RECCA 各課題の発表論文(査読付き)リスト Published Papers (Peer-reviewed) for Each Research Topic of RECCA Note: This list includes papers published in Japanese. ----- ■研究代表者:小池 俊雄 Principal Researcher: Toshio Koike Fujita, M., H. G. Takahashi, and M. Hara, 2013: Diurnal cycle of precipitation over the eastern Indian Ocean off Sumatra Island during different phases of Indian Ocean Dipole. Atmosph. Sci. Lett., 14, 153–159. doi:10.1002/asl2.432. Fujita, M., H. G. Takahashi, N. N. Ishizaki and F. Kimura, 2014: Long-term variation of winter precipitation linked to sea-surface heat fluxes around the Japan/East Sea. Atmosph. Sci. Lett., 15: 275–281. doi: 10.1002/asl2.499. Jaranilla-Sanchez, P. A., T. Koike, L. Wang, T. Ohta, Y. Yamada, and M. Kimoto, 2014: Extreme events prediction from seasonal climate forecasting and crop production simulations in Pampanga river basin, Philippines. Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (JSCE), 58, I_139-I_144. Ma, X., H. Kawase, S. Adachi, M. Fujita, H. G. Takahashi, M. Hara, N. Ishizaki, T. Yoshikane, H. Hatsushika, Y. Wakazuki, and F. Kimura, 2013: Simulating river discharge in a snowy region of Japan using output from a regional climate model. Adv. Geosci., 35, 55-60. doi:10.5194/adgeo-35-55-2013. Ma X., Y. Sato, T. Yoshikane, M. Hara, F. Kimura and Y. Fukushima, 2013: Hydrological analysis of the Yellow River basin, China. Global Impact of Climate Change on Inland Water Systems, 67-78. Rasmy, M., T. Koike, S. Boussetta, H. Lu, X. Li, and X. Xu, 2011: Development of a system for satellite based land data assimilation coupled with an atmospheric model. IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 49(8), 2847-2862. Ramsy, M., T. Koike, D. N. Kuria, C. R. Mirza, X. Li and K. Yang, 2012: Development of the coupled atmosphere and land data assimilation system (CALDAS) and its 1 application over the Tibetan plateau. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50(11), 4227-4242, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2012.2190517. Ramsy, M., T. Koike, P. A. Jaranilla-Sanchez, C. T. Nyunt, M. Hara, M. Fujita and H. Kawase, 2013: Identifying gaps and opportunities between statistical and dynamical downscaling approaches over Shikoku island, Japan. Journal of Japan society of civil engineering (JSCE), 69(4), I_133-I_138. Rasmy, M., M. Shrestha, T. Koike, M. Hara, M. Fujita, and F. Kimura, 2014: A combined dynamical/statistical downscaling approach for assessing future of water resources in the Tone river basin, Japan. Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (JSCE), 58, I_187-I_192. Rasmy, M., T. Koike, X. Li, and K. Yang, 2014: Application of multi-frequency passive microwave observations and data assimilation methods for enhancing numerical weather forecast in Niger, Africa. Remote Sens., 6(6), 5306-5324; DOI:10.3390/rs6065306. Rasmy, M., T. Koike, P. Lawfort, M. Hara, M.Fujita, and F. Kimura, 2015: Assessment of future water resources in the Tone river basin using a combined dynamical-statistical downscaling approach. Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE.59. 瀬戸里枝, 小池俊雄, M. Ramsy, 2013: 数値気象モデル WRF を結合した衛星陸面データ同 化 シ ス テ ム の 開 発 . 水 工 学 論 文 集 ( 土 木 学 会 水 工 学 委 員 会 ) , Vol. 69, No. 4, pp.I_1789-I_1794. 瀬戸里枝, 小池俊雄, M. Rasmy, 2014: WRF を結合した陸面・雲の衛星データ同化システム の開発と関東域への適用. 水工学論文集, 58, I_535-I_540. 渋尾欣弘, 生駒栄司, O. C. Saavedra Valeriano, L. Wang, P. Koudelova, 喜連川優, 小池俊 雄, 2014: リアルタイアンサンブル洪水予測実用化システムの開発. 水工学論文集, 58, I_397-I_402. Shrestha, M., L. Wang, T. Koike, Y. Xue and Y. Hirabayashi, 2010: Improving the snow phisics of WEB-DHM and its point evaluation at snow MIP sites. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 14, 2577-2594. 