Fourth Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 Fr. Federico Capdepón, V.F. Dean, Pastor Fr. Damian Flanagan Parochial Vicar Mrs. Mary E. Fernández, Ed.S. School Principal Mrs. Patricia Zapatero Director of Religious Education Roberto Berrocal Music Director OFFICE HOURS (Horas de Oficina) Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes 8:00am-4:30pm Phone: 305-444-8363 [email protected] CHURCH HOURS (Horas de la Iglesia) Daily/Diario 9:00am-7:00pm MASS SCHEDULE (Horario de misas) SATURDAY VIGIL 5:30pm (English) SUNDAY 9:00am (English) 10:30am (English, live broadcast) 12:30pm (Español, transmisión en vivo) 5:30pm (English) 7:00pm (Español) DAILY MASS (Chapel) Misa Diaria (Capilla) 8:00am (English) 7:00 pm (Spanish, Tue. & Thurs.) RECONCILIATION (RECONCILIACIÓN) Saturdays/Sábados 4:30-5:15 pm Before Sunday Masses if a priest is available. Antes de las misas del domingo si hay un sacerdote disponible. BAPTISMS & MARRIAGES (Bautizos y Matrimonios) For information, call the office. Para información, llame a la oficina. MISSION STATEMENT St. Hugh Catholic Church is a diverse community of faith manifesting our love for God through our generosity, and putting our faith into action by working together to impact positively the lives of our parishioners, visitors and the community in general. April 26, 2015 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Page 2 Lecturas de la semana Sunday Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 4:8-12; 1 Ps 118; 1 Jn 3:12; Jn 10:11-18 Monday Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr; Saint L o u i s Grignion de Montfort, Priest Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87; Jn 10:2230 Wednesday Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Acts 12:24—13:5a; Ps 67; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday Saint Pius V, Pope Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89; Jn 13:1620 Friday Saint Joseph the Worker Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98; Jn 14:714 “Could you not watch one hour with me?” (Mk 14:37) JOIN US FOR EUCHARISTIC ADORATION THROUGHOUT THE DAY ON THURSDAYS IN THE CHURCH From 8:30 am to 7:00 pm 4th Sunday of Easter (Cycle B) Pastor’s Corner Not everything can be purchased with money. Not everything can be valued based on money. There are other things more valuable in the life of a human being. Those who have an economic goal, once they achieve it, realize that it isn’t everything, and that they are lacking something more solid, deeper and lasting. Some activities in life are done for money; others are done for love. Sometimes the same activities, although apparently different from each other, can be done both for pay and for love. One can immediately distinguish the nurse, the teacher, the firefighter, the priest, the social worker, the receptionist who only do their job so they can get paid, for material interest, from those who do it for love, as a vocation. Jesus explains to the Pharisees that He is the guide along the road to virtue, that He demands a different lifestyle, that He brings balance to those who need “readjusting”, heals the sick, raises the dead, evangelizes the poor, and many other things, not for pay but for love. Those who do a job only for miserly material interest will soon show their impatience, their intolerance, their reservations, their mistrust of those they deal with. They do not create a link of understanding and affinity. This is what Jesus is explaining today by comparing Himself to the Good Shepherd. He assures us that the Good Shepherd knows His sheep and the sheep know Him. Because He is the owner of the sheep, He cares for them, defends them and feeds them, keeping them in a safe place. Jesus is the ideal shepherd. 