Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Vigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario August 16, 2015 Unless you eat the lesh of the Son of Man and drinks his blood, you do not have life within you.—John 6:53 Si no comen la carne del Hijo del hombre y no beben su sangre, no podrán tener vida en ustedes.—Juaa 6:53 Save the Dates… Guarde La Fecha... Saint Clement Parish Festival 2015 Saturday September 26th: 9:30am—8pm Sunday, September 27th: 9am—5pm It is that time of year again! Time to share our Time, Talent, and Treasures! Time to get ready for our only major fundraiser in our parish. St. Clement invites all of your families and friends to enjoy a weekend of fun filled with game booths, prizes for children, food booths, and live entertainment on stage. Some ways you can share your TIME, TALENT, AND TREASURE: Volunteers: to help set up, clean up, and break down, 3 hour shifts available during the weekend. Contact Janette Thompson. Phone: 510-582-7282 ext. 8 or [email protected] Voluntarios: para ayudar a establecer, limpiar, y des-ensamblar, en turnos de 3 horas. Contacto Janette Thompson. Phone 510-582-7282 ext. 8 or [email protected] Festival Booth Sponsors: If you would like to be a sponsor and display your business or family name on one of our booths please fill out a form and bring it to the parish office. The cost to be a festival sponsor is $200. Contact: Kevin Virrey 510-582-7282 ext. 0 [email protected] Festival Patrocinador de Puesto: si quiere ser patrocinador de puesto como negocio o familia, favor de contactar nuestra oficina. El cost de ser un patrocinador es $200. Contacto: Kevin Virrey 510-582-7282 ext. 0 [email protected] READINGS FOR THE WEEK/LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA: Sun/Dom: Prv 9:1-6; Ps 34:2-7; Eph 5:15-20; Jn 6:51-58 Mon/Lun: Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44; Mt 19:16-22 Tues/Mar: Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Wed/Miér: Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Thur/Jue: Jgs 11:29-39a; Ps 40:5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14 Fri/Vier: Ru 1:1,3-6, 14b-16, 22; ps 146:5-10; Mt 22:34-40 Sat/Sab: Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Ps 128:1b-5; Mt 23:1-12 Next Sunday’s Readings/ Lecturas del próximo Domingo: Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Ps 34:2-3, 16-21; Eph 5:21-32[2a, 25 -32]; Jn 6:60-69 Haz la prueba y verás qué Bueno es el Señor. St. Clement Festival Car Raffle This year we will be raffling a fully-loaded 2015 Nissan Rogue SUV during the Parish Festival weekend of September 26 & 27. Raffle tickets are available for purchase for $25 each. Cash, check, and credit cards will be accepted before and after each mass, or through the Parish Office. Only 7000 tickets have been printed, get your tickets before they sell out. The car will be displayed each weekend before and after each mass. Thank you Premier Nissan of Fremont. Este año estaremos rifando un 2015 Nissan Rogue SUV totalmente equipado durante el fin de semana del Festival Parroquial del 26 y 27 de septiembre.Los Boletos de la rifa están a la venta por $ 25 cada uno. Efectivo, Cheque, y tarjetas de crédito serán aceptadas antes y después de cada misa, o en la Oficina Parroquial . Sólo 7, 000 boletos se han impreso, consiga sus boletos antes que se agoten . El auto se mostrará cada fin de semana antes y después de cada misa. Gracias a Premier Nissan de Fremont. Faith Formation Registration Registro en Formación de Fe La inscripción está abierta durante todo el Registration is verano en para Foropen all summer mación de Fe, Minfor Faith Foristerio Juvenil, la mation, Youth Confirmación y RIMinistry, ConCA para adultos por firmation, and el año 2015- 2016. RCIA for adults for the 2015 Usted puede recoger una - 2016 year. You may pickup a form from our par- forma de nuestra oficina ish office or download them parroquial o descargarlos e and print from our website. imprimirlos de nuestro sitio web. Registration After Mass: Inscripción después la Sunday, Aug. 16 misa: 8am—2pm outside Domingo, 16 de Agosto McCollum Hall. 8am—2pm afuera el salón de McCollum. First Day of Class (English): Sunday: August 30th 9am—10:40am in the School. First Day of Class (Spanish): Saturday: August 22nd 9:30am –12pm in the school. Summer Concert Festival Dear Friends, Due to some new requirements imposed by the City of Hayward, we regret to inform you that we will need to postpone our Summerfest Musical Concert with Ms. Lani Misalucha to October 3, 2015. All tickets already purchased for the event will be honored at the new date. All sponsors and donors who already made their pledges will also be honored. We would personally like to extend our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. Primer