【2014/2015】 International Development Professional Training Program (IDPTP) 講義スケジュール/Lecture Schedule 講義日 Date 講義時間 Time 10:00-10:15 開催場所 Venue GRIPS コース Course Guidance 講師 Lecturer 松本 朋哉 Tomoya Matsumoto ―――――――― 荒木 要 Kaname Araki 2014/ 8/ 9 (Sat) 10:15-17:30 2014/ 9/ 20 (Sat) 13:00-14:30 14:45-16:15 10:30-12:00 GRIPS GRIPS GRIPS MED Virginia Sorrells 所属 (2014年6月現在) Affiliation & Title (As of June 2013) 内容 Content 政策研究大学院大学 助教授 Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute for Policy Studies ―――――――― Opening Remarks and Guidance 外務省国際協力局政策課 企画官 Senior Coordinator, Aid Policy and Management Division International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 一般財団法人国際教育振興会 日米会話学院 Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin ----------------東京大学・日米会話学院講師、NHKワールドエディター・ Self-Introductions, Interviews, Simple Debates ナレーター Lecturer at Tokyo University and Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin, Narrator at NHK LAW 河原 節子 Setsuko Kawahara 一橋大学法学研究科 教授 /元外務省国際協力局 元緊急・人道支援課長 Professor, Hitotsubashi University / Former Director, Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Relief Division, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ODA 大塚 啓二郎 Keijiro Otsuka ―――――――― *窪田博之 Hiroyuki Kubota 政策研究大学院大学 特別教授 Senior Professor, Graduate Institute for Policy Studies サブサハラアフリカにおける農業発展戦略 ―――――――― Strategy for Agricultural Development in Sub*外務省大臣官房ODA評価室 上席専門官 Saharan Africa ODA Evaluation Division, Minister's Secretariat, MOFA 園部 哲史 Tetsushi Sonobe ―――――――― *及川 美穂 Miho Oikawa 政策研究大学院大学 教授 Professor, Graduate Institute for Policy Studies ―――――――― *JICA 産業開発・公共政策部 民間セクターグループ 第一チーム 特別嘱託 Special Advisor, Private Sector Development Group Industrial Development and Public Policy Department JICA 2014/ 11/ 8 (Sat) 13:30-15:00 2014/ 11/ 15 (Sat) 10:30-12:00 13:00-14:30 GRIPS GRIPS ODA Asian Century: a Myth or Reality 1: Sources of growth and Measurements of sources of growth 2: Globalization Strategies and Poverty Reduction LEC Kaliappa Kalirajan 2014/ 11/ 22 (Sat) 10:30-12:00 13:00-14:30 GRIPS LEC 2014/ 11/ 29 (Sat) 10:00-16:30 GRIPS MED 2014/ 12/ 6 (Sat) 10:00-16:30 GRIPS MED 2014/ 12/ 13 (Sat) 10:00-16:30 GRIPS MED 2015/ 1/ 24 (Sat) 9:30-18:00 The Canon Institute for Global Studies 10:30-12:00 2014/ 3/ 21 (Sat) 12:15-13:00 (20 minutes) NEG LEC GRIPS 13:45-15:15 INT LEC LEC Virginia Sorrells 一般財団法人国際教育振興会 日米会話学院 Workshop Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin ----------------東京大学・日米会話学院講師、NHKワールドエディター・ Workshop ナレーター Lecturer at Tokyo University and Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin, Workshop Narrator at NHK 宮家 邦彦氏 Kunihiko Miyake (財)キャノン・グローバル戦略研究所 The Canon Institute for Global Studies ----------------研究主幹 Research Director John Page ブルッキングス研究所 上席研究員 元世界銀行 チーフエコノミスト Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank (Internship report session) John Page John Page 12:15-13:00 2014/ 3/ 28 (Sat) (20 minutes) (20 minutes) 13:45-15:15 15:30-16:15 GRIPS INT LEC Professor, The Australian National University 3: Are Corporate Retail Outlets hindrance to the survival of Unorganized Retail Outlets? 