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MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: 1 Coming soon Abbott Lawrence Academy - Pg. 10 EDICIÓN NO. 480 (MA) Lawrence, Methuen, Haverhill, Andover, North Andover, Lowell The BILINGUAL Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley (NH) Salem, Nashua, Manchester March / marzo 22, 2015 El sombrero cambió de manos Application Drive for Police Exam En un acto simbólico, el jefe interino John Marsh, derecha, pasa el sombrero al recién juramentado Jefe Brian Moriarty, durante una ceremonia celebrada en el Lawrence Firefighters Reliefs In el sábado, 21 de marzo. |2 The Hat changed hands In a symbolic act, acting Chief John Marsh, right, passes the hat to the newly sworn Chief Brian Moriarty during a ceremony held at the Lawrence Firefighters Reliefs In on Saturday, March 21st |2 Glendaliz Santiago with the help of Frank Bonet, City of Lawrence Personnel Director, going over her application. |5 Finaliza el Festival de Teatro en la Iglesia Episcopal de Gracia este fin de semana. El sábado 28 está programado la presentación de De Lorca, un monólogo por el Teatro del Sol. El domingo, el cierre con el drama tan esperado Barrabás, con talento local del grupo Teatro Renovación, dirigido por Juan Carlos Mañón. La presentación tendrá lugr a las 7:30 ambas noches. Nile, la Ballena visitó la Escuela Rollins Nile, the whale visited Rollins School Page 10 Irishman of the Year Irishwoman of the Year Tom Canney receiving the Irishman of the Year Award from Bill Sullivan, President Division 8 AOH during the Division 8 AOH's 144th Diner Dance held on Saturday, March 7 at the Lawrence Firefighters Reliefs In. Picture taken by Bob Collins, a member of Division 8. |6 Marie Farrell, Division 8 receiving the Irishwoman of the Year Award from AnneMarie Nyhan-Doherty, President Division 8 LAOH Lawrence. Presenting the flowers is Carol Calderone, Vice President of Division 8's Ladies (LAOH). Picture taken by Bob Collins, a member of Division 8, during the Division 8 AOH's 144th Diner Dance held on Saturday March 7 at the Lawrence Firefighters Reliefs In. |6 Lawrence: Controlando los Hilos / Movers and Shakers 02 EDITORIAL 04 & 16 DALIA DÍAZ 21 CALENDARIO 22 DIRECTORIO 23 CLASIFICADOS English Tuesdays @ 10am En Español Sábados a las 9am CrossOver 102.9 fm HD 2 - Pg. 8 & 9 Rumbo on the Radio! 2 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 Fire Department Swearing In Ceremony EDITORIAL | EDITORIAL Honor a quien honor merece By Alberto Suris On Saturday, March 21st, 2015 at Lawrence Firefighters Reliefs In the City of Lawrence held a Swearing In Ceremony for the Fire Department. Sworn in was the new Lawrence Firefighter Chief Brian Moriarty, Tara Reardon, the first woman to serve as Lawrence Fire Department as Captain; Ryan Lavallee and Patrick LaFrance as Lieutenant; John Duggan, Firefighter and Elvis Frias, Daniel Sullivan and Wilson Ventura as Private. READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM After the Swearing In Ceremony, Patricia Moriarty, mother of Brian Moriarty made it official by pinning her son’s chief insignia in his lapel. Attending the ceremony were Senator Barbara L'Italien, Lawrence Council President Modesto Maldonado, District B Councilor Estela Reyes; District C Councilor Kendrys Vasquez; District E Councilor Eileen O’Connor-Bernal and District F Councilor Marc Laplante. Moments before the swearing in ceremony we captured this smiling trio: From left, Kim Downer, Brian Moriarty, and Lawrence Mayor Daniel Rivera. E s indiscutible de que en Lawrence somos una comunidad de inmigrantes, con una riqueza cultural extraordinaria, pero necesitamos a alguien que nos lo recuerde y nos guie. Afortunados los Lawrencianos que tenemos en el patio a más de uno, pero especialmente al Padre Joel Almonó, que cuando se le pregunta que deletree la palabra No, él muy sonriente dice: S I. Para Almonó no hay obstáculos. Él y su equipo se han echado a cuestas los Festivales de Teatro que para suerte nuestra, en este su quinto año nos han traído una gloria del teatro dominicano, conocida internacionalmente. Nos referimos a Delta Soto, a la cual le fue dedicado el festival. Juan Carlos Mañón, que forma parte del comité organizador como coordinador general y además dirige el grupo Teatro Renovación, compareció en el programa CrossOver que sale al aire por la WCCM1110-AM y dijo estar muy complacido con la asistencia del público durante las pasadas tres semanas. Nosotros por nuestra parte creemos que pudo haber sido mayor. Esperamos que este próximo domingo 29 la obra Barrabas sea un lleno total. La titánica labor del Padre Joel Almonó y su equipo, que nos están trayendo lo mejor del teatro, así lo merecen. Honor to whom honor is due I Pictured from left are acting Chief John Marsh, Mrs. Patricia Moriarty and Chief Brian Moriarty. Tara Reardon, first woman to serve as Lawrence Fire Department Captain with newly sworn Chief Brian Moriarty. t is indisputable that we are a community of immigrants, with an extraordinary cultural richness in Lawrence, but we need someone to remind us and guide us. Lucky for us Lawrencians we have in our backyard more than one, but especially Father Joel Almonó that when asked to spell the word No, he says smiling: Y E S. To Almonó there are no obstacles. He and his team have taken upon the Theatre Festival which luckily for us, in this its fifth year have brought us a glory of the Dominican theater, internationally known. We refer to Delta Soto, to whom the festival was dedicated. Juan Carlos Mañón, a member of the organizing committee as general coordinator and also directs the Teatro Renovación group, appeared in CrossOver program that airs on the WCCM1110-AM and said he was very pleased with the attendance during the past three weeks. For our part, we believe it should have been greater. We hope that this Sunday the 29th the play Barrabas will be a sellout. The titanic work of Father Joel Almonó and his team, bringing to us the best of theater, deserve so. “About the only thing that comes to us with no effort is old age.” “Lo único que nos llega sin ningún esfuerzo es la vejez.” - Gloria Pitzer Rumbo The BILINGUAL Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley From left, Lt. Patrick Delaney and children Ryan, 11; Tyler, 8; and Sophie, 5 congratulating Chief Moriarty. Publicación de SUDA, Inc. 315 Mt. Vernon Street Lawrence, MA 01843-3206 Tel: (978) 794-5360 | Fax: (978) 975-7922 | DIRECTOR AND GRAPHIC DESIGN Dalia Díaz [email protected] CONTRIBUYENTES CONTRIBUTORS SALES & CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Alberto M. Surís [email protected] Frank Benjamín José Alfonso García Paul V. Montesino, PhD Maureen Nimmo Arturo Ramo García Rev. Edwin Rodríguez Published on the 1st 8th 15th and 22nd of Every Month MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: Dear Patients As of February 28, 2015, Greater Lawrence Family Health Center (“GLFHC”) will no longer be a participating provider for Tufts Health Public Plans, Inc. /Network Health. This means you will no longer be able to use your Network Health coverage to see your doctor here at GLFHC. We hope that you will continue as a patient at GLFHC. As a result, we are providing the contact information for other insurance plans that we accept in order to assist you in switching your insurance coverage and remaining a patient of our clinic. We appreciate the trust you place in us to provide your health care needs, and thank you for being a patient of GLFHC. If you have any questions, call your clinic at 978-686-0090. Queridos Pacientes A partir del 28 de febrero del 2015, la Clínica ‘Greater Lawrence Family Health Center (“GLFHC”)’ no será un proveedor participante de los planes médicos ‘Tufts Health Public Plans, Inc./Network Health’. Esto significa que usted no podrá utilizar su cobertura con ‘Network Health’ para ver a su médico aquí en GLFHC. Nosotros esperamos que usted continúe siendo paciente de GLFHC. Cómo resultado, estaremos proporcionando información sobre otros planes médicos que aceptamos, para poder ayudarles a cambiar su cobertura de seguro y que así continúe siendo paciente en nuestra clínica. Agradecemos la confianza que usted deposita en nosotros para satisfacer sus necesidades de atención de salud, y gracias por ser un paciente de GLFHC. Sí tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a su clínica al (978) 686-0090. BMC HealthNet Plan - (800) 792-4355 CeltiCare - (877) 687-1186 Fallon Health - (800) 341-4848 Neighborhood Health Plan - (800) 433-5556 Massachusetts Health Connector Rumbo :. 3 4 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM Family Resource Center 530 Broadway Lawrence, ma 01841 978-975-8800 Padres, guardianes, niños, jóvenes y abuelos están cordialmente Parents, Caregivers, Youth, Grandparents and children are invitados a nuestro programa… cordially invited to our… ¡Family Resource Center! Family Resource Center (FRC)! Come with your family to learn, have fun, meet other families, and get connected to assets in our community. Our Family Venga con su familia a aprender, divertirse, conocer otras familias y Resource Center (FRC) offers: conectarse con los servicios de su comunidad. Nuestro programa ofrece: • Information and referral. • Assistance to obtain house furniture, household items (in • Información y referidos. • Asistencia para obtener muebles, utensilios para el hogar (en emergency circumstances), clothing for children ages 0-8 years situaciones de emergencia), ropa para niños de 0 a 8 años de edad, old, baby items, school backpacks etc. • Parenting programs, education and workshops such as: artículos para bebés, mochilas escolares, etc. • Educación, programas y talleres para padres tales como: “Parenting Wisely”, “Family Nurturing Program”, “Parent Café”, “Crianza con Sabiduría”, “Crianza con Cariño”, “Café para Padres”, “Parenting Journey”, Parents’ Support Groups etc. • Assistance, support and activities, for the youth. Grupos de Apoyo etc. • Assistance and support for grandparents raising their • Asistencia, apoyo y actividades para los jóvenes. grandchildren. • Asistencia y apoyo para los abuelos criando sus nietos. • Actividades para padres e hijos tales como: Juego libre, juego • Parent-child activities such as: Free play time, board games, learning circles for parents and children, play groups etc. de mesa, circulo de aprendizaje para padres e hijos, etc. • Document translation and/or completion. • Asistencia para traducir y/o completar documentos. • Family especial events. • Eventos especiales para toda la familia. Clases de inglés y ciudadanía Casa Dominicana continúa impartiendo clases de inglés y ciudadanía en horarios convenientes...para más info. llama al 978-325-1986, o regístrate en Casa Dominicana después de las 5pm,170 Common St. Suite 307, Lawrence, frente al Parque Campagnone. El saber inglés y ser ciudadano son llaves claves que abren muchas puertas en este país. Nunca es tarde. Aprovecha y aprende inglés básico, o prepárate para la ciudadanía en Casa Dominicana. Si no te comunicas, por favor, deja un mensaje. Radiothon este sábado pro “La Voz Católica” El Ministerio Radial “La Voz Católica” te invita a colaborar durante su radiothon pro-fondos, a efectuarse este sábado 28 de marzo de 9:00 de la mañana a 5:00 de la tarde por la emisora Impacto 1490 AM. Ayuda a mantener nuestra programación dominical y la transmisión de la Santa Misa. Estaremos recibiendo tu ayuda en el Centro Parroquial Corpus Christi en el 34 Common St, Lawrence, MA. Para más información: 978-397-8112 y 978-390-1489. Coopera y haz la diferencia. Recuerda hermano: Dios bendice al dador de corazon alegre. ¿Puede disponer de 2 HORAS PARA JUGAR CON UN NIÑO SIN HOGAR? Se necesitan voluntarios para jugar con los niños pequeños que viven en refugios para familias desamparadas por todo Massachusetts. Horizons for Homeless Children es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a mejorar las vidas de los niños sin hogar, proporcionando juegos de calidad y oportunidades para la educación temprana. Hágase voluntario con niños sin hogar en un Horizons Playspace en uno de más de 100 refugios para familias en todo el estado, incluyendo en Lynn, Peabody, Lawrence y Lowell. Se requiere un compromiso de 2 horas a la semana durante 6 meses y un entrenamiento formal. El próximo entrenamiento se llevará a cabo el: Sábado, Marzo 28 - 9:30am-3:30pm - en Wilmington, MA Para más información o para inscribirse, llame al (978) 557-2182 ó visite @ EDITOR RUMBONEWS.COM Nuevo horario de oficina. Para un mejor servicio, hemos mejorado nuestro horario de oficina. Estamos seguros que con este cambio acomodaremos mejor las necesidades de las familias: *** New hours of operation. To better serve you, we have improved our office hours. We are confident that this change will better accommodate your family needs: Lunes a Miércoles / Monday to Wednesday 8:00a.m. a 7:30p.m. Jueves / Thursday - 8:00a.m a 4:30p.m. Viernes / Friday - 9:00a.m a 1:00p.m. El segundo y tercer sábado del mes. / Second and third Saturday of the month 9:00a.m. a 1:00p.m Durante nuestras nuevas horas estaremos ofreciendo más educación para padres, eventos divertidos para las familias, talleres etc. *** During our new hours we will be offering more Parenting Education, Family Fun events, Workshops etc. Help for Elders Elder Services is currently recruiting & training more volunteers to help the elderly remain safely in their homes for as long as possible; the volunteers will help with: • With door to door Transportation to medical appointments. • With an advocate, to accompany the elder into the medical appointment. • With food shopping & picking up prescriptions. • With companionship, someone they can just talk with. Request - This is a wonderful program for our elders who have no one to help them. However, Elder Services needs many more volunteers throughout the Merrimack Valley to answer all the calls for help we are receiving. We hope the folks who are reading this Ad can put a few hours aside each month and help support this critical need. Contact: Renee A. Baker at 978-946-1463 Impacto Noticias LUNES A VIERNES | 12PM - 1PM Noticias Locales, Nacionales e Internacionales incluyendo Puerto Rico, Centro y Suramérica. Además, un reporte diario con Danny García desde la República Dominicana Productor Juan Alberto Del Toro Para más información y ventas: 978-325-1986 ó por email [email protected] MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: Rumbo :. 5 City of Lawrence Hosts Application Drive for Civil Service Exam You have until the 26th of this month to apply to be able to take the exam on April 25th. On March 21st, the City of Lawrence hosted an application drive for the upcoming Civil Service Police Officer written exam scheduled for April 25th, 2015. The application drive is geared towards encouraging individuals interested in becoming a police officer to apply for the civil service exam. Women, minorities, veterans and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply to take the exam. “The civil service exam application process is not always an easy one,” said Interim Police Chief James Fitzpatrick. “This application drive will offer guidance as individuals go through each step of the application while answering any questions they may have about the process.” Throughout the application drive, computers were set up in the Council Chambers at the first floor of City Hall where interested parties filled out the Civil Service exam application and paid online. There was also an informational slide show regarding the exam material playing at City Hall throughout the day as well a uniformed Police Officer on hand to answer any questions applicants may have about the exam and the process of becoming a police officer. “I want to encourage all individuals who are interested in being a police officer and are of good character to apply for the civil service exam; this is an opportunity to have any questions pertaining to the job and application process answered,” said Mayor Daniel Rivera. “Plus, you can’t get on the list to be a cop if you don’t take the test.” According to City of Lawrence Personnel Director Frank Bonet, 41 women of a total of 150 citizens applied. “Pretty good, for a city where according to the Census, 58% are women”, said Bonet. If you haven’t applied you still have a chance, according to City of Lawrence Personnel Director Frank Bonet, you have until the 26th of this month and all you need is a driver’s license, a DD214 Form (for Veterans only), a debit or credit card for payment (application fee is $150)—no other forms of payment can be accepted. Applicants must be 21 or older on or by April 25th, 2015 to be eligible. For any questions regarding the Civil Service Exam Application or the application process, please contact the City of Lawrence Personnel Department at 978-620-3060 or Kate Reilly, Special Assistant to Mayor Dan Rivera, helping Michael Pharr with his by email at [email protected]. application. 6 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM Bellesini Academy Now Accepting Division 8 AOH 2015 Dinner and Dance Applications for Admission for the This year’s 144th Annual 2015-2016 School Year Saint Patrick’s Day Banquet Bellesini Academy is currently accepting applications for male students entering grade five this fall and female students entering grade six. A limited number of spots are also available for males in grades six and seven. For the past 12 years, Bellesini Academy has had incredible success with young men in Lawrence. This year, Bellesini will be opening a girls school starting in 6th grade. Bellesini will be a co-institutional school. Students will have all academic classes in a single-sex environment and have opportunities to interact in positive ways through after-school programs and school wide events. Interested families are invited to visit Bellesini at one of its Open House: Tuesday, March 31st from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Bellesini Academy is a tuition-free independent Catholic school serving boys in grades 5-8, and now girls in grade 6, from low-income families in the city of Lawrence. Bellesini believes that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Head of School Julie DiFilippo during a recent visit to CrossOver on WCCM. Parents are encouraged to call the school at (978) 989-0004 to register for the tour and admissions test. Admissions applications may be obtained online at, or by visiting Bellesini at 94 Bradford St. in Lawrence. Applications are due by April 10, 2015. Academia Bellesini aceptando solicitudes de admisión para el año escolar 2015-2016 La Academia Bellesini está aceptando solicitudes de estudiantes varones que entran al quinto grado este otoño y para niñas que entran al grado seis. Un número limitado de plazas también están disponibles para los varones en los grados seis y siete. Durante los últimos 12 años, la Academia Bellesini ha tenido un éxito increíble con jóvenes varones en Lawrence. Este año, Bellesini tendrá la apertura de una escuela de niñas a partir de sexto grado. Se invita a las familias interesadas a visitar Bellesini en su recepción pública: Martes, 31 de marzo de 3:30 a 4:30. La Academia Bellesini es una escuela Católica independiente sin costo de matrícula que sirve a niños en los grados 5-8, y ahora las niñas en el grado 6, de familias de bajos ingresos en la Ciudad de Lawrence. Bellesini cree que la educación es la clave para romper el ciclo de pobreza. Se anima a los padres a llamar a la escuela al (978) 989-0004 para registrars para la gira y prueba de admisiones. Las solicitudes de admisión se pueden obtener en línea en, o visitando Bellesini en el 94 de Bradford Street en Lawrence. Las solicitudes deben presentarse el 10 de abril de 2015. and Dance was held on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at the Lawrence Firefighters Association Relief’s In, located at One Market Street, South Lawrence, featuring a traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner with dancing to the Jolly Tinkers. Methuen resident, Thomas P. Canney, a member and officer of Division 8, was selected, as Division 8’s 2015 Irishman of the Year. The Irishman of the Year Award, which was established in 1964, is the Sister Mary Murphy receiving the Richard Cardinal highest award the Division can Cushing Award from Bill Sullivan, President - Division bestow on a member. A native 8 AOH during the Division 8 AOH's 144th Diner Dance of Lawrence, Massachusetts, held on Saturday March 7 at the Lawrence Firefighters Tom also presently serves as Reliefs In. Picture taken by Bob Collins, a member of the Grand Knight of the Saint Division 8. Monica Council Knights Council 14725. Sister Mary Murphy, SND de Namur, Lawrence, so the Sisters of Notre Dame PhD, has been selected as the Division could continue educating the children of 8’s 2015 recipient of the Richard Cardinal immigrants. In June, 2014 she stepped Cushing Award, which was presented at down as president of the school. Division 8’s Saint Patrick’s Day Dinner The Cushing award is presented Dance. annually to an Irish Catholic who resides Arriving in Lawrence in 1998, Sister in the Greater Lawrence area, and is named Mary Murphy established the Notre Dame after the great Irish Catholic Prelate who Education Center which she directed from served the Archdiocese of Boston for nearly 1998 to 2003. In 2004 Sister Mary founded 50 years. Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School in Father Carlos as Pastor of Saint Mary's Church is the successor of Father O'Reilly who was pastor of St Mary's for 38 years. Father Carlos is also a member of our Division. “Catholic priests no matter what their ancestry can be members”, stated Bill Sullivan, President - Division 8 AOH. Picture taken by Bob Collins, a member of Division 8. SE NECESITAN VOLUNTARIOS PARA JUGAR CON NIÑOS QUE VIVEN EN REFUGIOS Horizons for Homeless Children busca personas serias, bilingües en inglés y español para jugar con niños que viven en refugios para familias sin hogar. Se requiere un compromiso de 2 horas a la semana (un turno semanal) por 6 meses. Para más información o para inscribirse en línea, favor de visitar el sitio www. o llame al 978.557.2182. Es una experiencia muy agradable que beneficia a los niños y también a todas las personas que se envuelven en el programa. MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: Rumbo :. 7 V Festival de Teatro el 198 de la calle Garden, en Lawrence, MA donde se ofreció una deliciosa cena a los allí presentes. Las presentaciones se llevan a cabo todos los sábados y domingos. La primera noche fue presentada la obra “El Corazón Delator” de Edgar Allan Poe, un monólogo Delta Soto y el Padre Joel Almonó salían del estudio donde estaba llevándose a cabo un con la actuación estelar de Mario Galeano programa más de El Tapón, que produce Santiago Matías por la WLLH-1400AM, todos bajo la dirección de Walter Dionisio por el los días de la semana de 4:00 a 7:00cuando esta foto fue tomada, luego de promover el V grupo Conosur. Al día siguiente, domingo, Festival de Teatro que ha estado llevándose a cabo durante el mes de marzo, 2015. se presentó Penélope, otro monologo por la actriz Yolanny Rodríguez del Grupo Vanguardia USA. a la actriz dominicana Delta Soto, por su Por Alberto Surís trayectoria en la escena teatral dominicana La ciudad de Lawrence se regocija por e Internacional. su 5to Festival de Teatro, que está siendo La apertura se llevó a cabo el 7 de celebrado durante este mes de Marzo, del Marzo, 2015 a las 7:00 PM en el salón de 2015. Este año, el festival está dedicado actos de la Iglesia de Gracia, localizada en Ya fueron presentados La Madriguera, una sátira por el grupo Teatro del Arte, NY; Espiga Madura del Grupo del Comisionado; Por Culpa de los Celos por el grupo TEC y el Plagio, por el grupo Las Tablas. Para el fin de semana próxima, el sábado 28 está programado la presentación de De Lorca, un monólogo por el Teatro del Sol. El domingo, el cierre con el drama tan esperado Barrabás, con talento local del grupo Teatro Renovación, dirigido por Juan Carlos Mañón. 8 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM Young People: Lawrence’s new Movers and Shakers By Marko Duffy I have recently met some amazing young people from Lawrence. Several times in fact. There are some things going on in the city for and by some young adults and kids that will make this city a better place to live and work for years to come. I started representing the Lawrence YMCA as part of the Jericho Road program. Jericho Road is a cultural inclusion program designed to help match Latino professionals to non-profit boards in the city. Attending these meetings and training sessions has been valuable experience for me and has introduced me to a group of young professionals who live, work or otherwise have roots in the city and their commitment is a personal one. I was impressed with the idea and the mission and then I met the candidates. They blew me away. I met a group of young professionals that have not only succeeded personally and professionally but they have excelled. All of the recruits are amazing individuals who are seeking a way to give back to the city they're so attached to. They are hoping to be matched with a board that allows them to give their time and their talents toward bettering the community. That they understand that being on the board of a non-profit means giving thoughtfully and generously and the financial commitment does not sway them. They are ready and able to give. Dedication and a willingness to help like this is hard to find but thrives here at Jericho Road in Lawrence. Participating in Jericho Road I was introduced to the Greater Lawrence Young Professionals Network and several of their members and directors. These 20-somethings have started their own organization to attract and engage young professionals in the community and provide a support network for them. An organization through which they can grow and share and ultimately improve the overall quality of life in the community. These dynamic individuals wanted to make a difference and when the platform didn't exist they went out and invented it. Impressive at any career stage but for young people just starting out, it shows incredible vision and dedication to the city. Then through a YMCA program I was introduced to alumni of the Adelante program now operating at the Lawrence YMCA. Adelante is an educational program run by the YMCA to provide a safe and productive environment for 7th and 8th graders to move forward personally and academically. The prep program potentially can lead to 4 year scholarships at a private school in the area. If they work hard, stick with it and develop as students and people. Now in regards to the alumni, here is a group of young people who decided 15 years PARA TODO TIPO DE SEGURO Yomari, Elizabeth, Nini, Joan y Carla Personales Automóviles Casas Negocios *Tarifas bajas para seguro de AUTOS y CASAS SE HABLA ESPAÑOL DEGNAN INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 85 Salem Street., Lawrence MA 01843 TEL. (978) 688-4474 . FAX (978) 327-6558 WWW.DEGNANINSURANCE.COM ago that they wanted to empower themselves through knowledge and education and were seeking better opportunities. To say they succeeded is an understatement. The Adelante alumni I met are truly powerful people who grasped an opportunity living in Lawrence provided and maximized it. They have gone on to become lawyers, vice presidents, successful business men and women and entrepreneurs. They represent what is possible when hard work is done and they are committed to reaching out and helping current and future generations of Adelante scholars. There will be more incredible and talented Lawrence youth going to great schools all over New England because of the work they did a few years ago and are willing to do now. And then I met the youngest group and the cream of the crop. Some of the most impressive young people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. I met this year's group of 8th graders in the Adelante program. I read their essays. I listened as they were interviewed and discussed their hopes and ambitions. Most of all I heard that they had spent 2 years working hard in the Adelante program. It has to be hard as a 7th grader to choose to join a 2 year program that is dedicated to giving you more school work, asks you to tutor and collaborate with peers, commit to community service and develop as a unique individual maximizing your potential. I'm not sure I could have said yes to that at 30 never mind 13. So these scholars we interviewed and got to know and I came away with a deep respect for this group, the youngest of the young men and women I have met recently. It's hard to choose among this group who may or may not get scholarship money just like it's hard to choose which of the above groups I described is the most impressive. The good news is we don't have to pick a winner among these different and diverse groups. The winner has already been chosen and it's the community and the city of Lawrence. One common thread that runs through all of these groups is the thankfulness they grew up where they did, their dedication to giving back to a city they feel they got much from and the desire to stay here, help here and promote here. They are glad to have the roots that they share and are proud to tell people where they are from and where they want to be. There is a wave coming Lawrence. A wave of young people coming back or staying or looking to build businesses and networks. The old adage goes, "How do you know when someone from Lawrence has made it? They move away." That's exactly what it is, an "old adage". One that no longer fully applies and time has moved past. There is a generation, or 2 or 3, here in the city that says it will be different. They worked hard to get where they are... Here. Marko Duffy CEF is President of Marathon Manufacturing Services. BORIS BALSON, MD Tratamiento para el asma bronquial, alergias nasales y oculares, bronquitis y enfermedades de la piel. • Eczema y alergias a alimentos y medicinas. • Intolerancia a la comida, dieta individual de pérdida de peso. • Inmunoterapia clásica y vacunas para las alergias y métodos nuevos para el tratamiento de enfermedades alérgicas sin inyección. Todas las pruebas y exámenes se llevan a cabo en la oficina. Se aceptan todos los seguros médicos. El Dr. Balson habla español Boris Balson, M.D. Profesor Adjunto de Medicina, en la Universidad de Boston Certificación de la Junta de Alergia, Asma e Inmunología de EE.UU. BORIS BALSON, MD 101 Amesbury St., Room 312, Lawrence, MA 01840 Tel. (978) 984-5149 - Fax (978) 984-5159 MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: Rumbo :. 9 Los Jóvenes: Los que Mueven los Hilos de Lawrence Por Marko Duffy He conocido recientemente algunos jóvenes increíbles de Lawrence. Varias veces, de hecho. Hay algunas cosas que suceden en la ciudad por y para algunos adultos jóvenes y niños que harán de esta ciudad un mejor lugar para vivir y trabajar en los próximos años. Empecé en representación de la YMCA de Lawrence como parte del programa Jericho Road. Este es un programa de inclusión cultural diseñado para ayudar a emparejar a profesionales latinos con las juntas directivas de organizaciones sin fines de lucro de la ciudad. Asistir a estas reuniones y sesiones de capacitación ha sido una valiosa experiencia para mí y me ha presentado a un grupo de jóvenes profesionales que viven, trabajan o tienen sus raíces en la ciudad y su compromiso es personal. Me quedé impresionado con la idea y la misión y luego conocí a los candidatos. Me impresionaron mucho. Me encontré con un grupo de jóvenes profesionales que no sólo han tenido éxito personal y profesional pero han sobresalido. Todos los reclutas son personas increíbles que están buscando una manera de devolver a la ciudad a la que están tan apegados. Ellos tienen la esperanza de ser emparejados con una junta directiva que les permita ofrecer su tiempo y su talento hacia el mejoramiento de la comunidad. Ellos comprenden que el estar en la junta directiva de una organización sin fines de lucro significa donar juiciosamente y con generosidad y el compromiso financiero no influye en ellos. Ellos están listos y son capaces de dar. Dedicación y la voluntad de ayudar de esta forma es difícil de encontrar pero está latente aquí en Jericho Road en Lawrence. Fue aquí, participando en Jericho Road que me presentaron a la Red de Jóvenes Profesionales de Lawrence y varios de sus miembros y directores. Estos jóvenes de 20 y tantos años han comenzado su propia organización para atraer y comprometer a los profesionales jóvenes de la comunidad y proporcionar una red de apoyo para ellos. Un organismo donde puedan crecer y compartir y en última instancia mejorar la calidad de vida en la comunidad. Estos individuos dinámicos querían hacer una diferencia y cuando no existía la plataforma salieron y la inventaron. Impresionante en cualquier etapa de su carrera, pero para la gente joven que acaba de empezar, denota una visión y dedicación a la ciudad increíble. Luego a través de un programa de la YMCA me presentaron a ex alumnos del programa Adelante que ahora opera en la YMCA de Lawrence. Adelante es un programa educativo dirigido por la YMCA para proveer un ambiente seguro y productivo para estudiantes de séptimo y octavo grado para avanzar personal y académicamente. El programa de preparación puede conducir potencialmente a becas de cuatro años en una escuela privada en la zona. Si trabajan duro, no se dan por vencidos y se desarrollan como estudiantes y personas. Ahora bien, en lo que respecta a los alumnos, este es un grupo de jóvenes que decidieron hace 15 años que querían hacerse valer a través del conocimiento y la educación y buscaban mejores oportunidades. Decir que lo lograron es un eufemismo. Los ex alumnos de Adelante que conocí son gente verdaderamente poderosa que agarró una oportunidad que vivir en Lawrence les proveyó y le sacaron el máximo. Ellos han llegado a convertirse en abogados, vicepresidentes, hombres y mujeres de negocios exitosos y empresarios. Ellos representan lo que es posible cuando se trabaja duro y se han comprometido a ayudar a las generaciones actuales y futuras de los estudiosos de Adelante. Habrá más increíble y talentosa juventud de Lawrence yendo a las escuelas de toda Nueva Inglaterra gracias al trabajo que hicieron hace unos años y están dispuestos a hacer ahora. Y entonces conocí al grupo más joven que es la crema del grupo. Estos son algunos de los más impresionantes jóvenes que he tenido el privilegio de conocer. Conocí el grupo de estudiantes de 8vo grado de este año en el programa Adelante. Leí sus ensayos. Escuché a medida que fueron entrevistados y discutí sus esperanzas y ambiciones. Por encima de todo me enteré de que habían pasado dos años trabajando muy duro en el programa Adelante. Tiene que ser duro para un estudiante de séptimo grado elegir unirse a un programa de dos años que se dedica a darle más trabajo en la escuela, les requiere dar clases y colaborar con sus compañeros, comprometerse con el servicio comunitario y desarrollarse como un individuo único llevando su potencial al máximo. No estoy seguro que yo podría haber dicho que sí a los 30 mucho menos a los 13 años de edad. Así que estos eruditos que entrevistamos y llegamos a conocer hicieron que me fuera con un profundo respeto por este grupo, el más joven de los hombres y mujeres jóvenes que he conocido recientemente. Es difícil elegir entre este grupo quienes pueden o no pueden obtener dinero de becas al igual que es difícil elegir cuál de los grupos que he descrito anteriormente es el más impresionante. La buena noticia es que no tenemos que escoger a un ganador entre estos grupos diferentes y diversos. El ganador ha sido elegido y es la comunidad y la Ciudad de Lawrence. Un hilo común que corre a través de todos estos grupos es el agradecimiento por haber crecido cuando lo hicieron, su dedicación a contribuir a una ciudad que sienten que les dio mucho y el deseo de permanecer aquí, ayudar aquí y progresar aquí. Ellos están contentos de tener las raíces que comparten y están orgullosos de decir a la gente de dónde son y dónde quieren estar. Lawrence, hay una ola que viene. Una ola de jóvenes regresando para quedarse o en busca de crear negocios y redes. El viejo refrán "¿Cómo sabes cuando alguien de Lawrence ha logrado el éxito? Se mudan." Eso es exactamente lo que es, un "viejo adagio". Uno que ya no se aplica plenamente y el tiempo ha dejado atrás. Hay una generación, o dos o tres, aquí en la ciudad que dice que va a ser diferente. Ellos trabajaron duro para llegar a donde están... Aquí. Marko Duffy es CEF y Presidente de Marathon Manufacturing Services LLC. Impacto Noticias LUNES A VIERNES | 12PM - 1PM Noticias Locales, Nacionales e Internacionales incluyendo Puerto Rico, Centro y Suramérica. Además, un reporte diario con Danny García desde la República Dominicana Productor Juan Alberto Del Toro Para más información y ventas: 978-325-1986 ó por email [email protected] 10 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM Welcome Abbott Lawrence Academy at LHS Nile, la Ballena visitó la Escuela Rollins Lawrence High School hosted a welcome reception on the evening of Friday, March 6 for the inaugural class of Abbott Lawrence Academy, the firstof-its kind accelerated studies program launching next year under Lawrence Public Schools’ turnaround plan. The roughly 100 incoming 9th graders -- selected from a competitive application process -- were congratulated by Superintendent Jeffrey C. Riley, enjoyed dinner with their families, and had the opportunity to learn more about the people and programs of Abbott Lawrence Abbott Lawrence Academy Principal Stacy Ciprich Academy and all of Lawrence and Superintendent Jeffrey C.Riley. High. Named for the industrialist who founded the city, Abbott Lawrence 100 students each year, and will provide Academy is designed in the tradition of top them with a rigorous academic experience independent schools. It uses a competitive that prepares them to attend America’s best admissions process that will select up to colleges and universities. De la página Web Rollins School. Cynde McInnis trajo una sorpresa extra grande y muy especial a los estudiantes de la Escuela Rollins en Lawrence. Ella llegó con Nile, su ballena inflable de 43 pies de largo que fue diseñada después de una ballena humpback (jorobada) nacida en 1987, y que a menudo pasaba los veranos en la costa de Massachusetts. Al traer a Nile a las aulas de todo el país, ella espera enseñar a los estudiantes acerca de las ballenas, los océanos, e inspirar a la próxima generación de defensores de los océanos. Nile the Wale visited Rollins School From Rollins School Web page. Cynde McInnis brought a special, extra large delivery to students at the Rollins School in Lawrence. She arrived with Nile, her 43 ft., life –sized inflatable whale that was designed after a female humpback whale born in 1987, who often summers off the coast of Massachusetts. By bringing Nike to classrooms around the country, she hopes to teach students about whales, the oceans, and to inspire our next generation of oceans advocates. Cynde McInnis grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Oddly enough, although surrounded by farms, she fell in love with whales at the age of eight. In 1994, she graduated from Dartmouth College with a degree in Psychology, focusing on learning and development. In August 1994, she interned with Ocean Alliance and Cape Ann Whale Watch of Gloucester, MA. Told she would eat, sleep and think whales, she said, “What could be better?” This three-month internship turned into a career, and for the past 19 years, she has developed and led Cape Ann Whale Watch’s Field Research and Marine Education Internship, training over 75 interns and numerous volunteers in data collection techniques and presentation of educational programs aboard whale watch boats. She has led almost 2000 whale watch trips and taught tens of thousands of people about whales and the threats they face in our ocean today. Currently, she is embarking on a new business called The Whalemobile. She visits schools, libraries, and summer programs with Nile, her 43 ft., lifesized inflatable whale based on a female humpback whale born in 1987 who often summers off the coast of Massachusetts. Cynde hopes to bring Nile to classrooms around the country to teach students about whales and the oceans, and inspire our next generation of ocean advocates. Nile: the Life-Sized Humpback Whale Students have the opportunity to go inside the whale! Adapted to students’ grade levels, this presentation focuses on similarity between humans and whales, their adaptations to the marine environment, and current threats they face today. Go to her webpage In the end, we conserve only what we love, love only what we understand, and understand only what we are taught. ~Baba Dioum Posing for a picture with the new Abbott Lawrence Academy students are front row, from the left, teacher Eliana Martinez, teacher Stacy Sanzo, Principal Stacey Ciprich and teacher Cory Cheever. For the inaugural year, 100 students were admitted to start 9th grade in the fall. More than a dozen of those pioneers (including some not pictured above) have been active YDO Aquí aparecen los estudiantes de dos clases de kindergarten. Kids. Congratulations to the new Abbott Academy students! Here are students from two kindergarten clases . MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: Rumbo :. 