れ な HUPD-9013, August1990. Surface Damage Effects of PIN Photodiodes by Gamma Rays T. Ohsugi, H. Kojima and H. Himeno Department of Physics, Hiroshima University Hiroshima ?30, Japan T. Kondo and M. Noguchi National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK) Ibaraki 305, Japan M. Hasegawa and S. Mori ofrsukuba Institure y;;r"* "o"lTlililxi: Abstract We have investigated the radiation damage effects of PIN photodiodesby gamma rays from a 60CO source. An interesting breakdown-like behavior of the I-V curve has been observedbetween 10 3 and 10 5 Gy (Si). At irradiation dose of 8.7 x 10 5 Gy (Si), this behavior disappeared.This damage effects can be interpreted as a positive charge buildup in the silicon dioxide, which gives rise to a formation of inversion layer at the edge of p+ channel. 1 Introduction The radiation damage of the detector is still one of the major concernsfor practical applications to high energy and high intensity hadron collider experiments. Although a silicon strip detector has many outstanding features as a high energy particle detector, the radiation damage may be the most urgent problem for the silicon detector. Intense efforts have been focused on the radiation damage study of the microelectronicsmade with silicon semiconductorby the space-physicspeople. A considerable amount of data for the damage of MOS structures have been accumulated.and their damage mechanism is interpreted by a surface damage model [1]. However, experimental data of the silicon parficle detector which size is signiAcantlylarge compared with the micrOelectrotticS are not evaluate perfo4nance of silicOn detector for large scall applicatiOn tO the experilnents inl五 gh radiation en宙 ronmentso We repttt here the results on the 1 ganllna―ray damlge test of PIN photodiodes. 2 Expe五mentatt PrOcedures ■ │ PIN photodiOdes which are the same as thoseedtぉ in the previous neutron irradiatiorL teSt[2]were exposedito gamma rays froII1 60cO source at the gamma‐ raプ apanOf」 lrradiatton facility ofthe TOKAI Establishment Atomic Energy慶 にsearch lnstituteo The.exposure watt perfOrmed two times and the resultS frOtt these twO exposures were cOnsistent"ith each other. The structure of this PIN photodiOde is depicted schematically in Fig.1. T h e r e s i st ty iば宙 t h e w a f e r u s e d f o r t h i s p h o5 t ok dΩfi o rd e b Oi ts h 3 p∼ a n d n type detectors.The e,high resistive substrate (n― )p― type detector has a p_(n_)tyわ which is fully depleted and becomes sensitive to a penetrating particl readout electro4e is surrounding a light receiving宙 Ⅲdow a10ng the detector edge. │ The totalirradiatton dose was varied from 80 to l.7x105 Gy(Si),which w a s e v a l u a t e d t t t暉hcee ■ to tm s 協 the 60cO gammalay source and the irradiation tima The samples re wё contained in a plastic thiれ case and irradiated.During the irradiation no bias voltage we」 じsupplied.The irradiation t i m e s w e r e f r oF■ ew hours t0 0ne day.: │ The radiation damage was measured by meanslofthe leakage curreit and pulse helght distributions for lniniコ爆 um ionizing particles.Since the temperature coettcients Of a senliconductor is considerably large,an C in the parameters were measured at room temperature kept,within 24」 ° electromagnetiOand light shielding boxl . Elect五ca:meaSurements were performed,aftelthe shOrt― teFm reCOvery or annealing"4s cOmpleted.Du五 ng the measuremel乱 s,slow but tertain 「 amount of anne・ ahng was still observed。 │ 3 Results and DliScussiOn a)Leakage Current and Surface Damage i The leaktte Currents as a Functiorllof bias evoltaな for Various irradiation dose are shownin Fig。 2.The sharp breakdown―like increase ofleakage current i s s e e n a r o u n d 8 1 0 V f o r t h e i F r a d i a t i o n d )o 。 