participate, please call the office and get your name on the list. Good luck to all of the sellers and also to the shoppers. SHERWOOD VILLAGE NEWS LOST AND FOUND It is simply amazing that so many personal items are left on Sherwood’s front lawn by children and teenagers. There is a cardboard box located inside the clubhouse marked “Lost and Found”. If your child is missing something, like a jacket or a pair of gloves or a winter cap, you might check that location. About a month ago, some little girl left her pink bicycle lying down on the grass in front of the front porch. This bicycle is now beside the Coke machine ready to be reunited with that child. Also, a cylindrical shaped audio speaker possibly for an iPod was left and is inside the office waiting for its owner. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As mentioned in previous newsletters, the monthly Financial Statements will continue to be prepared using the correct data for the income and the expenses; however, the opening and closing balances cannot be verified until after an audit has been completed. The Financial Statements will only be available for viewing at the POA office. At such time, a photocopy of the Statement will be given to you upon your request. ATV’s LOOSE IN THE PARK We are talking about those small four wheel openair very loud and noisy motorized things – which happen to be street illegal. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: They are also not allowed on the streets of Sherwood and especially not on the beautiful lawns in front of the Clubhouse where they take out the grass and leave nothing but mud behind. When you are ready to ride your ATV, haul your ATV’s out of Sherwood to a location suitable for this recreational vehicle. $$$ PAYING YOUR POA DUES $$$ Much thanks to the majority of Shareholders who now correctly make out their Sherwood dues payment. A reminder to the few others, please make your checks or money orders payable to: BASKETBALL PRACTICE COURT About a month or so ago, high winds took out most of the basketball court. The Board has discussed what to do – whether to replace it or take it out entirely. We would like to know your opinion. The individual basketball nets which are located throughout the park at individual residences are not a good idea. There is much danger for the children who must stand in the street or run after the ball. The Board asks the parents to reconsider having this dangerous situation occur. We do not want to see a child injured by an automobile. $$$ PAGARSUSCUOTASPOA $$$ Muchas gracias ala mayoría de losaccionistas queahorahacencorrectamentesucuotade pagode Sherwood. Un recordatorio alospocos,por favor hagasus chequeso giros postalesa nombre de: SHERWOOD VILLAGE POA SHERWOODVILLAGEPOA NO CASH ACCEPTED NOSE ACEPTANEN EFECTIVO PAGE 3 – APRIL 2015 HOME & SHARE IMPROVEMENTS Check with the POA Office for any projects you are planning for required permits. Mobile Home Move-Ins Decks & Gazebos Porches & Patios Porch/Patio Enclosure Storage Building Driveways Radio Towers Irrigation System Windows Spas/Jacuzzi New Home Fences Oversized Free Standing Satellite Dish Carports Room Additions Retaining Wall Roofs SHERWOOD VILLAGE NEWS SHERWOOD VILLAGE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Ken Manual Vice President Mac McGaugh Secretary/Treasurer Diane Wright Asst. Treasurer Ann Michael Director Diane Banner Director Mike Proctor Director Pearce Maness STAFF Property Manager Prudence Fisher Quickbooks Data Entry Dorthea Howell Maintenance Ruben Talamantes Asst. Maintenance Jorge Talamantes HOGAR YACCIONESMEJORAS Consulte conla Oficina dePOApara cualquier proyectoque usted está planeandopara los permisos requeridos. HomeMobileMove-Ins Decks &Gazebos PorchesyPatios Porche/PatioCaja Edificio de Almacenamiento Pavimentación Torres de radio Sistema de Riego Ventanas Spas /Jacuzzi Nuevo Hogar Cercas Platosde gran tamañocon patasSatélite Acondicionamiento de Cuartos cocheras Muro de contención Techos BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS Monday Tuesday thru Friday T-F Closed for Lunch Saturday Sunday Closed 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Closed POA ASSESSMENTS – CURRENT APR. 2015 DUES FOR MONTH OF MAR. NEW POA DUES DROP BOX Thanks to everyone for adapting to the new POA Dues drop box. No more wet or lost checks. Remember, anyone who is physically unable to walk up the sidewalk