2015年度 英 語 最初に、以下の注意事項をよく読んで下さい。 1.問題用紙は監督者の指示があるまでは開かないで下さい。 2.監督者の指示により、最初に解答用紙に受験番号・氏名を記入し、さらに 問題用紙にも受験番号・氏名を記入して下さい。 3.試験開始1分後に、リスニングテストが始まります。 4.試験問題の内容に関する質問には応じません。それ以外の用事があるとき は、手をあげて下さい。 5.受験中気分が悪くなったときは、監督者に申し出て下さい。 6.問題および解答用紙は持ち帰らないで下さい。 氏 名 受 験 番 号 HE 2月12日 Ⅰ. Part 1 これから放送される対話を聞き、その最後の文に対する応答として最も適切な ものを放送される 1 から4の中から1つ選び、その番号を書きなさい。対話文と 応答は2度放送されます。放送中メモを取ってもかまいません。 A. B. C. ─ 1 ─ HE 2月12日 Part 2 これから放送される対話を聞き、後の質問に対する正しい答えを下からそれぞ れ1つ選び、その番号を書きなさい。対話文と質問は2度放送されます。放送中 メモを取ってもかまいません。 D. 1.a computer 2.a bike 3.a bike and a computer 4.an iPad and a bike E. 1.Mary’s iPad 2.Mary’s bike 3.Mary’s computer 4.Mary’s sister’s iPad F. 1.because an iPad is easier to use 2.because an iPad is enough 3.because a computer will be too hard for his daughter to use 4.because he doesn’t need to use a computer ─ 2 ─ HE 2月12日 Ⅱ. 次の英文を読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。ただし、*のついた語句には、最 後に〔注〕があります。 Did you know that students don’t have to take university *entrance exams in Ireland? Actually, there are many things about Ireland that may surprise you. ( ① ), the debutant ball, transition year, the points race, and three months summer holidays. A big event for students in the final school year of school is “the debutante ball,” or “the debs.” In this case “ball” means a formal party. A “debutante” is a young lady who is going to a formal party for the first time. It’s *similar to ② the “coming of age” party that Japanese people have when they are 20 years old. Usually( ③ )The girl wears a party dress and the boy has to wear a jacket and tie. The students eat dinner together and then dance all night. It’s really fun and they really look forward to it. Of course, students in Ireland have to study as hard as students in Japan, but the education system is a little different. Students in Ireland usually( ④ )five or six years in *secondary school. After the first( ⑤ )years of secondary school, they take an exam. Almost all students then go to the fourth year of secondary school. Fourth year is called ⑥ transition year and there are no exams. In transition year, students study about different subjects, such as computers, design, business and cooking. In this year they also have work and travel experience. A lot of students, teachers and parents like transition year, because it is a good chance for fifteen-years-olds to take a break from studying for exams and learn more about the world. They can also learn important skills which are necessary for their future job. However, transition year is *optional, so students can choose to skip it. Seventy-five percent of secondary schools in Ireland now have a transition year and in 2013, sixty-four percent of students in those schools chose to do it. The other thirty-six percent of students chose to go straight from third year to fifth year. ─ 3 ─ HE 2月12日 Sixth year students in secondary school have to study as hard as final year students in Japan. It is difficult to enter university in Ireland, so many students study very hard to get in. However, there are no entrance exams. Points are received from final year exams at secondary school and these points ⑦ use to enter a university. You must have many points to study some subjects in university, for example, *medicine and law. We call this “the points race” because students have to try to get as many points as they can. Although students study hard in Ireland, they also get long holidays. Lessons usually finish at the end of May or early June and don’t start again until late August or early September. That’s three months with no lessons and no club activities. ( ⑧ )this time people usually take long vacations with their families in Ireland or other countries. They also play with their family and friends in gardens and in parks. Some young people take part in community games. These are( ⑨ ) school club activities. They played only sports before, but recently, the community games have become a festival of events. Now, young people can take part in art, music and dance competitions, too. Because they have long holidays and fewer exams, maybe people in Ireland enjoy a( ⑩ )pace of life than in many other countries. In fact, a *UNICEF report says Ireland is among the top 10 countries with the happiest children. ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ 〔注〕 *entrance exam: 入学試験 *similar: よく似た *secondary school : 中等学校(小学校を卒業した 11〜16 歳 (または 18 歳) までの生徒 が通う学校) *optional: 自由選択の *medicine and law: 医学と法学 *UNICEF: ユニセフ、国連児童基金 ─ 4 ─ HE 2月12日 A. ( ① )に入る最も適切な語句を下から選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.At first 2.At least 3.Of course 4.For example B.筆者は下線部②を日本の何に相当すると言っているか。漢字3文字で書きなさい。 C. ( ③ )に入る最も適切なものを下から選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.a girl is told by a boy not to go to “the debs.” 2.a girl goes to “the debs” with her parents. 3.a boy doesn’t like to go to “the debs.” 4.a boy asks a girl to go with him to “the debs.” D. ( ④ )に入る最も適切な語を下から選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.spend 2.live 3.leave 4.use E. ( ⑤ )に入る数をアルファベットで書きなさい。 F.下線部⑥が好まれる理由として不適切なものを下から選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.試験を受けなくて良いから。 2.通学の必要がないから。 3.多様な科目を学べるから。 4.将来の役に立つから。 G.下線部⑦を最も適切な形に変えなさい。ただし、1 語とは限らない。 H. ( ⑧ )に入る最も適切な語を下から選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.For 2.While 3.Among 4.During I. ( ⑨ )に入る最も適切な語句を下から選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.the same as 2.different from 3.present at 4.absent from ─ 5 ─ HE 2月12日 J. ( ⑩ )に入る最も適切な語句を下から選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.faster 2.slower 3.busier 4.more natural K.次の本文中の語の下線部はアクセントの位置を示している。それが間違っている 語の番号を書きなさい。 1.different 2.important 3.experience 4.activity L.本文の内容に合うように、次の各英文を完成させるとき、最も適切な英語を下か ら選び、その番号を書きなさい。 a.In Ireland, there are 1.no entrance exams, so it is easy to enter a university. 2.no entrance exams, but it is not easy to enter a university. 3.hard entrance exams, so students have to study hard. 4.easy entrance exams, but students don’t have to study hard. b.The report says that 1.Irish children have long holidays. 2.Irish students don’t have to take many exams. 3.Irish children feel happier than those in many other countries. 4.Irish students have to study hard to enter a university. ─ 6 ─ HE 2月12日 M.本文の内容と一致するものを下から2つ選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.The debutant ball is held all night and is enjoyed by young people in Ireland. 2.The debutant ball is played by young boys in a baseball park in Ireland. 3.In the fourth year of Irish secondary schools, students can learn some subjects that they don’t usually learn. 4.In the fourth year of Irish secondary schools, students are busy with exams. 5.In Ireland, all the records of secondary schools are important to enter a university. 6.In Irish schools, they get long vacations to study hard. 7.In Ireland, students like playing sports better than studying. 8.In Ireland, the community games are held only for people who like sports. ─ 7 ─ HE 2月12日 Ⅲ. 次の会話文を読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。 