サマープログラム免除申請書2015 - K. International School Tokyo

K. International School Tokyo
1-5-15 Shirakawa, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan 135-0021
Tel: 03-3642-9993 (English); 03-3642-9992 (Japanese) / Fax: 03-3642-9994
E-mail: [email protected] / Web: www.kist.ed.jp
KIST Summer Program 2015 – Application for Exemption
This year’s Summer Academic Programs will be held on the following dates:
 Session 1 – June 14th – June 26th
o New G3 – G6 English Support
o New G3 – G6 Math Support
 Session 2 – July 27th – August 7th
o New K1 – G1 English & Math Program
o New G2 – G5 English Support
o New G2 – G5 Math Support
o New G6 – G9 English Support
o New G6 – G9 Math Support
o New G10 – G12 Math Support
Who must apply for Application for Exemption?
The following students must apply for an exemption if they are unable to attend the summer program:
 Students who have received a ‘Compulsory Attendance’ letter.
 Students who received a compulsory attendance condition at the time of initial enrollment to KIST.
Although participation is compulsory for the above students, exemptions may be granted under certain
 English Program: Exemptions may be granted if students have real opportunities to practice English
during the summer vacation such as attending another intensive language program or visiting an
English-speaking country.
 Math Program: Exemptions may be granted if students attend another intensive math program or are
receiving frequent intensive private tutoring.
 Applications for exemption must be submitted to the office by the due date as shown on the separate
application form. Applications received after the due date will not be considered.
 After receiving an application, it will be reviewed by the KIST administration and English language support
staff. A decision will be sent by e-mail within a week to your school parent e-mail account.
 Students must have real opportunities to practice English in all areas of reading, writing, listening and
speaking in order for an exemption to be granted.
 For students planning to attend an intensive language program or another summer school, documentary
evidence of acceptance to such programs must be attached to your application.
 For students planning to travel to an English-speaking country, copies of boarding passes for the flight as
well as a reading log must be submitted to the Main Office upon return to school.
KIST 2015 サマープログラム – 免除申請書
 セッション 1 – 6 月 14 日 – 6 月 26 日
o 新 G3 – G6 英語サポート
o 新 G3 – G6 算数サポート
 セッション 2 – 7 月 27 日– 8 月 7 日
o 新 K1 – G1 英語&算数プログラム
o 新 G2 – G5 英語サポート
o 新 G2 – G5 算数サポート
o 新 G6 – G9 英語サポート
o 新 G6 – G9 数学サポート
o 新 G10 – G12 数学サポート
 「参加必須」 ‘Compulsory Attendance’ の通知を受けたもの
 KIST への入学時に必須参加条件を受けたもの
 英語プログラム: 夏休み中に生徒が別の集中英語プログラムへの参加又は英語圏への旅行など、生きた
 算数・数学プログラム: 別の算数・数学プログラムへの参加又は高い頻度で集中的に数学の家庭教師を受
 免除の申請は別紙申請書の期限までにオフィスに提出する。期限までに提出されなかった申請は検討されな
 申請が受理された後、KIST アドミニ及び英語サポートスタッフによって可否が協議され、決定を KIST 保護者ア
 免除が認められるためには、生徒は英語のすべての分野;リーディング、ライティング、リスニング、スピーキング
 集中英語プログラムまたは他校のサマースクールに参加する場合はプログラム参加を証明する文書を免除申
 英語圏への旅行を計画する生徒は帰国後にメインオフィスに航空券のコピー及び読書記録(reading log)を提
KIST Summer Program 2015 – Application for Exemption from the English Program
KIST 2015 英語サマープログラム免除申請書
Student’s name 生徒名:
Class クラス:
If you wish to apply for an exemption from the Summer Program, please complete this form in English only
and submit it to the main office by Friday May 1st, 2015. Applications received after this date will not be
サマープログラムの免除を希望される方は本申請書を英語で記入し、2015 年 5 月 1 日(金)までにメインオフィスに
★Please indicate the reason for your exemption application. 免除申請理由をご記入ください
★Please describe the kind of English environment your child will be engaged in during the period of
exemption. 免除期間中にお子様がおかれる英語環境についてご記入ください。
★Please outline how you will provide opportunities for your child to use English in each of the four
skill areas (reading, writing, listening and speaking) during the period of exemption.
免除期間中どのようにお子様が英語の 4 技能(リーディング、ライティング、リスニング、スピーキング)に触れる機
★Please indicate the number of weeks or days your child will be living in an English-speaking
environment or engaged in an English language intensive program.
Number of weeks 週:
OR または Number of days 日数:
★Office 365 parent e-mail address:
Office 365 の保護者メールアカウント:
By submitting this form I certify that I have read, understood and agree to comply with the above conditions.
Parent/Guardian’s signature 保護者署名:
Date 日付:
(e.g. Jan./1/2015)
School use only
Not approved
Decision by
KIST Summer Program 2015 – Application for Exemption from the Math Program
KIST 2015 算数・数学サマープログラム免除申請書
Student’s name 生徒名:
Class クラス:
If you wish to apply for an exemption from the Summer Program, please complete this form in English only
and submit it to the main office by Friday May 1st, 2015. Applications received after this date will not be
サマープログラムの免除を希望される方は本申請書を英語で記入し、2015 年 5 月 1 日(金)までにメインオフィスに
★Please indicate the reason for your exemption application. 免除申請理由をご記入ください
★Please describe the kind of additional math support your child will receive during the period of
exemption. 免除期間中にお子様が受けられる追加算数・数学サポートについてご記入ください。
★Please indicate the number of weeks or days your child will receiving math support.
Number of weeks 週:
OR または Number of days 日数:
★Office 365 parent e-mail address:
[email protected]
Office 365 の保護者メールアカウント
By submitting this form I certify that I have read, understood and agree to comply with the above conditions.
Parent/Guardian’s signature 保護者署名:
Date 日付:
(e.g. Jan./1/2015)
School use only
Not approved
Decision by