2015 International Student Handbook 留学生ハンドブック Keio University International Center 慶應義塾大学 国際センター ࡣࡌࡵ ᮏࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡࡣ㸪␃Ꮫ⏕ࡀ᠕⩏ሿᏛ࡛␃Ꮫ⏕άࢆ㏦ࡿ࠶ࡓࡗ࡚ཧ⪃࡞ࡿ㡯┠ ࢆྲྀࡾୖࡆ㸪ࡑࡢᴫ␎ࡘ࠸࡚ࡲࡵࡓࡶࡢ࡛ࡍࠋࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢ㡯┠ࡢヲ⣽ࡸ᭱᪂ሗࡘ ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪ᮏࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡグ㍕ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ⏝ㄒࡸ࣮࣮࢟࣡ࢻࢆཧ⪃㸪ᡤᒓࡍࡿᏛ㒊࣭◊ ✲⛉ࡸྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ࡛㓄ᕸࡉࢀࡿᒚಟෆࡸሿ⏕ྥࡅ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ㸪ᥖ♧ᯈ➼࡛☜ㄆࡋ࡚ ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ࡲࡓ㸪Ꮫ㒊ࡢ᪂ධ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡣ㸪ධᏛ๓㏦ࡉࢀࡓࠕሿ⏕ෆ㸦CLAMVS GLADIO FORTIOR㸧2015ࠖࡶᚲࡎࡼࡃㄞࢇ࡛ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ How to use this handbook: This handbook summarizes helpful information that you will need while studying at Keio University as an international student. You can find the latest information on bulletin boards, websites for Keio University students, and in the course registration guides distributed by your faculty, graduate school, or campus using the terms in this handbook as keywords. First-year students must also read “Student Information: CLAMVS GLADIO FORTIOR 2015” carefully. A copy has been sent to you by the Keio University Admissions Center. ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮᪥ᮏㄒ࣭᪥ᮏᩥᩍ⫱ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ ᪥ᮏㄒ࣭᪥ᮏᩥᩍ⫱ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ ົᐊ ᥖ♧ᯈ㸪࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ㸪Ꮫ:HEࢩࢫࢸ࣒ Ꮫ⏕ㄯヰᐊ ᅾ␃㈨᱁ ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡣ ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ࣭ᅾ␃⟶⌮ไᗘ ㈨᱁እάື㸦ࣝࣂࢺ㸧 ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡢኚ᭦ ᅾ␃ᮇ㛫ࡢ᭦᪂ ධᅜチྍ ᐙ᪘ࡢࡧᐤࡏ㸦ᐙ᪘ᅾࣅࢨ㸧 ᖐᅜ‽ഛࡢࡓࡵࡢᅾ␃ᮇ㛫᭦᪂ ධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ࠾ࡼࡧ࡞ฟᙇᡤෆ ఫᒃ㸦Ꮫෆ࡛⏦ㄳ࡛ࡁࡿᐟ⯋㸧 ␃Ꮫ⏕⏝ᐟ⯋ ᪥ྜྷᐤᐟ⯋Ꮫ㒊᪂ධ⏕࡛⏨Ꮚࡢࡳ ♫ဨᑅ ඹ῭㒊 ࣃ࣮ࢺ㸪㐃ᖏಖドே㸦⮬ศ࡛ᐟ⯋ࢆ᥈ࡍሙྜ㸧 ᐟ⯋᥈ࡋࡢᇶᮏ࣮ࣝࣝ ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡼࡿሗᥦ౪࠾ࡼࡧఫᏯࡢ⤂ ື⏘ᴗ⪅ࢆ⏝ࡍࡿሙྜࡢὀព Ꮫࡼࡿ㐃ᖏಖドேไᗘ ᘬ㉺ࡋࡢὀព ዡᏛ㔠 ዡᏛ㔠 Ꮫࡢつ๎㸪Ꮫ࡛ࡢᤵᴗ Ꮫࡢつ๎ ఇㅮ࣭⿵ㅮ࣭ᩍᐊኚ᭦࣭ヨ㦂➼ࡢ㐃⤡ ᤵᴗ㛫 ᪩㔝⌫ᡓᙜ᪥ࡢᤵᴗ ୕⏣⚍㸦Ꮫ⚍㸧ᮇ㛫୰ࡢᤵᴗ ⥭ᛴ࠾ࡅࡿᤵᴗࡢྲྀࡾᢅ࠸ ᤵᴗᩱ Ꮫෆタ㸪ไᗘ ࣓ࢹࢭࣥࢱ࣮㸦ᅗ᭩㤋㸧 ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ࡛ࡢࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱ࣭ࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡ⏝㸦,7&㸧 ಖ⟶⌮ࢭࣥࢱ࣮࣭デ⒪ᡤ ࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ࣮࣒ࣝ Ꮫ⏕┦ㄯᐊ㸪ᚰ㌟࢙࢘ࣝࢿࢫࢭࣥࢱ࣮㸪ࢫࢺࣞࢫ࣭࣐ࢿࢪ࣓ࣥࢺᐊ ࣁࣛࢫ࣓ࣥࢺ እᅜே␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢࡓࡵࡢಶேᏛ⩦ᣦᑟဨ㸦ࢳ࣮ࣗࢱ࣮㸧ไᗘ ྛ✀ド᫂᭩㸪ᒆฟ Ꮫ⏕ド㸦㌟ศド᫂᭩㸧 ᅾᏛ࣭ᡂ⦼࣭༞ᴗಟ㸦ぢ㎸㸧ド᫂᭩࡞ྛ✀ド᫂᭩ Ꮫド㸦ᏛᰯᏛ⏕⏕ᚐ᪑ᐈ㐠㈤ᘬド㸧 ᗣデ᩿ド᫂᭩ ዡᏛ㔠ཷ⤥ド᫂᭩ ㅖᒆ ᑵ⫋ᨭ ᪥ᮏ࡛ࡢᑵ⫋༞ᴗᚋᑵ⫋άືࡢᅾ␃㸦ᑵປྍ⬟࡞ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡢኚ᭦㸧 ༞ᴗᚋ㸪ᑵ⫋άືࢆࡍࡿሙྜ ᑵ⫋ᨭ ᪥ᮏᏛ⏕ᨭᶵᵓࠕእᅜே␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢࡓࡵࡢᑵά࢞ࢻࠖ ༞ᴗಟ㸪ᖐᅜ ᖐᅜ๓⾜࠺ࡇ ༞ᴗಟᚋࡢఫᡤ࣭ᑵ⫋ඛࡢᒆฟ ༞ᴗಟᚋࡢ᠕⩏ሿᏛࡢࢃࡾ ᪥ᮏ࡛ࡢ⏕ά ㏻Ꮫᐃᮇๆ㸦◊✲⏕ࢆ㝖ࡃ㸧 㒑౽ᒁ 㖟⾜ཱྀᗙࡢ㛤タ 㟁 ヰ ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ 㟁 Ẽ ࢞ ࢫ Ỉ 㐨 ࢦ࣑ฎ⌮ ⥭ᛴࡢሙྜ㸦ᛴ࣭ⅆ⅏࣭┐㞴࣭㏻ᨾ࣭ᆅ㟈㸧 ⥭ᛴែⓎ⏕ࡢ㏻ሗ␒ྕ ᆅ㟈 ་⒪࣭ᗣ ᅜẸᗣಖ㝤 ㏻ᖖࠗᅜಖ࠘ࢇ࡛࠸ࡲࡍ ᠕⩏ሿᏛᏛ⏕ᗣಖ㝤་⒪㈝⿵ຓ Ꮫ⏕ᩍ⫱◊✲⅏ᐖയᐖಖ㝤 ᅜẸᖺ㔠 Ꮫ࿘㎶࡛ⱥㄒࡼࡿデ⒪ࡀྍ⬟࡞་⒪ᶵ㛵 እᅜㄒ࡛ࡢ་⒪┦ㄯ ␃Ꮫ⏕ᨭᅋయ㸦ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮බㄆ㸧 ᅾᏛ⏕ࡼࡿᨭᅋయ ᠕⩏ሿᏛ༞ᴗ⏕ࡼࡿᨭᅋయ ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᡤᅾᆅ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO&HQWHU&HQWHUIRU-DSDQHVH6WXGLHV 7KH,QWHUQDWLRQDO&HQWHU 7KH&HQWHUIRU-DSDQHVH6WXGLHV 2IILFHV %XOOHWLQ%RDUGV:HEVLWH*DNXML:HE6\VWHP 6WXGHQW/RXQJHV 6WDWXVRI5HVLGHQFH :KDWLV6WDWXVRI5HVLGHQFH" 7KH5HVLGHQFH&DUGDQG5HVLGHQF\0DQDJHPHQW6\VWHP $FWLYLWLHV1RW3HUPLWWHG8QGHU͆6WXGHQW͇6WDWXVRI5HVLGHQFH3DUWWLPH:RUN &KDQJLQJ<RXU6WDWXVRI5HVLGHQFH ([WHQVLRQRI3HULRGRI6WD\ 5HHQWU\3HUPLWV %ULQJLQJ<RXU)DPLO\'HSHQGHQW9LVDV ([WHQVLRQRI3HULRGRI6WD\WR3UHSDUHIRU'HSDUWXUH ,PPLJUDWLRQ%XUHDX2IILFHVLQWKH7RN\R$UHD $FFRPPRGDWLRQ$UUDQJHG7KURXJK.HLR8QLYHUVLW\ $FFRPPRGDWLRQIRU,QWHUQDWLRQDO6WXGHQWV .LV\XNXV\D)LUVW<HDU8QGHUJUDGXDWH0DOH6WXGHQWV2QO\ &RPSDQ\+RXVLQJ6KDLQU\R .\ď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㸤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͆-RE+XQWLQJ*XLGHIRU,QWHUQDWLRQDO6WXGHQWV͇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ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮᪥ᮏㄒ࣭᪥ᮏᩥᩍ⫱ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ 1 ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ ᠕⩏ሿᏛᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡣ㸪⩏ሿࡢᅜ㝿ⓗ࡞άືࢆಁ㐍ࡍࡿࡓࡵ1964ᖺタ❧ࡉࢀࡲࡋࡓࠋ ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡣ㸪ୡ⏺ྛᆅࡢᏛࡸᶵ㛵༠ᐃࢆ⤖ࡧ㸪࠸◊✲⪅ࡸᏛ⏕ࢆὴ㐵࣭ὶࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ᠕⩏ሿࡢ ᅜ㝿ὶࡢᣐⅬ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢᴗົࡣ୕⏣࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊ࡀ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᏛ⏕㒊࡛ࡣ㸪⩏ሿ࡛Ꮫࡪ␃Ꮫ⏕ࢆຮᙉࡸ⏕ά ࡢ㠃࡛ᨭࡍࡿࡶ㸪ᾏእࡢ␃ᏛࢆᕼᮃࡍࡿᏛ⏕ࢆࢧ࣏࣮ࢺࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋලయⓗࡣ㸪 ᾏእࡢᏛࡢ ␃Ꮫไᗘࡢ㐠Ⴀ㸪Ꮨ࣭ኟᏘࡢ▷ᮇᾏእ◊ಟࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛ㸪 ⱥㄒ࡛ᤵᴗࡀ⾜ࢃࢀࡿᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ㅮᗙ㸪᪥ᮏ ㄒ࣭᪥ᮏᩥᩍ⫱ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢ⥲ྜⓗㄪᩚ࣭᥎㐍㸪ཷࡅධࢀ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢ⏕άᨭ㸦ఫᒃ㸪ዡᏛ㔠࡞)࡞ࡢㅖ ᴗࢆᒎ㛤ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/ ྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ࠾ࡅࡿᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢ❆ཱྀࡣ㸪ࠕ㸱 ົᐊࠖࡢ⾲ࢆࡈぴࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 2 ᪥ᮏㄒ࣭᪥ᮏᩥᩍ⫱ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ ᠕⩏ሿᏛ᪥ᮏㄒ࣭᪥ᮏᩥᩍ⫱ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡣ㸪1950ᖺ௦ࡽጞࡲࡗࡓ⩏ሿࡢ᪥ᮏㄒᩍ⫱ࢆ⥲ྜⓗㄪᩚ࣭᥎ 㐍ࡍࡿࡓࡵ㸪1990ᖺᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡽ⊂❧ࡋ㸪᪂ࡓタ❧ࡉࢀࡲࡋࡓࠋ ᪥ᮏㄒ࣭᪥ᮏᩥᩍ⫱ࢭࣥࢱ࣮࡛ࡣ㸪ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔࠾ࡅࡿ᪥ᮏㄒᩍ⫱ࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋ ᪥ᮏㄒ࣭᪥ᮏᩥᩍ⫱ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢᴗົࡣ୕⏣࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜࡀ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢᤵᴗ㛵ࡍࡿࡇ㸪ྛ✀ド᫂᭩ࡢⓎ⾜㸪ఫᡤኚ᭦࡞ㅖᒆ㸪ᅾ␃ᮇ㛫ࡢ᭦᪂⏦ㄳࡘ࠸ ࡚࡞㸪Ꮫ⏕⏕ά࡛ᅔࡗࡓࡇࡀ࠶ࢀࡤ㸪㐲៖࡞ࡃ┦ㄯ᮶࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www.cjs.keio.ac.jp/index.php?page=home 1 International Center & Center for Japanese Studies 1 The International Center Founded in 1964, the International Center acts as a hub to coordinate and promote international activities at Keio University. It facilitates active exchanges for students, faculty, and administrative staff of Keio University and those of partner universities and institutions around the world under established agreements. The International Center’s administrative office is located in the Office of Student Services on Mita Campus. The Office of Student Services supports the academic and daily lives of international students studying at Keio University and aids those students seeking opportunities to study abroad. Specifically, the Office of Student Services manages student/faculty exchange programs with overseas universities and institutions, organizes short-term study abroad programs during the Spring and Summer vacations, and runs International Center Courses taught in English. Furthermore, it coordinates and promotes activities together with the Center for Japanese Studies and assists international students and scholars/researchers coming to Japan in both their academic and daily lives by providing valuable information on accommodation, scholarships, and other services to make life in Japan more fulfilling. http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/en/index.html For the offices of the International Center on each campus, please see the table under “3 Offices” on the following page. 2 The Center for Japanese Studies Japanese language education at Keio University started in the 1950s. In 1990, the Center for Japanese Studies was established independent of the International Center to comprehensively coordinate and promote Japanese language education. Since then, the Japanese Language Program and Japanese language pedagogy at the undergraduate and graduate levels have been administered by the Center for Japanese Studies. The administrative office of the Center for Japanese Studies is located in the Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program) on Mita Campus. If you have any questions about campus life, classes in the Japanese Language Program, academic transcripts or other certificates, changes to your address or other important information, applications for an extension to your period of stay, or any other concerns, feel free to stop by the Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program). http://www.cjs.keio.ac.jp/index.php?page=home&lang=en 2 3 ົᐊ ྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮❆ཱྀ ୕⏣ Ꮫ⏕㒊ᅜ㝿ὶᨭࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ Ꮫ⏕㒊Ꮫ⏕⏕άᨭࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ㸦ᐟ⯋㸧 Ꮫ⏕㒊⚟ཌ⏕ᨭࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ㸦ዡᏛ㔠㸧 Ꮫ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜ ᪥ྜྷ ᪥ྜྷᏛ⏕㒊ᅜ㝿ᢸᙜ ᪥ྜྷᏛ⏕㒊Ꮫ㝔ᢸᙜ ሙ ᡤ 㛤ᐊ㛫 㸦᭶᭙᪥㹼㔠᭙᪥㸧 ༡ᰯ⯋ᆅୗ1㝵 8:45㹼16:45 ⊂❧㤋1㝵 ༠⏕㤋2㝵 8:45㹼16:45 ▮ୖ Ꮫ⏕ㄢᅜ㝿ᢸᙜ 25Ჷ110ྕᐊ 8:45㹼11:30 12:30㹼16:45 •༡⸨ἑ Ꮫᢸᙜ❆ཱྀ A㤋1㝵 9:15㹼16:50 ಙ⃰⏫ Ꮫ⏕ㄢᅜ㝿ᢸᙜ Ꮥ㣴⯋1㝵 8:30㹼17:00 1ྕ㤋1㝵 8:45㹼11:20 12:20㹼16:45 Ⱚඹ❧ Ꮫ⏕ㄢᅜ㝿ᢸᙜ 㸺㛢ᐊ᪥㸼 ᅵ᭙᪥㸪᪥᭙᪥㸪⚃⚍᪥ ⚟⃝ඛ⏕ㄌ⏕グᛕ᪥ 1᭶10᪥㸪㛤ᰯグᛕ᪥ 4᭶23᪥㸦ࡓࡔࡋ2015ᖺᗘࡣ㛤ᐊ㸧 ኟᏘఇᴗ 8᭶10᪥㹼16᪥ Ꮫ㝔ࢆ㝖ࡃ᪥ྜྷ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ 8᭶23᪥㹼29᪥ ಙ⃰⏫࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ ⠇㟁ࡢࡓࡵኟᏘఇᴗࡍࡿࡇࡀ࠶ࡿࡢ࡛㸪ᐇࡍࡿሙྜࡣ㸪᪥⛬ࢆ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࡸᥖ♧ ᯈ࡛ෆࡍࡿࠋ ᖺᮎᖺጞఇᴗ 12᭶28᪥㹼1᭶5᪥ ಙ⃰⏫࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ 12᭶30᪥㹼1᭶4᪥ 3 3 Offices Office at Each Campus Mita Campus Office of Student Services -International Exchange Services Group -Student Life Services Group (Accommodation) -Scholarship and Financial Assistance group -Japanese Language Program Location Office Hours (Mon. to Fri.) B1F, South School Bldg. 8:45–16:45 1F, Fourth Bldg., Independence Wing 2F, Collaboration Complex 8:45–16:45 1F, Room 110, 25th Bldg. 8:45–11:30 12:30–16:45 1F, Alpha Bldg. 9:15–16:50 1F, Koyosha 8:30–17:00 1F, Bldg. No. 1 8:45–11:20 12:20–16:45 Hiyoshi Campus Office of Student Services (International) Office of Student Services (Graduate Schools) Yagami Campus Office of Student Services (International) Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC) Academic Affairs Office Shinanomachi Campus Office of Student Services (International) Shiba-Kyoritsu Campus Office of Student Services 8:45–16:45 Note: Offices are closed on the days and dates below: Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays Founder’s Birthday (January 10), Keio Foundation Day (April 23.Offices will be open in 2015) Summer vacation: August 10–16 Hiyoshi Campus (except Graduate Schools): August 23 – 29 Shinanomachi Campus may have to close due to planned blackouts. If a blackout is scheduled, it will be announced accordingly on the website and bulletin boards. Winter vacation: December 28 – January 5 Shinanomachi Campus: December 30 – January 4 4 4 ᥖ♧ᯈ㸪࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ㸪ᏛWebࢩࢫࢸ࣒ Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔Ꮫ⏕ࡢሙྜ ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢⓙࡉࢇࡢ㐃⤡ࡣ㸪≉ู࡞ሙྜࢆ㝖࠸࡚ྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜタ⨨ࡉࢀࡓᥖ♧ ᯈ㸦᪥ྜྷ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᏛ㝔㸦KBS/SDM/KMD㸧ࢆ㝖ࡃ㸧ࡸሿ⏕ྥࡅ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࠕሿ⏕ࡢⓙᵝࠖ㸪ᏛWebࢩ ࢫࢸ࣒ࡼࡾ⾜ࢃࢀࡲࡍࠋ᪥ྜྷ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᏛ㝔㸦KBS/SDM/KMD㸧ࡣྛ◊✲⛉ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺᥖ㍕ࡋࡲࡍࠋ ዡᏛ㔠ࡸᐟ⯋ධᒃࡢເ㞟㸪ྛ✀⾜➼ࠎ㸪㔜せ࡞㐃⤡㡯ࡀᥖ♧ࡉࢀࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪ᥖ♧ᯈࡸ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࢆᚲࡎ ぢࡿࡼ࠺ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ࡲࡓ㸪ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࡶᐃᮇⓗ☜ㄆࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ࠕሿ⏕ࡢⓙᵝࠖ ࠕᏛ Web ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࠖ ࠕᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࠖ http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/index.html http://gakuji2.adst.keio.ac.jp/index_br_top.html http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/index.html ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢᏛ⏕ࡢሙྜ ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬࡛ࡢఇㅮ㸪⿵ㅮࡢఏ㐩ࡣ㸪ᏛWebࢩࢫࢸ࣒࠾ࡼࡧᰯ⯋ෆタ⨨ࡉࢀࡓࠕሗࢹࢫࣉ ࣞࠖࡼࡗ࡚⾜࠸ࡲࡍࠋࠕሗࢹࢫࣉࣞࠖࡸᏛWebࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࡢෆࡣᖖὀពࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࡲࡓ㸪 ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢࡓࡵࡢ⾜㸪ዡᏛ㔠ࡢເ㞟࡞ࡣู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢᥖ♧ᯈ㈞ࡾฟࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ᪥ᮏㄒ㺃᪥ᮏᩥ ᩍ⫱ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ࡛ࡣ㸪ົⓗ࡞ᡭ⥆ࡁࡸᏛ⏕⏕άᚲせ࡞ሗ࡞ࢆᥖ㍕ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 㻌 㻌 㻌 ࠕ᪥ᮏㄒ࣭᪥ᮏᩥᩍ⫱ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࠖ ࠕᏛ Web ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࠖ http://www.cjs.keio.ac.jp/index.php?page=home http://gakuji2.adst.keio.ac.jp/index_br_top.html 5 Ꮫ⏕ㄯヰᐊ ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢⓙࡉࢇࡣ㸪Ꮫ⏕ㄯヰᐊࢆ⮬⏤⏝ࡍࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ ୕⏣ ᪥ྜྷ ▮ୖ ಙ⃰⏫ ሙ ᡤ ༡ᰯ⯋1㝵 Ꮫ⏕ࣛ࢘ࣥࢪ/ ᅜ㝿ὶࢥ࣮ࢼ࣮ ⊂❧㤋ᆅୗ1㝵 ᪥ྜྷࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ ࢩ࣭ࣙࣥࣛ࢘ࣥࢪ 12Ჷ2㝵201ྕᐊ ⥲ྜ་⛉Ꮫ◊✲Ჷ 1㝵ࣛ࢘ࣥࢪ 9:00㹼21:00 9:00㹼18:00 8:30㹼20:00 6:00㹼23:00 ̿ 8:30㹼20:00 㸦ᅵࡢࡳ㸧 6:00㹼23:00 ⏝ 㛫 ᭶㹼㔠 ᅵ࣭᪥ ̿ 5 4 Bulletin Boards, Website & Gakuji Web System 1. Undergraduate/Graduate Students With the exception of the graduate schools on Hiyoshi Campus, nearly all important communication to international students will be posted on the bulletin boards of the Office of Student Services at each campus/SFC Academic Affairs Office and on the Internet at the ͆For Keio Students” website,or the Gakuji Web System listed below. Information for KBS/SDM/KMD students on Hiyoshi Campus will be announced on the website for each graduate school. It is your responsibility to check these bulletin boards and websites regularly as important information— including about scholarships, accommodation applications, and various events for international students—will be posted on them. We also recommend that you access the International Center’s website regularly for important information. For Keio Students Website: http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/en/ Gakuji Web System: International Center: http://gakuji2.adst.keio.ac.jp/index_br_top.html (Japanese language only) http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/en/index.html 2. Japanese Language Program Students Important information regarding class cancellations and makeup classes will be posted on the Gakuji Web System and information displays in each school building. Make sure to always check this information. Information on various events for international students and scholarships will be posted on the Japanese Language Program bulletin board. Information concerning paperwork and student life is also available on the website of the Center for Japanese Studies. http://www.cjs.keio.ac.jp/index.php?page=home&lang=en Center for Japanese Studies: Gakuji Web System: http://gakuji2.adst.keio.ac.jp/index_br_top.html (Japanese language only) 5 Student Lounges There are several on campus student lounges which can be used freely by international students. Campus Mita Hiyoshi Yagami Shinanomachi Location 1F, South School Bldg., Student Lounge/ International Exchange Corner B1F, Independence Wing, Hiyoshi Communication Lounge Room 201, 2F, 12th Bldg. 1F, Lounge, Institute of Integrated Medical Research Mon. – Fri. 9:00–21:00 9:00–18:00 8:30–20:00 6:00–23:00 Sat. & Sun. ̿ ̿ 8:30–20:00 (Sat. only) 6:00–23:00 Hours 6 ᅾ␃㈨᱁ 1 ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡣ ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡣ㸪እᅜேࡀ᪥ᮏᅾ␃ࡍࡿ㛫㸪୍ᐃࡢάືࢆ⾜࠺ࡇࡢ࡛ࡁࡿ㈨᱁ࡢࡇ࡛ࡍࠋ᪥ᮏᅾ␃ࡍࡿ እᅜேࡣ㸪ධᅜ㸦ୖ㝣㸧ࡢ㝿࠼ࡽࢀࡓᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡢ⠊ᅖ࡛ࡢᅾ␃άືࡀㄆࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠾ࡾ㸪ࡲࡓ㸪ࡑࡢᅾ␃ࡣ㸪 ᅾ␃㈨᱁ᛂࡌ࡚ᐃࡵࡽࢀࡓᅾ␃ᮇ㛫㝈ࡽࢀࡲࡍࠋ ᅾ␃ᮇ㛫ࡢᘏ㛗ࢆᕼᮃࡍࡿ⪅ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪ධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ࠾࠸࡚ಶูࡢᑂᰝࡼࡾ㸪チྍ࣭チྍࡀỴᐃࡉࢀࡲ ࡍࠋ 2 ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ࣭ᅾ␃⟶⌮ไᗘ ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ ୖ㝣チྍࡼࡾ୰㛗ᮇᅾ␃⪅࡞ࡗࡓእᅜேࡣࠕᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࠖࡀⓎ⾜ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࡣ᪥ᮏୖ㝣ࡍ ࡿ✵ 㸦ᡂ⏣✵ 㸪⩚⏣✵ 㸪୰㒊✵ ࠾ࡼࡧ㛵す✵ 㸧࡛Ⓨ⾜ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋࡑࡢࡢ✵ ࡛ୖ㝣ࡋࡓሙྜࡣ㸪 ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤᒆࡅฟࡓఫᡤᚋ᪥㏦ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ ᪥ᮏ࡛ࡢఫᒃᆅࡀỴࡲࡗࡓࡽ ఫᡤࡀỴࡲࡗ࡚ࡽ14᪥௨ෆ㸪ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࢆᣢཧࡋ࡚ఫᒃᆅࡢ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤ࡛ఫᒃᆅࡢᒆฟࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ ࠸ࠋṇ ṇᙜ࡞⌮⏤࡞ࡃఫᒃᆅࢆᒆࡅฟ࡞ࡗࡓሙྜ㸪ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡀྲྀࡾᾘࡉࢀࡿሙྜࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻⓏ㘓ࡉࢀࡓ㡯➼ኚ᭦ࡀ࠶ࡗࡓࡁ ኚ᭦ࡀ࠶ࡗࡓෆᐜࡼࡾ㸪ᒆࡅฟࡿሙᡤᮇ㝈ࡀ␗࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ኚ᭦ෆᐜ ఫ ᡤ ᡤᒓᶵ㛵ͤ Ặྡ㸪⏕ᖺ᭶᪥㸪 ᛶู㸪ᅜ⡠࣭ᆅᇦ ͤ ᡭ⥆ࡁࡍࡿሙᡤ 㸦㌿ฟ㸧ࡇࢀࡲ࡛ࡢఫᒃᆅࡢ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤ 㸦㌿ධ㸧᪂ࡋ࠸ఫᒃᆅࡢ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤ ͤ᪥ᮏᅜෆࡢᘬࡗ㉺ࡋࡢሙྜࡣ㸪ࠕ㌿ฟࠖ ࠕ㌿ධࠖ୧᪉ࡢᡭ⥆ࡁࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ ධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁࡲࡓࡣฟᙇᡤ ᡭ⥆ࡁᮇ㝈 ᪂ࡋ࠸ఫᒃᆅ⛣㌿ࡋ࡚ࡽ 14᪥௨ෆ ኚ᭦ࡋ࡚ࡽ14᪥௨ෆ ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡀࠕ␃Ꮫ࡛ࠖ㸪᪥ᮏᅜෆࡢ㧗ᰯࡸᑓ㛛Ꮫᰯ༞ᴗᚋᮏᏛධᏛࡋࡓࡾ㸪ᮏᏛࢆ༞ᴗࡋ࡚Ꮫࡢ Ꮫ㝔㐍Ꮫࡋࡓࡾࡍࡿሙྜࡣᡤᒓᶵ㛵ࡢኚ᭦ᡭ⥆ࡁࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࡢ⏦ㄳ ⣮ኻ࣭┐㞴➼ࡢᐇࢆ▱ࡗࡓ᪥ࡽ14᪥௨ෆධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁࡲࡓࡣฟᙇᡤ⏦ㄳࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᅾ␃㈨᱁➼ࡘ࠸࡚ド᫂ࡀᚲせ࡞ࡁ㸦ఫẸ⚊㸧 ࠕఫẸ⚊ࠖࡣ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤⓏ㘓ࡋ࡚࠶ࡿෆᐜࢆド᫂ࡍࡿࡶࡢ࡛ࡍࠋዡᏛ㔠ࡢ⏦ㄳࡸධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ㸪Ꮫ ࡽᅾ␃㈨᱁➼ࢆ☜ㄆࡍࡿࡓࡵᥦฟࢆồࡵࡽࢀࡿሙྜࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤ࡛ఫẸ⚊ࡢࡋࡢ⏦ㄳࡀ ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ 7 Status of Residence 1 What is Status of Residence? All foreign nationals entering and staying in Japan are given a status of residence at their port of entry and are allowed to engage in activities permitted under that status of residence. Your maximum period of stay in Japan is determined by your status of residence. Individual applications to extend a period of stay are either approved or rejected after examination by the Immigration Bureau according to each applicant’s situation. 2 The Residence Card and Residency Management System 1. Residence Card A residence card will be issued at the airport of disembarkation (Narita, Haneda, Chubu or Kansai Airports) to midto long-term residents who have landing permission in Japan. If you landed at any other port of entry, a residence card will be issued and mailed to you upon completion of the residency procedure at your city office of residency. 2. Once you have found a place of residence in Japan You must notify your local city office of your place of residence within 14 days of deciding on a place of residence. Please make sure to bring your residence card when you go to the city office. If you fail to give notification of your place of residence without a justifiable reason or submit a false notification, your status of residence may be revoked. 3. Changes to Registered Information Depending on the information you need to change, the offices you must notify and the deadlines may vary. Information Office of Notification Deadline City office Moving out: City office in the area of former residence. Within 14 days of Moving in: City office in the area of new residence. Address moving to the new *If you change your address in Japan, you must give notice residence of both moving out and moving in at the respective city offices. Organization* Name, Birthday, Within 14 days of the Regional Immigration Bureau/District Immigration Office Gender, change Nationality/Region *If you have obtained, or are permitted to obtain, the status of residence of “Student,” you must notify the Regional Immigration Bureau or District Immigration Office if your affiliated organization changes (e.g., you enter Keio University after graduation from another school in Japan, or enter a graduate school at another university after graduating from an undergraduate program at Keio). 4. Application for Re-issuance of a Residence Card If your residence card is lost or stolen, please apply for re-issuance at the Regional Immigration Bureau or District Immigration Office within 14 days of discovering the loss or theft. 5. When you need a certificate for Status of Residence, etc. (Jumin-hyǀ) A “Certificate of Residence” (jumin-hyǀ) is a document that proves the validity of the information registered on your residence card. It is necessary when applying for scholarships and you may also be asked to present it by the Immigration Bureau or by the University to confirm your status of residence. A copy of your Certificate of Residence can be issued at the city office upon request. Please make sure to take your residence card when you go to your local city office. 8 ฟᅜࡍࡿ ᪥ᮏࡽฟᅜࡍࡿࡁࡣ㸪ධᅜチྍࢆཷࡅ࡚࠸ࡿሙྜ㸦ࡳ࡞ࡋධᅜチྍࢆྵࡴ㸧ࢆ㝖ࡁ㸪ฟᅜࡍࡿ✵ ࣭ ࡛ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࢆ㏉༷ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ヲࡋࡃࡣධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࢆཧ↷ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/index.html ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࢆᗘྲྀᚓࡍࡿ ఇᏛ➼ࡽᏛࡍࡿࡓࡵᗘᅾ␃㈨᱁ࢆྲྀᚓࡍࡿࡣ㸪᮶᪥ࡍࡿ๓ᅾ␃㈨᱁ㄆᐃド᫂᭩ࢆྲྀᚓࡋ㸪ᒃఫᅜ ࡢ᪥ᮏ㤋࡛ᰝド㸦ࣅࢨ㸧ࢆྲྀᚓࡍࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋᅾ␃㈨᱁ㄆᐃド᫂᭩ࡢ⏦ㄳᡭ⥆ࡁࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪㐜 ࡃࡶ᮶᪥ࡢ3ࣧ᭶๓ᡤᒓ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮❆ཱྀ㐃⤡ࡋ࡚ᡭ⥆ࡁࢆጞࡵ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ Ӑ㔜せӑ ᚲせ࡞ᒆฟࢆࡋ࡞ࡗࡓሙྜࡣ20௨ୗࡢ⨩㔠㸪࠺ࡑࡢᒆฟࢆࡋࡓሙྜࡣ1ᖺ௨ୗࡢᠬᙺࡲࡓ ࡣ20௨ୗࡢ⨩㔠ฎࡏࡽࢀࡿࡇࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋఫᒃᆅࡢᒆฟࢆࡋ࡞ࡗࡓࡾ㸪࠺ࡑࡢᒆฟࢆࡋࡓ ᅾ ␃㈨᱁ࡀྲྀࡾᾘࡉࢀࡿࡇࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓ㸪࠺ ࠺ࡑࡢᒆฟࢆࡋ࡚ᠬᙺฎࡏࡽࢀࡓሙྜ ሙྜࡣ㸪ᅾ ࡣ㏥ཤᙉไ⏤ࡶヱᙜࡋࡲࡍࠋ 9 6. Leaving Japan You are required to return your residence card to an immigration officer at the airport of departure when you leave Japan, unless you have received a re-entry permit or are leaving on a special re-entry permit. For more details, refer to the Immigration Bureau’s website below: http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/index.html 7. Reapplying for a Status of Residence After a temporary overseas leave of absence, you need to apply for the Status of Residence to return to study. Before entering Japan, you must obtain a Certificate of Eligibility and apply for a “Student” visa at the Japanese Embassy in your current country of residence. Please contact the International Center at your main campus to ask about the procedures for applying for a Certificate of Eligibility at least 3 months prior to returning to Japan. Important Notice If you fail to carry out the necessary notification procedures, you may be sentenced to pay a fine of up to 200,000 yen. If you submit a false notification you may be sentenced to up to 1 year of imprisonment or ordered to pay a fine of up to 200,000 yen. If you fail to give notification of your address or submit a false notification, your status of residence may be revoked. If you are sentenced to imprisonment for false notification, you may be deported. 