CIVIC ASSOCIATION NEWS Wanted: Input from … YOU! The MHCK Civic Association Executive board wants to hear from you! What can the civic association do to increase participation in our meetings and events? Over the past two decades, the civic association has established popular traditions: the Winter Blues Festival, Spring and Fall McKenney Hills Park Cleanup, August National Night Out, September Street Party, and Halloween Park and Parade. Those who come to the events have a great time, but just a fraction of the neighborhood residents attend. Even fewer come to meetings. What do you think? What types of events should the association hold each year? Should we continue the current events or add any events? What ideas do you have on how to increase participation? As for meetings, how often should they be held? If you don’t regularly attend meetings, what might cause you to attend? What speakers and programs would be of interest to you? What issues do you think the civic association should take a position on, and actively work for, on behalf of the community? In recent years the association has played an active part in getting sidewalks built throughout the neighborhood and increasing the number of trees on its streets. It has been working on traffic calming. Perhaps there is more it can do. If you see a problem, or an opportunity, that you think the collective effort of the association can and should focus on, share your thoughts with the board. Send your thoughts and ideas to the MHCK Civic Association board, by email Board[at], or regular mail: McKenney Hills-Carroll Knolls Civic Association, P.O. Box 393, Kensington, MD 20895. Volume 7, Issue 4 Spring 2015 CA Welcomes New and Returning Board Members Members of the McKenney Hills-Carroll Knolls Civic Association voted for the 2015 executive officers at the community meeting on Feb. 10: ● Vince Bradley, President (third term, previously president in 2011-2012) ● Joseph Shaffner, Vice President (first term) ● Kathryn Toffenetti, Secretary (second term, secretary in 2014) ● Elizabeth Managan, Treasurer (second term, treasurer in 2014) In addition, the committee chair appointees include Karen Nozik (Zoning/Traffic), Mike Livermore (Communications) and Larry Margasak (Neighborhood Watch); the Social Events Chair is currently vacant and seeking applicants. Read more about this year’s officers and committee chairs on page 4. The civic association always needs more volunteers to help run activities and programs both in the neighborhood and behind the scenes. Helping as a volunteer can be fun and rewarding—please contact board[at] to lend a hand and help build your community! Save the Date! Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Community Meeting / Social 7:00pm - Flora Singer Elementary Saturday, April 18, 2015 McKenney Hills Park Cleanup 10:00am-1:00pm Tuesday, August 4, 2015 National Night Out 6:00pm-9:00pm President’s Corner Neighborhood Watch Hi, neighbors! With the start of a new year as elected president of the civic association, I must humbly start out with gratitude for all volunteers in the community. In my time as an active participant in the civic association since 2010, I’ve been lucky enough to friend the founders and a few past presidents of our current community association, to inspire a few neighbors to jump in themselves, and to meet newcomers eager to lend a hand in their first week living in our neighborhood. It’s always a pleasure to say there’s little to report about crime in our neighborhood. I hope neighbors will continue to self-report incidents or suspicious people, using our email list, but I assume the recent silence means there hasn’t been any activity. When you come home at night, or peek out your door, just take an extra look down the block to see if there’s anything unusual. I will continue to update the neighborhood from my regular monitoring of police reports. All of you are the reason I wanted to step up again as president of the civic association. To all you volunteers I haven’t met yet, I hope to do so this year. For all of you who have thought about volunteering and haven’t yet, I hope this is the year, and that the efforts of the current volunteers inspire you. My goal this year is to make it easy for neighbors to see all the roles that are being filled and need to be filled by volunteers. A clear, updated list will help residents quickly find what work needs to be done and see how they can chip in and lend their time and talents to the community. Larry Margasak Neighborhood Watch Chairman Subscribe for E-Delivery! I’ve seen firsthand how worthwhile the effort is to be more involved where you live, knowing the area better and seeing it grow stronger from your efforts. The theme for 2015 is simple: “be good (excellent?) to each other.” And hold lots of block parties. Even if we don’t have a weather dome. Yet. To receive e-delivery only, please send the following information to [email protected]: Name | Address, with closest cross-street E-mail address | Telephone number Vince Bradley MH-CK Civic Association President Thank you for your support of the MH-CK newsletter! For more information or to contact Vince Bradley, please email [email protected] Becker Day Care We Keep the Fun in Learning (301) 649-2911 10211 Duvawn Place Silver Spring, MD [email protected] Over 90% of our “graduates” have gone on to Advanced Programs! 