Ellis County Regional Trail Corridor - City of Midlothian

Ellis County
Regional Trail
The cities of Midlothian and Waxahachie,
in partnership with Ellis County, the North
Central Texas Council of Governments
(NCTCOG) and the University of Texas at
Arlington invite you to come learn about a
proposed eleven mile shared-use path
communities. The planned path will
provide safe, alternative modes of
transportation, improve air quality, spur
economic development, encourage
physical activity and promote connectivity
between the two cities. Attendees are
encouraged to review and provide
feedback on the proposed vision and
alternative alignments.
Heritage High School
In the “Cafetorium”
4000 FM 1387
Midlothian, TX 76065
October 13, 2014
5:45 PM Arrival/Check-In
6:00-7:00 PM Presentation
7:00-8:00 PM Open House
For more information, contact Daniel Snyder at:
[email protected] or 817-608-2394
Anyone needing special accommodations for a disability or language Para ajustes especiales por discapacidad o para interpretación de idiomas,
interpretation at the event should contact Jahnae Stout at 817-608-2335 or by llame al 817-608-2335 o por e-mail: [email protected] con 72 horas (mínimo)
email at: [email protected] at least 72 hours prior to the event. Reasonable previas a la junta. Se harán las adaptaciones razonables.
accommodations will be made.