PUERTO RICAN DAY PARADE, INC. 2015 Miss Puerto Rico Review and complete all application materials, enclose photograph and mail to, 166 North 6th Street, Newark, New Jersey 07107 or email to [email protected] and cc: [email protected], [email protected] Sonia Vera, Queen Coordinator Phone: 201-873-1888 Email: [email protected] PUERTO RICAN DAY PARADE, INC. Nelson “Butchie” Nieves, President 166 North 6th Street Newark, New Jersey 07107 http://www.PRDPNJ.org Telephone: (973) 951-5966 Email: [email protected] REGISTRATION APPLICATION Full Name of Participant_________________________________________________________ Street Address ________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________, NJ Phone _____________________________ Date of Birth ___________________ (mm/dd/year) ZIP ______________ Email ______________________________ Age ______ School Presently Attending ________________________________________________ Parent’s Name _____________________________ (Mother) _____________________________ (Father) Parent’s Home Town of Puerto Rico _______________________ _______________________ (Mother) (Father) List any talent/hobbies Past or present community and/or educational involvements Ambitions: Entry Deadline, June 20, 2015 Puerto Rican Day Parade, Inc. Miss Puerto Rico- Application Pg. 1 of 1 2015 PUERTO RICAN DAY PARADE, INC. Nelson “Butchie” Nieves, President 166 North 6th Street Newark, New Jersey 07107 http://www.PRDPNJ.org Telephone: (973) 951-5966 Email: [email protected] Participant Rules (Reglamentos del Participante) 1. The participant must be of Puerto Rican parents or of Puerto Rican descent. (La participante debe ser de padres Puertorriqueños o de herencia Puertorriqueña) 2. The participant must be willing to speak or learn to speak Spanish. (La participante debe estar dispuesta hablar en español o aprender.) 3. The conduct of the participant must be exemplary, cannot use obscene words. (La conducta de la participante debe ser ejemplar, no puede usar palabras obscenas). 4. The participant should behave as exemplary ladies and represent the Puerto Rican women in the community with pride and dignity. (La participante debe comportarse como dama ejemplar y representar a la mujer Puertorriqueña en la comunidad con orgullo y dignidad.) 5. The participant must attend all practices and/or seminars. If unable to attend they must demonstrate responsibility by calling the coordinator/s. (La participante debe asistir a todas la prácticas o seminarios. Si no puede asistir debe demostrar la responsabilidad de llamar a las coordinadora/s) 6. The participant must be punctual to practices, seminars and/ or activities. (La participante debe ser puntual a las prácticas, seminarios o actividades.) 7. The participant must take part in all practices and/or seminars and be able to accept constructive criticism for the benefit of their professional development. (Las participante tiene que estar dispuesta a participar en todas la practicas y/o seminarios y a aceptar críticas constructivas para su desarrollo profesional) 8. The participant, their family and friends should respect the members of the committee and its volunteers. (La participante, sus familiares y amigos deben respetar a los miembros del comité y sus voluntarios.) 9. The participant, their family and friends should respect her fellow mates. (La participante, sus familiares y amigos deben respetar a sus compañeras particpantes.) Puerto Rican Day Parade, Inc. Miss Puerto Rico- Rules Pg. 1 of 2 2015 10. The participant should have never been married, should not be cohabitating, have children, or be pregnant. In the event the participant was to become with child during the selection process or while holding a title she will be disqualified. (Es requisito indispensable de la participante nunca haber sido casada, tener hijos o estar embarazada. En el caso de que la participante quedara embarazada durante el proceso de selección o en posesión de un título será descalificada) Policies/Políticas Misconduct from participants and or parents/guardians WILL NOT BE tolerated! Incidents (if they should occur) will be dealt with promptly and WILL RESULT in the participant’s dismissal. The decision of the Coordinators is final and will be supported by Puerto Rican Day Parade, Inc. Executive Board of Directors. (La mala conducta de las participantes y o padres / guardián no se tolerará! Incidentes (si ocurrieran) serán atendidos con urgencia y resultaran en el despido de la participante. La decisión de los coordinadores es final y será apoyada por la Junta Ejecutiva de Administración, del Desfile Puertorriqueño.) Members of the committee, volunteers or officials of the city as well as the owners of the localities where the events are held are not responsible any accident, injury or theft that may occur before, during or after. (Miembros del comité, voluntarios o funcionarios de la ciudad así como los propietarios del local en donde se realizan los eventos no son responsables de cualquier accidente, lesión o robo que se produzca antes, durante o después.) By submitting this entry form the participant is agreeing to abide by the rules of Puerto Rican Day Parade, Inc. (Yo me comprometo de aceptar y seguir los reglamentos del Desfile Puertorriqueño, Inc.) Parent or guardian signature required for participant under 18 years old. (Firma de padre o guardián lega es requerida para participante menores de 18 años.) Parent/Guardian's Full Name (please print): _________________________________________________ (Nombre de padres o guardián legal) Parent /Guardian Signature: ______________________________________ (Firma de padres o guardián legal) Date: ______________ (Fecha) Participant Signature: ___________________________________________ (Firma de Participante) Date: ______________ (Fecha) PARTICIPANT MUST PRESENT A COPY OF THEIR BIRTH CERTIFICATE (LA PARTICIPANTE DEBE PRESENTAR UNA COPIA DE SU CERTIFICADO DE NACIMIENTO) Entry Deadline, June 20, 2015 (Plazo de inscripción, 20 de Junio 2015) Puerto Rican Day Parade, Inc. Miss Puerto Rico - Rules Pg. 2 of 2 2015
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