2 ¡Bienvenido a Noticias de MH-CK en Español! Bienvenida a Nuevos y Reelectos Miembros ¿En qué situaciones cree usted que la Asociación Cívica debe asumir una posición y trabajar activamente a favor de la comunidad? En los últimos años la Asociación Cívica ha desempeñado un papel activo en conseguir las aceras a lo largo de la comunidad y aumentar el número de árboles en el barrio. Ha estado trabajando calmando el tráfico. Tal vez haya algo más que se puede hacer. Si ve un problema o una oportunidad, ¿en que cree el esfuerzo colectivo de la Asociación puede y debe centrarse, comparta sus pensamientos con la junta. Los miembros de la Asociación Cívica McKenney HillsCarroll Knolls votaron por los oficiales ejecutivos de 2015 el 10 de febrero: • Vince Bradley, Presidente (tercer término, previamente Presidente en 2011, 2012) • Joseph Shaffner, Vice Presidente (primer periodo) • Kathryn Toffenetti, Secretaria (segundo término, Secretaria en 2014) •Elizabeth Managan, Tesorera (segundo término, Tesorera en 2014) Envíe sus pensamientos y/o ideas a la Junta de la Asociación Cívica, por correo electrónico Board[at] o correo ordinario: McKenney Hills-Carroll Knolls Civic Association, P.O. Box 383, Kensington, MD 20895 Además, los nombramientos de Presidente de Comité incluyen Karen Nozik (zonificación/tráfico), Mike Livermore (comunicaciones) y Larry Margasak (Vigilancia de la Comunidad); la silla de eventos sociales está actualmente vacante. Puedes leer más sobre los oficiales y coordinadores de los comités más tarde en el boletín. Los Niños Hablan Nuestro barrio tiene un recurso valioso, en gran medida sin explotar: nuestros hijos. Teniendo eso en mente, pensé que sería divertido pedir a algunos de nuestros niños del vecindario sus ideas en cómo mejorar nuestro barrio. La Asociación Cívica siempre necesita más voluntarios para ayudar a ejecutar programas y actividades en el vecindario y tras bastidores. Ayudando a la CA como un voluntario puede ser divertido y gratificante — por favor, póngase en contacto con board[at] para ser voluntario! Grace Cotting, casi 12 -- Me gustaría ver más pasos de peatones pintados, especialmente a Dennis y Gardiner. Cuando voy a la piscina, se siente un poco peligroso a veces porque no están marcados en los cruces peatonales en muchos lugares. Se necesitan: Comentarios de nuestra comunidad. ¡La Junta Ejecutiva de la Asociación Cívica quiere oír de usted! ¿Qué puede hacer la Asociación Cívica para aumentar la participación en nuestras reuniones y eventos? En los últimos 20 años, la Asociación Cívica ha establecido tradiciones populares como: el Festival de Blues de Invierno, Limpieza de Primavera y Otoño del Parque McKenney Hills, La “National Night Out” en Agosto y en Septiembre, el Desfile de Halloween y Fiesta en la Calle. Aquellos que participan en los eventos pasan un buen rato, pero sólo una fracción del vecindario asiste. Mucho menos asisten a las reuniones. Josh Cotting, 13-- Una cancha de baloncesto cubierta sería increíble, y entonces podría jugar en cualquier clima. Pero probablemente sería muy popular, así que llegaría lleno de gente, que no sería genial. Audrey Elsasser, 4 — Organizar fechas del vecindario para jugar en el parque Gabe Nather, edad 9 — creo que deberíamos tener campamentos de vecindario. Jessa Nather, 10 años ¾--creo que deberíamos hacer una colina gigante de helado que todos puedan comer. También hubo mención de construir una cúpula sobre el barrio para que el clima siempre fuera perfecto. ¿Qué ustedes piensan? ¿Qué tipos de eventos la Asociación debe celebrar cada año? ¿Deberíamos seguir con los eventos actuales, o añadir algún evento? ¿Qué ideas tiene sobre cómo aumentar la participación? Creo que todos coincidimos que estas ideas serían para un barrio paradisíaco. Aquellos que tienen habilidades construyendo cúpulas deben informar inmediatamente a nuestro nuevo Presidente, Vince Bradley. En cuanto a las reuniones; ¿con qué frecuencia deben celebrarse? Si no asiste regularmente a las reuniones, ¿que podría incentivar su asistencia? ¿Qué programas e invitados serían de interés para usted? 