Miami Dade College Tuesday, April 21, 2015 The Daily News Clippings Miami Dade College Office of Media Relations 300 N.E. Second Ave., Suite 1350 Miami, Fl. 33132 Tel. 305-237-3366 Fax. 305-237-3228 Get the latest Moe news on ' " and Potential New Leaders of 2- Year Colleges Face Higher Hurdles - Comrunity Colleges - The Chronicle of Higher Education 412112015 Ie CH HIGH 0 EDUCATI Community olleges 2015 San Antonio J. During two more " " don't want to a to job 1,123 two have more 700 a but the to the 10 htlp:llchroni'articl elPotenti al- New-Leaders- of/229537?cid= meg amenu 1/4 4121/2015 Potential Nevv Leaders of 2- Year Colleges Face Higher Hurdles - Comrrunity Colleges - The Chronicle of Higher Education much more at across to to ~ vvith John E as new sense out at tor rna 2012. He for co was Focus on One the new are to is on access to one of the to to out consume like a1 10 new a rt we only to come short, only set n major http://chronicle.comarticleiPotenlial-New-Leaders-of/229537?cid= meg arrenu 214 4121/2015 Potential New Leaders of2-Year Colleges Face Higher Hurdles COll111JflityCoileges pathways so that aren't is a no The Chronicle of Higher Education C\vr-t:.:\~" of own aspiring you to start like to see more gradually, is "an eco was a if a want to eet out " to on the to maKe a "You trustees or as as r as news. or'article'Potentlal-New-Leaders-ofl229537?cid=rregarrenu at 314 20 community college students honored as nation's best I'.trick Fosttr, USA TODAY College 7:37 a.m. £DTApril20, 201 5 All-USA Community College Academic Team face down hardships in their pursuit of education. Staying focused enough to balance classes, extracurricular activities and a social life over four years is no easy task for students at traditional colleges, many of vkiom enjoy the support of parents and family members. For the 20 students chosen for the 2015 All-USA Community College Tea~, "just" dealing wth college muld be simple. Overcoming drug addiction, parenting, living through years of abuse and struggling as immigrants and first generation college students are just a few of the challenges the students are dealing wth vkiile pursuing a degree. And in many cases, a lifelong dream. "I don't feel like a great inspirational person ," says Sarah Taha , an Iraqi immigrant vkio came to the U.S. after her father was murdered. "I have pOw:lr and I need to use it. If everyone thought this way, the mrld muld be (Photo.· (Photo cour1esyofPhi Theta changing ." Kappa International Honor Society)) Taha joins 19 others in receiving the honor -- vkiich comes wth a $2,500 scholarship -- presented by the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and is designed to recognize 20 tv.o-year college students from across the USA vkio display an outstanding combination of academic achievement and community service. Sponsored by Follett Higher Education Group, wth support from the American Association of Community Colleges, this year's wnners -- vkio must have been nominated by his or her college -- w:lre chosen from a pool of more than 1,500 students nominated by more than 800 community colleges . The 2015 All-USA Community College Academic Team: Helene AIt, Hillsborough (FL) Community College/Dale Mabry Campus Mason Buran, Montgomery (MD) College/Rockville Campus Brianna DiSanza, Germanna Community College/Fredericksburg (VA) Campus Macie Gillock, Redlands Community College, EI Reno, OK Brandon Hayes, Walters State Community College, MorristoW1TN Valerie Le Grande, Mesa (AZ) Community Coliege/SouthernlDobson Campus Rachel Lee , Reading (PA) Area Community College Karen Meacham, Tarrant County (TX) College/Southeast Campus Anastassiya Neznanova, LaGuardia Community College, Long Island City, NY Quan Nguyen, Bunker Hill Community College, Boston, MA Zeinab Noureddine , Miami Dade (FL) College, InterAmerican Campus Audua Pugh, North Hennepin Community College, Brooklyn Park, MN Rhonda Richardsen, Bergen Community College, Paramus, NJ Aaron Rosengarten, Northampton (PA) Community College, Main Campus Jhoalmo Sibrian, Tarrant County (TX) College, Southeast Campus Andrew Sypher, Mesa (AZ) Community Coliege/Red Mountain Campus Sarah Taha , San Diego (CA) Mesa College Tricia Wildman , SUNY Suffolk (NY) County Community Coliege/Michael J. Grant Campus Ashley Williams , Illinois Valley Community College, Oglesby, IL David Yama , South Seattle (WA) Coliege/South Campus Contributing: Morgan Baskin, Lauren Coffey, Daniel Funke, Lindsey Oates, Kaitlyn Russell. Read or Share this story: http://usaUy/1yKoClg USA NOW B.!lwcm4joorn-1IHl.\!¥ief!k16t.I2i1J 8.lh1ueobe11 lis~Wllf~S&. products-due- to-listeria- risk/) ,Apr21 , 2015 412012015 Miarri Dade College's Miarri International Film Festival I Miarri International Film Festival Slog Festival I Tagged Juliano Ribeiro Salgado , La Sel de la terre , Sebastiao Salgado, The Salt of the Earth, Wim Wenders I Leave a reply Brazilian Writer/Filmmaker Anna reply Muylaert's Latest to Screen at Tower Pas ted an March 31,2015 by Tatyana Chiocchetti Anna Muyla ert Miami Film Society's monthly special event screening for April will feature a moving drama, The Second Mother (Que Horas Ela Volta?), by award-winning Brazilian writer and director Anna Muylaert, who wrote the first version of the film 20 years ago when she had her first child-it was called, The Kitchen Door, and was a magical realism story of a domestic servant who was a magician in her own village who could read the future of people . Born in Sao Paulo in 1964, Muylaert studied at the School of Communications and Arts at University of Sao Paulo (USP) in the early eighties , then became a film critic for Istoe (Brazil's equivalent of Time or Newsweek) and 0 Estado de S. Paulo. In 1988, she joined the staff of Rede Gazeta's program Mix TV, and several years later wrote for various children's TV series, including "Mundo da Lua", and "Castelo Ra- Tim-Bum ", Her impressive list http://rriarrifilmfestblog .corri'?cat= 266 5135 412Q12015 Miani Dade College's Miani International Film Festival I Miani International Film Festilel Blog of screenplay collaborations includes the HBO series "Filhos do Carnaval' and "Alice", as well as multiple feature films including Xingu, The Year My Parents Went on Vacation (0 Ano em Que Meus Pais Sairam de Ferias, and Desmundo, "A Origem dos Bebes Segundo Kiki Cavalcanti" (1995): Dur-val Records (2002); Smoke Gets in Yow'Eyes (2009) Muylaert began her filmmaking career with short films-most notably" A Origem dos Bebes Segundo Kiki Cavalcanti" (1995) , which won the Best Film award at Rio Cine and Cine Ceara Festivals , In 2002, she directed her first feature film, Durval Records (Durval Discos), which took home seven awards at Gramado Film Festival, including Best Picture, Her second feature film, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (E Proibido Fumar) in 2009, garnered over 30 national awards, including Best Film at Brasilia Film Festival, Grand Prize of the Brazilian Academy of Cinema, and Best Direction at Los Angeles Latino Film Festival. httpJlnianifilmfestblog ,com'?cat=266 6/35 Miarri Dade College's Miarri International Film Festival 412012015 I Miarri Internatiooal Film Festival Blog Th e Second M o th er Oscilloscope Laboratories picked up the U.S. rights to Muylaert's latest, The Second Mother, on the heels of its Special Jury Award for Acting at Sundance Film Festival, and Panorama Audience Award at Berlin Film Festival. The film features Rio-born veteran actress, comedian, television host, and director Regina Case in the role of Val, a live-in housekeeper who loyally serves her wealthy Sao Paulo employers day in and day out while lovingly nannying their teenage son, whom she's raised since toddlerhood. Val's estranged daughter Jessica (Camila