IN THIS WEEK`S TIN TUC - The Highlights

[email protected]
UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 21, Edition 28, Friday 27 March
 ES Three Way Conferences, 15:00-18:00, (No ASA/
Aquatics Academy for ES Students)
 EAL Testing for ES Students, 6-10 April
 Grade 2 Slice of ICE Exhibition, 6-8 April
 Quarter 4 starts
 Asian Women and Friends Coffee Morning, 10:00-11:30,
Library Projection Room
 Varsity Boys' Soccer vs KISH @ UNIS, 16:00-17:30
 MRISA HS Soccer Tournament @ HIS, 2-5 April
 Executive Committee Meeting, 8:15-9:45, Conference
 MS Boys’ and Girls’ Volleyball vs CISH @ UNIS Hanoi,
 Quarter 3 Ends
 ES Three Way Conferences (No regular school or ASAs
for ES students. UMA lessons continue), 8:00-16:00
 Varsity Boys’ Soccer vs Hanoi ProClub @ UNIS Hanoi,
 Varsity Girls' Soccer vs Hanoi International Football
Club @ Xuan La, 13:00-14:00
 MS Girls’ Volleyball vs BIS @ BIS, 15:30-17:30
 Grade 2 Slice of ICE Parent Performance, 18:00-19:30,
 Varsity Boys' Soccer vs HIS @ UNIS, 16:00-17:30,
Soccer Field
 IB Diploma Art Exhibition, 9-17 April
 MS Boys’ and Girls’ Volleyball vs BVIS @ BVIS, 15:3017:30
 MSHS Spring Play, 19:00-21:30, Theatre
 UNIS Hanoi Spring Swim Meet, 13:00-16:00, UNIS Pool
 Varsity Girls' Soccer Practice @ Red River Stadium,
 MSHS Spring Play, 19:00-21:30, Theatre
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights...
Notes from the Head of School and
the Admissions Office (p.2)
Notes from the Board of Directors
University Visits (p.5)
Hanoi Math Olympiad (p.5)
MSHS Spring Play. Save the dates!
Photo Competition. Join now! (p.7)
Summer Programme in details.
Make your plan NOW! (p.8)
How sweet is it? (p.9)
Spring Fair. Thank you! And Photo
Happiness Day
Video by the ES
Geek Squad CLICK
I would like to congratulate the SCO Team
for their tireless efforts in staging an
outstanding Spring Fair last Saturday.
Their new ideas and creativity generated a
real buzz and it was a wonderful
community event. The refocusing on
students and UNIS Hanoi community
building really separated this event from any other in
Hanoi. It was a pleasure to walk around on Saturday and
feel the connection with everyone while enjoying the
excitement of the children as they navigated through all the
great choices of activities.
This was yet another reminder of how lucky I am to be a
part of this community. Thanks, SCO and enjoy the photo
special by Tim Barnsley on pages 11 –12.
Dr. Barder [email protected]
Please secure placements for your child/ren in the next school year as follows:
 Return the Tuition and Fees Agreement for each family to [email protected]
 Remit a tuition deposit payment for each returning student
Placements must be secured by 3 April 2015.
Please confirm the departure of your family from the school by submitting an
Admissions Withdrawal Form.
For assistance contact [email protected]
or 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220 / 8732.
On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to
announce that Dr. Amie Pollack will be our
new Parent Elect Board member. Her
position as Parent Elect has been ratified
by Dr. Pratibha Mehta, United Nations
Resident Coordinator. Amie will assume
Board duties at the close of business at the
last Board meeting of the 2014-2015 School Year on 2nd
June 2015. Members of the Community are invited to meet
Amie at the SCO Meeting on 14th April at 8.30am in the
Community Room, Room 104 of the Administration
Building. She will provide some details on her background
and her work as Parent Elect Board Member. We hope you
can join the meeting.
Nationality: American
Họ và tên: TS. Amie Alley Pollack
Grade of children: Son – Grade 2
and Daughter – preschool
Quốc tịch: Mỹ
Arrived in Hanoi: August 2009
Expects in Hanoi: 2017 or beyond
Personal Statement:
Thank you for this opportunity to introduce
myself. I am from the US and have lived in Vietnam for 5.5 years
with my husband, Todd, and children, Oliver (UNIS Hanoi Grade
2) and Julia (preschool). I am a clinical developmental psychologist on
the faculty of Vanderbilt University, USA. For the past 5.5 years
my work has focused on mental health research and training capacity
building in Vietnam and Cambodia. I work with universities to
develop post-graduate training programs in clinical psychology, support
the development of hospital and community-based mental health care,
and lead a number of research projects. Prior to moving to Vietnam I
held post-doctoral appointments at Harvard Medical School and
Boston University in the areas of trauma and community-based
mental health care.