Dia de Clase (Español): Sábado, 22 de Agosto 9:30am—12pm en la escuela. Primer Dia de Clase (Inglés): Domingo, 30 de Agosto 9am-10:40am in the School. Youth Confirmation Registration: Youth Ministry and Youth Confirmation registration is available online. Please go to: or (and follow the link to register) Registro para Confirmación de Jóvenes: Registración para el Ministerio de Jóvenes y Confirmación está disponible en línea . Por favor, vaya a: o ( y siga el enlace para registrarse) Scan Bar Code You may also scan the barcode to register for Youth Confirmation and Youth Ministry. También puede escanear el código de barras para registrar para Confirmación de Jóvenes. First Day Youth Ministry / Primer Dia Ministerio de Jóvenes: Tuesday, Sept. 1st at 7pm in the Church. Martes, 1 de Septiembre a las 7pm in la iglesia. First Day Confirmation / Primer Dia Confirmación: Sunday Sept. 13th at 4pm in the Church. Domingo, 13 de Septiembre a las 4pm in la iglesia. Like us on facebook... saintclementparish Thank You and Farewell Our Music and Liturgy Director for the last 13 years Allen del Rosario will be leaving in September. There will be an appreciation and sending off party Sunday, Aug. 30th at 2pm here at St. Clement. Everyone is invited to say thank you and farewell. Religious Order Jubilarian Celebration Saturday, August 22, 10:00am The Cathedral of Christ the Light 2121 Harrison Street Oakland, CA On Saturday, August 22nd at the Cathedral, as part of the “Year of Consecrated Life,” Bishop Michael C. Barber, S.J. will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving for the all Religiouis and especially Religious Order Jubilarians in the diocese. All are invited to attend to thank these Religious and the Jubilarians for their years of service in the Diocese of Oakland. Bulletin Deadline: Any items for the bulletin must be in by Monday, at 3pm to be consider ed for publication. Fecha límite para el Boletín: Cualquier artículo para el boletín deben entregarse el lunes a las 3pm para ser considerado para su publicación. Registration in Parish & Welcome to Newcomers: For all those who wish to become members of the parish, registration will be Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 10:00am in Fran Wright Hall. Registro en la Parroquia y Bienvenido Nuevos: Para todos quellos que dessen convertirse en miembros de la parroquia registros serán sábado, 19 de septiembre, a las 10:00am en el salon de Fran Wright. St. Clement 6 Mission Church Pilgrimage to Solvang: Would you like to do a pilgrimage to California’s oldest churches and cathedrals? Date of Trip: September 12th and 13th Price: $275 four double occupancy or $300 for a single room, all-inclusive with guided tours of each church and mission, all meals, tips, and taxes. Each ticket sold $25 goes back to St. Clement Parish. San Clemente tendra una peregrinación a la Ciudad de Solvang, para visitor Las 6 Iglesias de las Misiones: Te gustaria hacer una peregrinacion a las mas antiguas Iglesias y Catedrales de Fecha de Peregrinación: 12 y 13 de Septiembre Costo: $275 por dos personas o $300 por una sola persona. Este Precio incluye: El Guia para visistar las Iglesias y Misiones, comida, propina y los impuestos. Por cada Where we are going: In the pilgrimage we will first learn about boleto vendido Nuestra Parroquia resibira $25.00. Blessed Junipero Serra down the original El Camino Real, then En la Peregrinacion con rumbo a El Camino Real aprenderemos visit Mission Soledad, Mission and sobre el Bendito Junipero Serra. Despues se visitara la Mision de Pre-Cathedral San Luis Obispo, Mission La Purisima in Lompoc, Soledad, La Semi Catedral y Mision de San Luis Obispo, la Mision Danish Village of Solvang, Mission Santa Inez in Solvang, Mission de la Purisima en Lompoc, El pueblo Danes de Solvang, La Mision San Miguel, and Mission Santa Clara. de Santa Ines en Solvang, la Mision de San Miguel y la Mision de Santa Clara. Please see the flyer at the doors or contact Para mas información contacto Violeta Lantin-Sosa Violeta Lantin Sosa 510-673-4118 [email protected] 510-673-4118 or [email protected] First Responders Invited to Blue Mass Friday, Oct. 9, 10am The Cathedral of Christ The Light 2121 Harrison St. Oakland, CA All Police, Fire, and other First Responders and their families are invited to attend this interfaith service of Mass, prayers and blessings. Bishop Michael C. Barber, S.J. will be the principal celebrant. The public is invited to come and support these public safety officers with prayers for their safety and thanksgiving for their service. More details go to Contact: Fr. Helmut Richter 925-382-8186 [email protected] Fr. Jayson Landeza 510-917-0125 [email protected] Denise Kogler 510-271-1935 [email protected] Eucharistic