4: South Asia-East Asia Integration 15:30-16:15 10:30-12:00 産業発展のプロセスと戦略 Process and Strategy of Industrial Development ブルッキングス研究所 上席研究員 元世界銀行 チーフエコノミスト Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank ブルッキングス研究所 上席研究員 元世界銀行 チーフエコノミスト Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank シュミレーション・ゲーム Role-Play Workshop Topic 1: Developmetn, Growth, Jobs and Poverty 1: Thinking about Development Discussion-1 (Place of Internship) Geneva, Switzerland 2: Looking for Decent Work: Employment and Labor Markets in Developing Countries Discussion-2 Topic 2: Aid and the Post-2015 Agenda 3: How Effective is Aid? Discussion-3 (Internship report session) - (Place of Internship) Champasak, Lao PDR (Internship report session) - (Place of Internship ) Bangalore, India John Page ブルッキングス研究所 上席研究員 元世界銀行 チーフエコノミスト Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 4: Whither Aid? Discussion-4 【2013/2014】 International Development Professional Training Program (IDPTP) 講義スケジュール/Lecture Schedule 講義日 Date 講義時間 Time 開催場所 Venue コース Course 講師 Lecturer 所属 (2013年6月現在) Affiliation & Title (As of June 2013) 13:30-13:45 GRIPS Guidance ― ― 内容 Content 一橋大学法学研究科 教授 /元外務省国際協力局 元緊急・人道支援課長 1: Humanitarian Assistance - Basic framework and new Professor, Hitotsubashi University trend / Former Director, Humanitarian Assistance and 2: Humanitarian Assistance - The role of military Emergency Relief Division, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2013/7/27 (Sat) 13:45-15:15 15:30-17:00 GRIPS LAW 河原 節子氏 Setsuko Kawahara (Ms.) 2013/9/21 (Sat) 10:30-14:30 GRIPS LEC John Page (Mr.) Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 1: How Economists Think About Growth and Development? 2: Rediscovering Structural Change. 2013/9/28 (Sat) 10:30-14:30 GRIPS LEC John Page (Mr.) Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 2013/10/5 (Sat) 10:30-14:30 GRIPS LEC John Page (Mr.) Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 3: Measuring Poverty and Inequality 4: Growth, Income Distribution, and Poverty Reduction 5: Employment and Labor Markets in Developing Countries Interactive Session 1: New Objectives for Global Development? 10:30-12:00 GRIPS LEC John Page (Mr.) Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 12:15-12:45 GRIPS (Internship report session) ― (Place of Internship) JICA Sudan Office (Internship report session) ― (Place of Internship) Philippines Institute for Development Studies (PDIS) INT 2013/10/12 (Sat) 6: Learning by Exporting 12:45-13:15 GRIPS 13:20-14:50 GRIPS LEC John Page (Mr.) Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 2013/10/19 (Sat) 10:30-14:30 GRIPS LEC John Page (Mr.) Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 2013/10/26 (Sat) 10:30-14:30 GRIPS LEC John Page (Mr.) Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 10:30-12:00 GRIPS ODA 岡村 邦夫氏 Kunio Okamura (Mr.) 国際協力機構(JICA) 上級審議役 Senior Special Advisor of JICA Current Discussion around Development Assistance and JICA 原子力規制委員会委員/元国際連合日本政府 代表部特命全権大使/元(独)国際協力機構 (JICA)副理事長 Commissioner ,Nuclear Regulation Authority, NRA/Former Under-Secretary-General, the United Nations (in charge of humanitarian affairs)/Former Senior Vice-President, Japan International Cooperation Agency Civil Nuclear Development - Fukushima Accident, Problems and Challenges - 2013/11/16 (Sat) 7: Trade in Tasks 8: What Are Firm Capabilities, and Why Do They Matter? 9: Agglomeration Economies and Clusters 10: Attracting Industry - The Role of Public Policy Interactive Session 2: How Fragile is Africa’s Recent Growth? 13:30-15:00 GRIPS ODA 大島 賢三氏 Kenzo Oshima (Mr.) 2013/11/30 (Sat) 10:00-17:30 GRIPS MED ― (財)NHK放送研修センター NHK-Communications Training Institute Lecture 1: Relevant Relation Between Media and Government Lecture 2: Art of Persuasion 2013/12/3 (Tue) 10:00-17:30 NHK CTI MED ― (財)NHK放送研修センター NHK-Communications Training Institute Workshop 1: Secrecy Bill 2013/12/10 (Tue) 10:00-17:30 NHK CTI MED ― (財)NHK放送研修センター NHK-Communications Training Institute Workshop 2: Restarting the Kasiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant 2013/12/17 (Tue) 10:00-17:30 NHK CTI MED ― (財)NHK放送研修センター NHK-Communications Training Institute Workshop 3: Trans Pacific Partnership 2013/12/21 (Sat) 13:00-18:30 GRIPS MED ― (財)NHK放送研修センター NHK-Communications Training Institute Lecture 3: Effective Communication for News Reporting 2014/1/18 (Sat) 10:00-18:00 The Canon Institute for Global Studies NEG 宮家 邦彦氏 Kunihiko Miyake (Mr.) (財)キャノン・グローバル戦略研究所 研究主 幹 Research Director, The Canon Institute for Global Studies Workshop: Maritime Maze over Mosconesia 2014/2/22 (Sat) 10:30-14:30 GRIPS LEC John Page (Mr.) Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 1: Where has all the Education Gone? 2: Governance ? Panacea or Nostrum 2014/3/1 (Sat) 10:30-14:30 GRIPS LEC John Page (Mr.) Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 3: The Risks of Natural Resources 4: Avoiding the Resource Curse 2014/3/8 (Sat) 10:30-14:30 GRIPS LEC John Page (Mr.) Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 5: Managing a Modest Boom: the Case of Uganda 6: Discussion Session: A Country Strategy for Tanzania 2014/3/15 (Sat) 10:30-14:30 GRIPS LEC John Page (Mr.) Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 7: The Role of Finance in Development 8: Financial Strategy and Policy 10:30-12:00 GRIPS LEC John Page (Mr.) Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 9: Global Finance and the Developing Countries 12:15-12:45 GRIPS 2014/3/22 (Sat) 2014/3/29 (Sat) (Internship report session) ― (Place of Internship) ドイツ開発政策研究所/ German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik(DIE) (Internship report session) ― (Place of Internship) JICA ZAMBIA Office INT 12:45-13:15 GRIPS 13:20-14:50 GRIPS LEC John Page (Mr.) Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 10: How Effective is Aid? 10:30-14:30 GRIPS LEC John Page (Mr.) Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank 11: Three African Futures 12: Discussion Session: Wither Aid? 【2012-2013】 International Development Professional Training Program (IDPTP) 講義スケジュール/Lecture Schedule 講義日時 Date & Time 2012/8/18(Sat) 10:00- コース Course 講師 Lecturer 所属 (2013年1月現在) Affiliation & Title (As of January 2013) 内容 Content Language Lecture "International Humanitarian Law and Challenges to ICRC’s Operation" EN LAW Vincent Nicod (Mr.) 赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)駐日事務所 代表 Head of Mission, International Committee of the Red Cross 2012/8/18(Sat) 13:30 - ODA 浅沼 信爾氏 Shinji Asanuma (Mr.) 一橋大学 国際・公共政策大学院 アジア公共政策プログラム 客員教授 Visiting Professor, Asian Public Policy Program, School of International and Public Policy, Hitotsubashi University Lecture "Journey Towards Development" EN 2012/8/25(Sat) 10:00- BUS 長谷川 康司氏 Koji Hasegawa (Mr.) 元首都高速道路代表取締役会長兼CEO Former CEO & Chairman, Metropolitan Expressway Co. Ltd. Lecture "My Experience in Privatization of the Metropolitan Expressway Public Corporation" EN 2012/9/8 (Sat) 13:30 - ODA 大島 賢三氏 Kenzo Oshima (Mr.) 国際協力機構(JICA)顧問/元国連大使 Advisor to the President, JICA/Former Ambassador to the UN Lecture "Natural Disasters and International Cooperation" EN 2012/9/8(Sat) 16:00- LAW 河原 節子氏 Setsuko Kawahara(Ms.) 世界平和研究所 主席研究員/ 元外務省国際協力局 元緊急・人道支援課長 Senior Research Fellow, Institute for International Policy Studies Lecture "Evolving Humanitarian EN Assistance and Its Recent Challenges" 2012/9/22-11/3 (Almost Every Saturday) LEC (First John Page (Mr.) Term) 2012/10/6 (Sat) 13:30 - ODA 松浦 晃一郎氏 Koichiro Matsuura (Mr.) Lecture "世界遺産の今後 (The Future 元ユネスコ事務局長、日仏会館理事 EN President, French-Japanese House, Former Director-General of UNESCO of World Heritage)" 2012/10/13 (Sat) 10:00- MED 小野 由美子氏 Yumiko Ono (Ms.) ウォールストリート・ジャーナル日本語版編集長 Chief Editor, The Wall Street Journal (Japan Edition) Lecture "From Dot Drawings to Streaming Videos: WSJ in the Internet