10 3 ㈨᱁እάື㸦ࣝࣂࢺ㸧 ࠕ␃Ꮫࠖࡢᅾ␃㈨᱁ࢆࡶࡘᏛ⏕ࡣ㸪ᩍ⫱ࡲࡓࡣ◊✲άືࡢࡓࡵᅾ␃ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡋࡓࡀࡗ࡚ࠕ␃Ꮫࠖࡢᅾ␃ ㈨᱁࡛ࡣཎ๎ࡋ࡚ᑵປάືࡀㄆࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡏࢇࠋ␃ ␃ Ꮫ⏕ࡀࣝࣂࢺࢆᕼᮃࡍࡿሙྜࡣ㸪๓ࠕ㈨᱁እ άືࡢチྍࠖࢆධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁࡽཷࡅࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁࡽ㈨᱁እάືࡀチྍࡉࢀࡿ㸪1㐌28㛫௨ෆࡢࣝࣂࢺࡀㄆࡵࡽࢀࡲࡍࠋᏛࡢ㛗ᮇఇᴗᮇ 㛫୰㸦ኟᏘ࣭Ꮨ࣭Ꮨ㸧ࡣ1᪥8㛫௨ෆࡢࣝࣂࢺࡀチྍࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋࡓࡔࡋ㸪ࣝࣂࢺࡣ♫㐨ᚨࡍ ࡿࡶࡢ࡛࠶ࡗ࡚ࡣ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ㢼Ⴀᴗࡸ㢼㛵㐃Ⴀᴗࡀ⾜ࢃࢀࡿሙᡤ࡛ࡢࣝࣂࢺࡣ⚗Ṇࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠼ࡤ㸪ࣂ࣮ࡸ࢟ࣕࣂ࣮ࣞ㸪ࣃࢳࣥࢥ㸪㯞㞛ᗑ࡞ࡣ㸪ࡢෆᐜࢃࡽࡎാࡃࡇࡀ⚗Ṇࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ㈨᱁እάືチྍࡢᑂᰝࡣ⣙2㐌㛫ࡽ1ࣨ᭶㛫ࡾࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪㈨᱁እάື㸦ࣝࣂࢺ㸧ࢆ⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡿᏛ⏕ ࡣ࡞ࡿࡃ᪩ࡃᡭ⥆ࡁࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸㸦⦾ᛁᮇࡣᑂᰝᮇ㛫ࡀ1ࣨ᭶௨ୖ࡞ࡿྍ⬟ᛶࡶ࠶ࡾࡲࡍ)ࠋ ㈨᱁እάືࡢチྍࢆཷࡅࡎࣝࣂࢺࢆࡋࡓሙྜ㸪ࡲࡓチྍࡉࢀࡓ⠊ᅖࢆ㉸࠼ࡓࣝࣂࢺࢆࡋࡓሙྜࡣ ἲᑵປ࡞ࡾ㸪1ᖺ௨ୗࡢᠬᙺࡶࡋࡃࡣ⚗ᅛࡲࡓࡣ200௨ୗࡢ⨩㔠㸪ࡲࡓࡣࡑࡢᠬᙺࡶࡋࡃࡣ⚗ᅛ࠾ࡼࡧ⨩㔠 ࢆే⛉ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋሙྜࡼࡗ࡚ࡣ㸪ᙉไ㏥ཤࡢᑐ㇟ࡶ࡞ࡾࡲࡍࡢ࡛ὀពࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋヲࡋࡃࡣධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁࡢ ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࢆཧ↷ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/tetuduki/index.html ㈨᱁እάືチྍࡢ⏦ㄳᡭ⥆ࡁࡣ௨ୗࡢ㏻ࡾ࡛ࡍࠋ 㸦㸯㸧 ḟࡢ᭩㢮ࢆ⮬ศࡢఫࢇ࡛࠸ࡿᆅᇦࢆ⟶㎄ࡍࡿධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁᥦฟࡋࡲࡍࠋᡭᩘᩱࡣᚲせ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ ձ ㈨᱁እάືチྍ⏦ㄳ᭩㸦⏝⣬ࡣἲົ┬ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࡽࢲ࣮࢘ࣥࣟࢻ࡛ࡁࡲࡍ㹿㸧 http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/16-8.html ղ ࣃࢫ࣏࣮ࢺ ճ ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ մ 㸦ࣝࣂࢺඛࡀỴࡲࡗ࡚࠸ࡿሙྜ㸧ᙜヱ⏦ㄳಀࡿάືࡢෆᐜࢆ᫂ࡽࡍࡿ᭩㢮㸦㸸㞠⏝ዎ ⣙᭩ࡢࢥࣆ࣮㸧 㸦㸰㸧 ᑂᰝࡢ⤖ᯝ㸪㈨᱁እάືࡀチྍࡉࢀࡿࣃࢫ࣏࣮ࢺド༳ࢩ࣮ࣝࡀ㈞ࡉࢀ㸪ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻチྍෆ ᐜࡀグ㍕ࡉࢀࡲࡍ㸦ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࢆࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿሙྜ㸧ࠋチྍࢆཷࡅࡓࡽᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࡲࡓࡣド༳ࢩ ࣮ࣝࡢࢥࣆ࣮ࢆ1㒊㸪ᡤᒓ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮❆ཱྀ/Ꮫ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜࡲ࡛ᥦฟ ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㸺ὀព㸼 ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡣࠊࣞ࣋ࣝࡼࡗ࡚ᤵᴗࡀ㠀ᖖ᪩ࡃ㐍⾜ࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊண⩦⩦ከࡃࡢ㛫ࢆࡃᚲ せࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋࣝࣂࢺࢆࡍࡿࡇࡀྍ⬟࠺Ᏻ࡞ேࡣࠊᏛ⩦ᣦᑟࡢඛ⏕┦ㄯࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 11 3 Activities Not Permitted Under “Student” Status of Residence (Part-time Work) Students who hold the status of residence of “Student” are allowed to stay in Japan for study and research purposes alone. Therefore, you are not allowed to work under “Student” status. If you wish to engage in secondary activities aside from your studies, such as a part-time job, you must obtain a permit from the Immigration Bureau beforehand. With this permit, students are allowed to work for up to 28 hours a week—up to 8 hours a day during summer, winter, and spring vacations—as long as the work is not deemed to be socially immoral. Part-time work is forbidden at places which are part of, or are connected to, the entertainment and amusement industries. For example, no matter the position, you are not allowed to work in establishments such as bars, cabarets, clubs, or pachinko or mah-jongg parlors. Since it takes the Immigration Bureau approximately two weeks to a month to issue a permit, those thinking of working should apply as soon as possible. (It may take more than one month during busy times.) If you engage in part-time work without a permit, or work outside the scope of activities or hours allowed under the permit, you will be deemed to have worked illegally. In this case, you could be sentenced to up to 1 year of imprisonment; up to 1 year of imprisonment with labor; a fine of up to 2,000,000 yen; or a combination of imprisonment and a fine. You may also be subject to deportation. Please refer to the Immigration Bureau’s website for details. http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/tetuduki/index.html Please follow the steps below when applying for a permit: (1) Submit the following to the Immigration Bureau with jurisdiction over your area of residence. (Free of charge) ()Application for Permission to Engage in Activity other than that Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted (Shikakugai Katsudǀ Kyoka) (Available on the Ministry of Justice’s website) http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/tetuduki/kanri/shyorui/09.html ()Passport (࢘)Residence card (࢚)A document which specifies the content of the work you will engage in (e.g., a copy of your employment agreement). Submit only if you have already secured a job. (2) If your application is approved, a seal indicating permission will be affixed to your passport, and an entry will be made on your residence card if you have been issued one. After you receive this permit, please make a copy of it and submit it to the International Center at your main campus/Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program). Note: In some study levels at the Japanese Language Program, classes are so intensive that it is necessary to spend a considerable amount of time each day preparing and reviewing for classes. Please consult with academic advisors if you are not sure whether you will be able to have time and energy for part-time work. 12 4 ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡢኚ᭦ ᏛࡢᏛ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔ู࣭⛉㺃᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬࣭᠕ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛᅾ⡠ࡍࡿᏛ⏕ࡣ㸪ཎ๎ ࡋ࡚ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࠕ␃Ꮫࠖࢆྲྀᚓࡋ࡞ࡃ࡚ࡣ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ⌧ᅾࠕ␃Ꮫࠖ௨እࡢᅾ␃㈨᱁ࢆᣢࡗ࡚࠸࡚㸪ኚ᭦ࢆணᐃࡋ ࡚࠸ࡿ᪉ࡣ㸪⮬ศࡀఫࢇ࡛࠸ࡿᆅᇦࡢධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ⾜ࡁ㸪ᅾ␃㈨᱁ኚ᭦ࡢᡭ⥆ࡁࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ␃Ꮫ⏕ᑐ㇟ ࡢዡᏛ㔠ࡸᐟ⯋ࡢ⏦ࡋ㎸ࡳࢆࡍࡿ㝿㸪ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡀࠕ␃Ꮫ࡛ࠖ࠶ࡿࡇࡀ᮲௳࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࡶࡢࡀከࡃ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ᏛධᏛᚋ㸪ࡍࡄኚ᭦ࡢᡭ⥆ࡁࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᡭ⥆ࡁᚲせ࡞᭩㢮ࡣ㸪୍⯡ⓗࡣ௨ୗࡢ࠾ࡾ࡛ࡍࡀ㸪ኚࢃࡿࡇࡶ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪๓ධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁࡲࡓ ࡣᡤᒓ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮❆ཱྀ/Ꮫ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜ☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ձ ᅾ␃㈨᱁ኚ᭦チྍ⏦ㄳ᭩㸦⏝⣬ࡣἲົ┬ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࡽࢲ࣮࢘ࣥࣟࢻ࡛ࡁࡲࡍ㹿㸧 http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/16-2.html 㸨⏦ㄳ᭩ࡢ࠺ࡕ㸪ࠕᡤᒓᶵ㛵➼సᡂ⏝ࠖࡣド᫂᭩ࡋ࡚Ⓨ⾜⏦㎸ᡭ⥆ࡁࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ ᡭ⥆ࡁࡣ㸪1.Ặྡ㸪2.ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ␒ྕࢆグධࡋ㸪௨ୗࡢົᐊ࡛ᡭ⥆ࡁࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ㌟ ศ Ꮫ㒊⏕࣭Ꮫ㝔⏕࣭◊✲⏕࣭ ⛉┠➼ᒚಟ⏕࣭≉ู▷ᮇ␃Ꮫ⏕ ู⛉⏕ ᠕ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛ⏕ ᡭ⥆ࡁࡍࡿົᐊ ᡤᒓ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜ ୕⏣࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᏛ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜ ୕⏣࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᏛ⏕㒊ᅜ㝿ὶᨭࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ ղ ࣃࢫ࣏࣮ࢺ ճ ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ մ ⏦ㄳ⌮⏤᭩㸦ᮏே⮬➹ࡢࡶࡢࠋ᭩ᘧࡣ⮬⏤㸧 յ ධᏛチྍ᭩ࡢࡋࡲࡓࡣᅾᏛド᫂᭩ ն ᒚಟ⛉┠ド᫂᭩ շ ᅾ␃୰ࡢ୍ษࡢ⤒㈝ࡢᨭᘚ⬟ຊࢆドࡍࡿᩥ᭩㸦ṧ㧗ࡢศࡿ㡸㔠㏻ᖒࡢࢥࣆ࣮࡞㸧 ո ┿㸦4cm3cm㸧㸸ᥦฟ᪥ࡢ๓᪥ࡽ3᭶௨ෆᙳࡉࢀࡓࡶࡢࠋձࡢ⏦ㄳ᭩㈞ࠋ չ ᡭᩘᩱ 4,000㸦ධ༳⣬ࠋ㈨᱁ኚ᭦ࡀチྍࡉࢀࡓᡶ࠸ࡲࡍࠋ༳⣬ࡣ㒑౽ᒁࡲࡓࡣධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ࡛㉎ධ ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ㸧 ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡢኚ᭦ᡭ⥆ࡁࡀ⤊ࡋࡓࡽ㸪ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࡲࡓࡣࣃࢫ࣏࣮ࢺ㸦ᅾ␃ᮇ㛫3᭶௨ୗࡢሙྜ㸧ࡢࢥࣆ࣮ࢆ1 㒊㸪ᡤᒓ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮❆ཱྀ/Ꮫ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜࡲ࡛ᥦฟࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 13 4 Changing Your Status of Residence If you are studying as an undergraduate, graduate, Japanese Language Program (JLP) or Keio International Program (KIP) student at Keio University, you must in principle obtain a status of residence of “Student.” If you entered Japan under a different status of residence and were planning to change it, you should change your status of residence at the Immigration Bureau in the area where you live immediately after enrollment. Most applications for scholarships or accommodation for international students are available only to those holding a status of residence of “Student.” The following documents will be required when you change your status of residence, although they may also be subject to change. Check in advance with the Immigration Bureau and the International Center at your main campus/Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program). The documents needed to change your status of residence are as follows: ձ Application for Change of Status of Residence (available on the Ministry of Justice’s website): 㻌 㻌 http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/tetuduki/kanri/shyorui/02.html *The forms titled “For organization, part 1” and “For organization, part 2” must be filled in and certified by Keio University as part of your application package. Fill in your name and your residence card number and submit the forms to the designated office as follows: Student Status Undergraduate/Graduate/ Research/Non-degree students JLP students KIP students Office in Charge The Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services) at your main campus The Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program) at Mita Campus The Office of Student Services (International Exchange Services Group) at Mita Campus ղ Passport ճ Residence card մ Written statement of the reason for change (No set format for this statement but must be written by you) յ A copy of your Certificate of Admission or Certificate of Enrollment (Available at the Certificate Issuing Machine located near the Office of Student Services (Academic Services)). ն Certificate of Course Registration/Course Registration Sheet շ Documentation certifying your ability to cover all necessary financial expenses while staying in Japan ո 1 photo (4cm3cm) taken within 3 months of submission. Paste onto your application չ The designated “Certificate for Payment of Fee” with a 4,000-yen revenue stamp (inshi) attached *Please pay the fee when your application is approved. You can purchase revenue stamps at either a post office or the Immigration Bureau. After the change in your status of residence is complete, please make a copy of your residence card or passport (if your granted permission to stay is for less than three months) and submit it to the International Center at your main campus/Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program) to update the changes. 14 5 ᅾ␃ᮇ㛫ࡢ᭦᪂ ࠕ␃Ꮫࠖࡢᅾ␃㈨᱁ࢆᣢࡘᏛ⏕ࡢᅾ␃ᮇ㛫ࡣ㸪3᭶ࡽ4ᖺ3᭶࡛ࡍࠋࡇࡢᮇ㛫ࢆᘏ㛗ࡍࡿࡣ㸪ᅾ␃ᮇ㛫 ࡢ‶ࡍࡿ᪥ࡲ࡛㸪⮬ศࡢఫࢇ࡛࠸ࡿᆅᇦࢆ⟶㎄ࡍࡿධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ㸪ᅾ␃ᮇ㛫ࡢ᭦᪂ࢆ⏦ㄳࡋ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡾࡲ ࡏࢇࠋᅾ␃ᮇ㛫ࡢ᭦᪂ࡣ㸪ᅾ␃ᮇ㛫‶᪥ࡢ3᭶๓ࡽ⏦ㄳࡍࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ ᅾ␃ᮇ㛫ࡢ᭦᪂ࡣ㸪⌧ᅾ࠼ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿᅾ␃㈨᱁࡛ㄆࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿάືࢆ⥅⥆ࡍࡿࡓࡵ㸪ᘬࡁ⥆ࡁ᪥ᮏᅜ ෆᅾ␃ࡍࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡿㄆࡵࡽࢀ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋࡑࢀ௨እࡶ㸪ࡇࢀࡲ࡛ࡢᅾ␃ᮇ㛫࠾࠸࡚␃Ꮫ⏕ ࡋ࡚ࡢάື⠊ᅖࢆ㐓⬺ࡋ࡚࠸࡞ࡗࡓ㸪Ꮫ㈝࡞ࡽࡧ⏕ά㈝ࡢ㈇ᢸ⬟ຊ࣭᪉ἲࡸ㸪⏕ά≧ἣၥ㢟ࡀ࡞࠸➼ ࡘ࠸࡚ᑂᰝࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ ᅾ␃ᮇ㛫ࡢ᭦᪂ᡭ⥆ࡁࡀ⤊ࡋࡓࡽ㸪ᚲࡎᡤᒓ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮❆ཱྀ/Ꮫ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸ ᙜᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࡲࡓࡣࣃࢫ࣏࣮ࢺ㸦ᅾ␃ᮇ㛫3᭶௨ୗࡢሙྜ㸧ࡢࢥࣆ࣮ࢆ1㒊ᥦฟࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᡭ⥆ࡁᚲせ࡞࡞᭩㢮ࡣḟࡢ࠾ࡾ࡛ࡍࠋࡓࡔࡋ㸪ேࡼࡗ࡚ᥦฟࡍࡿ᭩㢮ࡀ㐪࠺ሙྜࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪 ๓ධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/ZAIRYU_KOSHIN/zairyu_koshin10_18.html ձ ᅾ␃ᮇ㛫᭦᪂チྍ⏦ㄳ᭩㸦⏝⣬ࡣἲົ┬ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࡽࢲ࣮࢘ࣥࣟࢻ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ㸧 http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/16-3.html 㸨 ⏦ㄳ᭩ࡢ࠺ࡕ㸪ࠕᡤᒓᶵ㛵➼సᡂ⏝ࠖࡣド᫂᭩ࡋ࡚ࡢⓎ⾜⏦㎸ᡭ⥆ࡁࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋᡭ⥆ࡁࡣ㸪1. Ặྡ㸪2.ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ␒ྕࢆグධࡋ㸪௨ୗࡢົᐊ࡛ᡭ⥆ࡁࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ㌟ ศ Ꮫ㒊⏕࣭Ꮫ㝔⏕࣭◊✲⏕࣭ ⛉┠➼ᒚಟ⏕࣭≉ู▷ᮇ␃Ꮫ⏕ ู⛉⏕ ົᐊ ᡤᒓ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜ ୕⏣࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᏛ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜ ղ ᅾᏛド᫂᭩ ճ ᒚಟⓏ㘓ド᫂᭩ᡂ⦼ド᫂᭩㸦⌮ᕤᏛ◊✲⛉༤ኈㄢ⛬ࡢᏛ⏕ࡣせ㸧 㸨ᡂ⦼ド᫂᭩ᒚಟ୰ࡢ⛉┠ࡀグ㍕ࡉࢀ࡞࠸ሙྜࡣ㸪ᒚಟ⛉┠ド᫂᭩ࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ 㸨◊✲⏕ࡣド᫂᭩ࡢ௦ࢃࡾ㸪◊✲ෆᐜ1㐌㛫ࡢ◊✲㛫㸦10㛫௨ୖ㸧ࢆ᭩࠸ࡓᣦᑟᩍᤵࡽࡢࣞࢱ ࣮ࢆᥦฟࠋ᭩ᘧ⮬⏤ࠋ մ ࣃࢫ࣏࣮ࢺ յ ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ ն ᅾ␃୰ࡢ୍ษࡢ⤒㈝ࡢᨭᘚ⬟ຊࢆドࡍࡿᩥ᭩㸦ṧ㧗ࡢศࡿ㡸㔠㏻ᖒࡢࢥࣆ࣮࡞㸧 շ ┿㸦4cm3cm㸧㸸ᥦฟ᪥ࡢ๓᪥ࡽ3᭶௨ෆᙳࡉࢀࡓࡶࡢࠋձࡢ⏦ㄳ᭩㈞ࠋ ո ᡭᩘᩱ 4,000㸦ධ༳⣬ࠋᮇ㛫᭦᪂ࡀチྍࡉࢀࡓᡶ࠸ࡲࡍࠋ༳⣬ࡣ㒑౽ᒁࡲࡓࡣධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ࡛㉎ධ ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ㸧 ධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁࡣ㸪ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࠕ␃Ꮫ࡛ࠖᅾ␃ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿᏛ⏕ࡢ㈨᱁ኚ᭦㸪ᮇ㛫᭦᪂ࡲࡓࡣ㈨᱁እάືࡢ⏦ㄳಀࡿᑂ ᰝࢆཝ᱁ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᑂᰝࡢཝ᱁క࠸㸪ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡢ᭦᪂࠶ࡓࡗ࡚ࡣୖグࡢ㸪௨ୗࡢ᭩㢮ࡢᥦฟࢆࡉ ࡽồࡵࡽࢀࡿࡇࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ձ ㏦㔠➼ࡢᐇࢆド᫂ࡍࡿࡶࡢ ղ ㈨᱁እάື㸦ࣝࣂࢺ㸧ࡢ≧ἣࢆド᫂ࡍࡿࡶࡢ 㸺ὀព㸼 Ꮫ࠾࠸࡚㐍⣭ࡸᅾ⡠ᘏ㛗ࡀチྍࡉࢀࡓࡋ࡚ࡶ㸪ᚲࡎࡋࡶධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁࡼࡿᅾ␃ᮇ㛫ࡢ᭦᪂ࡀチྍࡉࢀࡿ ࡣ㝈ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ 15 5 Extension of Period of Stay The possible periods of stay for a student with status of residence of “Student” are from three months and extend up to a maximum of four years and three months. If you wish to remain in Japan as a student beyond your designated period of stay, you must apply for an extension of your period of stay at the Immigration Bureau with jurisdiction over your area of residence. You may apply for an extension from three months prior to the expiration date of your status of residence. For the extension to be granted, you must prove that you have reasonable grounds for needing an extension to your period of stay to continue the activities allowed under your present status of residence. During the extension application process, your living conditions and financial situation in the previous year as a student will be examined. Your activities as an international student will be checked to make sure you did not engage in activities outside those permitted under your status of residence, as well as your capacity to pay academic fees and living costs. After approval of your extension, please submit a copy of your new or updated residence card or passport (if your granted period of stay is less than three months) to the International Center at your main campus Office of Student Services. Application documents are as follows, although they may differ depending on each applicant’s situation. Please check with the Immigration Bureau in advance. ձ Application for Extension of Period of Stay (available on the Ministry of Justice’s website): http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/tetuduki/kanri/shyorui/03.html *The forms named “For organization, part 1” and “For organization, part 2” should be filled in and certified by Keio University as part of your application package. Fill in your name and your Residence card number, and submit the forms to the designated office as follows: Student Status Undergraduate/Graduate/ Research/Non-degree students JLP students Office in Charge The Office of Student Services (Academic Services) on your main campus The Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program) at Mita Campus ղ Certificate of Enrollment ճ Certificate of Course Registration and Transcript of Academic Record (These are not necessary for doctoral students of the Graduate School of Science and Technology) *You will need a Course Registration Confirmation Sheet if there is no record of the registered courses you are currently taking on your Transcript of Academic Record *Research students should submit a letter written by their academic advisor instead of the certificates indicated above. There is no fixed format, but the letter should include a description of your research and indicate the duration of time devoted to the research (more than 10 hours per week) *Those who are enrolled in JLP should obtain the “Academic Transcript with Attendance Record” մ Passport յ Residence card ն Documentation certifying your ability to cover all necessary financial expenses while staying in Japan շ 1 photo (4cm3cm) taken within 3 months of submission. Paste onto your application ո The designated “Certificate for Payment of Fee” with a 4,000-yen revenue stamp (inshi) attached *Please pay the fee when your application is approved. You can purchase revenue stamps at either a post office or the Immigration Bureau. The Immigration Bureau has tightened its examination of applications from students with status of residence of “Student” who apply for a change of status of residence, an extension of period of stay, or permission to engage in activities other than those permitted under their status of residence. Due to this, you may now be requested to submit the following documents in addition to the above: ձ A document certifying remittance from your financial supporter ղ Documents clarifying the situation of your activities other than those permitted under your status of residence (e.g., details of any part-time jobs) Note: Permission from Keio University to advance to the next grade or to extend enrollment in your academic program does not guarantee that the Immigration Bureau will approve an extension to your period of stay. 16 6 ධᅜチྍ Ꮫࡢ㛗ᮇఇᴗࡢᮇ㛫➼ࢆ⏝ࡋ࡚㸪୍ᖐᅜ࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣᾏእ᪑⾜࡞୍࡛ⓗ᪥ᮏࢆ㞳ࢀࡿሙྜࡣ㸪᪥ᮏ ࡽฟᅜࡍࡿ๓ධᅜチྍࢆཷࡅࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ࠕධᅜチྍドࠖࢆཷࡅࡎฟᅜࡍࡿ㸪᪥ᮏᡠࡿ㸪࠶ࡽࡓࡵ࡚ᰝド㸦ࣅࢨ㸧ࢆ⏦ㄳࡋ࡞ࡃ࡚ࡣධᅜ ࡛ࡁ࡞ࡃ࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ฟᅜࡢ᪥ࡽᖺ௨ෆධᅜࡍࡿሙྜ㸦ࡳ࡞ࡋධᅜチྍ ฟᅜࡍࡿ㝿㸪᭷ຠ࡞ࣃࢫ࣏࣮ࢺᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࢆᡤᣢࡋ㸪ฟᅜᚋ1ᖺ௨ෆ᪥ᮏධᅜࡍࡿሙྜࡣ㸪ཎ๎ࡋ ࡚๓ධᅜチྍࢆཷࡅࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋฟ ฟᅜࡍࡿ㝿㸪ᚲࡎࠕධᅜ⏝ED࣮࢝ࢻࠖࡢࡳ࡞ࡋධᅜチ ྍࡢពᛮ⾲♧ḍࢳ࢙ࢵࢡࢆධࢀ㸪ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࢆᥦ♧ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᅾ␃ᮇ㝈ࡀฟᅜࡢ᪥ࡽ1ᖺᮍ‶ࡃࡿሙྜࡣ㸪ࡑࡢᅾ␃ᮇ㝈ࡲ࡛ධᅜࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ࡓࡔࡋ㸪ᅾ ฟᅜࡢ᪥ࡽᖺࢆ㉸࠼࡚ࡽධᅜࡍࡿሙྜ ධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ࡛ࠕධᅜチྍドࠖࢆཷࡅ࡚ࡽฟᅜࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᡭ⥆ࡁᚲせ࡞᭩㢮 ձ ධᅜチྍ⏦ㄳ᭩㸦⏝⣬ࡣἲົ┬ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࡽࢲ࣮࢘ࣥࣟࢻ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ㸧 http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/16-5.html ղ ࣃࢫ࣏࣮ࢺ ճ ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ մ ᡭᩘᩱ 1ᅇ㝈ࡾ ධ༳⣬௦ 3,000 ᩘḟ ධ༳⣬௦ 6,000 ͤࠕᩘḟࠖࡢධᅜࡣ㸪チྍࡉࢀ࡞࠸ሙྜࡶ࠶ࡾࡲࡍ 㸦༳⣬ࡣ㒑౽ᒁࡲࡓࡣධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ࡛㉎ධ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ㸧 㸺ὀព㸼 (1) ධᅜチྍᮇ㝈ෆ᪥ᮏᡠࡿࡼ࠺ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ (2) Ꮫᮇ୰୍᪥ᮏࢆ㞳ࢀࡿሙྜࡣ㸪ᣦᑟᩍဨ㸦ࢡࣛࢫᢸ௵㸧࣭ಖドே࡞ฟᅜணᐃ᪥㸪ᖐᅜணᐃ᪥࡞ ࢆ㐃⤡ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 17 6 Re-entry Permits If you intend to return temporarily to your home country or travel abroad during a vacation or at any other time, you must obtain a re-entry permit prior to departure. If you depart without a re-entry permit, you will have to apply for a new visa when returning to Japan. (1) When re-entering Japan within one year of the day of departure (Regulations concerning the re-entry permit) When leaving Japan, please take your valid passport and residence card. As a general rule, you will not be required to apply for a re-entry permit when re-entering Japan within 1 year of departure. You must check the box indicating intent concerning the Special Re-entry Permit on the “Embarkation-Disembarkation (ED) Card” for re-entry and present your residence card at departure. If your period of stay is due to expire within one year of your departure, please ensure that you re-enter Japan before the expiration of your period of stay. (2) When planning to re-enter Japan after more than one year since leaving Japan You must visit the Immigration Bureau to obtain a re-entry permit prior to departure. The following documents are necessary when applying for a re-entry permit: ձ Application for Re-entry Permit You can download the application form from the Ministry of Justice’s website: http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/tetuduki/kanri/shyorui/06.html ղ Passport ճResidence card մ Certificate for Payment of Fee and a revenue stamp, available for purchase at post offices or the Immigration Bureau: Single re-entry permit: 3,000 yen revenue stamp Multiple re-entry permit: 6,000 yen revenue stamp (May not be granted) Note: (1) Please be sure to return to Japan before the expiration date on your re-entry permit. (2) Please inform your academic advisor, class coordinator, and guarantor of your dates of departure and return if you intend to leave Japan temporarily during the semester. 18 7 ᐙ᪘ࡢࡧᐤࡏ㸦ᐙ᪘ᅾࣅࢨ㸧 ᮏᅜ࠸ࡿᐙ᪘ࡀ᮶᪥ࡍࡿሙྜࡣ㸪௨ୗࡢ࠸ࡎࢀࡢᅾ␃㈨᱁ࢆྲྀᚓࡍࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ᐙ᪘ᅾ㸸࠶࡞ࡓࡢ㓄അ⪅ࡸᏊࡢሙྜࡣ㸪ࠕᐙ᪘ᅾ࡛ࠖධᅜࡍࡿࡇࡀྍ⬟࡛ࡍࠋ ࠕᐙ᪘ᅾ࡛ࠖࡣാࡃࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡏࢇࠋാࡃࡣ㈨᱁እάືチྍࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ ᮏᅜ࠸ࡿᐙ᪘ࡀ᪥ᮏ᮶ࡿሙྜࡣ㸪␃Ꮫ⏕ᮏேࡀᐙ᪘ࡢ⏦ㄳ௦⌮ேࡋ࡚ධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ⾜ࡁ㸪ᐙ᪘ ࡢࠕᅾ␃㈨᱁ㄆᐃド᫂᭩ࠖࡢㄳồࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᡭ⥆ࡁᚲせ࡞᭩㢮 ձ ᅾ␃㈨᱁ㄆᐃド᫂᭩⏦ㄳ᭩㸦⏝⣬ࡣἲົ┬ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࡽࢲ࣮࢘ࣥࣟࢻ࡛ࡁࡲࡍ㹿㸧 http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/16-1.html ղ ᐙ᪘㛵ಀࢆド᫂ࡍࡿࡶࡢ㸦ᡞ⡠ㅞᮏ㸪⤖፧ド᫂᭩㸪ฟ⏕ド᫂᭩㸪፧ጻᒆཷ⌮ド᫂᭩࡞㸧 ճ ᢇ㣴⬟ຊࢆド᫂ࡍࡿࡶࡢ㸦ዡᏛ㔠ཷ⤥ド᫂᭩㸪ࡲࡓࡣ㖟⾜ࡢṧ㧗ド᫂᭩㸧 մ ᅾᏛド᫂᭩ յ ┿㸯ᯛ㸦4 cm3cm㸧㸸ձࡢ⏦ㄳ᭩㈞ࠋ ն ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࡲࡓࡣࣃࢫ࣏࣮ࢺࡢࡋ շ ㏉ಙ⏝ᑒ⟄㸦ᐄඛ᫂グ㸪⡆᫆᭩␃⏝ษᡭ㈞ࡢࡇ㸧 ୖグࡢࡶ᭩㢮ࢆせồࡉࢀࡿࡇࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪ヲࡋࡃࡣධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ▷ᮇᅾ㸦ぶ᪘ゼၥ㸧㸸࠶࡞ࡓࡢぶࡸᘵࡢሙྜࡣࠕ▷ᮇᅾ㸦ぶ᪘ゼၥ㸧࡛ࠖධᅜࡍࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ ୖグ(1)ࠕᐙ᪘ᅾࠖࡣ㸪㓄അ⪅ࡸᏊࢆ᪥ᮏࡧᐤࡏࡿሙྜ 㝈ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ᪥ᮏࡢᰝドච㝖༠ᐃ ࢆ⤖ࢇ࡛࠸࡞࠸ᅜࡢ୧ぶࡸᘵ࡞㓄അ⪅࣭Ꮚ௨እࡢሙྜࡣ㸪ぶ᪘ゼၥࡋ࡚㸪ゼၥࡍࡿᮏேࡀᾏእ࠶ ࡿ᪥ᮏ㤋࣭㡿㤋࡛ࣅࢨ⏦ㄳࢆࡍࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋヲࡋࡃࡣ㸪እົ┬࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࠕࣅࢨ㸦ᰝド㸧 ⏦ㄳෆ࡛ࠖ☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/toko/visa/ Ꮚ౪ࡀ⏕ࡲࢀࡓࡽ㸸 Ꮚ౪ࡀ⏕ࡲࢀࡓࡽ㸪14᪥௨ෆᒃఫࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤᒆࡅࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓ㸪ฟ⏕ࡋࡓ᪥ ࡽ60᪥௨ୖᅾ␃ࡍࡿሙྜࡣ㸪ฟ⏕ࡋࡓ᪥ࡽ30᪥௨ෆᅾ␃㈨᱁ྲྀᚓᡭ⥆ࡁࡀᚲせ࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ᪥ᮏ㸪≉㤳㒔ᅪ࡛ࡢ⏕άࡣኚ࠾㔠ࡀࡾࡲࡍࠋᐙ᪘ࢆࡧᐤࡏࡿ ๓㸪ఫᒃࡢ‽ഛࡸ⤒῭㠃➼ࡘ࠸࡚༑ศ᳨ウࡋ㸪⏕άࡢィ⏬ࢆࡋࡗࡾ ❧࡚࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 19 7 Bringing Your Family (Dependent Visas) If you have family members from your home country who would like to live with you in Japan, it is necessary for them to have one of the visas explained below. (1) Family Visa: Your spouse and children may obtain family visas. Those who hold family visas are not allowed to work in Japan. They must obtain permission from the Immigration Bureau if they wish to work in Japan. You must go to the Immigration Bureau and apply on behalf of your family member(s) for a Certificate of Eligibility. The following documents are required to apply for a family visa: ձ Application for Certificate of Eligibility (available for download on the Ministry of Justice’s website): http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/tetuduki/kanri/shyorui/01.html ղ Certificate stating the relationship between you and your family member(s) (e.g., family register, marriage certificate, birth certificate, proof of marriage registration, etc.) ճ Document certifying financial support (scholarship certificate or balance statement from your bank) մ Certificate of Enrollment յ 1 photo (4cm×3cm) taken within 3 months of submission. Paste onto your application ն A copy of your residence card or passport շ A self-addressed stamped envelope (simplified registered mail, kan-i kakitome in Japanese) The Immigration Bureau may ask for additional documents. Please contact the Immigration Bureau directly for more information. (2) Temporary Visas (for visiting relatives): Your parents, brothers and sisters may obtain visas as temporary visitors. A family visa is solely for the purpose of having your spouse or children live with you. If you want to invite other family members (besides your spouse and children) from countries which have not signed the Visa Exemption Agreement with Japan, they must apply for a temporary visa (for visiting relatives) in person at the Japanese Embassy or Consular Office in their countries. For more details, refer to the Foreign Ministry’s website below: http://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/index.html. (3) If you or your partner has given birth: You will need to report the birth to your local city office within 14 days. Additionally, if your baby will stay in Japan more than 60 days after the date of birth, you will need to obtain status of residence for your baby within 30 days. The cost of living in Japan, especially in Tokyo, is very high. Make sure you have the means to support your family members and prepare accommodation for them before they arrive in Japan. 