3 Meet Our New Board Members! Vincent Bradley, President Vincent Bradley has been a resident of the McKenney Hills- Carroll Knolls community since August 2008, and a progressively more active member of the community since his first active civic association membership enrollment at the Winter Blues Festival of 2010. Since then he has served as president twice in 2011 and 2012, and fulfilled roles organizing social events, newsletter composition, and newsletter distribution. This year he returns as president with goals to improve transparency of the civic association’s functions, and communications resources for the community, in the hopes of improving community participation. He has had a lot of hats working for the community that need sharing. He has one thing to ask of everyone, and that is, “What do you want happening at your street block party, and when do you want to host it?” Joseph Shaffner, Vice President As a new board member, I’d like to precede my responses to the questions below by letting you all know a little more about me. My wife and I have lived in this community for about 3 1/2 years now. We have a son, and our second child is due in March. I am a Communications & Marketing Specialist, following completion of my master’s in Public Relations & Corporate Communications from Georgetown in May. Previously, I served in the Peace Corps in Uzbekistan and Suriname, and I worked as Marketing Manager for an architectural & engineering firm in Rockville. In 2012, I helped coordinate the Winter Blues Festival. I was excited to help out in the community, and I started getting to know some of you. Grad school during the following two years meant night classes and some work during the day. At that time, I was not as involved in the community as I would have liked, but I now have more time to do just that. What is your goal for your tenure as a CA officer this year? My goal this year is to support the other officers, to learn more about all of you, to listen to your hopes and concerns for the community, and to represent you to the very best of my abilities. What is your favorite CA event or activity, and why? (Secret second question: How can it become even better with more community involvement?) I have enjoyed all of them that I have attended so far. What I find great about them is that I can meet new people with diverse backgrounds and interests, hear live music, play games, and eat delicious food. As for the secret question, my not-so-secret answer is that more community involvement makes everything that much more exciting and meaningful. What is your favorite part of living in the MH-CK community, and why? My favorite part of living in this community: the people. I have some amazing neighbors who are willing to help out whenever needed, say “good morning” in a small-town kind of way, and openly voice their opinions about how they would like to see the community grow. In the interest of getting to know you all more and hear your views on how we may improve our community, I want you all to feel free to reach out to me. You can reach me at vice-president[at], and I’m always happy to grab a coffee somewhere nearby. I look forward to the conversations. 4 Larry Margasak, Neighborhood Watch Committee Chair Kathryn Toffenetti, Secretary Kathryn has been an active member of the Civic Association since the mid 1990s, doing such things as distributing newsletters, participating in the McKenney Hills Park cleanups and helping out at the fall block parties and Winter Blues Festival. What is your goal for your tenure as a CA committee chair this year? How will it enhance the CA and the community? To continue to inform the community about crimes committed in the neighborhood, to keep encouraging residents to self-report crimes or anything that looks suspicious and to stay in touch with our community officer when necessary. She is starting her second term as Secretary of the Civic Association. Kathryn Toffenetti was born and raised in Chicago. She has lived in Silver Spring since 1984, and moved to Darrow Street in late 1989. When she first moved to the neighborhood, the wonderful old timers on the street made her feel welcome and told her of the early years of the neighborhood. Time flies, and now she feels something of an old timer herself, with many wonderful younger neighbors. It’s been especially fun watching the neighborhood children grow. What is your favorite part of living in the MH-CK community, and why? Before I became active in the association, I would have said access to Metro. But now, I would say the chance to meet many of my neighbors through the civic association. Without the association, one would have no idea how many friendly and interesting neighbors we have. Kathryn is a senior counsel in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the General Counsel, and works with the Forest Service on public land law and environmental