2015 年度B 英 語 ( 60 分) <注 意> 1. 開始のチャイムが鳴るまで、この冊子を開いてはいけません。 2. 問題は 1 ページから 15 ページに印刷されています。 3. 受験番号と氏名は解答用紙の定められたところに記入しなさい。 4. 解答はすべて解答用紙の定められたところに記入しなさい。 5. 最初に放送によるリスニング問題があります。 Ⅰ リスニング問題 ( Part 1 ) これから放送される英語の短い対話を聞いて、それに続く質問に対する最も適切な答えを、あ.~ え.の 中から 1 つ選び、記号で答えなさい。対話と質問は 2 回ずつ放送されます。 1.あ.At the library. い.At the cinema. う.At the bookshop. え.At the rental DVD shop. 2.あ.Would you like to leave him a message? い.Good. I’m free on Thursday. う.Will you call me again tomorrow? え.Then please hurry up. 3.あ.Twelve い.Thirteen う.Fourteen え.Fifteen 4.あ.Cooking tomatoes. い.Planting vegetables. う.Drawing a picture on the ground. え.Walking in the garden near the City Hall. 5.あ.Wait in line for a taxi. い.Ask the girl’s mother to pick them up. う.Get the information about the bus services. え.Wait until the trains start moving again. 6.あ.They are brother and sister. い.They are classmates. う.They are neighbors. え.They are cousins. ― ― ( Part 2 ) これから放送される 2 つの英語を聞いて、その内容に関するそれぞれ 2 つの質問に対する最も適切な答 えを、あ.~ え.の中から 1 つ選び、記号で答えなさい。なお、8.(2) は、答えの文にあてはまるように、 英単語 1 語を書きなさい。英語は 1 度だけ放送されます。 7. (1) How many people are there in Jane’s family? あ.5 い.6 う.7 え.8 (2) How old is Jane? あ.22 い.27 う.30 え.33 8. (1) Which one of these sentences is NOT true? あ.Kenji will be 21 years old in 2020. い.Kenji started practicing judo when he was six. う.Kenji’s grandfather won a gold medal in 1964. え.Kenji practices judo every day. (2) What color is Kenji’s judo belt now? It is . ― ― Ⅱ 次の英文を読んで、設問に答えなさい。 My sister, Lynn, taught me my first word: kira-kira . I was still a baby, so I could only say something like ka-a-ahhh , but she knew that I was trying to say kira-kira . Kira-kira means ‘glittering’ in Japanese. Lynn told me that. She usually took me onto the empty road at night. We lay on our backs and looked at the stars while she said again and again, “Katie, say ‘kira-kira , kira-kira .’” I loved that word! When I grew older, I used kira-kira for everything I liked: the beautiful blue sky, cute baby cats and dogs, butterflies, colored tissue paper. My mother said that this was the wrong way to use the word; you could not call a box of tissues kira-kira . She was upset that we were so ‘un-Japanese’ and told us that she was going to send us to Japan one day. I didn’t care where she sent me, because if Lynn came with me, I would always be happy. We lived in Iowa, U.S.A., in the 1950s. Both my parents were Japanese. I know a lot about my childhood because my sister kept a diary. Today I keep her diary in a drawer next to my bed. I like to see that her memories were the same as mine, but also different. For example, one of my earliest memories is of the day Lynn saved my life. I was almost five, and she was almost nine. We were playing on the empty road near our house. There were endless corn fields all around us. A dirty gray dog ran out of the field near us, and then it ran back in. Lynn loved animals. Her long black hair disappeared into the corn as she followed the dog. The summer sky was clear and blue. I felt a little scared as Lynn disappeared into the corn field. When she wasn’t in school, she stayed with me all the time. Both our parents worked, so Lynn always took care of me. After Lynn ran into the field, I could only see corn. It was all around me. “Lynnie!” I shouted. We weren’t far from our house, but I was scared. I started to cry. Then Lynn stood behind me and said, “Boo!” and I cried some more. She just laughed and hugged me and said, “You’re the best little sister in the world!” I liked it when she said that, so I stopped crying. The dog ran off. We lay on our backs in the middle of the road and looked at the blue sky. There were usually no cars on this road, so we could lay there on our backs all day. Lynn said, “The blue of the sky is one of the most special colors in the world, because the color is deep but see-through both at the same time. What did I just say?” “The sky is special.” “The ocean is like that too, and people’s eyes.” She turned her head toward me and waited. I said, “The ocean and people’s eyes are special too.” I looked at Lynn. Her eyes were deep and black, like mine. Suddenly, the dog jumped out from the field, and started to make a lot of angry noises. Its teeth were long and yellow. We screamed and ran. The dog bit my pants. I tried to run away, but