20 8 ᖐᅜ‽ഛࡢࡓࡵࡢᅾ␃ᮇ㛫᭦᪂ ᖐᅜணᐃ᪥ࡢ┤๓ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࠕ␃Ꮫࠖࡢᅾ␃ᮇ㛫ࡀ‶ࡍࡿሙྜࡣ㸪ᅾ␃ᮇ㛫᭦᪂ᡭ⥆ࡁࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᡭ⥆ࡁᚲせ࡞᭩㢮 P.15ࠕ5 ᅾ␃ᮇ㛫ࡢ᭦᪂ࠖグ㍕ࡢ᭩㢮࠾ࡼࡧ༞ᴗ/ಟぢ㎸ド᫂᭩ 㸺ὀព㸼 ᖐᅜ‽ഛࡢࡓࡵࠕ▷ᮇᅾࠖᅾ␃㈨᱁ࢆኚ᭦ࡍࡿሙྜࡣ㸪୰㛗ᮇᅾ␃⪅ࡽ㝖እࡉࢀ㸪༊ᙺᡤ➼ࡽཷࡅ ࡚࠸ࡿ⤥࡞ࡀཷࡅࡽࢀ࡞ࡃ࡞ࡿࡇࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪๓༊ᙺᡤ☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᅾ␃ᮇ㝈ࡀ༞ᴗ/ಟணᐃ᪥ࢆ㉸࠼࡚࠸ࡿ࡞㸪ฟᅜ‽ഛᮇ㛫ᑐᛂࡍࡿᮇ㛫ࢆ᭷ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿሙྜࡣ㸪ཎ๎ฟᅜ ‽ഛ➼ࢆ┠ⓗࡍࡿࠕ▷ᮇᅾࠖࡢᅾ␃㈨᱁ኚ᭦チྍࡣ⾜࠼ࡲࡏࢇࠋ ࡲࡓ㸪ࠕ▷ᮇᅾࠖኚ᭦ࡍࡿ㸪௨ᚋࡑࡢࡢᅾ␃㈨᱁ኚ᭦ࡍࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡏࢇࡢ࡛ὀពࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 21 8 Extension of Period of Stay to Prepare for Departure If the period of stay of your status of residence expires just before your planned departure from Japan, you may apply for extension of period of stay to prepare for your departure. The documents indicated in page 16 “5 Extension of Period of Stay” are required to apply for extension. Note: If you change your status of residence from "Student” to “Temporary Visa” to prepare for departure, you will no longer be considered a mid- to long-term resident. Please ask the city office beforehand whether you will lose your right to receive benefits from city office. If your period of stay already extends beyond the planned graduation/completion date to allow for a period of time to prepare to leave Japan, changing the status of residence to a “Temporary Visa” to prepare for departure will in principle not be permitted. Once your status of residence has been changed to a temporary visa, you are not allowed to change your status of residence again to any other type. 22 9 ධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ࠾ࡼࡧ࡞ฟᙇᡤෆ ධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/ እᅜேᅾ␃⥲ྜࣥࣇ࢛࣓࣮ࢩࣙࣥࢭࣥࢱ࣮ Tel: 0570-013904 / 03-5796-7112 ᮾிධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ ఫᡤ㸸ᮾி㒔 ༊ ༡5-5-30 ㏻㸸 ձ JRရᕝ㥐 ༡ཱྀ㸦ᮾཱྀ㸧ࡽ㒔ࣂࢫࠕရᕝᇧ㢌ᚠ⎔ࠖࡲࡓࡣࠕᮾிධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁᢡ㏉ࡋ࡛ࠖࠕᮾி ධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ๓ࠖୗ㌴ ղ ᮾிࣔࣀ࣮ࣞࣝࠕኳ⋤Ὢࣝ㥐ࠖ༡ཱྀࡲࡓࡣ㸪ࡾࢇ࠸⥺㸦ᇸி⥺ධ㸧ࠕኳ⋤Ὢࣝ㥐ࠖA ฟཱྀࡽᚐṌ15ศ Tel㸸 03-5796-7111㸦௦⾲㸧 / 03-5796-7253 㸦␃Ꮫᑂᰝ㒊㛛㸧 ᶓᨭᒁ ఫᡤ㸸⚄ዉᕝ┴ᶓᕷ㔠ἑ༊㫽⏫10-7 ㏻㸸JR᰿ᓊ⥺ࠕ᪂ᮡ⏣㥐ࠖୗ㌴㸪ࠕ 61⣔⤫ࠖࣂࢫ࡛ࠕධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ๓ࠖୗ㌴ Tel㸸 045-769-1722㸦␃Ꮫ࣭◊ಟᑂᰝ㒊㛛㸧 ᕝᓮฟᙇᡤ ఫᡤ㸸⚄ዉᕝ┴ᕝᓮᕷ㯞⏕༊ୖ㯞⏕1-3-14 ᕝᓮすྜྠᗇ⯋1㝵 ㏻㸸ᑠ⏣ᛴ⥺ࠕ᪂ⓒྜࣨୣ㥐ࠖ༡ཱྀࡽᚐṌ3ศ Tel㸸 044-965-0012 ࡉ࠸ࡓࡲฟᙇᡤ ఫᡤ㸸ᇸ⋢┴ࡉ࠸ࡓࡲᕷ୰ኸ༊ୗⴠྜ5-12-1 ࡉ࠸ࡓࡲ➨2ἲົ⥲ྜᗇ⯋1㝵 ㏻㸸JRᇸி⥺ࠕ㔝ᮏ⏫㥐ࠖୗ㌴㸪ᚐṌ10ศ Tel㸸 048-851-9671 ༓ⴥฟᙇᡤ ఫᡤ㸸༓ⴥ┴༓ⴥᕷ୰ኸ༊༓ⴥ 2-1 ༓ⴥ୰ኸࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢸ࣮ࢭࣥࢱ࣮1㝵 ㏻㸸ձ ༓ⴥ᪂㒔ᕷࣔࣀ࣮ࣞࣝࠕᕷᙺᡤ๓㥐ࠖୗ㌴㸪ᚐṌ2ศ ղ JRிⴥ⥺ࠕ༓ⴥࡳ࡞㥐ࠖୗ㌴㸪ᚐṌ10ศ Tel㸸 043-242-6597 23 9 Immigration Bureau Offices in the Tokyo Area Immigration Bureau website: http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/index.html Foreign Residents Information Center: Phone: 0570-013904 / 03-5796-7112 Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau Address: 5-5-30 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo Access: ձ Take the “Shinagawa Futo Junkan” or “Tokyo Nyukoku-kanrikyoku orikaeshi” bus from JR Shinagawa Station (Konan-guchi/Higashi-guchi), to the “Tokyo Nyukoku-kanrikyoku Mae” stop. ղ A 15-minute walk from Tennozu Isle Station on the Tokyo Monorail, Tokyo Rinkai Line, or Saikyo Line. Phone: 03-5796-7111 (Main) / 03-5796-7253 (Student Inspection Department) Yokohama District Immigration Office Address: 10-7 Torihama-cho, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa Access: Take the #61 bus from Shin-Sugita Station on the JR Negishi Line to the “Nyukoku kanrikyoku-mae” stop. Phone: 045-769-1722 (Student and Trainee Inspection Department) Kawasaki Branch Office Address: 1F, Kawasaki West Joint Government Bldg., 1-3-14 Kamiaso, Aso-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa Access: A 3-minute walk from Shin-Yurigaoka Station on the Odakyu Line. Phone: 044-965-0012 Saitama Branch Office Address: 1F, Saitama Second Legal Affairs Joint Government Building, 5-12-1 Shimo-ochiai, Chuo-ku, Saitamashi, Saitama Access: A 10-minute walk from Yonohommachi Station on the JR Saikyo Line. Phone: 048-851-9671 Chiba Branch Office Address: 1F, Chiba Chuo Community Center, 2-1 Chiba-minato, Chuo-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba Access: ձ A 2-minute walk from Shiyakusho-mae Station on the Chiba Urban Monorail. ղ A 10-minute walk from Chiba-Minato Station on the JR Keiyo Line. Phone: 043-242-6597 24 ఫᒃ㸦Ꮫෆ࡛⏦ㄳ࡛ࡁࡿᐟ⯋㸧 ᠕⩏ሿᏛ࡛ࡣ௨ୗࡢᐟ⯋ࢆ⏝ពࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡓࡔࡋ㸪㒊ᒇᩘ㝈ࡾࡀ࠶ࡿࡓࡵ㸪ᕼᮃ⪅ဨࡀධᒃ࡛ࡁࡿ ࢃࡅ࡛ࡣ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ 1 ␃Ꮫ⏕⏝ᐟ⯋ ᠕⩏ሿᡤ᭷ࡢୗ⏣Ꮫ⏕ᑅࡢ㸪᳃Ꮫ⏕ᑅ࡞⣙ 250 ᐊࡢᒃᐊࢆ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ヲࡋࡃࡣᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࢆཧ↷ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/intl_student/housing/ryu_boshu.html *ୗ⏣Ꮫ⏕ᑅࡸࡾୖࡆᐟ⯋ࡣ㸪᪥ᮏேᏛ⏕ࡢࣞࢪࢹࣥࢺ࣭ࢩࢫࢱࣥࢺࡀᑅࡢᏛ⏕ࢫࢱࢵࣇࡋ୍࡚⥴ ఫࢇ࡛࠾ࡾ㸪␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢ᪥ࠎࡢ⏕άࢆᨭࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 2 ᪥ྜྷᐤᐟ⯋㸦Ꮫ㒊᪂ධ⏕࡛⏨Ꮚࡢࡳ) ᡤ ᅾ ᆅ㸸⚄ዉᕝ┴ᶓᕷ ༊⟪㍯⏫ 1-11-19 㸦 ᮾᛴᮾᶓ⥺/┠㯮⥺㸪ᶓᕷႠᆅୗ㕲ࢢ࣮ࣜࣥࣛࣥ᪥ྜྷ㥐ࡽᚐṌ⣙ 10 ศ㸧 ᒃ ᐊ㸸1 ᐊ⣙ 19 ੍㸦1 ᐊ 3 ྡ࡛ඹྠ⏕άࢆࡍࡿࡇ࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ㸧 ⯋ ㈝㸸᭶㢠 17,000 㸦ග⇕Ỉ㈝㸪ࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡ⏝ᩱࢆྵࡴ㸧 㣗 ㈝㸸᭶㢠⣙ 12,000 㸦ᤵᴗࡢ࠶ࡿᮇ㛫୰ࡢᖹ᪥ࡢࡳᮅ㣗ኤ㣗ࢆᥦ౪㸧 ධ⯋㈝㸸17,000 㸦ධ⯋ࡢࡳ㸧 ᛂເ᪉ἲ㸸ເ㞟せ㡯࠾ࡼࡧධ⯋㢪᭩ࡣ㸪ୖグఫᡤࠝ ᠕⩏ሿᏛ᪥ྜྷᐤᐟ⯋⮬ጤဨጤဨ㛗ࠞᐄ⏦ࡋ㎸ ࡴ㸪୕⏣࠾ࡼࡧ᪥ྜྷ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ㆙ഛᐊ㸪᪥ྜྷᏛ⏕㒊Ꮫ⏕⏕άᢸᙜ❆ཱྀ࡛㓄ᕸࡋࡲࡍࠋࡓࡔࡋ㸪 Ꮫ㒊᪂ධ⏕ࡋ⏦ࡋ㎸ࡴࡇࡣ࡛ࡁࡲࡏࢇࠋヲࡋࡃࡣᐤᐟ⯋ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࢆࡈぴࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www.hiyoshiryo.com/ 㸦᪥ᮏㄒࡢࡳ㸧 3 ♫ဨᑅ 㛵ᮾ㏆┴ࡢ࠸ࡃࡘࡢᴗࡢዲពࡼࡾ㸪♫ဨᑅࡢ୍㒊ࢆ♫ဨࡰྠࡌ᮲௳࡛⚾㈝እᅜே␃Ꮫ⏕ᥦ౪ࡋ࡚ ࠸ࡓࡔ࠸࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ♫ဨᑅࡢධᒃࡢເ㞟ࡣ㸪ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ᥖ♧ᯈ㈞ࡾฟࡍ㸪࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ࡛࿌▱ࡋࡲࡍࠋ http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/intl_student/housing/company_housing.html 4 ඹ῭㒊 ඹ῭㒊㸦Ꮫ⏕ࡀ⮬ⓗ㐠Ⴀࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ⚟ཌ⏕ᅋయ㸧࡛ࡣ㸪᠕⩏ሿᏛࡢᏛ⏕ୗᐟࡸࣃ࣮ࢺࢆ⤂ࡋ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋඹ῭㒊⏝ពࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ㈨ᩱ࡛᮲௳ྜࡗࡓఫᒃࢆ᥈ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋୗぢࢆᕼᮃࡍࡿሙྜࡣᢸᙜ⪅ ⤂≧ࢆసᡂࡋ࡚ࡶࡽࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋẖᖺ᪂ධ⏕ࡢୗᐟ⤂ࢆ㸪᪥ྜྷ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ࠾࠸࡚ 2 ᭶ୗ᪪ࡽ 3 ᭶ୗ ᪪㸦ᅵ᭙᪥࣭᪥᭙᪥࣭⚃᪥ࡶ㛤ᐊࠋࡓࡔࡋỈ᭙᪥ࡣ㛢ᐊ㸧⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ඹ῭㒊ᡤᅾᆅ ୕⏣࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫෆ すᰯ⯋ᆅୗᏛ⏕ᅋయ࣮࣒ࣝ 37 ␒ 㟁ヰ㸸03-3453-2400 ᪥ྜྷ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫෆ ሿ⏕㤋 1 㝵 101 ྕᐊ 㟁ヰ㸸045-561-3102 25 Accommodation Arranged Through Keio University Keio University arranges the following accommodation for students. However, we cannot guarantee all applicants accommodation in these facilities as the number of rooms is limited. 1 Accommodation for International Students In addition to Shimoda Student Village, owned by Keio University, we lease approximately 250 rooms to international students through housing management companies. Please refer to the International Center’s website for further information at: http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/en/life/housing/ryu_boshu.html. *Japanese students also live in Shimoda Student Village and other accommodations operated by housing management companies as Resident Assistants (RA) to support various aspects of international students’ lives in Japan. 2 Kishukusha (First-Year Undergraduate Male Students Only) Location: Office: Room size: Monthly rent: Monthly Board: Admission fees: Application: Hiyoshi Campus 1-11-19, Minowa-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama (A 10-minute walk from Hiyoshi Station on the Tokyu Toyoko/Meguro Line or the Yokohama Municipal Subway Green Line.) Approx. 19 m2 (Three students per room.) 17,000 yen (Light, heating and water utility costs and network fees are included.) About 12,000 yen (Breakfast and dinner are served on week days during the regular academic semester.) 17,000 yen (One-time, nonrefundable) Application forms and details are available at the Kishukusha office, the security offices on Mita and Hiyoshi Campuses, and the Office of Student Services at Hiyoshi campus. Only firstyear undergraduate students may apply. For further information, please refer to the website below. http://www.hiyoshiryo.com/ (Japanese language only) 3 Company Housing (Shain-ryo) Some private companies in Tokyo and the surrounding areas offer some of the rooms in their company housing establishments for use by privately financed international students. These rooms are available under almost the same conditions as for company employees. Vacancy and application information will be posted on the International Center bulletin board. You can also check for information on the following website. http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/intl_student/housing/company_housing.html (Japanese language only) 4 Kyǀsai-bu The Kyǀsai-bu is an independent co-operative student organization. They have a list of private accommodation available for Keio students and can introduce students to rooms and apartments. If you wish to actually see a property beforehand, you will need a reference letter from the Kyǀsai-bu. Every year the Kyǀsai-bu introduces accommodation information to new students between late February and late March (open every day except Wednesdays–including Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays). Kyǀsai-bu locations: Mita Campus: Student Club Room 37, West School Building TEL: 03-3453-2400 Hiyoshi Campus: Room 101, 1F, Student Union Building (Jukusei Kaikan) TEL: 045-561-3102 26 ࣃ࣮ࢺ㸪㐃ᖏಖドே㸦⮬ศ࡛ᐟ⯋ࢆ᥈ࡍሙྜ㸧 1 ᐟ⯋᥈ࡋࡢᇶᮏ࣮ࣝࣝ Ꮫࡢᐟ⯋ධᒃࡋ࡞࠸ሙྜࡣ㸪ಖドேࡸ▱ே࡞㐃⤡ࢆࡗ࡚ࣃ࣮ࢺ➼ࢆ᥈ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࡢࡼ࠺࡞ ࢱࣉࡀࡼ࠸㸦࠼ࡤࣃ࣮ࢺ㸪Ꮫ⏕㤋㸪㛫㈚㸧㸪㏻Ꮫ㛫㸪ᐙ㈤➼ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢᕼᮃࢆ㸪᥈ࡋጞࡵࡿ๓࠶ ࡿ⛬ᗘ᫂☜ࡋ࡚࠾ࡃࡇࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ᪥ᮏ࡛ᐟ⯋ࢆ᥈ࡍሙྜ㸪ከࡃࡢሙྜࡣ㐃ᖏಖドேࢆせồࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓ ㏻ᖖ㸪ᩜ㔠㸪♩㔠㸪ᡭᩘᩱࡀࡾࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪⥲㢠࡛ᐙ㈤ࡢ⣙6ࣨ᭶ศࡢ㔠㢠ࢆ๓⏝ពࡍࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ࡉࡽ㸪㒔ᚰࡢఫᒃ㈝ࡣ㧗࠸ࡢ࡛㸪༙ࡢேࡀ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡽ㏻Ꮫ1㛫ࡄࡽ࠸ࡿᡤఫࢇ࡛࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 2 ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡼࡿሗᥦ౪࠾ࡼࡧఫᏯࡢ⤂ Ẹ㛫ࡢᏛ⏕㤋 Ẹ㛫ࡢᏛ⏕㤋ࡸ▷ᮇᅾࡢࡓࡵࡢᐟ⯋㛵ࡍࡿ㈨ᩱࡣ㸪ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢᥖ♧ᯈᥖ♧ࡋࡲࡍࡢ࡛☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃ ࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᕼᮃ⪅ࡣ㸪┤᥋㸪Ꮫ⏕㤋ၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ࣮࣒࣍ࢫࢸ ᠕⩏ሿᏛ࡛ࡣ࣍ࢫࢺࣇ࣑࣮ࣜࡢ⤂ࢆࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡏࢇࡀ㸪␃Ꮫ⏕ᨭᅋయ➼ࡀ㐠Ⴀࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ᪥ᮏேࡢ ὶࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛ➼ࡢሗࢆ㝶ᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋヲࡋࡃࡣᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢᥖ♧ᯈࢆࡈぴࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ࠼ࡤ㸪ఇࡳ㸪ኟఇࡳ㸪ఇࡳࡢᆅ᪉ࡢ▷ᮇ࣮࣒࣍ࢫࢸ㸦2㹼3᪥ࡽ1㹼2㐌㛫㸧ࡢࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡀ࠶ࡾࡲ ࡍࠋ᪥ᮏࡢᆅ᪉ᩥࢆ▱ࡿୖ࡛ࡶ㸪ࡇࡢࡼ࠺࡞ὶࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࢆ⏝ࡍࡿࡼ࠸࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ ࡲࡓ㸪༞ᴗ⏕ࡼࡿ␃Ꮫ⏕ᨭᅋయ➼ࡀ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢࡓࡵ᪥ᮏࡢᐙᗞࢆゼၥࡍࡿᶵࢆタࡅ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋヲ⣽ࡘ ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪ᥖ♧ᯈࡸᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ࡞ࢆ☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/news/event/index.html 3 ື⏘ᴗ⪅ࢆ⏝ࡍࡿሙྜࡢὀព ᪥ᮏேᏛ⏕ࡀఫᒃࢆࡉࡀࡍ㝿ࡣ㸪ከࡃࡢሙྜ㸪Ẹ㛫ࡢື⏘ᴗ⪅㸦real estate agency㸧ࢆ⏝ࡋࡓࡾ㸪᭩ᗑ ࡸ㥐࡛ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿఫᏯሗㄅࡸ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࢆぢ࡚᥈ࡋࡲࡍࠋಖドேࡸே┦ㄯࡋ࡚᥈ࡋ࡚ࡳࡿࡢࡶࡼ࠸࡛ ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ᪥ᮏㄒࡀ࠶ࡿ⛬ᗘヰࡏ࡞࠸ཷࡅࡅ࡚ࡃࢀ࡞࠸ࡇࡀከ࠸ࡢ࡛㸪᪥ᮏㄒࡢࢃࡿேྠ⾜ࡋ࡚ࡶࡽ࠺ ࡼ࠸࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ ࡋࡋ㸪ࡲࡔ᪥ᮏㄒ࡛ࡢពᛮ㏻ࡀ㞴ࡋ࠸␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢࡓࡵ㸪୕⏣Ꮫ⏕㒊Ꮫ⏕⏕άᨭᢸᙜ࡛ࡣ㸪ⱥㄒ࣭୰ᅜ ㄒ࣭㡑ᅜㄒࡢ3ゝㄒᑐᛂྍ⬟࡛㸪ᾏእࡽ࡛ࡶ࠾㒊ᒇ᥈ࡋࡀྍ⬟࡞ື⏘♫ࢆ⤂ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋಖドேせࡢ ࣉࣛࣥࡸ㸪ᐙල࣭▷ᮇዎ⣙ྍ⬟࡞≀௳࡞␃Ꮫ⏕ྥࡅࡢࣉࣛࣥࡶᐇࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪ሗ㞟ά⏝ࡋ࡚ࡃ ࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ⏝ᕼᮃࡢ᪉ࡣ [email protected] ࡲ࡛௨ୗࡢሗࢆ㏦ࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᢡࡾ㏉ ࡋヲ⣽ࢆ㐃⤡ࡋࡲࡍࠋ ࣭ Ặྡ࣭ᛶู ࣭ Ꮫ⡠␒ྕ㸦᫂ࡢሙྜࡣ㸪␃Ꮫணᐃᮇ㛫␃ᏛᡤᒓࡍࡿᏛ㒊ྡࡲࡓࡣ◊✲⛉ྡ㸧 ࣭ ᕼᮃゝㄒ㸦ⱥㄒ࣭୰ᅜㄒ࣭㡑ᅜㄒࡽ㑅ᢥ㸧 27 Apartment, Guarantor (If You Plan to Arrange Your Own) 1 How to Find Accommodation in Japan If you are not going to live in accommodation arranged by Keio University, you will need to find accommodation and a guarantor on your own with the help of the people around you. You should know what type of accommodation suits your needs before you begin searching (distance from the university, budget, etc.). When students seek private accommodation in Japan, they are generally required to have a guarantor. Usually students are also required to pay a rental deposit, key money and a real estate commission. This means, essentially, that students need to prepare at least six months’ rent in advance to be able to move in. In the downtown area, accommodation tends to be quite expensive, so most students prefer to live in more affordable areas about an hour away from campus. 2 Accommodation Information and Referral Services at the International Center 1. Private Student Housing Information about private student housing offered by companies which specialize in student housing (gakusei-kaikan) and short-term accommodation will be posted on the International Center bulletin board. Applicants should contact Gakusei Kaikan (Dormitories for International Students) directly. 2. Homestay We do not introduce any host families to international students, but we sometimes offer information on events arranged by international student support groups. Many of these events include opportunities to visit a Japanese home or experience Japanese culture. Please refer to the International Center bulletin board or website below. Throughout the year, particularly during vacation periods, short-term homestay programs (ranging from 2-3 days to 1-2 weeks) for international students are carried out by various organizations in both urban and rural Japan. These kinds of programs are a great opportunity to learn more about local Japanese culture. Home visits to Japanese families are arranged by international student support groups established by alumni. If you are interested, please refer to the International Center bulletin board or website below. http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/en/news/event/index.html 3 Using a Real Estate Agent Japanese students often use real estate agencies, read accommodation information magazines and search Japan’s apartment listing websites for accommodation. Be sure to consult your friends and guarantor before visiting a real estate agency. The ability to communicate in Japanese can be crucial when you approach an agent, so someone who can communicate in Japanese should accompany you to facilitate the negotiation process. For students with limited Japanese ability, the Office of Student Services (Student Life Services Group) also introduces real estate agencies which have English, Chinese and Korean websites and agencies which can be accessed from overseas. Realtors can often provide you with various plans, including housing which does not require a guarantor or short-term, furnished rooms, etc. For more information, please send the following information by e-mail to: [email protected]. We will reply with information about available agencies. ࣭ Your name and sex ࣭ Student ID number (If unknown, indicate your period of study abroad at Keio and faculty or graduate school) ࣭ Your desired language (English, Chinese, or Korean) 28 4 Ꮫࡼࡿ㐃ᖏಖドேไᗘ ᪥ᮏ࡛ᐟ⯋ࢆࡾࡿ㝿ࡣ㸪㐃ᖏಖドேࢆせồࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ㐃ᖏಖドேࡣ⮬ศ࡛ᤚࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࡓࡔࡋ㸪࠺ ࡋ࡚ࡶぢࡘࡅࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁ࡞࠸ሙྜࡣ᠕⩏ሿᏛࡀᐟ⯋ࡢ㐃ᖏಖドே࡞ࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢࠕᏛ ࡼࡿ㐃ᖏಖドேไᗘࠖࡢ㐺⏝ࢆཷࡅࡿࡓࡵࡣ௨ୗࡢ᮲௳ࢆ࡚‶ࡓࡉ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ ձ ⮬ศ⮬㌟࡛ᐟ⯋ࡢ㐃ᖏಖドேࢆぢࡘࡅࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁ࡞࠸ࡇࠋ ղ ࠕ␃Ꮫࠖࡢᅾ␃㈨᱁ࢆ᭷ࡍࡿࡇࠋ ճ Ꮫࡀᣦᐃࡍࡿಖ㝤ຍධࡍࡿࡇࠋ մ Ꮫࡀᣦᐃࡍࡿዎ⣙ᩥ᭩ࢆ㸪ື⏘㈤㈚ዎ⣙᭩ῧࡋ࡚ࡶࡽ࠺ࡇࠋ յ ᐙື⏘♫ࡀ㸪ୖグճ㸪մࢆㄆࡵࡓሙྜࠋ ն ධᒃ⪅ࡣ㸪ᮏே༢⊂㸪ࡲࡓࡣᮏேᐙ᪘ࡢࡳ࡛࠶ࡿࡇࠋᐙ᪘௨እධᒃ⪅ࡀ࠸ࡿሙྜࡣ㸪᠕⩏ ሿᏛᅾᏛ୰࡛ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡀࠕ␃ᏛࠖࡢᏛ⏕㝈ࡿࠋ շ ᐙ㈤ࡢᨭᡶ࠸ࡀྍ⬟࡛࠶ࡿุ᩿ࡉࢀࡓ⪅ࠋ ヲࡋࡃࡣᚲࡎ๓ᡤᒓ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮❆ཱྀၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 5 ᘬ㉺ࡋࡢὀព ᘬ㉺ࡋࢆࡍࡿ㝿ࡣḟࡢࡇὀពࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ձ ㌿ᒃ๓ࡢᐙࡢᐙ㈤㸪࢞ࢫ㸪㟁Ẽ㸪Ỉ㐨ᩱ㔠㸪㟁ヰᩱ㔠ࡢ⢭⟬ࠋ ղ 㒑౽ᒁ࡛ఫᡤኚ᭦ࡢᡭ⥆ࡁࢆࡍࡿࠋ1ᖺ㛫᪂ࡋ࠸ఫᡤᐄ㒑౽≀ࡀ㌿㏦ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ ճ ㌿ᒃ๓㌿ᒃඛࡢ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤ࡛㌿ฟ࣭㌿ධࡢᡭ⥆ࡁࢆࡍࡿࠋ㌿ᒃඛࡢ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤ࡚ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ 㸦ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࡳ࡞ࡉࢀࡿእᅜேⓏ㘓ド᫂᭩ࢆྵࡴ㸧ᅜẸᗣಖ㝤ドࡢఫᡤኚ᭦ࡢᡭ⥆ࡁࢆࡍࡿ㸦14 ᪥௨ෆ㸧ࠋ մ ୗグົᐊ࡛ఫᡤኚ᭦ᡭ⥆ࡁࢆࡍࡿࠋ ㌟ ศ Ꮫ㒊⏕࣭Ꮫ㝔⏕࣭◊✲⏕࣭ ⛉┠➼ᒚಟ⏕࣭≉ู▷ᮇ␃Ꮫ⏕ ᠕ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛ⏕ ู⛉⏕ ᡭ⥆ࡁࡍࡿົᐊ ྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜົᐊ ୕⏣࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᏛ⏕㒊ᅜ㝿ὶᨭࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ ୕⏣࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᏛ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜ 29 4 Keio University as a Guarantor When renting accommodation in Japan, you are often required to have a guarantor (rentai hoshǀnin). Please find a guarantor on your own. If you cannot find anyone, Keio University can become your guarantor. To apply for this service, you must meet the following conditions: ձ You are unable to find a guarantor on your own; ղ You must hold a status of residence of “Student”; ճ You must join the insurance program specified by Keio University; մ You must submit both the rental agreement from the real estate agent and the contract form specified by Keio University; յ Your property owner and real estate agent must approve articles 3 and 4 above; ն Tenants may only include you, your family members, and/or other international students of Keio University who hold the status of residence of “Student”; շ You must have been deemed by the International Center to have the ability to pay your rent We advise you to consult the housing coordinator in the International Center at your main campus before applying. 5 Things to Do When Moving When moving, make sure to do the following: ձ Settle all outstanding bills, such as rent, gas, electricity, water, and telephone bills of your previous accommodation. ղ Notify the post office of your new address by filling out the designated change of address form. Your mail will be forwarded to your new address for one year. ճ You must also notify the city offices in the areas of your previous and new addresses within 14 days of moving of moving out (tenshutsu) and moving in (tennynj). Change the address written on your Residence Card (Certificate of Alien Registration is deemed to be equivalent to the Residence Card) and National Health Insurance Card at the city office of your new residence within 14 days of moving. մ Notify the relevant office below of your new address: Student Status Office in Charge Undergraduate/Graduate/Research/ The Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office Non-degree student (Academic Services) at your main campus The Office of Student Services (International Exchange Services KIP students Group) at Mita Campus The Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program) at Mita JLP students Campus 30 ዡᏛ㔠 ዡᏛ㔠 Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔Ꮫ⏕ ᠕⩏ሿᏛᅾ⡠ࡍࡿ⚾㈝␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢ⏦ࡋ㎸ࡴࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡿዡᏛ㔠ࡣ㸪ḟࡢ4✀㢮࡛ࡍࠋ ձ ᠕⩏ሿᏛ⤥㈝ዡᏛ㔠㸪᠕⩏ሿᏛᏛ㝔ዡᏛ㔠㸪᠕⩏ሿᏛ⚾㈝እᅜே␃Ꮫ⏕≉ูዡᏛ㔠㸪 ᠕⩏ሿᏛ⤒῭ᨭ⤥㈝ዡᏛ㔠 ղ ᪥ᮏேᏛ⏕ࡶ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡶ⏦ㄳ࡛ࡁࡿẸ㛫ᅋయ➼ࡢዡᏛ㔠 ճ ᒣᒸ᠇୍グᛕእᅜே␃Ꮫ⏕ຓᡂᇶ㔠㸪࣭࢜ࣥࢫ࢝ࣛࢩࢵࣉ㸪ࢦ࣮ࣝࢻ࣐࣭ࣥࢧࢵࢡࢫ࣭ ࢫ࣮࢝ࣛࢬ࣭ࣇࣥࢻ⚾㈝እᅜே␃Ꮫ⏕ዡᏛ㔠 մ ␃Ꮫ⏕ࢆᑐ㇟ࡍࡿẸ㛫ᅋయ➼ࡢዡᏛ㔠㸪࠾ࡼࡧᏛ⩦ዡບ㈝ ձ࠾ࡼࡧղࡢዡᏛ㔠ࡣᏛ⏕⥲ྜࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡀເ㞟ࡍࡿዡᏛ㔠࡛ࡍࠋճ࠾ࡼࡧմࡣᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡀເ㞟ࡍࡿዡᏛ㔠 ࡛ࡍࠋẸ㛫ᅋయ➼ࡢዡᏛ㔠ࡣ㸪Ꮫࡽࡢ᥎⸀ࡀᚲせ࡞ዡᏛ㔠ಶே࡛⏦㎸ࢆࡍࡿ⮬⏤ᛂເࡢዡᏛ㔠ࡢ2✀㢮 ࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ເ㞟࣭ฟ㢪ࡘ࠸࡚ (1) ዡᏛ㔠ࡢເ㞟ࡣ㸪ᡤᒓ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢዡᏛ㔠ᢸᙜົᐊᥖ♧ᯈ࠾ࡼࡧᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮࢙࢘ࣈ ࢧࢺ࡛࠾▱ࡽࡏࡋࡲࡍࠋᛂເࡢᶵࢆࡢࡀࡍࡇࡢ࡞࠸ࡼ࠺㸪Ꮫ᮶ࡓࡽᚲࡎᥖ♧ࢆぢࡿࡼ࠺ࡋ ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࡲࡓ㸪ᐃᮇⓗ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࡶࢳ࢙ࢵࢡࡍࡿࡼ࠺ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/intl_student/scholarship/keio_student.html (2) 㸯ᖺ㛫ເ㞟ࡀ࠶ࡿዡᏛ㔠ࡢ✀㢮㸪᮲௳➼ࡢヲ⣽ࡣ㸪๓ᖺᗘࡢዡᏛ㔠ᐇ⦼ࢆᥖ㍕ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠕእᅜே␃Ꮫ ⏕ᑐ㇟ዡᏛ㔠ෆࠖ㸦Ꮚ㸧ࢆཧ↷ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࠕእᅜே␃Ꮫ⏕ᑐ㇟ዡᏛ㔠ෆࠖࡣྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᏛ⏕ 㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢዡᏛ㔠ᢸᙜົᐊ࡛㓄ᕸࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡓࡔࡋ㸪ເ㞟ࡢᮇࡣ㸪ᖺࡼࡗ࡚ኚࢃࡿࡇࡀ࠶ࡾࡲ ࡍࡢ࡛㸪ὀពࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ (3) ዡᏛ㔠ᛂເࡍࡿ㝿ࡣ㸪ẖᏛᮇึࡵዡᏛ㔠ཷ⤥ᕼᮃⓏ㘓ࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋⓏ㘓ࡣࠕዡᏛ㔠ཷ⤥ᕼᮃㄪᰝ ᭩ࠖ➼ࡢ᭩㢮ࡢᥦฟࡼࡾࡋࡲࡍࠋዡᏛ㔠ࢆᕼᮃࡍࡿᏛ⏕ࡣ㸪ᚲࡎᥦฟࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ᭩㢮ࡢ✀㢮ࡸ ⥾ࡵษࡾ➼ࡢヲ⣽ࡣ㸪ᥖ♧∧ࡼࡾ࠾▱ࡽࡏࡋࡲࡍࠋ (4) ዡᏛ㔠ᛂເࡍࡿ㝿࡞㸪ᣦᑟᩍᤵ᥎⸀≧ࡸዡᏛ⏕ホ౯⚊ࡢసᡂࢆ౫㢗ࡋ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡽ࡞࠸ࡇࡀ ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ⥾ษ᪥┤๓࠾㢪࠸ࡍࡿࡇࡢ࡞࠸ࡼ࠺ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ࡞࠾㸪᥎⸀≧ࢆ౫㢗ࡋࡓዡᏛ㔠᥇ ⏝ࡀỴᐃࡋࡓሙྜࡣ㸪ᣦᑟᩍᤵሗ࿌ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢᏛ⏕ ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢᅾᏛ⏕ྥࡅࡢዡᏛ㔠ࡣ㸪㔠㢠ເ㞟ேᩘࡀ㠀ᖖ㝈ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᛂເࡢヲ⣽ࡘ ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢᥖ♧ᯈ࡛࠾▱ࡽࡏࡋࡲࡍࠋ 31 Scholarships Scholarships 1. Undergraduate/Graduate Students Privately financed international students enrolling at Keio University may apply for scholarships in the following four categories: ձ Keio University Scholarship/Keio Graduate School Scholarship/Keio Emergency Scholarship for International Students/Keio Scholarship for Financial Support ղ Scholarships offered by private foundations, available to both Japanese and international students ճ Yamaoka Kenichi Memorial Scholarship/AEON Scholarship/Goldman Sachs Scholars Fund Scholarship մ Honors scholarships (gakushnj shǀreihi) and scholarships offered by private foundations that are only available to international students The Student Affairs Office is in charge of applications for scholarships in categories ձ and ղ. The International Center is in charge of applications for scholarships in categories ճ and մ. There are two types of scholarships under categories ղ and մ: a) Scholarships for which applicants must have a recommendation from Keio University; and b) Scholarships for which applicants must apply directly to the relevant foundation/organization/institution. How to Apply: (1) Scholarship information will be posted on the bulletin boards of the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Scholarships and Financial Assistance) at each campus and on the International Center’s website. Some scholarship opportunities may be posted with very short notice. Be sure to check the website and respective bulletin boards regularly. http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/en/life/scholarship/application.html (2) The Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Scholarships and Financial Assistance Group) at each campus distributes a scholarship information guidebook for international students (gaikokujin rynjgakusei taishǀ shǀgakukin annai). It is available only in Japanese and contains information about the types of scholarships that students can apply for, eligibility requirements, and scholarship results from the previous year. Please note that the application period for some scholarships may change from year to year. (3) An international student who wishes to apply for scholarships through Keio University must complete the scholarship applicant registration (shǀgakukin jukynj kibǀ tǀroku) at the beginning of every semester. The registration procedure is complete after the student submits the designated scholarship applicant registration form (shǀgakukin jukynj kibǀ chǀsa-sho) and all other required documents. Detailed information about required documents and submission deadlines will be posted on the bulletin board. (4) You must ask your academic advisor to write you a recommendation and complete a scholarship evaluation form for you. Make sure to give your academic advisor enough time to do this for you. Please inform your academic advisor if you are granted a scholarship. 2. Japanese Language Program Students There are also scholarships available for students enrolled in the Japanese Language Program. However, the number of recipients and the scholarship amounts are very limited. Detailed information will be posted on the Japanese Language Program bulletin board. 