Mardila)-who came of age far removed , literally and figuratively, from her mother's servitude mentality-suddenly appears to take college entrance exams, and the unspoken class barriers that exist within the home are thrown into disarray. Quoting C.L. on Sundance's site, "The immense satisfaction and fun of The Second Mother stem from watching tacit social codes and delicate hierarchies waver as a new generation blithely treads on sacrosanct boundaries." A special event screening of The Second Motl1er will be held on Tuesday, April 21 at MOC's Tower Theater at 7:00 PM . TICKETS are currently available for Miami Film Society members , and will go on sale for the general public on Monday, April 6. See you at the movies! - Tatyana Chioccheffi Posted in #MiamiFF, Miami Dade College's Miami International Film Festival I Tagged Anna Muylaert, Camila Mardila , Oscilloscope Laboratories , Que Horas Ela Volta?, Regina Case, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, Sundance, The Second Mother I Leave a reply http://rriarrifilmfestblog .com'?cat=266 7/35 iMIA.MI ~ AIL ~ Ilttp:irmmmm:'irorg7j SPRING 2015 (I) / ARRHYTHMIC SUITE Rob Goyanes painting on view at Valdivieso's exhibit. Courtesy of Wl5. t;M. OM College Museum of Art and (HTTP://MIAMIRAIL.I Design. ARTSn I Museum S In U REVIEW (HTTP://MIAMIRAIL.O L EXC on some middle 9 it. pillars L ARCH E BROOKL' ROOt< tones are of movement and room. not slow Bauhausian j\RRHYTHMIC SUITE, AN EXHIBITION OF NE'V \\lORKS BY MIAMI-BASED ARTIST ODALIS VAJ~DIVIESO DOWNTOWN MIAMI AREA MES DEL MUSED EN MIAMI MAY 1 - MAY 31 OVERVIEW Arrhythmic Suite, an Exhibition of New Works by Miami·based artist Odalis Valdil.ieso is participating in Miami Museum Month during May 1 . May 31. Learn more about the Miami Museum Month Program ARRHYTHMIC SUITE. AN EXHIBITION OF NEW WORKS BY MIAMI-BASED ARTIST ODALIS VALDIVIESO • m2~ 2~H· MAY ~J 2~15 Miami Dade College's (MDC) Museum of Art + Design (MOA+D) presents an exhibition and new body of work titled Arrhythmic Suite by Venezuelan· born, Miami·based artist, Odalis Valdil.ieso. The exhibition comprises paintings and photographs made from 2014 to the present. The exhibition will be accompanied by a publication of an artist's book containing images , and an essay written by Federica Bueti and designed by Kristin Metho . OFERTAS ESPECIALES MASTERCARO PRICELESS MIAMI OFFER (SPECIAL·OFFERS/606773) MIAMI MUSEUM MONTH OFFER 2015 (SPECIAL·OFFERS/606B34) 412112015 Education and industryleaders unite to launch Talent Del.€loprrent NetwJrk • iRSS Twitter • • :Facebook Open Top Menu • Series • Contact • Media Relations L?D[l News Open Main Menu • • • • • • Campus Life In the World Science & Health Sports Arts & Culture #EXP ANDFIU Tuesday, April 21 Education and industry leaders unite to launch Talent Development Network Posted by Amy Ellis x 04/20/2015 at 3:46 pm 3 http://nev.s.fiu.edul2015J04Ieducation-and-industry-leaders-unite-to-launch-taI ent-del.€loprrent-netv.orl<l87355 1/6 4121/2015 Education and industry leaders urite to launch Talent Del.eloprrent Netv.ork Larry K. Williams, president and CEO ofThe Beacon COWlcil; Matt Haggman, program director for The Knight FOW1dation and co-chair of One Community One Goal; Mark B. Rosenberg, FIU president and chair ofthe Academic Leaders COWlcil; Donna Abood, managing director, Avison YOlll1g and chair ofThe Beacon COWlcil; and Nelson Lazo, CEO of Doctors Hospital and co-chair ofOne Community One Goal annOWlce launch ofthe Talent Development Network. Hoping to stop the "brain drain" that leads talented young people to leave South Florida, academic and business leaders have united to create a regional internship program that will link university, college and high school students with opportunities in high- growth industries. FIU President Mark B. Rosenbergjoined leaders ofsix other educational institutions and the Beacon Counci1 Miami's economic development agency, to Wlveil the Talent Development Network (TDN), which will create 200 new paid internships over the next two years. "This is about preserving and expanding Miami's intellectual capita~" Rosenberg said. "We've heard that students are not prepared. It is our shared responsibility and our shared opportunity to move the needle on student retention, graduation and job placement" Research shows why internships - particularly paid internships - are so critical to student success. More than 60 percent of paid interns received at least one job offer after graduation, while only 37 percent of lll1paid interns got an offer. The median starting salary for new grads with paid internship experience is $51 ,930 -fur outdistancing their counterparts with an W1paid internship earning a median salary of$35,721 . Beyond creating internships, TDN will also assist students at no charge with their resumes and interview skills, through an agreement with CareerSource South Florida. ''No one in the country is doing what we are doing here in Miami," said Larry Williams, president ofthe Beacon COlll1cil. ''When companies expand , talent is the number one thing they look for. We need to be prepared to meet those needs. " http://IlEMS.ftu.edli2015104/education-and-industry-leaders-unite-to-launch-talent-del.elopmenl-netv.ork/87355 216 Education and Industry leaders unile 10 launch Talent Development Network 412112015 m step, " lSa , "Oill intent is to start first surnmer. " we'll the~~= the may want to subscribe Oill "-=-'-'-==:.!-' x ill~,&Lk.l2:.!d!.!!d! Pro htlpJInev.s,fiu,edul20151041educatiol1-and-induslry-leaders-unile-to-launch-lalent-development-network/87355 316 Search MIT Admissions " (#nav-wrap) > Mrr ADMISSIONS 2015 IT > 2015 Mrr RB::RUrrMENT TRAVEL > ecruitm nt Travel which olleae is that love vlsrr (NiSm a for task, and vve you can have if MIT might , hosti a Arkansas ,I (#1 ,I (#1. ", Carolina , South ngton na (#WI) Brown. MIT, & Yale Sunday, up 201 OOpm ne Arts n Brown, p Travel & Yale 201 1 Little admi Brown, p Travel & Yale 20, .00pm c. hool 8 21, 5, 1 Brown, & p Travel U Pen , & Johns Hopkins SAS P rum 2015, 1 for at Miami Room 10 St 32 :II key . ons. 1f-491 1be33af002) Yale Brown, p Travel 29, 5, Central OOpm School Gymnasium 610 820 Entrance admi Brown, MIT, Group Travel 5,7: Fi 13000 Road IN yale. 1 412012015 Cil.ic Chorale of Greater Miani presents "Arren" at Miani Dade College (North Carrpus) I Miani el.ents , nightlife, restaurants and things to do in Miani . \J Previous Page Miami Dade College (North Campus) 11380 NW 27 Ave., Miami, FL Phone: 1-(305)-237 -1505 Website: Gpt Directionc:: Featured Event Civic Chorale of Greater Miami presents "Amen" Choral 2014-2015 Benefit for the Footprints Foundation An organization dedicated to Empowering and Educating Women "Saving women and children one little footprint at a time" Information: • Sun 4/26/15 at 4 :00 PM - 5:30 PM - : PM: PM Other Upcoming Events http://mel.ents.niani .corr.