May 2015 Workshop Calendar WorkSource Oregon (WSO) Woodburn Center 120 Lincoln St, Suite 115, Woodburn, OR 97301 P: (503) 982‐2817 or F: (503) 982‐1839 FREE WORKSHOPS ***There is no cost to a end workshops although registra on is required to a end all. Space is limited, so please log into your My WorkSource page to reserve your seat today.*** **No hay costo para asis r a los talleres. Registración es requerida para poder atender a todos los talleres. El espacio es limitado, por favor métase a su cuenta de Mi WorkSource para reservar su asiento ahora. ** Monday Please arrive on me for your scheduled workshop. If you arrive 10 minutes late you will be asked to reschedule & a end at a later date. 4 Tuesday Wednesday 1 8:30‐12:30 Please bring photo I.D. to your NCRC session 6 2:00 ‐ 4:00 12 13 WorkForce Investment Act Orienta on Na onal Career Readiness Cer ficate Professional Networking 8:30‐1:00 (Spanish) Por favor traiga su I.D. a la session de NCRC 7 8 Start Your Own Business Planning for Interview Success Inicie a Su Negocio 10:00‐12:00 1:00‐2:00/2:00‐3:00 WorkForce Investment Act Orienta on Marke ng Yourself with Resumes and Applica ons 9:00‐10:30 2:00‐3:30 Friday Na onal Career Readiness Cer ficate 5 11 Thursday 2:00‐4:00 14 15 Prac cing & Perfec ng Interview Skills Na onal Career Readiness Cer ficate 8:30—12:30 1:00‐3:00 Please bring photo I.D. to your NCRC session 21 22 Learning to use Resume Pro 2:00—4:00 18 19 20 WorkForce Investment Act Orienta on Marke ng Yourself with Resumes and Applica ons 9:00‐10:30 Learn Computer Basics 2:00‐4:00 Learning to use Resume Pro 2:00—4:00 2:00 ‐ 4:00 25 Closed for Holiday 26 WorkForce Investment Act Orienta on 2:00‐3:30 27 Planning for Interview Success Na onal Career Readiness Cer ficate 2:00‐4:00 12:00‐4:30 (Spanish) Por favor traiga su I.D. a la session de NCRC 28 29 Prac cing and Perfec ng Interview Skills Na onal Career Readiness Cer ficate 8:30—12:30 2:00‐4:00 Please bring photo I.D. to your NCRC session Roadmaps to Job Seeking Success – Workshop Descriptions Workforce Investment Act Orientation This orientation is an introduction to the workshops and services available to you through WorkSource Oregon and the Workforce Investment Act. From how to research the local labor market to how to find what next steps are right for you, this orientation is time well spent! Learn Computer Basics Do computers make you nervous? Frustrated? Confused? Not applying for jobs because you don’t know how? This workshop is designed to provide you with the basic resources needed to navigate a computer and the tools needed to start a modern day job search. Marketing Yourself with Resumes and Applications In this workshop you will learn about the different formats of resumes and how to write a cover letter that will get noticed. Find out how to identify key words and customize your resume to make the best and most professional impression possible with local employers. Sign up today to reserve a seat for the edge you need. Learning to use Resume Pro Get hands on assistance using one of the most current and targeted resume creation programs. If you are unsure of word choice – this workshop is for you. If you have a hard time expressing your skills and accomplishments, this session is a must! (It is highly encouraged that you complete Learn Computer Basics before attempting this workshop Knowledge of typing, internet navigation, use of email, and knowledge of general computing skills are mandatory for fully grasping the skills presented in this workshop.) Professional Networking Do you ever feel that you are in a rut with your online job search? Does it seem that you are filling out resume after resume with no luck? Then it is time to start learning to build a network of connections to help you find your next job. From online connections to face to face encounters, this workshop will provide you with the skills needed to conduct a professional and polished job search. Planning for Interview Success Preparation is half the battle with interviews. Knowing what to wear, when to show up, what to bring, and what to do during the interview are all vital parts of the interview process. Sign up now and learn all this and more in Planning for Interview Success. Practicing and Perfecting Interview Skills This workshop gives you the opportunity to answer interview questions like a pro. Find the best answers to those sticky questions. Figure out what to do in different challenging interview situations. Take your next interview from good to great! National Career Readiness Certificate The National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) is a computer based assessment of your reading, math and locating information skills. Depending on scores, completers may earn either a bronze, silver, gold or platinum certificate which will show employers you have the skills necessary to be successful in the workplace. Certificado de Preparación para la Carrera Nacional (NCRC) El Certificado de Preparación para la Carrera Nacional (NCRC) es un examen computarizado sobre sus habilidades en lectura, matemáticas y localizando información. Dependiendo en las puntuaciones, las personas que completen el examen pueden recibir un certificado en cualquiera de los siguientes niveles: bronce, plata, oro o platino. Cual muestreara a empleadores que usted tiene las habilidades necesarias para ser exitoso/a en el lugar de trabajo. Learn Excel Basics (offered in the Salem WorkSource Center) This workshop is exactly what it sounds like: An opportunity to learn one of the most useful programs Microsoft Office has to offer. Open Lab (offered in the Salem WorkSource Center) Open lab sessions are an opportunity to have dedicated time to work in a quieter environment. You can work on resumes, job search, or ResCare Academy courses. There is no sign up for these sessions. Computers are available on a first come first served basis. Start Your Own Business If you are considering starting your own business, attend this information session hosted by the MERIT program and learn about what resources are available to help. Inicio a Su Negocio ¿Tiene usted un espíritu empresarial? Si está considerando emprender su propio negocio, acompáñenos para esta sesión informativa presentada por el programa de MERIT. Aprenderá acerca de recursos que están disponibles para ayudarle lograr éxito. Other Workshops In Spanish ~ Talleres En Español Workshops are available in Spanish upon request. If interested, please contact your nearest WorkSource center for more details. Los talleres están disponibles en español a su solicitud . Si está interesado, por favor póngase en contacto con su centro de WorkSource más cercana para obtener más detalles.
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