2 Shrestha, M., L. Wang and T. Koike, 2011: Simulation of interannual variability of snow cover at Valdai (Russia) Using a distributed biosphere hydrological model with improved snow physics. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineering (JSCE), 55, S_73-S_78. Shrestha, M., L. Wang, T. Koike, Y. Xue and Y. Hirabayashi, 2011: Modeling the spatial distribution of snow cover in the Dudhkoshi region of Nepal Himalaya. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 13, 204-222, doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-10-05027.1. Shrestha, M., T. Koike, L. Wang and K. Yoshimura, 2013: Long-term (1948-2006) simulation of snow depth at Yagisawa dam site using jp10 reanalysis and energy balance snow model (web-dhm-s). Journal of Japan Society of civil engineering (JSCE), 69(4), I_175-I_183. Shrestha, M., T. Koike, L. Wang, H. Tsutsui, Y. Xue and Y. Hirabayashi, 2014: Optimizing snowfall correction factor for radar-amedas precipitation using distributed snow model (WEB-DHM-S) and modis snow cover data. Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (JSCE), 58, I_223-I_228. Shrestha, M., L. Wang, T. Koike, H. Tsutsui, Y. Xue, and Y. Hirabayashi, 2014: Correcting basin-scale snowfall in a mountainous basin using a distributed snowmelt model and remote-sensing data. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 747-761, doi:10.5194/hess-18-747-2014. Shrestha, M., P. Jaranilla-Sanchez, L. Wang and T. Koike, 2015: Investigating the hydrologic response of current dam operation system to future climate in a snowy river basin (Yattajima) of Japan, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineering (JSCE), Vol. 71, No.4, pp I_103-I_108. Wakazuki, Y., 2013: Modified relative humidity based on the Johnson’s SB distribution function. SOLA, 9, 111-114, doi:10.2151/sola.2013-025. 吉村耕平, 田島芳満, 佐貫宏, 渋尾欣弘, 佐藤愼司, 小池俊雄, 2014: 低平地都市河川におけ るリアルタイム洪水シミュレーションモデルの開発. 水工学論文集, 58, I_403-I_408. 3 ■研究代表者:木村 富士男 Principal Researcher: Fujio Kimura Kawase, H., T. Yoshikane, M. Hara, M. Fujita, N. Ishizaki, H. Hatsushika and F. Kimura, 2012: Downscaling of snow cover changes in the late 20th Century using a past climate simulation method over Central Japan. SOLA, 8, 61-64, doi: 10.2151/sola.2012-016. Kawase, H., M. Hara, T. Yoshikane, N. N. Ishizaki, F. Uno, H. Hatsushika, and F. Kimura, 2013: Altitude dependency of future snow cover changes over Central Japan evaluated by a regional climate model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118, 12,444-12,457, doi: 10.1002/2013JD020429. Ma, X., H. Kawase, S. A. Adachi, M. Fujita, H. G. Takahashi, M. Hara, N. N. Ishizaki, T. Yoshikane, H. Hatsushika, Y. Wakazuki, and F. Kimura, 2013: Simulating river discharge in a snowy region of Japan using output from a regional climate model. Advances in Geosciences, 35, 55-60, doi:10.5194/adgeo-35-55-2013. Takahashi, G. H. and T. Idenaga, 2013: Impact of SST on precipitation and snowfall on the Sea of Japan side in the winter monsoon season: timescale dependency. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 91, 639-653, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2013-506. Takahashi, G. H., N. N. Ishizaki, H. Kawase, M. Hara, T. Yoshikane, X. Ma, and F. Kimura, 2013: Potential impact of sea surface temperature on winter precipitation over the Japan Sea side of Japan: A Regional Climate Modeling Study. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 91, 471-488, doi: 10.2151/jmsj.2013-404. Uno, F., H. Kawase, N. N. Ishizaki, T. Yoshikane, M. Hara, F. Kimura, T. Iyobe, and K. Kawashima, 2014: Analysis of regional difference in altitude dependence of snow depth using high resolve numerical experiments. Scientific Online Letter on the Atmosphere (SOLA), 10, 19-22, doi:10.2151/sola.2014-005. Yoshikane, T. and F. Kimura, 2011: Simulated Snow Water Equivalent Change between the 1980s and 1990s in the Sea of Japan Side Area Using a Regional Climate Model. J. Meteorol. Soc. Jpn., 89, 269-282. 