sTeh eo fb r8e0a kGdyo(w鎌 n voltage gets lower and the current increase becomesless steep with increase of irradiation dose. It reachesto 50 V with the doseof 2.4 x 10 4 Gy (Si). Beyond a few times 10 4 Gy (Si), the breakdown voltage turns into a recovery phase. At 8 x 10 4 Gy (Si) the breakdown-like voltage comesback to 70 V and finally the breakd.own-likeincrease of the leakage current is disappeared below 100 V at 8.7 x 10 5 Gv (Si). Another interesting feature of this breakdown-like behavior of leakage current is a current saturation with increase of bias voltage, which is clearly different from usual breakdown current behavior. How do we interpret this curious behavior of leakage current versus ir-radiation dose? An interesting hint was given by the investigation for microelectronics [1]. An ionized charge is trapped and accumulated in the insulator, SiO2 and interface between insulator and semiconductor. Normally positive charge is accumulated in the SiOZ insulator and negative charge in the interface, which makes inversion layer in the p channel facing to SiO2 insulator. The edge of the p+ channel in which a dopant concentration is usually low due to diffusion processeasily inverted into n- by the electron attracted with positive charge accumulated on the silicon dioxide facing to the pn junction, as shown in Fig. 3. In the thin, inverted region between the edge of the p+ channel and the silicon dioxide insulator, the field strength becomes strong, as increasing of charge accumulation and as increasing reversed bias voltage, enough to generate an electron-hole pair across the energy gap. This kind of generation current should behave like a breakdown cunent as a function of bias voltage. This is a possible scenario why the leakage current increase steeply with increase of dose. To confirm this scenario, pinpoint irradiation test on the region in which the p-n junction facing to SiOZ insulator is proposed and its result must be compared with the data irradiated on the region in which there is only p channel under the SiOZ insulator. There is one possiblescenarioto explain the phenomenonof the breakdown voltage recovery at higher dose as follows: The leakage current due to the bulk damage exceedsa certain level and then the current flow eats the electric field at the sharp edge and prevent the breakdown-like current increase or the free charge supplied by enough current compensatesthe field generated by the charge accumulation in the insulator. This scenario might be supported by the fact that for the non-irradiated samples the breakd.ownvoltage shifted somewhat higher voltage with the secondtrial of the breakdown voltage measurement iS gurrent flows more than a certain leraelbeyond breakdown voltage at the first trial. This self-improvement effct decayedwith one or two days time cons麟 t。 b)DifFerenoe tttweenp‐ type and‐ typedetectOr We have exanlined radiation hardness of p― shom in ng.3,the.p― l typeiand n‐type detectors.As type detector seeml to be harder'than n,type detector sO long as gamma■ ay irradiation is concerntd:Between 10 3 Gy and 10 5 Gy(Si type detector s趨 餘)rs from cOnsiderable breakdown― li卜 l phenomenon,while the type detector ttas little change Of I_V curve.This catt be interpreted,as p‐ discussed abovtt by the forma饉 on ofthe inversion lay■ at the interface between the silicon dio対 囃e and p―type silicon,not at the interfaCe between silicon dioxide and n―type silic轟。Then the questiOn is that the p‐typeldetector is surely better than n‐type detOこtoro we do五 ot have a conclusive ans,er because it depends on a detail structutt of the detector.For the Case ofthe p=otodiOde used in this expettlnent,p‐ ousl,better than nltype one.On the other 句わe subStrate is ob宙 hand,ifwe conttder abOut st五 n‐ st五 p detector,lthetype p― substrate andtype p structure may l饉 ve seriOus problem of channel isolatiわ n between n+strips.Two attaCё n t n+strips may be comected thrlugh the invelsion layer at the inter between sittcon颯 10対de and p― type substFate. │ │ At 8.7x10も Gy(Si)there is no qualita髄 ve difFer4nce betweenp and n_typ detector. The童 擬gnitude ofleakage cur】 哺nt is still bellw ILA which is not yet se五ois compared with the proton and neutron damatt efFects。 