Một số giải pháp nâng cao hiệu quả sử dụng vốn tại Tổng Công ty Tài chính Cổ phần Dầu khí Việt Nam (PVFC) Phan Thu Hà Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội Chuyên ngành: Quản trị Kinh doanh; Mã số: 60 34 05 Người hướng dẫn: TS. Nguyễn Việt Dũng Năm bảo vệ: 2012 Abstract: This Thesis has presented the theory framework of the capital using activities in finance companies and described some assessment criteria on the performance of those activities. At the same time, this Thesis has explained the different types of risk which affect the capital using process, together with the quantitative indicators in order to develop proper assessments on the concerned risks. Providing detailed analysis on the status of current activities of capital use in PVFC, besides some achievements, author’s analysis has proven the weaknesses in performance of PVFC, which can be observed through the increasing NPL ratio, poor liquidity, strong reliance on inter-bank market, inappropriate assets-liabilities structure. Making proposal of some solutions including specific solutions for capital mobilization, credit, and investment activities, besides, the author has presented the overall solutions, for instance, improvement and innovation in technology, enhancement of management capability and internal control, marketing, human resources solutions ... and a number of recommendations to improve the efficiency of the capital use in PVFC. Keywords: Quản trị kinh doanh; Quản lý tài chính; Nguồn vốn; Sử dụng vốn Content TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................... i ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. ii TÓM TẮT ................................................................................................................ iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ vi LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................ ix LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................x LIST OF ABBRIVIATIONS .................................................................................. xi INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................1 CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW ON THE PERFORMANCE OF CAPITAL UTILIZATION IN FINANCE COMPANY ........................................5 1.1 Introduction to finance company .......................................................................5 1.1.1 The definition and classification of finance companies .....................................5 1.1.2 The role of finance companies ...........................................................................6 1.1.3 The major activities of finance company ...........................................................9 1.2 Improve the performance of capital use in finance companies ....................12 1.2.1 Definition of capital efficiency ........................................................................12 1.2.2 The needs to improve the performance of capital use in finance companies ..14 1.2.3 Assessment on the performance of capital use in finance company ................15 1.3 Factors affect the performance of capital use in finance company ..............24 1.3.1 The impacts of State policies and regulations ..................................................24 1.3.2 Impacts of the development strategies and mechanism of the parent company ...................................................................................................................................25 1.3.3 The internal factors of the finance company ....................................................27 vi CHAPTER 2: ASSESSMENTS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF CAPITAL UTILIZATION IN PVFC.......................................................................................31 2.1 Overview of PetroVietnam Finance Joint Stock Corporation (PVFC) .......31 2.1.1 Company introduction ......................................................................................31 2.1.2 Scope of business .............................................................................................33 2.1.3 Business performance of PVFC in recent years...............................................35 2.2 Assessment on the performance of capital utilization in PVFC ...................43 2.2.1 Assessment of capital mobilization activities ..................................................43 2.2.2 Assessment of capital utilization ......................................................................47 2.2.3 Analysis of performance indicators of capital efficiency ...............................55 2.3 Achievements, limitations and causes .............................................................67 2.3.1 Achievements ...................................................................................................67 2.3.2 Limitations and causes .....................................................................................68 CHAPTER 3: SOLUTIONS TO ENHANCE THE PERFORMANCE OF CAPITAL UTILIZATION IN PVFC ...................................................................74 3.1 Opportunities and challenges for PVFC and its development orientation ..74 3.1.1 Opportunities and challenges ...........................................................................74 3.1.2 PVFC’s development orientation .....................................................................76 3.2 Solutions to improve the efficiency of capital use at PVFC ..........................76 3.2.1 Solutions to enhance capital mobilization activities ........................................76 3.2.2 Solutions to improve the performance of credit activities ...............................80 3.2.3 Solutions to improve the performance of financial investment, project investment .................................................................................................................87 3.3 The overall solutions for PVFC .......................................................................90 3.3.1 Investment, innovation, improvement in banking technologies ......................90 3.3.2 Improve the capability of assets- liabilities management ................................91 3.3.3 Enhancing the capacity of the internal control system ....................................92 vii 3.3.4 Marketing solutions ..........................................................................................93 3.3.5 Focus on developing human resources ............................................................94 3.4 Recommendations .............................................................................................95 3.4.1 Recommendations for SBV..............................................................................95 3.4.2 Recommendations for PVN .............................................................................97 CHAPTER SUMMARY .........................................................................................99 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................100 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................102 viii BIBLIOGRAPHY Vietnamese materials 1. 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