4 Yoshikane, T., F. Kimura, H. Kawase and T. Nozawa, 2012: Verification of the performance of the pseudo-global-warming method for future climate changes during June in East Asia. SOLA, 8, 133-136, doi: 10.2151/sola.2012-033. Yoshikane, T., F. Kimura, H. Kawase, and F. Uno, 2013: Estimation of the necessary simulation duration for assessing climatic change using the Pseudo-Global-Warming Downscaling Method in snowy area of Japan. Scientific Online Letter on the Atmosphere (SOLA), 9, 157-160, doi: 10.2151/sola.2013-035. Yoshikane,T. H.Hatsushika, H.Kawase, C.Suzuki, F.Uno,F.Kimura, 2014: Cooling by the Melting of Snowfall on the Toyama Plain during the Winter Monsoon SOLA Vol. 10, p. 150-153. ■研究代表者:山田 朋人 Principal Researcher: Tomohito Yamada Farukh, M. and T. J. Yamada, 2014: Synoptic climatology associated with extreme snowfall events in Sapporo city of northern Japan. Atmospheric Science Letters, doi: 10.1002/asl2.497. 福島大輝, 山田朋人, 2014:Clausius-Clapeyron 式に基づく日平均気温と降水強度の関係式 を用いた極端豪雨及び豪雪の極値推定法. 土木学会論文集 B1(水工学), 70, I_529-I_534. 福島大輝, 山田朋人, 宮崎真, 2013: 石狩流域から勇払地域にかけての温度勾配と海陸風循 環の関係. 土木学会論文集 B1(水工学), I_1759. Inatsu, M., and S. Amada, 2013: Dynamics and geometry of extratropical cyclones in the upper troposphere by using a neighbor enclosed area tracking algorithm. J. Climate, 26, 8641-8653. Inatsu, M., and K. Terakura, 2012: Wintertime extratropical cyclone frequency around Japan. Clim. Dyn., 38, 2307-2317. Inatsu, M., Y. Satake, M. Kimoto, and N. Yasutomi, 2012: GCM bias of the Western Pacific summer monsoon and its correction by two-way nesting system. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 90B, 1-10. 5 Inatsu, M., N. Nakano, and H. Mukougawa, 2013: Dynamics and practical predictability of extratropical wintertime low-frequency variability in a low-dimensional system. J. Atmos. Sci., 70, 939-952, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-12-048.1. Inatsu, M., T. Sato, T. J. Yamada, R. Kuno, S. Sugimoto, M. A. Farukh, Y. N. Pokhrel, and S. Kure, 2015: Multi-GCM by multi-RAM experiments for dynamical downscaling on summertime climate change in Hokkaido. Atmos. Sci. Lett., in press. Inatsu, M., N. Nakano, S. Kusuoka, and H. Mukougawa, 2015: Predictability of wintertime stratospheric circulation examined by non-stationary fluctuation dissipation relation. J. Atmos. Sci., in press. Inatsu, M., S. Kobayashi, S. Takeuchi, and A. Ohmori, 2014: Statistical analysis on daily variations of birch pollen amount with climatic variables in Sapporo. SOLA, 10, 172-175. Inatsu, M., T. Nakayama, Y. Maeda, and H. Matsuda, 2014: Dynamical downscaling for assessment of climate in Ghana. J. Disaster Res., 9, 412-421. Intan, S. and T. Yamada, 2014: Catchment storage estimation based on total rainfall total loss rainfall relationship for 47 catchments in Japan. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 70, I_169-I_174. Iwao, K., M. Inatsu, and M. Kimoto, 2012: Recent changes in explosively developing extratropical cyclones over the winter Northwestern Pacific. J. Climate, 25, 7282-7296. 北野慈和, 山田朋人, 泉典洋, 2012: 大気密度成層における擾乱の発達過程. 土木学会論文 集 G(環境), 68(5), I_205-I_210. 北野慈和, 山田朋人, 泉典洋, 2014: 大気中の境界面における流速分布及び密度分布が与え る擾乱への影響の考察. 土木学会論文集 B1(水工学), 70, I_871-I_876. 河野剛典, 山田朋人, Y. N. Pokhrel, 2013: 人間活動を考慮した陸面過程モデルの北海道へ の適用. 土木学会論文集 G(環境) (受理). 6 Kuno, R., and M. Inatsu, 2014: Development of sampling downscaling: a case for wintertime precipitation in Hokkaido. Clim. Dyn., 43, 375-387. Matsumura, S., and T. Sato, 2011: Snow/ice and cloud responses to future climate change around Hokkaido. SOLA, 7, 205-208. Matsumura, S., S. Sugimoto, and T. Sato, 2015: Recent intensification of the western Pacific subtropical high associated with East Asian summer monsoon. J. Climate, Accepted. Matsumura, S., K. Yamazaki, and T. Sato, 2015: Role of Siberian land-atmosphere coupling in the development of the Okhotsk High. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, Accepted. Mori, K., and T. Sato, 2014: Spatio-temporal variation of high-temperature events in Hokkaido, North Japan. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 92, 327-346, DOI:10.2151/jmsj.2014-404. 中村一樹, 佐藤友徳, 2013: スキー場で生じた笹の倒伏によるクラック及び全層雪崩. -笹の 倒伏をもたらす積雪初期の気象条件-. 寒地技術シンポジウム論文集, 29,10-15. 中村一樹, 佐藤友徳, 山中康裕, 西村浩一, 2011: 気候変動に伴う北海道の雪質変化推定手 法の開発 (Development of method for estimation of changes in snow structure with climate change in Hokkaido). 寒地技術シンポジウム論文集, 27, 80-85. Pokhrel, Y. N., N. Hanasaki, P. J-F. Yeh, T. J. Yamada, S. Kanae, and T. Oki, 2012: Model estimates of sea-level change due to anthropogenic impacts on terrestrial water storage. Nature Geoscience, 1476, doi:10.1038. Pokhrel, Y. N., N. Hanasaki, P. J.-F. Yeh, T. J. Yamada, S. Kanae, and T. Oki, 2013: Reply to ‘Overestimated water storage’. Nature Geoscience, 6, 3-4. 佐々木翔太, 山田正, 山田朋人. 2014: 水文学的モデルを用いた放射性同位体の経口摂取 による人体における放射性同位体の原子数、放射能強度および内部被曝総量の推定手法の 提案. 水文水資源学会誌, Vol.27, No.4, 170-181. Sasaki, S., H. Yoneda, T. Yamada, T. J. Yamada, 2015: An application of hydrologic methodology to the internal dose calculation: The intake of radioactivity on agricultural 7 products derived from fallout. Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, Vol. 59. Sasaki, Y. N., S. Minobe, T. Asai, and M. Inatsu, 2012: Influence of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea on the early summer (baiu) rain, J. Climate, 27, 6627-6645. Satake, Y., M. Inatsu, M. Mori, and A. Hasegawa, 2013: Tropical cyclone tracking using a neighbor enclosed area tracking algorithm. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 3539-3555. Sato, T., 2013: Mechanism of orographic precipitation around the Meghalaya Plateau associated with intraseasonal oscillation and diurnal cycle. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 2451-2466, doi: 10.1175/MWR-D-12-00321.1. Sato, T., and S. Sugimoto, 2013: A numerical experiment on the influence of the interannual variation of sea surface temperature on terrestrial precipitation in northern Japan during the cold season. Water Resour. Res., 49, 7763-7777, doi:10.1002/2012WR013206. Sato, T., and Y. Xue, 2013: Validating a regional climate model's downscaling ability for East Asian summer monsoonal interannual variability. Clim. Dyn., 41, 2411-2426, doi: 10.1007/s00382-012-1616-5, in press. Subraba, I. and T. J. Yamada, 2015: Potential water storage capacity of mountainous catchments based on catchment characteristics. Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, Vol. 59. Sugimoto, S., 2013: Unusually high fog frequency at Kushiro, Japan, during Early Autumn in 2012. SOLA, 9, 139-142. Sugimoto, S., T. Sato, and K. Nakamura, 2013: Effects of synoptic-scale control on long-term declining trends of summer fog frequency over the Pacific side of Hokkaido Island. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 52, 2226-2242, doi: Suseno, D. P. and T. J. Yamada, 2011: Cloud type classification for improving storm rainfall estimation with satellite based infrared information. The 9th International symposium on South Asian water environment, 9, 49-56. 8 Suseno, D. P. and T. J. Yamada, 2011: Geostationary satellite based rainfall estimation and validation: A case study of Java Island. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, 55, 8. Suseno, D. P. and T. J. Yamada, 2012: The use of geostationary based rainfall estimation for characterizing storm severity. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, 56, 30. Suseno, D. P. Y. and T. J. Yamada, 2012: Two-dimensional threshold based cloud type classification by using MTSAT-1R data. Remote Sensing Letters, doi:10.1080/2150704X. Suseno, D. P. Y. and T. J. Yamada, 2013: The role of GPS precipitable water vapor and atmosphere stability index in the statistically-based rainfall estimation using MTSAT data. Journal of Hydrometeorology. Vol. 14, 1922-1932. Takatama, K., S. Minobe, M. Inatsu, and J. R. Smell, 2012: Diagnostics for near-surface wind convergence/divergence response to the Gulf Stream in a regional atmospheric model. Atomospheric Science Letters, 16-21. 竹内大輝, 山田朋人, M. A. Farukh, 2014: パキスタンに豪雨をもたらすインドモンスーン の蛇行パターンおよびブロッキングの特徴. 土木学会論文集 G(環境), Vol.70, No.5, I_263-I_259. Yamada, T. J. and Y. Hata, 2013: Frequency of atmospheric blocking associated with meridional surface temperature characteristics in boreal winter in the mid-latitudes. 土木学会論文集 B1(水工学), I_397. 山田朋人, 呉修一, 2011: 保水能効果を有する降雨流出予測手法の高精度化に向けた陸面モ デルの活用. 土木学会論文集, 67(5), I_41-I_46. 山田朋人, 和智光喜, 2011: 北海道岩尾内ダム流域における融雪出水量予測精度と水文特性 の経年変化特性. 土木学会論文集, 67(5), I_91-I_96. Yamada, T. J., M. I. Lee, M. Kanamitsu, and H. Kanamaru, 2012: Diurnal characteristics of rainfall over the contiguous United States and Northern Mexico in the Dynamically Downscaled Reanalysis Dataset (US10). J. Hydrometeorology, 13(3), 9 1142-1148. Yamada, T. J., J. Sasaki, and N. Matsuoka, 2012: Climatology of line-shaped rainbands over northern Japan in boreal summer between 1990 and 2010. Atmospheric Science Letters, 13(2), 133-138, doi: 10.1002/asl.373. Yamada, T. J., S. Kanae, T. Oki, and R. D. Koster, 2013: Seasonal variation of land-atmosphere coupling strength over the West African Monsoon Region in an atmospheric general circulation model. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58, 1276-1286. Yamada, T.J., M.A. Farukh, T. Fukushima, M. Inatsu, T. Sato, Y. N. Pokhrel, and T. Oki, 2014: Extreme precipitation intensity in future climates associated with the Clausius-Clapeyron-like relationship, Hydrological Research Letters, Vol. 8, No. 4, p.108-113, DOI: 10.3178/hrl.8.108. 山原康希, 山田朋人, Y. Pokhrel, 2013: 全球気候モデルにおける人間活動の影響を考慮し た陸面初期値が準季節予報スキルに与える効果. 土木学会論文集 B1(水工学), I_1807. 吉見和紘, 山田正, 山田朋人, 2015: 確率微分方程式の導入による降雨流出過程における降 雨の不確実性の評価. 土木学会水工学論文集. 第 59 巻. 和田卓也, 山田朋人, D. P. Suseno, 2012: 2011 年 7 月新潟・福島豪雨時における線状降水帯 の形状特性・環境場に関する考察. 土木学会論文集 B1(水工学), 56, 67. 渡部大和, 山田朋人, D. P. Y. Suseno, 2013: MTSAT による輝度温度情報から作成した東南 アジアにおける雲の気候特性. 土木学会論文集 B1(水工学), I_301. 渡部大和, 山田朋人, D. P. Y. Suseno, K. P. N. Sakolnakhon, S. Tonjan, C. Chaiyasan, 2014: MTSAT 近赤外放射情報を用いた 6~8 月のチャオプラヤ川流域における雲の日内特 性. 土木学会論文集 B1(水工学), 70, I_313-I_318. ■研究代表者:西森 基貴 Principal Researcher: Motoki Nishimori Bayissa, L. D., Y. Ohmae, and M. Hojo, 2014: Specific Influence of Salts on the Hydrolysis Reaction Rate of p-Nitrophenyl Anthranilate in Binary Acetonitrile-Water 10 Solvents. J. Mol. Liquids, 199, 294-300. Chen, X., K. Ayabe, M. Hojo, Z. Chen, M. Kobayashi, 2014: Specific Coordination Phenomena of Alkaline Earth Metal Ions with Aromatic Sulfonate Ions in Alcohols and Binary Solvents of Acetonitrile-Alcohols. J. Mol. Liquids, 199, 445-453. Fujimura, K., K. Shiraha, S. Kanae and M. Murakami, 2012: Development of the hourly hydrological model for mountainous basins using the storage function method and the Diskin-Nazimov infiltration model. Models-Repositories of Knowledge, Proceedings ModelCARE2011, Leipzig, Germany, September 2011 (IAHS Publ. 355, 2012), 334-348. 藤村和正, 井芹慶彦, 鼎信次郎, 村上雅博, 2014: 水循環解析に基づく低水流出の貯留関数 式における最適定数に関する研究. 