to the office should call the office just before leaving home and your payment will be picked up at your car during normal business hours. If you do not want to use the Drop Box, you can make your payment inside the office during office hours. Written receipts will continue to be made of all payments and will be available at the office. PER SHARE Garbage $4,020.41 / 300 $ 13.40 Sewer Water $6,525.11/ 280 $7,145.84/ 280 $ 23.30 $ 25.52 Management/Maintenance $ 64.10 Active Shareholders (276) $126.32 Vacant Shares (24) $ 77.50 THE POA PAYMENT DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL 2015 IS $126.32 MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO: SHERWOOD VILLAGE POA LATE FEE TH $15.00 ADDED AFTER THE 10 OF EACH MONTH (Please show payment address on check or money order) PAGE 4 – APRIL 2015 SHERWOOD VILLAGE NEWS WIPES IN TOILETS DO NOT FLUSH BABY WIPES OR ANY OTHER KIND OF WIPES OR PADS IN THE TOILETS. They hang up on the tree roots and cause all kinds of expensive maintenance problems. “IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY” In the event of a water line break or leak, or a sewer backup or stoppage... DO NOT CALL THE REPAIR COMPANY You should FIRST call the Office at (972) 790-7791 for any type of emergency. The answering service will be answering the phone after hours and will contact the individual on call so that you may be called back. Please be prepared to give your name, share address and phone number so that we can follow up with you. Once the Association has arranged for the repair and if found to be your responsibility, you will be billed for your portion of the repair charges. If you call any repair company without prior approval of the Manager or a current Board Director, all repair bills incurred will be your responsibility. Every effort will be made to make a full and prompt repair. Extreme or inclement weather and/or darkness may delay a full repair. "EN CASO DE EMERGENCIA” En elcaso de rotura dela tubería de aguaofugas, ouna copia de seguridadde alcantarilladoo paro... NO LLAME ALAEMPRESADE REPARACIÓN Primero debellamar a la oficinaal(972) 790-7791para cualquiertipo de emergencia. Elservicio de respuestasecontestael teléfonodespués de horas yse pondrá en contactoa la personade guardiapor loquepuede ser llamadode vuelta. Por favor,estarpreparado para dar sunombre, direcciónde acciones ynúmero de teléfono paraque podamosseguir con usted. Una vez que laAsociaciónha organizadopara la reparación yen caso de sersu responsabilidad, se le cobrará porsuparte delosgastos de reparación. Si se llama alas compañías de reparaciónsin la aprobaciónprevia delDirectorounDirector de la Juntaactual, todas lasfacturas de reparaciónincurridosserán su responsabilidad. Se hará todolo posible parahacer una reparacióncompleta y rápida. Tiempo y/o en la oscuridadextrema oinclemenciaspueden retrasaruna reparación completa. SELLERS AND PURCHASERS Please remember that all potential residents must schedule an orientation before purchasing property and moving into the Park. If you plan to sell your mobile home and/or share, you must present your intention to sell to the board in writing 30 days before the sale. You must furnish to the POA Office a copy of your Contract for Sale, the recorded Warranty Deed, and the Statement of Ownership and Location covering the mobile home which has been filed in Austin. You cannot lease or rent the mobile home. NO DISCRIMINATION Sherwood Village POA is an Equal Opportunity Employer and honors the Fair Housing Act. A full declaration is displayed in the office. PAGE 5 – APRIL 2015 RULE ENFORCEMENT Our Rules & Regulations are there for a purpose. Automobiles on blocks or jacks, excessive parking in the streets, trash and junk, non-running automobiles and trucks, these are all being addressed along with the numerous past due POA accounts. We have the full cooperation with the Code Enforcement Department of the City of Grand Prairie in enforcement. Rule violation reports by a Shareholder will continue to be processed as usual. A two-stage rule violation letter is mailed to all of the rule violators. The third stage is for the rule violator to appear before the Board. When the rule violator chooses not to meet or to comply with the Rules & Regulations of Sherwood Village, the matter will be given to our Park attorney to take legal action. At the current time, we have requested our attorney to seek