EN Era" 2012/11/17 (Sat) 10:00- ODA 平岡 洋氏 Hiroshi Hiraoka (Mr.) CARD事務局調整官 Coordinator, Coalition for African Rice Development (CARD) Coalition for African Rice Development EN -Creating a platform for synergies 加藤 幹之氏 Masanobu Kato (Mr.) Intellectual Ventures 日本総代表兼エグゼクティブ・バイス・プレジデント /元富士通総研株式会社 専務取締役 Executive Vice President & Country Head of Japan, Intellectual Ventures Management / Former Chairman and Representative Director, Fujitsu Research Institute Tow IPs -- Open v. Closed, Intellectual EN Property for Business Development 荒川 博人氏 Hiroto Arakawa (Mr.) 独立行政法人国際協力機構 理事 Vice-President, Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA) Changing Landscape of Development Paradigm EN 氏家 純一氏 Junichi Ujiie (Mr.) 野村ホールディングス株式会社 常任顧問 Senior Advisor to the Nomura Holdings /Former President and CEO of both Nomura Securities and Holdings Financial System and Economic Performance EN 藤山 智彦氏 Tomohiko Fujiyama (Mr.) 三菱商事株式会社 執行役員 コーポレート担当役員補佐 Senior Vice Presidents, Senior Assistant to Corporate Functional Officer, Mitsubishi Co. Ltd. Lecture "The Roles and Contribution of Sogo-Shosha in Developing Countries ~Cases from Mitsubishi Corporation~" JP(English simultaneous interpretation provided) 長 有紀枝氏 Yukie Osa (Ms.) (特活)難民を助ける会理事長、立教大学大学院21世紀社会デザイン研究 Lecture "How to Meet the Special 科教授 Chairperson of the Board, Association for Aid and Relief, Japan/ Needs of Victims of Armed Conflicts" Professor, Graduate School of Social Studies, Rikkyo University EN 今井 義典氏 Yoshinori Imai (Mr.) 元NHK副会長/元ABU会長, 立命館大学客員教授 Former Executive Vice President of Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK); Former President of Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union; Visiting Professor, Ritsumeikan University EN 佐藤 俊行氏 Toshiyuki Sato (Mr.) NHK放送総局特別主幹/元NHK国際放送局局長 Special Controller, General Broadcasting Administration, Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK); Former Director‐General, NHK International Planning & Broadcasting <Media Training> EN 島田 久仁彦氏 Kunihiko Shimada (Mr.) 環境省参与、KS International Strategies, Inc. 代表取締役社長 Special Advisor to the Minister of the Environment-Japan; Chief Executive <Media Training> Officer, CEO-KS International Strategies, Inc. EN 堀江 正彦氏 Masahiko Horie (Mr.) 外務省 地球環境問題担当大使 (2013年1月現在) Ambassador for Global Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (As of January 2013) Lecture "Diplomatic Negotiation and Media" EN Virginia Sorrells (Ms.) 東京大学・日米会話学院講師、NHKワールドエディター・ナレータ Lecturer at The University of Tokyo and Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin (IEC International Education Center), News editor and narrator NHK World <Media Training> Lecture "Art of Persuasion" EN Keith McPhalen (Mr.) 学習院大学講師、NHKワールドエディター・ナレーター Lecturer at Gakushuin University, News editor and narrator NHK World 長尾 香里氏 Kaori Nagao (Ms.) NHK国際放送局ニュース制作部専任記者 Senior Reporter, NHK World Lecture "News Gathering and Reporting" EN 宮家 邦彦氏 Kunihiko Miyake (Mr.) (財)キャノン・グローバル戦略研究所 研究主幹 Research Director, The Canon Institute for Global Studies Role Playing Work Shop “Military Maze in Mosconesia” EN Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Bank Developing Countries In the Global Economy: Opportunities, Constraints and Public Policy : Development for People and Finance for Development EN 2012/12/24 (Sat) 13:30 - BUS 2012/12/8(Sat) 10:00- ODA 2012/12/8(Sat) 13:30 - BUS 2012/12/15 (Sat) 10:00- 2013/1/12 (Sat) 13:30 - 2013/1/ 14(Mon)-18(Fri) 2013/2/16 (Sat) 10:00- 2013/2/23-3/30 (Every Saturday) BUS LAW MED NEG LEC (Second John Page (Mr.) Term) Developing Countries In the Global Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution / Former Chief