土木学会論文集 B1(水工学),70(4), I_361-I_366. Fujimura, K., M. Murakami, Y. Iseri and S. Kanae, 2014: Application of the hourly hydrological cycle model to evaluate the potential hydro energy in a mountainous small river basin of Japan. IAHS (International Association of Hydrological Science) – Publication, 363, 431-436. Fujimura, K., Y. Iseri, S. Kanae and M. Murakami, 2014: Identification of low-flow parameters using hydrological model in selected mountainous basins in Japan. In: Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water–Society Interactions, IAHS Publ. 364, 51-56. 藤村和正, 井芹慶彦, 鼎信次郎, 村上雅博, 2015:水循環解析に基づく低水流出の貯留関数 式における最適定数に関する研究.土木学会論文集 B1(水工学),71(4), I_301-I_306. 北條正司, 2014: なぜ希硝酸を混合した海水中に純金は溶解するのか?分析化学,63, 715-726. Hojo, M. and S. Aoki, 2012: Alternative mechanistic scheme for salt effects on solvolysis reactions of haloalkanes and related compounds in Binary DMSO/H2O solvent mixture. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 85(9), 1023-1030. 北條正司, 陳小卉, 2015:プロトン性溶媒及び二成分アセトニトリル-プロトン性混合溶媒 中におけるアルカリ土類金属イオンと芳香族スルホン酸イオン間の配位現象の解明.分析 11 化学,印刷中. Hojo, M., R. Kato, A. Narutaki, T. Maeda, Y. Uji-yie, 2011: Nitration of phenols in reversed micelle systems and enhanced oxidation ability of dilute nitric acid (less than 2.0 molarity) in concentrated salt solutions. J. Mol. Liquids, 163, 161-169. Hojo, M., S. Ohta, K. Ayabe, K. Okamura, K. Kobiro and Z. Chen, 2013: Coordination ability of alkali metal or alkaline earth metal ions with aromatic dicarboxylate, sulfonate, or disulfonate ions in acetonitrile. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 177, 145-155 Hojo, M., Y. Kondo, K. Zei, K. Okamura, Z. Chen, and M. Kobayashi, 2014: Conductometric and UV-visible Spectroscopic Studies on the Strong Association between Polysulfonic or Dicarboxylic Acids and Their Conjugate Anions in Acetonitrile. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 87, 98-109. Hojo, M., Y. Uji-yie, S. Tsubota, M. Tamura, M. Yamamoto, K. Okamura, and K. Isshiki, 2014: Can Pure Gold be Dissolved in Seawater Mixed with Aqueous Nitric Acid? J. Mol. Liquids, 194, 68-76. Iizumi, T. and M. Nishimori, 2011: Improvements to statistical climate downscaling simulations by incorporating the APHRO_JP (Advanced Gridded Daily Precipitation Dataset). Global Environmental Research, 15, 101-108. Iizumi, T., I. Takayabu, K. Dairaku, H. Kusaka, M. Nishimori, G. Sakurai, N. N. Ishizaki, S. A. Adachi and M. A. 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Aoyagi, 2014: Moderation of summertime heat-island phenomena via modification of the urban form in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53, 1886 -1900. Bagan, H., and Yoshiki Yamagata, 2012: Landsat analysis of urban growth: How Tokyo became the world's largest megacity during the last 40 years. Remote Sensing of Environment, 127, 210-222. 大楽浩司, 平野淳平, 2013: 東京都市圏における水害リスク評価手法の開発. 水工学論文集, 57. Hirano, J., K. Dairaku, 2013: Climate change adaptation and flood risk assessment in Tokyo Metropolitan Area. Impacts World 2013, International Conference on Climate Change Effects, 1-6. 平野淳平, 大楽浩司, 2014: 降水量頻度分布を考慮した水害リスク評価手法の開発. 土木学 会論文集(水工学), 70, 1507-1512. Iizuka, S., K. Dairaku, W. Sasaki, N.N. Ishizaki, S.A. Adachi, H. Kusaka, and I. Takayabu, 2012: Assessment of ocean surface winds and tropical cyclones around Japan by RCMs, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 90B, 91-102. Iizumi, T., I. Takayabu, K. Dairaku, H. Kusaka, M. Nishimori, G. Sakurai, N.N. Ishizaki, S.A. Adachi, and M.A. Semenov, 2012: Future change of daily precipitation indices in Japan. A stochastic weather generator-based bootstrap approach to provide probabilistic climate information. J. Geophys. Res. 117, doi: 10.1029/2011JD017197. Ishizaki, N., H. Shiogama, K. Takahashi,S. Emori, K. Dairaku,H. Kusaka, T. Nakaegawa, and I. Takayabu, 2012: An attempt to estimation of probabilistic regional climate analogue in the warmer Japan. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 90B, 65-74. Ishizaki, N. N., I. Takayabu, M. Ooizumi, H. Sasaki, K. Dairaku, S. Iizuka, F. Kimura, H. Kusaka, S. A.Adachi, K. Kurihara, K. Murazaki, and K. Tanaka, 2012: Improved performance of simulated Japanese climate with a multi-model ensemble. Journal of Meteorological Society Japan, 90, 235-254. 15 中道久美子, 山形与志樹, 瀬谷創, 2013: 東京都市圏の気候変動緩和・適応策の相互作用に 関する土地利用シナリオの CO2 排出量評価. 土木学会論文集 D3, 69, I_381-I_389. Nakamichi, K., Y. Yamagata, and H. Seya, 2013: CO2 emissions evaluation considering introduction of EVs and PVs under land-use scenarios for climate change mitigation and adaptation - Focusing on the change of emission factor after the Tohoku Earthquake. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 10, 1025-1044. Pielke R. A., Sr., R. Wilby, D. Niyogi, F. Hossain, K. Dairaku, J. Adegoke, G. Kallos, T. Seastedt, and K.Suding, 2012: Dealing with complexity and extreme events using a bottom-up, resource-based vulnerability perspective. Extreme Events and Natural Hazards, The Complexity Perspective Geophysical Monograph Series, 196, 10.1029/2011GM001086. Sasaki,W., S. Iizuka, and K, Dairaku, 2012: Capability of Regional Climate Models in Simulating Coastal Winds and Waves around Japan. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 90(5), 603-615, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2012-502. 瀬谷創, 堤盛人, 山形与志樹, 2012: Weighted-average least squares の空間計量経済モデ ルへの適用. 応用地域学研究, (16), 43–54. Seya, H., Y. Yamagata, and M. 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Yamagata, Y., H. Seya, and K. Nakamichi, 2013: Creation of future urban environmental scenarios using a geographically explicit land-use model: a case study of Tokyo. Annals of GIS, 19, 153-168. 山形与志樹,村上大輔,瀬谷創,堤盛人,2014:業務交通トリップデータを用いた東京都 区部における産業集積の空間分析.土木学会論文集 D3,70,I_343-351. 17 ■研究代表者:高橋 Principal Researcher: Keiko Takahashi 桂子 蛭田有希, 石川幹子, 2012: 緑地が持つ気温低減効果の評価に向けた緑地指標に関する研究. 都市計画論文集, 47, 259-264. 蛭田有希, 石川幹子, 2013: 市街地における基質的な景観構造が気温に与える影響に関する 研究. 都市計画論文集, 48, 1035-1040. 高取千佳, 石川幹子, 2012: 東京都心部における明治初期と現代のマトリクス構造の変化に 関する研究 : 港区北部地域を対象として-. 都市計画論文集, 47, 577-582. 高取千佳, 大和広明, 高橋桂子, 石川幹子, 2013: 明治初期と現代のマトリクス構造の変化 が熱・風環境に与える影響に関する研究 : 東京都心部を対象として. 都市計画論文集, 48, 1029-1034. 高取千佳, 高橋桂子, 横張真, 石川幹子, 2014: 明治初期と現代における地上付近の熱・風環 境を規定する要因の変化に関する研究 : 東京都心部を対象として. 都市計画論文集, 49, 225-230. 吉田葵, 林誠二, 石川幹子, 2013: 都市緑地における種組成の差異が雨水涵養機能に与える 影響に関する研究 : 新宿区立おとめ山公園を対象として. 都市計画論文集, 48, 1011-1016. ■研究代表者:飯塚 悟 Principal Researcher: Satoru Iizuka Adachi, S. A., F. Kimura, H. Kusaka, M. G. Duda, Y. Yamagata, H. Seya, K. Nakamichi, T. Aoyagi, 2014: Moderation of summertime heat-island phenomena via modification of the urban form in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53(8), pp.1886-1900. Akimoto, Y., H. Kusaka, 2015: A climatological study of fog in Japan based on event data, Atmospheric Research, 151, pp.200-211. Bakkali, M., A. Inagaki, Y. Ashie, Y. Yoshida, M. Kanda, S. Raasch, 2015: Thermal large 18 eddy simulation with sensible heat flux distribution from various 3D building geometries, JSCE, Ser.B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 71(4), I_433-I_438. 福本恵梨子, 仲吉信人, 神田学, 曽根敦, 2011: 東京における夏期集中豪雨の空間偏差 - 詳細な都市幾何形状データを考慮して-. 水工学論文集, 55, 397-402. 飯塚悟, 近藤由美, 玄英麗, 2014: 領域気象モデル WRF による名古屋都市圏の温熱環境シ ミュレーション(その 5)減災・防災型都市形態モデルの導入と温熱環境に及ぼす影響, 日 本建築学会環境系論文集, 79(704), pp.883-889. Inagaki, A., M. C. L. Castillo, Y. Yamashita, M. Kanda and H. Takimoto, 2012: Large-eddy simulation of coherent flow structures within a cubical canopy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 142, 207-222. 伊藤奨, 飯塚悟, 黒木美早衣, 2012: 領域気象モデル WRF による多治見高温化要因の感度 解析. 