32 Ꮫࡢつ๎㸪Ꮫ࡛ࡢᤵᴗ 1 Ꮫࡢつ๎ ᠕⩏ሿᏛ࠾ࡅࡿ㸪Ꮫ⏕ࡢᩍ⫱㸪◊✲㛵ࡍࡿつ๎ࡣ㸪ࠕ᠕⩏ሿᏛᏛ㒊Ꮫ๎ࠖ㸪ࠕ᠕⩏ሿᏛᏛ 㝔Ꮫ๎ࠖ㸪ࠕ᠕⩏ሿᏛู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬つ๎ࠖࡼࡗ࡚ᐃࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ Ꮫࡢつ๎ࡘ࠸࡚ࢃࡽ࡞࠸ࡇࡸၥࡀ࠶ࡿࡁࡣ㸪ᡤᒓࡍࡿᏛ㒊࣭◊✲⛉ࡢᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜ 㸪ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢᏛ⏕ࡣᏛ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜࡓࡎࡡ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 2 ఇㅮ࣭⿵ㅮ࣭ᩍᐊኚ᭦࣭ヨ㦂➼ࡢ㐃⤡ Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔 Ꮫ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜࡢᥖ♧ᯈ㸪ᏛWebࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࡼࡗ࡚⾜ࢃࢀࡲࡍࠋ ࠕᏛWebࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࠖ http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/web_system.html ୕⏣࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ࠾ࡼࡧSFC࡛ࡣ⣬ࡼࡿఇㅮ࣭⿵ㅮࡢᥖ♧ࡣ⾜࠸ࡲࡏࢇࡢ࡛㸪ᏛWebࢩࢫࢸ࣒࡛☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃ ࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ࡞࠾㸪୕⏣࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ࡛ࡣᙜ᪥ࡢఇㅮ࣭⿵ㅮ㝈ࡾ㸪ᵓෆࡢሗࢹࢫࣉ࡛ࣞ☜ㄆ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ ఇㅮ࣭⿵ㅮࡘ࠸࡚ࡣᏛWebࢩࢫࢸ࣒㸪ᩍᐊኚ᭦ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣኚ᭦๓࣭ኚ᭦ᚋࡢᩍᐊධࡾཱྀࡢᥖ♧㸪ヨ㦂ࡘ ࠸࡚ࡣู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢᥖ♧ᯈ࡛࠾▱ࡽࡏࡋࡲࡍࠋ ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ㅮᗙ ఇㅮ࣭⿵ㅮࡘ࠸࡚ࡣᏛWebࢩࢫࢸ࣒࡛☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࡑࢀ௨እࡢᥖ♧ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢᥖ ♧ᯈ㸦すᰯ⯋㸧㈞ࡾฟࡋ㸪ࡲࡓ௨ୗࡢᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ࡛ࡶෆࡋࡲࡍࠋ http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/en/aboutic/aboutcourse/e-bulletin_board.html 3 ᤵᴗ㛫 ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ 1㝈 2㝈 3㝈 4㝈 5㝈 6㝈 7㝈 ୕⏣࣭᪥ྜྷ࣭ ▮ୖ࣭ಙ⃰⏫ 9㸸00㹼10㸸30 10㸸45㹼12㸸15 13㸸00㹼14㸸30 14㸸45㹼16㸸15 16㸸30㹼18㸸00 18㸸10㹼19㸸40 㸫 ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࢹࢨ࣭ࣥ ࣐ࢿࢪ࣓ࣥࢺ◊✲⛉ •༡⸨ἑ Ⱚඹ❧ 9㸸25㹼10㸸55 11㸸10㹼12㸸40 13㸸00㹼14㸸30 14㸸45㹼16㸸15 16㸸30㹼18㸸00 18㸸10㹼19㸸40 19㸸50㹼21㸸20 9㸸00㹼10㸸30 10㸸45㹼12㸸15 13㸸00㹼14㸸30 14㸸45㹼16㸸15 16㸸30㹼18㸸00 㸫 㸫 㸦᪥ྜྷ㸧 9㸸00㹼10㸸30 10㸸45㹼12㸸15 13㸸00㹼14㸸30 14㸸45㹼16㸸15 17㸸15㹼18㸸45 19㸸00㹼20㸸30 㸫 ͤᐃᮇヨ㦂㸦Ꮫᮇᮎヨ㦂㸧ࡢ㛫ᖏࡣ㸪ኚ᭦࡞ࡿሙྜࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋᥖ♧➼࡛☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 33 University Regulations and Classes 1 University Regulations at Keio University The university regulations of Keio University are defined in the booklets “Undergraduate Faculty Regulations” (Keio gijuku daigaku gakubu gakusoku), “Graduate School Regulations” (Keio gijuku daigaku daigaku-in gakusoku), and “Japanese Language Program Regulations” (bekka nihongo kenshnj katei kisoku). The booklets are only available in Japanese. For further details and information on academic regulations, please inquire at the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services) or, if you are a Japanese Language Program student, at the Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program). 2 Information about Class Cancellations, Makeup Classes, Classroom Changes, and Examinations 1. Undergraduate/Graduate Information will be posted on the bulletin board at the Office of Student Services on your campus, the SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services), and on the Gakuji Web System. Gakuji Web System: http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/web_system.html On Mita Campus and SFC, information about class cancellations and makeup classes will not be posted on the bulletin boards. Please check this information on the Gakuji Web System. On Mita Campus, you can check information about class cancellations and makeup classes on the day on the campus information display. 2. Japanese Language Program Information regarding class cancellations and makeup classes will be posted on the Gakuji Web System. Classroom changes will be posted at both the originally assigned classroom and the newly assigned classroom. Information about examinations will be posted on the Japanese Language Program bulletin board. 3. International Center Courses Information regarding class cancellations and makeup classes will be posted on the Gakuji Web System. Other information will be posted on the International Center’s bulletin board in the West School Building and will also be posted on the International Center website. http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/en/aboutic/aboutcourse/e-bulletin_board.html 3 Class Schedules Mita/Hiyoshi/ SDM Campus SFC Shiba-Kyoritsu Yagami/Shinanomachi (Hiyoshi) 1st period 9:00–10:30 9:00–10:30 9:25–10:55 9:00–10:30 2nd period 10:45–12:15 10:45–12:15 11:10–12:40 10:45–12:15 3rd period 13:00–14:30 13:00–14:30 13:00–14:30 13:00–14:30 4th period 14:45–16:15 14:45–16:15 14:45–16:15 14:45–16:15 5th period 16:30–18:00 17:15–18:45 16:30–18:00 16:30–18:00 6th period 18:10–19:40 19:00–20:30 18:10–19:40 㸫 7th period 㸫 㸫 19:50–21:20 㸫 Note: Class schedules are subject to change during semester-end examination periods. Please check the bulletin boards for details. 34 4 ᪩㔝⌫ᡓᙜ᪥ࡢᤵᴗ ẖᖺ2ᅇ㸦Ꮨ⛅Ꮨ㸧㸪᠕⩏ሿᏛᑐ᪩✄⏣Ꮫࡢ㔝⌫ࡢヨྜࡀ⚄ᐑ⌫ሙ࡛⾜ࢃࢀࡲࡍࠋヨྜ㛤ദ᪥ࡢᤵ ᴗࡣᛂࡢࡓࡵఇㅮ࡞ࡿࡶࡢࡀ࠶ࡾ㸪ఇㅮ࡞ࡿ㝈ࡸ㸪ヨྜࡀ᭶᭙᪥௨㝆㛤ദࡉࢀࡿሙྜࡢྲྀࡾᢅ࠸➼㸪 ヲ⣽ࡣᡤᒓࡼࡾ␗࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࡸᒚಟෆࢆ☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ3ᅇᡓ௨㝆ࡶࡇࢀ ‽ࡌࡲࡍࠋ㞵ኳ➼࡛୰Ṇ࡞ࡗࡓሙྜࡣ㸪ᖹᖖ࠾ࡾᤵᴗࢆ⾜࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᪩ᡓᙜ᪥ࡢఇㅮྲྀᢅ࠸ࡣ㸪ᙜ᪥ᮅ9௨ୗࡢ࣮࣌ࢪ࡚࿌▱࠸ࡓࡋࡲࡍࠋ http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/ ヨྜ⤖ᯝࡣ㸪ᮾிභ6Ꮫ㔝⌫㐃┕࢜ࣇࢩࣕࣝࢧࢺ࡛☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www.big6.gr.jp/ 5 ୕⏣⚍㸦Ꮫ⚍㸧ᮇ㛫୰ࡢᤵᴗ ୕⏣⚍ࡣẖᖺ11᭶ୗ᪪㛤ദࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ୕⏣⚍ᮇ㛫୰㸦2015ᖺᗘࡣ㸪11᭶18᪥༗ᚋ㹼11᭶24᪥㸧ࡢᤵᴗࡣఇㅮ ࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋࡓࡔࡋ㸪ᡤᒓࡍࡿᏛ㒊࣭◊✲⛉➼ࡼࡗ࡚ࡣ㸪ᤵᴗࡀ㛤ㅮࡉࢀࡿሙྜࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪ྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃ ࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜ࡛☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 6 ⥭ᛴ࠾ࡅࡿᤵᴗࡢྲྀࡾᢅ࠸ ᨻᗓࡸẼ㇟ᗇࡽ㺀ᮾᾏᆅ㟈ὀពሗ㺁ࡀⓎࡏࡽࢀࡓሙྜࡸ㸪ྛ✀⮬↛⅏ᐖ࣭つᶍ࡞ᨾ➼ࡼࡿ㕲㐨➼㏻ᶵ 㛵ࡢ㐠⾜Ṇ㸪ࡑࡢ⥭ᛴែࡀⓎ⏕ࡋࡓሙྜࡢᤵᴗࡢྲྀࡾᢅ࠸ࡣḟࡢ࠾ࡾࡋࡲࡍࠋ ᨻᗓࡸẼ㇟ᗇࡽࠕᮾᾏᆅ㟈ὀពሗࠖࡀⓎࡏࡽࢀࡓሙྜ 㤳㒔ᅪ࣭ᮾᾏᆅ᪉ࢆ୰ᚰࡍࡿつᶍ࡞ᆅ㟈Ⓨ⏕ࡀணࡉࢀ㸪ᨻᗓࡸẼ㇟ᗇࡽࠕᮾᾏᆅ㟈ὀពሗࠖࡀⓎࡏࡽ ࢀࡓሙྜࡣ㸪ࡓࡔࡕᏛఇᰯࡋࡲࡍࠋ࡞࠾㸪ᆅ㟈ࡀⓎ⏕ࡍࡿࡇ࡞ࡃࠕᮾᾏᆅ㟈ὀពሗࠖࡀゎ㝖ࡉࢀࡓࡁ ࡢᑐᛂࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ➼ࢆ㏻ࡌ࡚࠾▱ࡽࡏࡋࡲࡍࠋ 㕲㐨➼㏻ᶵ㛵ࡢ㐠⾜Ṇࡸࡑࡢ⥭ᛴែⓎ⏕ࡢሙྜ ྎ㢼࣭㞵࣭㞷࣭ᆅ㟈➼ࡢྛ✀⮬↛⅏ᐖࡸつᶍ࡞ᨾ➼ࡼࡿ㕲㐨➼㏻ᶵ㛵ࡢ㐠⾜Ṇ㸪ࡑࡢ⥭ᛴែ ࡢⓎ⏕ࡼࡾ㸪ఇㅮᥐ⨨ࢆࡽࡊࡿࢆᚓ࡞࠸ሙྜࡣ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ➼ࢆ㏻ࡌ࡚࠾▱ࡽࡏࡋࡲࡍࠋ http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/ 㸺ࡑࡢࡢὀព㡯㸼 ᤵᴗ㛤ጞᚋ⥭ᛴែࡀⓎ⏕ࡋࡓሙྜࡣ㸪≧ἣࡼࡾᤵᴗࡢ▷⦰ࡸ᪩㏥࡞ู㏵ᥐ⨨ࢆㅮࡌࡲࡍࠋ ᥖ♧ࡸᵓෆᨺ㏦㸪ୖグࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࡼࡿᏛࡽࡢᣦ♧ᚑࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 35 4 Classes on the Day of Keio-Waseda Baseball Games The Keio-Waseda Baseball Games, known as Keisǀ-sen or Sǀkei-sen, take place at the Jingu Baseball Stadium in Spring and Fall. Some classes on the day of the game may be cancelled to give students the opportunity to support the Keio team. In the case that the game is held on a Monday or other weekday, decisions on which periods will be cancelled or instructions differ depending on faculty and graduate school. Please check the details on the website of your campus or in your course registration handbook. If the games are canceled due to rain or for other reasons, classes will be held as usual. Class cancellations will be announced at 9 a.m. on the day of the game at the website below: http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/en/ For the game results, please check the Tokyo Big6 Baseball League website below: http://www.big6.gr.jp/ 5 Classes During Mita-sai (Mita Festival) Mita-sai (Mita Festival) is Keio University’s festival held on Mita Campus in late November. In 2015, the festival will be held from the afternoon of November 18 until November 24. Classes are canceled at most campuses but may still be held depending on your faculty or graduate school. Please check with the Office of Student Services at your campus or the SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services) for information regarding class cancellations. 6 Classes During Times of Emergency If the Japanese government or Japan Meteorological Agency issues a Tokai earthquake warning, if public transportation becomes unavailable due to natural disasters or large accidents, and in other times of emergency, Keio will take the following measures concerning classes: 1. In the event of a Tokai earthquake warning All classes will be canceled when a major earthquake is predicted in the Tokai area by the Japanese government or Japan Meteorological Agency. If the earthquake warning is canceled without there being an actual earthquake, please follow the instructions you receive from the university, which will be given via bulletin boards and the Keio University website. 2. In case of public transportation stoppages and other emergencies If classes have to be canceled when transportation services are not available due to a serious accident or natural disaster such as a typhoon, heavy rain, heavy snow, or earthquake, or at other times of emergency, please follow the instructions you receive from the university, which will be given via bulletin boards and the Keio University website. http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/ (Japanese language only) Note: If the situations described above occur after regular classes have started, classes may be shortened or dismissed earlier than usual. Please follow the instructions you receive from the university, which will be given via bulletin boards, the university public address system, and the Keio University website above. 36 7 ᤵᴗᩱ Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔Ꮫ⏕ Ꮫ㈝㸦ᤵᴗᩱ࡞㸧ࡣ㸪Ꮫࡀᣦᐃࡍࡿ㖟⾜ࢆ㏻ࡌ࡚⣡ධࡋ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ ㎸⏝⣬ࡣཎ๎㸪ྛᏛᮇࡢึࡵಖドேᐄ㏦ࡉࢀࡲࡍ㸦⤒Ⴀ⟶⌮◊✲⛉㸪ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࢹࢨ࣭࣐ࣥࢿࢪ࣓ࣥ ࢺ◊✲⛉㸪࣓ࢹࢹࢨࣥ◊✲⛉㸪ἲົ◊✲⛉ࡣᏛ⏕ᮏேᐄ㏦ࡉࢀࡲࡍ㸧ࠋ⣡ධᮇ㝈ࡣ㸪Ꮫᮇศࡣ4᭶ ᮎ᪥㸪⛅Ꮫᮇศࡣ10᭶ᮎ᪥࡛ࡍ㸦ἲົ◊✲⛉2010ᖺᗘ௨๓ධᏛ⪅ࢆ㝖ࡃ㸧ࠋ࡞࠾㸪ᤵᴗᩱ➼㎸㔠㡿ドࡣษ ಖ⟶ࡋ࡚࠾࠸࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ๓Ꮫᮇࡲ࡛ࡢᤵᴗᩱࡀᮍ⣡ࡢሙྜ㸪ド᫂᭩ࡢⓎ⾜ࡣ࡛ࡁࡲࡏࢇࠋ ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢᏛ⏕ ධᏛࡢ㝿1Ꮫᮇ┠ࡢᏛ㈝ࡢࡳ⣡ධࡋࡓሙྜࡣ㸪ṧࡾࡢᏛ㈝ࢆ2Ꮫᮇ┠ࡀጞࡲࡿ๓㸪ᡤᐃࡢ㎸⏝⣬ࢆົᐊ ࡛ཷࡅྲྀࡾ㸪᪥ᮏᅜෆࡢ㖟⾜ࡢ❆ཱྀ࡛⣡ࡵ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᾏእࡽࡢ㏦㔠ࡣ࡛ࡁࡲࡏࢇࠋ 2Ꮫᮇ┠ࡢᏛ㈝⣡ධࡘ ࠸࡚ࡢヲ⣽ࡣ㸪Ꮫᮇᮎ㸦Ꮫᮇࡣ7᭶ึ᪪㸪⛅Ꮫᮇࡣ1᭶୰᪪㸧ෆࡋࡲࡍࠋ࡞࠾㸪ᤵᴗᩱ➼㎸㔠㡿ドࡣᏛ ᮇࡀ⤊ࡍࡿࡲ࡛ษಖ⟶ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㸺ὀព㡯㸼 (1) ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢつ๎➨36᮲㸪ࠕᤵᴗᩱࡑࡢᚲせ⤒㈝ࢆᡤᐃࡢᮇ᪥ࡲ࡛⣡ධࡋ࡞࠸ࡁࡣ㏥ Ꮫࡉࡏࡿࡇࡀ࠶ࡿࠖᐃࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (2) ୍ᗘ⣡ධࡉࢀࡓᏛ㈝➼ࡣ࠸࡞ࡿ࡛ࡶ୍ษ㏉㑏࡛ࡁࡲࡏࢇࠋ 37 7 Tuition & Other Fees 1. Undergraduate/Graduate Students Payment of academic fees (tuition and other fees) must be made through a bank designated by the university. As a rule, payment requests and billing forms will be sent to your guarantor at the beginning of each semester. (The requests and forms will be sent to you if you are a student of the Graduate School of Business, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Graduate School of Media Design or Law School.) Payment deadlines are the end of April for the Spring Semester and the end of October for the Fall Semester (except for students admitted to Law School before 2010). Please make sure to keep the receipts of payment (jugyǀryǀtou furikomikin ryǀshu-sho) just in case. Certificates and transcripts cannot be issued to you if your tuition fee for the previous semester has not been paid. 2. Japanese Language Program Students Students who, at the time of admission, have only paid tuition and other fees for the first semester must pay the rest of the fees at a bank in Japan with a payment slip provided at the Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program) before the second semester starts. Keio University cannot accept direct transfers from banks overseas. Information regarding payment for the second semester will be provided at the end of the first semester (in early July for Spring Semester and mid-January for Fall Semester). Please be sure to keep the receipt of payment (jugyǀryǀtǀ furikomikin ryǀshu-sho) until the semester ends. Note: (1) Article 36 of the Japanese Language Program Regulations states, “Those who do not pay the required tuition fee and other fees by the deadline may be dismissed from the university.” (2) Tuition and other fees are nonrefundable regardless of circumstance. 38 Ꮫෆタ㸪ไᗘ 1 ࣓ࢹࢭࣥࢱ࣮㸦ᅗ᭩㤋㸧 ᅗ᭩㤋ࡣࠕ࣓ࢹࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࠖ࠸࠺ྡ⛠࡛㸪 6ࡘࡢ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫタ⨨ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᑓ㛛ศ 㔝ྜࢃࡏࡓᅗ᭩㸪㞧ㄅ㸪ど⫈ぬ㈨ᩱ➼ࢆࡑࢀࡒࢀᡤⶶࡋ㸪ࡑࡢྜィࡣ480ࡢࡰࡾࡲࡍࠋⶶ᭩ࡢ᳨⣴ࡣ KOSMOS㸦࢜ࣥࣛࣥ┠㘓㸧ࢆࡗ࡚⾜࠸㸪࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᅗ᭩ࡶྲྀࡾᐤࡏ࡚㈚ࡋฟࡋࡍࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ ࡑࡢ㸪࣓ࢹࢭࣥࢱ࣮࡛ࡣ᭷ᩱࡢࢹ࣮ࢱ࣮࣋ࢫࡸ㟁Ꮚࢪ࣮ࣕࢼࣝࢆከᩘዎ⣙ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾ㸪Ꮫ⏕ࡣ⮬⏤⏝ ࡍࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ ᅗ᭩㤋ࡢ⏝࠶ࡓࡗ࡚㸸 ձ ᅗ᭩㤋ࡢධ㤋㸪㈚ฟ➼ࡢᡭ⥆ࡁࡣᏛ⏕ドࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ ղ ㈚ฟᩘ࠾ࡼࡧ᪥ᩘࡣ㈨ᩱࡸ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡼࡾ␗࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ㏉༷ᮇ㝈㐜ࢀࡿ㸪㸯᪥ࡘࡁ110 ࡢᘏ㔠ࡀࡾࡲࡍࠋ⣮ኻ࣭ởᦆ࣭◚ᦆࡋࡓሙྜࡣᘚൾࡋ࡚࠸ࡓࡔࡁࡲࡍࠋ ճ ㈚ฟ୰ᅗ᭩ࡢ↷㸪㏉༷ᮇ㝈ࡢᘏ㛗㸦᭦᪂㸧ࡣKOSMOSࡢࠕMy Libraryࠖࡽ࢙࢘ࣈୖ࡛ᡭ⥆ࡁ࡛ࡁࡲ ࡍࠋ㈚ฟ୰ᅗ᭩ࡢண⣙ࡸ㸪ᆅ༊࣓ࢹࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡽࡢᅗ᭩ྲྀࡾᐤࡏࡶࠕMy Libraryࠖࡽ⏦ࡋ㎸ࡴ ࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ մ ࢹ࣮ࢱ࣮࣋ࢫࡸ㟁Ꮚࢪ࣮ࣕࢼࣝࢆ⏝ࡍࡿࡣ㸪ITC㸦࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡ㸧࢝࢘ࣥࢺࡀᚲせ࡛ ࡍࠋ 㛤㤋㛫ࡸ⏝᪉ἲ➼ࡢヲ⣽ࡣ㸪࣓ࢹࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࢆཧ↷ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www.lib.keio.ac.jp/ 2 ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ࡛ࡢࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱ࣭ࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡ⏝㸦ITC㸧 ྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࣥࣇ࢛࣓࣮ࢩࣙࣥࢸࢡࣀࣟࢪ࣮ࢭࣥࢱ࣮㸦௨ୗ㸪ITC㸧ࡀタ⨨ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾ㸪ᩍ⫱ࡸ◊✲࡛ ⏝ࡉࢀࡿࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱࡸࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡ࡞㛵ࡍࡿࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱࡸࣉࣜࣥࢱ㸪↓⥺LAN➼ࡢྛ✀ࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆ⏝ࡍࡿࡓࡵࡣ㸪࢝࢘ࣥࢺࡢྲྀᚓ ࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ࢝࢘ࣥࢺྲྀᚓ᪉ἲ㸪ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ⏝᪉ἲࡢヲ⣽ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪ᡤᒓࡍࡿ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ ITCࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧ ࢺࢆࡈ☜ㄆࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ ୕⏣ ᪥ྜྷ ಙ⃰⏫ ▮ୖ •༡⸨ἑ Ⱚඹ❧ URL http://www.mita.itc.keio.ac.jp/ http://www.hc.itc.keio.ac.jp/ http://www.sc.itc.keio.ac.jp/ http://www.st.itc.keio.ac.jp/ http://www.sfc.itc.keio.ac.jp/ http://www.skc.itc.keio.ac.jp/ 39 Campus Facilities and Services 1 Media Center (Library) Libraries at Keio University are called “Media Centers.” All six campuses—Mita, Hiyoshi, Shinanomachi, Yagami, SFC, and Shiba-Kyoritsu—have a Media Center, which collects and stores all kinds of written and electronic resources in areas corresponding to each campus’s specialty in order to provide students, faculty, and administrative staff with the information they need at the right time. The Media Centers hold and provide access to a total of over 4.8 million books, periodicals, and other printed materials, audiovisual resources, electronic journals and databases. Students can use Keio’s electronic library catalog, called KOSMOS, to find resources and request items from the media centers on each campus. In addition, Keio’s Media Centers have obtained access to paid databases and electronic journals, which have been made available for students to use. When using the Media Centers: ձ Use your student ID card to enter the library and borrow books. ղ Borrowing limits and loan periods depend on which Media Center you use. If you return books past their due date, you will be charged a fine of 10 yen per item per day. If you lose or damage any borrowed materials, you must pay for them. ճ The “My Library” function on KOSMOS allows students to see items they are currently borrowing and renew those items. Also, by using KOSMOS, you can reserve items others are currently borrowing and request books from Media Centers on other campuses. մ You need an ITC account (campus network account) to access the paid databases or electronic journals. For further information about the Media Centers, please visit the following website: http://www.lib.keio.ac.jp/en/ 2 Computer/Network Facilities (ITC) Information Technology Center (ITC) is located on each campus to provide computing and communications infrastructure, services, support, and innovation of Keio University’s educational and research programs. You are required to obtain an account in order to use the computers, printers, and various network services such as wireless LAN. For more information, please visit your campus’s ITC website (Japanese language only). Campus Mita Hiyoshi Shinanomachi Yagami Shonan Fujisawa Shiba-Kyoritsu URL http://www.mita.itc.keio.ac.jp/ http://www.hc.itc.keio.ac.jp/ http://www.sc.itc.keio.ac.jp/ http://www.st.itc.keio.ac.jp/ http://www.sfc.itc.keio.ac.jp/ http://www.skc.itc.keio.ac.jp/ 40 3 ಖ⟶⌮ࢭࣥࢱ࣮࣭デ⒪ᡤ ಖ⟶⌮ࢭࣥࢱ࣮࡛ࡣ㸪ᗣ┦ㄯࡸᛂᛴฎ⨨➼ࢆ↓ᩱ࡛ཷࡅࡽࢀࡿ㸪ᐃᮇᗣデ᩿ࡢ⤖ᯝᇶ࡙ࡃᗣデ ᩿ド᫂᭩ࡢⓎ⾜➼ࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓ㸪ྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ㸦ಙ⃰⏫࣭Ⱚඹ❧ࢆ㝖ࡃ㸧ࡢಖ⟶⌮ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡣ㸪 ᠕⩏ሿデ⒪ᡤࢆేタࡋ࡚࠾ࡾ㸪ཷ㛫ෆ࡛࠶ࢀࡤ་ᖌࡼࡿデ⒪ࢆཷࡅࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓ㸪≧ࡼࡗ ࡚ࡣ᠕⩏ሿᏛ㝔ࡲࡓࡣࡢ་⒪ᶵ㛵ࢆ⤂ࡋࡲࡍࠋ デ⒪ࡘ࠸࡚ 㸦㸧 Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔ṇつ⏕ ᠕⩏ሿデ⒪ᡤࢆ⏝ࡋࡓ㝿ࡢ㈝⏝ࡣ㸪Ꮫ⏕ᗣಖ㝤ຓ⤌ྜ㸦⤌ྜ㸧ࡢዎ⣙ᚑࡗ࡚㸪デ⒪㈝㸦⸆௦ ࡸ᳨ᰝ㈝⏝ࢆྵࡴ㸧ࡢ༙㢠ࡣ⤌ྜࡀ㈇ᢸࡋ㸪༙㢠ࡣⓙࡉࢇࡀᨭᡶ࠺ࡇ࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ 㸦㸧 ◊✲⏕㸪ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬⏕㸪᠕ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢᏛ⏕㸪≉ู▷ᮇ␃Ꮫ⏕ ᠕⩏ሿデ⒪ᡤࢆ⏝ࡋࡓ㝿ࡢ㈝⏝ࡣ㸪デ⒪㈝㸦⸆௦ࡸ᳨ᰝ㈝⏝ࢆྵࡴ㸧ࡢ㢠ࢆⓙࡉࢇࡀᨭᡶ࠺ࡇ ࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ デ⒪᪥⛬ࡣಖ⟶⌮ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ࡛☜ㄆ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ http://www.hcc.keio.ac.jp/ ಖ⟶⌮ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ 㛤ᐊ㛫 ᭶㹼㔠 8:30㹼17:00 ᭶㹼㔠 8:30㹼17:00 ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ ሙ ᡤ ୕⏣ 㤋 1 㝵 ᪥ྜྷ ୪ᮌ㐨 ࢢࣛ࢘ࣥࢻഃ ▮ୖ 16-A Ჷ 3 㝵 ᭶㹼㔠 8:30㹼17:00 SFC A㤋 2 㝵 ᭶㹼㔠 9:00㹼17:30 ಙ⃰⏫ ୰ኸᲷ ᆅୗ 1 㝵 ᭶㹼㔠 8:30㹼17:00 Ⱚඹ❧ 2 ྕ㤋 1 㝵 ᭶㹼㔠 8:30㹼17:00 デ⒪ᡤ ཷ㛫 ᭶㹼㔠 8:45㹼11:30 / 13:00㹼16:15 ᭶㹼㔠 8:45㹼11:30 / 13:00㹼16:15 ᭶࣭Ỉ 13:15㹼16:15 㔠 8:45㹼11:30 / 13:15㹼16:15 ་ᖌࡀᚲࡎᅾᐊࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡣ㝈ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ་ᖌࡢデ⒪ ᪥ࡣ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ࡛☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᭶࣭Ỉ 9:15㹼12:00 ᭶㹼㔠 13:00㹼16:15 ་ᖌࡢデ⒪᪥ࡣ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ࡛☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᠕⩏ሿデ⒪ᡤࡋ࡚ࡢデ⒪ࡣ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡏࢇࠋయㄪ Ⰻ➼࡛ཷデࢆᕼᮃࡍࡿሙྜࡣ㸪Ꮫ⏕ドᗣಖ㝤ド ࢆᣢཧࡢ࠺࠼㸪᭶ 8:45㹼11:15㸪ⅆ㹼㔠 13:00㹼16:00 ᮶ᐊࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᑐ㇟ࡣ་Ꮫ㒊 2㹼6 ᖺ⏕࠾ࡼࡧ་ Ꮫ◊✲⛉ṇつ⏕㸪┳ㆤ་⒪Ꮫ㒊 3 ᖺ⏕ࡢࡳ࡛ࡍࠋ デ⒪ᡤࡣ࡞࠸ࡓࡵデ⒪ࡣ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡏࢇࠋ་ᖌࡢ┦ ㄯࢆᕼᮃࡍࡿሙྜࡣ㸪࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ࡛ᅾᐊ᪥⛬ࢆ☜ ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㸺ὀព㸼 ᠕⩏ሿデ⒪ᡤ࡛ࡣᅜẸᗣಖ㝤࡞ࡼࡿಖ㝤デ⒪ࡣ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡏࢇࠋ ᐃᮇᗣデ᩿ࡘ࠸࡚ ᖺ1ᅇ4㹼5᭶↓ᩱ࡛ᐃᮇᗣデ᩿ࢆᐇࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᡤᒓࡍࡿᏛ㒊࣭◊✲⛉࣭Ꮫᖺ࣭ᛶูࡼࡗ࡚ཷデ᪥ࡀ 㐪࠸ࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪4᭶㹼5᭶ࡢᥖ♧ὀពࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࡇࡢᐃᮇᗣデ᩿ࢆཷࡅࡿ㸪ࡑࡢᖺᗘ࠾࠸࡚㸪ᕼᮃࡍ ࢀࡤᗣデ᩿ド᫂᭩㸦1㏻200㸧ࡢⓎ⾜ࢆཷࡅࡽࢀࡲࡍࠋ㝔ࡸಖᡤ࡛ᗣデ᩿ࢆཷࡅࡿ᭷ᩱ (5,000㹼 10,000)࡛ࡍࠋᣦᐃࡢᐃᮇᗣデ᩿᪥௨እࡣཷデ࡛ࡁࡲࡏࢇࡢ࡛ὀពࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 41 3 Keio Health Centers/Clinics Medical consultation and first-aid treatment are available for free at the Health Centers on each campus. Certificates of Health can also be issued at a Health Center if you take an annual health checkup. Clinics are located within the Health Centers on Mita, Hiyoshi, Yagami and SFC campuses. (Shinanomachi and Shiba-Kyoritsu Campuses do not have clinics.) These clinics offer medical diagnoses and treatment by a resident doctor during office hours. If students require further medical treatment, a referral to Keio University Hospital or another hospital will be given. 1. Medical Treatment (1) Undergraduate/Graduate Students If you receive medical treatment at one of Keio’s clinics, half of the cost of treatment and medication will be paid by the Student Health Insurance Union. You are responsible for the remaining amount. (2) Research Students, JLP Students, KIP Students, and Short-term International Students If you receive medical treatment at one of Keio’s clinics, you will be required to pay all medical fees. The Health Center website can be found at the links below: Japanese: http://www.hcc.keio.ac.jp/ English: http://www.hcc.keio.ac.jp/index-en.htm (Some information is Japanese language only) Health Center Office Hours Monday to Friday 8:30–17:00 Clinic Office Hours Monday to Friday 8:45–11:30/13:00–16:15 Building on the Athletics Field side of the tree-lined avenue Monday to Friday 8:30–17:00 Monday to Friday 8:45–11:30/13:00–16:15 Yagami 3F, Bldg. 16-A Monday to Friday 8:30–17:00 SFC 2F, Alpha Bldg. Monday to Friday 9:00–17:30 Shinanomachi B1F, Center Wing Monday to Friday 8:30–17:00 ShibaKyoritsu 1F, Bldg. No. 2 Monday to Friday 8:30–17:00 Campus Location Mita 1F㸪 North Bldg. Hiyoshi Monday, Wednesday 13:15–16:15 Friday 8:45-11:30/13:15-16:15 For the doctor’s schedules, please check the website. Monday, Wednesday 9:15-12:00 Monday to Friday 13:00–16:15 For the doctor’s schedules, please check the website. The Health Center on Shinanomachi Campus does not have a clinic. Be sure to bring your student ID card and health insurance card when coming to be diagnosed. The Health Center is open Monday from 8:45 to 11:15 and Tuesday through Friday from 13:00 to 16:00 to second- to sixth-year undergraduates in the School of Medicine, fulltime students in the Graduate School of Medicine and third-year undergraduates of the Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care. The Health Center on Shiba-Kyoritsu Campus does not have a clinic, so students cannot receive medical treatment here. To see a doctor for medical consultation, please check the schedule on the website. Note: Keio clinics do not accept National Health Insurance cards. 2. Annual Health Checkup Every year during April and May, the Health Center/Clinic carries out annual health checkups free of charge. The date of your checkup will depend on your faculty or graduate school, year, and sex. Please check the date on the bulletin board. Please note that you can only take this health checkup on the days scheduled. Students taking this checkup can receive a Certificate of Health (200 yen per copy) throughout the academic year. Health checkups at other hospitals or healthcare centers will cost you up to 5,000–10,000 yen. 42 4 ࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ࣮࣒ࣝ ᪥ྜྷ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫሿ⏕㤋㸯㝵ࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ࣮࣒ࣝ ࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ࣮࣒ࣝࡣ㸪Ꮫ⏕ᗣಖ㝤ຓ⤌ྜࡢ⤌ྜ㈝ࡼࡾ㛤タࡉࢀࡲࡋࡓࠋᗣቑ㐍࣭యຊቑᙉࡢࡓࡵ 㠀⏝ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᐊෆࡣከᵝ࡞ࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ࣐ࢩ࣮ࣥࡀ࠶ࡾ㸪ࢩ࣮࣮࣒ࣕ࣡ࣝࡶ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ᑓᒓࡢࣥࢫࢺࣛࢡࢱ࣮ࡀࢻࣂࢫࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࢀࡲࡍࠋ ࡞࠾㸪ࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ࣮࣒ࣝࢆ⏝ࡍࡿࡣ㸪ࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ࢙࢘ࢩ࣮ࣗࢬࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ 㛤ᐊ㛫 ᭶᭙᪥㹼㔠᭙᪥ 10㸸30㹼17㸸30㸦ཷࡣ16:30ࡲ࡛㸧 㛢ᐊ᪥ ᅵ᭙㸪᪥᭙㸪⚍᪥㸪⩏ሿࡢᐃࡵࡿఇ᪥㸪୕⏣⚍ᮇ㛫㸪ධᏛヨ㦂ᮇ㛫 ⏝ᩱ㔠 Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔ṇつ⏕㸸 1ᅇ 200 㸦ኟᏘ࣭Ꮨఇᰯᮇ㛫㸪Ꮫᮇᮎヨ㦂ᮇ㛫ࢆ㝖ࡃ4᭶㹼12᭶ࡣ20:00ࡲ࡛ᘏ㛗ࠋཷࡣ19:00ࡲ࡛㸧 㸨ᤵᴗࡀ⾜ࢃࢀࡿ⚍᪥࣭⩏ሿࡢᐃࡵࡿఇ᪥ࡣ㛤ᐊࡍࡿሙྜࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬⏕㸪᠕ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛ⏕㸪◊✲⏕㸸 1ᅇ 300 ⏝᪉ἲ ձ ධཱྀ࡛㸪⏝ๆࢆ㉎ධࡍࡿࠋ ղ ཷᏛ⏕ド⏝ๆࢆᥦฟࡋ㸪ࣟࢵ࣮࢝ࡢ㘽ࢆཷࡅྲྀࡿࠋ ճ ᚲࡎ㐠ື㠐ᒚࡁ᭰࠼࡚ධᐊࡍࡿࠋ մ ᭦⾰ᐊ࡛㐠ື╔╔᭰࠼ࡿࠋ յ ࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ㛤ጞࠋࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ⤊ᚋ㸪ཷࣟࢵ࣮࢝ࡢ㘽ࢆ㏉ࡋ㸪Ꮫ⏕ドࢆཷࡅྲྀࡿࠋ •༡⸨ἑ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫෆࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ࣮࣒ࣝ㸪ࢸࢽࢫࢥ࣮ࢺ •༡⸨ἑ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢయ⫱㤋ෆࡶࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ࣮࣒ࣝࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ⏝ࡍࡿࡣࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ࢙࢘ࢩ ࣮ࣗࢬࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ࣮࣒ࣝࡢ⏝ࡣண⣙ࡢᚲせࡣ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ㛤ᐊ㛫ෆ࡛࠶ࢀࡤ⮬⏤⏝ࡍࡿ ࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ ࢸࢽࢫࢥ࣮ࢺࡢ⏝ࡣ๓᪥ࡲ࡛ົᐊ❆ཱྀ࡛ண⣙ࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ⏝ࡢ㝿ࡣ⏝⏦㎸᭩ࡢ᥍࠼ࢆᣢཧࡋ࡚ᚲ ࡎࢸࢽࢫࢩ࣮ࣗࢬࢆ╔⏝ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㛤ᐊ㛫㸸 ᭶᭙᪥㹼᪥᭙᪥ ࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ࣮࣒ࣝ 9㸸30㹼20㸸00 ࢸࢽࢫࢥ࣮ࢺ 8㸸00㹼19㸸00 㛤 ᐊ ᪥㸸 ⩏ሿࡢᐃࡵࡿఇ᪥ ⏝ᩱ㔠㸸 ↓ᩱ 43 4 Training Room 1. Hiyoshi Campus, 1F, Student Union Building The Training Room is funded by the Student Health Insurance Union to promote good health and physical fitness. The Training Room is equipped with a variety of training machines and shower rooms. A professional instructor is available onsite to give training advice. Appropriate training clothing and shoes must be worn when using the Training Room. Training Room Facility Hours: Open: Monday to Friday, 10:30–17:30 (Last admission at 16:30) (From April to December, facility hours are extended to 20:00 and last admission to 19:00, except during summer, and winter vacations and during the spring and fall semester-end examination periods.) Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, Keio University holidays, during Mita-sai and during the entrance examination period * *The Training Room may be open if classes are held on national and Keio University holidays. Fee: Undergraduate/Graduate Students: 200 yen per entry Japanese Language Program/Keio International Program Students/Research Students: 300 yen per entry When using the Training Room: ձ Purchase a ticket at the entrance (use the automated machine). ղ Exchange your student ID card and the ticket for a locker key at reception. ճ Make sure to change into appropriate shoes. մ Go to the locker room and change into appropriate clothing. յ Begin your workout. After your workout, return the locker key to reception and receive your student ID card. 2. SFC Campus Training Room and Tennis Court There is also a training room in the SFC gym. Please make sure to wear appropriate training clothing and shoes. Reservations are not required. You can use the training room during the facility hours listed below. If you would like to use the tennis court, you need to make a reservation at the office by the day before you plan to use it. Please bring a copy of the user registration form when you use the tennis court. Make sure to wear tennis shoes. Training Room: Tennis Court: Closed: Fee: Monday to Sunday, 9:30–20:00 Monday to Sunday, 8:00–19:00 University holidays Free 44 5 Ꮫ⏕┦ㄯᐊ㸪ᚰ㌟࢙࢘ࣝࢿࢫࢭࣥࢱ࣮㸪ࢫࢺࣞࢫ࣭࣐ࢿࢪ࣓ࣥࢺᐊ Ꮫ⏕┦ㄯᐊ㸪ᚰ㌟࢙࢘ࣝࢿࢫࢭࣥࢱ࣮㸪ࢫࢺࣞࢫ࣭࣐ࢿࢪ࣓ࣥࢺᐊࡣ㸪ࡳ࡞ࡉࢇࡀᏛ⏕⏕άࢆ㏦ࡗ࡚࠸ࡃ࡞ ࡛ฟ࠺ࡉࡲࡊࡲ࡞ࡘ࠸࡚㸪Ẽ㍍┦ㄯ࡛ࡁࡿࡇࢁ࡛ࡍࠋᅔࡗࡓࡁࡣ㸪ࡦࡾ࡛ᝎࡲࡎࡇࢀࡽࡢ㒊 ᒇࢆゼࡡ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋேࡸᐙ᪘୍⥴┦ㄯ⾜ࡃࡇࡶ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ┦ㄯෆᐜࡘ࠸࡚ࡣᅛࡃ⛎ᐦࢆᏲࡾࡲࡍࠋ ࡲࡓ┦ㄯෆᐜࡼࡗ࡚ࡣ㸪ࡢ❆ཱྀࡢ⤂ࡶ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ┦ㄯෆᐜ㸸 Ꮫᴗ㸪ㄢእάື㸪ᑗ᮶ࡢ㐍㊰࣭⫋ᴗ㸪ᑐே㛵ಀ㸪ᛶ᱁㸪ᚰ㌟ࡢᗣ࡞㸪 ࡑࡢ⏕ά୍⯡ࡘ࠸࡚ ఱᅔࡗࡓࡁࡣ㸪┤᥋Ꮫ⏕┦ㄯᐊࡸᚰ㌟࢙࢘ࣝࢿࢫࢭࣥࢱ࣮㸪ࢫࢺࣞࢫ࣭࣐ࢿࢪ࣓ࣥࢺᐊࢆゼࡡ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ 㸦▮ୖ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ࣭Ⱚඹ❧࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡣᏛ⏕ㄢ࡛ࡶண⣙ࢆཷࡅࡅࡲࡍ㸧ࠋཎ๎ࡋ࡚┦ㄯࡣண⣙ไ࡞ࡾࡲࡍ ࡀ㸪ྍ⬟࡞㝈ࡾࡑࡢሙ࡛ᑐᛂࡋࡲࡍࠋ㟁ヰࡼࡿ⏦ࡋ㎸ࡳࡶ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ㠃᥋㛫ࡣ1ᅇ30ศࡽ1㛫ࡃࡽ࠸࡛ࡍࠋ ኟఇࡳ࡞ࡢఇᴗᮇ㛫ࡶ㸪Ꮫᰯ⾜ࡸ࢝࢘ࣥࢭ࣮ࣛࡢఇᬤࢆ㝖ࡁ㸪ཎ๎ࡋ࡚ୗグࡢ㛫㛤ᐊࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ Ꮫ⏕┦ㄯᐊ ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ ሙᡤ 㛤ᐊ᪥ ୕⏣ ༡ᰯ⯋ ᆅୗ1㝵 ᪥ྜྷ ➨4ᰯ⯋ ⊂❧㤋1㝵 ▮ୖ 26Ჷ1㝵 101ྕᐊ Ⱚඹ❧ 2ྕ㤋 1㝵 ᭶᭙᪥㹼㔠᭙᪥ 9:30㹼11:30 12:30㹼17:30 ᭶᭙᪥㹼㔠᭙᪥ 9:30㹼11:30 12:30㹼17:30 ᭶᭙᪥㹼㔠᭙᪥ 10:00㹼18:00 ᭶᭙᪥㹼㔠᭙᪥ 10:00㹼18:00 ͤ2015ᖺᗘ㛤ᐊ㛫࡞ࡽࡧཷ㛫ࡣ㸪Ꮫ⏕┦ㄯᐊࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࡶᥖ㍕ࡋࡲࡍࡢ࡛ཧ↷ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/life/gakuseisodan2.html 㸨 ᭙᪥ࡼࡾⱥㄒࡼࡿᑐᛂࡶྍ⬟࡛ࡍࠋ ᚰ㌟࢙࢘ࣝࢿࢫࢭࣥࢱ࣮ ࢫࢺࣞࢫ࣭࣐ࢿࢪ࣓ࣥࢺᐊ ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ •༡⸨ἑ ሙᡤ A㤋2㝵 ᚰ㌟࢙࢘ࣝࢿࢫࢭࣥࢱ࣮ ᪥ ᭶᭙᪥㹼㔠᭙᪥ 9:00㹼12:00 13:00㹼16:00 ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ ಙ⃰⏫ ሙᡤ ᨺᑕ⥺⒪㒊Ჷ1㝵 ࢫࢺࣞࢫ࣭࣐ࢿࢪ࣓ࣥࢺᐊ ᪥ ⅆ᭙᪥࣭ᮌ᭙᪥ 10:00㹼17:00 㟁ヰண⣙ 㸦┤㏻㸧03-5363-3214 㸦ෆ⥺㸧 64328 㸨 ⱥㄒࡼࡿᑐᛂࡶྍ⬟࡛ࡍࠋ ࡑࡢ㸪ᚲせᛂࡌ࡚ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡸ᪥ᮏㄒ࣭᪥ᮏᩥᩍ⫱ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢᩍ⫋ဨࡀ┦ㄯᛂࡌࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓ㸪㐺ษ ࡞ᶵ㛵ࡸேࢆ⤂ࡋࡲࡍࠋ 45 5 Student Counseling Room/Wellness Center/Stress Management Office The Student Counseling Rooms (gakusei sǀdan-shitsu), Wellness Center, and Stress Management Office offer personal counseling for a wide variety of concerns. Whatever your concerns, please feel free to come and talk to a counselor. You may also visit together with friends and family. Consultations are strictly confidential. Referrals to other departments/offices on campus may be made if necessary. Consultation areas: Academic, extracurricular, career, interpersonal issues, physical and mental health issues, daily living, or any other concerns you may have Please feel free to visit the Student Counseling Rooms, the Wellness Center at SFC, or the Stress Management Office at Shinanomachi Campus, during office hours to consult a counselor about any concerns you may have. (You can also make appointments at Yagami Campus and Shiba-Kyoritsu Campuses.) Visits are in principle by appointment only; however, walk-ins may also be accepted. Appointments can be made by telephone. Counseling lasts from around half an hour to an hour. The counseling service is also available during summer vacation. In principle, office hours are listed below. There may be exceptions on days when there are university events or when the counselor is away. Student Counseling Rooms Campus Mita Hiyoshi Yagami Shiba-Kyoritsu Location B1F, South School Bldg. 1F, 4th Bldg., Dokuritsukan Room 101, 1F, 26th Bldg. 1F, Bldg. No. 2 Office Hours Monday to Friday 9:30–11:30 12:30–17:30 Monday to Friday 9:30–11:30 12:30–17:30 Monday to Friday 10:00–18:00 Monday to Friday 10:00–18:00 *The schedule for the 2015 academic year will be posted on the Student Counseling Room’s website. http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/life/gakuseisodan2.html (Japanese language only) *English-speaking staff may be available depending on the day of the week. Wellness Center Stress Management Office Campus Location Office Hours SFC 2F, Alpha Bldg., Wellness Center Monday to Friday 9:00–12:00 13:00–16:00 Campus Location Office Hours Shinanomachi 1F, Radiographic Diagnosis Center, Stress Management Office Tuesday and Thursday 10:00–17:00 Reservations (direct) 03-5363-3214 (ext.) 64328 *Counseling in English is available upon request. You can also talk to faculty and administrative staff members of the International Center and the Center for Japanese Studies. We can introduce you to appropriate specialists or organizations if needed. 46 6 ࣁࣛࢫ࣓ࣥࢺ ᇶᮏⓗࡣ⮬ศࡀ⿕ᐖ㐼ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿឤࡌࡓࡽ㸪ࣁࣛࢫ࣓ࣥࢺヱᙜࡍࡿ⪃࠼࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࣁࣛࢫ࣓ࣥࢺࡣ㸪 ⿕ᐖ⪅ࡢ㈐௵࡛㉳ࡇࡿࡇ࡛ࡣ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇࡽ㸪⮬ศࢆ㈐ࡵࡓࡾ㸪ᡃ៏ࡋࡓࡾࡏࡎ㸪ែࡀᝏࡋ࡞࠸࠺ࡕゎ Ỵࡍࡿࡼ࠺⾜ືࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࣁࣛࢫ࣓ࣥࢺࢆཷࡅࡓ࡞ᅔࡗࡓࡇࡀ࠶ࡗࡓࡣ㸪୍ே࡛ᝎࡲࡎ᪩ࡃಙ㢗࡛ ࡁࡿே┦ㄯࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᏛෆ࡛ࡣḟࡢࡼ࠺࡞ே┦ㄯࡍࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ ձ ࢡࣛࢫᢸ௵ ղ Ꮫ⩦ᣦᑟ௵㸦ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬㸪ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮㸧 ճ ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮❆ཱྀ մ ᠕⩏ሿࣁࣛࢫ࣓ࣥࢺ㜵Ṇጤဨ http://www.harass-pco.keio.ac.jp/index-j.htm Tel: 03-5427-1629 Email: [email protected] 7 እᅜே␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢࡓࡵࡢಶேᏛ⩦ᣦᑟဨ㸦ࢳ࣮ࣗࢱ࣮㸧ไᗘ ࡇࡢไᗘࡣ㸪እᅜே␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢᏛ⩦ᡂᯝࢆࡼࡾ㧗ࡵࡿࡇࢆ┠ⓗࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࢳ࣮ࣗࢱ࣮ࡢ✀㢮 Ꮫㄽᩥࢳ࣮ࣗࢱ࣮ ձ Ꮫ㝔ᅾ⡠ࡍࡿṇつ⏕ ᑐ ㇟ ᣦᑟෆᐜ ᣦᑟဨ ղ Ꮫ㝔ᅾ⡠ࡍࡿᅜ㈝ࡼࡿ≉ู▷ᮇ ␃Ꮫ⏕ ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒࢳ࣮ࣗࢱ࣮ ձ ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢᏛ⩦ẁ㝵㸯 ࡽ㸲ᅾ⡠ࡍࡿṇつ⏕ ղ ◊✲⛉࡛ཷࡅධࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢ࠺ ࡕ㸪Ꮫ㝔ᅾ⡠๓ࡢ◊ಟ㸦᪥ᮏㄒணഛ ᩍ⫱ᮇ㛫㸧ࡋ࡚ྠẁ㝵ᅾ⡠ࡍࡿᅜ ㈝␃Ꮫ⏕ ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡀᑓᨷࡍࡿᑓ㛛ศ㔝ࡢᏛ⩦࣭◊✲ ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢ᪥ᮏㄒࡢᏛ⩦ ᙜヱ␃Ꮫ⏕ᑓᨷࢆྠࡌࡃࡍࡿᏛ㝔ᅾ ⡠⪅㸦ṇつ⏕㸧 ᪥ᮏㄒ࣭᪥ᮏᩥᩍ⫱ࢭࣥࢱ࣮᪥ᮏㄒᩍ ⫱Ꮫㅮᗙಟ⪅ࡲࡓࡣᩥᏛ◊✲⛉ᅜᩥᏛ ᑓᨷ᪥ᮏㄒᩍ⫱Ꮫศ㔝ᒚಟ⪅ࡶࡋࡃࡣྠ ศ㔝ಟ⪅ ͤࠕእᅜே␃Ꮫ⏕ࠖࡣ㸪ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡀࠕ␃Ꮫࠖࡢእᅜ⡠Ꮫ⏕࡛ࡍࠋ ⏦㎸ᮇ࣭᪉ἲ࡞ࡢヲ⣽ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࢆཧ↷ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/intl_student/univ_life/tutor.html 47 6 Harassment Generally, if you feel that you are being harassed, you probably are. Harassment is not the victim’s fault; responsibility lies solely with the harasser. It is important not to blame yourself or to tolerate the harassment, but to act to find a solution before the situation gets any worse. If you have experienced harassment or have something that’s bothering you, please do not suffer alone. Talk with someone whom you can trust as soon as possible and also feel free to consult with the following people on campus: ձ Class instructors ղ Your academic advisor (Japanese Language Program/International Center) ճ Administrative staff of the International Center մ Keio Gijuku Harassment Prevention Committee http://www.harass-pco.keio.ac.jp/index-e.htm Tel: 03-5427-1629 Email: [email protected] 7 Tutorial Services Tutorial services are intended to aid international students in their specific field of study. Please see the table below for detailed information. Tutor Type Academic Dissertation Tutor JLP Japanese Language Tutor ձ Full-time international graduate students ձ Full-time international students who are who are enrolled in a degree program enrolled in Levels 1 to 4 of the Japanese Language Program (JLP) Who is eligible for ղ MEXT scholarship students enrolled as tutoring? short-term international students in one ղ MEXT scholarship students who are of Keio’s graduate schools enrolled in JLP during their Japanese language training period Study and research in the field of study the Guidance and instruction on the What kind of tutoring international student is majoring in. international student’s Japanese language is available? studies. Academic Dissertation Tutors must be full- JLP Japanese language tutors must be fulltime graduate students with the same major time graduate students who have completed as the international student. the Program for Teaching Japanese as a What are the Foreign Language at the Center for Japanese requirements to Studies or are enrolled in or have completed become a tutor? the degree program of the Japanese Language Education at the Graduate School of Literature. Note: The term international student implies that the student’s status of residence is “Student.” For further information about tutorial services (application period, procedure, etc.) please visit the following website: http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/en/life/univ_life/tutor.html 48 ྛ✀ド᫂᭩㸪ᒆฟ 㸯Ꮫ⏕ド㸦㌟ศド᫂᭩㸧 Ꮫ⏕ドࡣ㸪᠕⩏ሿᏛࡢᏛ⏕࡛࠶ࡿࡇࢆド᫂ࡍࡿ㌟ศド᫂᭩࡛࠶ࡾ㸪ྠᅗ᭩⏝ๆ㸦Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔ࡢ ṇつ⏕ࡢሙྜࡣ㸪᠕⩏ሿᏛᏛ⏕ᗣಖ㝤ຓ⤌ྜဨド㸧ࡶවࡡ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ༞ᴗ࣭ಟࡲ࡛⏝ࡍࡿࡶࡢ࡛ࡍ ࡢ࡛ษᢅࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸㹿Ꮫ⏕ドࡣⓏᰯࡢ㝿㸪ᖖᦠᖏࡋ㸪ḟࡢࡼ࠺࡞ሙྜࡣᥦ♧ࡋ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ ձ 㸦㸪ྛົᐊ❆ཱྀ࡚㸧᠕⩏ሿᩍ⫋ဨࡽᥦ♧ࢆồࡵࡽࢀࡓሙྜ ղ ྛ✀ド᫂᭩࠾ࡼࡧᏛドࡢࢆཷࡅࡿሙྜ ճ ྛ✀ヨ㦂ࢆཷ㦂ࡍࡿሙྜ մ ㏻Ꮫᐃᮇๆ࣭Ꮫ⏕ᘬ㌴ๆ㉎ධࡢ㝿㸪࠾ࡼࡧࡑࢀࢆ⏝ࡋ࡚㌴⯪ࡋಀဨࡢㄳồࡀ࠶ࡗࡓሙྜ Ꮫ⏕ドࡢ᭦᪂ 㸦㸧 Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔Ꮫ⏕ࡢሙྜ Ꮫ⏕ドࡢ᭦᪂᪥࣭ሙᡤࡣ㸪ྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜࡽࡢෆࢆཧ↷ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᚲせ᭩㢮 ձ Ꮫ⏕ド㸦๓ᖺᗘࡢᏛ⏕ド㠃ࢩ࣮ࣝࢆ㈞ࡾࡅࡓࡲࡲ㸧 ղ ᤵᴗᩱ➼㎸㔠㡿ド㸦ࡸࡴࢆᚓࡎ5᭶1᪥௨㝆ࢆཷࡅࡿሙྜࡣ㡿ドࢆᥦ♧ࡋ࡞ࡅ ࢀࡤ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇ㸧 ୖグࡢ᭩㢮ࢆᥦฟࡋ㸪ᖺᗘࡢᏛ⏕ド㠃ࢩ࣮ࣝࢆཷࡅྲྀࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᏛ⏕ド㠃ࢩ࣮ࣝࡢ㠃ᚲせ㡯 ࢆグධࡋ㸪Ꮫ⏕ドࡢ㠃㈞ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࡇࡢ㝿㸪↓ຠ༳ࡢᢲࡉࢀࡓ๓ᖺᗘࡢᏛ⏕ド㠃ࢩ࣮ࣝࢆࡣࡀࡋ࡚ ࡽᖺᗘࡢᏛ⏕ド㠃ࢩ࣮ࣝࢆ㈞ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ5᭶1᪥௨㝆ࢆཷࡅࡿ㝿㸪ᤵᴗᩱ➼㎸㔠㡿᭩ࢆ⣮ኻ ࡋࡓሙྜࡣ㸪ᤵᴗᩱ➼㎸㔠ド᫂᭩ࡢࢆཷࡅ࡚Ꮫ⏕ドࡢᡭ⥆ࡁࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㸦㸧 ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬⏕᠕ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢᏛ⏕ࡢሙྜ Ꮫ⏕ドࡣ㠃ࡢࢩ࣮ࣝグ㍕ࡉࢀࡓ᪥ࡲ࡛᭷ຠ࡛ࡍࠋ᭷ຠᮇ㛫ࡣ㸯Ꮫᮇ㛫࡛ࡍࠋᏛᮇึࡵᚲࡎ㸪ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏ ㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢᏛ⏕ࡣᏛ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜ࡛㸪᠕ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢᏛ⏕ࡣᏛ⏕㒊ᅜ 㝿ὶᨭࢢ࣮ࣝࣉົᐊ࡛᪂ࡋ࠸ࢩ࣮ࣝࡢࢆཷࡅ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᡭ⥆ࡁ 㸦㸧 Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔Ꮫ⏕ࡢሙྜ Ꮫ⏕ドࢆ⣮ኻ㸪ࡲࡓࡣởᦆࡋࡓሙྜࡣ㸪┿㸯ᯛⓎ⾜ᡭᩘᩱ2,000ࢆᣢཧࡋ࡚㸪ᡤᒓࡍࡿ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜ࡛ࡢᡭ⥆ࡁࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ┿ࡣ௨ୗࡢࡶࡢࢆ⏝ពࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ձ ⦪4cmᶓ3cm ղ ගἑୖࡆࡢ࣮࢝ࣛ┿ ճ ⬺ᖗ࣭ୖ༙㌟ṇ㠃ྥࡁ࣭⫼ᬒ࡞ࡋ࣭3ࢣ᭶௨ෆᙳࡉࢀࡓࡶࡢ 㸦㸧 ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬㸪᠕ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢᏛ⏕ࡢሙྜ ⣮ኻ࡞ࡼࡾࢆཷࡅࡿሙྜࡣ㸪Ꮫ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜ/ᅜ㝿ὶᨭࢢ࣮ࣝࣉົᐊ⏦ ࡋฟ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᡭᩘᩱࡀ2,000ࡾࡲࡍࠋࡓࡔࡋ㸪༶᪥Ⓨ⾜࡛ࡁ࡞࠸ࡇࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ㏉༷ ࢆཷࡅࡓᚋ㸪⣮ኻࡋࡓᏛ⏕ドࡀぢࡘࡗࡓሙྜࡸ㏥Ꮫ࣭༞ᴗ࣭ಟࡋࡓሙྜࡣ㸪ࡍࡄᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ ㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜ/ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜ/ᅜ㝿ὶᨭࢢ࣮ࣝࣉົᐊ㏉༷ࡋ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ 49 Student Identification Cards, Certificates and Notifications 1 Student ID Card Your student ID card certifies that you are a student of Keio University, and allows entry into the Media Centers. (For regular undergraduate and graduate students it is also your Student Health Insurance Union [gakusei kenkǀ hoken kumiai] card). You will need it until you graduate or complete your studies, so be sure not to lose it. Please be sure to carry your student ID card with you when you are on campus. You must present your student ID card when: ձ Asked by a faculty or staff member of Keio University (when making inquiries at a campus office); ղ Receiving academic records, certificates, or a Student Travel Fare Discount Certificate (gakuwari); ճ Taking major exams; and when մ Asked by a public transportation official when buying a student commuter pass or tickets with your student discount, or when using public transportation with that pass or ticket. 1. Renewing the Registration Sticker on the Reverse of Your Student ID (1) Undergraduate/Graduate Students Refer to the information released by the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services) for the date and location for renewing the registration sticker on the reverse of your student ID. You will need the following documents: ձ Student ID card (with your old backside registration sticker affixed to the back) ղ Tuition fee payment receipt (if you are renewing after May 1) Submit the above documents and you will receive a new backside registration sticker. Fill out the necessary information and affix it to the back of your student ID card (be sure to peel off the previous year’s sticker before affixing the new one). If you are renewing the backside your registration sticker on your student ID card after May 1 and have lost your tuition fee payment receipt, you will have to apply for and receive a “Certificate of Payment for Tuition Fee” first. (2) Japanese Language Program/Keio International Program Students Your student ID card is valid until the date printed on the sticker affixed to the back of your card. Typically this is valid for one semester. At the beginning of each semester, please obtain a new sticker at the Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program) if you are a Japanese Language Program student, or the Office of Student Services (International Exchange Services Group) if you are a Keio International Program student. 2. Reissuing a Student ID Card (1) Undergraduate/Graduate Students If you lose or damage your student ID card, you must apply for a new one at the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services) on your campus. It costs 2,000 yen per reissue, and you must bring a recent photograph that meets the following requirements: ձ 4cm 3cm ղ Color, gloss finish ճ Taken within last 3 months, of upper body and head from the front, no hats, plain background (2) Japanese Language Program/Keio International Program Students In the event that your student ID card is lost or damaged, you may request a new one at the Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program)/Office of Student Services (International Exchange Services Group) (2,000 yen per reissue). Please note that the student ID card cannot always be reissued on the same day as the request. 3. Returning a Student ID Card If you find your old student ID card after a new one has been reissued, you must return it to the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services)/(International Exchange Services Group)/Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program). Student ID cards must also be returned when you complete your studies, graduate, or if your enrollment is withdrawn. 50 2 ᅾᏛ࣭ᡂ⦼࣭༞ᴗ/ಟ㸦ぢ㎸㸧ド᫂᭩࡞ྛ✀ド᫂᭩ Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔Ꮫ⏕ࡢሙྜ ド᫂᭩ࡣ㸪ྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢド᫂᭩⮬ືⓎ⾜ᶵ࡛ྲྀᚓ࡛ࡁࡿࡶࡢ㸪ᡤᒓ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛᢸᙜ❆ཱྀ࡛ࡋⓎ⾜ ࡛ࡁ࡞࠸ࡶࡢࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋド᫂᭩ࡣࡍ࡚᭷ᩱ࡛ࡍࠋྲྀᚓࡢ㝿ࡣ㸪Ꮫ⏕ドࡀᚲせ࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ࡞࠾㸪ド᫂᭩ ⮬ືⓎ⾜ᶵ࡛ࡢⓎ⾜ࡣᏛ⏕ドࡢ4᱆ࡢࠕᏛ⏕ドᬯド␒ྕࠖࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍ㸦ᬯド␒ྕࡣᏛWebࢩࢫࢸ࣒࡛☜ ㄆ࡛ࡁࡲࡍ㸧ࠋ๓Ꮫᮇࡲ࡛ࡢᤵᴗᩱࢆ⣡ධࡋ࡚࠸࡞࠸㸪ド᫂᭩ࡣⓎ⾜ࡉࢀࡲࡏࢇࠋ ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬㸪᠕ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢᏛ⏕ࡢሙྜ ྛ✀ド᫂᭩㸦Ⓨ⾜ᡭᩘᩱ200㸧ࡣᏛ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜ/ᅜ㝿ὶᨭࢢ࣮ࣝࣉົᐊ࡛ᡤᐃࡢ⏦ ㎸⏝⣬ᚲせ㡯ࢆグධࡋ㸪Ꮫ⏕ドࢆᥦ♧ࡋ࡚⏦ࡋ㎸ࢇ࡛ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋⓎ⾜ࡣ㏻ᖖ㸱᪥㛫ࡾࡲࡍ㸦ᅵ᭙࣭᪥ ᭙࣭⚃᪥ࡣྵࡲ࡞࠸㸧ࠋ⏦ࡋ㎸ࡳࡣ㒑౽࡛ࡶཷࡅࡅྍ⬟࡛ࡍࠋヲ⣽ࡣ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࢆཧ↷ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᡂ⦼ ド᫂᭩/ᡂ⦼⾲ࡣᏛᮇᮎ㸪ⱥᩥࡢᡂ⦼ド᫂᭩/ᡂ⦼⾲㸯㏻ࢆⓙࡉࢇ↓ᩱ࡛㏦ࡋࡲࡍࠋࡑࢀ௨ୖᚲせ࡞ሙྜࡣ ົᐊ࡛⏦ࡋ㎸ࢇ࡛ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢಟドࡣ㸪ྛᏛᮇࡢ⤊ᚋ㒑㏦ࡋࡲࡍࠋಟドࡢⓎ⾜ࡣ࡛ࡁࡲࡏࢇࠋ 3 Ꮫド㸦ᏛᰯᏛ⏕⏕ᚐ᪑ᐈ㐠㈤ᘬド㸧 JRࡢ㕲㐨࣭⯟㊰ࢆ㸪∦㐨101࢟ࣟࢆ㉸࠼࡚⏝ࡍࡿሙྜ㸪㐠㈤㸦≉ᛴ࣭ᛴ⾜ᩱ㔠➼ࢆ㝖ࡃ㸧ࡀ2ᘬ࡞ࡾࡲ ࡍࠋࡇࡢ㐺⏝ࢆཷࡅࡿࡣᏛࡀⓎ⾜ࡍࡿᏛドࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ㥐ࡢ❆ཱྀ࡛ᏛドᏛ⏕ドࢆᥦ♧ࡋ࡚㌴ๆࢆ㉎ ධࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸㸦◊✲⏕ࡣⓎ⾜ࡉࢀࡲࡏࢇ㸧ࠋ Ꮫドࡣ㸪ྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢ⮬ືⓎ⾜ᶵ࡛ྲྀᚓ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋⓎ⾜ࡣᏛ⏕ドࡢ4᱆ࡢࠕᏛ⏕ドᬯド␒ྕࠖࡀᚲ せ࡛ࡍ㸦ᬯド␒ྕࡣᏛWebࢩࢫࢸ࣒࡛☜ㄆ࡛ࡁࡲࡍ㸧ࠋఇᴗ┤๓ࡣ㠀ᖖΰ㞧ࡍࡿࡢ࡛㸪࡞ࡿࡃ᪩ࡵ ࢆཷࡅ࡚࠾ࡃࡇࢆ່ࡵࡲࡍࠋ᭷ຠᮇ㛫ࡣⓎ⾜᪥ࡽ3᭶௨ෆ࡛ࡍࠋ䛺䛚Ꮫ㒊䞉Ꮫ㝔Ꮫ⏕䛾ሙྜ䛿䠈ᗣデ᩿ ᮍཷデ⪅䛻䛿Ⓨ⾜䛥䜜䜎䛫䜣䚹 㸺ὀព㸼 Ꮫドࡢṇ⏝ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪JR⟶⌮ᒁ࡛ཝ㔜ㄪᰝࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋࡑࡢᐇࡀ࠶ࡗࡓሙྜࡣ㸪ᮏேࡢฎ⨩ࡣ ࡶࡕࢁࢇ㸪ᏛᰯయࡀᏛドⓎ⾜Ṇฎศࢆཷࡅࡿࡼ࠺࡞㔜࡞⤖ᯝ࡞ࡿࡇࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ⏝ࡍࡿࡁࡣ༑ ศὀពࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 4 ᗣデ᩿ド᫂᭩ ᡤᐃࡢᗣデ᩿ᮇ㛫ෆᗣデ᩿ࢆཷࡅࡓᏛ⏕ᑐࡋ࡚ࡣ㸪2015ᖺᗘࡣ6᭶8᪥ࡽࠕᗣデ᩿ド᫂᭩ࠖࡀⓎ⾜ ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔Ꮫ⏕ࡢሙྜ ᩥࡢド᫂᭩ࡣ㸪ྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢ⮬ືⓎ⾜ᶵ࡛㉎ධࡍࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋⱥᩥࡢド᫂᭩ࡣᏛಖ⟶⌮ࢭࣥࢱ ࣮㸦SFCࡣ࢙࢘ࣝࢿࢫࢭࣥࢱ࣮㸧࡛Ⓨ⾜ࡋࡲࡍࠋⓎ⾜ࡣᏛ⏕ドࡢ4᱆ࡢࠕᏛ⏕ドᬯド␒ྕࠖࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍ 㸦ᬯド␒ྕࡣᏛWebࢩࢫࢸ࣒࡛☜ㄆ࡛ࡁࡲࡍ㸧ࠋ ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬㸪᠕ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢᏛ⏕ࡢሙྜ ド᫂᭩ࡣ㸪ಖ⟶⌮ࢭࣥࢱ࣮࡛ྲྀᚓࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋྲྀᚓࡢ㝿ࡣᏛ⏕ドࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ 51 2 Certificates of Enrollment, Academic Transcripts, Certificates of Graduation (Expected Graduation), etc. 1. Undergraduate/Graduate Students Certificates are issued either by the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services) at each campus, or the Certificate Issuing Machine located near the office at each campus. Fees will apply to issuing certificates. You will need your student ID card to have the certificates issued. Also, you will need a 4-digit Student ID card PIN in order to issue certificates by the Certificate Issuing Machine. (Your Student ID card PIN can be checked through the Gakuji Web system.) Certificates will not be issued if your tuition fee for the previous semester has not yet been paid. 2. Japanese Language Program/Keio International Program Students You can obtain certificates (200 yen per copy) at the Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program)/Office of Student Services (International Exchange Services Group) by filling out the required application form. Make sure to bring your student ID card when you come to the office. It usually takes 3 business days for certificates to be issued (applications cannot be processed on weekends or national holidays). We also accept application forms by mail. For more details, please see the website. One copy of your Transcript of Academic Record and official grade report in English will be sent to you at the end of each semester free of charge. If you need more copies, please apply for them at the relevant office. A Certificate of Completion (shnjryo-shǀ) for the Japanese Language Program will be sent after the end of each semester. This certificate cannot be re-issued. 3 Student Travel Fare Discount Certificate (Gakuwari) If you travel a long distance via JR railways (more than 101 km one way), you can get a 20% discount by showing your “Student Travel Fare Discount Certificate” (gakuwari) and student ID card when purchasing railway tickets. (This does not apply to express and limited express fares.) Research students are not eligible for gakuwari. You can obtain gakuwari at the Certificate Issuing Machine located near the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services) at each campus. Besides your student ID card, you will need your 4digit Student ID card PIN in order to obtain these certificates. (Your Student ID card PIN can be checked through the Gakuji Web system.) It is recommended that you obtain certificates as soon as possible since the machines are always very busy before a long vacation starts. Gakuwari are valid for three months from the date of issue. Gakuwari will not be issued to undergraduate/graduate students who do not undertake the annual health checkup. Note: Gakuwari are strictly supervised by JR railways. You will be penalized if your Gakuwari is used illegally, and legal action may be taken to bar all Keio University students from using the discount. Please be aware of these repercussions if you mis-use your gakuwari. 4 Certificate of Health Students who have a health checkup during the scheduled period can obtain a Certificate of Health from June 8, 2015, for the 2015 academic year. 1. Undergraduate/Graduate Students You may obtain your health certificate in Japanese from the Certificate Issuing Machine located near the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services) at each campus. The Health Center (Wellness Center at SFC) can issue a health certificate in English. Besides your student ID card, you will need your 4-digit Student ID card PIN in order to have the certificate issued. (Your Student ID card PIN can be checked through the Gakuji Web system.) 2. Japanese Language Program/Keio International Program Students You can obtain your health certificate at the Health Center. You will need your student ID card to have the certificate issued. 52 5 ዡᏛ㔠ཷ⤥ド᫂᭩ Ꮫ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢዡᏛ㔠ᢸᙜົᐊၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 6 ㅖᒆ ఫᡤኚ᭦ᒆ㸦ᮏே࣭ಖドே㸧 ᮏேࡲࡓࡣಖドேࡢఫᡤ࣭㟁ヰ␒ྕ࣭㟁Ꮚ࣓࣮ࣝࢻࣞࢫࡀኚࢃࡗࡓሙྜࡣ㸪ᚲࡎົᐊᒆࡅฟ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ಖドேࡢఫᡤኚ᭦ࡣಖドேࡢ᪂ఫᡤࡀグ㍕ࡉࢀࡓఫẸ⚊ࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋᒆࡅࢆࡋ࡞࠸㔜せ࡞㐃⤡㡯ࡀᒆ࡞ ࠸ࡇࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ Ꮫ⏕ド㠃ࡢఫᡤኚ᭦ḍ᪂ࡋ࠸ఫᡤࢆ᭩ࡁຍ࠼࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 14᪥௨ෆ㌿ᒃඛࡢ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤ⾜ࡁ㸦ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࢆᣢࡗ࡚࠸ࡿሙྜࡣ㌿ᒃ๓ࡢ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤࡶ⾜ࡗ࡚ ࡃࡔࡉ࠸㸧㸪ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻᅜẸᗣಖ㝤ࡢఫᡤኚ᭦ᡭ⥆ࡁࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸㸦㒑౽ᒁࠕ㌿㏦㢪ࠖࢆᒆࡅ࡚࠾ࡃ 㒑౽≀ࢆ᪂ࡋ࠸ఫᡤ1ᖺ㛫㌿㏦ࡋ࡚ࡃࢀࡲࡍ㸧ࠋ 㸦㸧 Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔Ꮫ⏕ࡢሙྜ ᮏேࡢఫᡤ࣭㟁ヰ␒ྕ࣭㟁Ꮚ࣓࣮ࣝࢻࣞࢫࡀኚࢃࡗࡓሙྜࡣ㸪ᏛWebࢩࢫࢸ࣒࡚㸪ఫᡤኚ᭦ࡢ⏦ㄳࢆ ⾜ࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋಖドேࡢሙྜࡣ㸪ྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜົᐊᒆࡅฟ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ㏻ Ꮫᐃᮇࡢ༊㛫ࡀኚ᭦࡞ࡿሙྜࡣ㸪ఫᡤኚ᭦ࡢ⏦ㄳࡀᢎㄆࡉࢀࡓᚋ㸪ྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢ࣭Ꮫ ᢸᙜົᐊᒆࡅฟ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㸦㸧 ≉ู▷ᮇ␃Ꮫ⏕࣭⛉┠➼ᒚಟ⏕࣭≉ู⫈ㅮ⏕࣭◊✲⏕ࡢሙྜ ྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜົᐊᒆࡅฟ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㸦㸧 ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬㸪᠕ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢᏛ⏕ࡢሙྜ ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢᏛ⏕ࡣᏛ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜ㸪᠕ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢ Ꮫ⏕ࡣᏛ⏕㒊ᅜ㝿ὶᨭࢢ࣮ࣝࣉᒆࡅฟ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᅾ␃㈨᱁ኚ᭦ᒆ ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࢆኚ᭦ࡋࡓሙྜࡣ㸪ᚲࡎᡤᒓࡍࡿ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮❆ཱྀ㸦SFCࡣᏛ⏕⏕άᢸᙜ㸧ᒆࡅฟ࡚ ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋኚ᭦ࢆ☜ㄆࡋࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪ኚ᭦ᚋࡢᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࡢ୧㠃ࢆࢥࣆ࣮ࡋ࡚ᥦฟࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 53 5 Scholarship Certificate Please ask the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office, (Scholarships) or the appropriate office on your campus for information about scholarship certificates. 