SINDROME NEFROTICO DRA. ALEJANDRA AGUILAR KITSU FEBRERO 2015 CASO CLINICO • PREESCOLAR MASCULINO DE 3 AÑOS DE EDAD • INICIO EDEMA FACIAL Y POSTERIORMENTE GENERALIZADO • ANTECEDENTE DE INFECCION RESPIRATORIA ALTA Síndrome nefróGco SINDROME NEFROTICO CLASIFICACION ! SECUNDARIO (10%-15%) - - - - - - - Púrpura de Henoch-Schönlein Lupus eritematoso sistémico Infecciones sistémicas Anemia de células falciformes Diabetes mellitus Medicamentos y drogas Neoplasias SINDROME NEFROTICO CLASIFICACION ! PRIMARIO (85-90%) - Cambios mínimos - Glomerulonefritis crónica " " " " Glomeruloesclerosis focal y segmentaria Glomerulonefritis membranosa Glomerulonefritis membranoproliferativa Proliferación mesangial difusa - Síndrome Nefrótico Congénito IMAGEN HISTOLOGICA EN SINDROME NEFROTICO (ISKDC) Imagen histológica Cambios mínimos Glomeruloesclerosis focal y segmentaria Glomerulonefritis membranoproliferativa Proliferación mesangial difusa Glomerulonefritis membranosa Total de pacientes 471 Pacientes (%) Corticosensibles (%) 77 93.1 7.8 29.7 6.2 6.9 1.9 55.6 1.3 0 J Pediatr 1981; 98:561-‐4 CLAVES DIAGNOSTICAS • SINDROME NEFROTICO DE CAMBIOS MINIMOS • SEXO – MAS FRECUENTE EN HOMBRES 2:1 A 3:1 • EDAD – EDAD DE PRESENTACION MAS FRECUENTE EN PREESCOLARES 3-‐5 AÑOS • EDEMA – FACILMENTE LLEGA A ANASARCA – EDEMA EN GENITALES – ASCITIS EXAMENES DE LABORATORIO • EXAMENES CONFIRMAN DIAGNOSTICO – ALBUMINA SERICA – COLESTEROL SERICO – TRIGLICERIDOS – PROTEINURIA – PLAQUETAS • EXAMENES RENALES – CREATININA SERICA – EXAMEN GENERAL DE ORINA – ELECTROLITOS SERICOS – PROTEINAS EN ORINA 24 HORAS O INDICE PROTEINAS/ CREATININA CLAVES DIAGNOSTICAS • PROTEINURIA – MAYOR A 40 MG/M2/H – INDICE PROTEINAS/CREATININA MAYOR A 2 – EXAMEN GENERAL DE ORINA +++ A ++++ • HIPOALBUMINEMIA • HIPERLIPIDEMIA • PLAQUETOSIS PROTEINURIA • • • • NORMAL <4 MG/M2/H NEFROTICA > 40 MG/M2/H EJEMPLO -‐ SUPERFICIE CORPORAL 1 METRO – VOLUMEN 1000 ML – 24 HORAS DE RECOLECCION – PROTEINAS 40 MG/DL – 40 MG POR CADA 100 ML – 400 MG DE PROTEINAS EN ESTA RECOLECCION – 400/24/1 – 16 MG/M2/H Core Curriculum in Nephrology Parietal epithelial cell Fisiopatología Urinary Space Slit diaphragm Filtration slit (40 nm) Podocyte Cell body Subpodocyte space Podocyte Foot processes GBM Endothelial cell Glycocalyx Fenestrae Glomerular Capillary Lumen Am J Kid Dis 2011 TRATAMIENTO • PREDNISONA – PRIMER ESQUEMA • 60 MG/M2/DIA POR SEIS SEMANAS • 40 MG/M2/48 HORAS POR SEIS SEMANAS • MAXIMO 80 MG/DIA • RECOMENDACIÓN K DIGO 60 MG/DIA CLAVES TRATAMIENTO • ESTABLECER SI EL PACIENTE ES CORTICOSENSIBLE – 90% DE LOS NEFROTICOS PRIMARIOS SON CORTICOSENSIBLES – NO HAY PROGRESION A INSUFICIENCIA RENAL • 10% PACIENTES CORTICORRESISTENTES – 50% EVOLJUCIONAN A INSUFICIENCIA RENAL EN 10 AÑOS CORTICOSENSIBLE • ESQUEMA COMPLETO • GUIAS K DIGO REQUIERE DE POR LO MENOS 8 SEMANAS DE TRATAMIENTO CON ESTEROIDES • 80% NIÑOS CORTICOSENSIBLES RESPONDEN A LAS 2 SEMANAS DE TRATAMIENTO • 95% A LAS 4 SEMANAS • 100% A LAS 8 SEMANAS TRATAMIENTO • PREDNISONA ISKDC – PRIMER ESQUEMA • 60 MG/M2/DIA POR 4 SEMANAS • 40 MG/M2/48 HORAS (3 DE CADA 7) POR 4 SEMANAS Tratamiento de SNCM Periodo más corto APN 1988 # Ensayo clínico controlado al azar # Esquema corto vs tradicional # Esquema corto # 60 mg/m2/día hasta proteinuria negaGva # 40 mg/m2/3er. día hasta proteinuria negaGva # Dosis total prednisona 50% # Recayeron el doble de pacientes # Recaídas más tempranas # A largo plazo igual dosis de prednisona total (J Pediatr 1988) Tratamiento de SNCM Periodo más largo # Ensayo clínico controlado al azar # Primer episodio de síndrome nefróGco # Esquema tradicional vs largo # Esquema largo # Prednisona 60 mg/m2/día por 6 semanas # Prednisona 40 mg/m2/3er. día por 6 semanas # Dos veces más probable remisión # Menos pacientes: recaídas frecuentes # Efectos colaterales por esteroides: igual (Eur J Pediatr 1993) ESQUEMA DE REDUCCION • RECOMENDACIÓN KDIGO – CONTINUAR DESPUES DEL ESQUEMA REDUCCION POR LO MENOS 3 A 6 MESES • DISMINUCION PAULATINA – DISMINUIR NUMERO DE RECAIDAS – SOLO 25% DE LOS NIÑOS PRESENTAN UN SOLO EPISODIO Disease in Children (ISKDC) regime. recently in evolution and is ment for variables including agethis, andfully SSNS is considered to be a benign Theemerged results show that the number of 87: 169–175. Despite half of patients will frequent and the this otherholds half major riskrelapses, disease, true for only half of relapses per patient-year was 1.33 in the dose, younger age was the have whoalthough do not relapsethe or have only infrepatients. Prolonged and repeated 6-month therapy group in factor for frequent relapses, see clinical trial on pagesvs. 