\enue?id= 135925&perf= 2194599 1/2 4121/2015 MAZ :: E\eI1ts Theater . . . n 1 l a 1111 a I'tz I I I( \ Keyvvord Search Events: Theater Polll"lnchJr New Jerusalem The Magnificents The Second Mother In the Lobby Lounge ... WORDS! OKLAHOMA! God of Carnage Short Cuts 5 Short Cuts 5 The Little Dog Laughed Anything Goes Out in the Tropics 2015 The Book Play Club New Jerusalem aare : AD c ¢ ~. - - NEW - JERUSALEM .................... ..........c:..e-- . - -- ""'-IlIIIIIL.,1d ~ t? 1 . -. (;;l When the city of Amsterdam accuses the young philosopher Spinoza of atheism, the elders must summon him to the synagogue to defend himself. In this eloquent and masterful drama , Ives opens the temple doors and lets us listen to a dispute whose philosophical and political echoes still reverberate today. Location GableStage at the Biltmore 1200 Anastasia Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33134 (Map) Contact Infonnation 305.445.1119 305.445.8645 contact@gablestage .org \'Features.php?op=E\eI1ts_Theater#boom-arlQ 1/21 MAZ :: El.eflts Theater 412112015 The Magnificents Nexl da te: Ap r 21 , 2015 - click here for time schedule . EnglIsh ··· ··········•··· ....... ·.M. ·•• · . Following the smash hit, Death and Harry Houdini , third generation magician Dennis Watkins reappears in THE MAGNIFICENTS . This original story by Watkins features an extraordinary family that brings magical entertainment to adoring audiences . As their glory and popularity begin to fade , the aging star of the show takes a young boy under his wing and teaches him all his tricks - and much more , This touching story of the legacy we can leave before we let go is told in spectacular style , with aerial circus arts, film components and stunning feats of magic - including Watkins vanishing before the audience's very eyes! Show video» Location Arsht Center 1300 Biscayne Blvd , Miami , FL 33132 (Map) Contact Infonnation 305 .949 .6722 [email protected] 14-20 15-seasonltheater-up-close/the -mag nificents/?performancenumber= 14422 The Second Mother Tuesday, Apr 21,2015 a1 7.00 PM- EnglIsh Written and Directed by Anna Muylaert Val (Regina Case) is a live-in housekeeper who takes her work seriously. She wears a crisp maid's uniform while serving perfect canapes ; she serves her wealthy Sao Paulo employers day in and day out, while lovingly nannying their teenage son, whom she 's raised since toddlerhood. Everyone and everything in the elegant house has its place until one day, Vat's estranged daughter Jessica (Camila Mardila) suddenly appears to take the college entrance exams, and the unspoken class barriers that exist within the home are thrown into disarray. http://wvw.l.rriarriartzine.corrYFeatures.php?op= El€I1Is _Theater#bookmarlQ 2121 MAZ :: Elents Theater 4I21 /2015 Sundance's World Cinema Dramatic Special Jury Award : Acting Berlin's Panorama Audience Award Winner Tickets now available for Miami Film Society members and will go on sale for General Public on Monday, April 6th. Location MDC'S Tower Theater 1508 SW 8th Street, Miami , FL 33135 (Map) In the Lobby Lounge .. . WORDS! Ne xt dale : Apr 22,2015 - click here for time schedule - ElIgli~/1 ....................,...... . '. \;', ? . ,' -: ' it~~ '.~~;.. -+t'fi !· f~ I. :' ~, \ . ' .; ~ .' . 6... . . I, j I·... , II ... ~ . ~ . t /',1 ' . _I'," . ,. - .:.... . "In the Lobby Lounge .. . WORDS!" is the Olympia Theater's second foray into the wonderful world of Wednesdays in Downtown Miami , bringing words and theatre back to the historic Olympia Theater on a monthly basis. Evenings include directed play readings, improv, skits & spontaneous theater, short stories , readings of excerpts from longer works of fiction, and personal monologues "in their own words." The event is free and open to the public. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the readings start at 6:30 p.m. Cocktails available at the cash bar. Attendees are invited to enjoy a guided tour of the historic Olympia Theater during intermission. Show more» Location Olympia Theater at Gusman Center 174 E. Flagler Street, Miami, FL 33131 (Map) Contact Information Robert Geitner [email protected] 305-374-2444 OKLAHOMA! Ne xt date . Apr 22, 20 15 - click here for tim e schedule - English ....................__ .. _..... ................................................... 3121 George O'Comor The Art of Graphic Storytelling 516115 4/1312015 8 k7" Find your Soul of Miami. . Calendar Features WMC I MMW Articles Send Your Event Arts & Culture Cuisine Fas hi on Advertise Music News Join the List Philanthropy Features Photographs George O'Connor The Art of Graphic Storytelling About Profiles InTheLoop Life Is Art Tra~1 Recommends Soul Of Miami Sponsors 5/6/15 Please support the businesses that support your favorite v.ebsite l Apn110, 2015 byealenda, Click Here for AdvertiSing Information. George O'Connor The Art of Graphic Storytelling Wednesday, 05/06/2015 - 05/08/2015 02:00 pm - 05:00 pm Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus 300 N.E. Second Ave (Bldg. 1, 2nd Aoor), ~AJ C OL\ T~I May 6-9. 2015 Welcome Miami, Florida 33132 Webpage Link {An accidental websile. Thanks Cost: to everyone who is stoppmg by lIVe hope you find it helpful. Just click on the date below ff you Course will take place at Miami Dade like what we do, please COllege, Wolfson Campus rerrerrber Ph oto Comics and graphic no~ls ha~ (0 tell your (n'ends.) ~Jy M ! ~ ch ell Z<J ch'i become a medium that allows for all manner of Soul Of Miami Partners storytelling options and varieties . In this workshop , we will explore the art of graphic storytelling, and the various Shop at AmazonSmile techniques employed in telling a l.isual story. We'll examine various tools of the trade, and combine all these lessons into creating a short comics story of your own del.ising, in the subject and format of your and Amazon will make a donation to: ~MDculture ,)fl'''' Co~1 • Mil.•".' Life Is Art choice. Artists of allle~ls are welcome - cartooning is not about being able to make a beautiful illustration cartooning is the art of communicating ideas through your drawings. Think of your drawing sty1e as your handwriting-maybe it's simple block letters . perhaps it's a flowery cursi~. as long as it can clearly con~y Get startod your ideas. Register before .April 15 and recei~ a signed limited edition print from George's upcoming book, .Apollo:The amazon )n -' Brilliant God George O'Connor is the author and illus trator of The New York Times bests elling graphic Olympians - a projected twel~ no~1 series, volume series retelling classical Greek mythology in comics form, one god at a time. The most recent volume, hes : Bringer of War, is an all-ages comics distillation ofThe Iliad in 66 pages. In addition to Olympians, George adapted the 1634 journal of Dutch explorer Harmen Meyndertsz van den Bogaert into the graphic no~1 Journey into Mohawk Country, and was the illustrator of acclaimed Email Subscription playwright .Adam Rapp's first graphic no~1 Ball Peen Hammer. George is also the author and illustrator of se~ral picture books . Name" If you love Soul Of Miami, please consider leaving a testimonial. Click here to sign up for the Soul Of Miami email list. Filed Urcer" DowfllowftM'&T'I. Reading First Last T<JJg;Jed WIth: 56'15 Email" Enter Security Code D4 7P Y httpJ/ raphic- storytelli ng - 56151 1/2 4117/2015 Rachel Deahl Publishing 101 SAVE THE DAT I Records ,ott! ~Ot\ua\ ....a= E T ~MDculture Miomi Dode Col lege I (http://s'v\€atrecordsmiami .comlVvp-contentiuploads/2015/04/MDC-Log03-500x500.jpg) May 6, 20156:00 pm Add to calendar (?eom_ical=28307) Event Website (http://VNWJ.flcenterlitarts.comisite/programs/W"iting/W"itersJnstitute/spring_2015/registration online.html) Writing is solitary work - publishing takes a team. This crash-course aims to shed light on the ABC's of publishing, both via traditional houses and self-publishing. The first half wll focus on navigating the realms of traditional publishing, starting wth an explanation of the Big 5 houses, mid-size players and independents, and how they all tend to operate . We'll explore fundamentals such as vklat is covered in your contract, how to get an agent and vklat to expect of them, how the buying of rights works, and vklat to expect from a publisher once you land a deal. The second half of the course wll be dedicated to the basics of self-publishing. We'll discuss the biggest self publishing platforms and how to choose the right one for your work , how and vklen to consult outside professionals before you self-publish, how to monetize your self-published work, and finally, the importance of branding and howto market your work.'el.ents/rachel-deahl- publ ishi ng -1 011 3/5 4/1 7/2015 Rachel Deahl Publ ishing 101 I Records Rachel Deahl is a w-iter and editor Vvith more than ten years of experience covering book publishing . As nevvs director at Publishers Weekly she w-ites about business trends, technology , self-publishing and rights. She also w-ites a \tVeekly column about book deals (called Deals) , that details the hottest projects be ing acquired at the major publishers. She is the author of the Publishers Weekly original e-book, Publishing 101 , and has been a speaker at various conferences, including SXSW, BookExpo America, Miami Book Fair International and The Frankfurt Book Fair. Register here at: http://vww.flcenterlitarts .co mlsite/p rogra ms/w-iting/w-iters_in stitute/spring_201 5/reg istratio n online. html (http://vww.flcenterlita rts. co mls ite/prog ra ms/w-iting/w-iters _institute/spring_ 201 5/registration online.html) Check out on Facebook: https :llvww.facebook.comlevents/1424837114483568/ (https:/lvww.facebook.comlevents/1424837114483568/) Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus (http://s\tVeatrecordsmiami.comiplaces/miami-dade-coliege-VvQlfson campus-2/) 300 Northeast 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33132 , USA ~ ~ z NE 5th Sl z z -' ~ 3 N ;j NE 4th St ~ NE IHh~~ I'tI i'II » < ):- < ro m Govemmenl Gtf.Sla!. u:LJ Rall NorttlbOlJOd ~- J .J NE 4th ST e Nr 3rd St NE 3rd Sl f3rd St ..... 1 \ m r. ~ I. Nt 2nd Sl Ges u Catholic ChlJfCh I~I !' ~ _ ~ • ...1 c Nt :L I lLI Jl , Bayfrcmt Park f • Map data ©2015 Google Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus (http://s\tVeatrecordsmiami.comiplaces/miami-dade-college-VvQIfson campus-2/) 2015 (http ://s\tVeatrecordsmiami.coml2015/) 2014 (http://s\tVeatrecordsmiami.coml2014/) 2013 (http://s\tVeatrecordsmiami.coml2013/) 2012 (http://s\tVeatrecordsmiami.coml2012/) 2011 (http://s\tVeatrecordsmiami.coml2011/) http://sv.eatrecordsrriarri ,com'e-.ents/r achel-deahl- publ ishi ng -1 01 1 415 ~/IASTERCARD PRICELESS MIAMI OFFER MDC MUSEUM OF ART + DESIGN MES DEL MUSED EN MIAMI MAY 1 - MAY 31 OFERTAS ESPECIAlES MDC Museum of Art + Design is participating in Miami Museum Month during May 1 - May 31. Learn more about the Miami Museum Month Program MASTERCARD PRICELESS MIAMI OFFER Arte y cultura Valido desde el 01/05/2015 al 31/05/2015 Use your MasterCard and get 1D% off at our museum store. Copyright © 2015 . Sitio oficiat de Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau . Todos los derechos reservados . York, PA yd'ocom ( Now 54 ' (http ://www.ydr .comlweather) (hnp "/Iwww /weather) (http://www.ydr .comlweather) (http://www .ydr.comlweather) YORK REVOLUTI ON HOT TOPICS: I Weather · (http://www.yd r.comlweather) Eagle cam ( .com/citylli.jghborhoods . York Revolution's Johan Limonta was born again in the USA after leaving Cuba Johan Limonta left everything he knew when he defected from Cuba during a two-day voyage across the Straits of Florida By Jim Seip (mailto:[email protected]?subject=TheYork Daily Record: ) (mailto:[email protected]?subject=The York Daily Record: )[email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) @JimSeip on Twitter UPDATED: 04/20/201512:04:42 PM EDT (/pDrtletiarticleihtmllimageDisplay . jsp?contentltemRelation~ld=674]Jl~ York Revolution infielder Johan Lim:'"ta watches a teammate during baiting practice Wednesday at Santander Stadium. A fomEr player for the hdustriales in the Cuban National Series. Lirmnta defected from Cuba in 2004 w hen he, along w ith five other baseball players. boarded a boat f or the United States. He has since become a U.S citizen and reached Triple-A with the Mariners . This will be his fourth season with the York Revolution. (Chris Dunn - Daily Record/Sunday News ) His old life ended on Oct. 2 , 2004, when J ohan r..:-o ...r.:_~, oc~_....~. ~~ - . -''''1:~I1:t'~ :C ''' ..-,"".•""",,,,.""' . Limonta jumped onto a crowded boat off the coast of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Six baseball players from Havana had made the decision to leave together. They trusted each other. Close in age, they grew up together in Havana, playing in the same league. Yet they feared telling anyone, even family, about their plans. Limonta, the youngest of the six at age 19, felt torn . His mother had clied a year before, so his older brother would be alone with his father. So Limonta made his older brother, Johanne, his lone confidant. I t wasn't an easy conversation. The older brother quizzed him : Why? Why would he risk everything to leave Cuba, leave all his family? (/wrtlet / a ['tide/htm lIimageDisplay .jsp? content I tem Rela tionshipl d=6747839) From left , Yerk Revolution infielder Johan Lirmnta, pitcher Edward Paredes and former York pitcher Jorge Martinez walk from their East A'incess Street apartment to Santander Stadium to meet the bus for an away series last season. A former player fer the hduslriales in the Cuban National Series. Lirmnta defected from Cuba in 2004 . Lirmnta helped serve as a translator fer Martinez . who is also a native of Cuba, but Martinez did not return to Yerk for the 2015 season. (Chris Dunn - Daily Record/Sunday New s) Limonta tried to explain. He felt like he had "lost his way," he said. Their mother, Cristina, clied at age 42, from cancer. He talked to her about evelything, like he would a best friend, and now she was gone. A decade later, Limonta can put into words what he felt before defecting. "Right after my mom died, it was a wake-up call," Limonta said. "I looked in th e mirror. If there was an opportunity to go to another country, I needed to go because 1 believed 1 could help my family. 1 can play professional baseball, 1 can m ake money .... 1 could change my life in so many different wa ys." Low: 39' I 5-Day Fore cast I High : 63' Already a member of Havana's Industriales - the most storied franchise in the Cuban National Series - Limonta wanted more. Even the repercussions of defecting - which could result in being thrown out of Cuban baseball, being passed over for any type of job or even being sentenced to prison time if he was caught by authorities - did not deter him. "This is what I'm going to do," Limonta recalled telling his brother. "I know this is going to be hard. I don't know what is going to happen, but this is the only way I can change my life." Limonta had made up his mind. "He was not happy, but he understood." Yet, on the boat, it no longer seemed black and white. "Right when I got in the boat, I was going, 'What am I doing?'" He was one of 36 people on the boat in the midst of a storm, with children, adults, ballplayers crowded together. One motor stalled in the 10- to 12-foot swells. Down to their last motor, they waited out the stonn, swaying in the surf for an entire day. Evelyone on the boat got sick. "Everybody threw up," Limonta said. Worse still, if they began their journey and lost power in the remaining motor, they knew no one would be looking to save them . "If the boat broke or something happens, you are going to die, " Limonta said "That's just what is going to happen - you're going to die." Still, he carried on, driven by what he knew about his home. C/portlet/article/ html fimageDisplay.jsp? content! tern RelationshipI d=6747&!2) York RevokJtion infielder Johan Lirronta prepares to throw the ball during fielding practice Wednesday at Santander Stadium (Chris [).Jnn - Daily Record/Sunday New s) "Everybody works, but people want some more, they always want more," Limonta said. "If you really want to get more, you have to fmd an illegal way to tly to make some money. Because legally it is hard. It's really hard" He wanted more from his life. "I wanted it to be better in all kinds of ways," he said. "It's my chance." A two-day trip in the boat ended when it