I believe that my work experiences have prepared me well for being an
effective member of the UNIS Hanoi Board. As a researcher, I am
an objective, data-driven decision maker with a love of learning. As
an educator, I strongly believe that a peaceful, prosperous world begins
with quality childhood education. As a psychologist, I know that
growth of any kind is dependent on listening, understanding and
respect. Furthermore, I hope that my expertise in child cognitive, social
and emotional development will provide a valuable perspective to the
board. In my three years as a UNIS Hanoi parent I have gained a
great respect for the UNIS Hanoi faculty, values and vision. It would
be a pleasure and an honor to serve this school and community.
Please find below her profile and personal statement in
English, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese.
Best regards,
Nguyen Van Hieu, Board Chair
Name: Amie Alley Pollack, PhD
Các con: Con trai học lớp 2 và Con gái học Mẫu giáo
Ngày đến Hà Nội: tháng 8/2009
Thời gian ở Hà Nội dự kiến: 2017 hoặc lâu hơn
Thông tin tự giới thiệu:
Tôi rất hân hạnh được tự giới thiệu bản thân mình. Tôi đến từ
Mỹ và đã sống ở Việt Nam 5 năm cùng chồng (Todd), con tôi
Oliver (lớp 2) và Julia (mẫu giáo). Tôi là nhà tâm lý giáo dục Đại
học Vanderbilt, Mỹ. Hơn 5 năm qua, tôi tập trung nghiên cứu về
tâm lý học và nâng cao năng lực cho Việt Nam và Campuchia. Tôi
phối hợp với các trường đại học phát triển các chương trình đào
tạo cao học về tâm lý, hỗ trợ phát triển các chương trình chăm sóc
sức khỏe tâm lý cho các bệnh viện, phụ trách một sô dự án.
Trước khi sang Việt Nam, tôi đã hoàn thành chương trình sau
tiến sỹ tại Trường Y khoa Havard và Trường Đại học Boston về
chăm sóc sức khỏe cộng đông và chuyên ngành chấn thương.
Tôi tin rằng kinh nghiệm làm việc của tôi sẽ giúp tôi trở thành một
thành viên tích cực cho Hội đồng quản trị trường UNIS Hanoi.
Là một nhà nghiên cứu, tôi là một người luôn ra những quyết định
khách quan, có cơ sở và say mê học hỏi. Là một nhà giáo dục, tôi
tin rằng một quốc gia thinh vượng, hòa bình phụ thuộc rất nhiều
vào nền giáo dục cho trẻ. Là một nhà nghiên cứu, tôi hiểu rõ sự
lớn mạnh của bất cứ lĩnh vực gì đều phụ thuộc vào việc lắng nghe,
thấu hiểu và tôn trọng lẫn nhau. Hơn thế nữa, tôi hy vọng rằng
chuyên môn về phát triển cảm xúc, trí tuệ và xã hội cho trẻ mà tôi
đã trải nghiệm sẽ mang lại những triển vọng giá trị cho Hội đồng
quản trị nhà trường. Với 3 năm làm phụ huynh nhà trường, tôi
thực sự tôn trọng tập thể giáo viên cùng những giá trị và tầm nhìn
của trường. Tôi thực sự hân hạnh được góp phần công sức của
mình đối với nhà trường và cộng đồng UNIS Hanoi.
이사회의 메시지
이사회를 대신하여, 저는 에이미 폴락 씨
가 유니스 이사회의 학부모 선출 의석에
대하여 입후보하였음을 알려 드리게 되
어 기쁘게 생각합니다. 단 한 명의 입후보
자만 있었기 때문에 저희는 선거가 필요
없게 되었습니다. 자연스럽게 에이미 폴
락 씨가 학부모 선출 의석의 이사가 되
고, 유니스 2014-2015학년도 회기의 마지
막 이사회의가 있는 6월 2일에 이사로서의 임무를 맡게 됩니다.
관심을 갖고 궁금해 하시는 분들은 아래에 올린 에이미 폴락 씨
의 프로필과 자기 소개를 참고하십시오.
선거에 임하여 기꺼이 입후보해 주신 에이미 씨께도 이 기회를
빌어 감사드립니다.