issues. On weekends you are likely to find her working in her garden – please stop by and smell the roses, when they are in bloom! She is a long time member of the Takoma Park Singers, a community chorus, and is a Montgomery County Weed Warrior. Karen Nozik, Zoning and Traffic Committee Chair Karen moved into the MH-CK’s neighborhood in January of 2013 with her steady, Brian Grosso, and immediately they took a liking to the neighborhood. Karen has a passion for community livability, having served as Outreach Director for the Bicycle Federation of America and the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. When she was younger and ate idealism for breakfast, Karen helped to launch the Partnership for a Walkable America, a coalition of health, safety, government, business, and transportation organizations advocating for more physically active communities. Last June, she self-published her first book, “What’s in a Box of Cereal?” an illustrated book about the inter-connectedness of all things. What is your favorite part of living in the MH-CK community, and why? There’s so much to like in this neighborhood! It’s quiet, and convenient to Metro and shopping. But people are what really make a neighborhood, and what a wonderfully diverse, friendly, and helpful group of people live here! Elizabeth Managan, Treasurer What is your favorite part of living in the MH-CK community, and why? I love the green and quiet of the neighborhood, and enjoy how much neighbors help each other out. Mike Livermore, Communication Chair What’s your favorite CA event? My favorite activities are the block parties because I always meet new neighbors and get to know others better, which leads to a stronger community. 5 Kids Speak Out Treasurer’s Report Our neighborhood has a valuable, largely untapped resource: our kids. Bearing that in mind, I thought it might be fun to ask some of our neighborhood kids for their ideas in how to best improve our neighborhood. Happy New Year to the neighborhood! So far, 2015 is off to a great start. It was great to see not only familiar faces at the Winter Blues Festival but also several new neighbors who heard about the event and came to meet us and pay dues. We are always glad to have new members and hope they will become active in the association. A special thanks to Susan Heavey and her fellow volunteers who have organized this event every year since 2008! We also appreciate the 20 households who paid dues during the festival or at our January meeting as well as all of our sponsors for the festival, which is how these events get funded. For example, the festival cost $225 for the room, paper supplies, decorations, and activities. With $150 from sponsors, the dues from 6 households made up the difference. Carson Becker, 12—We should have a neighborhood Freecycle program, where we post things we don’t need any more so that someone else can use them. We’ll be helping our neighbors and improving the environment at the same time. We sort of do this already, but we could make it more organized. Lara Becker, 10—We could appoint block captains on individual streets to organize walks for a street clean up. It could be a social thing as we pick up trash and recycling. Mariel Becker, 7—Kids could be paired up to meet new kids that they don’t know to play games in the street. The street would be blocked off, of course. Also, there could be a game where the kids and their parents could have a game to see who can find the most trash. Grace Cotting, almost 12-- I would like to see more painted crosswalks, especially at Dennis and Gardiner. When I walk to the pool, it feels a little dangerous sometimes because the crosswalks are not marked in a lot of places. Josh Cotting, 13-- An indoor basketball court would be awesome, and then I could play in any weather. But it would probably be pretty popular, so it would get crowded, which wouldn’t be cool. Audrey Elsasser, 4—Organize neighborhood playdates at the park. We currently have approximately $1,400 in the bank to support this newsletter and other activities in the neighborhood. The association is run completely by volunteers. Your neighbors write and distribute the newsletter, plan activities such as the Blues Festival and yard sales, and advocate for you on issues such as traffic problems at the school and local parks. We hope these activities make our neighborhood feel a little more tight-knit, and we hope you can help by volunteering your time (as much or as little as you like) or paying your dues -- or both! We are also accepting new advertisers – support your neighborhood organization and get the word out about your business to the community at the same time. To begin or renew your membership that supports civic association activities, please pay your $12 dues online at Checks