c) Bulk Damagi The leakale current below bias voltage of the brbakdown-like increase indicates usual plateau and increases gradually with increase of irradiation dose. This part can be explained with the bulk damagd by gamma rays. Assuming linear increase of leakage current at bias vdtage of 20 V, the leakage t current constant , CI1is defined [2] as ; (A . cm -3) Alleak = q.y. D where Alleak is the leakage current increase and D istthe irradiation dosein - 11 . e unit of Gy. The hakage current constant, srywas evaludted to be 1.7 x tO - 1^.e cm-'. This value should be comparedwith the 12 GeV proton value [3], 1.0 Gy - 1. .--3. The bulk damage by gamma rays is almost three order x 10 -8 A . Gy of magnitude less than that of protons. d) Long Term Annealing Fig. 3 shows the leakage current measured at one year after the irradiation. Still the breakdown-like behavior persists, but a signifrcant annealing (reeovery)at room temperature is seen both for the breakdown voltage and.the magnitude of leakage current. There seems to be a considerably long component of the decay of the charge accumulated by the ionization dose. e) Particle Signal Pulse height spectra for penetrating B rays from 90Y have been measured with the bias voltage of 40 V by a coineidencemethod. The pule height distributions for the non-irradiated sample, the irradiated with 2.4 x 10 a Gy (Si) and with 8.4 x t0 4 Gy (Si) are shown in Fig. 4. The separation between signal and noise degraded gradually with increase of irradiation dose. The peak pulse height of the distribution is depicted as a function of irradiation dose in Fig. 5. The pulse height degrades gradually with increase of irradiation dose and seemsto reach lower limit of |Vo less level at a few times 10 4 Gy (Si). 4 Conclusion We have investigated the radiation damage effects on the PIN photodiodes 5 by gamma rays from a 60CO source with irradiation dose up to 8 x 10 Gy (Si). The leakage current as a function of irradiation dose were measured as a indication of radiation damage effects. The breakdown-like behavior of the leakage current increase (a steep increase of leakage current) was observed and the breakdown voltage (starting voltage of the steepincrease)moved lower with increase of doseup to a few times t0 4 Gy (Si). Beyond this irradiation dose,the breakdown voltage moved back and at 8.? x 10 5 Gy (Si) it exceeded100V which is more than nominal breakdown voltage. This phenomenon can be interpreted by the surface damage effects which is due to charge accumulation in the silicon dioxide layer. This damage effects seemsnot to be serious for particle detection by looking at the signals of penetrating B-ray. The buik damageby gamma rays was more than two order of magnitude less than that of protons so long as leakage current measurement. The radtttiOn hardness cOmpans6n between n‐ type type and p― detector was discussed。 I The surface damage efFects are surel,difFerent but the hardness is strongly depend On the det〔 五l structure of the detector. 1 Acknowledgmclnt ・ 1 ‐ We wishtO thank Mr.Yamamoto,Hamamats,photOnics,fOr provi us thё test samples an(l for valuable discussiOn in th('cou We wOuld like“ thank the member ofthe on Radia伍 Slfty Center at xEK. T h i s w o r k w a s 3 u p p O r t e d i n p a r t b y t h e liGnr― aaindt ‐ fOi Scientiflc Research under the Miniぶtry of EducatiOn,Science and Culturα 5」apan and in part by the 」apan_us c。 01籐 ratiVe Research Program for High Elergy PhySics. References l [1]See,fOr example,G.Ct Messenger and MoS.Ash,'Thw EfFects 6f RadiatiOn On Elこ こtronic systems",Van Nostrand Reitthold Company,New York,1986,p2161 1 [2]M.Hasegaマ 嘩 こt al.,Nud.Instr.and MethOds,A277(1989)395, H o W o K r a n e f e t a l . , N u c l . I n s t r . a n d M e t h O d s , A12978或 9)266, T.A五 ma et域 。 apaneseJourna1 0fApplied Physits 28(1989)1957 ,」 E.Fretwurst et al.,Nucl.Instr.and Methods,A288(1990)1. [3]T.Ohsugi etal。,Nucl.Instr.and Methods,A265(19188)105。 