landed in the Florida Keys. The six ballplayers would eventually go their separate ways, with two moving to Puerto Rico. Only two still remain in professional baseball: Limonta plays for the York Revolution, and Yunel Escobar plays for the Washington Nationals. "Once you jump in the boat, it feels like you're born again," Limonta said. "Get in a boat with 36 people, and all of them get saved." Yet it was just the start of a journey. Video: Limonta discusses playing hasehall in Havana and how he feels at home in York ( The place shaped him. Limonta, 31, grew up at 614 Gloria Street in the Jesus Maria neighborhood of Old Havana - the downtown district of Cuba's capital. It's the section of the city where the French corsair, or pirate, Jacques de Sores plundered and burned the city in 1555. The Spanish responded by building fortresses and walls, the location of which still help defll1e the borders of Old Havana. The city of Havana has 2.1 million residents, but along the city's natural harbor, the Jesus Maria neighborhood in Old Havana has a small-city feel to it, Limonta said. "It's like York," Limonta said. "Everyone knows everybody." He grew up near a ballpark. A small one, he admits, but it was home. Close enough he could walk to it in five minutes. He could meet his friends and play all day as a child. Baseball was different from other spoltslike volleyball and handball. It clicked. He got everything 'about baseball, even when he was little. He played in high school. He played in college for two years. And then he jumped to the Cuban National Series, which is still deemed amateur baseball because of Cuba's politics as a communist nation. Still, it's the nation's big leagues. And he played for his nation's most popular team, the Industriales. "When you play for the Industriales, you're going to have a lot of eyes on you," LinlOnta said. -.Dillp: 11m edi<;lccnt, /2015/04!J 7/ Dhotos- " Click to view the photo gallery revolution- johan-lim onta -cuha -haseball!) Americans call the Industriales the Yankees of Cuba. The comparison doesn't really make sense for Cubans. "We don't talk too much about (major league) baseball," Limonta said. ''Yes, the Industriales are the best team in Cuba. Everyone wants to play against them ," Limonta said slapping his hand. "Evelybody wants to beat them," he said with a hand slap. "Everywhere they go, a lot of people want to see them." Still, the comparison seems odd for Cubans, some of whom are just now gaining access to the Internet. "I saw a couple MLB games in Cuba, but it's not like I had an idea how baseball works in the United States," Limonta said. "I didn't even know how good players make that team. When 1 got here, that's how I learned how (professional baseball in the United States) worked. Really, people in Cuba, they talk about Yankees, Boston and they probably talk about the Dodgers now because they have a Cuban," he said in reference to outfielder Yasiel Puig. "It depends where the Cuban players are. 1 remember Orlando Hernandez, when he pitched for the Yankees. Everybody pays attention to the teams because of the Cuban guys." Even when players leave Cuba, there is still strong supJXlrt back home. The countIy pays attention to their own. No one forgets where they came from. Brenda Coultas and her husband served as a host family for players on the Seattle Mariners' High A farm team, the High Desert Mavericks. The Coultas family had a full house in the summer of 2007, taking in four players. On a rare off day for the team, Coultas drove the players to Disneyland. She spent most of the drive talking to the player who had just arrived at her house, a 23-year-old Johan Limonta. He smiled. He made eye contact. And Coultas chattered away. But when they arrived at Disney, the other players fmally let her know the new player didn't speak English. "He didn't understand a word," she said, laughing about their first meeting. And, yet, they would become so close. Limonta still visits, stopping by to visit Coultas and her fam ily two or three times a year in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Limonta arrived in California at a difficult time. He couldn't communicate with most of his teammates and coaches. He would get in trouble because he didn't understand what coaches wanted. "The fITst year was a really hard year for me," Limonta said. "It got confusing for me. Like, 'Did 1 make the right decision?' But 1 never said, 'I want to go back.' I never thought that way. I'm here now, 1 cannot go back." Limonta found a way to sur.'ive. His Venezuelan teammates in the house could translate, and Coultas' husband knew a little Spanish. This photo shows York ReVOlution infielder Johan Li!T!?nta w~h Blenda Coukas Lirronta's for!Ter host rrolher whom he considers to be his "second rrother~ one of three fra!Ted photos limonta a~ ays packs in !lis bags ' Ihe others are of his deceased mother and of his gir~riend. (Chris [XJnn Da~~ (§-'!!lllil'l. News) http://extras .mnginter"ctive .s;om'live/!Tediaisite515/20151()41 7f201504 17 655581-s 3.00-p5 400jrlll u Limonta stayed two seasons with the family. His English improved, and Coultas and Limonta developed a bond. Coultas' routine had always been to drive players back to their house after games, and after one particularly tough stretch, she found Limonta alone and near his breaking point, "He basically started crying, 'I don't want to disappoint my family in Cuba, I don't want to disapJXlint my teammates.'" What she saw was a person striving to become better in spite of some overwhelming circumstances, "After that 1 call her 'Mom,' and she calls me, 'Son ,'" Limonta said of the 2006 season. "She's part of my family. I love her a lot, like she's my mom. I'm glad God put her in my life because I needed someone like her. ... When I didn't get help from anybody, she helped me in all kinds of ways." Overcoming the language barrier, they grew close by talking, Limonta said. "J'm an honest guy, I'm going to tell you the truth ... I'm not the guy to go over the top or in the news," Limonta said. "She loved me because she knows who I am. She knew the real Johan ." Limonta now speaks fluent English, so much so that he sel"ed as a translator for fellow Cuban Jorge Martinez last season. He became a United States citizen. He ftlled out the paperwork and paid to arrange for his father, Luis, to join him in the United States - navigating a two-year process. It's not uncommon for Luis to leave their home in Miami to stay with .1ohan throughout the summer, like he did last season in York. There have been great moments Limonta reached Triple-A with the Mariners. There's been disappointment released by the Mariners in 2012, he has made stops in the Mexican League, Double-A and with the York Revolution in the Atlantic League. Coultas has seen all this, and she's been around other ballplayers. She knows Limonta didn't have to do this. He didn't need to find a way to bring his father to the U.S., but he did. It's more than just work ethic. It's more than just trying to be a better player. "He's just an all-around respectful person," Coultas said. Limonta is back in York again. It's his fourth season with th e Revolution. And he has his reasons. "Oh, the people, the town, the stadium , the coaching staff, the players - everything," Limonta said. "I know these people so many years, and I feel com fortable with them. They are like my family. Everywhere I go, I feel welcomed." Although quiet , he's one of the respected veterans. "When there's some issue in the clubhouse he is one of the guys players go to talk to," Revs hitting coach Enohel Polanco said. Limonta is honest; he doesn't know how many more seasons he will be able to play. His career might not end in the major leagues. Still, he knows he made