4o Domingo de Pascua (Ciclo B) Rincón del Párroco No todo se compra con dinero. No todo se valora a base de dinero. Hay otros valores que pesan mucho en la vida de un ser humano. Los que se proponen una meta económica, cuando han llegado, ven que eso no es todo, y que están vacíos de algo más sólido, profundo y perdurable. Hay actividades de la vida que se hacen por dinero, y otras que se hacen por amor. A veces, unas mismas actividades, que parecen distintas entre sí, son hechas por paga material y por amor desinteresado. En seguida se distingue a la enfermera, al maestro, al bombero, al sacerdote, al trabajador social, a la recepcionista que hacen su oficio solamente como asalariados, por interés material, y los que lo ejercen por amor, por vocación. Jesús explica a los fariseos que El guía por el camino de la virtud, que exige un estilo de vida superior, que equilibra a los desajustados, que cura a los enfermos, que resucita a los muertos, que evangeliza a los pobres, y otras muchas cosas más, no como asalariado, sino por amor. “¿No podían velar una hora conmigo?” (Mc. 14, 37) ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA LOS JUEVES DURANTE TODO EL DÍA EN LA IGLESIA De 8:30 am a 7:00 pm Quien ejerce una profesión solo por el mezquino interés material pronto muestra su impaciencia, su intolerancia, sus reservas, su desconfianza con las personas que trata. No se establece una corriente de comprensión, de afinidad. Todo esto es lo que explica Jesús en el evangelio del día de hoy con la comparación del Buen Pastor. Él asegura que es el Buen Pastor que conoce a Sus ovejas y las ovejas lo conocen a Él. Es que Él es el dueño de las ovejas, por tanto, las cuida, las defiende y las alimenta, poniéndolas en lugar seguro. Jesús es el pastor ideal. Fr. Federico Page 3 Page 3 Stewardship in Action MASS INTENTIONS Intenciones Misas Comunidad en Acción Sat/Sab, April 18 5:30 pm Mercedes Gómez Francisco Granados Sr. Sun/Dom, April 19 9:00 am Parish Community 10:30 am Rev. Amando Llorente Brunella Bonvecchio 12:30 pm Graciela López Miriam Oliva 5:30 pm María Huergo Collado Héctor & Milagros Rodríguez 7:00 pm Antonio Llamas Mon/Lun, April 20 8:00 am Demetrio Castillo Montalvo Lino Alvarez Tue/Mar, April 21 8:00 am Reinaldo Luna Margarita Granados The St. Hugh-Steinway Concert Series presented tenor Martín Nusspaumer accompanied by Roberto Berrocal at the piano and Emmanuel Trifilio on the bandoneón. Congratulations on a well-deserved success. La Serie de Conciertos St. Hugh-Steinway presentó al tenor Martín Nusspaumer acompañado por Roberto Berrocal al piano y el bandoneón de Emmanuel Trifilio. Felicitaciones por tan merecido éxito. 7:00 pm Comunidad Parroquial Wed/Mier, April 22 8:00 am Emilio F. Martínez Rafael Mayoral Alexander Thu/Jue, April 23 8:00 am Alfredo Vargas Special Intention 7:00 pm Conchita Fajardo Fri/Vier, April 24 8:00 am Juan A. Granados All confirmandi participated in a preparatory retreat on Saturday, April 18. Blessings to them. Todos los confirmandos participaron en un retiro preparatorio el sábado 18 de abril. Bendiciones para ellos. LET US PRAY FOR / Oremos por Lila Cruz, Hannah Moss, Annette Méndez, Andrés Hidalgo, Carlos y Martha Zapatero, Manuel Carbonero, Jacques Vera, Morelia Campos, Danilo Argote, Sister Barbara Makar, John Amador, Marcela Gómez, Martha Gómez, Darío Pulgarín, Fr. Manuel (Tito) Soler, Charlie Winchester, Oscar Alberto Jiménez, Milagros Segarra, Catherine Gallego, Jake Mark Lugo, Esperanzita Noriega, Evelyn Sandoval, Marcia Besada, Alex Zangen, Juana G. Rippes, Marta Miranda, Carmen Dono, Olga Alonso, Michael Lemay, Elena Romero, Marcela Lamelois, María Isabel Poiares, Eduardo Gómez, Raquel Alvarez, Luis Rodríguez, Mercedes Tenssera, Pedro Vicente de la Rosa, Gabriel Medina, Wilfrido Díaz, Jennifer Cameron-Hew, Jacobo Yépez, Jay McDonnell, Catalina Fundora, Mónica Phares, Hilda Parisi, Maryann Zappala, Patricia Cardona, Jaimito Cruz, Carmen Naquin Hebert, Noemí Perea, Alexandra Valdés, Alexander Averiano, for the members of our armed forces, their families and all victims of war. JOIN US IN THE RECITATION OF THE ROSARY THURSDAYS BEFORE MORNING MASS IN THE CHAPEL ACOMPÁÑENOS EN EL REZO DEL ROSARIO JUEVES ANTES DE LA MISA EN LA CAPILLA Page 4 St. Hugh MINISTRIES Ministerios Altar Servers: Juan Alayo [email protected] Bible Classes: Karen Bonvecchio [email protected] May 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24, 30 & 31 CCD: Patricia Zapatero [email