the dog was still biting my pants and his cold teeth touched my skin. “Aaahhhhh!” I screamed. ― ― Lynn pulled at the dog’s tail and shouted at me, “Run, Katie, run!” I ran. I could hear the dog still making angry noises. Lynn was trying to stop the dog. When I got to the house, I turned around and saw the dog biting Lynn’s pants. I ran inside and looked for a *weapon. I couldn’t think straight. I got a milk bottle out of the fridge and ran toward Lynn and threw the bottle at the dog. The bottle missed the dog and broke on the street. It made a loud noise. The dog ran quickly to the milk and started to drink it. Lynn and I ran toward the house, but she stopped outside the door. I pulled at her. “Come on!” She looked worried. “He’s going to cut his mouth on the glass.” “I don’t care.” But she got the water hose from the garden. As the water came out from the hose, the dog ran away, so it didn’t hurt itself. That was Lynn. The dog tried to bite off her leg, but still she saved it. She was always doing nice things to help others. This is Lynn’s diary from that day: The corn was so pretty. When it was all around me, I felt like I wanted to stay there forever. Then I heard Katie crying, and I ran out as fast as I could. I was so scared. I thought that maybe something was wrong with her! A I was surprised when I read this because I saw things differently. The only reason I could save her life was because she saved my life before that. So, really, she’s the one who saved my life. 注: *weapon 武器 1.本文の内容に合うように、 * Lynn told Katie that に最もよくあてはまるものを 1 つずつ選び、記号で答えなさい。 (1) . あ.kira-kira was her favorite word い.kira-kira was a Japanese word う.they could use kira-kira to mean anything え.they had to go out at night to see kira-kira ― ― * When Mother said that she would send her daughters to Japan, (2) . あ.Lynn was so happy that she started teaching more Japanese to her sister い.Lynn was angry because she liked living in the U.S.A. and wanted to stay there う.Katie was unhappy because she didn’t want to go to any foreign countries え.Katie didn’t mind because being together with Lynn was enough for her * Katie could learn many things about the time when she was a child, because あ.she has a better memory than other people い.she has many pictures that her mother took for her う.her sister told her a lot of stories about that time え.her sister wrote about the things which happened then * When the dog first appeared, Lynn followed it because she あ.thought that the dog was dangerous い.thought that she knew the dog う.really liked animals え.wanted to give it some food * Katie started to cry because she (5) . あ.felt alone and missed her sister い.was scared of the dog う.thought Lynn didn’t like her え.wanted to go home * After the dog appeared again, (6) . あ.it attacked Katie first い.it attacked Lynn first う.it attacked both Katie and Lynn at the same time え.it didn’t attack anyone * When Katie reached the house, she (7) . あ.tried to find a place to hide from the dog い.saw that the dog was still angry う.asked her mother to help her え.took off her pants ― ― (4) . (3) . * Katie threw a milk bottle because she wanted to (8) . あ.attack the dog with the bottle い.hurt the dog with broken glass う.give milk to the hungry dog え.show the bottle to Lynn * Lynn used the water from the hose because she thought that (9) . あ.the dog wanted to drink some water い.she should fight back against the dog う.the dog may run away before it got hurt え.she would water the plants in the garden * Katie thought that her and Lynn’s memories were different because (10) . あ.Lynn thought that she couldn’t help Katie い.Katie believed that no one was in danger う.Lynn believed that the dog was a good dog え.Katie thought that Lynn helped her first 2.犬の出来事があった日について、次の空欄にあてはまるものを算用数字を用いて答えなさい。 * Katie was 3. A years younger than Lynn. に入れるのに最もふさわしいものを 1 つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 あ.I was so glad that I could save Katie from that horrible dog! い.Later, when the dog attacked me, Katie saved my life. う.The dog attacked us, but Katie tried not to hurt the dog. え.The dog was hurting her, but I was too afraid to save her… ― ― Ⅲ 次の英文を読んで、設問に答えなさい。 The history of chocolate begins with a plant ― its scientific name is ‘Theobroma cacao,’ meaning ‘food of the gods.’ For centuries, people have enjoyed chocolate, a product made from this plant. *Historians believe the people of *Maya in Central America first learned to farm cacao plants about 2,000 years ago. The Mayan people took the cacao trees from the rainforests and grew them around their homes. They cooked the cacao *seeds into a soft paste, and mixed the paste with water and spices to make a non-sweet chocolate drink. Cacao and chocolate were an important part of ① Mayan culture. There are often images of cacao plants on Mayan buildings and in their art. Higher ranking families drank chocolate at ceremonies. Even poorer Mayan people could sometimes enjoy the drink. Cacao seeds were also used in wedding ceremonies as a symbol of the ties between a husband and wife. The *Aztec culture, in today’s Mexico, also ② prized chocolate. They even used cacao seeds ( ③ ) money or presents to the gods. Chocolate was thought of ( ③ ) something special for higher ranking people. It was believed that Montezuma, the king of the Aztecs, drank 50 cups of chocolate every day. Christopher Columbus brought cacao seeds to Spain after his trip to Central America in 1502. Hernando Cortes, however, was the person who understood that chocolate could be a good business. He believed the chocolate drink would become popular with Spanish people. In 1519, Cortes arrived in Mexico. After winning the war against the Aztecs, Spain began planting cacao in its *colonies in the Americas because so many people wanted chocolate. It was first introduced to the Spanish people as a sweet chocolate drink, and later, it spread throughout Europe. Some European countries began to plant cacao trees in their own colonies. At first, only rich people could buy chocolate, but in the 18th century, ④ new technologies [ あ.producing い.of う.than え.made お.chocolate か.lower き.the cost ] before. Today, cacao trees are grown mainly in rainforests in tropical areas. After about five years, cacao trees start producing large fruit called ‘pods.’ The seeds inside these pods are used to make chocolate. Growing cacao is very hard work for farmers. If the seeds are sold at very low prices, farmers can’t get enough money to make a living. ⑤ Today, chocolate makers, *activists, and scientists are working with farmers. They are trying to make sure that cacao can be grown in a way that is fair to the farmers and safe for the environment. Many people have loved chocolate for its sweet taste, but scientists have known that chocolate, especially dark chocolate, can also be healthy. It is especially good for the heart. Now, they know why. They have found that cacao seeds have a *chemical called ‘flavonol.’ It helps *blood vessels stay healthy. Blood flows smoothly, and this helps lower the risk of heart disease. During the process of making chocolate, however, many flavonols are lost. Sugar and fats are added for better taste, and that may cause people to have weight problems when they eat too much ― ― chocolate. Scientists in the US are now trying to make pure cacao flavonol *pills. They have started studies to test how well they work. Dr. Manson, the leader of one study, says that, by taking flavonol pills, people can enjoy only the good part of dark chocolate ( ⑥ ) worrying about the calories in it. The doctors put the *subjects into two groups without telling them which group they are in. Members of the first group take flavonol pills. ⑦ The second group take a ‘placebo’ ― the pills look the same, but are neither helpful nor bad for the subjects’ health. It will be a four-year-long study of 18,000 adults. The study is the largest of its kind. The test is just starting, though, so for now, the only way to get flavonols is the delicious way ― by ⑧ ! 注: *historian 歴史学者 *Maya マヤ族 *seed 種子 *Aztec アステカ族 *colony 植民地 *activist(人権・環境などの)活動家 *chemical 化学物質 *blood vessel 血管 *pill 錠剤 *subject 被験者(実験の対象者) 1.下線部① Mayan culture の例として述べられていないものを次の中から 1 つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 あ.カカオは、建築資材や芸術作品を作るための道具として使われた。 い.身分の高い人々は式典などでチョコレートを飲んだ。 う.一般の人々も時にはチョコレートを飲むことができた。 え.カカオは夫婦の絆の象徴として用いられた。 2.下線部② prized とほぼ同じ意味の単語を次の中から 1 つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 あ.gave い.presented う.treasured え.won 3.2 つの ( ③ ) に共通してあてはまる英単語 1 語を書きなさい。 4.