11 Local students honored by Rep. Tsongas On Tuesday, March 10, Congresswoman Niki Tsongas held a reception to honor the 15 young men and women from the Third Congressional District who have been selected as nominees for appointment to the U.S. Military, Naval, Air Force, and Merchant Marine Academies. Each student was nominated following an evaluation of their academic records, extracurricular activities, and in-person interviews with Congresswoman Tsongas' independent Academies Nomination Committee. Prospective students must meet strict academic qualifications. Once the Congresswoman’s nominations are forwarded to the Service Academies, each student’s eligibility is evaluated based on their academic and extra-curricular record, leadership skills, physical stamina and other requirements. Appointments for entrance are offered by the Academies as the students are evaluated. “Each year I have the privilege of nominating a select group of young men and women from the Third Congressional District to our nation's service academies," said Congresswoman Tsongas. "These nominees stood out because of their exemplary academic records, as well as their outstanding achievements in athletics and extracurricular activities. They have each exhibited a strong desire to serve their communities and their country, which make them excellent representatives of the Third District and its proud military tradition. This reception offers the opportunity to commend these remarkable young men and women for their hard work.” Congresswoman Niki Tsongas and Richard Colby Gilbert of Andover Nominees to U.S. Service Academies Congresswoman Niki Tsongas Class of 2015 US MILITARY ACADEMY - Austin Adams, Pepperell, Saint John’s High School; Richard Colby Gilbert, Andover, Andover High School; Shannon Nagle, Chelmsford, Chelmsford High School; Henri-Alexander Noel, Lancaster, Worcester Academy; Jonathan Roche, Chelmsford; Advanced Science & Math Academy. Acton-Boxborough; Forrest Gill, Acton, Acton-Boxborough; Daniel Horovitz, Acton, Acton-Boxborough; Philip Kuong, Harvard, The Bromfield School; Evan Lexo, Groton, Groton-Dunstable, Adam Nicholas , Clinton, Advanced Science & Math Academy. US AIR FORCE ACADEMY - Demetrios US NAVAL ACADEMY - Michael Adams, Kostakis, Andover, Andover High School. Andover, Phillips Academy Andover; Elizabeth Bruttomesso, Concord, Concord US MERCHANT MARINE - Ryan Carlisle HS; Michael Champigny, Acton, Harding, Shirley Nashoba Valley Tech. Atención pacientes de Women’s Health Center El Dr. Javed Siddiqi está aceptando a nuevos pacientes El Dr. Javed Siddiqi invita a todos los pacientes del Women’s Health Center (El cual se encuentra cerrado). El Dr. Siddiqi está Certificado por la Junta de Obstetricia y Ginecología • • • • Atención a embarazos de alto y bajo riesgo Ecografías 3D e instalaciones de laboratorio Manejo de infertilidad Personal Bilingüe Congresswoman Niki Tsongas and Demetrios Kostakis of Andover. ¡AHORA 1 SUBASTA SEMANAL! SUBASTA PUBLICA DE AUTOS ¡VENGA A LA SUBASTA SEMANAL! SÁBADOS A LAS 11 AM INSPECCIONES 2 HORAS ANTES DE LA SUBASTA EL ÚNICO LUGAR EN TODA EL ÁREA CON SUBASTAS DE AUTOS ABIERTAS AL PÚBLICO ¡COMPRE DONDE LOS VENDEDORES COMPRAN! CIENTOS DE VEHÍCULOS: ¡NO HAY OFERTA MÍNIMA! PRECIOS MUY REDUCIDOS: LA MAYORÍA DE LOS AUTOS SE VENDEN POR $500 Ó MENOS. “COMPROMISO DE EXCELENCIA” Aceptamos la mayoría de seguros (HMO and PPO) CAPITAL AUTO AUCTION Afiliado con Holy Family Hospital y Lawrence General Hospital 380 Merrimack Street, Suite 2C Methuen, MA - 978-689-0033 190 Londonderry Turnpike (28 Bypass) Manchester, NH 03104 Salida 1 de la Rt. 101 Este (603) 622-9058 Sirviendo al Valle de Merrimack por los últimos 28 años. El mejor cuidado para usted y su bebé “La Subasta de Autos Oficial del Salvation Army” 12 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM Marcos Representante A. Devers Representative Marcos A. Devers Participa en Read Across America Participates in Read Across America En un periodo de dos semanas el Representante Estatal Marcos Devers participó en dos veces en Lectura a Través de América el evento celebrado en la Ciudad de Lawrence. Uno fue organizado por Lawrence Family Development Charter School y el segundo por Lawrence Family Public Academy localizada en Lowell St. El viernes, 6 de marzo el Representante Estatal Devers leyó a los jóvenes estudiantes de Lawrence Family Development Charter School. "Me impresionaron mucho Ángel y Emmanuel, sus habilidades de lectura y comprensión. Realmente disfruté de mi tiempo allí con los estudiantes", dijo Marcos. El miércoles, 11 de marzo el Representante Devers leyó a los alumnos del jardín de infantes de la Lawrence Family Public Academy. Marcos dijo: "Fue un momento muy especial para leer a estas cuatro grandes niñas, Biana, Analis, Kinialis y Angeli. Me acordé de mis días como educador, también como padre y abuelo". "Me gustó mucho la lectura del Dr. Seuss. Fue una gran actividad para promover el conocimiento y grandioso para los estudiantes de Lawrence que son nuestro futuro", dijo el Representante Devers. In a span of two weeks, State Representative Marcos Devers participated twice in Read Across America event held in the City of Lawrence. One event was hosted by the Lawrence Family Development Charter School and the second by the Lawrence Family Public Academy located on the Lowell St. On Friday, March 6th Representative Devers read to young students of the Lawrence Family Development Charter School. “I was impressed with both Angel and Emmanuel, their reading and comprehension skills. I really enjoyed my time there with the students,” said Marcos. On Wednesday, March 11th Representative Devers read to kindergarten students of the Lawrence Family Public Academy. Marcos said, “It was a very special moment to read to these four great girls, Biana, Analis, Kinialis and Angeli. I was reminded as my days as an educator, also as a father and grandfather.” “I really enjoyed reading Dr. Seuss. It was a great activity to promote awareness and great for the students of Lawrence who are our future,” said Representative Devers. State Representative Marcos Devers reading to Lawrence Family Development Charter School students. El Representante Estatal Marcos Devers leyendo a los estudiantes de Lawrence Family Development Charter School. Es facil encontrarnos / It’s easy finding us ¡El Tiempo del Tío SAM Llegó! ¡EVÍTESE PROBLEMAS! (978) 794-5360 [email protected] Traiga su planilla de impuestos a De Jesús y Asociados SACANDO EL MEJOR PROVECHO ECONÓMICO PARA USTED INCOME TAX Electronic File Los pequeños y medianos negocios llevan su contabilidad al día con los servicios de De Jesús y Asociados ¡Preparamos sus impuestos en menos de 12 horas! ¡24 años de servicio a la comunidad en el mismo lugar! De Jesus & Associates, Inc. La responsabilidad y honestidad son producto de nuestra capacidad HORARIO: Lunes a Viernes: 7am – 8pm Sábados: Domingos: 7am – 5pm 10am – 4pm 277 Broadway, Lawrence MA Tel. (978) 681-0422 [email protected] Nestor H. De Jesús Presidente Rumbo MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: Rumbo :. 13 Nuestros Representantes trabajando / Our Representatives at work State Representative Frank A. Moran (D-Lawrence) read to a group of 1st graders from the Lawrence Family Development Charter School. This event marks the 18th year of the Read Across America program, a wildly successful initiative that provides resources to encourage reading year round. I was delighted to read to 1st graders at the Foley Library in Lawrence in celebration of Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss’s birthday,” said Representative Moran. “I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Cat in the Hat to the children and I hope they enjoyed hearing it. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to create a memory this afternoon with my youngest constituents. To echo the sentiment of Dr. Seuss it has been said that “You're never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child.” Rep. Frank Moran celebra Read Across America Day El Representante Estatal Frank A. Moran (D-Lawrence) leyó a un grupo de alumnos de primer grado de Lawrence Family Development Charter School. Este evento marca el 18vo año del programa Read Across America, una iniciativa muy exitosa que ofrece recursos para fomentar la lectura durante todo el año. Me encantó leer al 1er grado en la Biblioteca Foley en Lawrence en la celebración del Día de la Lectura a Través de América y el cumpleaños de Dr. Seuss", dijo el Representante Moran. "Disfruté mucho la lectura de El Gato en el Sombrero (The Cat in the Hat) a los niños y espero que hayan disfrutaron escuchándolo. Estoy agradecido de haber tenido la oportunidad de crear un recuerdo de esta tarde con mis electores más jóvenes. Para hacer eco del sentimiento de Dr. Seuss, se ha dicho que "Nunca se es demasiado viejo, demasiado loco, demasiado chiflado, para coger un libro y leer a un niño." Diana was able to stop in Methuen (at Timony Grammar) and North Andover (at Kittredge) for Read Across America. 14 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM NECC Hosts U.S. Navy Band U.S. Navy Band Northeast Pop Ensemble The Navy Band Northeast Pop Ensemble will present a free concert at Northern Essex Community College's Hartleb Technology Center on the Haverhill campus, 100 Elliott St., on Friday, April 10, at 7 p.m. This event is open to the public. Under the direction of Lt. Gregory Fritz, the band - which is one of 11 official bands of the U.S. Navy worldwide, is a concert band that performs a wide variety of musical styles including traditional band music, popular standards and patriotic favorites. Songs may include Irish Tune from County Derry, Jupiter from the Planets, Bluejackets on Parade, Swanee, Battle Hymn of the Republic, and a Nat King Cole Medley. The band, which is attached to the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, and serves the military and civilian communities throughout the Northeastern United States, is comprised of 45 talented professional Navy musicians from across the country. Seats are general admission on a first come first serve basis. This event is sponsored by the NECC Music Department. NECC offers an Associate Arts Degree: Music Option. The program is designed to give students a strong foundation in music. The program is suited either to students who want to transfer to a four-year college or those who want to begin or continue an interest in music. For additional information contact Michael Lecuyer at [email protected]. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR RUMBO 315 Mt. Vernon St. Lawrence MA 01843 Email: [email protected] Letters must be less than 300 words in length. Please send a telephone number or email address by which we may confirm the sender. MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: Celtic Celebration ends Irish Cultural Month Rumbo :. 15 NOTAS DE SU BIBLIOTECARIA BY/POR MAUREEN NIMMO Lawrence Public Library Director Musicians, George and Terri Kelley, will present their ninth annual Celtic Concert on Sunday, March 29 at 2:00 pm at the Lawrence Public Library , 51 Lawrence St. The concert features music for voice and piano. Several surprise guests will be joining the Kelleys, and this year's concert will include stories about how Celtic music is connected to Chinese, Italian, German, and American and other ethnic music. A reception follows the one- hour concert, which is free and open to the public. The event is supported by The Irish Foundation. EforAll / EparaTodos presentará un entrenamiento para emprendedores y dueños de pequeños negocios en Lawrence, MA El sábado 28 de marzo, EforAll/ EparaTodos presentará “Negocios Exitosos”, una sesión de entrenamiento en español para proveer herramientas prácticas que ayuden a los emprendedores a empezar o expandir su negocio. Morel, fundador y dueño de Años Fitness Gym en la ciudad de Lawrence. “Si usted está buscando recursos para iniciar su propio negocio o cómo mejorarlo, este es el programa adecuado para usted." Espacio limitado. Necesita hacer una Las áreas que se cubrirán son las reservación llamando a Janin Duran, 978siguientes: 590-7953 o por correo electrónico a janin@ • Cualidades del emprendedor exitoso El costo para asistir es de $20. • Analizar las oportunidades del mercado para su negocio Detalles del evento • Las redes sociales y el impacto en sus Fecha: sábado 28 de marzo ganancias Horario: 9am – 4pm • El arte de la comunicación, cómo Lugar: Lawrence CommunityWorks vender su producto o servicio 168 Newbury Street. Lawrence, MA Entre los expertos se encuentran: Para más información o si desea participar, favor de llamar a Janin Duran, • Benny Espaillat - Dueño de Berkeley 978-590-7953 o comuníquese por correo Shoes, Zapatos Aquí electrónico en [email protected] • Josiane Martinez - CEO de Archipelago Strategies Group Entrepreneurship for All / • Franz Israel - CEO de Turnover Web Emprendimiento para Todos Marketing Consulting EforAll/ EparaTodos, es una • Francis Concepción – Manager organización sin fines de lucro que fue de Producción, ENTRAVISION / fundada en diciembre del 2010 con UNIVISION Boston la misión de promover el desarrollo económico y social, creando así un EforAll / EparaTodos está ayudando impacto positivo para las áreas de Lowell, a los empresarios de habla hispana a tener Lawrence, Boston y vecindades. Este éxito en sus empresas y organizaciones programa ayuda a emprendedores, en no lucrativas. "Este programa y sus inglés o español, a empezar sus negocios o consejeros de negocios me siguen dando las proyectos de servicios sociales ofreciendo herramientas que necesito para estructurar talleres, concursos de ideas, consejería, y mi negocio correctamente y satisfacer las un programa de entrenamiento. necesidades de mis clientes", dijo Wander Hola, queridos lectores de Rumbo. He decidido ignorar el último hurra del domingo (tres pulgadas más de nieve) y decir que en el momento de leer esto, en realidad será primavera. ¡Que Dios le bendiga a cada uno! Por cierto, sé que la nieve no ha terminado, y a lo mejor, no veré las temperaturas de primavera hasta mayo, pero, por lo menos, el invierno de 2015 ha terminado y eso es lo suficientemente bueno para mí. Nuestros amigos los Hibernians están actuando como Perséfone en nuestra ciudad que nos conducirán a la primavera una vez más. Sus acontecimientos de marzo por lo general comienzan en la biblioteca con el vicecónsul de Irlanda de Boston leyendo a nuestros niños en la sucursal del sur, y terminan con la celebración celta de George y Terri Kelley en nuestro auditorio Sargent. Este último evento será el domingo, 29 de marzo, a las 2:00 PM. Por cierto, es el día después del desfile recién programado - el día 28. Espero que todos participen en ambos eventos, ¡próximamente estamos en abril! Hablando del desfile, felicitaciones a la comisión que invitó al Gobernador Charlie Baker a participar. (Esto no debería ser un gran desafío para él. Él es un caballero alto y a lo mejor, ¡puede cubrir la ruta del desfile en unos diez pasos!) El gobernador también asistió al almuerzo anual de los Hibernians el Día de San Patricio (junto al Alcalde Rivera, la delegación legislativa de Lawrence, y la mayoría de los miembros del consejo de la ciudad). Fue, como siempre, un momento de diversión, pero fue muy especial este año debido a la presencia del gobernador y nuestro ex coordinador de veteranos, Francisco Ureña. Como la mayoría de ustedes saben, Francisco es el Secretario de Asuntos de Veteranos para el estado de Massachusetts. Él estuvo presente para recibir el premio de Ciudadanía de John Fenton. Muchos dieron sus testimonios a nuestro amigo, y todas las palabras bellas fueron bien merecidas. ¡Verdaderamente todos estamos orgullosos de este hombre! Louise Sandberg será la anfitriona de nuestra penúltima reunión del club de lectura para esta temporada el 23 de marzo a las 6:00 PM en nuestra sala de historia local en el 3er piso de la biblioteca principal. El título que se discutirá este mes es ALL OUR NAMES por el novelista etíope Dinaw Mengetsu. La novela es a la vez una reflexión sobre la comprensión intercultural y la comprensión de uno mismo, así como un cuento de amor. Como de costumbre, Louise y el club han optado por un título tanto literariamente como intelectualmente profundo. Pasen por el segundo piso de la biblioteca y echen un vistazo alrededor. Con nuestro nuevo Director Asistente Kemal, estamos haciendo algunos cambios que creo que usted encontrará útiles. Entre ellos se encuentran un centro de búsqueda de trabajo y un rincón de recursos de idiomas. Estos serán adyacentes al rincón de ciudadanía que hemos establecido con la ayuda del Servicio de Ciudadanía e Información de los Estados Unidos. Después de haber sido recompensada con una victoria en el Súper Bowl este año, me comprometo a no ser codiciosa ni criticar a los Medias Rojas. Por lo menos, ¡es lo que prometo por ahora! Nos vemos en la biblioteca. NOTES FROM YOUR LIBRARIAN Hello Rumbo readers. I have decided to ignore Sunday’s last hurrah (three more inches) and say that by the time you read this it will actually be spring. God bless us every one! I feel dismally certain that the snow is not over and that we probably won’t see real spring temperatures till probably May but still the winter of 2015 is over and that is good enough for me. Our Friends the Hibernians are acting as our city’s own Persephone leading us into the spring once again. Their March events usually begin in the library with the Irish vice-consul for Boston reading for our kids in the South Branch, and end with George and Terri Kelley’s Celtic Celebration in our Sargent auditorium. The latter event will be on Sunday the 29th of March at 2:00. That, by the way, is the day after the newly scheduled parade date on the 28th. I hope everyone will participate in both events and the next thing we know it will be April! Speaking of the parade, kudos to the committee running it for getting Governor Charlie Baker to march. (This should not be much of a challenge for him. He is one tall gentleman and he can probably cover the parade route is about ten steps!) The Governor also attended the Hibernians annual Saint Patrick’s Day luncheon (along with Mayor Rivera, the Lawrence Legislative delegation and most of the City Council). It was, as always, a fun time but made extra special this year by the presence of the governor and by our own former Veteran’s Coordinator Francisco Urena. As most of you know, Francisco is now the Secretary for Veteran’s Affairs for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He was present to accept the John Fenton Citizenship Award. Testimonials to our friend were coming from left and right and not a word was of them was unearned. Truly a man every one of us can be proud of! Louise Sandberg will be hosting our next-to-last book club meeting for this season on March 23rd at 6:00 in our Local History Room on the 3rd floor at the Main Library. The title to be discussed this month is All Our Names by Ethiopian novelist Dinaw Mengetsu. The novel is both a reflection on intercultural understanding and self-understanding as well as a love story of sorts. As usual, Louise and the club have chosen a title both literarily and intellectually profound. Come by the library second floor and take a look around. With our new Assistant Director Kemal we are making some changes that I think you will find helpful. Among them are a job search center and a language resource area. These will be adjacent to the Citizenship Corner we have established with the help of the United States Citizenship and Information Service. Having been rewarded by a Super Bowl victory this year I promise to not be greedy, and to keep it light on the Red Sox. At least I promise for now! See you at the library. 