protected] Centering Prayer: Maritza Ramos [email protected] Clases de Biblia: Patricia Zapatero [email protected] Emmaus Men: Manuel Núñez [email protected] Emmaus Women: Claudia Martínez [email protected] Encuentro en la Palabra: Milagros Contreras [email protected] Grove for Ghana: Bob Dudley [email protected] Grove Outreach: Lily Montero [email protected] 2015 Health and Wellness: María Socorro Torres-Burgos [email protected] Job Bank: Marta Carbonell [email protected] Knights of Columbus: Marc Spinola [email protected] Marriage Covenant Experience: Joe & Jane Mastrucci [email protected] Matrimonios en Victoria: Rolando & Irene Silva [email protected] Mindo Medical Mission: Jason Gaetan [email protected] Ministry to the Sick: Mariana Caballero [email protected] Music Director: Roberto Berrocal [email protected] Pastoral Ministry Coordinator: Cristina Fundora [email protected] RCIA: Ann Naquin [email protected] RICA: Eleazar & Leticia Terán [email protected] Sunday, May 10 Domingo 10 de mayo 4th Sunday of Easter Page 5 ST. HUGH NEWS NOTICIAS DE LA PARROQUIA In solidarity with the Christian communities across the Middle East and especially with all those who are suffering persecution for their faith, the Archdiocese of Miami, led by Archbishop Thomas Wenski, will hold a prayer vigil on Sunday, April 26, at 4 p.m. at St. Mary Cathedral, 7525 NW 2nd Ave. Miami. All the community is invited to come and pray with us. En solidaridad con las comunidades cristianas del Oriente Medio y especialmente de todos los que sufren persecución por su fe, la Arquidiócesis de Miami celebrará una vigilia de oración con el Arzobispo Thomas Wenski el domingo 26 de abril a las 4 pm, en la Catedral de St. Mary, 7525 NW 2nd Ave., Miami. Invitamos a toda la comunidad a orar con nosotros. All women are invited to the next Emmaus Retreat, in English, which will take May 1-3. For more information please consult the ad in the next page. Invitamos a todas las mujeres de la parroquia al próximo retiro de Emaús en inglés, que tendrá lugar del 1 al 3 de mayo. Para más información consulte el aviso en la página siguiente. The School Spring Concert will be held on Tuesday, April 28, at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall. Everyone is invited. El concierto de primavera del colegio tendrá lugar el martes 28 de abril a las 6:30 pm en el Salón Parroquial. Todos están invitados. The CCD children will celebrate their first Reconciliation on Wednesday, April 29, at 6:30 pm. May God bless them as they experience His mercy. Los niños de la catequesis recibirán el sacramento de la Reconciliación por primera vez el miércoles 29 de abril a las 6:30 pm. Que el Señor los bendiga al recibir su misericordia. First Communion this year will be celebrated on Saturday, May 2 at 10 am, for the school children and on Saturday, May 9, at 9 am and 11 am for CCD. The parish rejoices with their families in welcoming them to the Eucharistic table. Primeras Comuniones este año se celebrarán el sábado 2 de mayo a las 10 am para los niños del colegio y el sábado 9 de mayo a las 9 y a las 11 am para los de la catequesis. La parroquia se alegra con sus familias y les da la bienvenida al banquete de la Eucaristía. The Youth Group will be holding its annual Mother’s Day Plant Sale on Sunday, May 10 after the 9 am, 10:30 am and 12:30 pm Masses. Proceeds benefit the St. Hugh Youth Group. El grupo juvenil de St. Hugh realizará su venta annual de plantas por el Día de la Madre el domingo 10 de mayo después de las misas de 9 y 10:30 am y 12:30 pm. Las ganancias beneficiarán al grupo juvenil. The Life Teen Youth Group is now meeting on Sundays at 6:45 pm, after the 5:30 pm evening Mass. All are invited. Registrations for the annual Steubenville Conference in Orlando the weekend of July 17-19 is underway. If you would like to join please contact Francisco Dueñas, [email protected], as soon as possible. El grupo juvenil Life Teen se reune ahora los domingos a las 6:45 pm, después de la misa de 5:30 pm. Todos están invitados. Ya pueden inscribirse para la conferencia anual de Steubenville en Orlando el fin de semana