foreclosure on a number of our residences and shares on which liens have previously been filed. Other shareholder files have been turned over to the attorney to begin initial legal procedures. APLICACIÓN DELA REGLA Reglasy Regulacionesestán allícon un propósito.Automóvilesenbloqueso gatos, aparcamiento excesiva enlas calles, labasura y labasura, no se correautomóviles y camiones, todos ellos estánsiendo abordadosa lo largo delasnumerosas cuentasvencidasPOA. Tenemos laplena cooperación con elDepartamentode Cumplimiento de Códigosde laCiudad de GrandPrairie enejecución. InformesReglaviolaciónpor parte de unAccionistacontinuarán siendoprocesadoscomo de costumbre.Una carta deviolación de la reglade dos etapasse envía por correoa todoslosvioladoresde reglas.Laterceraetapa es que elvioladorreglaa comparecer antela Junta.Cuandoel infractornormaopta por nocumpliro para cumplircon las Reglasy RegulacionesdeSherwoodVillage,el asuntose le dará anuestro abogadoParquede emprender acciones legales. En el momentoactual, hemos solicitado a nuestro abogadoparasolicitarla exclusiónde un número denuestrasresidencias yaccionesen los quepreviamentese han presentadogravámenes.Otros archivosde los accionistashansidoentregadosa la Fiscalíapara iniciarprocedimientoslegalesiniciales SHERWOOD VILLAGE NEWS PERMITS The procedure to improve your home or property requires you to complete and turn in a Home Improvement Form to the Board for approval. Once approved by the Board, you must then take a copy of it to the City of Grand Prairie for its approval. Upon its approval, the City will issue a paper permit to you which MUST BE DISPLAYED on the jobsite throughout the construction. These procedures insure the ongoing quality of our community. Please ask the office any questions that you have and do not begin projects without the proper paperwork. PERMISOS El procedimientopara mejorarsu casa opropiedad que ustednecesitaparacompletar y entregarunformulario demejoras para el hogara la Juntapara su aprobación.Una vezaprobado por el Consejo, debe entoncestomaruna copia del mismoa laCiudad de GrandPrairiepara su aprobación.Tras suaprobación, el Ayuntamiento emitiráun permiso detrabajoparaustedquedebe aparecer enel lugar de trabajoa lo largo dela construcción. Estos procedimientosaseguranla calidad continua denuestra comunidad.Por favorpedir a la oficinaa cualquier preguntaque usted tiene yno comienzanproyectossin ladocumentación adecuada. DOGS RUNNING LOOSE PLEASE DO NOT LET YOUR DOGS RUN LOOSE. Pets cannot be tied up outside. They must be walked with a leash and you must pick up the droppings left by your pet. Take a baggie and a paper towel with you when you walk your dog and keep those items with you until you arrive at home. PAGE 6 – APRIL 2015 SHERWOOD VILLAGE NEWS PAGE 7 – APRIL 2015 SHERWOOD VILLAGE NEWS SHERWOOD VILLAGE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION PROPERTIES FOR SALE AS OF 4/15/15 NOTE: Following is a list provided for and at the request of the Shareholders. Shares and homes are listed only at the request of the owner. Addresses will be published only on request. Please let the POA Office know if you would like to include your name and/or address. This list is not intended to reflect the official status or share records of the POA. Any inquiries, negotiations and/or financial arrangements are to be made to the listed numbers. NOTA: A continuación se presenta una lista prevista y, a petición de los Accionistas. Las acciones y las viviendas se enumeran sólo a petición de la propietario. Las direcciones se publicará únicamente bajo petición. Se ruega a la Oficina POA saber si desea incluir su nombre y / o dirección. Esta lista no pretende reflejar los registros oficiales de la POA de estado o compartir. Cualquier consulta, negociación y / o financiera arreglos se deben hacer a los números indicados. H & S = Home and Share 200 Andover H&S S = Share Only H = Home Only $45,000.00 214-673-8506 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath. Nice property, large yard, two storage sheds. Covered double carport, nice screened-in large porch. Newly painted with new carpet. New Roof in 2012. New A-C unit. New Stove. All Appliances stay with sale of property which includes Stackable Washer & Dryer & Refrigerator. By appointment only. Serious inquiries only. *** Cash Only *** Per the Rules and Regulations Owners must give the POA Office a Notice of Intent to