6 Notifications 1. Notification of Change of Address (Student or Guarantor) You are required to notify the Office of Student Services (Academic Services) or (International Exchange Services Group), if there is a change in you or your guarantor's address, telephone number, or email address. If your guarantor’s address changes, you must submit a Certificate of Residence indicating his/her new address. Failing to notify the university may cause serious delays in receiving important documents and information. If you change your address, you will also need to add your new address to the address column located on the back of your student ID card. Additionally, you will need to go to your local city office to change the address written on your resident card and National Health Insurance Card within 14 days of any change. Your mail will be forwarded to your new address for a year free of charge if you go to your local post office and fill out the change of address form. (1) Undergraduate/Graduate Students If there is a change in your address, telephone number, or email address, register online through the Gakuji Web system. If there is a change in your guarantor's information, notify the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services). In order to change the interval of your commuter pass, notify the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services) after your registration is approved. (2) Research Student/Short-term International Students/Non-degree Students Notify any changes to the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services). (3) Japanese Language Program/Keio International Program Students Please notify any changes to the Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program) if you are a Japanese Language Program student, or the Office of Student Services (International Exchange Services Group) if you are a Keio International Program student. 2. Change of Your Status of Residence If your status of residence changes, please notify any changes to the International Center at your main campus (Student Life Section in the Academic Affairs Office at SFC) and submit a copy of both sides of your resident card to the office to confirm the change. 54 ࡑࡢࡢᒆ 㸦㸧 Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔Ꮫ⏕㸪᠕ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢᏛ⏕ࡢሙྜ 㛗ᮇḞᖍ㸪ఇᏛ㢪㸪ᑵᏛᒆ㸪㏥Ꮫᒆ㛵ࡍࡿࡇࡣ㸪ᡤᒓࡍࡿ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜ㸪 ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮❆ཱྀ☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㸦㸧 ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ࡢᏛ⏕ࡢሙྜ ձ㛗ᮇḞᖍᒆ ࡸࡴࢆᚓ࡞࠸⌮⏤࡛2㐌㛫௨ୖḞᖍࡍࡿሙྜࡣ㸪ࢡࣛࢫᢸ௵ሗ࿌ࡋ㸪Ꮫ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸ ᙜᒆࡅฟ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋẼࡼࡿḞᖍࡢሙྜࡣ㸪་ᖌࡢデ᩿᭩ࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ ղఇᏛ㢪࣭ᑵᏛᒆ Ẽࡑࡢࡢࡸࡴࢆᚓ࡞࠸⌮⏤࡛ఇᏛࡋࡓ࠸ሙྜࡣ㸪ಖドே㐃⨫ࡢୖ㸪ᡤᐃࡢࠕఇᏛ㢪ࠖࡼࡾู ⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜ⏦ࡋฟ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋఇᏛࡣ1Ꮫᮇࢆ༢ࡋࡲࡍࠋ࡞࠾㸪ఇᏛ୰ࡶᤵᴗᩱࡑࡢ ࡢᚲせ⤒㈝ࢆ⣡ࡵ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ ᥦฟ᭩㢮㸸 ఇᏛ㢪㸦Ꮫ⩦ᣦᑟ௵ࡢᢎㄆࢆཷࡅ࡚ࡽᥦฟࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ㸧 デ᩿᭩㸦ẼࡼࡿఇᏛࡢሙྜ㸪་ᖌࡢデ᩿᭩ࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ㸧 ఇᏛ㢪ࡢᥦฟᮇ㛫㸸Ꮫᮇࡣ5᭶ᮎ᪥ࡲ࡛ ⛅Ꮫᮇࡣ11᭶ᮎ᪥ࡲ࡛ ఇᏛࡢྍྰࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㆟࡛ᑂᰝࡉࢀỴᐃࡋࡲࡍࠋᑂᰝ⤖ᯝ࠾ࡼࡧᏛࡍࡿ㝿ࡢᡭ⥆᪉ἲࡣ㸪ᮏே ㏣ࡗ࡚࠾▱ࡽࡏࡋࡲࡍࠋ ఇᏛᮇ㛫ࢆ⤊࠼Ꮫࡍࡿሙྜࡣ㸪ᡤᐃࡢࠕᑵᏛᒆࠖࢆᥦฟࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋఇᏛ⌮⏤ࡀẼࡢሙྜࡣ㸪 Ⓩᰯࡋ࡚ࡶᨭ㞀ࡀ࡞࠸࠸࠺་ᖌࡢデ᩿᭩ࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ ճ㏥Ꮫᒆ ࡼࡾ㏥Ꮫࡍࡿሙྜࡣ㸪ᡤᐃࡢࠕ㏥Ꮫᒆࠖ㏥Ꮫ⌮⏤ࢆලయⓗ᭩ࡁ㸪ಖドே㐃⨫ࡢୖ㸪Ꮫ⏕ ドࢆῧ࠼࡚ᥦฟࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ࡞࠾㸪ࡑࡢሙྜ㸪ᤵᴗᩱࡑࡢ⣡ධࡉࢀࡓࡶࡢࡣ୍ษ㏉༷࡛ࡁࡲࡏࢇࠋ 55 3. Other Notifications (1) Undergraduate and Graduate Students/Keio International Program Students Ask at the Office of Student Services (Academic Services) or the International Center at your main campus for information regarding other notifications on such matters as an extended absence, temporary leave of absence, return to study, or withdrawal from the university. (2) Japanese Language Program Students ձ Notification of Extended Absence (chǀki kesseki todoke) If you cannot attend classes for more than 2 weeks because of an illness or other unavoidable reason, please inform your class coordinator and submit a “Notification of Extended Absence” (chǀki-kesseki-todoke) to the Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program). A medical certificate from a doctor must be attached if your absence is due to illness. Application for Temporary Leave of Absence (kyūgaku-negai) and Notification of Returning to Study (shūgaku-todoke) If you wish to take a leave of absence from the Japanese Language Program for one whole semester due to an illness or other unavoidable circumstance, please submit the “Application of Temporary Leave of Absence” (kynjgaku negai) with your signature and the signature of your guarantor to the Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program). Please note that you must pay tuition and other necessary fees even while you are absent from the university. Documents to be submitted: - “Application of Temporary Leave of Absence” (kynjgaku negai) (Approval from an academic advisor is needed before submission.) - A medical certificate from a doctor (If your absence is due to illness) Submission deadlines: May 31 for Spring Semester/November 30 for Fall Semester The request will be examined by the committee of the Center for Japanese Studies, and the decision will be sent to you along with information about procedures for resuming attendance. When you wish to resume attendance, you should notify us by submitting the “Notification of Returning to Study” form (shnjgaku todoke). If your absence is due to illness, please also provide a medical certificate from your doctor that verifies that you are physically ready to resume your studies. 䐠 䐡 Notification of Withdrawal (taigaku todoke) If you would like to leave the Japanese Language Program permanently, please state your reasons for leaving on the “Notification of Withdrawal” (taigaku todoke). Please provide your signature and the signature of your guarantor and submit the notice with your student ID card to the Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program). Tuition and any other fees already paid are nonrefundable. 56 ᑵ⫋ᨭ 1 ᪥ᮏ࡛ࡢᑵ⫋/ ༞ᴗᚋᑵ⫋άືࡢᅾ␃㸦ᑵປྍ⬟࡞ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡢኚ᭦㸧 ⌧ᅾ㸪␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢⓙࡉࢇࡣ㸪Ꮫ࡛ຮᙉࡍࡿࡓࡵᅾ␃㈨᱁ࠕ␃Ꮫࠖࡀ࠼ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡋࡋ㸪ᅾ␃㈨᱁ ࠕ␃Ꮫ࡛ࠖࡣᑵປࡀㄆࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸࡞࠸ࡓࡵ㸪ᑵ⫋ࡍࡿࡣ⌧ᅾࡢࠕ␃Ꮫࠖࡢᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡽࠕேᩥ▱㆑࣭ᅜ㝿ᴗ ົࠖ㸪ࠕᢏ⾡ࠖ➼ᑵປྍ⬟࡞ᅾ␃㈨᱁ኚ᭦ࡍࡿࡇࡀᚲせ࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋᮾிධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ࡛ࡣ๓ᖺࡢ12᭶ࡽᑵ ປྍ⬟࡞ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡢኚ᭦⏦ㄳࢆཷࡅࡅ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ㏻ᖖ㸪ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࡢኚ᭦➼ࡢᑂᰝࡣ1ࣧ᭶ࡽ2ࣧ᭶⛬ᗘ ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ᑵປࢆ㛤ጞࡍࡿࡲ࡛ᅾ␃㈨᱁ࢆኚ᭦࡛ࡁࡿࡼ࠺ᡭ⥆ࡁࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 2 ༞ᴗᚋ㸪ᑵ⫋άືࢆࡍࡿሙྜ Ꮫ࡛ຮᙉࡍࡿࡓࡵᅾ␃㈨᱁ࠕ␃Ꮫࠖࡀ࠼ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪༞ᴗᚋࡣᅾ␃ᮇ㛫ࡀṧࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࡽ࠸ࡗ ࡚ᘬࡁ⥆ࡁᑵ⫋άືࢆࡍࡿࡇࡣ࡛ࡁࡲࡏࢇࠋ༞ᴗᚋ㸪ᘬࡁ⥆ࡁᑵ⫋άືࢆᕼᮃࡍࡿሙྜࡣᅾ␃㈨᱁ࠕ≉ᐃά ືࠖࡢ㈨᱁ኚ᭦㸦᭦1ᅇࡢᅾ␃ᮇ㛫᭦᪂㸧ࡼࡾ㸪Ꮫ༞ᴗᚋ᭱㛗1ᖺ㛫ࡢᅾࡀྍ⬟࡛ࡍࠋ ༞ᴗᚋࡢᑵ⫋άືࡢࡓࡵᅾ␃㈨᱁ࠕ≉ᐃάືࠖ㈨᱁ኚ᭦ࢆᕼᮃࡍࡿᏛ⏕ࡣ㸪ࡲࡎᡤᒓ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ ࣮❆ཱྀ┦ㄯࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᅾ␃㈨᱁ኚ᭦ࡣ㸪Ꮫࡽࡢ᥎⸀≧ࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋ᥎⸀≧సᡂ࠶ࡓࡗ࡚ࡣ㠃ㄯࢆ ⾜࠸ࡲࡍࠋ࡞࠾㸪㠃ㄯࢆཷࡅࡿ㝿ࡣ㸪ୗグ᭩㢮㸦ධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁ⏦ㄳࡍࡿ᭩㢮୍ᘧ㸧 ࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࡢ࡛ᣢཧࡋ࡚ ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ձ ᥎⸀≧Ⓨ⾜㢪㸦Ꮫᡤᐃ⏝⣬㸧 ղ ㄪᰝ᭩㸦Ꮫᡤᐃ⏝⣬㸧 ճ ᅾ␃୰ࡢ୍ษࡢ⤒㈝ࡢᨭᘚ⬟ຊࢆドࡍࡿᩥ᭩ մ ༞ᴗ㸦ಟ㸧ド᫂᭩㸦ࡲࡓࡣ༞ᴗ㸦ಟ㸧ぢ㎸ࡳド᫂᭩㸧 յ ⥅⥆ᑵ⫋άືࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࡇࢆ᫂ࡽࡍࡿ㈨ᩱ 㸦ࡇࢀࡲ࡛ゼၥࡋࡓᴗࡸᚋࡢࢫࢣࢪ࣮ࣗࣝ࡞ࢆㄝ᫂ࡍࡿᩥ᭩㸧 ն ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ 3 ᑵ⫋ᨭ ᠕⩏ሿᏛ࡛ࡣ㸪ᅾᏛ⏕ࡢᑵ⫋ᨭࡘ࠸࡚ࡢᴗົࢆྛ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ㸦୕⏣࣭᪥ྜྷ࣭▮ୖ࣭•༡⸨ἑ࣭Ⱚඹ ❧㸧࡛ࡑࢀࡒࢀಶู⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᴗົෆᐜ࣭⏝᪉ἲ࣭ࡑࡢヲ⣽ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪⮬ศࡀᡤᒓࡍࡿ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ ࡢᑵ⫋࣭㐍㊰ᨭᢸᙜ㒊⨫ၥྜࡏ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ ୕⏣ ᪥ྜྷ ▮ୖ •༡⸨ἑ Ⱚඹ❧ ᢸᙜ㒊⨫ Ꮫ⏕㒊ᑵ⫋࣭㐍㊰ᨭᢸᙜ 㸦Ꮫ㒊⏕㸧Ꮫ⏕㒊Ꮫ⏕⏕άᢸᙜ 㸦Ꮫ㝔⏕㸧Ꮫ⏕㒊Ꮫ㝔ᢸᙜ Ꮫ⏕ㄢᏛ⏕⏕άᢸᙜ CDP࢜ࣇࢫ Ꮫ⏕ㄢ ࣥࢱ࣮ࣥࢩࢵࣉሗ࣭ồேሗࡣࡍ࡚ୖグࡢᢸᙜົᐊ㞟⣙ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪ᢸᙜົᐊࡢሗࢆཧ ↷ࡍࡿࡇࢆᙉࡃ࠾ዡࡵࡋࡲࡍࠋ 㸺ࣥࢱ࣮ࣥࢩࢵࣉࡘ࠸࡚ࡢὀពⅬ㸼 ሗ㓘ࡢక࠺ࣥࢱ࣮ࣥࢩࢵࣉࢆᕼᮃࡍࡿሙྜ㸪㈨᱁እάືチྍ㸦1㐌28㛫௨ෆ㸪㛗ᮇఇᴗᮇ㛫୰ࡣ1᪥ࡘࡁ 8㛫௨ෆ㸧ࡢ⠊ᅖෆ࡛⾜ࢃ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ๓ࣥࢱ࣮ࣥࢩࢵࣉࡢᮇ㛫࣭ሗ㓘ࡢ᭷↓ࢆᚲࡎ☜ㄆࡋ࡚ ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ࡞࠾㸪ሗ㓘ࡀ࡞࠸ሙྜࡣ㈨᱁እάືチྍࡣせ࡛ࡍࠋ 4 ᪥ᮏᏛ⏕ᨭᶵᵓ ࠕእᅜே␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢࡓࡵࡢᑵά࢞ࢻࠖ ᑵ⫋ሗࡢヲ⣽ࡣ㸪᪥ᮏᏛ⏕ᨭᶵᵓసᡂࡢࠕእᅜே␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢࡓࡵࡢᑵά࢞ࢻࠖࢆཧ↷ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www.jasso.go.jp/job/index.html 57 Employment Support 1 Job Hunting/Working in Japan (Obtaining a Working Visa) As an international student, your current status of residence is "Student", which allows you to study at university. You are not permitted to work under the status "Student" and therefore must apply for the appropriate status of residence for your profession after finding employment and before starting work. Two such statuses are “Specialist in Humanities/International Services” or “Engineer”. If you are due to start work in April, the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau accepts applications for change of visa status from December of the previous year. It usually takes one to two months for your application to be processed. Make sure to apply in advance so that you have the appropriate status of residence by the time you start work. 2 Seeking Employment in Japan after Graduation The “Student” status of residence allows you to study at university, and under this status you are not allowed to seek employment after you have graduated, even if your period of stay is still valid. If you wish to continue to seek employment in Japan after graduation, you must apply to change your status of residence to “Designated Activities” which grants a six-month period of stay. This status of residence may be extended once, meaning that you will be allowed to stay for a period of up to 1 year after graduation to find employment. If you wish to change your status of residence, first ask the International Center or corresponding office at your campus. You will need a letter of recommendation from Keio University to obtain this status of residence. An interview will be carried out before issuing the letter of recommendation. Make sure to bring the following documents with you to the interview (you will also need these to apply to the Immigration Bureau): ձ Request for recommendation letter (university-designated form) ղ Questionnaire form (university-designated form) ճ Documentation certifying your ability to cover all necessary financial expenses while staying in Japan մ Certificate of Graduation/Completion OR Certificate of Expected Graduation/Completion յ Documentation confirming that you are actively seeking employment (This may be a written document indicating a list of companies you have visited so far or your future schedule of job hunting.) ն Residence card 3 Employment Support Keio University provides employment support to international students at all campuses (except Shinanomachi.). Ask at the Office of Student Services or the office in charge at your main campus for more details. Campus Office in Charge Mita Office of Student Services (Placement and Career Services) Hiyoshi (Undergraduate Students) Office of Student Services (Student Life Services) (Graduate Students) Office of Student Services (Graduate Schools) Yagami Office of Student Services (Student Life Services) Shonan Fujisawa Office of Career Development Program Shiba-Kyoritsu Office of Student Services We strongly recommend that you check the information at the Office of Student Services or the office in charge regularly as internship and employment opportunities are gathered by these offices. A Note on Internships If you intend to pursue a paid internship, it is necessary to obtain a permit from the Immigration Bureau to engage in part-time work. You are allowed to work on a paid internship for up to 28 hours per week (or up to 8 hours per day during summer, winter, and spring vacations). Before you start your internship, it is your responsibility to check in advance about the duration of the internship and whether you will be compensated. If you will not receive compensation for the internship, you do not need to apply for this permit. 4 Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) “Job Hunting Guide for International Students” For detailed information about employment, please refer to the “Job Hunting Guide for International Students” on the Japan Student Services Organization’s (JASSO) website at: http://www.jasso.go.jp/job/guide_e.html. 58 ༞ᴗ/ಟ㸪ᖐᅜ 1 ᖐᅜ๓⾜࠺ࡇ ௨ୗࡣ࡞ࡶࡢ࡛ࡍࠋྛ⮬࡛ࢳ࢙ࢵࢡࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ձ ᡤᒓ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜ㸪ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮❆ཱྀ㸪Ꮫ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜࡽ ࡢ㐃⤡㡯ࢆ☜ㄆࡍࡿࠋᏛ⏕ドࡣᖐᅜ๓㏉༷ࡍࡿࠋ ղ ᐟ⯋࣭ࣃ࣮ࢺࡢ㏥ཤᡭ⥆ࡁࢆࡋ㸪ᐙ㈤࣭࢞ࢫ࣭㟁Ẽ࣭Ỉ㐨ᩱ࡞ࢆ⢭⟬ࡍࡿࠋ 㸨๓ࣃ࣮ࢺࡢ⟶⌮ே➼㏥ཤ᪥ࢆ▱ࡽࡏ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ㏻ᖖࡣ1ࣨ᭶ࡽ2ࣨ᭶๓࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ճ 㟁ヰ㸪ᦠᖏ㟁ヰ㸪ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺࡢዎ⣙ࢆゎ㝖ࡍࡿࠋ մ ᪥ᮏᅜෆ࡛సᡂࡋࡓࢡࣞࢪࢵࢺ࣮࢝ࢻࡢゎ⣙ࡢᡭ⥆ࡁࢆࡍࡿࠋ յ ㎸࣭ᨭᡶ࠸ࡢணᐃࡀ࡞࠸㖟⾜ཱྀᗙࡢゎ⣙ࡢᡭ⥆ࡁࢆࡍࡿࠋ ࢡࣞࢪࢵࢺ࣮࢝ࢻ࡛㈙࠸≀ࢆࡋࡓሙྜࡣ㸪࣮࢝ࢻࡢᘬࡁⴠࡋ᪥ὀពࡍࡿࡇࠋ ն ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤࠕ㌿ฟᒆࠖࢆᥦฟࡍࡿࠋ շ ᅜẸᗣಖ㝤ドࢆ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤ࡛㏉༷ࡋ㸪ಖ㝤ᩱࢆ⢭⟬ࡍࡿࠋ 㸨༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤࡼࡗ࡚ࡣ㸪ᖐᅜࢆド᫂ࡍࡿࡶࡢ㸦ᖐᅜ⯟✵ๆ➼㸧ࡢᥦ♧ࢆᚲせࡍࡿሙྜࡀ࠶ࡾࡲ ࡍࠋ ո ᅗ᭩㤋࡞ࡽࡾ࡚࠸ࡿᮏࡢ㏉༷ࠋ չ ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࡢ㏉⣡ 㸨༞ᴗᚋ㸪ᖐᅜࡍࡿሙྜࡣ㸪ฟᅜ✵ ࡢධᅜ⟶⌮ᒁᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻࢆ㏉༷ࡋ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ 2 ༞ᴗ/ಟᚋࡢఫᡤ࣭ᑵ⫋ඛࡢᒆฟ Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔Ꮫ⏕ࡢሙྜ Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔ࡢṇつ⏕ࡣ㸪༞ᴗ/ಟࡍࡿࡁ༞ᴗ/ಟᚋࡢఫᡤ/㐍㊰࣭ᑵ⫋ඛࡢᒆฟࢆ࠾㢪࠸ࡋࡲࡍࠋ༞ᴗ /ಟᚋࡶ㸪Ꮫࡽᗈሗㄅࡸྛ✀࠾▱ࡽࡏࢆ㏦ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ༞ᴗಟᚋࡢఫᡤⓏ㘓 ༞ᴗ/ಟᚋࡢఫᡤࡣሿဨ㸦༞ᴗ⏕㸧࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࢆཧ↷ࡋᒆࡅฟ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www2.jukuin.keio.ac.jp/address/index.html ࠾ၥྜࡏඛ㸸[email protected] 㐍㊰ᒆࡅ㸦༞ᴗಟᚋࡢ㐍㊰ᑵ⫋ඛ㸧ࡢᥦฟ ༞ᴗ/ಟᚋࡢ㐍㊰࣭ᑵ⫋ඛࡘ࠸࡚㸪ࠕ㐍㊰ᒆࠖࢆⓏ㘓ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋヲ⣽ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪ୗグ࢙࢘ࣈࢧ ࢺ࡛☜ㄆ㸪ࡲࡓࡣᏛ⏕㒊ᑵ⫋࣭㐍㊰ᨭᢸᙜ㸦ࡲࡓࡣᢸᙜົᐊ㸧ၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/life/shinro/main.html ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬⏕ࡢሙྜ ༞ᴗಟᚋࡢఫᡤⓏ㘓㸪㐍㊰ᒆࡅࡢᥦฟࡶᚲせ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ 59 Graduation/Completion of Studies, Preparing to Leave Japan 1 Before Leaving Japan It is important to do the following before leaving Japan: ձ Please check the information provided by the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services) and International Center on your main campus or Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program). Please do not forget to return your student ID card. ղ Complete all the necessary paperwork for terminating your accommodation contract, and be sure to pay all outstanding rent and utility bills. Inform your property owner of the date you will leave one or two months in advance. ճ Cancel your phone service (including mobile phone) and Internet provider contract. մ If you have any, cancel credit cards issued in Japan. յ Close your bank account after making sure all bank transfers and payments are complete. Take note of the date of direct debit from your account if you have used a credit card. ն File a moving-out notice (tenshutsu-todoke) at your city office. շ Return your National Health Insurance Card (kokumin kenkǀ hoken-shǀ) to your city/ward office and settle any outstanding payments. *City offices may require proof that you are leaving Japan (usually your return flight ticket) ո Return any library books or other materials you have borrowed. չ You must return your residence card at immigration at at the airport upon departure. 2 Forwarding Address and Employment Information 1. Undergraduate and Graduate Students If you are studying as a regular undergraduate or graduate student, please submit your forwarding address and employment information at the time of completion of your studies. This will enable us to send you various university publications and announcements. (1) Address Registration after Graduation or Completion of Studies Please register your address after graduation on the registration form available on the Jukuin website. http://www2.jukuin.keio.ac.jp/address/index.html (Japanese language only) E-mail: [email protected] (2) Submission of “Notification of Plans After Graduation” (Shinro-todoke) Submit a “Notification of Plans After Graduation” (Shinro-todoke) with details of employment information after graduation. For further information, please ask the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Placement and Career Services), or other appropriate office, or check the website at the following URL: http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/en/life/shinro/main.html. 2. Japanese Language Program Students If you are studying as a Japanese Language Program student, you do not need to register your address or submit a “Notification of Plans After Graduation” (Shinro-todoke) after completion of your studies. 60 3 ༞ᴗ/ಟᚋࡢ᠕⩏ሿᏛࡢࢃࡾ ሿဨྥࡅࡢࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࣭࣋ࣥࢺ㸦Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔Ꮫ⏕ࡢሙྜࡢࡳ㸧 ᠕⩏ሿ࡛ࡣ㸪Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔ࢆ༞ᴗ/ಟࡋࡓேࢆࠕሿဨ(ࡌࡹࡃ࠸ࢇ)ࠖࢇ࡛࠸ࡲࡍࠋ༞ᴗ/ಟᚋࡣ㸪 ࠕሿဨࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࠖࡀሿဨ᠕⩏ሿࡢ❆ཱྀ࡞ࡾࡲࡍ㸦୕⏣࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ㺃㤋㸰㝵㸧ࠋ ሿဨ㸦༞ᴗ⏕㸧࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ http://www2.jukuin.keio.ac.jp/index.html 㸦㸧 ࠕ᠕࢜ࣥࣛࣥࠖࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ㺃ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ ࠕ᠕࢜ࣥࣛࣥࠖࡣ㸪ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺࢆ⏝ࡋࡓሿဨᑓ⏝ࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࡛ࡍࠋ⌧ᅾ 7 ேࢆ ㉸࠼ࡿሿဨࡢ᪉ࠎࡈⓏ㘓࠸ࡓࡔ࠸࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ࡞ᶵ⬟ࡣ㸪⏕ᾭ⏝ྍ⬟࡞㌿㏦࣓࣮ࣝࢻࣞࢫࡢྲྀᚓࡸ㸪 ࡑࢀᑐࡍࡿ࣓࣮࣐ࣝ࢞ࢪࣥࡢ㓄ಙ㸪᠕࢜ࣥࣛࣥⓏ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿሿဨ┦ࡢ᳨⣴ࡸ࣓࣮ࣝࡢ㏦ཷಙ࡞ ࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓ㸪ࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢸࢆసࡾ㸪ྠࡌ㊃ࡸヰ㢟ࢆᣢࡗࡓ௰㛫ὶࡍࡿࡇࡶ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ 㠀⏝ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ https://www.jukuin.keio.ac.jp/ 㸦㸧 ሿဨᣍᚅ ⩏ሿ࡛ࡣẖᖺ㸪༞ᴗ 25 ᖺࡢ᪉ࢆ༞ᴗᘧ㸪༞ᴗ 50 ᖺࡢ᪉ࢆධᏛᘧࡢ᮶㈱ࡋ࡚࠾ᣍࡁࡍࡿࠕሿဨᣍᚅ ࠖࢆ㛤ദࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ᠕⩏ሿ࡛Ꮫࢇࡔሿဨࡣ㸪ே⏕࡛ 2 ᗘ㸪ධᏛᘧ༞ᴗᘧࡢឤືࢆࢃ࠺ࡇࡀ࡛ ࡁࡲࡍࠋࡉࡽ㸪༞ᴗᚋ 51 ᖺ௨ୖࡢሿဨࢆᑐ㇟ࡋࡓࠕ༞ᴗ 51 ᖺ௨ୖሿဨᣍᚅࠖࡶ㛤ദࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 㸦㸧 ᠕㐃ྜ୕⏣ࡢ㛤ദ Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔Ꮫ⏕ࠕ୕⏣⚍ࠖࡀ࠶ࡿࡼ࠺㸪ሿဨࡶሿဨࡢ⚍ࠕ᠕㐃ྜ୕⏣ࠖࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ༞ᴗ⏕㸦᠕⩏ሿ♫୰㸧ࡀ㞟࠺ࡇࡢࠕࠖࡣẖᖺ⛅㛤ദࡉࢀ㸪ሿဨࡑࡢᐙ᪘⣙㸰ேࡀཧຍࡍࡿࣅ ࢵࢢ࣋ࣥࢺ࡛ࡍࠋ http://www.rengo-mitakai.keio.ac.jp/ ࠕ୕⏣ࠖࡘ࠸࡚㸦Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔༞ᴗ⏕㸧 ࠕ୕⏣㸦ࡳࡓ࠸㸧ࠖࡣሿဨ᭷ᚿࡀ⮬Ⓨⓗ㐠Ⴀࡋ࡚࠸ࡿྠ❆⤌⧊࡛ࡍࠋ༞ᴗᖺࡼࡿࠕᖺᗘ୕⏣ࠖ㸪 ᅜෆእࡢᆅᇦࡈタࡅࡽࢀࡓࠕᆅᇦ୕⏣ࠖ㸪ᴗ༢ࡸᴗ✀࡛⤖ᡂࡉࢀࡿࠕົඛ࣭⫋✀ู୕⏣ࠖ㸪ࢡࣛ ࣈ࣭ࢧ࣮ࢡࣝ㸪◊✲㸦ࢮ࣑㸧࡞ࡢ༢࡛㞟࠺ࠕㅖࠖࡢ 4 ✀㢮ศ㢮ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ༞ᴗᚋࡶ㌟㏆࡞୕⏣ 㠀ࡈຍධ࠸ࡓࡔࡁ㸪ሗ࡞⥅⥆ࡉࢀ࡚ࡣ࠸ࡀ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ⩏ሿ࡛ࡣ㸪୕⏣άືᨭࡢ୍⎔ࡋ࡚㸪ᡤ ᐃࡢᡭ⥆ࡢୖ㸪ሿဨࡢఫᡤሗ➼ࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠕ᠕ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࠖ ᠕⩏ሿ࡛ࡣ㸪ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝά㌍ࡍࡿ༞ᴗ⏕ࡸ␃Ꮫ⏕㸪␃Ꮫᕼᮃ⪅ࡢࡳ࡞ࡉࢇࡢࡓࡵࡢࣉࣛࢵࢺࣇ࢛࣮࣒ࠕ ᠕ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࠖࢆ㛤タࡋ㸪ሗⓎಙࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࠕ᠕ࢆ▱ࡿࠖ㸪ࠕ᠕ࡘ࡞ࡀ ࡿࠖ㸪ࠕ௰㛫ࡘ࡞ࡀࡿࠖࢆ࣮࣮࢟࣡ࢻࡉࡲࡊࡲ࡞ࢥࣥࢸࣥࢶࢆ⏝ពࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪ά⏝ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ༞ᴗ⏕ࡢࡳ࡞ࡉࡲࡣ㸪ࡐࡦࠕ᠕ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࠖࡢࢹ࣮ࢱ࣮࣋ࢫࡈⓏ㘓ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࡈⓏ㘓࠸ࡓࡔ࠸ࡓ᪉ࡣ㸪 ᠕⩏ሿࡼࡾ⌧ᆅ࡛ࡢྛ✀࣋ࣥࢺࡢࡈ༠ຊࡢ࠾㢪࠸ࢆᕪࡋୖࡆࡿࡇࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ᠕⩏ሿࡢ༞ᴗ⏕ࡋ࡚㸪 ᮏᏛࡢᅜ㝿ᛶࡢⓎᒎࡳ࡞ࡉࡲࡀ㈉⊩ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉࡿࡇࢆᮇᚅࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓ㸪ࢹ࣮ࢱ࣮࣋ࢫࡈⓏ㘓࠸ࡓࡔ ࠸ࡓ᪉ࡣ㸪ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ࡞࣋ࣥࢺࡸ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢኌ࡞᠕⩏ሿࡢᅜ㝿ࡢࠕࠖࢆࢽ࣮ࣗࢫࣞࢱ࣮࡛࣓࣮ࣝ㓄ಙࡋ ࡲࡍ㸦ᖺ 4 ᅇ⛬ᗘࢆணᐃ㸧ࠋFacebook ࣮࣌ࢪࡶ㛤タࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪࠶ࢃࡏ࡚ࡈぴࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᠕ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂ࢙ࣝ࢘ࣈࢧࢺ㸸 http://www.global.keio.ac.jp 61 3 After Graduation 1. Service and Events for Jukuin (Undergraduate and Graduate Students Only) Those who graduate from a degree course at Keio are called jukuin (alumni). After graduation, you can contact the Office of Alumni Affairs, located on the second floor of the North Building on Mita Campus, for all matters related to the university. Website for Keio Alumni (Jukuin): http://www2.jukuin.keio.ac.jp/index.html (Japanese language only) (1) Keio Online Internet Service Keio Online is a website to help jukuin keep in contact with each other after graduation. At present, over 70,000 jukuin have registered with this service. This service enables you to register a forward-only e-mail address, receive e-mail magazines, and search for other registered alumni. Additionally, members can create and participate in alumni communities divided by interest and topic. Register for this service from the following URL: https://www.jukuin.keio.ac.jp/ (Japanese language only). (2) Jukuin Reunions Every year, reunions are held for 25th anniversary jukuin at Spring Commencement, and for 50th anniversary jukuin at the Spring Entrance Ceremony. As such, jukuin get to experience the thrill of each ceremony twice in their lives. In addition, there are reunions held for jukuin who have graduated 51 years ago or prior. (3) Keio Rengǀ Mita Kai In fall, Keio Rengǀ Mita Kai (Keio Alumni Association) holds a yearly festival for alumni (similar to the Mita Festival (Mita-sai) held by undergraduate and graduate students). Approximately 20,000 alumni and their families participate in this big event. For more information, please visit the Keio Rengǀ Mita Kai’s website. Keio Rengǀ Mita Kai: http://www.rengo-mitakai.keio.ac.jp/ (Japanese language only) 2. Mita-kai (Alumni of Undergraduate and Graduate Schools) The Mita-kai is an alumni association managed voluntarily by Keio alumni, or jukuin. The Mita-kai are divided into four types of alumni groups based on graduation year, region, company or occupation, or other factors (clubs, seminars, etc.). We recommend you to join a familiar Mita-kai and continue to communicate with other jukuin. The Office of Alumni Affairs will provide you with relevant information on the Mita-kai after you have registered. 