2171.25 and 225 quent relapses may be overtreated. The Japanese courses of steroids have many side the 2-month group. After 24 months, this was a post hoc analysis. The KDIGO recommendations end with a the impact and second-line and third-line relapses occurred in 58 of 122 (48%) trial results did not supportresearch call for effects, quality randomized controlled trials with adequate was not therapy is power, often necessary throughout versus 54 of 124 (44%) and frequent of age, but again, the study sufficient and follow-up, and appropriate childhood and often into adulthood. relapses in 37 vs. 37%, respectively. The designed to answer this question, monitoring to answer these questions. to of Kidney SomeInternational, patients have a lifelong disease, so median time to reach the frequently age was not used to stratify patients In this issue it cannot really relapsing nephrotic syndrome (FRNS) risk groups. two large randomized prospective trials be called benign. Ster5,6 on the efficacy of prolonged corticosIn contrast, other reports strongly oids cannot be considered to have cured status was shorter at 799 days (26 teroid therapy treatment theinitial disease in these circumstances; they months) in the 6-month treatment argue that age may be a predictor of the for the of SSNS in children are published.3,4 contribute to restoration of defective group, hazard ratio 0.86 (90% conseverity of the disease, that is, frequent One group from India3 and another 1 Peter F. Hoyer 4 filter and podocyte function. fidence interval, 0.64–1.16). The final relapses, steroid dependence,from andJapan, respo-both glomerular with long-standing experience in doing collaborative Frequent relapses as well as steroid conclusion is that 2 months of therapy nse to cyclophosphamide therapy. Time The best initial therapy for steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome (SSNS) multicenter trials, have addressed the is not inferioris to 6 months. to first relapse been described as dependence should be taken as a clinical in children subject to ongoing debate. Systematic reviewshas andalso metaquestion of the validity of extending the Kidney International (2015) 87, 17–19. doi:10.1038/ki.2014.354 Interestingly, these two randomized analyses have concluded that at least 3 months and up to 7 months initial steroid therapy up to 6 months. trials came towould the reduce same conclusion, The Indian study group conducted a of treatment the number of relapses by 30%. But blinded 1:1 placebo-controlled trial although a head-to-head comparison summarizing small underpowered studies cannot eliminate the basic 100 flaws insome design. differences Two well-powered randomized prospective trials now enrolling 181 patients 1–12 years old shows between with a first episode of SSNS. Eligible to thePatients oppositefrom conclusion, thecome studies. India and werethese results should impact the patients were treated with 2 mg/kg Modifying management children withbody SSNS.size younger, and of their mean 75 body weight of prednisone perfactors: day age at onset, early relapse Kidney International (2015) 87, 17–19. doi:10.1038/ki.2014.354 for 6 weeks followed by 1.5 mg/kg body was below the norm. Initial therapy, weight every other day for another believed by some to be of great imporFor more than 40 years corticosteroids cal experience and50 a scattering of small 6 weeks. Thereafter, patients were tance, TheofJapanese P = NS have was been different. the treatment choice forgroup prospective randomized trials. There randomized to receive either placebo used thetreatment old 2-month ISKDC regime. initial of steroid-sensitive are no agreed optimal dose and duraor prednisone in decreasing doses of 1, 25 nephrotic syndrome (SSNS) in children; tion of treatment. The Cochrane group 0.75, and 0.5 mg/kg on alternate days It resulted in a cumulative prednisone however, there is no pathophysiological has tried to shed light on the dilemma for 1 month each. The results show that dose of 2240 mg/m2, compared with rationale for the treatment, and all by publishing several 0 updates of meta- the number of relapses per patient-year therecommendations Indian study