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 77(680), 779-787. Kanda, M., A., Inagaki, T. Miyamoto, M. Gryschka, and S. Raasch, 2013: A new aerodynamic parameterization for real urban surfaces. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 148, 357-377. 加藤隆矢, 飯塚悟, 2013: 鉛直方向の風の道を活用する街区形態のシミュレーション検討 (その 1)鉛直方向の風の道が導入領域およびその風下領域の温熱環境・風環境に及ぼす影 響評価. 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 78(689), 569-577. Kayaba, M., T. Ihara, H. Kusaka, S. Iizuka, K. Miyamoto, and Y. Honda, 2014: Association between sleep and residential environments in the summertime in Japan. Sleep Medicine, 15(5), pp.556-564, doi: 近藤亮彦, 飯塚悟, 2012: 気象モデルと工学 LES モデルのシームレスな結合手法の開発(そ の 1) Reynolds 応力のコレスキー分解に基づく人工的な流入変動風生成手法の検討. 日本建 築学会環境論文集, 77(678), 689-697. Kondo, H., A. Inagaki, M. Kanda, 2015: A new parametrization of mixing length in an urban canopy derived from a large-eddy Boundary-Layer Meteorology (accepted). 19 simulation database for Tokyo, 近藤由美, 飯塚悟, 2013: 領域気象モデル WRF による名古屋都市圏の温熱環境シミュレー ション(その 4)将来の都市形態の変化が温熱環境に及ぼす影響評価. 日本建築学会環境系 論文集, 78(694), 957-963. 久米村秀明, 稲垣厚至, 小野村史穂, 瀧本浩史, 神田学, 2012: 熱画像風速測定法(TIV)の 開発と建物壁面への応用. 水工学論文集, 56, 1753-1758. 黒木美早衣, 飯塚悟, 伊藤奨, 日下博幸, 原政之, 2012: 領域気象モデル WRF による名古屋 都市圏の温熱環境シミュレーション(その 3)複数の IPCC SRES シナリオに基づく 2030 年 代・2050 年代・2070 年代・2090 年代の名古屋都市圏温熱環境・風環境の将来予測の比較. 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 77(678), 689-697. 日下博幸, 飯島奈津美, 井原智彦, 原政之, 髙根雄也, 飯塚悟, 2013: 複数の CMIP3-GCM からの力学的ダウンスケール実験と問題比較型影響評価手法による健康影響評価:2070 年 代 8 月を対象とした東京・名古屋・大阪における熱中症および睡眠困難の将来予測. 日本建 築学会環境系論文集, 78(693), 873-881. Kusaka, H., K. Nawata, A. Suzuki-Parker, Y. Takane, N. Furuhashi, 2014: Mechanism of precipitation increase with urbanization in Tokyo as revealed by ensemble climate simulations, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53(4), pp.824-839. 真壁拓也, 仲吉信人, A. C. G. Varquez, 神田学, 2014: 気象解析のための全日本都市幾何デ ータベースの構築と世界への拡張可能性. 土木学会論文集 B1(水工学), 70, I_331-I_336. 宮本崇史, 稲垣厚至, 神田学, 2012: 3 次元建物 GIS を用いた LES による東京街区の流体力 学的パラメタリゼーション. 水工学論文集, 56, 1801-1806. 仲野久美子, 仲吉信人, A. C. G. Varquez, 神田学, 足立幸穂, 日下博幸, 2013: 最新の都市 パラメタリゼーションを導入した集中豪雨シミュレーション. 土木学会論文集 B1(水工学), 69(4), I355-I360. Nakayoshi, M., M. Kanda, R. de Dear, 2015: Globe Anemo-radiometer, Boundary-Layer Meteorology (in press). Nakayoshi, M., M. Kanda, R. Shi, R. de Dear, 2015: Outdoor thermal physiology along 20 human pathways: a study using a wearable measurement system, International Journal of Biometeorology (in press). 寝占祐太, 神田学, 仲吉信人, 2015: 東京-熊谷間における夏季東京湾海風進入時間の長期 年代変化, 土木学会論文集 B1(水工学), 71(4), I_403-I_408. Ohashi, Y., Y. Kikegawa, T. Ihara, and N. Sugiyama, 2014: Numerical simulations of outdoor heat stress index and heat disorder risk in the 23 wards of Tokyo. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53, 583-597. Okada, M. and H. 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Kanno, H., 2013: Strongly negative correlation between monthly mean temperatures in April and August since 1998 in Northern Japan. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 91, 355-373. Kanno, H., M. Watanabe, and E. Kanda, 2013: MIROC5 predictions of Yamase (cold northeasterly winds causing cool summers in northern Japan). Journal of Agricultral Meteorology, 69, 117-125. Kanno, Y., T. Shoji, and T. Iwasaki, 2015: Comparison study of the polar cold air mass between Northern and Southern Hemispheric winters based on a zonal-mean two-box model. Atmos. Sci. Lett., 16, 70-76. 児玉安正, 佐藤悠, 石田祐宣, 堀内征太郎, 瀬古弘, 津田敏隆, 橋口宏之, 古本淳一, 東邦昭, 2013: 青森県津軽平野で行われた冬季季節風とヤマセの高層気象観測,および気象庁非静 力学モデルを用いたダウンスケール再現実験. 天気, 60(1), 11-20. 久野木梓織, 佐藤和敏, 黒瀧あゆみ, 関真理子, 児玉安正, 小松健介, 緒方香都, 西川はつみ, 大鹿美希, 大富裕里子, 立花義裕, 三井拓, 茂木耕作, 川合義美, 万田敦昌,2013: 九州西方 沖の東シナ海で観測された2本の降水帯からなる梅雨前線帯-2011 年 6 月 20 日の観測事例-. 海と空, 89, 9-18. Noda, A. T., K. Nakamura, T. Iwasaki, and M. 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