응이엔 번 히에우 드림
성명 : 에이미 에일리 폴락, 박사
국적 : 미국인
자녀 학년 : 아들 – 2학년과 딸 – 유치원
하노이로 전입 : 2009년 8월, 전출 예정 : 2017년 이후
개인 소개 :
제 자신을 소개 드릴 기회를 주셔서 감사합니다. 저는 미국인이
고 제 남편 토드와 두 아이들 올리버(2학년)와 쥴리아(유치원)와
함께 베트남에서 산 지 5년 반이 되었습니다. 저는 미국의 밴더
빌트 대학교의 교원으로 임상 개발 심리학자입니다. 지난 5년
반동안 저는 정신 건강 연구와 베트남과 캄보디아에서의 훈육
능력 개발에 대한 일을 중점적으로 해 왔습니다. 저는 여러 대학
들과 협력하여 임상 심리학에서의 대학원 연구 프로그램을 개
발하고, 병원의 발전과 커뮤니티 중심 정신 건강 관리를 도와주
며, 몇 연구 프로젝트를 진행하기도 합니다. 베트남으로 오기 전
에 저는 하버드 의과 대학과 보스턴 대학에서 트라우마 분야와
커뮤니티 중심 정신 건강 관리에 관한 박사 후 과정을 하기도
저는 이런 제 경험으로 유니스 이사회의 능률적 이사로서의 준
비가 잘 되어 있는 것이리라 믿습니다. 연구자로서, 저는 학문을
사랑하면서 객관적이며 사실에 기초한 의사결정자이기도 합니
다. 교육자로서, 저는 평화롭고 번영하는 세계는 양질의 아동 교
육과 함께 시작되는 것이라 굳게 믿고 있습니다. 심리학자로서,
어떠한 성장이든 잘 들어 주고 이해하고 존경하는 것이 기초가
된다고 생각합니다. 게다가, 저는 어린이의 인지적, 사회적, 감성
적 발달에 대한 저의 전문지식으로 이사회에 가치있는 전망을
제시하려고 합니다. 3년간 유니스 학부모로서 저는 유니스 선생
님들, 가치관, 미래상에 대하여 진심으로 존경하게 되었습니다.
이 학교와 사회를 위하여 봉사하는 일은 기쁨과 영광일 것입니
April 1, 2015, 5:30 – 6:30 PM
April 2, 2015, 1:20 – 2:00 PM
Common Room B5 G29
April 8, 2015, 12:40 – 1:20 PM
Common Room B5 G29
April 9, 2015, 1:20 – 2:00 PM
Common Room B5 G29
Yonsei University (Korea)
Mr. Jee Eun Park, Admission Officer
Swarthmore College (US)
Ms. Julia Karpati, Admission Counselor
Merrimack College (US)
Ms. Kathleen Kilmain, Assistant Director of International Admission
Southern New Hampshire University (US)
Ms. MacKenzie Hizon, Director International Recruitment
On Saturday March 14th (Pi Day) two MS teams and two
HS teams from UNIS Hanoi competed in the Math
Olympiad. The students went up against teams from other
schools throughout Hanoi through six rounds of exciting
competition. It was a fun day of math and a high school
team from UNIS Hanoi earned a second place victory,
while a UNIS Hanoi middle school team earned fourth
place out of twelve teams. Congratulations to this years
The spring play, “The Complete Works of Shakespeare
(Abridged)” is being presented. Come watch and support
our fellow performers and backstage crews present
parodies of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” “Othello,”
“Macbeth,” “Julius Caesar” and many more in the form of
a rap song, a cooking show and many other ridiculous
spoofs. Shakespeare is not only for English classes!
* Please note: parental guidance is suggested.
Photos by Tim Barnsley
Detailed programme available online
3 weeks of Summer Programme (weekdays only)
Commences Monday 15th June to Friday 3rd July
Registration for UNIS Hanoi Students and Faculty/Staff
Children Opens
3 weeks of Summer Programme (weekdays only)
Commences Monday 15th June to Friday 3rd July
Registration for Non-UNIS Hanoi Students Opens
2 weeks of Summer Programme (weekdays only)
Commences Monday 15th June to Friday 26th June
Course details will be published in next week’s Tin
One Week - Half Day
One Week - Half Day
One Week - Full Day
One Week - Full Day
Two Weeks - Half Day
Two Weeks - Half Day
Two Weeks - Full Day
Two Weeks - Full Day
Three Weeks - Half Day
Three Weeks - Full Day
Transport is available upon request: $30 per week for full day participants only
The instant 'lift' we get from sugar is one of the reasons we
turn to it at times of celebration or when we crave comfort
and reward. However, even those of us without a sweet
tooth may be eating more than we realise because so many
everyday, processed foods -- from cereals and bread to
pasta sauce and soups -- contain sugar.
But it's not all bad news - sugar is a carbohydrate found
naturally in a host of different foods from lactose in milk to
the fructose in fruit and honey. In fact, we need some sugar
in our diets to supply ready energy to fuel our muscles and
keep our brains active. The problem is that many processed
foods have added sugar that are too much and contains no
beneficial nutrients and in excess only contributes to tooth
decay, diabetes, and obesity.