1 MoNakamura et al。 ,Nucl.Instr.and MethOds,A2菊 (1988)42. Figure CaptiOn轟 │ ‐ Fig。1.The schematic diagram for the sttucture of thO PIN photodibde. Fig。2.The lёa聴 ge currents as a function of bias voltage for variOus lrradiation dos16fgamma rays. 1 Fig. 3. The mechanism of making breakdown by the idnization irradiation. Fig.4. The compirrison of the leahage cunent between the n-type and the p- l .W,J€ Fig. 5 The leak{ge currents measured one/ ear after. / 切引 H o ﹄ 口 Oo月 嘱の +ロ 一o‘一口Oo ︻ 司一o 口 00〓 鋼0 0Hの口 電コロ 鋼 ︵ 髯“おのρ椰の ︰ こ 。 “ 口 。 。 “ O d 狐 電 . 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Comparisons with 1993 milestones- One year ago we foresaw to "test the 32 channel version of our front end system in coirventi6nal and radiation hard form as a Precursor to constructing a full size readout chip. It will be evaluated in a beam with full size microgtrip detectors. We aim to produce a 128 channel version of the front e1{ c\ig with a multiplexing Llu^et t incorporated. A radiation hard version of the chip will be submitted flr manufacturi. We will construct a double sided module, to be partially insfiumented untit the 128channel chiPs are available." The DRDC targetswere to comptetEthe design and fabricationof LHC prototype single- and doublesided detectors, d.emonstratea radiation hard (l0Mrad) 128 channel readout chip, demonstratean LHC detectorand electronicsreadout system, which we did not ocpectto completefully in one year only' The first milestone has been largely completed with both full size single-and double sided prototypes produc-ed.a furtner production run is currently in which have emerged ft"gr"s whicir e*bodi"s'all the miigr_ desigrr features iioti ont srudies in a set of double sided detectorsand this should be completeby the end of the year. ︱︱ ︱︱ ︱︱ ︱︱ ︱︱ ︱l l ll ll ︰︰ ︱︰ 日日 ︱︱ ︱ ︱︱ ︱︱ ︱︱ ︱︱ ︱︱ ︱︱ ■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■ The 32 channel chip was in fabrication one year ago. Oyq highest pti.odly was to r,rU*it the compl"i" fZA c-hannelchip as soon as possible after we had verified that the 32 chainel version functionld correctly. Late deliverie from both the manufacturers of the conventional chip (FElix) and hardened chip (APV3), aeiayea this evaluation but both chips were-found to work extremely well. The submission of the hardened 128 channel chip with multiplexer was made in Sepember and.we exPectdelivery in ]anuary 1{5: Our measurementsshow that thi Harris process,tsed for our ti8 charmelchip is hard to well beyond l0Mrad. The systemsissues alluded to by the DRDC are being addressedby-members of RD20; mainly in the context of their contributions to ATLAS and CMS i"p*it"iy. Thu d"*o*rration of an LHC detector fully equipped with front end electronicswill become a high priority of RD20 in the coming year. The full electronicsreadout systeminJuding daia transfer from the detector is considered to be experiment specific. A beani test is underway at the time of writing in which a detector, ApVg chip, off chip multiplexers and analogue optical link have been connectedtogethir for the-first time to read out minimum ionising particle pulses. This is ihe baseline sys_teTfor CMS, where a fully -analogue ;y;t"* ii at a fairly advancedstage-oi-design,and is also bging consideredby anteS, which miftrt implement i fully analogue or digital s-ystemusing the uirderstanding of the implications of constructing a RD20 iront end. tt " completesystem are important in eviluating the-merits of one particular front end'readout chip in comparisonwith another. Flowever, we foresaw that this milestone wouldbecome a higher priority during the coming year. Many technicalnotes have been produced in the course of this work; they-are nste6 below. Severalpapers have been published or submitted for publication, also listed below. The papers and technicalnotes are all avaiiable on request. s uOrl1994 RD20 S鯰 `“ Far 2
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