16 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 Ricketts es seleccionada como Campeona de niños 2015 Ceremonia destaca el Mes de prevención del maltrato infantil READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM MCC to Host Lowell Campus Open House Middlesex Community College will host an Open House on the Lowell campus at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, March 28, in the Lowell Campus Cafeteria, 33 Kearney Square. Prospective students and their families, as well as adult learners interested in continuing their education, will have the opportunity to learn about MCC’s more than 70 degree and certificate programs, noncredit courses, and online and flexiblelearning options. Many of MCC’s academic programs allow students to earn an associate degree and then transfer to a four-year college or university through the statewide MassTransfer program articulation agreements with private colleges. Transfer agreements are designed to ease the transfer process, allowing a student to specifically plan a curriculum that will fit a chosen bachelor's degree program. The Lowell Campus Open House will feature a series of breakout sessions tailored to meet student needs and interests. Students can explore specific areas of academic interest, meet with faculty and academic deans, learn more about the admissions process, and take a campus tour. “This open-house format gives students an opportunity to learn about everything Middlesex has to offer,” said Marilynn Gallagan, MCC’s Dean of Admissions. Advisors and administrators will be on hand to answer student questions and provide information about how to be successful at Middlesex. Students can learn about MCC’s many support services such as academic and career counseling, dual enrollment, tutoring, disability support, and other special programs. Attendees can also meet with financial aid representatives to get information about financing their education. Students can even turn in college applications and schedule appointments for placement testing. For more information or to RSVP for MCC’s Lowell Campus Open House, visit or call 1-800-818-3434. Ricketts Selected as 2015 Children’s Champion Award Ceremony Highlights Child Abuse Prevention Month En una ceremonia celebrada el 2 de abril, una respetada y veterana defensora de los niños de Lawrence fue galardonada con el premio Campeón de niños 2015. Connie A. Ricketts, que ha dedicado su vida adulta a la defensa de niños, fue elegida para el honor por una coalición de organizaciones sin fines de lucro del Valle del Merrimack dedicadas a la prevención del maltrato infantil. “Connie Ricketts es una defensora apasionada y decidida de niños maltratados y abandonados y no descansará hasta que todos los jóvenes que representa vivan en ambientes seguros y protectores. Ha demostrado una voluntad inagotable de luchar a favor de los niños y por eso se merece este premio de Campeona" , dijo Ellen Weinhold, presidenta del Consejo Asesor del Centro de Apoyo Familiar y de la Comunidad Michael B. Christensen, y una de los organizadores del evento. Ricketts recibirá el honor, presentado por la persona que recibió el premio el año pasado, el Juez Mark Newman del Tribunal Juvenil del Condado de Essex, en una ceremonia que se celebrará el jueves 2 de abril, de 8 a 10 a.m. en la YMCA de Methuen, en 129 Haverhill Street. Se pide a quienes deseen asistir que lo confirmen antes del 27 de marzo llamando a Ellen Weinhold al 978-682-4951, ext. 24. Ricketts es directora del Programa de defensores especiales asignados por un tribunal, de la organización sin fines de lucro Family Services of the Merrimack Valley, con sede en Lawrence. Supervisa a defensores judiciales que representan los intereses de niños maltratados y abandonados en el tribunal juvenil. Además, ha sido por mucho tiempo defensora voluntaria. A Ricketts, que es madre de tres hijos adoptados, se le adjudican muchos éxitos como paladín de los intereses de los niños. Los siguientes ejemplos ilustran el impacto de su trabajo: - La adopción de muchos niños de crianza por hogares de Massachusetts seguros, llenos de amor y permanentes. La defensa tenaz de un niño de 15 años de edad abandonado, que recibió muchos servicios de apoyo y terminó inscribiéndose en el Berklee College of Music. La colocación de una niña de siete años de edad con su tía, consiguiéndole un hogar permanente y terminando una sucesión de cinco hogares de crianza en un solo año. Al nominar a Ricketts para el premio, Elizabeth Sweeney, Directora Ejecutiva de Servicios para Familias del Valle del Merrimack, escribió: “Lo que los logros de Connie no reflejan en el papel, es la pasión con que realiza su trabajo. La oímos en el teléfono todo el día expresando indignación y determinación en la defensa de los niños. Es increíble que con tantos años de experiencia personal y profesional, la pasión que la anima a defender a los pequeños siga con la mismo intensidad.” El premio anual “Defensor de los niños” es un esfuerzo en equipo del Greater Lawrence Community Action Council, Inc., las organizaciones Exchange Clubs y YMCA del Valle del Merrimack, y el restaurante y pub Irish Cottage. Los Exchange Clubs del Valle del Merrimack prestan un gran apoyo al Centro de Apoyo Familiar y a la Comunidad Michael B. Christensen de GLCAC. El Centro Christensen mantiene muchos programas comunitarios destinados a prevenir el maltrato infantil. Sus servicios incluyen capacitación para padres, visitas a domicilio y grupos de juego. Para obtener más información sobre el Mes de prevención del maltrato infantil, visite A respected, long-time child advocate from Lawrence has been selected to receive this year’s Children’s Champion Award at a ceremony April 2nd. Connie A. Ricketts, who has dedicated her adult life to advocating for abused and neglected children, was chosen for the honor by a coalition of Merrimack Valley non-profit organizations dedicated to preventing child abuse. “Connie Ricketts is a passionate and determined advocate for abused and neglected children, and she will not rest until the children she represents are living in safe, nurturing environments.Connie has demonstrated an unending willingness to go the extra mile to fight for kids, and that’s what makes her a deserving recipient of the Children’s Champion Award,” said Ellen Weinhold, chair of the Michael B. Christensen Community and Family Support Center Advisory Board, and one of the event organizers. Ricketts will receive the honor, presented by last year’s recipient, Essex County Juvenile Court Judge Mark Newman, at a ceremony on Thursday, April 2, from 8 to 10 a.m., at the Methuen YMCA, 129 Haverhill Street in Methuen. Those wishing to attend are asked to RSVP by March 27 to Ellen Weinhold at 978-6824951, ext. 24 or by email to eweinhold@ Ricketts is the program director of the Court Appointed Special Advocate program of the Family Services of the Merrimack Valley, a non-profit based in Lawrence. She supervises court advocates who represent the interests of abused and neglected children in family court, and is a long-time volunteer advocate as well. The mother of three adopted children, Ricketts is credited with many successes in advocating for the best interest of the children. These examples illustrate the impact of her work: - The adoption of many foster children into safe, loving and permanent homes in Massachusetts. - Dogged advocacy for an abandoned 15-year-old boy who received a flood of advocacy services and went on to enroll in the Berkeley College of Music. - The placement of a 7-year-old girl with her aunt, which provided her with a permanent home and ended a string of five foster home placements in a single year. In nominating Ricketts for the award, Elizabeth Sweeney, Executive Director of the Family Services of the Merrimack Valley, wrote: “What Connie’s accomplishments on paper do not reflect is the passion she brings to her work. We hear her on the phone all day, expressing indignation and determination to advocate for these children. It is amazing, with all her years of experience personally and professionally, that the fire in her belly to right these wrongs still burns bright.” The annual Children’s Champion Award is a team effort of the Greater Lawrence Community Action Council, Inc., the Exchange Clubs of the Merrimack Valley, the Merrimack Valley YMCA and the Irish Cottage Restaurant and Pub. The Exchange Clubs of Merrimack Valley are strong supporters of the GLCAC’s Michael B. Christensen Community and Family Support Center. The Christensen Center holds numerous programs in the community aimed at preventing child abuse including parenting skills training, home visits, and play groups. To learn more about Child Abuse Prevention Month, visit MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: Rumbo :. 17 NECC Hosts Open House in Lawrence On Saturday, March 28, Northern Essex Community College will host a special open house event in the new Dr. Ibrahim El-Hefni Allied Health and Technology Center at 414 Common Street, Lawrence. The event will run from 10 a.m. to noon and is free and open to the public. During the open house, prospective students and community members will have the opportunity to tour all sites of NECC's Lawrence campus, explore the college's many available degree and certificate programs, and attend financial aid workshops. Over 30 campus organizations will be on site throughout to provide pertinent information about campus services. Featured among them are representatives from Student Engagement, Financial Aid, Admissions, and Career Services, as well as faculty members from a vast array of academic programs. Several popular transfer colleges will also be present. The Lawrence campus houses the majority of the college's health care programs and features multiple state-ofthe-art classroom and lab spaces, a hightech health education simulation center, an information literacy lab, a library, and much more. Tour participants will be treated to a first-hand look at each of these campus facilities and an overview of their offerings. To learn more about the upcoming open house event, contact Enrollment Services at 978-556-3700 or admissions@ For more information on programs offered through NECC's Lawrence and Haverhill campuses, please visit Music Department Announces March 28 Open House On Saturday, March 28, Northern Essex Community College will host a special open house event in the new Dr. Ibrahim El-Hefni Allied Health and Technology Center at 414 Common Street, Lawrence. The event will run from 10 a.m. to noon and is free and open to the public. NECC Offers Genealogy Group Northern Essex Community College's Life Long Learning Program will offer a noncredit Introduction to Genealogy Study Group Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to noon, running April 1 through the 22 on the Haverhill campus. This is open to the public. The tuition is $30 per person. This study group is designed for those new to researching their family's genealogy and lineage. There will be a focus on learning the tools and resources available to begin a search and valuable tips to help in the process. Registration is required. To register, call 978-556-3700. For more information, contact Christine DeRosa at cderosa@necc. or 978-659-1225. The group will be led by Marcelle Greenbaum, of Haverhill, NECC's resident expert on genealogy, having facilitated NECC's Music Program will host an open house for prospective students on Saturday its Life Long Learning First Tuesday evening, March 28. Shown in the photo is the college's Jazz Ensemble. Genealogy discussion group for many years and taught a beginners' group previously. Greenbaum holds a master's degree from Prospective students and community music to teaching and performing, and Tufts University, has accrued decades of members are invited to join Northern Essex will be prepared for transfer to a four-year Community College for a special Music institution. Department open house on Saturday, March For more information on the music 28th in the Hartleb Technology Center, 100 program, please visit Elliott Street, Haverhill. The event will run To receive additional information about from 5:00-7:00 p.m. the music open house, contact Professor Attendees will have a chance to explore Ken Langer of the Music Department at the many facets of NECC's music program, [email protected] or 978 556-3223. including its versatile ensembles and choral With campuses in Haverhill and groups. From 5-5:30, the public may tour Lawrence, Northern Essex Community the department's classrooms and practice College offers over 70 associate degree and spaces and speak with current students and certificate programs as well as hundreds of faculty members about their experiences at noncredit courses designed for personal NECC. enrichment and career growth. More A brief reception and recital by several than 7,400 students are enrolled in credit of the college's musical ensembles will associate degree and certificate programs follow the main proceedings. Prospective on the Haverhill and Lawrence campuses; students are encouraged to remain afterward and another 6,700 take noncredit workforce to ask questions and learn more about the development and community education value of a music degree from NECC. classes on campus, and at businesses and The NECC Associate in Arts Degree: community sites across the Merrimack Music Option provides students with Valley. Northern Essex is the only state a foundation for success in musical college located in the lower Merrimack performance, music education, and music Valley Region of Massachusetts. For more computer technology. Those who complete information, visit the website at www. the program will have gained a diverse range of skills, from reading and writing research experience, and translates Latin church documents. Life Long Learning provides opportunities to experience cultural, intellectual and educational growth in a relaxed, friendly environment. It's a place to meet new people, hear stimulating lectures, or take in-depth courses of study. All Life Long Learning curricular is geared to our special audience of 50+ who realize that learning is important at any age. NECC's Center for Corporate & Community Education located at NECC Riverwalk, 360 Merrimack St., Lawrence, Bldg 9, offers noncredit business, professional, career, and personal development courses as well as professional certificates and computer training for individuals and companies looking for cutting-edge skills, by providing the training that is most needed in today's workforce. For more information email [email protected] or call 978-6591200 or visit us online at www.necc.mass. edu/noncredit 18 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM NECC lanza programa de maquinarias CNC NECC Launches CNC Machine Tool Program Northern Essex Community College está reclutando estudiantes para su programa de entrenamiento de maquinarias que comenzará el lunes, 13 de abril. Desarrollado con la colaboración de los empresarios locales, el programa de 15 semanas cubrirá las habilidades necesarias para operar maquinarias con computadoras de control numérico (CNC), preparando a las personas para puestos de trabajo de nivel de principiantes en el sector manufacturero de la región. Los graduados estarán preparados para pasar un examen de certificación nacional. “La manufactura está viva y bien en el Valle de Merrimack”, dijo George Moriarty, director ejecutivo del Centro de Educación Corporativa y Comunitaria de NECC. "Después de décadas de declive, la industria manufacturera es ahora uno de los sectores más fuertes de la economía de la región. Además de las grandes empresas, conocidas como Raytheon y New Balance, la región cuenta con las pequeñas y medianas empresas como Magellan Aerospace, New England Tool and Dye y Solectria." De acuerdo con un informe publicado por la Northeastern University, el sector manufacturero de Massachusetts necesitará aproximadamente 100,000 trabajadores cualificados para sustituir a los trabajadores que se jubilan en la próxima década. Estos trabajadores de reemplazo tendrán que tener las habilidades de alto nivel necesarias dentro de las fábricas avanzadas de hoy Northern Essex Community College is now recruiting students for its machine tool training program, which will begin Monday, April 13. Developed with input from local employers, the 15-week program will cover the skills needed to operate computer numeric control (CNC) machines, preparing individuals for entry-level jobs in the region's manufacturing sector. Graduates will be prepared to pass a national certification test. “Manufacturing is alive and well in the Merrimack Valley,” said George Moriarty, executive director of NECC's Center for Corporate and Community Education. "After decades of decline, manufacturing is now one of the strongest sectors in the region's economy. In addition to large, wellknown companies such as Raytheon and New Balance, the region boasts small-tomedium sized companies such as Magellan Aerospace, New England Tool & Dye, and Solectria." According to a report released by Northeastern University, the Massachusetts manufacturing sector will need approximately 100,000 skilled workers to replace retiring workers over the next decade. These replacement workers will need to have the high level skills needed on the shop floors of today's advanced en día. El entrenamiento avanzado en la manufactura de Northern Essex Community College incluye temas tales como piezas de repuesto, codificación fundamental, la operación de centros de torneado a través de computadoras de control numérico (CNC), matemáticas, geometría y herramientas de CNC. Este programa de entrenamiento de la universidad combina aprendizaje en el aula con la experiencia práctica. La formación práctica se ofrece en Whittier Vocational Regional Technical High School, el socio de NECC en este programa. "El Valle de Merrimack ha sido bendecido con un grupo muy diverso de fabricantes que han prosperado en la última década", señaló Rafael Abislaiman, director ejecutivo de la Junta de Inversión en la Fuerza Laboral del Valle de Merrimack. "Tenemos empresas fuertes, que están creciendo participando en la defensa, dispositivos médicos, energía, fabricación de alimentos, y ropa", continuó Abislaiman. "Pocas regiones disfrutan de una mezcla tan sana y variada de empresas." La Junta de Inversión en la Fuerza Laboral, junto con el centro de carreras de ValleyWorks, es un socio en el programa de entrenamiento de maquinaria de CNC. Para obtener más información, visite el sitio web de Northern Essex Community College en o llame a Renee Deyermond al (978) 659-1223 ó a través del correo electrónico rdeyermond@ manufacturing companies. Northern Essex Community College advanced manufacturing training includes such topics such as systems parts, fundamental coding, operation of CNC turning and milling centers, mathematics, applied geometry, and CNC tooling. The college's machine tool training program combines classroom learning with hands-on experience. The hands-on training is offered at Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School, NECC's partner in this program. "The Merrimack Valley is blessed with a very diverse group of manufacturers who have prospered over the past decade," noted Rafael Abislaiman, executive director of the Merrimack Valley Workforce Investment Board. "We have strong, growing companies involved in defense, medical devices, energy, food manufacturing, and apparel," continued Abislaiman. "Few regions enjoy such a healthy and varied mix of companies." The Workforce Investment Board, along with the ValleyWorks onestop career center, is a partner in the CNC machine tool training program. For more information, log onto Northern Essex Community College's website at or call Renee Deyermond at (978) 659-1223 or email at [email protected]. MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: Rumbo :. 