are also still accepted (made out to the McKenney HillsCarroll Knolls Civic Association) and may be sent to: McKenney Hills-Carroll Knolls Civic Association P.O. Box 393 Kensington, MD 20895 Gabe Nather, 9—I think we should have neighborhood camp-outs. Jessa Nather, 10 ¾ --I think that we should make a giant hill of ice cream that everyone can eat from. Please e-mail any questions or requests for current membership status to [email protected]. Elizabeth Managan MH-CK Civic Association Treasurer 6 Maryland Delegate Pledges Support of Community Traffic Issues The survey brought up two key topics of lively discussion, traffic problems near Flora Singer Elementary School, and abysmal road surface conditions throughout the neighborhood. At our Winter Civic Association meeting, special guest State Delegate Jeff Waldstreicher talked about various road and traffic issues. Del. Waldstreicher, who is in his 9th year as our delegate, mentioned that the traffic calming work on Plyer’s Mill road was substantially well received. He also explained that he can help directly on issues with state roads (roads with route numbers) but might also help with resolutions of issues on county roads (roads with names only) by bringing his influence to bear on county officials. With respect to traffic near the school (Churchill, Kohler, Leder, Hayden), a topic of discussion was requiring one-way traffic for cars (Churchill, Kohler, Hayden) to get to the school (buses must stay on Hayden, as they can’t navigate the turns on the aforementioned streets). Two residents who live along the streets near the school reported the problems caused by all the car traffic of parents picking up or dropping off children: a car being hit a number of times (on Hayden), and cars on Kohler and/or Kohler Court being blocked by the traffic. ● With respect to the Route 97 (Georgia Av) project, and why the current plan is not for it to extend farther north up through downtown Wheaton – he did not know the reason, but will check and get back with us. ● With respect to the Purple Line (a state project), he explained that in this state, the Governor has a great deal of power, and the new governor does not favor the Purple Line – things are “not looking good” for the Purple Line. The governor ordered a 90 day study, which is now underway, and has a side affect of pushing action on the Purple Line past the state delegate sessions where it would be discussed and budgeted. With respect to road conditions – it was noted that our neighborhood is not on schedule for road resurfacing until 2017. It was suggested that people should use the digital map used in the traffic survey to indicate potholes. Frequent reporting to the county, by calling 311, may get actions. Del. Waldstreicher offered to help – if the county does not respond to fill in potholes, residents should call his office. Andrea Gehman suggested that some matters, such as the 16th Street and Georgia Avenue project, and also the Wheaton redevelopment, may be subjects that the civic association may wish officially to support, or not. Del. Waldstreicher encouraged all to make their views known with State and County officials; at the close of his remarks, Del. Waldstreicher gave out cards and his cell phone number (301 221 2696). Following Delegate Waldstreicher’s presentation, Karen Nozik, Zoning and Traffic Committee Chair, passed out print-outs of results of the “non- scientific” survey done on Survey Monkey about traffic issues within the civic association boundaries. First, she pointed out that 125 people responded (and more may have tried to do so; Survey Monkey did not allow more responses). To see the survey results, visit the MHCK website (www. 7 Sweet “Street” Treat: Darrow Residents Share Recipe If you have attended civic association events over the years, chances are you have eaten light, crisp cookies brought by Kathryn Toffenetti. People are often surprised to learn the cookies contain oatmeal -- chilling the dough overnight (or at least for eight hours) softens the oatmeal, resulting in delicate cookies that are very different from typical oatmeal cookies. 