are group, who used the based on empirianalyses on this topic.1 The current was 1.01±1.04 in the 6-month treat0 4 6 8 12 24 52 104 recommendations say that extending ment group versus 1.13±1.01 in the 3-month regime with a cumulative 2 1 treatment followed by 3-month Time after start of initial treatment (weeks) Zentrum fu¨r KinderJugendmedizin, Klinik . the prednisone doseund of 2792 mg/m In initial treatment with prednisone 3-month beyond 2 months is beneficial in reduc- placebo group. Relapses occurred in fu¨r Kinderheilkunde II, Universita¨t Duisburg-Essen, contrast, in the Japanese trial in the Essen, Germany ing the number of relapses as well as 66.7 vs. 70.2% and frequent relapses in Correspondence: Peter treatment F. Hoyer, Zentrum fu¨r 6-month initial arm the frequent relapses. Recent Kidney Disease: 48.6 vs. 53.7%, respectively. Mean time Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Klinik fu¨r KinderheilkImproving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) to first relapse was 9.6 vs. 6.6 months, cumulative prednisone dose was ¨t Duisburg-Essen, Hufelandunde II, Universita 2 2 guidelines2 have adopted these conclu- and to frequent relapse status 23 vs. strasse 55, D-45122 Essen, Germany. 3885 mg/m , vs. 3530 mg/m in the sions, recommending initial treatment 17.6 months (P ¼ not significant). The E-mail: [email protected] 1 Indian long-treatment cohort. HowPrednisone Prednisone Zentrum fu¨r87KinderdailyKlinikalternate days ever, the und medianJugendmedizin, Kidney after International24 (2015)months 17 dose including relapse treatment in Figure | Lack of effect of extending initial prednisone treatment on long-term freedom ¨t 1Duisburg-Essen, fu¨r Kinderheilkunde II, Universita the short-treatment arm in Japan was from frequent relapses. NS, not significant. analyses have concluded that at least 3 months and up to 7 month ofNew treatment would reduce the number of relapses by 30%. But lessons from randomized trials in steroid-sensitive summarizing small underpowered studies cannot eliminate the bas nephrotic syndrome: clear flaws in design. randomized prospective trials n evidence againstTwo long well-powered steroid come to the opposite conclusion, and these results should impact therapy management of children with SSNS. Initial prednisone regime Survival free of frequent relapses (%) For more than 40 years corticosteroids have been the treatment of choice for initial treatment of steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome (SSNS) in children; however, there is no pathophysiological rationale for the treatment, and all recommendations are based on empiri- Essen, Germany cal experience and a scattering of s prospective randomized trials. T are no agreed optimal dose and d tion of treatment. The Cochrane gr has tried to shed light on the dilem by publishing several updates of m analyses on this topic.1 The cur recommendations say that extend the initial treatment with prednis beyond 2 months is beneficial in red ing the number of relapses as we SINDROME NEFROTICO PRONOSTICO Recaídas -‐ 25% una recaída -‐ 33% recaídas ocasionales -‐ 50% evolucionan a corGcodependencia RECAIDAS FRECUENTES • 2 O MAS RECAIDAS EN LOS PRIMEROS SEIS MESES DE TRATAMIENTO • 3 O MAS RECAIDAS EN CUALQUIER PERIODO DE 12 MESES • CORTICODEPENDIENTES – RECAEN AL DISMINUIR LA DOSIS – RECAEN EN LAS PRIMERAS DOS SEMANAS DE HABER SUSPENDIDO TRATAMIENTO TRATAMIENTO RECAIDAS • PREDNISONA 60 MG/M2/DIA POR 4 SEMANAS • PREDNISONA 40MG/M2/48 HORAS POR 4 SEMANAS • REDUCCION PAULATINA MOTIVOS DE ENVIO • • • • INCREMENTO DE LA CREATININA SERICA CORTICORRESISTENTE, CORTICODEPENDIENTE RECAIDAS FRECUENTES EDAD DIAGNOSTICO MENOR DE UN AÑO O MAYOR DE 8 AÑOS EDAD DE PRESENTACION • MENOR DE UN AÑO – SINDROME NEFROTICO PRIMER AÑO DE VIDA • TIPO FINLANDES • ESCLEROSIS MESANGIAL DIFUSA • NO RESPONDEN A TRATAMIENTO • MAYORES DE 8 AÑOS – 80% de los casos de sindrome nefróGco de cambios minimos se presentan antes de los 6 años CLAVES MANEJO • EVALUAR REMISION A LAS 4 SEMANAS DE TRATAMIENTO CON PROTEINURIA • ENVIO TEMPRANO AL NEFROLOGO • ASOCIACION CON INFECCIONES RESPIRATORIAS – TRATAMIENTO SINUSITIS – TRATAMIENTO CARIES • CONTROL DE ASMA O ALERGIAS COMPLICACIONES • Infecciones por organismos capsulados – PeritoniGs primaria – CeluliGs • Trombosis – Periféricas – Cerebrales – Renales
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