19 NECC anuncia programa de Tecnología del Sueño ¿Interesado en una carrera en el cuidado de la salud? Considere la posibilidad de asistir a la recepción para dar a conocer el Programa de Certificación de Tecnólogo del Sueño de Northern Essex Community College, que se celebrará el jueves, 26 de marzo de 5 a 8 pm en el El-Hefni Allied Health and Technology Center, 414 Common Street, Lawrence. Los asistentes aprenderán acerca de las tareas y desafíos relacionados con la profesión de la tecnología de sueño a diario, así como también tendrán la oportunidad de observar montajes completos de pacientes y técnicas de preparación de laboratorio. Los estudiantes actuales y profesores estarán disponibles para contestar preguntas sobre las oportunidades de programas y profesionales en el campo y mostrar el nuevo centro de Tecnología del Sueño de NECC. En los últimos años, las carreras en tecnología del sueño han crecido a una tasa de casi el 30 por ciento dentro de la industria de la salud de alta demanda. Northern Essex Community College desarrolló su programa de certificación de 28 de créditos en respuesta a esta tendencia, ofreciendo a sus estudiantes la instrucción práctica en la evaluación, el tratamiento y diagnóstico de los trastornos del sueño. Para obtener más información sobre el programa, visite Para obtener información adicional sobre la recepción, póngase en contacto con John Murray en [email protected]. NECC Announces Sleep Technology Open House Interested in a career in health care? Consider attending the open house for Northern Essex Community College's Sleep Technologist Certificate Program which will be held on Thursday, March 26th from 5 to 8 p.m. in the El-Hefni Allied Health and Technology Center, 414 Common Street, Lawrence. Those attending will learn about the daily tasks and challenges associated with the sleep technology profession, as well as have the opportunity to observe full patient set ups and laboratory preparation techniques. Current students and faculty members will be available to answer questions about the program and career opportunities in the field and give tours of NECC's new sleep technology center. In recent years, careers in sleep technology have grown by a rate of nearly 30 percent within the high-demand healthcare industry. Northern Essex Community College developed its 28-credit certificate program in response to this trend, offering its students hands-on instruction in the evaluation, treatment, and diagnosis of sleep disorders. To learn more about the program, please visit For additional information on the open house event, contact John Murray at jmurray@ NECC ofrecerá una recepción para su Programa de Tecnología del Sueño el 26 de marzo. Aquí vemos a Jennifer Canfield de Haverhill, una graduada de 2013, en el laboratorio de tecnología del sueño en el Campus de Lawrence de la universidad. NECC will host an open house for its Sleep Technology Program on March 26. Jennifer Canfield of Haverhill, a 2013 graduate, is shown in the sleep technology lab on the college's Lawrence Campus. Buon Giorno Good Morning Buenas Tardes Every Sunday beginning at 9 AM with Sicilian music 10-12 Italian/English 12-1 This is Rock ‘n Roll GOMAS NUEVAS Y USADAS 7 ABIERTO LOS DIAS DE LA SEMANA 1-2 Así es Colombia 348 BROADWAY LAWRENCE, MA 01841 Celebrating 16 years bringing you five continuous hours of entertainment, news, interviews, music and fun. 24 HORAS AL DÍA 978.327.6802 BRIAN DE PEÑA Nunzio DiMarca and John Savastano 20 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 Info sesiones ofrecidas por el Programa Nuevo Agente Matriculado Northern Essex Community College celebrará tres sesiones de información en esta primavera para las personas interesadas en inscribirse en el programa Enrolled Agent (EA) Exam Review el cual comienza el martes, 28 de abril en NECC Riverwalk, 360 Merrimack St, Lawrence. Sesiones de información se llevarán a cabo el martes, 24 de marzo de 7 a 8:30 pm, el sábado, 18 de abril de 10 a 11:30 am, y el martes, 21 de abril de 7 a 8:30 pm. Estas sesiones dirigidas por agentes registrados, revisarán el papel del EA, oportunidades de carrera, y la información sobre el Programa para el Examen. Un Enrolled Agent (EA) prepara y firma declaraciones de impuestos y representa a clientes en las relaciones con las autoridades fiscales estatales y federales. Este programa es ideal para los preparadores de impuestos con una fuerte financiación y fiscalidad de fondo que están interesados en la expansión de sus carreras. El programa incluye una revisión de las leyes fiscales, la discusión en clase, abundante material escrito, un programa de revisión en línea, exámenes de práctica y estrategias para tomar exámenes probados. Los participantes se preparan para sentarse en una prueba IRS integral de tres partes que cubren los rendimientos individuales y de impuestos de negocios, la ética, la práctica y la representación. EA es el más alto de credenciales que el IRS otorga. El Programa para el Examen de EA de NECC, que tiene lugar los martes de 6 a 9 pm en el Riverwalk, se impartirá en módulos; cada uno cubre una sección del examen. Parte I - Impuesto Individual es de abril 28 hasta mayo 12 y cuesta $350; Parte II – Empresas Pequeñas, corporaciones, sociedades y fideicomisos será desde el 26 de mayo hasta el 30 de junio y cuesta $700 y la Parte III La Etica, Práctica y Representación es desde julio 14 a julio 28 y cuesta $350. Los instructores son Enrolled Agents con la preparación de impuestos y extensa experiencia de instrucción y son miembros de la Sociedad de Massachusetts para Agentes Registrados y/o Asociación Nacional de Agentes Inscritos. Habrá algunos internados y/o empleos disponibles para los estudiantes que pasan los 3 exámenes. El costo incluye libros y materiales de clase. Para obtener información adicional acerca de las sesiones del programa o de información para el Examen de Agente Registrado, por favor póngase en contacto con Dianne Lahaye en [email protected] El Centro de Educación Corporativa y Comunitaria de NECC está ubicado en el Riverwalk, 360 Merrimack St, Lawrence, Bldg 9, y ofrece cursos sin crédito, de comercio y cursos de desarrollo personal, profesional y carrera, así como los certificados de profesionalidad y capacitación en informática para particulares y empresas en busca de las habilidades más modernas, proporcionando la formación que más se necesita en la fuerza laboral de hoy en día. Para obtener más información email [email protected] o llame 978-659-1200 ó visítenos en línea en READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM Info Sessions Offered for New Enrolled Agent Program Northern Essex Community College will hold three information sessions this spring for individuals interested in enrolling in the Enrolled Agent (EA) Exam Review Program which begins Tuesday, April 28, at NECC Riverwalk, 360 Merrimack St., Lawrence. Information sessions will be held Tuesday, March 24th from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Saturday, April 18th from 10 to 11:30 a.m., and Tuesday, April 21st from 7 to 8:30 p.m. These sessions led by Enrolled Agents, will review the role of the EA, career opportunities, and information about the Exam Review Program. An Enrolled Agent (EA) prepares and signs tax returns and represents clients in dealings with state and federal tax authorities. This program is ideal for tax preparers with a strong finance and taxation background who are interested in expanding their careers. The program includes a review of tax laws, classroom discussion, extensive written material, an online review program, practice tests and proven test-taking strategies. Participants prepare to sit for a threepart comprehensive IRS test covering individual and business tax returns, ethics, practice and representation. EA is the highest credential the IRS awards. NECC's EA Exam Review Program, held Tuesdays from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Riverwalk, will be taught in modules; each covers a section of the exam. Part I - Individual Tax runs April 28 to May 12 and costs $350; Part II - Small Business, Corporations, Partnerships and Trusts runs May 26 to June 30 and costs $700 and Part III - Ethics, Practice and Representation runs July 14 to July 28 and costs $350. The instructors are EAs with extensive tax preparation and instructional experience who are members of the Massachusetts Society for Enrolled Agents and/or National Association of Enrolled Agents. Some internships and/or employment may be available for students passing all 3 exams. Fee includes class books and materials. For additional information on the Enrolled Agent Exam Review Program or information sessions, please contact Dianne Lahaye at [email protected] NECC's Center for Corporate & Community Education located at NECC Riverwalk, 360 Merrimack St., Lawrence, Bldg 9, offers noncredit business, professional, career, and personal development courses as well as professional certificates and computer training for individuals and companies looking for cutting-edge skills, by providing the training that is most needed in today's workforce. For more information email [email protected] or call 978-6591200 or visit us online at www.necc.mass. edu/noncredit. MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: Rumbo :. 21 Cartas al Editor / Letters to the Editor Celebrando la Semana Nacional de los Clubes de Niños y Niñas Mientras celebramos la Semana Nacional de los Clubes de Niños y Niñas desde marzo 22 al 28, aquí en el Club de Niños y Niñas de Lawrence (Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence - BGCL) queremos agradecer a la comunidad por su continuo apoyo proveyendo a los jóvenes el acceso a programas de calidad y los servicios que los ayuda a forjar sus futuros. Cada día, escuchamos emocionante historias describiendo cómo BGCL ha cambiado las vidas de nuestros 2,700 miembros que vienen en busca de una comida caliente cada noche, asistencia con su tarea, programas de buen estado físico y nutrición, asistencia planeando para la universidad y carreras futuras, así como contactos personales que durarán toda una vida. Esta semana, nos detenemos para reconocer a aquellos que realmente hacen la diferencia en ayudar a cumplir con esta misión de cambiar la vida de los niños. través de su desinteresado compromiso de tiempo, talento y tesoro • Líderes gubernamentales que se preocupan, corporaciones, fundaciones, y agencias que se asocian con nosotros para alcanzar a la juventud que no recibe servicios • Las familias locales que nos confían su más preciado tesoro: los jóvenes Esta ponderosa combinación de apoyo es lo que mantiene nuestras puertas abiertas. Nuestro éxito compartido es evidente cuando consideramos que el 96% de los que asisten a BGCL se gradúan de escuela secundaria y persiguen una educación superior. Los invitamos a unirse a nuestra celebración de la Semana Nacional de los Clubes de Niños y Niñas, una época de esperanza y oportunidad para la comunidad completa. Aprenda de primera instancia cómo “Los Mejores Futuros Comienzan Aquí” llamándome al (978) 683-2747, ext. 111 para concertar una gira. • Donantes, voluntarios, la junta directiva y miembros de comités de BGCL, Muy agradecido, y el personal que apoya nuestro trabajo a Markus Fischer, Director Ejecutivo Celebrating National Boys & Girls Club Week As we celebrate National Boys & Girls Club Week from March 22-28, we at the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence (BGCL) would like to thank the community at large for its continuing support in providing youngsters with access to quality programs and services that help shape their futures. Each day, we hear heartwarming stories describing how BGCL has changed the lives of our 2,700 youth members who come for a hot supper each night, homework help, fitness and nutrition programs, college and career planning, and lasting personal relationships. This week, we pause to acknowledge those who truly make a difference in helping us fulfill our mission of changing kids’ lives: National Boys & Girls Club Week, a time of hope and opportunity for the entire community. Learn firsthand how “Great Futures Start Here” by calling me at (978) 683-2747, ext. 111 to schedule a tour. Su Visión Es Nuestra Misión New England Eye & Facial Specialists Cirugía de Oftalmología y Oculoplástica procedimientos quirúrgicos Nuestros oculistas se especializan en el cuidado de enfermedades visuales de adultos y pediatría así como énfasis en cirugía de cataratas, cirugía de párpados, cuidado visual para diabéticos, ojos resecos y muchos otros tipos de cirugía visual y tratamientos. Con cuidado rutinario y continuo, la temprana detección de muchas condiciones de la vista pueden prevenir la innecesaria pérdida de la visión. Nuestras Localidades: rejuvenecimiento facial Andover, MA Boston, MA Lowell, MA Lawrence, MA Londonderry, NH Newburyport, MA Para Una Cita (978) 682-4040 tienda óptica was honored with the "Because of Her" Award at this year's Lowell Women's Week Looking for committed people working to Annual Breakfast. strengthen our communities? Below is a quick News Flash of leadership activities Lorie Mendoza (’14) has been chosen as by MCLI alumni. the new Executive Director of Si Se Puede in Lawrence. Joshua Alba (‘14) was elected President of Bread & Roses Heritage Committee after Joy Mosenfelder (’14) is coordinating the serving as Producer Director last year. annual Lowell Skill Share coming up in He also helped organize the American May. Made Holiday PopUp Shop at El Taller in Lawrence, and started a series of “monthly The University of Massachusetts Lowell public conversations with progressive honored Clara Orlando (’14) with the annual Martin Luther King Day Distinguished figures” for the community. Service Award. Ana Camargo (’14) is participating in Jericho Road/YWCA Board Cultural Inclusion Clara Orlando (’14) and Ruby Carnevale Program. As part of her initiative to develop (’15*) are organizing The Merrimack support systems for homeless youth, Ana Valley Compact First Regional Career and coordinated the 2015 Youth Point in Count Networking Fair. The theme for the Fair in Lawrence, a national youth homeless is “Our Diversity, Our Strength: United to count. She brought public agencies together Create Opportunities for All”. The event with 7 community organizations to support includes a panel discussion moderated by the count and her growing networks to Todd Fry (Director) and featuring *Keon Webbe (’15). support homeless youth. Felix Garcia (’15) and *Mary Beth Burwood (’15)* have joined with the Lawrence Rotary Club to launch Lawrence commitments of time, talent, and treasure • Caring government leaders, Rotaract, a service club for young leaders corporations, foundations, and agencies that ages 18 to 30. They are looking for young partner with us to reach underserved youth leaders in the community who share their • Local families who entrust us with passion for service learning. America’s most precious gift: our youth Sue Grolnic (’12) continues to develop This powerful combination of support the global network she founded, Sister to literally keeps our doors open. Our shared Sister, as it develops a new local focus success is evident when considering that identifying "thriving seniors" - especially 96 percent of BGCL seniors graduate and women - and helping them "mentor" other senior women in their community who are pursue higher education. We invite you to join us in celebrating not thriving. • Donors, volunteers, BGCL board and committee members, and staff who In gratitude, support our work through their selfless Markus Fischer, Executive Director servicios de la vista MCLI Partners and Friends: James Ostis (’12) was chosen as a 2015 Public Policy Summer Fellow at the Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston of the Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government! Jose Pino (’12) has joined the Board of Directors of The Lawrence Partnership, a new economic development collaborative bringing together business, nonprofit, and government leaders to advance the city. On the Board, Jose represents the Greater Lawrence Young Professionals Network. Basudha Rizal (’15) led the Bhutanese Community of Lowell to achieve official Lowell Makes continues to innovate under nonprofit registration with the state as an the leadership of Kamal Jain (’13), John official 501c3 organization! Noto (’13) and Eric Sack (’13). With the Lowell Public Schools, Lowell Makes Sayon Soeun (’15) shared his film Lost was awarded a $50,000 grant from the Child: Sayon’s Story at a special showing Massachusetts Life Science Center to for MCLI classmates and alumni. The film purchase a scanning electron microscope tells the story of his childhood in Cambodia to make available to public school students. during genocide and his return as an adult. As part of the project, they will work For the discussion, he was joined by Mao with Lowell Public Schools on teacher Kang (’14) and Sovanna Pouv (’12). Sayon is also speaking at the upcoming professional development. symposium on “Pursuing Justice Through In addition, Lowell Makes is in the process Art: A Multicultural Genocide Exhibition” of establishing the Merrimack Valley Center at Lowell’s Whistler House Museum. for Industry and Art, and further engaging local manufacturers to assess their needs, Thanks to our friends at Enterprise Bank gaps and opportunities for focused training. for nominating MCLI as Nonprofit of the Year at their Celebration of Excellence Digna Jhonson (’14) is a new member of Awards Gala! the Lawrence CommunityWorks Board of Todd Fry Directors. Director, Mill Cities Leadership Institute Conratulations to Bopha Malone (’12) who Lawrence CommunityWorks Help for Elders Elder Services is currently recruiting & training more volunteers to help the elderly remain safely in their homes for as long as possible; the volunteers will help with: • With door to door Transportation to medical appointments. • With an advocate, to accompany the elder into the medical appointment. • With food shopping & picking up prescriptions. • With companionship, someone they can just talk with. Request - This is a wonderful program for our elders who have no one to help them. However, Elder Services needs many more volunteers throughout the Merrimack Valley to answer all the calls for help we are receiving. We hope the folks who are reading this Ad can put a few hours aside each month and help support this critical need. Contact: Renee at, 978-946-1445 22 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM First Savers in Plaistow Partners with Epilepsy Foundation of New England to Benefit Community New thrift store offers great deals on more than 100,000 items every day. Savers, the national thrift chain with more than 330 locations across North America, is celebrating the opening of its fourth store in New Hampshire and a continued partnership with Epilepsy Foundation of New England (EFNE). The celebration of the Plaistow area location will kick off on Thursday, March 26 with an 8:45 a.m. ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by Savers management and representatives from EFNE, and continue through Saturday, March 28. Grand opening festivities of this new thrift store will include the chance for attendees to win one of five $100 Savers gift certificates. Savers was founded on the core principle of supporting local communities – and has embraced that value by partnering with local nonprofits since 1954. The Plaistow store’s partnership with EFNE means Savers pays the organization for every donated item, whether it makes it to the sales floor or not. When members of the Plaistow community donate, they are not only giving their goods a second life, they are also turning their otherwise unused goods into sustainable revenue for EFNE. The revenue received is crucial in supporting EFNE’s mission to lead the fight to stop seizures, find a cure and overcome challenges created by epilepsy in New England. With this revenue stream, EFNE is able to provide a wide range of programs and services to more than 3,000 people living with epilepsy in this region, and their families. EFNE trains and educates teachers, nurses, law enforcement and the general public, and offers employment training, support groups, social/cultural opportunities and two camps for kids. “We’ve partnered with Savers since 2009 and we’re thrilled to expand our relationship with the new Plaistow opening,” said Brad Rich, President of Epilepsy Foundation Donation Center of New England. “The money we receive is so important to benefitting those living with epilepsy in Plaistow and the surrounding communities, so we encourage everyone in the community to get in touch with us and schedule a donation pick-up, or drop off their gently used items at the store’s on-site Community Donation Center.” Not only does Savers offer an easy way for customers to help the local community, but the store makes it easy to shop for quality goods, too. With wide aisles and clean and tidy racks with merchandise organized by department, style and size, Savers is no ordinary thrift store – it’s a place where people from all backgrounds can enjoy a unique selection, good deals and fun treasures in a department store-like atmosphere. The store carries more than 100,000 unique items on the sales floor at any time and stocks up to 10,000 gently used items every day, ensuring customers continuously find a refreshed assortment of quality, value goods. “We’re very excited to open our first store in Plaistow,” said Doug Glen, the new store manager. “The support we’re able to provide the local community makes us proud, and we can’t wait to welcome both new and familiar customers and introduce them to all our great deals offered throughout the store.” While the new Plaistow store offers strong support for the local community, the network of Savers stores across North America encourages a more sustainable environment overall. By coupling the sale of gently used, quality items with the responsible recycling of items that cannot be sold, Savers, its customers, and its nonprofit partners keep more than 650 million pounds of reusable goods from ending up in landfills each year. Since its founding, Savers has continued to inspire local communities to reduce their waste by reusing and recycling unneeded items, and has showcased that shopping thrift truly is one of the easiest ways to “go green.” The Plaistow store and Community Donation Center, located at 9 Plaistow Road, will be open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., and Sunday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information, customers may contact the store directly at (603) 378-0368 or visit About Savers Founded in 1954, Savers is a privately held global thrift retailer offering clothing and accessories for men, women and children and household goods under the Savers, Value Village, Village des Valeurs and Unique Thrift Store brands. Through its unique business model of purchasing, reselling and recycling secondhand merchandise, the Savers family of thrift stores benefits more than 150 nonprofit organizations, gives local consumers a smart way to shop, and saves more than 650 million pounds of quality used goods from landfills each year. Savers pays its nonprofit partners for donated goods, turning otherwise unused items into sustainable funding that supports their vital community programs and services. Savers operates more than 330 locations and has 20,000 employees in the United States, Canada and Australia. For more information, please visit About Epilepsy Foundation of New England The Epilepsy Foundation of New England leads the fight to stop seizures, find a cure and overcome challenges created by epilepsy. Since 1983, the Epilepsy Foundation of New England has helped enable people with epilepsy and their families to make decisions and take actions regarding health care, productivity, independence and community participation. The Epilepsy Foundation of New England works with volunteers, professionals and community organizations to educate the public about epilepsy. To learn more, visit MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: Sociales Rumbo :. 23 Feliz 60, Sara Happy Sixty,Sara Happy 99th Birthday, Joe Zaccari! Sara Saldaña fue sorprendida con una fiesta de cumpleaños el sábado, 7 de marzo en Attica Club donde se encontró rodeada del cariño y admiración de familiares e íntimos amigos. Luego de subir las escaleras hasta el tercer piso se encontró rodeada de unas 50 personas que le cantaban Feliz Cumpleaños. Sara Saldana was surprised with a birthday party on Saturday, March 7 in Attica Club where she found herself surrounded by the love and admiration of family and close friends. She arrived to the third floor, exhausted, to find about 50 people singing Happy Birthday. Joe Zaccari, celebrated his 99th Birthday at a party hosted by his family at the 99 Restaurant in North Andover. He is pictured here with his daughters Ann More (L) and Elaine Haddad. Joe was a long time Methuen resident. He currently lives in Lawrence. Sara con sus nietos y sus 4 hijos adoptivos, el último con ella al frente, el pequeño Almani García-Saldaña, quien por cierto fue elegido Príncipe Pequeñito de Semana Hispana 2014. Sara with grandchildren and her 4 adopted children, the last one with her in front, Almani García-Saldaña, who, by the way, was elected Hispanic Week Príncipe Pequeñito (Itty Bitty Prince) 2014. Ya que a Sara le encanta New York, ese fue el tema de la fiesta. Since Sara likes New York so much, that was the party’s theme. Sara a la derecha, con su hija Juanita, una de las organizadoras de la fiesta. Sara, at right, with daughter Juanita Saldaña, one of the organizers of the party. Learn Information Technology Programming at Middlesex La fiesta fue amenizada por Fernando Mejía, bautizado desde ahora como “El Moderado”, por el volumen moderado de su música que permite a todos disfrutarla y al mismo tiempo mantener una conversación amena con otras personas. The party was enlivened by Fernando Mejia, now christened as The Moderate, by the moderate volume of his music that allows everyone to enjoy it while maintaining a pleasant conversation with others. Un trono fue reservado para la Reina de la Noche. A throne was reserved for the Queen of the Night. Register now for Middlesex Community College’s Community Education & Career Training noncredit courses in information technology programming. MCC’s programming courses are intended for individuals with little or no programming experience. Two courses are offered, including: JAVA Programming (TEC 732 30) – This course introduces and trains participants in the JAVA programming language. Participants will learn the basic concepts of object-orientated programming language. Topics covered include, JAVA language fundamentals, class relationships, program flow, exception handling, IO, graphical user interfaces, more swing, event handlers, embedded applet programing, and posting JAVA apps to the Web. Intro to Programming Concepts (TEC 745 30) – Participants will learn concepts that are common to all popular programming languages. Students will be taught how to think computationally and how to solve problems by developing computer programs. Topics covered include, data types, programming language statements, compilers, data structures, object oriented programming, pseudo code, and UML. Examples will be given in JAVA, C++ and Python languages. For more information about these or other noncredit courses offered through Middlesex Community College’s Community Education & Career Training, contact Shelia Morin, at morins@ or call 781-280-3608, or visit careertraining/. Middlesex Community College meets the evolving educational, civic and workforce needs of our local and global communities. As one of the largest, most comprehensive community colleges in the state, we educate more than 13,000 students annually on our campuses in Bedford and Lowell, and online. MCC offers more than 75 degree and certificate programs, plus hundreds of noncredit courses. At Middlesex, everyone teaches, everyone learns. 24 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 NEWS & EVENTS IN HAVERHILL YWCA Haverhill se asocia con Jane Doe Inc. READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM Alcalde Fiorentini Propone Granja Solar en Vertedero Involucran a hombres y niños en la Campaña Podría ahorrar a los contribuyentes hasta de MA del Día del Lazo Blanco 2015 $7.5 millones Los hombres y niños de la comunidad están invitados a unirse una vez más a la YWCA de Haverhill y distinguidos invitados el martes, 31 de marzo para hacer una promesa pública a la comisión de poner fin a la violencia contra las mujeres y apoyar a una comunidad saludable y más pacífica. El evento, que forma parte del White Ribbon Day Proclamation (WRD) evento estatal patrocinado por Jane Doe Inc., se llevará a cabo de 8 a.m. a 9 a.m. en la YWCA, ubicado en el 107 Winter Street. Se servirá un desayuno ligero. Andy Polanco, especialista de prevención de deserción escolar y apoyo estudiantil en Escuela Superior de Haverhill, se unirá a Craig Norberg-Bohm, Iniciativa Masculina y Coordinador de WRD de Jane Doe Inc., como ponentes destacados. Jane Doe Inc. es la coalición estatal que trabaja para encontrar soluciones duraderas que promueven la seguridad, la libertad y la dignidad de las víctimas y sobrevivientes de violencia sexual y doméstica. Entre los que tomarán el juramento estarán líderes del gobierno; representantes del Departamento de Policía de Haverhill; Paul Muzhuthett, Director Regional del Departamento de Salud Pública de MA; líderes comunitarios y de negocios; y jóvenes de Escuela Superior de Haverhill. "Esta campaña es una importante oportunidad para expresar su compromiso con la erradicación de la violencia contra las mujeres", dijo Renee McGuire, Directora de la YWCA de Haverhill. "Somos un participante orgulloso y apreciamos los esfuerzos de Jane Doe Inc. para encabezar este movimiento en Massachusetts." Jane Doe Inc. fundó la Campaña WRD MA hace 7 años para ayudar a erradicar la violencia masculina contra las mujeres haciendo que los hombres tomen una posición pública y promuevan la masculinidad positiva. El tema de este año, Re-imagine la Masculinidad, tiene como objetivo involucrar a los hombres y los niños a ser parte de la solución para poner fin a la violencia contra las mujeres al cambiar las normas asociadas a la edad adulta para valorar el respeto, la compasión y la no violencia como un antídoto contra el abuso de poder en las relaciones y la sociedad. Señaló el Sr. Polanco, en una entrevista con Jane Doe Inc., "Al hacerle frente a la violencia contra las mujeres, los hombres pueden asumir la responsabilidad y realmente ser la diferencia." YWCA Haverhill Partners with Jane Doe Inc. Engaging Men and Boys in the 2015 MA White Ribbon Day Campaign Men and boys from the community are once again invited to join YWCA Haverhill and distinguished guests on Tuesday, March 31 in making a public pledge to commit to end violence against women and support a more peaceful, healthful community. The event, part of the statewide White Ribbon Day Proclamation (WRD)event sponsored by Jane Doe Inc., will take place from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at the YWCA, located at 107 Winter Street. A light breakfast will be served. Andy Polanco, Drop-Out Prevention and Student Support Specialist at Haverhill High School, will join Craig Norberg-Bohm, Men's Initiative and WRD Coordinator for Jane Doe Inc., as featured speakers. Jane Doe Inc. is the statewide coalition working to find lasting solutions that promote the safety, liberty, and dignity for victims and survivors of sexual and domestic violence. Among those taking the pledge will be government leaders; representatives from the Haverhill Police Department; Paul Muzhuthett, Regional Director of the MA Department of Public Health; community and business leaders; and young men from Haverhill High School. "This Campaign makes an important chance to voice their commitment to ending violence against women," said Renee McGuire, YWCA Haverhill Site Director. "We are a proud participant and appreciate the efforts of Jane Doe Inc. to spearhead this movement in Massachusetts." Jane Doe Inc. founded the MA WRD Campaign 7 years ago as to help end male violence against women by having men take a public stand and promote positive masculinity. This year's theme, Reimagine Manhood, aims to engage men and boys to be part of solution in ending violence against women by shifting the norms associated with manhood to value respect, compassion and non-violence as an antidote to the abuse of power in relationships and society. Noted Mr. Polanco, in an interview with Jane Doe Inc., "By standing up and confronting violence against women, men can take responsibility and really make a difference." Rumbo “The Bilingual Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley” El Alcalde James J. Fiorentini anunció que ha propuesto una granja solar para ser colocada en un antiguo vertedero. Hace varios años, el Comité Asesor sobre Vertederos de la Alcaldía recomendó por unanimidad que el mejor uso posterior al cierre del vertedero era una granja solar. Este año, el alcalde envió una solicitud de propuesta (RFP) y pidió a las empresas a presentar ofertas en la instalación de un parque solar en el relleno sanitario. El alcalde reunió a expertos externos para asesorar a la Ciudad y obtuvo una subvención del Departamento de Recursos Energéticos para ayudar con la evaluación. Un número de empresas presentaron sus ofertas. Fue una decisión muy difícil pero el alcalde ha elegido a Sun Edison como nuestro proveedor para ofrecer una granja solar en el relleno sanitario. El Alcalde James J. Fiorentini dijo: "Le pregunté a nuestro Gerente de Energía que evalúe las ofertas, así como el Grupo de Asesoría Energética y me recomendaron que avancemos con la propuesta favorable. Este acuerdo podría ahorrar a la ciudad de más de $7,500,000 en los próximos 20 años. "Hay usos limitados de antiguos vertederos, una granja solar es una buena opción y que le ahorrará dinero a la Ciudad. Mayor Fiorentini Proposes Solar Farm for Old Landfill Could Save Taxpayers up to $7.5 Million Mayor James J. Fiorentini announced that he is proposing a solar farm to be placed at an old landfill. Several years ago, the Mayor’s Landfill Advisory Committee unanimously recommended that the best post closure use of the landfill was a solar farm. This year, the Mayor sent out a Request for Proposal (RFP) and asked for companies to submit bids on installing a solar farm at the landfill. The Mayor brought in outside experts to advise the City and obtained a grant from the Department Of Energy Resources to assist with the evaluation. A number of companies submitted bids. It was an extremely difficult decision but the Mayor has chosen Sun Edison as our vendor to provide a solar farm at the landfill. Mayor James J. Fiorentini stated: “I asked our Energy Manager to evaluate the bids as well as the Energy Advisory Task Force and they recommended we move forward with the favorable proposal. This deal could save the City over $7.5 million over the next 20 years. “There are limited uses for old landfills, a solar farm is a good option and it will save the City money. Fire victims / Víctimas de incendios Please contact Heal Lawrence if you wish to make a contribution to the victims of the recent fires in Lawrence. The website has a list of donated items and things that are still needed. Favor de ponerse en contacto con Heal Lawrence si desea hacer una contribución a las víctimas de los incendios recientes en Lawrence. El sitio en la internet tiene una lista de artículos que han sido donados y lo que todavía necesitan. [email protected] ------Please contact Heal Lawrence if you want to help. A fire can happen at any time. Si desea ofrecer sus servicios póngase en contacto con Heal Lawrence. Un incendio puede ocurrir en cualquier momento. ¿Puede disponer de 2 HORAS PARA JUGAR CON UN NIÑO SIN HOGAR? Se necesitan voluntarios para jugar con los niños pequeños que viven en refugios para familias desamparadas por todo Massachusetts. Horizons for Homeless Children es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a mejorar las vidas de los niños sin hogar, proporcionando juegos de calidad y oportunidades para la educación temprana. Hágase voluntario con niños sin hogar en un Horizons Playspace en uno de más de 100 refugios para familias en todo el estado, incluyendo en Lynn, Peabody, Lawrence y Lowell. Se requiere un compromiso de 2 horas a la semana durante 6 meses y un entrenamiento formal. El próximo entrenamiento se llevará a cabo el: Sábado, Marzo 28 - 9:30am-3:30pm en Wilmington, MA Para obtener más información o para inscribirse, llame al (978) 557-2182 ó visite Por favor, únase a nosotros para dar a un niño sin hogar un mejor mañana. MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: Rumbo :. 