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon Day 1 (or morning): Stir the dry ingredients together. In a separate bowl, cream together sugar, shortening, butter, eggs, and vanilla, and then mix in the dry ingredients. Cover the bowl and chill in refrigerator overnight (or at least eight hours). Kathryn calls the cookies “Darrow Street Cookies” because she received the recipe from her dear next-door neighbor Minnie Schwab, who lived on Darrow Street for more than 50 years. Minnie had received the recipe from another long-time Darrow Street resident, Mrs. Ruffin. It’s too good a recipe to confine to one street! Day 2 (or evening): Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Put rounded teaspoonfuls of dough on cookie sheet. For each cookie, dip greased bottom of a drinking glass in sugar, and press glass lightly on cookie, to flatten slightly. Bake for 7 -10 minutes (until light brown – check first batch carefully). Remove cookies from oven, cool for a few minutes, then remove cookies to wire racks to cool completely. Store in an airtight container. DARROW STREET COOKIES (80-100 cookies) 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup shortening 1/2 cup butter (unsalted) 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup rolled oats (not instant) 1 3/4 cup flour 1 teaspoon baking soda Notes: Reduce salt, if using salted butter. One-minute or five-minute oatmeal both work fine. Sugar in the cookies can be partly brown sugar. Try adding cinnamon to the sugar that is pressed on top of each cookie. SUPPORT THE MH-CK CIVIC ASSOCIATION Paying dues allows you to become a voting member of the MH-CK Civic Association. All residents of the community (both owners and renters) are eligible to become voting members. These dues go towards fun, year-round neighborhood events and activities and the quarterly newsletter. Membership dues are also payable through PayPal! Visit for more details. Thank you for your continued support! Name: _____________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Email:______________________________________ Check for e-delivery of newsletter. I would like to volunteer! Please detach this portion of the form and return it along with a check for $12. Please make checks payable to McKenney Hills-Carroll Knolls Civic Association. McKenney Hills-Carroll Knolls Civic Association P.O. Box 393, Kensington, MD 20895 8 2015 CA Calendar of Events Date Tuesday, March 24, 2015 – 7:00 PM Saturday, April 18, 2015 – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Tuesday, April 28, 2015 – 7:00 PM Tuesday, May 26, 2015 – 7:00 PM Tuesday, August 4, 2015 – 6:00 – 9:00 PM Tuesday, September 29, 2015 – 7:00 PM Saturday, October 24, 2015 – 3:00 – 5:00 PM Event Community Meeting/Social, Flora Singer ES McKenney Hills Park Clean-Up Community Meeting/Social, Flora Singer ES Community Meeting/Social, Flora Singer ES National Night Out – Kohler Court Community Meeting/Social, Flora Singer ES Halloween Party/Parade, McKenney Hills Park 2015 Calendario de Actividades Fecha Martes, 24 de marzo, 2015, 19:00 Domingo, 18 de abril, 2015 – 10:00 – 13:00 Martes, 28 de abril, 2015, 19:00 Martes, 26 de mayo, 2015, 19:00 Martes, 4 de agosto, 2015 – 18:00 – 21:00 Martes, 29 de septiembre, 2015 – 19:00 Domingo, 24 de octubre 2015 – 15:00 – 17:00 Evento Reunión Asociación Cívica, Escuela Flora Singer Limpieza del Parque McKenney Hills Reunión Asociación Cívica, Escuela Flora Singer Reunión Asociación Cívica, Escuela Flora Singer Noche Afuera National – Kohler Court Reunión Asociación Cívica, Escuela Flora Singer Fiesta de Halloween - McKenney Hills Park Michele Bruggeman REALTOR | LEED AP Homes Licensed in Maryland and DC Long & Foster 20 Chevy Chase Circle, NW | Washington, DC 20015 C: 202-427-3993 | O: 202-363-9700 [email protected] 9 10 11 Contribute to Your Community Today! Contributing your time, skills, and energy can help make our neighborhood a vibrant and inviting place. Please volunteer to help make this community even better! LEADERSHIP! Elections held every January fill the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Interested community members are invited to shadow the current and upcoming 2015 officers as understudies for future officer positions.Board committees also need fresh ideas from new contributors. EVENTS! The programs that bring neighbors together need volunteers to organize them. Assisting with just one event a year will help us continue our community traditions: • Winter Blues Fest • Community-Wide Yard Sale • Spring / Fall Park Cleanup • Block Parties INITIATIVES! Ongoing programs to improve our community—from web/newsletter communications, to traffic measures, to welcome signs—require just a couple of hours a month from volunteers. By contributing a small amount of time, you can help make a big impact! CONTACT US! Email [email protected] or call 202-MHCK-1-CA. T 301.565.0300 F 301.585.6794 FOR ALL YOUR QUALITY PRINTING NEEDS ❖ ❖ ❖ 10528 Detrick Avenue Kensington, Maryland 20895 TEL: (301) 933-2990 • FAX: (301) 933-2867 Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday Letterhead • Envelopes • Brochures • Business Cards • Desktop Publishing 2700 BARKER STREET, SILVER SPRING, MD 20910 Invitations • NCR Carbonless Forms • Rolodex Cards • Catalogues • Letterpress Offset Printing • Short Run 4 Color • Graphic Design • Reports Newsletters • Flyers • Computer Forms • Pocket Folders • Labels
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