3. Keio Global Keio Global is a platform for current and prospective students of Keio and Keio alumni who live and work globally. The Keio Global website provides up-to-date information about Keio, while our growing Facebook community offers a place for students and alumni alike to connect and reunite. Alumni and students are also invited to keep in touch with Keio by registering in the Keio Global database. Members receive a globally-oriented quarterly e-newsletter featuring the latest news and events at Keio and may be invited to actively participate in Keio’s international outreach activities. Sign up now and get involved in Keio’s global community! Visit the website below for more information. Keio Global: http://www.global.keio.ac.jp/ 62 ᪥ᮏ࡛ࡢ⏕ά 1 ㏻Ꮫᐃᮇๆ㸦◊✲⏕ࢆ㝖ࡃ㸧 ㏻Ꮫᐃᮇๆࢆ㈙࠺ࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍ㸦◊✲⏕ࡣ㏻ᐃᮇๆ࡞ࡾࡲࡍ㸧ࠋ㉎ධ᪉ἲࡣ௨ୗࡢ㏻ࡾ࡛ࡍࠋ 㟁㌴ࡢሙྜ ձ Ꮫ⏕ドࡢ㏻Ꮫ༊㛫ḍ᭱▷ࡢ㏻Ꮫ༊㛫㸦㌴㥐㝆㌴㥐㸧ࢆグධࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ղ 㥐ഛ࠼ࡅࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠕᐃᮇๆ㉎ධ⏦㎸᭩ࠖᚲせ㡯ࢆグධࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࠕᐃᮇๆ㉎ධ⏦㎸᭩ࠖ Ꮫ⏕ドࢆῧ࠼࡚㥐ࡢ❆ཱྀᥦฟࡋ㸪㏻Ꮫᐃᮇๆࢆ㉎ධࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㸨Suica /PASMO㐃⤡ᐃᮇๆ ฟⓎ㥐㸪฿╔㥐ࡢࡕࡽࡀJRࡢ㥐࡛㸪ࡶ࠺∦᪉ࡀ⚾㕲ࡸᆅୗ㕲ࡢ㊰⥺ࢆࡾ⥅࠸࡛㏻࠺ሙྜࡶ㸯ᯛ ࡢICᐃᮇ࣮࢝ࢻ࡛ࡲࡵ࡚㉎ධࡍࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ JR࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺࠕJR⥺⚾㕲࣭ᆅୗ㕲ࡢᐃᮇๆࢆ㸯ᯛࡢSuica࡛ࠖ http://www.jreast.co.jp/renrakuteiki/index.html ࣂࢫࡢሙྜ Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔Ꮫ⏕ࡢሙྜࡣᡤᒓ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫㄢ࣭Ꮫᢸᙜ㸪ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬㸪᠕ ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢᏛ⏕ࡢሙྜࡣᏛ⏕㒊⥲ྜཷᏛ⏕ドࢆᣢཧࡋ㸪ࠕ㏻Ꮫド᫂᭩ࠖࢆ⏦ࡋ㎸ࢇ࡛ࡃ ࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ⮬ศࡀ⏝ࡍࡿࣂࢫ♫ࡢႠᴗᡤࡸෆᡤ⾜ࡁ㸪㏻Ꮫド᫂᭩ࢆᥦฟࡋ㏻Ꮫᐃᮇๆࢆ㈙ࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 63 Living in Japan 1 Student Commuter Passes (Excluding Research Students) Students can purchase a student commuter pass (tsnjgaku teiki-ken). Research students cannot purchase student commuter passes but are eligible for a regular commuter pass (tsnjkin teiki-ken). Instructions on how to purchase Student commuter passes are given below. 1. Trains and Subways ձ Write the station closest to your current residence and the university via the shortest route in the section provided on the back of your student ID card. ղ Fill out the required information on the “Application to Purchase a Student Commuter Pass” available at each station. Show your student ID card and submit the completed request form at the station window to purchase a commuter pass. Suica/PASMO commuter pass: Suica/PASMO is a convenient IC card for traveling by JR and other railway companies. For example, even if your route uses multiple railway lines (JR and other railway companies), and the station where you get on or off is JR, you can still use a Suica/PASMO commuter pass. JR: http://www.jreast.co.jp/renrakuteiki/index.html (Japanese language only) 2. Buses Request a “student commuter certificate” (tsnjgaku shǀmei-sho) at the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Academic Services) for undergraduate and graduate students, or for those enrolled in JLP or KIP, at the Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program)/Office of Student Services (International Exchange Services Group). Make sure to bring your student ID card when you visit the office. Go to the ticket counter or information counter of the bus company you want to use and submit the student commuter certificate to purchase the commuter pass. 64 2 㒑౽ᒁ 㒑౽ᒁࡣྛᡤ࠶ࡾ㸪㒑౽≀ࡢ㓄㐩ࡢ㸪㈓㔠ࡸಖ㝤࡞ࡢᴗົࡶ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ཷ㛫ࡣ㸪ୗグࡢ࠾ࡾ࡛ࡍࠋ 㒑౽ 㸸᭶᭙᪥㹼㔠᭙᪥ 9:00㹼17:00 㸦ᮏᒁ࡞୍㒊ࡣ 19:00 ࡲ࡛㸧 ㈓㔠㸦እᅜⅭ࣭᭰㏦㔠㸧㸸᭶᭙᪥㹼㔠᭙᪥ 9:00㹼16:00 ͤATM ࡢ⏝㛫ࡣ㸪㒑౽ᒁࡼࡾ␗࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ྛᆅᇦࡣᮏᒁࡤࢀࡿࡁ࡞㒑౽ᒁࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋᮏᒁ࡛ࡣᅵ᭙᪥㸪᪥᭙᪥㸪ఇ᪥࡛ࡶ㒑౽ᴗົࢆ 24 㛫 ྲྀࡾᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ52 82 ࡢษᡭࡣ㸪㒑౽ᒁ௨እ㺀ࠛ㺁࣐࣮ࢡࡢ࠶ࡿࢥࣥࣅࢽ࢚ࣥࢫࢫࢺ࡛ࡶ㉎ධ࡛ࡁ ࡲࡍࠋ ᘬ㉺ࡋࢆࡋࡓࡁࡣ㏆ࡃࡢ㒑౽ᒁ⾜ࡁ㺀㌿ᒃᒆ㺁ࡢࡣࡀࡁグධࡋ࡚ᒆࡅฟࡿ㸪᪂ࡋ࠸ఫᡤ㒑౽≀ ࡀᒆࡁࡲࡍ㸦1 ᖺ㛫㸧ࠋ 㒑౽ᒁ ࡣ㈓㔠ࡸᨭᡶ࠸ ࡀ࡛ࡁࡿࠕࡺ࠺ࡕ ࡻ㖟⾜ࠖ࠸࠺ࢩࢫࢸ ࣒ࡀ࠶ࡾ㸪ᅜࡢ 㒑౽ᒁࡸᥦ ᦠ ATM 㸦Automatic Teller Machine㸧࡛⏝࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋཱྀᗙ㛤タࡣ㸪ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ࠾ࡼࡧ༳㚷㸦ࢧ࡛ࣥࡶࡼ࠸㸧ࡀᚲせ ࡛ࡍࠋ ᪥ᮏ㒑౽㸸㻌 http://www.post.japanpost.jp/ http://www.jp-bank.japanpost.jp/ ࡺ࠺ࡕࡻ㖟⾜㸸㻌 3 㖟⾜ཱྀᗙࡢ㛤タ ዡᏛ㔠ࡣ㖟⾜ཱྀᗙࡾ㎸ࡲࢀࡲࡍࠋ㖟⾜ཱྀᗙࢆ᪩ࡵ㛤タࡋ࡚࠾ࡃࡇࢆ࠾່ࡵࡋࡲࡍࠋཱྀᗙࢆ㛤タࡍࡿ㝿㸪 ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ㸪Ꮫ⏕ド࠾ࡼࡧ༳㚷㸦ࢧ࡛ࣥࡶࡼ࠸㸧ࡢᥦ♧ࡀồࡵࡽࢀࡲࡍࠋ㖟⾜ࡼࡗ࡚ࡣ༳㚷ࡸ༙ᖺ௨ୖࡢᅾ ␃ࢆồࡵࡽࢀࡿሙྜࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪๓☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ❆ཱྀࡢႠᴗ㛫㸸ᖹ᪥༗๓ 9 ࡽ༗ᚋ 3 ͤATM ࡢ⏝㛫ࡣ㸪タ⨨ሙᡤࡼࡾ␗࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ 4 㟁 ヰ 㟁ヰࢆ᪂タ࣭⛣タࡍࡿࡣ㸪NTT ࡢ 116 ␒㟁ヰࡍࡿ㸪᭱ᐤࡾࡢ NTT Ⴀᴗᡤ⾜ࡗ࡚⏦ࡋ㎸ࡳࡲࡍࠋ ᦠᖏ㟁ヰࡸ PHS㸦Personal Handy phone System㸧ࢆ㉎ධࡍࡿሙྜࡣ㸪ᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ࠾ࡼࡧᏛ⏕ド㸦㌟ศド᫂᭩㸧ࢆ ᣢࡗ࡚㸪㏆ࡃࡢᦠᖏ㟁ヰ♫ࡢ௦⌮ᗑ㸪㏻ಙ♫࡛ᡭ⥆ࡁࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ NTT ᮾ᪥ᮏ㸦㟁ヰ㸧 http://web116.jp/phone/index.html?link_eastid=ext_p009 ࡞ᦠᖏ㟁ヰࡢ♫ࡣḟࡢ࠾ࡾ࡛ࡍࠋ au Docomo Softbank Y!mobile http://www.au.kddi.com/ http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/ http://www.softbank.jp/mobile/ http://www.ymobile.jp/index.html Tel: 0077-7-111 Tel: 0120-800-000 Tel: 0800-919-0157 Tel: 0120-921-156 5 ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺࡢ᥋⥆᪉ἲࡣ㸪㏻ಙ⎔ቃ㸪≉⏝ᅇ⥺㸦㟁ヰࡼࡿࢲࣖࣝࢵࣉ࣭ADSL࣭ගᅇ⥺࣭ࢣ ࣮ࣈࣝ TV ࡞㸧ࡼࡗ࡚␗࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋࣉࣟࣂࢲ࣮ࢆ㑅ࢇ࡛ၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ࡞ࣉࣟࣂࢲ࣮ࡣḟࡢ࠾ࡾ࡛ࡍࠋ AOL Tel: 0120-275-265 Nifty http://join.aolservice.jp/ http://setsuzoku.nifty.com OCN http://service.ocn.ne.jp/plan/ So-net http://so-net.ne.jp/access Yahoo BB http://bbpromo.yahoo.co.jp Tel: 0120-50-2210 Tel: 0120-506-506 Tel: 0120-117-268 Tel: 0120-33-4546 65 2 Post Offices Japan Post handles mail and also provide banking, insurance and other services. Regular Business Hours: Postal Service: Mon. to Fri. 9:00–17:00 (Some larger post offices close at 19:00) Savings Accounts (Foreign Exchange & Remittances): Mon. to Fri. 9:00–16:00 *ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) operating times vary according to the branch. Japan Post has a large post office called the “honkyoku” in each area throughout the country. This post office offers postal services 24 hours a day, including weekends and national holidays. Apart from at post offices, postage stamps (52 yen/82 yen) can also be bought at convenience stores and shops with the Japanese postal mark (ࠛ). If you change your address in Japan, go to your local post office and fill out and submit a “Notification of Change of Address” form. Your mail will be forwarded to your new address for a year, free of charge. Japan Post (JP) also has a bank called “Ynjcho-ginkǀ” that allows you to save and withdraw money from post offices and ATMs throughout the country. You will need your residence card and a personal name seal (inkan), if you have one, to open a bank account at a post office. Japan Post Postal Service: http://www.post.japanpost.jp/english/index.html Japan Post Bank (Ynjcho-ginkǀ): http://www.jp-bank.japanpost.jp/en_index.html 3 Opening a Bank Account Scholarship payments will be made via direct deposit. Therefore, we recommend that you open a bank account as early as possible. You will need your Residence card your student ID card, and a personal name seal (inkan), if you have one, to open an account. At some banks, your period of stay must be over 6 months to open an account. Please check with the bank in advance for detailed information. Regular Business Hours: Mon. to Fri. 9:00–15:00 *ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) operating times may vary according to location. 4 Telephone Service If you would like a new telephone line installed or an existing line moved, call NTT by dialing 116 or visit your nearest NTT office. If you would like to purchase a mobile phone or a PHS (Personal Handy-phone System), you can apply directly to the phone company of your choice or visit its nearest distributor. You will need to present your residence card and student ID card (personal identification). http://www.ntt-east.co.jp/en/product/tel_service.html NTT EAST (Telephone Service) Listed below are the major mobile phone companies in Japan and their phone numbers from a fixed phone line. http://www.au.kddi.com/english/ Tel: 0077-7-111 au http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/ Tel: 0120-800-000 Docomo Softbank http://www.softbank.jp/en/mobile/ Tel: 0800-919-0157 Tel: 0120-921-156 Y!mobile http://www.ymobile.jp/index.html (Japanese language only) 5 Internet The availability and speed of the Internet will vary according to a number of factors which include your local communications environment and the type of line (dial-up modem, optical line, ADSL, Cable TV). Please select an Internet provider and make inquiries with them. Listed below are the major Internet providers in Japan. http://join.aolservice.jp/ (Japanese language only) Tel: 0120-275-265 AOL http://setsuzoku.nifty.com (Japanese language only) Tel: 0120-50-2210 Nifty http://service.ocn.ne.jp/english/ Tel: 0120-506-506 OCN http://so-net.ne.jp/access (Japanese language only) Tel: 0120-117-268 So-net Tel: 0120-33-4546 Yahoo! BB http://bbpromo.yahoo.co.jp (Japanese language only) 66 6 㟁 Ẽ ࢩ࣮ࣙࢺࡋࡓሙྜࡸᐜ㔞௨ୖࡢ㟁Ẽࢆࡗࡓࡁࡣ㸪ࣈ࣮࣮ࣞ࢝ࡀⴠࡕ㸪㟁Ẽࡢ౪⤥ࡀ⮬ືⓗṆࡲࡾ㟁 ࡋࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢࡼ࠺࡞ࡣ㸪㟁Ẽჾලࡢ⏝ࢆῶࡽࡋ࡚ࡽ㸪ࣈ࣮࣮ࣞ࢝ࢆୖࡆࡲࡍࠋ㒊ᒇࡢ㟁Ẽᐜ㔞ࢆ࠶ࡽࡌ ࡵㄪ㸪ྠ㟁Ẽࢆ࠸㐣ࡂ࡞࠸ࡼ࠺ࡋࡲࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ㟁Ẽࡢࢺࣛࣈࣝࡣ㸪㟁Ẽᩱ㔠ࡢ㡿᭩᭩ࢀ࡚࠸ࡿႠ ᴗᡤ㟁ヰࡍࡿࡼ࠸࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ㡿᭩ࡣษಖ⟶ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᘬࡗ㉺ࡍ㝿ࡣᮾி㟁ຊࡢ㐃⤡ࢆᛀࢀࡎ ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㸧ᮾி㟁ຊ http://www.tepco.co.jp/index-j.html 㸨㟁ヰ␒ྕࡣᆅᇦࡼࡗ࡚␗࡞ࡾࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ࡛☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 7 ࢞ ࢫ ⏝ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࢞ࢫࡣ㸪㒔ᕷ࢞ࢫࣉࣟࣃࣥ࢞ࢫࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ࢞ࢫࢆ⏝ࡍࡿࡁࡣ࢞ࢫࡢ✀㢮ὀពࡋ࡚㸪 ࢞ࢫ♫㐃⤡ࡋࡓୖ࡛⏝ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᢸᙜ⪅ࡀ᮶࡚㸪㛤㏻సᴗࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࢀࡲࡍࠋ㛤㏻సᴗࢆࡍࡿࡁࡣ㸪 ᅾᏯࡋ࡚࠸࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ 㸧ᮾி࢞ࢫ http://www.tokyo-gas.co.jp/ Tel: 0570-002211 8 Ỉ 㐨 Ỉ㐨ࢆ⏝ࡍࡿࡁࡣ㸪ఫࢇ࡛࠸ࡿᆅᇦࡢႠᴗᡤ㐃⤡ࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᩱ㔠ࡢᨭᡶ࠸ࡣ㏻ᖖ 2 ࣨ᭶ࡈㄳ ồࡀࡁࡲࡍࠋㄳồ᭩ࡋࡓࡀࡗ࡚ᩱ㔠ࢆᨭᡶࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㸧ᮾி㒔Ỉ㐨ᒁ ᶓᕷỈ㐨ᒁ http://www.waterworks.metro.tokyo.jp/ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/suidou/ 㸨㟁ヰ␒ྕࡣᆅᇦࡼࡗ࡚␗࡞ࡾࡲࡍࡢ࡛㸪࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ࡛☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㸺ᨭᡶ࠸ࡘ࠸࡚㸼 㟁ヰ࣭㟁Ẽ࣭࢞ࢫ࣭Ỉ㐨➼ࡢᩱ㔠㸪ࢸࣞࣅཷಙᩱ➼ࡣ㸪ࢥࣥࣅࢽ࢚ࣥࢫࢫࢺ㸪㖟⾜㸪㒑౽ᒁ࡛ᨭᡶ࠺ࡇࡀ ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓ㸪㖟⾜ཱྀᗙࡽ⮬ືⓗᨭᡶ࠺ࡇ㸦㖟⾜ཱྀᗙᘬࡁⴠࡋ㸧ࡶ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ㖟⾜ཱྀᗙᘬࡁⴠࡋࡢ ヲ⣽ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪ࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢᴗ⪅ၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 9 ࢦ࣑ฎ⌮ ࢦ࣑ࡣศูࡋ࡚㸪ᡤᐃࡢ᭙᪥࣭㛫࣭ሙᡤฟࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᆅᇦࡼࡗ࡚࣮ࣝࣝࡀ␗࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ྍ⇞ࢦ࣑ ㏻ᖖ 1 㐌㛫⣙ 2 ᅇ ⇞ࢦ࣑ ㏻ᖖ 1 㐌㛫 1 ᅇࡶࡋࡃࡣ 2 㐌㛫 1 ᅇ ⢒ࢦ࣑ ࢸ࣮ࣈࣝ㸪᳔Ꮚ㸪ᕸᅋ㸪ᬮᡣჾල㸪 ⮬㌿㌴࡞ ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤ㐃⤡ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸㸦᭷ᩱ㸧 ὀព㸸࢚ࢥ࣭ࣥࢸࣞࣅ࣭෭ⶶᗜ࣭෭ᗜ࣭Ὑ℆ᶵ࣭⾰㢮⇱ᶵ࣭ࣃࢯࢥࣥࡢ 7 ရ┠ࡣ㸪⢒ࢦ࣑ࡋ࡚ ᤞ࡚ࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡏࢇࠋ㉎ධࡋࡓ㈍ᗑ࡞ᘬࡁྲྀࡗ࡚ࡶࡽ࠺ࡇࡀ⩏ົࡅࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᘬ ࡁྲྀࡾඛࡀࢃࡽ࡞࠸ሙྜࡣ㸪༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ࢦ࣑ࢆᤞ࡚ࡿ㝿ࡣᚲࡎつ๎ࢆᏲࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 67 6 Electricity If a circuit shorts or you use more electricity than the electrical capacity of your residence, the circuit breaker will trip and your electricity supply will be cut automatically. If this happens, reduce the number of electrical appliances you are using before resetting the circuit breaker. Find out the electrical capacity of your residence and try not to use too much electricity at one time. In case of emergency or difficulties, call the electricity company using the phone number written on your electricity bill. Make sure to keep your bills and receipts for reference. Call Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) to cancel your electricity service when you move. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/index-e.html *Phone numbers vary according to your area of residence. Please check TEPCO’s website for more information. 7 Gas There are two common types of gas used in Japan. One is natural gas (toshi gas), and the other is propane gas (LP gas). When you move into a new place, find out which type of gas is used and call the gas company. A representative will come to open the main gas line, for which you must be present. Tokyo Gas http://www.tokyo-gas.co.jp/index_e.html Tel: 0570-002211 8 Water Contact your local water company office to have your water turned on. You must notify them of the date when you wish to start using water. A bill will be mailed to you every other month. Bureau of Waterworks, Tokyo Metropolitan Government http://www.waterworks.metro.tokyo.jp/eng/index.html Yokohama Waterworks Bureau http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/suidou/langage/english/ *Telephone numbers may vary according to the area you live in. Please check the websites for more information. *Note on Paying Bills: You can pay your telephone, electricity, gas, and water bills, TV charges, and other fees at convenience stores, banks, and post offices. Alternatively, you can arrange for payment via direct debit (ginkǀ kǀza hikiotoshi) from your bank account. Ask each business operator for details. 9 Garbage Disposal Household garbage (gomi) is collected by the city. Separate your garbage and put it out according to the specified day, time, and location for your area. Collection days, times, and locations differ from area to area. Combustible garbage Usually twice a week Non-combustible garbage Usually once a week or once every two weeks Oversized garbage Please contact your city office for disposal of items. You will be charged tables, chairs, futons, a small fee for collection of these items. heating appliances, bicycles, etc. Note: The following seven appliances cannot be collected as oversized garbage: air-conditioners, televisions, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, clothes dryers and computers. Under the Home Appliance Recycling Act, you must contact the store where you purchased the appliance or the store where you plan to purchase a new appliance to request the disposal of the old one. If you do not remember where you bought the item and do not plan to replace it, please contact your local city office. You are expected to observe all rules and regulations concerning garbage disposal and recycling in your city. 68 ⥭ᛴࡢሙྜ㸦ᛴ࣭ⅆ⅏࣭┐㞴࣭㏻ᨾ࣭ᆅ㟈㸧 1 ⥭ᛴែⓎ⏕ࡢ㏻ሗ␒ྕ ␒㸸ⅆ⅏࣭ᩆᛴ㌴ ᛴ࣭ࡅࡀࡢࡁ ᛴࡢࡁ࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣࢣ࢞ࢆࡋࡓࡁࡣ㸦≉ኪ㛫ࡢࡁ㸧㸪㺀ᒁ␒࡞ࡋࡢ 119 ␒㺁㟁ヰࢆࡋ࡚ᩆᛴ㌴㸦↓ ᩱ㸧ࢆࢇ࡛ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ119 ␒ࡣᾘ㜵⨫ࡢ⥭ᛴ␒ྕ࡛ࡍࠋⅆ࡞ࡢᩆᛴ㌴ࢆࡧࡓ࠸ࡢࢆࡣࡗࡁࡾఏ࠼ ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ⅆ⅏࠶ࡗࡓࡁ ⮬ᐊࡸ㞄ᐊ࡛ⅆࡀ㉳ࡇࡗࡓࡁ㸪⮬ศࡦࡾࡔࡅ࡛ⅆࢆᾘࡑ࠺ࡋ࡚ࡶ༑ศ࡞ሙྜࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋᚲࡎ ኌ࡛㺀ⅆࡔ!㺁ྉࢇ࡛࿘ᅖࡢே▱ࡽࡏ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᅜඹ㏻࡛ࠕᒁ␒࡞ࡋࡢ 119 ␒ࠖࢆࢲࣖࣝࡋࡲࡍࠋ ᾘ㜵⨫ࡣ㸪ᾘ㜵㌴ᩆᛴ㌴ࡢฟືࢆ⾜࠸ࡲࡍࡽ㸪ࡲࡎ㺀ⅆ࡛ࡍ!㺁ࡣࡗࡁࡾゝ࠸㸪ఫᡤࢆṇ☜ఏ࠼࡚ࡃ ࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ␒㸸㆙ᐹ㸦㏻ᨾࡸ≢⨥➼㸧 ┐㞴࠶ࡗࡓࡁ ┐㞴࠶ࡗࡓࡁࡣ㸪㺀ᒁ␒࡞ࡋࡢ 110 ␒㸦㆙ᐹ㸧㺁㟁ヰࢆࡍࡿ㸪㏆ࡃࡢ␒⾜ࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋẶྡ㸪 ఫᡤ≧ἣࢆఏ࠼࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᏛෆࡢሙྜࡣ㸪Ꮫ⏕⏕άᨭᢸᙜ࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮❆ཱྀ㸦ኪ㛫ࡣ㆙ഛ ᐊ㸧㐃⤡ࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ࢟ࣕࢵࢩ࣮ࣗ࢝ࢻࡸࢡࣞࢪࢵࢺ࣮࢝ࢻࢆ┐ࡲࢀࡓሙྜࡣ㸪ࡍࡄ㖟⾜ࡸࢡࣞࢪ ࢵࢺ࣮࢝ࢻ♫㐃⤡ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᬯド␒ྕ࣭ࣃࢫ࣮࣡ࢻࡣ⤯ᑐே▱ࡽࢀ࡞࠸ࡼ࠺༑ศὀពࡋ࡚ࡃ ࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ㏻ᨾ࠶ࡗࡓࡁ ㏻ᨾ࠶ࡗࡓࡁࡣ㸪ࡍࡄ㆙ᐹ㸦ᒁ␒࡞ࡋࡢ 110 ␒㸧㐃⤡ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࡅࡀࢆࡋ࡚࠸ࡿேࡀ࠸ ࡿሙྜࡣ㸪119 ␒ࢲࣖࣝࡋ࡚ᩆᛴ㌴ࢆࢇ࡛ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࡑࡢࡣࡅࡀឤࡌࡽࢀ࡞ࡃ࡚ࡶ㸪≧ࡀ ኚࢃࡿࡇࡀ࠶ࡿࡢ࡛㸪ࡑࡢሙ࡛┦ᡭᏳ᫆ࠕኵ࡛ࡍࠖゝࢃࡎ㸪ࡍࡄ㝔⾜ࡁデ᩿࣭⒪ࢆཷ ࡅ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ㆙ᐹ㐃⤡ࡍࡿࡢ⿕ᐖ࡛࡞࠸ሙྜ࡛ࡶ㸪┦ᡭࡢྡ๓࠾ࡼࡧ㐃⤡ඛࢆᛀࢀࡎ⪺࠸࡚ࡃࡔ ࡉ࠸ࠋᨾ㛵ࢃࡗࡓ࡚ࡢ㌴୧ࡢࢼࣥࣂ࣮ࣉ࣮ࣞࢺࡢ␒ྕࢆグ㘓ࡋ㸪ࡑࡢሙᒃྜࢃࡏࡓ┠ᧁ⪅ࡢྡ๓ 㐃⤡ඛࡶ⪺࠸࡚࠾ࡃⰋ࠸࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋᦆᐖಖ㝤♫ᨾࡢ≧ἣࢆ❧ドࡍࡿࡓࡵ㸪ࡇࢀࡽࡢሗࡀᚲせ࡞ሙ ྜࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋᡤᒓ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢᏛ⏕㒊࣭Ꮫ⏕ㄢᏛ⏕⏕άᨭᢸᙜᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮❆ཱྀࡲࡓࡣᏛ⏕㒊ู⛉࣭ ᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬ᢸᙜ㐃⤡ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㸺ὀព㸼 㺀119␒㺁㺀110␒㺁㟁ヰࡍࡿࡁࡣ㸪࠶ࡏࡽࡎ㸪ⴠࡕ╔࠸࡚ࠗఱࡀ࠶ࡗࡓࡢ㸦ⅆ࡞ࡢ㸪ᩆᛴ࡞ࡢ㸧࠘ ࠗࡇ࡛࠾ࡁ࡚࠸ࡿࡢ㸦┠ᶆ≀ࡶ㸧࠘ࢆఏ࠼࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࢧࣞࣥࡀ⪺ࡇ࠼ࡓࡽ㸪㌴ࢆㄏᑟࡍࡿࡓࡵ㸪㐨 ฟ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋබ⾗㟁ヰ࡛ࡣ10⋢ࡶ100⋢ࡶᚲせ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇ㸦↓ᩱ㸧ࠋ 69 Emergencies (Sudden Illness, Fire, Theft, Traffic Accident or Earthquake) 1 Numbers to Call in Case of Emergency Fire/Ambulance: Call “119” Sudden Illness/Serious Injury If you have been injured or suddenly feel ill (especially during night hours), the telephone number to call an ambulance is 119 throughout Japan. Since 119 is the emergency number for both fire departments and ambulances, you must state which service you need when you call. Fire It may be impossible for you to put out a fire by yourself. In the event of a fire in your own residence or a residence near to yours, first alert people around you by yelling “Fire!” (“Kaji da!”), then immediately call the fire department by dialing the emergency number 119. Since the number is the same for both fire engines and ambulances, you must clearly state that there is a fire (“Kaji desu!”), and then tell them your address. Police (Traffic Accidents/Crimes): Call “110” Theft If you have been robbed or had valuable belongings stolen, dial 110 or go directly to a police station or police box (kǀban). Clearly state your name and address and report the incident. If it happened on campus, report it to the Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Student Life Services) or Office of Student Services (International Exchange Services Group). During night hours, contact the Security Office on campus. If your bank card or credit card was stolen, notify the bank or credit card company immediately so they can prevent any unauthorized transactions. It is important to keep your PIN separate from these cards and not to share it with others. Traffic Accidents If you happen to be involved in a traffic accident, contact the police immediately by dialing 110. If anyone has been injured or wounded, dial 119 for an ambulance. Even if you believe you only have a minor injury, some injuries may become more serious with time. Do not try and evaluate yourself and tell people you are fine. Consult a doctor as soon as possible, as the onset of pain may be delayed or there may be other complications later on. Always record the names and addresses of the other parties involved, including the car owner, even if there is so little damage that you do not need to call the police. Record the license plate numbers of all vehicles involved. You might also want to record the names and addresses of witnesses who happened to be there. You may need this information to verify the accident with the insurance company. Please inform Office of Student Services/SFC Academic Affairs Office (Student Life Services) and the International Center at your main campus/Office of Student Services (Japanese Language Program) about the accident. Note: If you need to call “119” or “110,” please stay calm when informing the operator of the situation (a fire or other emergency) and location (including any nearby landmarks). When you hear the siren of the approaching fire engine, ambulance, or police car, please wait outside and guide it to the site. There is no charge for dialing the emergency numbers from a public telephone booth. 70 㸰 ᆅ㟈 ᪥ᮏࡣᆅ㟈ࡢከ࠸ᅜ࡛ࡍࠋࢢࣛࢵࡁ࡚ࡶ࠶ࢃ࡚ࡎ㸪ࡲࡎ⮬ศࡢ㌟ࢆᏲࡿࡇࡀษ࡛ࡍࠋ ᒇෆ࠸ࡿࡁ ࡁ࡞ᦂࢀࡀ⥆ࡃࡢࡣ 1 ศ㛫ࡄࡽ࠸࡛ࡍࠋៃ࡚࡚እ㣕ࡧฟࡍࡇࡣ༴㝤࡛ࡍࠋ ձ ㌟ࡢᏳࢆᏲࡿ ᮘࡸࢸ࣮ࣈࣝࡢୗᛴ࠸࡛㌟ࢆ㞃ࡍ㸪ᐙලࡢᑡ࡞࠸㒊ᒇ⛣ືࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᮘ ࡸࢸ࣮ࣈࣝࡀ࡞࠸ሙྜࡣ㸪ᗙᕸᅋࡸᮏ࡞࡛㢌ࢆಖㆤࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ղ ⬺ฟཱྀࢆ☜ಖࡍࡿ ᦂࢀࡀࡁ࠸㸪ࢻࡸ❆ࡀኚᙧࡋ࡚㛤࡞ࡃ࡞ࡾ㸪ᐊෆ㛢ࡌ㎸ࡵࡽࢀࡿࡇ ࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ㌟ࡢᏳࡀ☜ಖࡉࢀࡓࡽ㸪ᦂࢀࡢྜ㛫ࢆࡳ࡚㸪ࢻࡸ❆ࢆᑡࡋ㛤ࡅ㸪㏨ࡆཱྀࢆ☜ಖࡋ࡚ ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ճ ⅆࡢጞᮎࢆࡍࡿ ᦂࢀࡀ⃭ࡋ࠸ሙྜࡣ㸪ᦂࢀࡀࡲࡗ࡚ࡽⅆࡢጞᮎࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋⅆࡀฟ࡞ࡃ࡚ ࡶ࢞ࢫࡢඖᰦࡣ☜ᐇ㛢ࡵ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋࡲࡓ㸪㟁ᪧࡶ࡞࠺㏻㟁ⅆ⅏㜵Ṇࡢࡓࡵ㸪㟁Ẽࡢࣈࣞ ࣮࣮࢝ࡶษࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ մ ᦂࢀࡀࡲࡗ࡚ࡶἜ᩿ࡋ࡞࠸ ࡁ࡞ᆅ㟈ࡢᚋࡣవ㟈ࡀⓎ⏕ࡍࡿࡇࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋಽࢀࡗࡓࢱ ࣥࢫࡸᮏᲴ㸪෭ⶶᗜ࡞ࡣ㏆࡙࡞࠸࡛ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋవ㟈ࡼࡗ࡚㌿ಽࡍࡿᜍࢀࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋࣛࢪ࢜ ࡢ⥭ᛴᨺ㏦ࢆ⫈ࡁ㸪ࡑࡢᣦ♧ᚑࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ㟁ヰࡣ࡛ࡁࡿࡔࡅࢃ࡞࠸ࡼ࠺ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᒇእ࠸ࡿࡁ ⊃࠸㊰ᆅࡸሟࡂࢃ㸪ᓴ㸪ᕝᓊࡽ㞳ࢀࡲࡋࡻ࠺ࠋᘓ≀ࡢ㏆ࡃ࠸ࡿࡣ㸪࢝ࣂࣥ࡞࡛㢌ࢆᏲࡾ㸪ⴠୗ≀ ὀពࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᏳ࡞ሙᡤࡍࡤࡸࡃ㑊㞴ࡋࡲࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ ᆅ㟈ᑐᛂ࣐ࢽࣗࣝ㸸 Ꮫෆ࠸ࡿࡁࡸ㸪㏻Ꮫ࣭እฟ୰ࡢᑐᛂ᪉ἲ࡞ࡀ᭩ࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࡢ࡛ཧ↷ࡋ࡚ ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ࠕሿ⏕ࡢⓙᵝࠖࡑࡢ࣓ࢽ࣮ࣗэᆅ㟈ᑐᛂ࣐ࢽࣗࣝ http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/index.html 㜵⅏ᑐ⟇㸸 ᐙ࡛ࡣࢱࣥࢫࡸᮏᲴ➼ࡢ㧗࠸ࡇࢁ≀ࢆ⨨࡞࠸ࡼ࠺ࡋࡲࡋࡻ࠺ࠋࡲࡓᐙල➼ࡣ࣮࣒࣍ࢭࣥࢱ࣮➼࡛㉎ධ ࡛ࡁࡿ㌿ಽ㜵Ṇჾල࡛ᅛᐃࡍࡿࡼ࠺ࡋࡲࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ㈤㈚ࡢఫᒃࡢቨ㸪ᗋ㸪ኳࢆയࡘࡅࡿሙྜࡣ㸪㈚ࡢチྍ ࢆᚓࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ఫᒃࡢ㠀ᖖཱྀࡣࡶࡕࢁࢇ㸪࠶࡞ࡓࡢ⏫ࡢ㑊㞴ሙᡤࡶㄪ୍࡚ᗘࡣゼࡡ࡚࠾ࡁࡲࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ ᐙ᪘ࡀࡤࡽࡤࡽ࡞ࡗ࡚ࡋࡲࡗࡓࡢࡓࡵࡢ㞟ྜሙᡤࡶỴࡵ࡚࠾ࡃࡇࢆ࠾່ࡵࡋࡲࡍࠋ ᮾி㒔㜵⅏࣮࣒࣮࣍࣌ࢪ ⚄ዉᕝ┴㜵⅏࣭⅏ᐖሗ http://www.bousai.metro.tokyo.jp/index.html http://www.pref.kanagawa.jp/sys/bousai/portal/index.html ࢢࣛࢵࡁࡓࡽ 㸯㸬㌟ࡢᏳࢆᏲࡿࠋ 㸰㸬⬺ฟཱྀࢆ☜ಖࡍࡿࠋ 㸱㸬ⅆࡢጞᮎࢆࡍࡿࠋ 㸲㸬ᦂࢀࡀࡲࡗ࡚ࡶ Ἔ᩿ࡋ࡞࠸ࠋ ࠸ࡊ࠸࠺ࡢࡓࡵ ᩆᛴ⟽㸪㣧ࡳỈ㸪⨁ワ࡞ࡢಖᏑ㣗ရ㸦⨁ࡁࡾࡶ ᛀࢀࡎ㸧㸪࣏࣮ࢱࣈࣝࣛࢪ࢜㸦㟁ụࡶ☜ㄆࡋ࡚ ࠾ࡁࡲࡋࡻ࠺㸧㸪୰㟁ⅉ㸪ணഛࡢ㟁ụ㸪㌟ศド ᫂᭩ࡸࣃࢫ࣏࣮ࢺࡢࡋ㸪⌧㔠㸦ᑠ㖹ࡶ㸧㸪㈓㔠 ㏻ᖒ㸪ᖖഛ⸆㸪⥭ᛴ㐃⤡ඛ୍ぴࢆ⏝ពࡋ࡚࠾ࡁࡲ ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ 71 2 Earthquakes Japan is prone to earthquakes (jishin) and you should be prepared for when one happens. Protect yourself and try not to panic. If You Are Indoors: Strong tremors usually continue for only about one minute. Do not rush outside in a panic; it is safer to stay inside than rush outside. ձ Protect yourself: Quickly duck under a sturdy table or desk to protect yourself from falling objects. If there is nothing to hide under, protect your head with a cushion or book. It may be wise to move to a room with less furniture. ղ Secure a safe exit: Doors and windows may not open due to distortion from strong tremors, so you may end up trapped in a room. During a strong earthquake, open a door or window to secure a way out if it is safe to do so. ճ Put out any flames: In case of major tremors, put out any flames after the shaking subsides. Make sure to close all gas valves even if there is no fire. To avoid a fire after electricity is restored, switch off the circuit breakers and any appliances. մ Be aware of aftershocks: There may be aftershocks after a big earthquake, so be cautious around objects such as drawers, bookshelves, and refrigerators that are tilting or may be unstable. They may fall over during an aftershock. Turn on a radio to listen to the Emergency Broadcast System and follow instructions. Avoid using the telephone. If You Are Outdoors: Stay away from narrow streets, garden walls, cliffs, and riverbanks. Beware of falling objects if you are near buildings. Protect your head (by holding something like a bag over your head if you are carrying one) and quickly flee to safe area. Earthquake Response Manual: Please refer to the manual to learn how to protect yourself on-campus and off-campus. For Keio Student website: “Others” э”Earthquake Response Manual” http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/en/ Disaster Safety Measures: Avoid placing objects on the tops of cabinets, shelves, or other tall furniture. Use tip-resistant safety devices, which you can find at home centers to secure furniture to the walls, ceiling, or floor. (You need to ask the owner of your apartment as they may damage walls, ceilings, or floors.) Make sure you know the location of the emergency exit of your apartment along with public evacuation areas and shelters (hinan basho-usually parks or schoolyards) closest to your home and university. BE SURE YOU KNOW HOW TO GET TO THESE LOCATIONS! We recommend deciding on a common meeting spot with your family beforehand to avoid being split up during an emergency. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Disaster Prevention Information: http://www.bousai.metro.tokyo.jp/foreign/english/index.html Kanagawa Prefectural Government (K.P.G.) Information to Support Foreign Residents at the Time of Disaster: http://www.pref.kanagawa.jp/cnt/p453450.html If an earthquake occurs: 1. Protect yourself. 2. Secure a safe exit. 3. Put out any flames. 