Sell. At that time the Office will advise you of required forms/paperwork which must be placed on file when the sale is completed. Please remember that all new residents must schedule an Orientation/Interview before purchasing property and moving into the park. Por el Reglamento propietarios deben dar la Oficina POA un Aviso de Intención de Vender. En ese momento la Oficina le informará de formas/ papeleo que debe ser colocado en el archivo cuando se ha completado la venta necesarios. Por favor, recuerde que todos los nuevos residentes deben programar una orientación / Entrevista antes de comprar la propiedad y el movimiento en el parque. PAGE 8 – APRIL 2015 SHERWOOD VILLAGE NEWS SHERWOOD VILLAGE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING FEBRUARY 19, 2015 A Regular Open Meeting of the Shareholders, with notice properly given to all Shareholders, of Sherwood Village Property Owners Association (hereinafter “Sherwood”), a corporation, was held on Thursday, the 19th day of February, 2015, at the clubhouse of Sherwood. Those directors and/or officers attending were Director and President Ken Manuel, Director and Secretary/Treasurer Diane Wright, Director and Assistant Treasurer Ann Michael, Director Diane Banner and Director Mike Proctor. Director and Vice President Mac McGaugh and Director Pearce Maness were absent. In addition to the directors, there were eight (8) shareholders who signed in. Those shareholders attending were Prudence Fisher, Pam Whitehead, Kristina Reaves, Kathy Stewart, Carol Morehouse, Blanca Ramiriz, and Kevin and Cheryl Joslin. Ken Manuel, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Ken made several announcements as listed below: There have been several properties sold throughout the park within the last month and currently we are advertising only two homes/shares for sale. We have had delays caused by the weather for the towing company to come out and paint the no parking zones plus reserved parking spots in front of clubhouse; however, this has been rescheduled. Once the no-parking zones are painted, the towing company will be making rounds and cars illegally parked, cars with flats or on jacks, and cars not parked on paved driveways will be towed. The areas that are the most concerning are at Dover and Camelot and Friar Tuck and Tall Tree. After giving plenty of written notice in the newsletters, starting in a couple of months, we are going to stop hand delivering newsletters to every residence but rather will have copies at the office for pickup or will deliver to those who sign up for home delivery. We feel that many residents in the park are not reading the newsletters and it costs too much to print them to have them tossed aside. We have changed attorneys and will be using an attorney selected by the board after having interviewed him in person. The new attorney specializes in home owner associations and their unique problems. His cost is lower than our previous attorney and we hope for a much faster response time to address our needs. Ken then opened the floor to any shareholders who wished to speak or to ask questions. One shareholder reported some pot holes on Bowling Green which need to be fixed. One of the directors advised that we’ve not been able to find an audit firm but are still trying to locate one who might be interested in working for us. One shareholder pointed out that there is no curb to be painted at one of the problem parking areas located on Lennox Lane. There was a general discussion pertaining to items in the newsletter, perhaps adding interviews held with different shareholders who have had unique pasts or skills. A shareholder suggested starting a contest for best yard and awarding a prize to the winner. A shareholder asked what will be the fees charged by the new attorney and was answered that the previous attorney had given us written notice that his fees were being raised to $325.00 per hour and the new attorney will be charging between $180 and $220 per hour. Ken advised that if there are no further questions or comments, the open meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm. SIGNED BY DIANE WRIGHT, SECRETARY EXECUTIVE SESSION Following the open meeting, the Directors decided there was no need to meet in executive session as there were no pending matters before the Board; therefore, no executive session was held.
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