the right choice. "If you want to get something big, you have to fight for that," Limonta said. "You cannot sit down and wait for it. You have to go and fight hard and see what happens." And now, just as his career could be winding down, he sees hope that one day he might again see his brother, whom he has not seen since 2004 . The relationship between Cuba and the U.S. has improved in recent months, and travel - once forbidden - could be permitted. "That's really good news, " Limonta said. "If I have a chance to go back (to visit), I'm going to go back. It's going to be really great for me because I really want to see my town, I want to see my family, I want to see my friends. I want to see the field where I first played baseball." The trip no longer scares him. ''I'm going to be ready for that." Contact Jim Seip at 771-2025. Johan Limonta Born: Aug. 4, 1983 Hometown: Havana, Cuba Arrived in U.S.: Oct. 4, 2004 College: Miami-Dade College Drafted: 20th round in 2006 MLB Amateur Draft by Seattle Highest level reached: Triple-A in 2011, 2012 Positions: 1B, OF Bats/throws: Left/left Time with Revs: 2012-present United States-Cuba relations The latest: President Barack Obama will remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of tenorism, the White House announced 1\lesday. The official move could come 45 days after the announcement was made. What's that mean: It removes a large stumbling block in Obama's bid to normalize relations between the two countries. Loosened trade restrictions: The Obama administration announced in January it would significantly loosen trade restrictions, allowing greater American travel. In the past, prospective travelers have had to obtain a specialized license, a government document, to travel to Cuba, but that requirement is expected to be eliminated. Who can travel to Cuba: Americans can travel to Cuba for one of 12 purposes, including visits to relatives, academic programs, professional research, spolis activities and journalistic activity. Tourism travel remains banned, at least for now. Source: The Associated Press Revs season opener What: York Revolution vs. Long Island Ducks season-opening series When: 6:30 p.m. Friday; 6:30 p.m. Saturday; 5 p.m. Sunday Where: Santander Stadium Watch live: All season, you can watch every Revs home game at (http://Y orkRevsTV.coml. Radio: WOYK-AM 1350 and (http://woykl3.So.coml Related ADjlksis: How can York Revolution top ~.','Ulli!.yQ,1i.ru1l2\"a r<II1CeC 2793624 8/analysis- how -do-revs-tOp-20l4) .Chtlj); The RevQlillion's Desmond HS!~urvived growin~u-JLiD.S.Qm0Sill" (h ttp: /kw\\' Irevs/20 15 104 117/henry-su r\lived-grow ing -u p-in-com pton /) Rommie Lewis back for York Revolution in 2015 (h ttl): Ilwww hon Ici 27801310 Irom m ie-lewis-back-york-revolution-20ls) Ici 27830405 Iyork- revo!u§:l)iill,1!- revenu e:. irn prove-fiilll Mla.ntic League baseball: Kirk wan ts Cuban CQDoection ilillj) ci 2717908.QLatiantic-lea g ue-baseha 11- kirk - w an ts- clllliw.:. connection) Atlantic League baseball in the Caribbean? Peter Kirk eyes lllilli1h ,Ch ttl?: /! ci 21766863/a tla ntic-league-baseball-ca ribbean-63- peter-kirk-eves) I MIAMI HERALD . SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015 . Power Up a Cutting-Edg~ With a Bachelor's Degree in L . . . . . . . . . .' From Miami Dade College IT professionals are in high demand. A Science in Information Systems Technolbgy from Miami Dade College can open doors to many lucrative careers. Starting Salary* Computer & Information Systems Manager ........$84,460 Software Developer.................................................. $52,070 Computer Programmer ........................................... $50,810 Network & Computer Systems Administrator ..... $44,790 Classes start May 11. No lateregistraiion. w. .edu{bac e ors 305-237-8888 *Starting salaries,based on data fr'om the National Association of Colleges and Employers. ;>1iaml Dade College SatUJda~ I I MIAMI HERALD Apnl J8, 2015 ACADEMY AWARD' NOMINEE I -DEST DOCUMENTARY fEAT URE ~ "A STUNNING fJ~ VISUAL ODE:' 1I'-1:'-".!J.I'l.i:.~~ ~.~~ ·Jo y Weissberg, VARlm THE SALT OF THE EARTH IIUDIWID8'l1VIMVlEIIDERSA:ro JUliAiIO RIBEIRO SAlGAOO ·'lpO-13!-. .SONY PlCFUIIES __._ - .. CLAmG.l- NOW PLAYING Miami TOWER THEATER (305) 643-8706 . 1·'1I:!I.~1::I:f "· , cl Nuevo HepalQ , La figura del la l Dr. Eduardo Padron, presidente del Miami Dade College (MDC) ha sido premiado con la E dtstincion 2015 Diverse Champions Award que otor-' J. ga la revista Diverse: Issues in Higher Education. El premio Diverse Champions; creado en e12012, es un reconocimiento a los lideres de laenseiianza universitaria que han demostrado un compromiso inquebrantable con las oportunidades igualitarias y el acceso para todos. La entrega del premio Champions al educador coincide con la celebracion de los 20 aiios de Padron al [rente del MDC. Valor de postsecundaria Grado ma)Qr entre los neg ros y los his panos - Educaci6n Superior 4121/2015 I (http://translate'tran slate _ c? depth= 1&hl=es&prev=search&rurl=translate .goog Ie. com&sl=en&u=http://diverseeducation .com'article/71717/&usg=ALkJrhhe la MaspjFtlsz2nXL3UakBjuOFg) Menu Paginas web mas diversa Search in site .. Categoria : Temas Negro ( anslate _c' de pth=1&hl=es & prevo se arc h &rurl =tr ans la te.g oog le .c0 m&sl =e n&u= rica n-a me n can-higher -educa ti on/&usg =ALkjrhgvnoNmtywGvl pO U5 iZ7ud BE noucias actu ales 1 (htt piItransla le .g oog Ie us erco nle lr ans la le_c' deplh=1&hl =es& prev= sea rch& rur I=Ira nsla le.g oog Ie. com&sI=en&u=hHp:lldive rs eeduea I ion.Coml a nicl e/c aIe g0 ry/c urre nt ·ne, 1/&usg=ALkjrhj·x5Azq4d 1rdhoATff9K2Fwc3IJQ) , Cuesliones lalinos (http://lransiale.googieuserconlentcoml!ranslate_c' de plh= 1& hI=es& prev=sear ch& rurl =tr ans la le.g I=e n& u= http://diversee duc aIi on .comla rtie le/ealeg 0 ry/n ews/hi 5 pa nie-highe r· educ aIi 0 n/&u sg =ALkjrhh_FDM m Ukb Db4 Ki3VP 15e TROhgcQg) 5 u bf unci on (http://lransla Ie use rc onlent.e om/lran 5 IaIe _c' de plh =1&hl=es&prev= se arch& ru rl =lrans la le .g oog Ie. co m&sI=en&u =http://diverseeducallon.coml artl(le/categorylsubfeature1& usg =A LkJ rhj PhWj 1fJpZKFANv9Qo C4m Qa 2_zWw) I Valor de postsecundaria Grado mayor entre los negros y los hispanos 19 de abril 2015 g, rrint J< POF r l , It 1 ]ob~ I: (http ://lranslate.googleusercontent.comltranslate_c? (http://translate.googleuser depth= 1&hl=es&prev=searc depth=1&hl=es&prev=search&¥~ :r9mm~~f~~ krlGiSmmmweix08ATQ) por Jamaal Abdul-AJim Buscar Poner Irabajo Oferla (http : //lranslat~lJo.!jtE!llUla:let'!leo!JlmmlIr' (http://diverseeducation .eom/wp content / uploads/201 5/041042015_education .jpg) Cuando se trata de aumentar el numero de estadounidenses con un titulo universitario, la gran mayoria de los estadounidenses estim de acuerdo en que el objetivo es importante y que un titulo de estudios superiores sera mas importante en el futuro para conseguir un buen trabajo, un nuevo estudio de la Fundacion Gallup-Lumina ha encontrado. Sin embargo, en echar un vistazo mas detallado a la situacion a traves de la lente de la demografia, el estudio encontr6 que esas opiniones favorables hacia el valor de un titulo universitario 0 credencial son mas comunes entre los negros y los hispanos que se encuentran entre los blancos. depth=1 &hl=es&tJutel"'l!