The American Heart Association recommends that no
more than half of a person’s discretionary calorie allowance
(daily empty calorie allowance) should be spent on added
sugars. For most women this should be not more than 100
calories from added sugars, or about 6 teaspoons, per day
and most men no more than 150 calories, or about 9
Recent World Health Organization guidelines also strongly
recommend that both adults and children reduce their daily
intake of free sugars to less than 10% of their total energy
intake. A further reduction to below 5% or roughly 25
grams (6 teaspoons) per day would provide additional
health benefits.
These guidelines suggest that preschoolers with a daily
caloric intake of 1,200 to 1,400 calories should not
consume more than 170 calories, or about 4 teaspoons, of
added sugar a day. Children ages 4-8 with a daily caloric
intake of 1,600 calories should consume no more than 130
calories, or about 3 teaspoons a day.
As a child grows into his pre-teen and teen years, and his/
her caloric range increases to 1,800 to 2,000 a day, the
maximum amount of added sugar included in his daily diet
should be 5 to 8 teaspoons.
To keep control of sugar levels, it helps to know just how
much sugar there is in the food we eat. Here is a list of the
sugar content (in teaspoon) of numerous everyday foods
and drinks. Some of these may surprise you:
Mars choco bar (51g): 8
Snickers bar (57g): 7
Milky Way bar (58g): 8.5
Marshmallows (100g): 14.5
Butterfinger bar (60g): 6.9
Dove choco bar (37g): 5
Twix bar: 2.75
M&Ms packet (45 grams): 5.75
Nutrigrain Cereal Bar, Strawberry (37g): 3
Health Valley Cereal Bar, Strawberry (37g): 3.5
Power Bar, Chocolate Peanut Butter (65g): 6
Coca Cola, original: 10
Schweppes Tonic Water: 8
Red Bull: 10
Minute Maid Lemonade: 10
Minute Maid Orange Juice: 10
Nestea Sweetened Lemon Iced Tea: 8
Snapple Fruit Punch Juice Drink: 10
Nesquik Ready-to-Drink Chocolate Milk, Reduced
Fat: 11
Silk Chocolate Soymilk: 8
Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino with whipped cream:
Starbucks Mint Mocha Chip Frappuccino with
whipped cream: 14
Alpen: 5
Cheerios: 1.1
Corn Flakes: 2.4
Cocoa Krispies: 9.6
Froot Loops: 10.6
Raisin Bran: 7.8
Frosted Flakes: 8.9
Honey Smacks: 14
Rice Krispies: 2.5
Special K: 3
Wheaties: 3.8
Trix: 8
Lucky Charms: 9
Rice Chex: 2
Wheat Chex: 2.6
Corn Chex: 2.8
Honey Nut Cheerios: 8.25
Reese's Puffs: 8.9
Golden Grahams: 8.8
Cocoa Puffs: 9.3
Cookie Crisp: 8.7
Cocoa Pebbles: 8.6
Banana Nut Crunch: 4.7
School Health Centre
To read more on this topic, go to
publications/guidelines/sugars_intake/en/ and
Let's give it up to an amazing Spring Fair Coordinating
Team! Our school would not be as lively and exciting
without you. Our campus transformed into a farm fair this
year. Thank you for your time, dedication, skills, creative
ideas and organising efforts. You went beyond organising
an event by role modeling Go Green initiatives in your
event planning. You all poured your hearts into the Spring
Fair and we felt that energy on the day. We are truly blessed
to have such an engaged community from the coordinating
team, cultural booth organisers to all the volunteers on the
day! And of course a HUGE THANK YOU to the
Operation and Advancement teams for your constant
support in the planning efforts all the way to the end!
Claudia Marinzi – Spring Fair Coordinator
Megan Todd & Martel Carter – Facilities Coordinators
Natascha Senftleben – Cultural Booth Coordinator
Angie Collins – Volunteers Coordinator
Christina Baek & Cheryl Hironaka – Fun Corner
Clarissa Hu Anderson – Small Business Coordinator
Joh Ponsen – Tickets Coordinator
Malin Niklasson – Flea Market & Boutique Coordinator
Petra Eichler – Teasurer
Pippa Wood – Entertainment Coordinator
Renea Freeman – Sponsorship Coordinator
Whether your booth was a "one-family-show", a "teamproject" or an entire "Food-Street" together you all helped
to create this wonderful atmosphere that made this Spring
Fair as unique as our UNIS Hanoi school.
St. Kitts & Nevis
United States of America
Photos by Tim Barnsley
Dr Froth, our visiting artist from Australia ran a free
Bubble Academy workshop with Blue Dragon, our Service
Learning partner on Monday afternoon. The Bubblologist
showed them how to make big bubbles and many other
bubble tricks. There was a lot of fun and laughter during
their one hour workshop in the canteen!
We also want to thank Dr Froth and Lady Bubbles for their
Bubbletainement at the Spring Fair, the theatre shows and
passing on his bubble magic to our students.
Photos by Tim Barnsley and Blue Dragon