4. Be aware of aftershocks. Always be prepared for disaster: In case of an emergency, ensure that you have a disaster preparedness kit including the following items: a first-aid kit, bottled water, canned or packaged foods (with can opener), a portable radio (with working batteries), a flashlight, spare batteries, a copy of your ID card/passport, cash (including coins), savings passbook, medicine, and a list of 72 ་⒪࣭ᗣ ᪥ᮏࡣ་⒪㈝ࡢ㈇ᢸࢆ㍍ࡃࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢ་⒪ไᗘࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ᪥ᮏ3ࣨ᭶ࢆ㉸࠼࡚ᅾࡍࡿእᅜேࡣ㸪ḟࡢ࠺ࡕࡢ ࡦࡘຍධࡋ࡚࠸࡞ࡃ࡚ࡣ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ ձ ♫ᗣಖ㝤࣭࣭࣭♫ࡸᴗᡤࡵࡿேࡀຍධࡋࡲࡍࠋ ղ ᅜẸᗣಖ㝤࣭࣭࣭♫ᗣಖ㝤ຍධ࡛ࡁ࡞࠸ேࡀᑐ㇟࡛ࡍࠋ ࡇࡢ㸪බົဨࡸᏛᰯࡢᩍ⫋ဨࢆᑐ㇟ࡋࡓඹ῭⤌ྜ࡞ࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ᅾ᪥ࡢᐙ᪘ࡢ᪉ࡀධࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ♫ᗣಖ㝤ࡶ㐺⏝ࡉࢀࡲࡍࡀ㸪ࢇࡢ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢሙྜࡣᅜẸᗣಖ㝤ຍධ ࡍࡿࡇ࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ 1 ᅜẸᗣಖ㝤 㸦㏻ᖖࠗᅜಖ࠘ࢇ࡛࠸ࡲࡍ㸧 ࠗᅜಖ࠘ࡣ㸪Ẽࡸࡅࡀࢆࡋࡓ㸪ᅜ࣭ᆅ᪉⮬య࠾ࡼࡧಶேࡀ་⒪ࢆศᢸࡋ㸪⤒῭ⓗ࡞ᚰ㓄ࢆࡍࡿࡇ࡞ ࡃ⒪ࢆཷࡅࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡿࡇࢆ┠ⓗࡋࡓ་⒪ಖ㝤ไᗘࡢ୍ࡘ࡛ࡍࠋ᪥ᮏ3ࣨ᭶ࢆ㉸࠼࡚ᅾ␃ࡍࡿ␃Ꮫ⏕ ࡣ㸪ဨࠗᅜಖ࠘ຍධࡍࡿࡇ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡓࡔࡋ㸪ᐙ᪘࡞ࡀ㸪᪥ᮏࡢᅜᐙබົဨࡶࡋࡃࡣᆅ᪉බົ ဨࡲࡓࡣ♫ဨ➼࡛㸪ࡑࡢ⿕ᢇ㣴⪅ࡋ࡚ඹ῭⤌ྜࡸ♫ᗣಖ㝤ຍධࡋ࡚࠸ࡿሙྜࡣ㸪࠶ࡽࡓࡵ࡚ࠗᅜಖ࠘ ຍධࡍࡿᚲせࡣ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋࡇࡢಖ㝤ຍධࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸪ᅜಖࢆྲྀࡾᢅ࠺㝔࡛㸦ࢇࡢ㝔ࡀᅜಖࢆྲྀ ࡾᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍ㸧デ⒪ࢆཷࡅࡓሙྜ㸪⒪㈝ࡢ30㸣ࢆⓙࡉࢇࡀᨭᡶ࠸㸪ṧࡾࡢ70㸣ࢆᅜಖࡀ㈇ᢸࡋࡲࡍࠋ 㸦ὀ㸧ᅜẸᗣಖ㝤ࡣ㸪⨾ᐜᩚᙧ㸪ṑิ▹ṇ㸪ṇᖖศፔࡣ㐺⏝ࡉࢀࡲࡏࢇࠋ ᅜಖࡢຍධ᪉ἲ ఫࢇ࡛࠸ࡿᆅᇦࡢ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤࡢᅜẸᗣಖ㝤ᢸᙜࡢ❆ཱྀᅾ␃࣮࢝ࢻ㸪Ꮫ⏕ド༳㚷㸦࡞ࡃ࡚ࡶྍ⬟㸧 ࢆᣢࡗ࡚㸪ᡭ⥆ࡁࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸㹿ᚋ᪥ࠕᅜẸᗣಖ㝤⿕ಖ㝤⪅ドࠖࡀࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ <ὀព> ᘬ㉺ࢆࡋࡓࡁࡣ14᪥௨ෆ㸪ࡇࢀࡲ࡛ఫࢇ࡛࠸ࡓ༊/ᕷࡢ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤಖ㝤ドࢆᣢࡗ࡚㌿ฟᡭ⥆ࡁࢆ ࡋ㸪㌿ᒃඛࡢ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤ࡛ࡶᅜẸᗣಖ㝤ࡢኚ᭦ᡭ⥆ࡁࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸㹿ࡲࡓ㸪Ặྡࡸୡᖏ➼ࡀኚࢃࡗ ࡓሙྜࡶ14᪥௨ෆ㸪␃Ꮫࡀ⤊ࢃࡾᖐᅜࡍࡿሙྜࡣᖐᅜ๓㸪ᅜẸᗣಖ㝤ᢸᙜㄢᒆࡅฟ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ಖ㝤ᩱࡢᨭᡶ࠸ࡘ࠸࡚ ༊ᙺᡤ/ᕷᙺᡤࡈከᑡ㐪࠸ࡲࡍࠋᅜಖᢸᙜㄢᡤᚓࡀ୍ᐃ㢠ᮍ‶࡛࠶ࡿㄆࡵࡽࢀࡓሙྜ㸪ಖ㝤ᩱࡢῶ 㢠ไᗘࡀ㐺⏝ࡉࢀࡲࡍ㸦ዡᏛ㔠ࡣ㸪ᡤᚓ࡛ࡣ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇ㸧ࠋࡲࡓ㸪ᆅ᪉බඹᅋయ➼ࡼࡗ࡚ࡣ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢࡓࡵ 㸪ಖ㝤ᩱࡢ⿵ຓไᗘࢆタࡅ࡚࠸ࡿࡇࢁࡶ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋࡃࢃࡋࡃࡣᅜಖᢸᙜㄢࡢ❆ཱྀ࡛┦ㄯࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 73 Medical Care and Health In Japan, there are health insurance systems that help reduce the cost of medical care. Foreign nationals living in Japan for more than three months are required to join one of the following insurance systems: ձ Employees’ Health Insurance (generally covers individuals who are employed by a company.) ղ National Health Insurance (covers individuals who are not eligible to join employees’ health insurance.) In addition, insurance is provided by mutual aid associations to those who work for public schools or the government. Most international students are required to enter into National Health Insurance unless they are covered by the Employees’ Health Insurance of a family member who lives and works in Japan. 1 National Health Insurance (NHI or Kokuho) National Health Insurance (NHI)—kokumin kenkǀ hoken, often abbreviated as Kokuho in Japanese—is one of the health insurance systems in Japan that allows the insured to receive medical care without financial concern when ill or injured by splitting the medical care expenses between the local or national government and the insured. Full-time international students who will be studying in Japan for more than three months must join NHI unless covered by the insurance plan of a family member who lives in Japan. Overseas medical insurance is not accepted. With NHI, approximately 70% of your medical expenses will be covered when you receive treatment at hospitals or clinics that are NHI medical service providers (most hospitals in Japan accept NHI). You pay the remaining 30%. Note: National Health Insurance does not cover expenses for cosmetic surgery, orthodontics, or normal childbirth. Joining National Health Insurance (NHI) Please complete the necessary procedures at the NHI counter at your local city office. You will need to take your residence card student ID card, and personal stamp (inkan), if you have one. Your National Health Insurance Card will be issued at a later date. Note: If you move, you must take your National Insurance Card to the city office of the city you lived in before moving, and visit your new local city office to update your National Health Insurance Card within 14 days of moving. You also need to update your card within 14 days of changing names or if the head of your household changes. If you are returning permanently to your home country, you need to return your card to the NHI counter at your local city office before you leave. Payment of Insurance Premiums The monthly premium for NHI varies slightly depending on the city you live in. If the NHI recognizes that your income is below a certain amount, a reduction to your insurance premiums will be applied (scholarships are not counted as income). Some local authorities have special subsidy systems for international students. For more information, please contact the NHI counter at your local city office. 74 2 ᠕⩏ሿᏛᏛ⏕ᗣಖ㝤་⒪㈝⿵ຓ ᠕⩏ሿᏛࡢᏛ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔ࡢṇつ⏕ࡣ㸪ဨࠗᏛ⏕ᗣಖ㝤ຓ⤌ྜ࠘ຍධࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ Ẽࡸࢣ࡛࢞་⒪ᶵ㛵ࡗࡓሙྜ㸪ࡑࡢ་⒪ᶵ㛵࡛ࠗ་⒪㈝㡿ド᫂᭩࠘⒪ࡗࡓ㈝⏝ࢆグධࡋ ࡚ࡶࡽ࠺㸪㡿᭩ࡢཎᮏࢆῧࡋ࡚㸪ཷデ᭶ࢆྵࡵ㸲ࣨ᭶௨ෆྛᆅ༊Ꮫ⏕⏕άᢸᙜᥦฟࡍࢀࡤ㸪ಖ㝤デ⒪ ศࡢ⮬ᕫ㈇ᢸ㢠ࡽ㸪ྠ୍་⒪ᶵ㛵࣭ྠ୍デ⒪⛉ࡢ㸯ࣧ᭶ศࢆ㸯௳ࡋ㸪㸯௳ࡘࡁ 1,000 ࢆᕪࡋᘬ࠸ࡓ㢠ࡀ㸪 ᚋ᪥Ꮫ⏕ᗣಖ㝤ຓ⤌ྜࡽ⤥ࡉࢀࡲࡍ㸦㖟⾜ࡾ㎸ࡳ㸧ࠋ࡞࠾㸪᥋㦵㝔㸪ᩚ㦵㝔㸪㙀⅍㝔ࡣ⤥ᑐ㇟እ࡛ ࡍࠋࡲࡓ㸪ᖺᗘࡈ㸪᭶ࡈࡢ⤥᭱㧗㢠ࡀᐃࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ヲࡋࡃࡣࠗಖࡢᡭᘬࡁ࠘ࢆࡈぴࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ <ὀព> ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬㸪᠕ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢᏛ⏕㸪࠾ࡼࡧ◊✲⏕➼㠀ṇつ⏕ࡣ⤌ྜຍධࡋ ࡚࠸ࡲࡏࢇࡢ࡛㸪⿵ຓࡀཷࡅࡽࢀࡲࡏࢇࠋ 3 Ꮫ⏕ᩍ⫱◊✲⅏ᐖയᐖಖ㝤 Ꮫࡢᩍ⫱◊✲άື୰⏕ࡌࡓ៖ࡢᨾࡼࡾ㌟యയᐖࢆཷࡅࡓሙྜࡢᩆ῭ᥐ⨨ࡋ࡚㸪Ꮫ㒊࣭Ꮫ㝔ࡢ ṇつ⏕㸪◊✲⏕࣭≉ู▷ᮇ␃Ꮫ⏕㸦ᅜ㈝␃Ꮫ⏕୍㒊ࡢ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢࡳ㸧㸪ู⛉࣭᪥ᮏㄒ◊ಟㄢ⛬࠾ࡼࡧ᠕ ࣥࢱ࣮ࢼࢩࣙࢼࣝࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢᏛ⏕ࢆᑐ㇟㸪Ꮫࡀಖ㝤ᩱࢆ㈇ᢸࡋ࡚ࠕᏛ⏕ᩍ⫱◊✲⅏ᐖയᐖಖ㝤ࠖຍධࡋ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᩍ⫱◊✲άື୰ࡣ㸪Ꮫෆእ࡛ࡢṇㄢ㸪Ꮫ⾜㸪ㄢእάື㸦Ꮫእࡢሙྜࡣ๓Ꮫࡢᒆฟࡀ ᚲせ㸧ࢆᣦࡋࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓఫᒃᏛᰯタ➼ࡢ㛫ࡢ㏻Ꮫ㸪Ꮫᰯタ➼┦㛫ࡢ⛣ື୰Ⓨ⏕ࡋࡓᨾࡶᑐ㇟࡞ ࡾࡲࡍࠋࡓࡔࡋ㸪Ẽࡣࡇࡢಖ㝤ࡢᑐ㇟࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋࡲࡓ㸪ᡃࡢࡲ࡛せࡋࡓ㏻㝔ࡢᅇᩘࡼࡗ࡚ࡣ㸪 ࡇࡢಖ㝤ࡢᑐ㇟࡞ࡽ࡞࠸ࡇࡶ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ୖグάື୰യᐖࢆཷࡅࡓሙྜࡣ㸪ࡍࡄᏛ⏕㒊Ꮫ⏕⏕άᨭ❆ཱྀ᮶࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 4 ᅜẸᖺ㔠 ᪥ᮏᅜෆఫࡴࡍ࡚ࡢேࡣ㸪20ṓ࡞ࡗࡓࡽᅜẸᖺ㔠ࡢ⿕ಖ㝤⪅࡞ࡾ㸪ಖ㝤ᩱࡢ⣡ࡀ⩏ົ࡙ࡅࡽࢀ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᏛ⏕ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪⏦ㄳࡼࡾᅾᏛ୰ࡢಖ㝤ᩱࡢ⣡ࡀ⊰ணࡉࢀࡿࠕᏛ⏕⣡≉ไᗘࠖ➼ࡀタࡅࡽࢀ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᡤᚓࡀᑡ࡞ࡃᅜẸᖺ㔠ಖ㝤ᩱࢆ⣡ࡵࡽࢀ࡞࠸ሙྜࡣ㸪ఫࢇ࡛࠸ࡿ༊/ᕷᙺᡤࡢ❆ཱྀ┦ㄯࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ ࠸ࠋ 75 2 The Student Health Insurance Union Medical Care Benefit System As members of the Student Health Insurance Union (gakusei kenkǀ hoken gojo kumiai), regular undergraduate and graduate students at Keio University are eligible to apply for a partial reimbursement of medical expenses. After you have received medical treatment for an injury or illness, have the medical institution fill out a Certificate of Medical Expense Receipt (iryǀ-hi ryǀshnj shǀmei-sho) where the medical institution has indicated the medical expense, or attach the original receipt from the medical institution and bring it to the Office of Student Services (Student Life Services Group). You must do this by the last day of the fourth month after receiving the medical treatment (including the month you received treatment). Then, the Student Health Insurance Union will transfer a partial reimbursement to your bank account for the amount of medical expenses that you personally paid. Treatment over the course of one month at the same medical facility and department is considered a single treatment. 1,000 yen will be withheld from each treatment as a co-payment. Maximum reimbursement limits are set for a single treatment and for the fiscal year. Medical treatment received at orthopedic clinics, osteopathic clinics, and acupuncture-moxibustion clinics is not covered. For more information, please see the “Guidebook for the Keio University Student Health Insurance Plan” (Kenpo-no-tebiki). Note: As Japanese Language Program students, Keio International Program students, research students, and other nondegree students are not members of this insurance union, they are not eligible for this insurance coverage. 3 Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research Keio University is a member of Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES), and through it Keio pays for “Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research,” an insurance plan which covers students who suffer physical injury from an unexpected accident in the course of their educational and research activities. This insurance is for regular undergraduate and postgraduate students, research students, and short-term international students (MEXT scholarship students and designated exchange students only), Japanese Language Program students, and Keio International Program students. “Educational and research activities” means regular curricular activities on- and off-campus, participation in University events, and extracurricular activities (advance notification to the University is required for off-campus activities). Accidents that occur on the way between a student’s residence and the University, and while traveling between University facilities, are also covered. However, "illness" is not covered by this insurance. In addition, depending on the number of hospital visits it takes to recover, you may not qualify for this insurance. If you have received any physical injury while engaged in the activities described above, please visit the Office of Student Services (Student Life Services). 4 National Pension All registered residents of Japan aged 20 or over must be enrolled in and are covered by the National Pension System. Students whose income is less than a certain amount may be allowed to postpone contributions if their application is approved. Please check with your local city office if you wish to determine your eligibility to postpone payments. 76 5 Ꮫ࿘㎶࡛ⱥㄒࡼࡿデᐹࡀྍ⬟࡞་⒪ᶵ㛵 ͤ ⱥㄒࡀ࡛ࡁࡿ་ᖌ࣭⫋ဨࡀᖖົࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡣ㝈ࡾࡲࡏࢇࡢ࡛㸪๓㟁ヰ࡛☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᮾி 㝔ྡ ᠕⩏ሿᏛ㝔*1 ῭⏕୰ኸ㝔 ᮾ㑥Ꮫ་⒪ࢭࣥࢱ࣮᳃㝔 ᮾிឿᜨ་⛉Ꮫ㝃ᒓ㝔 㡰ኳᇽᏛ་Ꮫ㒊ᒓ㡰ኳᇽ་㝔 㔛Ꮫ㔛◊✲ᡤ㝔 ⏣ᅬㄪᕸ୰ኸ㝔*2 ⪷ẕ㝔*3 ᪥୰ዲ་㝔*4 ఫ ᡤ ᪂ᐟ༊ಙ⃰⏫35 ༊୕⏣1-4-17 ⏣༊᳃す6-11-1 ༊す᪂ᶫ3-19-18 ᩥி༊ᮏ㒓3-1-3 ༊ⓑ㔠5-9-1 ⏣༊⏣ᅬㄪᕸ2-43-1 ᪂ᐟ༊୰ⴠྜ2-5-1 ㇂༊௦ࠎᮌ1-38-5 KDX௦ࠎᮌࣅࣝ6F 㟁ヰ␒ྕ 03-3353-1211 03-3451-8211 03-3762-4151 03-3433-1111 03-3813-3111 03-3444-6161 03-3721-7121 03-3951-1111 03-6276-9788 *1 ཎ๎ண⣙ไ࡛ࡍࠋࡢ་⒪ᶵ㛵ࡽࡢ⤂ࡀᚲせ࡛ࡍࠋཷ࡛ᚲࡎᏛ⏕ドࢆᥦ♧ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ *2 ⱥㄒࡼࡿデᐹࡣ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸࡞࠸ሙྜࡶከ࠸ࡢ࡛㸪ᚲࡎ๓☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ *3 እᅜேᑓ⏝ཷࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋࢩࢫࢱ࣮ࡀ࣎ࣛࣥࢸ࡛㏻ヂࢆࡋ࡚ࡃࢀࡲࡍࠋ㸦ⱥㄒ࣭ࣇࣛࣥࢫㄒ࣭ࢫ ࣌ࣥㄒᑐᛂ㸧 *4 ᭶᭙᪥࣭Ỉ᭙᪥࣭ᮌ᭙᪥ࡣ୰ᅜㄒ࣭㡑ᅜㄒࡢᑐᛂࡶྍࠋ ᶓ 㝔ྡ YOUࣄࣇ⛉ࢡࣜࢽࢵࢡ ࡅ࠸ࡺ࠺㝔 ఫ ᡤ ᶓᕷ ༊᪥ྜྷᮏ⏫1-21-9 ᑠᓥࣅࣝ3F ᶓᕷす༊ࡳ࡞ࡳࡽ࠸3-7-3 045-561-8300 045-221-8181 㟁ヰ␒ྕ ఫ ᡤ ᕝᓮᕷ୰ཎ༊⏣2-27-1 044-766-2188 ᕝᓮ 㝔ྡ ᕝᓮᕷ❧⏣㝔*5 㟁ヰ␒ྕ *5 ෆ⛉ࡣⱥㄒ㸪ࢫ࣌ࣥㄒࡢヰࡏࡿ་ᖌࡀẖ᪥ົࠋእ⛉ࡣⱥㄒࢆヰࡏࡿ་ᖌࡀẖ᪥ົࠋ ⸨ἑ 㝔ྡ ⸨ἑᕷẸ㝔*6 ᑠᯘᅜ㝿ࢡࣜࢽࢵࢡ*7 ఫ ᡤ ⸨ἑᕷ⸨ἑ2-6-1 ᕷす㭯㛫3-5-6-110 㟁ヰ␒ྕ 0466-25-3111 046-263-1380 *6 ⱥㄒ࣭࣏ࣝࢺ࢞ࣝㄒ࣭ࢫ࣌ࣥㄒ࣭୰ᅜㄒ࣭ࢱࣜㄒ࣭ࣇࣛࣥࢫㄒࡢ࣎ࣛࣥࢸ㏻ヂ࠶ࡾࠋせண⣙ࠋ *7 ⱥㄒ࣭㡑ᅜㄒ࣭ࢱㄒ࣭ࢫ࣌ࣥㄒྍࠋࢱ࢞ࣟࢢㄒࡣ༗๓デ⒪ࡢࡳࠋẖ᭶1ᅇᅵ᭙᪥࣋ࢺࢼ࣒ㄒ㏻ヂ࠶ ࡾࠋ <ὀព> デᐹࢆཷࡅࡿࡁࡣ㸪ᚲࡎᅜẸᗣಖ㝤ドࢆᣢࡗ࡚⾜ࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 77 5 Medical Facilities near Keio University with English-Speaking Staff Please note that the hospitals below may not have English-speaking doctors or staff on duty all the time. Before going, please call the hospital to check. 1. Tokyo Hospital Location Telephone Number Keio University Hospital*1 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku 03-3353-1211 Saiseikai Central Hospital 1-4-17 Mita, Minato-ku 03-3451-8211 Toho University Omori Medical 6-11-1 Omorinishi, Ota-ku 03-3762-4151 Center The Jikei University Hospital 3-19-18 Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku 03-3433-1111 Juntendo University Hospital 3-1-3 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku 03-3813-3111 Kitasato University Kitasato 5-9-1 Shirokane, Minato-ku 03-3444-6161 Institute Hospital Denen Chofu Central Hospital*2 2-43-1 Den-en-chofu, Ota-ku 03-3721-7121 Seibo International Catholic 03-3951-1111 2-5-1 Naka-ochiai, Shinjuku-ku Hospital*3 Japan-China Friendship Clinic*4 KDX Yoyogi Bldg. 6F, 1-38-5 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku 03-6276-9788 *1 As a rule, you need to make an appointment and bring a medical referral letter from another medical facility. When visiting the Keio University Hospital, be sure to show your student ID card at the reception desk. *2 This hospital does not often have English-speaking staff on duty, so make sure to call the hospital to check before going. *3 This hospital has an information desk to assist foreign nationals. Members of the hospital’s religious staff can also help with translation into English, French, or Spanish. *4 This clinic has staff who speak Chinese and Korean on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. 2. Yokohama Hospital YOU Dermatology Clinic Keiyu Hospital Location Kojima Building 3F, 1-21-9 Hiyoshi-Honcho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi 3-7-3 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi Telephone Number 045-561-8300 045-221-8181 3. Kawasaki Hospital Location Telephone Number Kawasaki Municipal Ida 2-27-1 Ida, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-shi 044-766-2188 Hospital*5 *5 English-speaking and Spanish-speaking doctors are available every day in the department of internal medicine. English-speaking doctors are available every day in the department of surgery. 4. Fujisawa Hospital Location Telephone Number Fujisawa City Hospital*6 2-6-1 Fujisawa, Fujisawa-shi 0466-25-3111 Kobayashi International 3-5-6-110 Nishitsuruma, Yamato-shi 046-263-1380 Clinic*7 *6 Volunteer interpreters of English, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, and French are available. Reservation required. *7 Consultations are possible in Tagalog (morning only), English, Korean, Thai, and Spanish. An interpreter of Vietnamese comes once a month on Saturday. Note: Always take your National Health Insurance Card (kokumin kenkǀ hokensho) when visiting medical facilities. 78 6 እᅜㄒ࡛ࡢ་⒪┦ㄯ እᅜㄒ࡛་⒪┦ㄯࡀ࡛ࡁࡿᅋయ ≉ᐃ㠀Ⴀάືἲே $0'$㸦࣒ࢲ㸧ᅜ㝿་⒪ሗࢭࣥࢱ࣮ 8 ࢝ᅜㄒ࡛་⒪ᶵ㛵ሗࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ NPO ᅋయ࡛ࡍࠋእᅜㄒࡢ㏻ࡌࡿ་⒪ᶵ㛵ࡢෆ㸪་⒪ไᗘࡢㄝ᫂➼ ࢆከゝㄒ࡛⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ㸪デ⒪ࡢ↓ᩱ㟁ヰ㏻ヂࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ TEL 03-5285-8088 http://amda-imic.com/ ゝ ㄒ ⱥㄒ࣭୰ᅜㄒ࣭ࢫ࣌ࣥㄒ࣭㡑ᅜㄒ࣭ࢱㄒ ࣏ࣝࢺ࢞ࣝㄒ ࣇࣜࣆࣥㄒ ࣋ࢺࢼ࣒ㄒ ཷ᪥ ẖ᪥ 9:00㹼20:00 ᭶࣭Ỉ࣭㔠 9:00㹼17:00 Ỉ 13:00㹼17:00 ᮌ 13:00㹼17:00 ᮾி㒔ಖ་⒪ሗࢭࣥࢱ࣮ 㸦1㸧 ་⒪ሗࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ TEL 03-5285-8181 㸦ẖ᪥㸭༗๓ 9 㹼༗ᚋ 8 㸧 እᅜㄒ࡛ཷデ࡛ࡁࡿᮾி㒔ෆࡢ་⒪ᶵ㛵ࡸ᪥ᮏࡢ་⒪ไᗘࡘ࠸࡚ࡢෆࡀཷࡅࡽࢀࡲࡍࠋᑐᛂ࡛ ࡁࡿゝㄒࡣ㸪ⱥㄒ㸪୰ᅜㄒ㸪ࢫ࣌ࣥㄒ㸪ࣁࣥࢢࣝ㸪ࢱㄒ࡛ࡍࠋ 㸦2㸧 㒔ෆࡢ་⒪ᶵ㛵᳨⣴࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ㸦ⱥㄒ∧㸧 http://www.himawari.metro.tokyo.jp/qq/qq13enmnlt.asp 79 6 Medical Consultations in Foreign Languages The following associations offer medical consultations in foreign languages. 1. NPO AMDA International Medical Information Center The AMDA Center offers free medical consultations over the telephone in eight languages. Multilingual staff offer information about medical facilities, explain the Japanese health care system, and offer free interpreting services over the phone during consultations with medical professionals. Tel: 03-5285-8088 http://eng.amda-imic.com/ Languages English, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, Thai Portuguese Tagalog Vietnamese Office Hours Daily 9 :00-20:00 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00-17:00 Wednesday 13:00-17:00 Thursday 13:00-19:00 2. Tokyo Metropolitan Health and Medical Information Center (1) Medical Information Service: Tel: 03-5285-8181 (Daily 9:00㸫20:00) This information center provides information about the Japanese medical system and medical institutions in Tokyo in five languages: English, Chinese, Spanish, Hangul, and Thai. (2) Search Site for Medical Institutions in Tokyo (English) http://www.himawari.metro.tokyo.jp/qq/qq13enmnlt.asp 80 ␃Ꮫ⏕ᨭᅋయ㸦ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮බㄆ㸧 ᠕⩏ሿᏛࡣ㸪ᅾᏛ⏕ࡸ༞ᴗ⏕ࡼࡿ␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢࡓࡵࡢᨭᅋయࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋᨭᅋయࡣ㸪Ꮫ⏕άࡸ័ࢀ ࡞࠸᪥ᮏ࡛ࡢ⏕ά࡞ࡢࢧ࣏࣮ࢺࢆࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓ㸪ᖺ㛫ࢆ㏻ࡌ࡚᠓ぶࣃ࣮ࢸ࣮ࡸྛ✀࣋ࣥࢺ㸪ࡉࡽࡣ ᪥ᮏࡢఏ⤫ࡸᩥ㸪Ꮨ⠇ࢆ▱ࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡿయ㦂ࢶ࣮࡞ࡀィ⏬ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ࣋ࣥࢺࡢ㛤ദࡣ㸪ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥ ࢱ࣮ࡲࡓࡣᢸᙜົᐊᥖ♧ᯈࡸᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ࡛ෆࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/news/event/ 1 ᅾᏛ⏕ࡼࡿᨭᅋయ .260,&㸦ᅜ㝿ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ሿ⏕ᶵᵓ㸧 ᠕⩏ሿᏛࡢᅾᏛ⏕ࡼࡗ࡚ᵓᡂࡉࢀ㸪␃Ꮫ⏕ᑐࡋ࡚ྠࡌᏛ⏕ࡢ❧ሙ࡛࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡛ࡁ࡞࠸ࢧ࣏࣮ࢺࢆ⾜ࡗ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ␃Ꮫ⏕Ḽ㏄ࡢ㛤ദ㸪᪥ᮏㄒヰࡢ⦎⩦ࣃ࣮ࢺࢼ࣮㸦࢝ࣥࣂࢭ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࣃ࣮ࢺࢼ࣮㸧㸪᪥ᮏㄒࢫࣆ࣮ ࢳࢥࣥࢸࢫࢺࡢ㛤ദ➼㸪ᵝࠎ࡞άືࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢὶࢆᅗࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ http://kosmic.blog.so-net.ne.jp/ 2 ᠕⩏ሿᏛ༞ᴗ⏕ࡼࡿᨭᅋయ ᪥ᮏㄒࢡࣛࣈ ᠕⩏ሿᏛᅾ⡠ࡍࡿ␃Ꮫ⏕㸪ゼၥ◊✲ဨ࠾ࡼࡧࡑࡢᐙ᪘ࢆᑐ㇟ࡋ࡚㸪↓ᩱ࡛᪥ᮏㄒࣞࢵࢫࣥࢆᐇࡋ࡚ ࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓ㸪࢚ࢡࢫ࣮࢝ࢪࣙࣥࡢ㢮ࡶ⏬࣭ᐇࡋ࡚㸪᪥ᮏࡢᩥࡸఏ⤫ࢆ⤂ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ୕⏣࣭᪥ྜྷ࣭ಙ ⃰⏫࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ࡛άືࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/intl_student/organization/support_org.html .HLR:HOFRPH1HW ࣋ࣥࢺࡢ㛤ദࡸ㸪㟁〇ရࡸᐙᗞ⏝ရ➼ࡢㄪ㐩㸪㝔ࡢࡁῧ࠸➼㸪᪥ᮏࡢ⏕ά័ࢀ࡚࠸࡞࠸እᅜே␃ Ꮫ⏕ࡸ◊✲⪅ࡢࡓࡵᵝࠎ࡞ᨭࢆࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ https://sites.google.com/site/welcomenethomepage/ ᮾி୕⏣ᴦ㒊 1974ᖺタ❧ࡉࢀࡓ༞ᴗ⏕ࡢᅋయ࡛ࡍࠋእᅜே␃Ꮫ⏕ࡢὶࢆ῝ࡵࡿࡓࡵḼ㏄ࡸᵝࠎ࡞ദࡋ≀ࢆ㛤ദࡋ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ http://www.tmc.gr.jp/ 81 Support Groups for International Students (Approved by the Keio University International Center) Keio University has various support groups for international students which are officially approved by the International Center. These groups are organized by current students and alumni to help you with your life in Japan on- and off-campus. The groups also arrange parties, events, and various opportunities to experience Japanese culture and tradition throughout the year. For details about event information, please check the International Center notice boards, the office in charge on your campus, or the International Center website: http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/en/news/event/ 1 Support Groups Established by Students KOSMIC (Keio Organization of Student Members of the International Center) is organized by Keio University students and provides support for international students from a student’s point of view. It promotes exchange with international students through welcome parties, conversation partners, Japanese speech contests, and various other activities and events. http://kosmic-english.blog.so-net.ne.jp/ 2 Support Groups Established by Alumni 1. Nihongo Club Nihongo Club organizes Japanese classes for international students, visiting researchers and their families at Mita, Hiyoshi, and Shinanomachi Campuses, free of charge. It also introduces them to Japanese culture and tradition through events and excursions. http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/en/organization/support_org.html 2. Keio Welcome Net Keio Welcome Net helps international students and researchers settle into life in Japan through various activities such as providing electronics and household appliances and accompaniment to the hospital if needed. https://sites.google.com/site/welcomenethomepage/ 3. Tokyo Mita Club Tokyo Mita Club was founded in 1974 by Keio alumni. Tokyo Mita Club organizes various events and welcome parties to promote exchange with international students. http://www.tmc.gr.jp/ (Japanese language only) 82 ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫᡤᅾᆅ ࢫࣃࣥࣕ࢟⏣୕ڦ ᩥᏛ㒊࣭⤒῭Ꮫ㒊࣭ἲᏛ㒊࣭ၟᏛ㒊 ᩥᏛ◊✲⛉࣭⤒῭Ꮫ◊✲⛉࣭ἲᏛ◊✲⛉࣭♫Ꮫ◊✲⛉࣭ၟᏛ◊✲⛉࣭ἲົ◊✲⛉ ࠛ108-8345 ᮾி㒔 ༊୕⏣2-15-45 http://www.keio.ac.jp/ JRᒣᡭ⥺㺃ிᮾ⥺ ⏣⏫㥐ୗ㌴㸦ᚐṌ8ศ) ᆅୗ㕲㒔Ⴀὸⲡ⥺㺃㒔Ⴀ୕⏣⥺ ୕⏣㥐ୗ㌴㸦ᚐṌ7ศ) ᆅୗ㕲㒔ႠỤᡞ⥺ ㉥⩚ᶫ㥐ୗ㌴㸦ᚐṌ8ศ㸧 ڦ᪥ྜྷ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ ᩥᏛ㒊࣭⤒῭Ꮫ㒊࣭ἲᏛ㒊࣭ၟᏛ㒊࣭་Ꮫ㒊࣭⌮ᕤᏛ㒊࣭⸆Ꮫ㒊 ࠛ223-8521 ⚄ዉᕝ┴ᶓᕷ ༊᪥ྜྷ4-1-1 ⤒Ⴀ⟶⌮◊✲⛉࣭ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࢹࢨ࣭࣐ࣥࢿࢪ࣓ࣥࢺ◊✲⛉࣭࣓ࢹࢹࢨࣥ◊✲⛉ ࠛ223-8526 ⚄ዉᕝ┴ᶓᕷ ༊᪥ྜྷ4-1-1 Tel: 045-564-2441㸦KBS㸧 045-564-2518㸦SDM㸧 045-564-2517㸦KMD) http://www.hc.keio.ac.jp/ ᮾᛴᮾᶓ⥺࣭┠㯮⥺࣭ᶓᕷႠᆅୗ㕲ࢢ࣮ࣜࣥࣛࣥ ᪥ྜྷ㥐ୗ㌴㸦ᚐṌ1ศ) ࢫࣃࣥࣕ࢟ୖ▮ڦ ⌮ᕤᏛ㒊࣭⌮ᕤᏛ◊✲⛉ ࠛ223-8522 ⚄ዉᕝ┴ᶓᕷ ༊᪥ྜྷ3-14-1 http://www.st.keio.ac.jp/ ᮾᛴᮾᶓ⥺࣭┠㯮⥺࣭ᶓᕷႠᆅୗ㕲ࢢ࣮ࣜࣥࣛࣥ ᪥ྜྷ㥐ୗ㌴㸦ᚐṌ15ศ㸧 JRᶓ㡲㈡⥺ ᪂ᕝᓮ㥐ୗ㌴㸦ࢱࢡࢩ࣮10ศ㸧 ڦಙ⃰⏫࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ ་Ꮫ㒊࣭┳ㆤ་⒪Ꮫ㒊࣭་Ꮫ◊✲⛉ ࠛ160-8582 ᮾி㒔᪂ᐟ༊ಙ⃰⏫35 http://www.sc.keio.ac.jp/ JR⥲Ṋ⥺ ಙ⃰⏫㥐ୗ㌴㸦ᚐṌ1ศ㸧 ᆅୗ㕲㒔ႠỤᡞ⥺ ᅜ❧➇ᢏሙ㥐ୗ㌴㸦ᚐṌ5ศ㸧 •ڦ༡⸨ἑ࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ㸦6)&㸧 ⥲ྜᨻ⟇Ꮫ㒊࣭⎔ቃሗᏛ㒊࣭ᨻ⟇㺃࣓ࢹ◊✲⛉ ࠛ252-0882 ⚄ዉᕝ┴⸨ἑᕷ㐲⸨5322 ┳ㆤ་⒪Ꮫ㒊࣭ᗣ࣐ࢿࢪ࣓ࣥࢺ◊✲⛉ ࠛ252-0883 ⚄ዉᕝ┴⸨ἑᕷ㐲⸨4411 http://www.sfc.keio.ac.jp/ ᑠ⏣ᛴỤࣀᓥ⥺㺃┦㕲࠸ࡎࡳ㔝⥺࣭ᶓᕷႠᆅୗ㕲ࣈ࣮ࣝࣛࣥ •༡ྎ㥐ୗ㌴ 㸦ࣂࢫࠗ᠕Ꮫ⾜࠘⣙15ศ) JRᮾᾏ㐨⥺ 䭜ᇽ㥐ୗ㌴㸦ࣂࢫࠗ᠕Ꮫ⾜࠘⣙25ศ㸧 Ⱚڦඹ❧࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ ⸆Ꮫ㒊࣭⸆Ꮫ◊✲⛉ ࠛ105-8512 ᮾி㒔 ༊Ⱚබᅬ1-5-30 http://www.pha.keio.ac.jp/ JRᒣᡭ⥺࣭ிᮾ⥺ ᯇ⏫㥐ୗ㌴㸦ᚐṌ10ศ) 㒔Ⴀᆅୗ㕲୕⏣⥺ ᚚᡂ㛛㥐ୗ㌴㸦ᚐṌ2ศ) 㒔Ⴀᆅୗ㕲ὸⲡ⥺࣭Ụᡞ⥺ 㛛㥐ୗ㌴㸦ᚐṌ6ศ) 83 Campus Locations and Addresses ڦMita Campus Undergraduate Faculties of Letters, Economics, Law, and Business and Commerce Graduate Schools of Letters, Economics, Law, Human Relations, Business and Commerce, and Keio Law School 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345 http://www.keio.ac.jp/index-en.html 8-minute walk from Tamachi Station (JR Yamanote Line/JR Keihin-Tohoku Line) 7-minute walk from Mita Station (Toei Asakusa Line/Toei Mita Line) 8-minute walk from Akabanebashi Station (Toei Oedo Line) ڦHiyoshi Campus Undergraduate Faculties of Letters, Economics, Law, Business and Commerce, Medicine, Science and Technology, and Pharmacy 4-1-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8521 Graduate School of Business Administration (KBS), System Design and Management (SDM), Media Design (KMD) 4-1-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8526 Tel: 045-564-2441 (KBS), 045-564-2518 (SDM), 045-564-2517 (KMD) http://www.hc.keio.ac.jp/en/index.html 1-minute walk from Hiyoshi Station (Tokyu Toyoko and Meguro Lines/Yokohama Subway Green Line) ڦYagami Campus Undergraduate Faculty of Science and Technology Graduate School of Science and Technology 3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8522 http://www.st.keio.ac.jp/english/index.html 15-minute walk from Hiyoshi Station (Tokyu-Toyoko and Meguro Lines/Yokohama Subway Green Line) 10-minute taxi ride from Shin-Kawasaki Station (JR Yokosuka Line) ڦShinanomachi Campus Undergraduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care Graduate School of Medicine 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582 http://www.sc.keio.ac.jp/index-en.html 1-minute walk from Shinanomachi Station (JR Sobu Line) 5-minute walk from Kokuritsu-Kyogijo Station (Toei Oedo Line) ڦShonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC) Undergraduate Faculty of Policy Management and Faculty of Environment and Information Studies Graduate School of Media and Governance 5322 Endo, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa 252-0882 Undergraduate Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care Graduate School of Health Management 4411 Endo, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa 252-0883 http://www.sfc.keio.ac.jp/en/ 15-minute bus ride from Shonandai Station (Odakyu Enoshima Line/Sagami-Tetsudo-Izumino Line/Yokohama Subway Blue Line) on bus bound for Keio Daigaku 25-minute bus ride from Tsujido Station (JR Tokaido Line) on bus bound for Keio Daigaku ڦShiba-Kyoritsu Campus Undergraduate Faculty of Pharmacy Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1-5-30 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8512 http://www.pha.keio.ac.jp/en/ 10-minute walk from Hamamatsucho Station (JR Yamanote Line/JR Keihin-Tohoku Line) 2-minute walk from Onarimon Station (Toei Mita Line) 6-minute walk from Daimon Station (Toei Asakusa Line/Toei Oedo Line) 84 2015 留学生ハンドブック 2015 年 4 月 1 日発行 編集・発行: 慶應義塾大学国際センター 〒108-8345 東京都港区三田 2-15-45 2015 International Student Handbook Published April 1, 2015 Edit・Publisher: International Center, Keio University 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345 http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/
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