&Jj~8eat:B tAdGkY1 Olmb3111~!l~LkJrhgVVB221 Buscadores de Empleo: Boisa de Trabajo (http ://'translc depth=1 &hl=es&prev=search& I Buscar Trabajos (http ://lranslale'tranSlc depth= 1&hl=es&prev=search&rurl=tra nslate .gt tAdGkY1 Dlmb3z1 OEfoyTtO) Empleadores: Registro (solo web) (http://translate.googleusercontenl .com'lranslc depth= 1&hl=es&prev=sea rch&rurl=translate.g t I Print Ads Mas especificamente, el72 y el73 por ciento de los hispanos y los negros, respectivamente, dicen que es "muy import ante" para aumentar la proporcion de estadounidenses con un titulo 0 certificado profesional mas alia de las escuelas secundarias, mientras que solo el 56 por ciento de los blancos celebro una vista. Ademas, mientras que el78 y el 74 por ciento de los hispanos y los negros dicen que tener un titulo de estudios superiores sera "mas importante en el futuro para con seguir un buen trabajo," solo el67 por ciento de los blancos creen que es el caso . LCual es la razon detras de la divergencia a 10 largo de lineas raciales? LPodria ser que los blancos conSideran una educacion universitaria como menos crucial para su futuro que los hispanos y los negros hacen porque mas blancos han realmente alcanzado un grado de educaci6n superior-44 por ciento-y por 10 tanto han puesto a prueba la teoria del valor de un titulo universitario y se encontro que no para ser verdad? LO podria ser que los blancos tienen oportunidades de capital y de redes mas sociales que hacen que un titulo universitario es menos importante? Con respecto a los hispanos y los negros, LPodria ser que mas considere un titulo universitario como vital para su exito porque menos de los 20 y 28 por ciento, re spectivamente, han hecho alcanzado un grado de educaCi6n superior y por 10 tanto han sido menos cap aces de probar la teoria acerca de su valor' ('translc depth=1 &hl=es&prev=search&rurl=lranslate .gt yzOzColdHnyg475RA) Empleador Destacado ('lra nslc depth=1 &hl=es&prev=search&rurl=lranslale .gt fFTgOM7B28PCif1I'M.JHFO) Perfiles Ver Empleador (http://translate'translc depth= 1 &h I=es&prev=se arch&rurl=tra nslale .gt fFTgOM7B28PCif1I'M.JHFO) http://translate.g oog leusercontent.comltranslate_ c?depth= 1&hl= es&pre\F search&rurl= translate.g oog http://di\€rseeducation.comlarticle!7171 . . 1/3 Valor de postsecundaria Grado ma~r entre los neg ros 4/21/2015 y los hispanos Educaci6n Superior LO podria ser que los no-blancos valora n un titulo universitario mas porque, como la investigacion reciente ha encontrado, se requieren nive les mas altos de educacion para alcanzar la s mismas perspectivas de empleo como los blancos con menor nivel educativo? (http://translate ·9 00 9 de pth=1 &h I=es&prev =se arch &ru rl=transla tAdGkY1 Dtmb3z1 OEfoyTtQ) Jamie Merisotis, presidente y CEO de la Fundacion Lumina, dljo serian necesarias las diferentes tasas de resultados de los grupos etnieos pueden explicar las tasas que varia n a que eonsideren la educacion universitaria tan importante, pero que una mirada aun mas granular en la situacion para entender eon mayor precision como para que. "Es dificil de explicar sin romper 10 que esta sucediendo dentro de la poblacion blanca para ver cual es su nivel de logro real es y su experiencia", dijo Merisotis en respuesta a las pregunta de Diverse en una reciente mesa redonda en Washington, DC, para discutir el estudio, conocido formalmente como el "20 14 Gallup-Lumina Estudio Fundacion de Opinion del Publico Americano de Educaci6n Superior: Aspiraciones educacion postsecundaria y Barreras". "Pero mi opini6n es mejor estadounidenses quieren para si mismos. Todos lo s estadounldenses ", dijo Merisotis, y agrego que los resultados de la encuesta Gallup-Lumina muestran consistentemente que los estadounidenses est an diciendo el camino hacia una vida mejor es a traves de la educaci6n . Cheryl Hyman, Canciller de los Colegios de la ciudad de Chicago, dijo: "Por 10 que veo, veo un grupo de minorias que su unica esperan za es la educacion. Si n embargo, nadie ha hecho ese camino facil para ellos Dies mostrolo que el camino correcto es para obtenerlo ". Tambien hablo de un fracaso de las instituciones de educaci6n supe rior para "reorgan izar" y "reciclar" los ind ivid uos con el fin de cerrar las brechas de compe tencias entre los grupos etnicos. TRABAJOS DESTACADOS » Becos de EnSRifonzo (httpJltronslate.googleuserwntentcomltronsJ, depth=t&liJ=es!,pr&=5eOrdJ& CDm&5l=en&lr-http. /ellow;hi~131-2K03&J~kjrhh8-y_tnlfll'jN_OeZJFbmX9n4w) Bridgewoter State College RESPONSABILIDADES: EI condidato seieccionodo se ImparTen cursos en ei curriculo general y 10 /n5crtJrcion protes/on de 10 ensefian zo. y /0 evoluoClOn. Eduard o Padr6n, presidente del Miami Dade College, percibira criticas similares. "Creo que nuestra industria tOdavia no ha IIegado en el siglo XXI. Creo que hemos logrado comprender la naturaleza de la vigesimo primera innovaci6n del siglo y economia del conocimiento ", dijo Padron, quien agrego que habia algunas" excep ciones notables. "" EI hecho del asunto es que realmente tenemos que ser la forma cion de los estudiantes para los puestos de trabajo que no estan aqui hoy". EI estudio de Gallup-Lumina se presento una serie de diferencias en las percepciones de la educacion superior y su valor entre los grupos etnicos. AsiSiente Pro'rf)S/ -FOOl/tad de Redutamiento, Retend6n (httpJltrai ENCUESTA DIVERSE Los resultados incluyen : EI 84 por ciento de los hispanos y el 76 por ciento de los negros estan de acuerdo certificado profesional 0 0 En caso de que la sede de la NCAA Mueva d Indiana en la estela de la gobernadora Pen. proyecto de ley la Iibertad religiosa? muy de acuerdo en que tener un grado mas alia de la escuela secunda ria es "esencial para conseguir un buen trabajo," en comparacion con el 64 por ciento de los blancos. 80 por ciento de los negros y el 83 por ciento de los hispanos "de acuerdo universitario 0 S[ 0 muy de acuerdo que un titulo No certificado profesional conduce a una mejor calidad de vida", en comparaci6n con e l 71 por ciento de los blancos. EI 86 por ciento de los hispanos y el 84 por ciento de los negros creen que un buen trabajo es "esencial para tener una buena calidad de vida" frenle a 76 por cienlo de los blancos . EI informe completo se puede encontrar aqui: http 1824621postseco ndary-education-aspiratio ns barriers.aspx Vote Ver Resultados (htt Pj It ra n Sla t e.go ogleusercon tent.C 0 mIt ran slat depth= 1&hl=e s&prev=search&ru rl=tran slate.goof Jamaal Abdul-Alim puede ser alcanzad o en [email protected]. 0 usted puede seguirlo en Twitter@ dcwriter360. Semantic Tags: Cheryl Hyman (hl1p :lllranslate.googleusercontent.comitranslale_c? MAs VISTOS depth = 1&hl=es&p rev=s ea rch&rurl=1 r a ns late .g 0 og Ie .com&s I=e n &u =http://diverseeducation.comlarticlel1ag/cheryl hyman/&usg=ALkJrhh5NDDWN6tK99ROg7E7 _8ID6fBITQ) • Eduardo Padr6n (http://1ranslate.googleusercontent .comltra nslale_ c? depth= 1&h I=es&prev=se a rch&rurl=tr a ns la Ie .goog Ie .co m&sl= e n &u =http ://diverseeducalion .com! a rtic le/ta 9led u a rdo Etapa Set para Showdowns Durante potencial 1 de pth =1& h I=es& pre v= sea rc h &ru rl =tr a n slate.g ~ veterano fuera de Estado Fila Matricula Inten~ xH bNp4nC4guQ) padron/&usg=ALkJrhiU_RSd1 KYMu3A2GCbNY8FNozvDmQ) • Educaci6n (http://translale!translate_c? depth=1&hl=es&prev=search& .com&sl=en&u=http://diverseeducation .co mlarticle/tag/Education/&usg=A~h~~OfiI!fl~l!iiftl~~~~~late . g • Gallup-Lumina Fundaci6n (!transtate_c? de pth= 1&h I=e s&p rev= se arch &r url= tra n slate .google. co m&sl=e n &u = http://d iverseeducation .com!article It a gig aIlu p lumina-foundation/&usg=ALkJrhhPQEeYTTmOumluOQNFLVSOauENAg) • Jamie Merisotis (http ://translate!translate_ c? 3 juicio comience por Ultimos 3 acusados en ca, de pth =1&h I=e s&prev =s ea rc h & ru rl =tran sIate.g iyr9g) de pth= 1&hl=e s&p rev= se a rch&rurl=tra n slate. 