下線部④ new technologies [ あ.producing い.of う.than え.made お.chocolate か.lower き.the cost ] before が、「新しい技術のおかげでチョコレートの生産コストが以前より低下した」とい う意味になるように並べ替え、[ ] 内で 3 番目と 6 番目にくるものを記号で答えなさい。 5.下線部⑤ Today, chocolate makers, *activists, and scientists are working with farmers. の目的として あてはまらないものを次の中から 1 つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 あ.カカオが適正価格で取引きされるようにするため。 い.生産者が不当な労働を強いられないようにするため。 う.共同作業による生産者と消費者の連帯意識を強化するため。 え.カカオの生産による環境への悪影響を防ぐため。 ― ― 6.( ⑥ ) に最もよくあてはまる語を次の中から 1 つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 あ.by い.for う.through え.without 7.下線部⑦ The second group take a ‘placebo’ の目的は何か、最もよくあてはまるものを次の中から 1 つ 選び、記号で答えなさい。 あ.被験者の感染症を予防するため。 い.被験者に不足している栄養素を補うため。 う.2 種類の flavonol pills を使って効果を確かめるため。 え.結果が flavonol pills 投与の効果であることを確かめるため。 8. ⑧ にあてはまる内容として最もふさわしいものを次の中から 1 つ選び、記号で答えな さい。 あ.eating many kinds of food い.eating dark chocolate う.taking flavonol pills え.taking other pills 9.本文の内容と一致するものを次の中から 2 つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 あ.People began to grow cacao plants in rainforests. い.People of Maya used cacao seeds to buy things they needed. う.It takes about five years for cacao plants to produce fruit. え.Columbus was the first European to understand money could be made from chocolate. お.Flavonols are found in dark chocolate but not in sweet chocolate. か.There is nothing either good or bad for peoples’ health in a ‘placebo.’ ― ― Ⅳ 中学 3 年生のアヤコは、両親と小学 5 年生の弟、2 か月前からホームステイして日本の大学に通ってい る留学生ジェニーの 5 人で暮らしています。5 人は春休みに、世界遺産に登録された富岡製糸場を訪れ る予定です。[A]、[B] それぞれの設問に答えなさい。 [A] 次の対話とそれに続くウェブページを読んで、設問に答えなさい。 Jenny: When are we going to Tomioka? Ayako: Mom and Dad are thinking of the last weekend in March. I’m not sure on which day we are going to visit the Tomioka Silk Mill, but we’ll leave on Saturday morning, stay overnight in the Kusatsu Spa area, and come back by Sunday night. Dad will drive. Jenny: Sounds like fun! Here, I’ve found the website for the Tomioka Silk Mill. Let’s check the visitor information. TOMIOKA SILK MILL Visitor Information Open daily except 29, 30, 31 December Opening hours: 9:00 – 17:00 (Tickets cannot be bought after 16:30) Admission Prices Adults 500 (400) yen High School / University Students 250 (200) yen Elementary and Junior High School Students 〈free of charge for students who live or study in the city〉 150 (100) yen ・( ) show prices for those in groups of 20 or more ・Preschool children and persons with disabilities are admitted free of charge. Guided Tours ・Free tours led by volunteer guides. In Japanese only. ・Available every day at: 9:30*, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 15:30**, 16:00** * April to November only ** April to September only Multimedia Guides ・Multimedia guides are available in English, French, Korean and Chinese. ・Rental fee: 200 yen (per person) Parking ・There is no parking at the Mill. Please use public parking. ・There are two public car parks near the Mill. ― 10 ― 1.What time does the Mill close every day? : 2.How much will Ayako’s group need in total to enter the Mill? yen. 3.What time will the last guided tour of the Mill start when they visit there? : 4.How much will they need if Ayako’s family join the guided tour and Jenny has a multimedia guide? あ.200 yen い.500 yen う.800 yen え.1,000 yen 5.How will they get to the Mill? あ.They have to take a train to the nearest station and walk to the Mill. い.They have to walk from a public car park near the Mill. う.They have to park their car in the parking at the Mill. え.They have to park their car on the street near the Mill and walk. 6.A group of 25 elementary school students from Tomioka City will visit the Mill on the same weekend. Which is true about their visit? あ.They have to buy their tickets before 16:30. い.They don’t have to pay to enter the Mill. う.They can get a multimedia guide in Japanese. え.They can enjoy playing in the park near the Mill. [B] 次の対話を読んで、設問に答えなさい。 Jenny: Oh, I can’t wait! I’ve been looking forward to visiting a World Heritage Site in Japan. Ayako: I don’t know much about them. I know Shiretoko and Fujisan are two of them. How many World Heritage Sites are there in Japan? Jenny: I’m just looking it up on the Internet. Here it is. There are 18 in Japan now. The Tomioka Silk Mill, ① ( choose ) in 2014, is the most recent. Shiretoko is a Natural World Heritage Site, and Fujisan is a Cultural World Heritage Site. Ayako: What do you mean? Do you mean there are two types of World Heritage Sites? Jenny: That’s right. Look at this page. It says that UNESCO decides which place will become World Heritage Sites. There are 10 selection *criteria. To become a World Heritage Site, the place must meet at least one of them. Of the 10 criteria, 6 are about culture and 4 are about nature. ― 11 ― And if a site meets both the cultural and natural criteria, it can become a site called a ‘Mixed World Heritage Site.’ Ayako: Oh, I didn’t know that. But both Shiretoko and Fujisan are famous for their beautiful nature. One of them is a Natural World Heritage Site and ② ( ) is not. Don’t you think it’s strange? Jenny: Yeah, but we can find out ③ why, if you are interested. Ayako: Yeah, I’d like to know. Oh, that reminds me I saw on the news that Washoku , Japanese food, also became a World Heritage last year. Jenny: Yeah, I know, but it’s not a World Heritage. Actually, it’s in a different *category. It is called an ‘ ④ Intangible Cultural Heritage.’ You know, Washoku is not just about sushi or tempura, for example, but the idea of Japanese food itself ― the healthy eating styles and habits of the Japanese. Ayako: I see. Now, I’m much more interested in World Heritage. 注: *criteria 規準 *category 種類、分類 1.下線部① ( choose ) の単語を適切な形に書き換えなさい。 2.下線部② ( ) に適切な語句を入れなさい。(1 語とは限らない。 ) 3.下線部③ why に含まれている内容としてあてはまるものを次の中から 1 つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 あ.なぜ知床と富士山が世界遺産に選ばれたのか。 い.なぜ知床が自然遺産ではなく、文化遺産なのか。 う.なぜ富士山が知床とは違い、自然遺産ではないのか。 え.なぜ富士山と知床が世界遺産から外されそうになったのか。 4.下線部④ Intangible について、以下の英文の下線部にあてはまるものを次の中から 1 つ選び、記号で答 えなさい。 An intangible thing is . あ.something that cannot be touched い.something that is not made by humans う.something that is in danger of dying out え.something that was once lost and recovered 5.次の問いに算用数字で答えなさい。 How many different types of World Heritage are there? ― 12 ― Ⅴ 次の C と D の関係が、A と B の関係と同じになるよう、下線部に適切な語を入れなさい。 A B 1. tooth teeth leaf 2. buy by sun 3. free busy same 4. sing song live Ⅵ 次の ( 1.( C D ) に入る最も適切な語句を選び、記号で答えなさい。 ) I couldn’t speak French well, I had a very good time in France last year. あ.But い.If 2.I want to know when this school was ( あ.build い.building 3.Must you leave now? ― No, I ( あ.don’t have to う.When え.Though う.to build え.built う.need to え.may not ). ). い.must not 4.I broke my umbrella this morning, so I will buy another ( あ.it い.one ). う.that 5.Mother will be angry soon, because I haven’t washed the dishes ( あ.still 6.Thank you for ( あ.invite い.already う.yet え.thing ). え.then ) me to your house yesterday. い.invites う.inviting ― 13 ― え.invited Ⅶ 日本文の意味になるように、[ ] 内の語句を並べ替えるとき、[ ] 内で 3 番目と 6 番目にくるもの を記号で答えなさい。ただし、文頭にくる語も小文字になっています。 1.手を洗わずに、クッキーを食べてはいけません。 [ あ.eat い.wash う.before え.the cookies お.don’t か.you き.your hands ]. 2.ケーキを焼けるほどの卵の数がなかった。 We [ あ.bake い.eggs う.a cake え.to お.enough か.have き.didn’t ]. 3.私たちがここへ越してきてからもう 3 年になりました。 [ あ.since い.three う.passed え.moved お.we か.have き.years ] here. 4.彼女の名前を教えてもらえますか。 [ あ.is い.you う.name え.me お.her か.what き.tell く.can ]? Ⅷ 4 つの文のうち、文法的に正しいものをそれぞれ 1 つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 1.あ.Did you enjoy to ski with your family last week? い.You must finish your homework till Friday. う.Is this the train that goes to Aomori? え.We will have a picnic if it will be fine on Sunday. 2.あ.I am going to the party tomorrow. い.I was so surprising when I heard the news. う.Which do you like better, chocolate and ice cream? え.Many people are spoken English in the world. 3.あ.My teacher wanted me open the window. い.Do you know how to play the flute? う.I am easy to write a letter in English. え.Would you like to eat hot something? 4.あ.The boys were watched a baseball game last night. い.Hurry up, and you will be late for school. う.I have two brothers which are doctors. え.Who is that girl standing by the door? ― 14 ― Ⅸ 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、( ) 内に入る最も適切な語を答えなさい。 1.I have never visited Okinawa before. This will be the ( )( ) for me to visit Okinawa. 2.December 1st is my birthday. I( )( ) on December 1st. 3.No other girl in this school is as tall as Amy. Amy is the ( )( ) all the girls in this school. Ⅹ 指示に従って、英語で書きなさい。 あなたが、今までにもらったものの中で嬉しかったものを 1 つ挙げ、 ① 誰に、いつ、何をもらったか。 ② なぜそれが嬉しかったか。 について、それぞれ 1 文の英語で説明しなさい。 ― 15 ―
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