del 17 al 19 de julio. Si desean participar, pónganse en contacto con Francisco Dueñas, [email protected], lo antes posible. MINISTRIES Ministerios Respect Life: Yamileth Rivera [email protected] School News: Jocelyn Bianco [email protected] Spanish Choir: Andrés Trujillo [email protected] St. Hugh Charities: Liliana Villanueva [email protected] St. Hugh Immigration Services: Karlene Punancy [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul: James Hartnett (Call the office) Ushers & Hospitality Ministry: [email protected] Youth Director: Francisco Dueñas [email protected] Page 6 St. Hugh Saints this Week/Santos de la Semana Saint Catherine of Siena, April 29, was a tertiary of the Dominican Order and a Scholastic philosopher and theologian. She also worked to bring the papacy of Gregory XI back to Rome from its displacement in France and to establish peace among the Italian citystates. She is one of the two patron saints of Italy, together with St. Francis of Assisi. On 3 October 1970, she was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope Paul VI. Santa Catalina de Siena, Abril 29, considerada una de las grandes místicas de su siglo (Siglo XIV), destacó asimismo como predicadora y escritora, así como por su decisiva contribución al regreso del papado a Roma tras el exilio de Aviñón. Es co-patrona de Europa e Italia y Doctora de la Iglesia. Pope Saint Pius V, April 30, implemented the decrees of the Council of Trent and the standardization of the Roman rite within the Latin Church. He also arranged the formation of the Holy League, an alliance of Catholic states that famously defeated the Ottoman Empire, which had threatened to overrun Europe, at the Battle of Lepanto. Even as Pope he continued to use the white habit of the Dominican Order to which he belonged, and which is the reason for popes to wear white to this day. San Pío V, papa, Abril 30, implementó los decretos del Concilio de Trento y regularizó el rito Romano dentro de la Iglesia. Contribuyó a la formación de la Liga Santa, una alianza entre los estados católicos de Europa que derrotó al Imperio Otomano en la batalla de Lepanto. A él se debe que los papas utilicen la sotana blanca, ya que después de ser elegido sumo pontífice no dejó de usar el hábito blanco de los dominicos, orden en la que había profesado. 4th Sunday of Easter Page 7 The POPE SPEAKS/HABLA EL PAPA Misericordiae Vultus, Bull Proclaiming the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy We need constantly to contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is a wellspring of joy, serenity, and peace. Our salvation depends on it. Mercy: the word reveals the very mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Mercy: the ultimate and supreme act by which God comes to meet us. Mercy: the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the path of life. Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to a hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness. At times we are called to gaze even more attentively on mercy so that we may become a more effective sign of the Father’s action in our lives. For this reason I have proclaimed an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy as a special time for the Church; a time when the witness of believers might grow stronger and more effective. Misericordiae Vultus, Bula de convocación del Jubileo Extraordinario de la Misericordia Siempre tenemos necesidad de contemplar el misterio de la misericordia. Es fuente de alegría, de serenidad y de paz. Es condición para nuestra salvación. Misericordia: es la palabra que revela el misterio de la Santísima Trinidad. Misericordia: es el acto último y supremo con el cual Dios viene a nuestro encuentro. Misericordia: es la ley fundamental que habita en el corazón de cada persona cuando mira con ojos sinceros al hermano que encuentra en el camino de la vida. Misericordia: es la vía que une Dios y el hombre, porque abre el corazón a la esperanza de ser amados no obstante el límite de nuestro pecado. Hay momentos en los que de un modo mucho más intenso estamos llamados a tener la mirada