Mr. Glenn : When you write something in English, your writing should be powerful. But how can your writing be powerful? I would like to think about this with you today. First, you need to write your main idea, or the main thing you want to say. Second, you have to support it with some good examples. When most of your readers think your examples are true, then you have powerful examples. Yumi : Hmm... It doesn’t sound easy. Mr. Glenn : あ I think you’ve seen some good examples on TV. Have you ever watched shopping channels on TV? Yumi : Yes, several times. Mr. Glenn : They do the same things as writers do. Yumi : い Mr. Glenn : Well, if you want to know something, you should think about it yourself. First, what is the goal of such a program? Kenji : You want to sell something to people watching TV. Mr. Glenn : That’s right. The main idea of such a TV program is very simple. “This product is so good that everybody wants to buy one.” But how do you tell that to your viewers? How can the viewers believe your product is so good? Kenji : Well. . . you usually try using an actual product. When you want to sell a car shampoo, for example, you will actually use it. Ah, I think (ア)I am understanding what you mean... So when you show how to use a product on TV, you are trying to show some examples. Mr. Glenn : う So, how will you show that your shampoo is good for many car users? Kenji : Well, I’ll clean a dirty car with the shampoo, and say, “Wow! え ” Mr. Glenn : But many viewers may not believe you. They may think you are just ─ 8 ─ HE 2月12日 ①( l ) . Kenji : Well, I may want to have some people around me. I want them to say something like “Wow! It looks like a( イ )car!” when I have finished washing the car. Not only I but also all the other people around me should give the same message. Mr. Glenn : That is the power of giving examples. A lot of viewers will want to buy the shampoo. But shopping channels may ②( l )to you, and some writers too. Shampoos on shopping channels can be bad products, but your writing should never ②( l )to its readers. A. あ 〜 え に入る最も適切なものを選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.You can say that again. 2.What do you mean by that? 3.It sounds too easy. 4.It’s not so difficult. 5.That is the power of writings. 6.Good job, Kenji! 7.This car shampoo is the best I’ve ever used. 8.I’ve never used this shampoo! B.下線部 (ア)の意味として最も適切なものを選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.あなたが何を言いたいのかがわかってきた 2.あなたが何を言いたいのかはわかっている 3.あなたが何を言いたいのかがはっきりとはわからない 4.あなたが何を言いたいのかを理解しようとしているところだ ─ 9 ─ HE 2月12日 C.①( l )と ②( l )には “ l ” という文字で始まる同じ単語が入る。その単語 を必要があれば変化させて、空所①〜②に入る最も適切な語形を書きなさい。 D. ( イ )に入る適切な単語を書きなさい。 E.英語ライティングとテレビショッピングの類似点をまとめた以下の表の空所に当 てはまる適切な表現を 12 字以内の日本語で書きなさい。 英語ライティング テレビショッピング 自分の最も言いたいことを読者に 伝える 商品が( )に 伝える 上記の事柄を良い例で説明する ─ 10 ─ HE 2月12日 後の問いに答えなさい。 Ⅳ. A.次の2文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に入る最も適切な語を書きなさい。 1.He drives carefully. = He is a( ) ( ). 2.What language is spoken in your country? = What language( )you( )in your country? 3.Shall we go to church this coming Sunday? = How( ) ( )to church this coming Sunday? 4.I have a friend living in Australia. = I have a friend( ) ( )in Australia. 5.John is twenty years old, and Jack is forty. = Jack is forty years old and( ) ( )old as John is. B.次の文中の( )に入る共通の語を書きなさい。 1.I have nothing to write( ). Will you help me( )my homework? 2.This is the book I’ve been looking( ). It will be good( )him to study in Korea. C.次の英文のうちで正しいものを2つ選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.I have a lot of thing to do right now. 2.Jack enjoys going skiing every winter. 3.Ken get up at six every morning. 4.Mike is the fastest runner than his class. 5.There are some cold water in the fridge. 6.I didn’t go out because I sick in bed. 7.John is very fond of visit famous places. 8.The man was too tired to work at night. ─ 11 ─ HE 2月12日 Ⅴ. 次の日本語を英語で書きなさい。下線が付されている場合は、下線部のみ訳せ ばよい。 1.誰がこの人形を作ったか知っていますか。 2.次に何をしたらよいか教えてください。 3.私はちょうど宿題を終えたところです。 4.あなたはアメリカにどのくらい滞在するつもりですか。 5. 「今日はウナギがいいな。」「ぼくはハンバーガー。」 Ⅵ. 「外国語を学ぶことは大切だ」という題で英語のスピーチをすることになりま した。あなたならどのような内容を話しますか。5文以上、合計 25 語以上を用 いた英語で書きなさい。 ─ 12 ─ HE 2月12日
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