9 oog Ie .com&sl=en &u =http ://d iverseeducation .com! a rticle/tag /ja mie merisolis/&usg=ALkJrhgMNV3h6vVKmUJ60CD3rgqAX58LIA) • Minorias en el Campus (hl1p:lltra nslale .goog leuserconlenl .co m!translale _ c? de plh= 1&h I=es&p rev=search &ru rl=tra nslale .google. com&sl =e n &u =http ://diverse educalio n. comla rticle/ta gl Min 0 ril ie s 4 Fundador del Centro Africano Takes On Univer 5 Conversaciones Diversos: las Universidades JU depth =1& h I =es&prev= sea rc h & ru rl =tr an slate .g on-Campus/&usg=ALkJrhionQk4zCs5j5RJGWgawYB2KdQt9Q) 6 7 depth =1&h I =es&prev= search &ru rl =tra n sI ate.g Escuelas Ajuste a las nuevas reglas y reglame de pth =1& h 1= es& prev =sea rc h &ru rl =translate .g TIghtrope de profesor adjunto en Colegios Con de pth =1& h I =es & prev =search & ru rl =t ra n sIate.g ULTIMOS TWEETS DE DIVERSAS» Diverselssues (https:/l1ranslale.googleuserconte depth=1 &hl=es&prev=search& leusercontent.comttranslate_c?depth= 1&hl= es&prev=search&rurl=translate.g oog le .com&sl= en&u=http://di\€ r seeducation.comtarticlef7171 .. 213 4121/2015'rrundoleeuu-y-canada/marco-rubio-Ianza-su-candidalura-a- Ia-presidencia-de-eslados- unidos/15561555 MUNDO < < > NAVEGA ENTRE ARTicULOS Marco Rubio lanza su candidatura para la Casa Blanca en Miami Perfil del que pod ria ser el primer presidente hispano en Estados Unidos. Por: ANA MARfA JARAMlLLO Co rresponsal EL llEMPO M iami @ 10:46 pm 113 d e Abr il del2015 Foto por: AFP El senador por Florida de o rigen cubano se ha mostrado como de tractor a ultran za del actual pro ceso de ace rcamie nto e ntr e Estados Undos y Cuba. (3+ i::Ii Tras meses de especulacion, el senador cubanoamericano Marco Rubio Garcia lanzo este lunes en Miami (EE . UU.) su candidatura para las presidenciales de 2016 por el partido republicano, 10 que abre la posibilidad de que haya un presidente hispano en ese pais por pnmera vez .'rrundoleeuu-y- canada/mar co- r ubi 0-1 anz a- su- candi dalur a- a-I a-presidenci a- de- eslados-uni dos/15561555 1f7'rrundoleeulJ-y-canadaimarco-rubio-lanza-slJ-candidalura-a-la-presidencia-de-estados-unidos/15561555 4121/2015 y entre 1960 Y un que ser un "canmoato oel S1g10 XXI". via hacia un nuevo siglo reiteradamente Unidos su "£1 me en todas las cos as nosotros no Wl bar como mesero para . . . . .,.................. aiios me es la verdadera del suefio la y vlVllCt! mostrado Ahora a de ya haber Wl de no 10 se, es a ser Marco TIEMPO. con colombiana naci6 en Fidel representa o senador de \.Iu..U:;;.1..1. Se West casado con del yes la Dousdebes, con tiene como abogado en en a todo un embargo, su curul en Dara un como un 2J7 app,eltierrpo,corrvrrundoleeuu-y-canada/marco-rubio-Ianza-su-candidalura-a-la-presidencia-de-estados-unidos/15561555 412112015 muy con su nombre a y a Muchos en porque en a Rubio vs Bush es nuestro", a diario, mientras y a pues en aUCHia;:, en conozcan a como New 10 "Me pena no haya vivido ustedes van a poder me todo yome Obama aun no re a Hillary Un no htlp:flapp,el Ii errpo_com'rrundoleeuu- y- canada/marco- rubi 0-1 anza-su-candidatura-a-I a-presidencia-de-eslados- un!dos/15561555 317 elnuevoherald,com n DOMINGO 19 DE ABRIL DEL 2015 ' .-' :?l·>~' I, ;··"t,~ " }."'l . TRASFONDO. 01 Nuevo Herald • E;I Teatro Tower del MIami Dade COllege presenta un coloquio con el cineasta cubano Juan Carlos Cremata. En el programa 5e estre · nan sus dos llitimos filmes, Crematorios y Conti · go pan y cebolla, adaptacion fllmica de WlO de los clasicos del teatro cubano. Lunes, 20 de abril a las 8:30 p.m.,Una sola funcion. Calle 8 esquina a Avenida 15, Pequeiia Habana. Mas informacion enwwwJowertheatermiami 0 en e1305 237.7806. . • EI Consulado General de Mexico en Miami inyita ala Feria de Servicios Financieros. Co-" nozca diversas opCiones para cuidar su dinero. y aprenda sobrebancos, seguros; inversione,s, ahorro y crectito. 'Entrada gratuita. LWles 20 de abril, de 10 a 13 horas. 1399 SW 1st Avenue, area ' del jardin, Miami Fl, 33130. Para mayor informa cion llame al 786 268 4884~ " . .. A,beneficio de laconstruccioil d.e la Iglesia Museo La Merced, concierto ,del Quinteto Or questaSin/6nica de Bolivia. Lunes 20, qa 8:30 , p.m. Corpus Christi Catholic Church ,(Iglesia · Museo La Merced) 3220 NW 7th Ave, Mialhi, FL 33127. Colaboracion: $25 . • La Universidad de la'Florida yel Condado de . Miami Dade invitan ados encuentros con maes tros en jardineria que ofreceran .consejos y ayu da en problemas relacionadosconlas plantas desde control de pIa gas a curues son las mejores especies Para cultivaren el Sur de la Florida. Miercoles 22, 11 a.m. a 2 p.m., Merrick Park fren · te a Coral Gables City Hall, 405 Biltmore Way. Sabado 25, 9 a.m. al mediodia, Ludovici Park, 17641 Old Cutler Rd., Palmetto Bay. Para mas informacion visitar http:// • Presentaci6n del Sunday Roll Music Fest, con la participacion delas bandas locales Off . Orbit, Minimal, Xela Zaid, los 420 Jamphonics, . Mind You, Latin Roots, Simplicity Itself, Cata comb Crows; Pewpts, Seizure Machine, SOWld glass y The Similar Prisoners. Domingo 19, Club 2325 Galiano St. Coral Gables. A partir de las 2 p.m. (305) 441-7902 • Ellnstituto de Investigaciones Cubailas de · FlU invita a lapresentacion dellibro Immigrant · America: A Portrait, por Alejandro Portes y Ru ben G. Rumbaut (cuarta edicion revisada). Vier nes 24, 8:00 pm; Books & Books, 265 Aragon Ave nue, Coral Gables. Para mas informacion y con firmar asistencia, favor de llamar al (305) 348-19910 escribir [email protected]. Koubek Center Enqlish En Espanal Intensivo con Juan Carlos Lerida 5/5/2015 - 5/13/2015 Koubek Theatre Tecnica, Improvisacion y Composicion: Desarrollo y Practica Unete a nosotros para un intensi\Q de 8 dias que Ie hara replantearse la palabra flamenco. Esta es una gran oportunidad para bailarines de flamenco con sede en Miami y bailarines contemporaneos para experimentar la metodologia y el proceso de Juan Carlos. En una posici6n unica entre los dos mundos, este enfoque permite a los bailarines acceso a un mundo nue\Q donde pueden explorar el ritmo, el enfoque, el pulso, el espacio y la intenci6n. Mas informaci6n martes - 5/5/2015 10:30 AM miercoles - 5/6/2015 10:30 AM jueves - 5/7/2015 ·DIARIO LASAMERICA5 MARTES 21 DE ABRI L DE 2015 LamiradaJ Jose Marti, enel podio POR LOS ALUM NOS DEL MIAMI DADE COLLEGE FOTO: ENRIQUE PENA DIARIO LAS AMERICAS SABADO 18/DOMINGO 19 DE ABRIL DE 2015 La miradajove POR LOS ALUMNOSDEL MIAMI DADE COLLEGE AUTOR: JOSHUA GREEN Un dia soleado m iami Heralb TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 2015 ' I' MONDAY, APRIL 20, 2015 11 '1 . 1 ,I' AM lAM MOC MOC ' I, pi San Marfin Josf£:<Pfraomo, R.N., J.D. Moe Alumna Interactive'Editor Miami Herold , MOC Alumnus Vice President &. Chief Ethics . and Compliance Officer Nicklaus Children's Hospital , Miami Dade .,.. . , Col1eg~ , ). : ' ~Mi~~~~~de ' f , t Join the A/~mn;Neiwork .... , '1n,,,.m~cclumnl.(Om Join the Alumn; N,e~wff'rk " w'IIW.mdcolumni,(orn,.'.'1: ' SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015 ' , " 'j , MDC Alumnus President HfC MDC Alumnus Manager, licensed Funeral Director Reese Funeml Home ~ . , . Miami Dade . , . . College ~ .,.Miami Oasle . , . . CoJ.Ic~e www,mdcclurnnLcom IA Harold (orrea E. Dean Gunter Jo;n 'he Alumn; Network .,., ;~ Jo;n the Alumn; Network , v~wl, mdwlum" ' MARTES 21 DE ABRIL DEL 2015 Va Soy MOC Nancy San Martin Ex alumna del MDC Redactora Interoctiva Miami Herald LUNES 20 DE ABRIL DEL 2015 Va Soy MOC Jose E. Perdomo, R.N., J.D. Ex alumna del MOC . Vicepresidente y Director Ejecutiva de Erica y Cumplimienta Nicklaus Children's Hospital ~INGO 19 DE ABRIL DEL 2015.\ ~ - YaS'oy MOC . E. Dean Gunter Ex alumna del MOC '. Gerente, DirectarFuneroria Certificada Reese Funeral Home ' . ., Sabado 18 de Abnl del 2015 Yo Soy 'MDC Harold (orrea Ex .alumna del MDC .Presidente HFC DIARIO LAS AMERICAS MARTES 21 DE ABRIL DE 2015 DlARIO LAS AMERICAS LUNES 20 DE ABRIL DE 2015 • . ' DIARIOLASAMERICAS SABAbo ,1S/DOMINi30 19 D.E A.BRIL DE 2015 . : . ... ' DIA~IOLAsMoilERICAS SABA DO ,1S/DClty1INi30 J9DEABRIL DE 2015 Yo Soy Moe Rodger Aidman, D.D.S., EA.G.D. Exalumno del Moe Oen~sta Aidman and Glals.tein D.D.S.
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