25 Middlesex Community College to Host Paralegal Career Night MCC’s Phlebotomy Certificate Program Named Top in State Middlesex Community College Career Services and the Paralegal Studies Program will host a Paralegal Career Night from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 24, in the Bedford Campus Center’s Café East, 591 Springs Road. Free and open to the public, this information session will help participants explore career opportunities for paralegals in both public and private legal sectors. Participants will meet and network with a panel of MCC Paralegal Studies alumni currently working in the legal environment. Participants can also meet with MCC Law Center staff, Paralegal Studies faculty, members of MCC’s Student Paralegal Club, and MCC admissions representatives. Panelists include Lynn Turgeon, paralegal and co-founder of Evidox, an eDiscovery firm; Michele Ross, an MCC and Wellesley alumna, master’s degree student in peace and conflict studies at UMass Lowell and graduate assistant at UMass Lowell; Michael Lleces, MCC alumnus, paralegal with Chin & Curtis and Middlesex Community College’s Phlebotomy Program was recently presented the 2014 Best of Phlebotomy Education Award by PhlebotomyTrainingSpot. com. A free resource for prospective students and career seekers looking for phlebotomy training and jobs, PhlebotomyTrainingSpot. com recognizes the top phlebotomy programs across the U.S. "We are honored to receive the Best Phlebotomy Education Award,” said Suzanne McHale, Program Coordinator for MCC’s Academy of Health Professions. “Our Phlebotomy Certificate Program trains students to become skilled phlebotomists as well as exceptional healthcare professionals. We hold our students to the highest standards of the field." Suzanne McHale, Program Coordinator for MCC’s Academy of MCC’s Phlebotomy Health Professions, works with phlebotomy student Neil Desai Certificate Program enables in a phlebotomy lab. MCC’s Phlebotomy Program was recently students to build the skills presented the 2014 Best of Phlebotomy Education Award by necessary to work in hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices, nursing homes, research settings Administration, Medical Assisting, and a and reference labs. Students are trained Clinical Lab Assistant Certificate Program. recognizes to perform a variety of blood-collection methods using proper techniques and programs with the ability to foster career and personal development in their students. precautions. The Phlebotomy Certificate Program Nominees were rated over a several-month is part of MCC’s Academy of Health period at the end of 2014 and winners were Professions (AHP), which offers short- identified based on total ratings, program term training and college-credit courses to reputation and accreditations. For more information about MCC’s prepare students for careers in entry-level health care. Other programs offered as part Phlebotomy Certificate Program, contact of AHP include Certified Nursing Assistant, Suzanne McHale at mchales@middlesex. Medical Receptionist, Medical Office or 978-322-8412. student liaison director of the Massachusetts Paralegal Association; Brianna Morecroft, MCC alumna and senior paralegal at Trupti N. Patel & Associates; Christine Griffin, MCC alumna, life coach and paralegal with Bowditch & Dewey, LLP; and Ursula FuriPerry, Director of Academic Support at the Massachusetts School of Law, Dill & FuriPerry LLP, and author of “50 Legal Careers for Non-Lawyers.” Approved by the American Bar Association, MCC’s Paralegal Studies Programs offer two associate degree programs, a career track and a transfer track, as well as a one-year post-graduate certificate program (for those who have already earned an associate or bachelor’s degree). For more information about MCC’s Paralegal Studies programs, visit https:// For more information about Paralegal Career Night at Middlesex, contact Halye Sugarman at [email protected]. edu or 1-800-818-3434. MCC Explores ‘Latin America Today’ at Interdisciplinary Weekend Register now for “Latin America Today,” a unique two-day Interdisciplinary Weekend course, to be held Friday and Saturday, April 3 & 4, at Middlesex Community College. This one-credit course will explore Latin America’s cultural traditions and connections with the world through art and literature, history and philosophy, economics and science, music, dance and food. The two-day course, which is designed to have the feel of a conference, begins on Friday afternoon with a guided museum tour of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, followed by a thematic meal in Cambridge (included in price of course). Saturday sessions begin with a keynote address, titled “Will Latin America Run on Dunkin? Understanding the Impacts of Fair Trade and Coffee Marketing Corporations,” by Michael Cermak. Concurrent sessions follow the keynote, and include salsa dancing, ceramics, poetry and drumming. Interdisciplinary Weekend 2015 concludes with a special musical performance, titled “Music From South America.” Co-sponsored by MCC’s A World of Music spring concert series, the performance will feature Music Department faculty members Adam Levin, guitar; Carmen Rodriguez-Peralta, piano; and Anna Ward, soprano; joined by Orlando Cela, playing flute and cuatro, a small Venezuelan guitar. Tangos from Argentina, a piano solo inspired by the popular music of Brazil, guitar solos from Paraguay, evocative songs from Peru in Spanish and Quechua, the language of the Incas, and a Venezuelan duet for guitar and cuatro will be performed. To learn more about “Latin America Today,” contact Dona Cady, Dean of Global Education, at [email protected]. To register for Interdisciplinary Weekend 2015 (IDS 105), call 1-800-818-3434. READ PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF RUMBO ON OUR WEBSITE RUMBONEWS.COM 137 Lawrence Street Lawrence, MA 01841 (978)682.4060 Somos expertos en precios módicos y servicio de alta calidad. La Primera Funeraria hispana sirviendo con esmero y satisfacción a la comunidad latinoamericana. Brindamos servicio de asistencia social y enviamos el cuerpo a cualquier lugar incluyendo a Puerto Rico, la República Dominicana, Centro y Suramérica. También ofrecemos planes pagados con anticipación y estampas de recordatorios. Middlesex Community College meets the evolving educational, civic and workforce needs of our local and global communities. As one of the largest, most comprehensive community colleges in the state, we educate more than 13,000 students annually on our campuses in Bedford and Lowell, and online. MCC offers more than 75 degree and certificate programs, plus hundreds of noncredit courses. At Middlesex, everyone teaches, everyone learns. Holy Family Hospital Orthopedic Spine Surgeon to Offer Free Seminar on Back Pain Holy Family Hospital is pleased to announce that Orthopedic Spine Surgeon Joseph Weistroffer, MD will present Back Pain: When is Surgical Intervention Recommended on April 7, 2015 from 6 to 7 p.m. in Holy Family Hospital’s groundfloor auditorium. Those who attend will learn the characteristics and initial treatments for back pain related to lumbar disc herniation, lumbar stenosis, and osteoporotic compression fractures. The presentation is part of the Meet the Expert series of seminars held monthly throughout the year. They are free, open to the public, and light refreshments are served. Registration is required. Nurses in attendance are awarded one continuing education credit at the end of the presentation.* Holy Family Hospital is located at 70 East St. in Methuen, MA. For more information or to register, please email [email protected] or call Jean at 978.420.1168. *This program meets the criteria for Continuing Education in Nursing in Massachusetts pursuant to 244 CMR 5.04, The Board of Registration in Nursing Rules and Regulations. 26 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM CALENDARIO | CALENDAR OF EVENTS MCC’s Free Spring Concert Series Continues with ‘Music from South America’ Middlesex Community College Celebrates Asian Culture in April A World of Music, Middlesex Community College’s 2015 spring concert series, continues with “Music from South America” at 3 p.m. Saturday, April 4, in the Federal Building Assembly Room, on the Lowell campus, 50 Kearney Square. The concert is free and open to the public. Co-sponsored by MCC’s Interdisciplinary Weekend 2015: “Latin America Today,” MCC Music Department faculty members Adam Levin, guitar; Carmen Rodriguez-Peralta, piano; and Anna Ward, soprano; will be joined by Orlando Cela, playing flute and cuatro, a small Venezuelan guitar. Tangos from Argentina, a piano solo inspired by the popular music of Brazil, guitar solos from Paraguay, evocative songs from Peru in Spanish and Quechua, the language of the Incas, and a Venezuelan duet for guitar and cuatro will be performed. Additional concerts in MCC’s A World of Music include Ryu Goto, violin, and Carmen Rodriguez-Peralta, piano, at 8 p.m. Friday, April 17, in MCC’s Concert Hall; an MCC Faculty Composers Concert will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 3, in the MCC Concert Hall. Three MCC Student Recitals will be held this spring. Student Instrumentalists and singers will perform at noon, Monday, May 4, in MCC’s Concert Hall, on the Bedford campus. Voice students will perform at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, May 5, in the Federal Building Assembly Room, on the Lowell campus; and the MCC Guitar Ensemble will perform at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 6, in the Federal Building Middlesex Community College’s International and Multicultural Affairs Office will host a series of Asian Cultural Celebrations on the Lowell campus during the month of April. Free and open to the public, events include: Middlesex Community College Music Department faculty members will be joined by Orlando Cela, playing flute and cuatro, a small Venezuelan guitar at MCC’s A World of Music Concert Series at 3 p.m. Saturday, April 4, in the Federal Building Assembly Room, on the Lowell campus, 50 Kearney Square. Assembly Room in Lowell. To see previous A World of Music performances, visit mccmusiconline2. For more information about A World of Music, contact Carmen Rodriguez-Peralta, director, at peraltac@ or 781-280-3923. For directions, visit: Middlesex Community College meets the evolving educational, civic and workforce needs of our local and global communities. As one of the largest, most comprehensive community colleges in the state, we educate more than 13,000 students annually on our campuses in Bedford and Lowell, and online. MCC offers more than 75 degree and certificate programs, plus hundreds of noncredit courses. At Middlesex, everyone teaches, everyone learns. Middlesex to Host Award-Winning Filmmaker Lauren Shaw Middlesex Community College’s International and Multicultural Office will host award-winning filmmaker Lauren Shaw for a screening of her film, “Angkor’s Children,” followed by a Q&A and discussion session, at 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 1, in the Federal Building Assembly Room, 50 Kearney Square in Lowell. This event is free and open to the community. A film about Cambodia’s cultural and artistic renaissance, “Angkor’s Children” is told through the voices of three young Cambodian women. It is a story of energy, hope and unexpected turns as they recapture the ancient – and embrace the modern to create their future. A singer of Buddhist poetry, a circus artist, and former garment workers, grassroots protest band – theses are “Angkor’s Children.” Sreypov, Phunam and Messenger Band have stepped out of the dark past of their parents by expressing the resiliency of Cambodia through their art and advocacy. They are pioneers who are part of a global movement of women who are changing and inspiring the world. “Angkor’s Children” is a film of hope for post-conflict nations that are also seeking renewal through cultural and artistic expression. Lauren Shaw is director of the short documentary film, “A Drop in the Bucket” (2009), which has won numerous awards and screened at film festivals and museums across the U.S. She is the recipient of two National Endowment Regional grants, and received the Irma Stearns Mann Award at Emerson College, where she teaches visual and media arts. To learn more about MCC’s screening of “Angkor’s Children,” contact Tooch Van at [email protected] or call 978656-3254. Rumbo “The Bilingual Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley” Passport Program: Cambodia – 1: 30 to 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 1, Multicultural Center (Cowan Center, ground floor), 33 Kearney Square. MCC student Mai Nagabayashi and Tooch Van, International Student Advisor, will share their personal perspectives about Cambodia past and present and recent transformations. “Angkor’s Children” a film by Lauren Shaw – 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 1, in the Federal Building Assembly Room, 50 Kearney Square. A film about Cambodia’s cultural and artistic renaissance, “Angkor’s Children” is told through the voices of three young Cambodian women. It is a story of energy, hope and unexpected turns as they recapture the ancient – and embrace the modern to create their future. Award-winning filmmaker Lauren Shaw will host a Q & A after the screening. Khmer String Music: Kse Diev a Presentation by Jeff Dyer – noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 8, Multicultural Center (Cowan Center, ground floor). Jeff Dyer was awarded a Thomas J. Watson Fellowship to study Cambodian traditional music in Cambodia. He has performed and presented about Cambodian music across the U.S. and has a forthcoming paper in the journal Asian Music about the kse diev. Dyer teaches at Christa McAuliffe Charter School in Framingham. He will share his knowledge about the kse diev – the unique string instrument that still exists in Cambodian music, but was almost lost due to the Cambodian genocide. Fresh Spring Roll Demonstration – 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 22, Multicultural Center (Cowan Center, ground floor). Chhorvivoinn Sumsethi, Human Services Coordinator with the Lowell Department of Mental Health, will provide a hands-on and step-by-step demonstration about how to make fresh spring rolls. Please join the International Club and sample this delicious Southeast Asian cuisine! Asian Cultural Celebrations is cosponsored by Cultural Connections, the International Club, and MCC’s International & Multicultural Affairs Office. For more information about Asian Cultural Celebrations, contact Tooch Van at [email protected] or 978-6563254. LEA EDICIONES PREVIAS DE RUMBO EN NUESTRO WEBSITE WWW.RUMBONEWS.COM MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: Rumbo :. 27 CALENDARIO | CALENDAR OF EVENTS MCC’s Free Spring Concert Series Focus of free, public series UMass Lowell Begins with Classical Guitarist sessions to feature local experts, authors Aaron Larget-Caplan Histories of Lowell, Lawrence The UMass Lowell Libraries will host a free, four-part reading and discussion series featuring local experts and authors who will share insights into the history of Lowell and Lawrence. Back by popular demand this year, the local history series features UMass Lowell History Prof. Robert Forrant, UMass Lowell librarians Martha Mayo and Tony Sampas, and Lowell Fire Department Capt. Jason Strunk. Each will lead discussions on selected books from Arcadia Publishing's "Images of America" and "Postcard History" series. All sessions will run from 7 to 9 p.m. and be held in the O'Leary Library Learning Commons on UMass Lowell's South Campus at 61 Wilder St., Lowell. Free parking is available across the street. The sessions will be held on the dates and cover the book noted below: * Tuesday, March 11 - "Lowell Firefighters," led by Strunk, the book's author; * Tuesday, April 9 - "Lowell: The River City," led by Sampas. Support for the series is provided by the UMass Lowell Center for Arts and Ideas. "We are excited to offer our second reading and discussion series on local history and to enable these experts to share their knowledge with the public. This is our fourth series overall and we look forward to many more successful programs," said Sara Marks, UMass Lowell's instruction and outreach librarian. Previous discussion series focused on the works of Beat Generation writer and Lowell native Jack Kerouac. Pre-registration is not required, but highly encouraged. Participants who preregister will receive a copy of "Lawrence and the 1912 Bread and Roses Strike" by mail. Free copies of the other titles will be distributed at each session. Members of the public may pre-register at http://uml. or by contacting Marks at 978-934-4581 or mail to: [email protected] The University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries consist of the O'Leary Library Learning Commons on South Campus, Lydon Library on North Campus and The Center for Lowell History, located at the Patrick J. Mogan Cultural Center in downtown Lowell. Information regarding library services, hours and more can be found at Home Health Leader Recognizes Community Partners at Benefit Event Each year, the Legacy of Leading pays tribute to those in our community who show great support of the health and wellbeing of the Greater Merrimack Valley communities, as well as a commitment to the mission of the agencies of Home Health Foundation. The agencies of Home Health Foundation will recognize David J. LaFlamme, CEO of North Shore Bank and past board chair of Home Health Foundation, and Clive B. & Suzanne I. Fazioli, Founders of the Fazioli Charitable Foundation at the 2015 Legacy of Leading. Each will be honored at this annual event on Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at Andover Country Club. "This April, we honor individuals who have created a lasting impact on our community, while demonstrating a commitment to the mission of the agencies of the Home Health Foundation," said John Albert, MBA, FACHE, President and CEO of Home Health VNA, Merrimack Valley Hospice and HomeCare, Inc. "As friends and partners in our work, David LaFlamme and Clive and Suzanne Fazioli enable our organization to better serve each patient with the quality care they deserve." Tickets are available for a $125 donation per person, with proceeds directed to Home Health Foundation. For tickets, additional information and sponsorship opportunities call Lauren Brousseau at 978552-4927. Space is limited; please make reservations by April 1st. Home Health VNA, the leader in home health care, is a not-for-profit agency affiliated with HomeCare, Inc. and Merrimack Valley Hospice. Together the three agencies serve more than 100 communities throughout the Merrimack Valley, Northeastern Massachusetts, and Southern New Hampshire. For more information, visit www. A World of Music, Middlesex Community College’s 2015 spring concert series, begins with a performance by classical guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan at 8 p.m. Friday, March 27, in the MCC Concert Hall (Building 6), on the Bedford campus, 591 Springs Road. The concert is free and open to the public. Hailed by the Washington Post as “a riveting artist,” Larget-Caplan will