fija en la misericordia para poder ser también nosotros mismos signo eficaz del obrar del Padre. Es por esto que he anunciado un Jubileo Extraordinario de la Misericordia como tiempo propicio para la Iglesia, para que haga más fuerte y eficaz el testimonio de los creyentes. Page 8 BOOK NOOK Recommendation for this week: The Eucharist: A Bible Study Guide for Catholics, by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J., OSV $9.95 See the essential connection between the Eucharist, “source and summit” of our Catholic faith, and the Scriptures. SACRIFICIAL GIVING COLLECTION LAST WEEK Colecta de la semana pasada $18,182.48 Second Collection Today Segunda colecta hoy Catholic Home Missions CONGRATULATIONS To the parents of the children baptized recently FELICITACIONES A los padres de los niños bautizados recientemente Albie James Cortes Daniella Lee Albertson Sienna S. Selva Ava Treto Eva Sophia Adams Christian Mediavilla Martin I. Suárez Ian Franco Parra Sofía Munera Jordan Le Vega Brandon Le Vega Kimberly Andre Michelle Andre Zenia Andre Sabrina Ortiz Emily R. Pérez-Valentineone This week at St. Hugh Esta semana en St. Hugh St. Hugh Monday, April 27 7:00 pm Bible Class in English Library & Music Room 7:00 pm Encuentro en la Palabra Adults and Young Adults Social Studies Room Tuesday, April 28 7:00 pm EDGE Youth Group Library & School Chapel 7:30 pm RICA (Religious Ed Adults, Spanish) 7th Grade Room Wednesday, April 29 8:30 am Bible Class in Spanish Rectory Chapel 6:30 pm CCD Church & School 6:30 pm First Reconciliation for CCD Church 7:30 pm Matrimonios en Victoria Music Room Thursday, April 30 8:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Rectory Chapel 7:00 pm Centering Prayer School Chapel Friday, May 1 NO Cub Scouts Meeting NO Girl Scouts Meeting Women’s Emmaus Retreat starts at Casa Manresa Sunday, May 3 5:30 pm Closing Emmaus Retreat Mass Church 6:45 pm LifeTeen Youth Group Library Mindo Futures Medicines Campaign starts today through end of May 4th Sunday of Easter Page 9 You are cordially invited to join us on Tuesday, April 28th for a night of music at the St. Hugh Spring Concert. The students from third grade through eighth grade will take us back in time as they perform songs from the different decades. It promises to be an entertaining night and admission is free. We look forward to this great event. St. Hugh alumni, Maria Ale Mendoza, along with her classmates Nicole Barba, Adriana Trueba and Diana Bunge have been named regional winners at the ExploraVision science competition. Maria Ale graduated from St. Hugh school last year and is currently a freshman at Our Lady of Lourdes Academy. The ExploraVision competition which is sponsored by Toshiba and the National Science Teachers Association encourages students to look 20 years into the future and devise a solution for an existing problem. Together, these girls created a body temperature monitoring and notification device for infants who are at risk or have suffered from febrile seizures. The team will now advance to the national competition where the prize is a $10,000 U.S. Series Savings Bond for each as well as an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. in June. Congratulations Maria Ale. We are very proud of her achievements and wish her and her team the best of luck in the next round of competitions. Page 10 St. Hugh Learning Through Laughter Students recently received a visit from comedian, Michael Luongo, as part of his 2015 tour with the Stand up for Catholic Kids National Assembly Program. This hysterical, unique and high energy show focused on teaching children in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade how to be a star student and person. It also taught them the importance of character, life skills, and keeping Jesus as the most important role model. Giggles, chuckles and laughs were heard as students enjoyed the live stand-up comedy in this age-appropriate and interactive show. Thank you Mrs. Fernandez for organizing this fun and educational event for the children. Due by April 29th
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