Congress CONGRESO EUCARÍSTICO The Diocese of Oakland is inviting everyone to participate in the Eucharistic Congress in Cebu, Philippines January 22nd – February 7th, 2016. This is an opportunity to understand and celebrate the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharistic and tour the Philippines. For more information please see information in our bulletin boards. La Diócesis de Oakland está invitando a todos a participar en el Congreso Eucarístico en Cebu, Filipinas del 22 de enero al 7 de febrero del 2016. Esta es una oportunidad para comprender y celebrar la presencia del Señor Jesucristo en la Santa Eucaristía y recorrer las Filipinas. Para obtener más información, por favor vea el poster a la entrada de la iglesia. Pilgrimage of Our Lady of Namacpacan (Patroness of La Union) Eucharistic Mass, Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 10:30am Our Lady of Peace Church 2800 Mission Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95054 Capital Campaign Goal/ Meta de la Campaña Capital Diocese Goal / Meta Diocesana: $65 Million Dollars Parish Goal / Meta Parroquial: $550,962.41 Goal is for the next 4 years. La Meta es por 4 años. (2015—2018) Amount Pledged to date: $436,997.84 (St. Clement) Funds raised of goal: 79.32 % Number of Pledges : 249 Families (As of 8/12/15) MASS INTENTIONS/INTENCIONES de la MISA: WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS Date Time Mass Intention Date Time Ministry / Event 8/15/15 Sat. 5pm Jacinta C. Denoga + Jesus Alfante + Delia Nicholas (Health) Sun-08/16 All Masses Mass (8am, 9:30am, MH 11am, 12:30pm, 6:30pm) Mon-08/17 8am 9:30am 11am 8am 5pm Mass Confirmation Interviews MH 8/16/15 Sun. Tues-08/18 8am Mass Stewardship Committee MH PC-CR Wed-08/19 8:30am 6:30pm Mass Esperanza Viva/ Gpo. De Oracion Confirmation Interviews MH MH Mass Confirmation Interviews MH MH MH 7pm Mass Esperanza Viva/ Gpo. De Oracion Festival Meeting 8am 9am 9am 9:30am 11:30am 10am 3:30pm 5pm Mass School Board Retreat Legion of Mary Catechist In Service (Eng.) School Board Retreat Baptisms (Spanish) Confessions Mass MH FWH PC-CR PC-MP All Masses Mass (8am, 9:30am, MH 11am, 12:30pm, 6:30pm) Gloria Cariaga + For The People Of God Maria & Paulina Manalastas + Pablo Gomez Jr. + Olivia Varner + Pacita Cabanayan + 12:30pm Benjamin Ruelas + Francisco & Hermelinda Basurto + Ernesto Gamillo + Vertha Vurgos + 6:30pm Mike Cruz + 8/17/15 Mon. 8am Susan A. Lachica + 8/18/15 Tues. 8am Claria Chafick Beainy + 8/19/15 Weds. 8:30am Rose Naranja (B’Day) Catalina C. Verdan + Domingo B. Bobilla Sr. + Randy Bobilla + 5pm Thurs-08/20 8am Fri- 08/21 Sat– 08/22 8/20/15 Thurs. 8am 8/21/15 Fri. 8am 8/22/15 Sat. 8am Ramon A. Astom Jr. + STEWARDSHIP/ CORRESPONDENCIA: WEEKLY GOAL/META SEMANAL: 10,000.00 FIRST COLLECTION/ PRIMERA COLECTA: “Your Obligation/Su Obligación: $7,601.00 8/9/15 SECOND COLLECTION/SEGUNDA COLECTA: “Your Generosity/Su Generosidad: $1,303.00 8/9/15 (Debt Reduction) “NO bites - “$10 or more to 1st Collection” “NO bites - $5 or more to 2nd Collection” Please… remember your Parish in your will. Por favor… recuerda a tu Parroquia en tu testamento. Saint Clement Catholic School will be back in session after summer break. First day of school is Tuesday, August 18th. Church Roof Renovation Thank you for your patience during the renovation of our Church Roof. We will be celebrating mass in McCollum Hall until the completion of the project. Sun-08/23 8am 6:30pm Place PC-MPCR PC-MPCR PC-MPCR PC-MP MH MH MH PRAY FOR THE SICK/ OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS… Nesta Wellington, Belina Dominguez, Deacon Manuel Moya,Bob Rush, William Ylanan, Myron Weber, Gerald Wilkom, Nila Kearney, Concepcion Prestoza, Ester Arellano, Jose Luis Ramirez, George Galanido, Colleen O’Connor, Alma Acu, Juanita Estella, Pedro Suarez, Llana Ganal, Gloria Desouza, Baylon Pererra, Kathy Peterson, Doris Peterson, Molly A. Moniz, Pete Villanueva, Francisco Garcia, Steven Uyeda, Fe Maravilla, Anhk Goodson, Richard Haack, Leocario Hernandez, Wayne Robinson, Helen Keller, Andrea Dizon, Mari Cardona, Arthur Gonzalez, Leo Vigil, Josephine Hamaker, Carrie Rodriguez, Raymond Cabral, Henry Pereira, Norberto Dimaano, Fr. Vincent Brylka, Patricia McConnell, Sophia Garcia, Rufina Mora, Rosy Pereira, Peg Connelly, Amelia Garcia, Ernesto Pagkalinawan, Judy McKenny, Oscar Penaflor, Augustine Morales, Sylvia Ramirez, Juanita Estrelles, Richard Boles, Dennis/Maritas Cruzada, Cherry A. Cruzada, Nelia Quintos, Gerardo Ramos, Dolores Maldonado, Ann Georgia Crystal, Candida Tiglao, Jane Willkom, Lupe Orozco, Sergio Reta Jr., Anne Rogers, Cordilia Jaramillo. PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED/OREMOS POR LOS FALLECIDOS…
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