perform works for solo guitar by Johann Sebastian Bach, Domenico Scarlatti, Roland Dyens, and Keigo Fujii. Larget-Caplan will also perform a short guitar duo with MCC faculty member Adam Levin. Other events in MCC’s free A World of Music spring concert series include Music from South America, a concert co-sponsored by MCC’s Interdisciplinary Weekend 2015: “Latin America Today,” to be held Saturday, April 4, in the Federal Building Assembly Room on the Lowell campus, 50 Kearney Square. Additional concerts include Ryu Goto, violin, and Carmen RodriguezPeralta, piano, at 8 p.m. Friday, April 17, MCC Concert Hall; and an MCC Faculty Composers Concert to be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 3, in the MCC Concert Hall. Three MCC Student Recitals will be held this spring. Student instrumentalists and singers will perform at noon, Monday, May 4, in MCC’s Concert Hall, on the Bedford campus. Voice students will perform at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, May 5, in the Federal Building Assembly Room, on the Lowell campus; and the MCC Guitar Ensemble will perform at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 6, in the Federal Building Assembly Room in Lowell. To see previous A World of Music performances, visit mccmusiconline2. For more information about A World of Music, contact Carmen Rodriguez-Peralta, director, at peraltac@ or 781-280-3923. For directions, visit: A World of Music, Middlesex Community College’s 2015 spring concert series, begins with a performance by classical guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan at 8 p.m. Friday, March 27, in the MCC Concert Hall (Building 6), on the Bedford campus, 591 Springs Road. It’s easy finding Rumbo (978) 794-5360 [email protected] 28 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM CALENDARIO | CALENDAR OF EVENTS Essex Art Center 978-685-2343 [email protected] The Man Project Exhibition dates: March 13 – April 24, 2015 Markus Sebastiano, Outsource Future, mixed media, 4x8’, 2014 Inside out March 13 – April 24, 2015 The Chester F. Sidell Gallery at Essex Art Center is pleased to present Inside Out, Markus Sebastiano, Derek Wakeen, and TNERT. “Inside out”: In the midst of Lawrence exists a 3000sq foot industrial mill space referred to by manyartists as "The Warehaus.” Under this roof three emerging artists, Markus Sebastiano, Derek Wakeen, and TNERT, are pushing the limits of their own distinctive media. Markus Sebastiano (Lawrence) showcases his one-of-a-kind mixed media style which incorporates the layering of photographic images over Plexiglas, spray paint stenciling, vintage materials, and faux finished-fabricated steel frames. The Elizabeth A. Beland Gallery at Essex Art Center is pleased to present The Man Project, paintings by Molly Segal. Molly Segal's painting practice explores psychological ambiguities within intimate spaces. Personal experiences and relationships are used as starting points to investigate ideas about fear, desire, recklessness, and honesty. Using the inherently relational nature of portraiture Molly Segal explores the defensive presumptions she brings to interactions with men. In her statement, she says, "I invite male friends and acquaintances into my studio to sit for a portrait. Portraits are intimate. They involve being physically close to someone and engaging in prolonged eye contact. In explicitly discussing the premise of my project beforehand, both the sitter and the artist are forced to confront their own assumptions, desires, and fears." Molly Segal is intrigued by the ambiguity of these interactions. In placing men as the subjects of her portraits, she further complicates the power structure between "artist" and "subject" in relation to the history of painting and the role of the gaze, which has been critically talked about and written about in terms of the "male gaze". Molly Segal, in this sense, turns the tables, focusing her gaze on her male subjects. Molly Segal's paintings have been included in numerous solo and group exhibitions, including at: Laconia Gallery, Boston; The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; and FM, Oakland, CA, among others. She received her MFA from Tufst University and The School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, where she is a Boit Award recipient. She lives in Los Angeles, CA. Free events - Nashoba Valley Medical Center TNERT, Rosetta, acrylic, 5x5’, 2014. Olli Brix, the enigmatic vagabond and alias of Boston creative, Derek Wakeen (Methuen), merges original music productions with spirited artwork to express the fictional yet relatable world of his creator. TNERT (Lawrence) has little plans. His aspiration is aspiration itself; aspiring to aspire. In this quest to better himself artistically, he has found a medium to best pursue personal progress painting. Within his large scale pieces, he admittedly is still exploring the options stylistically and technically. Derek Wakeen, Olli Brix (I miss you), acrylic on wood,18 x 24”, 2015 learn about the benefits of OPTIFAST®, a medically monitored weight loss program where the typical patient loses over 50 pounds in just 18 to 24 weeks. Info sessions are held on the first Wednesday of each month at Nashoba Valley Medical Center in Ayer. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Sara Schwarz at NVMC. [email protected] or by calling 978Sleep Support Group: AWAKE Join Dr. 784-9313. Husain as he discusses common sleep disorders such as insomnia, restless leg REV It Up Fitness! is an eight-week syndrome and Narcolepsy. Thursday, April program taught by registered dietitian, 2, 2015 at 6:00pm in the Founders Room Susan Morris, that helps you understand at Nashoba Valley Medical Center, 200 why your body works the way it does and Groton Road in Ayer. Refreshments will be how to help it work more efficiently. Eight served. For more information call Ana Pierre consecutive Tuesdays from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Philippe at 978-784-9399 or visit steward. beginning on April 21, 2015 at Nashoba Valley Medical Center in Room 109. To org/NashobaValley register or for more information, contact Center for Weight Control OPTIFAST Free Susan Morris at 978-784-9451. Please Info Session The Center for Weight Control be sure to provide your name and phone invites you to a FREE information session to number. Diabetes Support Group, a free monthly group for Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, which is held on the first Wednesday of each month from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. at Nashoba Valley Medical Center. Join our next session on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. For more information or to RSVP, call Alice Vergados at 978-784-9496. CAN YOU SPARE 2 HOURS TO PLAY WITH A HOMELESS CHILD? Volunteers are needed to play with young children living in family homeless shelters throughout Massachusetts. Tickets $35 Purchase tickets online at or call 978-374-6928. Horizons for Homeless Children is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of homeless children by providing quality play and opportunities for early education. Volunteer with homeless children at a Horizons Playspace in one of more than 100 family shelters state-wide including in Lynn, Peabody, Lawrence and Lowell. A commitment of 2 hours a week for 6 months and formal training are required. The next training takes place on: Saturday, March 28th - 9:30am-3:30pm in Wilmington, MA To find out more or to apply, call (978) 557-2182 or visit horizonschildren. org/playspace. Please join us in giving homeless children a better tomorrow. MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: Rumbo :. 29 CALENDARIO | CALENDAR OF EVENTS NEWS NASHUA, NH NASHUA PUBLIC LIBRARY 2 COURT STREET For directions and information on parking go to: directions.htm Phone 603-589-4610 Fax: 603-594-3457 OPEN STORYTIMES AND PUPPET SHOWS BABIES AND BOOKS STORYTIME Through stories and music, learn how to read aloud and develop your baby’s language and pre-reading skills. Babies and their caregivers are welcome to join us. Thursdays: 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. ages: 13 to 24 months; 11 a. m. and 12 noon ages: birth to 12 months. No registration required. For more information call the Children’s Room at (603) 589-4631. Activities for Teens at Nashua Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays Public Library at 10a.m. Thursdays at 7 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m. Open Storytimes & Puppet Shows run continuously, and no registration is required. In addition to books, movies, manga, graphic novels, and computers, the Nashua Public Library offers plenty of programs after school for teens in grades 6 through 12. Go to and start signing up! Cosas de Familias en la Biblioteca Pública de Nashua Las familias son bienvenidas en la Biblioteca Pública de Nashua. Reúnanse con nosotros para estas actividades divertidas y educativas. Cuentos Narrados y Show de Títeres Lunes, martes y miércoles a las 10:00 am, jueves a las 7:00 pm, y domingos a las 2:00 pm (no domingos en el verano). Los cuentos narrados y el show de los títeres se presentan continuamente y no se requiere registración. Narración de Cuentos Para Bebés A través de cuentos y música, aprende a cómo desarrollar el lenguaje de tu bebé y a cómo leerle en voz alta para desarrollar sus habilidades de la pre-lectura. Los bebés y sus cuidadoras son bienvenidos a compartir con nosotros los jueves a las 9 am y 10 am para edades de 13 a 24 meses y jueves a las 11 am y 12 del mediodía para recién nacidos hasta los 12 meses. No se requiere registración ni tarjeta de la biblioteca. Ayuda de Tareas En Línea En vivo, en línea (conectado en Internet), tutores hispano hablantes para ayudar a los estudiantes con sus tareas o asignaciones de matemáticas, ciencia y estudios sociales. Una tarjeta de la biblioteca es necesaria. Serie de Películas para La Familia Las películas familiares son presentadas los sábados a las 2 pm en el NPL Theater, octubre—mayo. Niños de 6 y menores deben ser acompañados por un adulto. Patrocinados por Los Amigos. Llame a la biblioteca a la línea de películas al (603) 589-4646 para los títulos de las películas. No se permite ni comida ni bebidas en el teatro. Gratis; no se requiere una tarjeta de la biblioteca. Un Mundo de Información En Tu Biblioteca Cualquiera puede usar nuestros materiales sin costo alguno (gratis) mientras visita la biblioteca, pero necesita una tarjeta de la biblioteca para sacar prestado estos materiales, poder llevarlos a casa y además usar ciertos espacios en la página web de la biblioteca desde sus casas. Una tarjeta de la biblioteca es una credencial o identificación, la cual es A History of the US Postal System to his present. Discover how he mixes the Come to the Nashua Public Library on shadows of Beethoven and Schumann, as Thursday, April 9, at 7 p.m. for “Pushing well as earlier formalism, with surprising the Envelope: A History of the US Postal juxtapositions of rhythms and keys. System.” This program is free and open to the public. Henry Lukas of the Spellman Museum will talk about the many methods of mail The library is located at 2 Court Street, delivery (even camels!), the unusual Nashua. For directions and parking items transported (among them, the Hope information go to Diamond), and famous people who have directions.htm. For other information contact worked for the post office (such as Walt Carol at [email protected] or Disney). Get a preview of 2015 stamps and (603) 589-4610. learn about rare stamp sales. The program is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. Symphony NH Concert Talks Join bassist Robert Hoffman this spring at the Nashua Public Library to talk about music being performed at Symphony NH’s upcoming concerts. Recorded musical excerpts will illuminate the discussions. Es facil encontrar a It’s easy finding us Rumbo (978) 794-5360 On Thursday, April 23, at 5:30 p.m., in Rumbo@ completamente gratis para todas aquellas anticipation of the April 25 “Top Form” personas que viven, que trabajan, que son concert, learn how the romantic Brahms dueños de locales o edificios, que asisten a looked to the past and the future, but also la escuela o que están jubilados o retirados de sus trabajos en Nashua. Las esposas e hijos de trabajadores (o trabajadores retirados) o dueños de locales o edificios en Nashua son también elegibles para obtener La Ciudad de Lawrence se regocija por su 5to Festival de Teatro que una tarjeta de la biblioteca gratis. ¡Venga a la biblioteca y obtenga su tarjeta de la será celebrado durante el mes de Marzo, del 2015. Este año, nuestro festival está dedicado a la actriz biblioteca gratis hoy! V Festival de Teatro Horario de la Biblioteca Lunes–jueves: 9 am–9 pm; Viernes y sábado: 9 am–5:30 pm; Domingo: 1 pm–5 pm (cuando esté abierta) Visite para actualizar la información acerca de domingos abiertos. dominicana Delta Soto, por su trayectoria en la escena teatral dominicana e Internacional. Apertura el 7 de marzo a las 7:00 PM Lugar: Salón de actos de la Iglesia de Gracia, 198 Garden St., Lawrence, MA Fechas: sábados y domingos desde el 7 marzo al 29 de marzo, 2015 Para información llamar: Padre Almonó 978-902-6285 ó Juan Carlos Mañón 407-844-5159 30 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM CALENDARIO | CALENDAR OF EVENTS Mexican Paint Night Fundraiser for the Buttonwoods Museum Join us Wednesday, April 8 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Casa Blanca Mexican Restaurant in downtown Haverhill for Mexican Paint Night. Enjoy a margarita or your favorite Mexican beverage while you paint. Let your creative side show and go home with a work of art that you painted. Cost is $45 per person, includes the use of all supplies but does not include food or beverage. Casa Blanca is located at 2 Essex Street, Haverhill. Space is limited to 40 people so reserve your spot today by emailing [email protected] today! Feria de Recursos para Sordos Cualquier residente de Lawrence que se sordo o con problemas de audición es bienvenido a una Feria de Recursos para Sordos patrocinado por Quota Internacional de Andover y la Biblioteca Pública de Lawrence el miércoles, 25 de marzo de 5 a 7 pm en la sucursal principal de la Lawrence Biblioteca Pública de Lawrence Street en el centro de Lawrence. Los folletos y otros materiales impresos para los niños, adultos y personas mayores estarán disponibles de forma gratuita. Estos materiales cubren una amplia gama de temas, como los implantes cocleares, audífonos, lenguaje por señas, ayuda financiera, las leyes estatales, y otros recursos locales para aquellos que pueden ser sordos y para aquellos que tengan dificultad de oído. Un traductor al español, así como la información escrita en español estarán disponibles. La feria es patrocinada en parte por Quota Internacional de Andover, una organización sin fines de lucro de empoderamiento de las mujeres y los niños desfavorecidos, los sordos y con discapacidad del habla en las comunidades locales de todo el mundo. La Biblioteca Pública de Lawrence, que es copatrocinadora de la feria con Quota, tendrá una serie completa de libros disponibles para prestar de su colección que abarca temas de interés para las personas sordas y con problemas de audición en la segunda planta de la biblioteca. A Deaf Resources Fair ¡La Fundación Big Brother Big Sister necesita tu ayuda! Si tienes ropa usada y pequeños artículos del hogar que ya no usas, dónalos para quienes si los necesitan. Llegaremos a tu puerta para recibir lo que puedas entregar. Para programar una cita, llama al 1.800.483.5503 o visítanos en nuestra página web en internet: Lo que nos entregues ayudará a los niños locales que participan en nuestro programa de tutoría. Debes saber que tu donación es deducible de impuestos. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo! Any Greater Lawrence area resident who may be Deaf or hard-of-hearing is welcome to A Deaf Resources Fair sponsored by Quota International of Andover and the Lawrence Public Library on Wednesday, March 25 from 5 to 7 PM at the Main Branch of the Lawrence Public Library on Lawrence Street in downtown Lawrence. Brochures and other printed materials for children, adults, and seniors will be available free of charge. These materials will cover a wide range of topics, such as cochlear implants, hearing aids, sign language, financial aid, state laws, and other local resources for those who may be Deaf and for those who may be hard-of-hearing. A Spanish translator as well as information written in Spanish will be available. The fair is sponsored in part by Quota International of Andover, a non-profit organization empowering disadvantaged women and children, the deaf, hard-ofhearing, and speech-impaired in local communities around the world. The Lawrence Public Library, who is cosponsoring the fair with Quota, will have a comprehensive display of books available to borrow from their collection covering topics of interest to the Deaf and hard-ofhearing on the second floor of the library. MARCH 22, 2015 • EDITION 480 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 19 .: TRUE PHOTO STUDIO NEW OFFICE LOCATION By Dario Arias BODAS BAUTISMOS CUMPLEAÑOS MODELOS FOTOS FAMILIARES FOTOS PARA PASAPORTES 406 Essex Street Lawrence, MA 01840 Rumbo :. 31 33 Franklin Street Suite A Lawrence, MA 01841 DETECTIVE PRIVADO Y ALGUACIL Harry Maldonado DETECTIVE New Office Number!: 978-688-0351 Tel. (978) 975-3656 Es facil encontrar a Rumbo (978) 794-5360 Seeking very fluent Spanish/English Telephone Interpreter in Westford, MA. Very good/exc. English writing needed. Interpret for adjusters/ins. claims. Contact Aisel at [email protected] CONSEJEROS DE LOS PEQUEÑOS NEGOCIOS DE AMÉRICA ¿Comenzando un Negocio? ¿Comprando un Negocio? ¿Haciendo Crecer su Negocio? CONSEJOS GRATIS Y CONFIDENCIALES SOBRE NEGOCIOS POR UNA ORGANIZACIÓN SIN ÁNIMO DE LUCRO Sesiones de Consejerías jueves de 10:00 AM a 2:30 PM Excepto el 3er jueves de cada mes Por favor, llame al 978-686-0900 para una cita con Lawrence SCORE MERRIMACK VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 264 ESSEX ST. LAWRENCE, MA 01840-1516 TRUCK DRIVERS CDL Class A and B positions available in Lawrence & Amesbury. Must have 1C Hoisting License. Knowledge of building materials & millwork preferred. All applicants must present a copy of current driving record with job application to be considered. Excellent benefits - compensation based on experience. INSIDE COUNTER SALESPERSON - Bilingual Seeking an individual with experience in counter sales of lumber and building materials, and residential millwork. Hardware knowledge and experience with counter sales a plus. Must enjoy working in a team environment and possess the ability to work one-on-one with customers. Must be familiar with sales terminals and possess good computer and math skills. Bi-lingual - must be proficient in English and Spanish language skills. Compensation based on experience. Apply in person at 215 Market St. Lawrence, MA or by email to [email protected] @ EDITOR RUMBONEWS.COM EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES / OPORTUNIDAD DE EMPLEO Yokohama Japanese Steak House Help wanted – Waiters Bartender Delivery Driver Call now 978-689-4047 FAX: (978) 688-4027 33 Franklin Street NEW OFFICE Suite A PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN LOCATION 681-9129 LLAMAR FIFI GARCÍA (978) Lawrence, MA 01841 32 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 19 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 480 • MARZO 22, 2015 READRUMBOONLINE!RUMBONEWS.COM
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