Economist, World Economy: Opportunities, Constraints Bank and Public Policy :Trade and Industry Lecture "Trade Secrets " <Media Training> EN EN 【2011-2012】 International Development Professional Training Program (IDPTP) 講義スケジュール/Lecture Schedule 講義日時 Date & Time コース Course 講師 Lecturer 所属 (2012年3月現在) Affiliation & Title (As of March 2012) 内容 Content Language 2012/1/21(Sat) 13:00- LAW 長嶺 義宣氏 Yoshinobu Nagamine (Mr.) 赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)駐日事務所 代表 Head of Mission, International Committee of the Red Cross Lecture "ICRC Activities: Challenges and Prospects" EN 2012/2/4(Sat) 10:40- BUS 金森 茂氏 Shigeru Kanamori (Mr.) (株)金森製作所 社長 President, Kanamori Seisakusho, Co. Ltd. 講義:波乱万丈の経営 JP LAW 谷口 誠氏 Makoto Taniguchi (Mr.) JICA総務部安全管理室長 Director, Office for Security Management General Affairs Department, JICA Lecture "Security Management " JP(English simultaneous interpretation provided) 2012/2/18(Sat) 13:30‐ LAW 河原 節子氏 Setsuko Kawahara (Ms.) 世界平和研究所 主席研究員/元外務省国際協力局 元緊急・人道支援課長 Senior Research Fellow, Institute for International Policy Studies Lecture "Humanitarian Assistance in Diplomacy, Humanitarian Assistance - EN the role of military-" 2012/2/24(Sat) 13:00- ODA 福山 穣氏 Yutaka Fukuyama (Mr.) (社)中部産業連盟理事/国際研修部長 Director, Central Japan Industrial Association (ChuSanRen) Lecture "Quintessence of KAIZEN" EN 2012/2/25(Sat) 10:40- BUS 長谷川 康司氏 Koji Hasegawa (Mr.) 元首都高速道路代表取締役会長兼CEO Former CEO & Chairman, Metropolitan Expressway Co. Ltd. 講義:首都高 官から民へ 「Years with Toyota」 JP 今井 義典氏 Yoshinori Imai (Mr.) 元NHK副会長、立命館大学客員教授 Lecture "Trade Secrets -Coping with Former Executive Vice President of Japan Broadcasting Corporation EN Media" (NHK); Visiting Professor, Ritsumeikan University 道傳 愛子氏 Aiko Doden (Ms.) Lecture "The Meaning of the “Asian NHK解説委員 Senior News Commentator of Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) Voices”" EN 西村 六善氏 Mutsuyoshi Nishimura (Mr.) 元地球環境問題担当大使 Former Ambassador for Global Environmental Affairs Lecture "Media and Diplomacy" EN NHK放送総局特別主幹/元NHK国際放送局局長 Special Controller, General Broadcasting Administration, Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK); Former Director‐General, NHK International Planning & Broadcasting Lecture "Media: Friend or Enemy?" EN 2012/2/18(Sat) 10:00- 2012/3/4 (Sun)7 (Wed) 佐藤 俊行氏 MED Toshiyuki Sato (Mr.) Virginia Sorrells (Ms.) 東京大学・日米会話学院講師、NHKワールドエディター・ナレータ Lecturer at The University of Tokyo and Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin (IEC International Education Center), News editor and narrator NHK World <Media Training> EN Keith McPhalen (Mr.) 学習院大学講師、NHKワールドエディター・ナレーター Lecturer at Gakushuin University, News editor and narrator NHK World <Media Training> EN 長尾 香里氏 Kaori Nagao (Ms.) NHK放送局記者 Reporter of Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) Lecture "News Gathering and Reporting" EN EN 2012/3/10(Sat) 13:00- ODA 高須 幸雄氏 Yukio Takasu (Mr.) 元国連大使/GRIPS特任教授 Former Ambassador to the UN/Project Professor at GRIPS 講義:「国連のシステムについて」 2012/3/17 (Sat) 10:00- NEG 宮家 邦彦氏 Kunihiko Miyake (Mr.) (財)キャノン・グローバル戦略研究所 研究主幹 Research Director, The Canon Institute for Global Studies Role Playing Work Shop“Misconduct in EN Mosconesia” 2012/3/24(Sat) 13:00- BUS 安居 祥策氏 Shosaku Yasui (Mr.) ㈱日本政策金融公庫総裁/元帝人(株)会長 Governor & CEO, Japan Finance Corporation, Former Chairman of Teijin Co. Ltd. 講義:日本政策金融公庫の概要・経営 JP 改革、日本の会社経営と将来について 2012/3/24(Sat) 14:45- 松浦 晃一郎氏 ODA Koichiro Matsuura (Mr.) 日仏会館理事長/元ユネスコ事務局長 President, French-Japanese House, Former Director-General of UNESCO Lecture "What are Important Issues to obtain Positions in the United EN Nations?"
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