Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience Different photodynamic effect between continuous wave and pulsed laser irradiation modes in k562 cells in vitro This content has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text. 2014 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 541 012040 (http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/541/1/012040) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: This content was downloaded on 05/02/2015 at 04:29 Please note that terms and conditions apply. SPbOPEN2014 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 541 (2014) 012040 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/541/1/012040 Different photodynamic effect between continuous wave and pulsed laser irradiation modes in k562 cells in vitro. V.V. Klimenko1, A.A. Bogdanov1, N.A. Knyazev1, A.A. Rusanov2, M.V. Dubina1 1 2 St. Petersburg Academic University, St. Petersburg, Russia First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. Photodynamic therapy is a cancer treatment method is used primarily continuous mode laser radiation. At high power density irradiation occurs intense consumption of molecular oxygen and this caused hypoxic tumor tissue, which leads to inefficiency PDT. In this paper, pulsed and continuous irradiation modes during PDT photosensitizer Radachlorin were compared. A mathematical model for the generation of singlet oxygen 1O 2 in tumor cells during photodynamic therapy with tissue oxygenation was developed. Our study theoretically and experimentally demonstrates the increased singlet oxygen generation efficiency in a pulsed irradiation mode compared to continuous wave mode with the same power density 20mW/cm2. Experimental in vitro showed that pulsed irradiation mode mostly induces apoptosis k562 tumor cells at irradiation doses of k562 1.25 - 2.5J/cm2 while the continuous mode induced necrosis. 1. Introduction Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has now reached the level of being an accepted treatment for several types of cancer. PDT is based on production of singlet oxygen (1O 2 ) by energy transfer from lightexcited photosensitizer molecules in target tissue. Singlet oxygen effectively oxidizes many kinds of biomolecules, leading to damage and cell death. The introduction of semiconductor heterostructures and development of semiconductor-based diode lasers [1] have significantly accelerated the evolution of PDT. Today’s preferential use of semiconductor lasers is primarily owing to their low cost, ease of treatment and the ability to match their emission peak with absorption of any particular photosensitizer. High power light irradiation in continuous mode and porphyrin photosensitizers (absorption wavelength 600-700 nm) are mainly applied in clinic now [2, 3] to achieve an impactful penetration depth in tumor tissue. Despite the fact that such treatment is successful enough it has some critical disadvantages connected with tissue decreased oxygenation, overheating and photosensitizer bleaching. Moreover, continuous mode PDT typically results in necrotic cell death with further inflammatory response. Semiconductor lasers give us opportunity to apply different regulations including easy light power switching and pulse mode irradiation. There is some literature data that pulse mode PDT in vitro leads to apoptotic cell death mechanism [4, 5]. In present work we have investigated the difference of continuous and pulse irradiation modes and their biological effect in vitro. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1 SPbOPEN2014 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 541 (2014) 012040 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/541/1/012040 2. Theoretical PDT model In our study we used macroscopic PDT theoretical model adapted from [6]. Briefly, we exploited differential system eq. (1)-(4) to calculate cumulative concentration of singlet oxygen. This model is good for quality description of triplet oxygen flux impact on singlet oxygen generation in PDT. Ι([S0 ] + δ )[ 3O2 ] d[ S0 ] (1) + ξσ 0 [S0 ] = dt [ 3O2 ] + β Ι[S ] d[ 3O2 ] + ξ 3 0 dt [ O2 ] + β 3 [ 3O2 ] (2) − − [ O ] g 1 0 2 = 3 0) [ O2 ](t = Ι[S ] d[ 1O2 ] (3) − ξ 3 0 [ 3O2 ] = 0 dt [ O2 ] + β t I[S ] (4) [ 1O2 ]cumulative = ∫ ξ 3 0 [ 3O2 ]dt [ O2 ] + β 0 , where [S 0 ] is the ground state sensitizer concentration, [ 3O2 ] and [ 1O2 ] are the ground triplet and excited singlet state oxygen concentration, respectively, I is intensity of laser irradiation, g is maximum oxygen supply rate, δ is a low photosensitizer concentration correction term, I is intensity of laser irradiation. Simulation PDT process was performed using the photochemical parameters shown in Table 1. For continuous wave and pulse modes were applied parameters: intensity of laser irradiation - 20mW/cm2, pulse duration – 200 ms, interval between pulse – 500 ms. These pulse mode parameters satisfy maintaining a high level of triplet oxygen concentration. Table 1. Photochemical parameters for Photofrin at 630 nm and initial conditions used for the macroscopic model. Symbol ξ (cm mW s ) β ( µ M) σ ( µ M −1 ) g( µ M/ s) [ 3O2 ]( µ M) [ S0 ]( µ M ) 2 −1 −1 Value 3.7 x 10-3 References [7] 11.9 7.6 x 10-5 [7] [7] 0.7 100 [6] [6] 7 [6] We can see from figure 1 and figure 2 that cumulative singlet oxygen concentration is higher in a pulse mode than in continuous one. Moreover, we observe that efficiency of singlet oxygen generation is higher in pulse mode. On the other hand the average singlet oxygen generation rate at pulse mode is several times smaller. 2 SPbOPEN2014 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 541 (2014) 012040 250 Pulse mode Continuous mode 250 200 Concentration 1O2, µM Concentration 1O2, µM IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/541/1/012040 150 100 50 0 off 200 off 150 100 On 50 Continuous mode Pulse mode 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 200 400 Dose, J/cm2 600 800 1000 Time, s Figure 1. The dependence of singlet oxygen cumulative concentration on irradiation dose applied for pulse and continuous wave irradiation modes. Figure 2. The dependence of singlet oxygen cumulative concentration on time for pulse and continuous wave irradiation modes. 100 100 90 90 80 80 fraction (% untreated controls) fraction (% untreated controls) 3. PDT experiment in vitro. In experimental studies in vitro cancer cell line k562 (Bank of Cell Cultures, Institute of Cytology, RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia), RadachlorinⓇ (RADA-PHARMA Co, Ltd., Moscow, Russia) photosensitizer (PS) and semiconductor laser for PDT «LAHTA – MILON» (MILON Laser, LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia) were used. 1∙106 cells per well k562 cells were seeded in 6-well plates and incubated during 12 hours with PS in 5 μg/ml concentration. After incubation cells were washed with PBS buffer and irradiated with laser source in different modes. For irradiation in pulse mode we applied parameters described above. Estimation of cell viability was performed before irradiation, 2 h and 24 h after irradiation using an EPICS XL flow cytometer (Backman Coulter, United States) and standard protocols. Nonirradiated cells served as a control. 70 Dead apoptosis necrosis 60 50 сontinuous mode 40 30 20 10 70 Dead apoptosis necrosis 60 50 Pulse mode 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 5 1 2 3 4 5 Dose, J/cm2 Dose, J/cm2 Figure 4. Dose-dependent distribution apoptosis and necrosis fraction k562 cells in total count of dead cells at pulse mode irradiation 20mW/cm2 with 5μg/ml Radachlorin concentration. Figure 3. Dose-dependent distribution apoptosis and necrosis fraction k562 cells in total count of dead cells at continuous mode irradiation 20mW/cm2 with 5μg/ml Radachlorin concentration. 3 SPbOPEN2014 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 541 (2014) 012040 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/541/1/012040 The figure 3 and figure 4 shows that fraction of necrosis cells at all doses in case of continuous mode is greater than the same one in pulse mode. On contrary in pulse mode we have the convenience of apoptosis except 5J/cm2. The total count of dead cells is almost equal for both modes. We can consider irradiation doses used as penetrating doses in different depth of tumor tissue. In that case we make conclusion that pulse mode can provide the same cell destructive potency with preferable biological effect – apoptosis. 4. Discussion Taking into account all data obtained, we can conclude that the main factor in biological effect during PDT is the speed of singlet oxygen generation. Low speed of singlet oxygen generation leads to apoptosis and high speed – to necrosis. The next factor facilitating cell death in PDT is cumulative singlet oxygen concentration, which directly connected with total molecular damages. Therefore, results given above prove the hypothesis about major efficiency of pulse mode in comparison with continuous one in terms of singlet oxygen generation and apoptosis initiation. References [1] Zhores A 2000 Double Heterostructure Lasers: Early Days and Future Perspectives IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electron. vol 6 n 6 [2] Agostinis P et al 2011 Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer: An Update. CA Cancer J Clin. 61(4) pp 250-81 [3] Oleinick N, Morris R and Belichenko I 2002 The role of apoptosis in response to photodynamic therapy: what, where, why, and how Photochem. Photobiol. Sci 1 pp 1–21. [4] Yuuichi M, Yukihiro U and Tsuyoshi N 1999 Comparison of phototoxicity mechanism between pulsed and continuous wave irradiation in photodynamic therapy J. 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