青岛滨海学院精品课程 英语精品课程 孙敏副教授 精品课程 1 翻译的性质,标准及要求 2 翻译的过程 3 英汉文化对比分析 4 英汉语言对比分析 5 辨证施治 6 重在交际 7 慎与修辞 8 力戒“翻译体” www.themegallery.com 第三章 英汉语言对比分析 第一节 第二节 第三节 词与词序 句子 篇章 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 Part One 理论 英汉词汇比较 英语是拼音文字,汉语是表意文字;英语有屈 折变化,汉语没有屈折变化;英语词义比较灵 活多变,汉语词义相对稳定严谨。具体差异如 下: 目录 英语动词形态变化复杂,汉语动词无形态变化 从理论而言,英语动词有十六种时态,而汉语 动词除了“着““了”“过”等虚词可以与英 语进行时、完成时或过去时相比之外,别无其 他能与英语对应表示时体的方式。如: www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 He has been teaching English for 20 years. 汉语:他已教了20年的英语。 除此之外,英语可以通过固定的语法手段将动作 的进行过程与状况作更准确、更细致的描绘。有 时这种描绘还能融入作者或说话人的一种感情色 彩。而汉语动则无此语法手段。如:I am living in a very pleasant flat.(表示满意) 汉语:我现在住在一间非常舒适的公寓里。 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 英语词义灵活多变,汉语词义相对稳定严谨 如:The relief troops came at the eleventh hour. 援兵终于来到了。(这里eleventh 并不是“第 十一”之意,而是“最后”之意。) (1)A succulent desert cactus,… native to tropical and subtropical America. (专有名词) 译文:一种多汁沙漠仙人掌,……原产于美洲热 带、亚热带地区。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 (2)I have been to Edinburgh just for two days, and my brothers have followed in the train of my trip.(普通词 语) 译文:我到达爱丁堡刚刚两天,我的兄弟们就循 着我的行踪到来了。 (3)He…was prominent in the ragged schools movement. (普通词语+普通词语) 他在推动贫民免费学校运动中表现出色。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 3. 英汉词汇间的空缺 如果造成英汉词汇间的空缺,(1)可采用意译或 直译引进新的的表现法。如: e-mail 电子邮箱,internet 因特网, mobile phone 手机, Mars Exploration Rover 火星探索车,knowledge economy 知识经济 (2)根据相应的意义创造新词和新表现法。如: smog,由smoke+fog 缩合而成,译为“烟 雾),workaholic由work+aholic合成,译 为 “工作狂”。 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 4. 英汉两种语言的一词多义现象 英汉两种语言都有大量一词多译现象,需要审慎 辨之。词汇不是单独出现的,理解词汇不能离开 词汇出现的语境。判断词语在语篇中的词义,可 以从字、句、篇章等层面上逐步分析。 在理解单个词的层面上,可以通过查阅字典等工 具书来确定词义。在理解句子的层面上,可以通 过分析句子,句群的语法结构来判断词义。在理 解篇章的层面上,可以通过分析上下文逻辑关系、 篇章的整体效果来判断词义。如: www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 I saw him lying on the couch asleep. 我看见他躺在沙发是那个睡着了。 Failure lies in pride. 失败在于骄傲。 You are lying.你在撒谎。 5.英语习语的翻译方法 英语中存在大量的习语 (包括俗语,谚语、俚语 等)。经常采用的译法有: (1)套用汉语习语 Better say ‘here it is’ than ‘here it was’. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 (2) 直译 The bread of charity is bitter. 施舍的面包是苦的。 Walls have eras. 隔墙有耳。 Pour oil on the flame. 火上浇油 (3)意译 A stick is quickly found to beat a dog with. 欲加之罪,何患无辞? He is a man to eat no fish and play the game. 他忠诚老实又为人正直。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 (4)直意结合 Caution is the parent of safety. 谨慎为安全之本。 All asses wag their ears。 驴子爱摆耳朵,傻瓜爱装聪明 Every bird likes its own nest. 鸟爱其巢,人爱其家 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 二、英汉词类比较 英汉都又实词(Full Word)与虚词(Form Word)之 分,语法作用也大体相同,但是也有许多不同点。 英语有冠词(a, an, the ),而汉语没有。 英语冠词在汉译中常常作一下处理: (1) 因为不定冠词在可数名词前表示“一”的概念,常 译为“一”,如: He is a worker. 他是一名工人。 (2) 表示类别时,不定冠词不必译出,如: Don’t mistake an old goat for a preacher because of his beard. 老羊长长须,并非传教士。 (年高未必才高,不能只看外 表) www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 (3)在许多情况下,定冠词the 不必译出,如: The end does not justify the means. 即使目的正确,也不能不择手段。 (4) 当the 特指时,常常译成“这”或 “那”, “这些”或“那些”,如: The book on the table is very worth reading. 桌上的那本书值得一读。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 英语重形合,汉语重意合 因为英语重形合,因此连词使用很频繁,而汉语 重意合,所以很少用连词。英语连词汉译时往往 省略。如: Write to me when you have time. 有时间就给我写信。 They were so moved that tears came to their eyes. 他们激动得热泪盈眶。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 3.英语广泛使用介词,汉语少用介词 英语介词数量多,使用广泛,意义变化大;汉语介词比较 少,使用面较窄,意义比较稳定。 英语介词汉译时常可作一下处理。 (1)表示时间、的介词放在句子的前半部分时,可不译。 如: In 1987,he left his old mother alone for New York. 1987年,他撇下年迈的母亲到纽约去了。 但,如果表示时间的介词放在句子的后半部分,常译为 “在”或“于”。如: The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949. 中华人民共和国成立于1949年。 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 (2) 一些含有动词意味的介词,可转译为动词。如: Across the street, he went into the post and telecommunication office. 他穿过大街,走进邮局。 (3)与动词、形容词、名词等搭配的介词多属约定俗成 类,其意义区分比较严格,要根据其固定搭配正确理解和 翻译。如: The committee was doubtful of his qualifications. 委员会怀疑他的资格。 Mr. Peter was charged with cheating on the examination. 彼得先生被指控考试舞弊。 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 5. 英语多用代词;汉语少用代词 代词作为一种形态标记在英语中备受青睐,发挥着极其重 要的作用。相比之下,汉语则尽量使 名词,而慎用代词。汉译时有时可以省略不译,有时可译 成相应的名词。如: He covered his eyes with his hands. 他双手捂住 眼睛。(省略不译) 英语有关系代词,而汉语无关系代词。关系代词常常译成 “……的”。如: One should help those who are in difficulty. 应该帮助那些有困难的人。 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 6. 英语名词的几种翻译方法: (1)有些名词单数形式和复数形式意义不同。如: custom 习惯 customs 海关,关税 economy 节约 economies 节约措施 damage 赔偿 damages 赔偿费 ground 场地 grounds 理由 export 出口 ground 出口货物 (2) 对某些抽象名词采用具体化译法,有时需要增加“现 象”、“状况”、“情绪”等词。如: unemployment 事业现象 tension 紧张局势 arrogance 骄傲情绪 shortage 短缺情况 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 除此之外,译者在翻译的过程中还可以采取把英 语词义或词组从抽象引向具体,从一般引向特殊, 从概括引向局部,从“虚”引向“实”。如: Action and foresight will be needed as well as learning and reputation. 不但需要有博学德高的学者,而且需要有远见卓 识的实干家。(抽象转为具体) 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 In the mean time, charlatans are all too happy to exploit people’s ignorance by selling them “miracle” diets or products that are worthless and may even be dangerous. 同时,庸医们都轻而易举地利用人们的无知,向 人们推销“神奇的”饮料配方,以及一文不值甚 至对人们有害的“灵丹妙药”。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 (3)把某些具体名词抽象化 “I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman,” she said in 1588, “but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and a king of England too.” “我知道我长就了一副柔弱女子的身子,可我有一个 一国之君的心胸,而且还是英格兰的君王。” (具体名词抽象化) 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 (4) 复数名词的译法 英语名词有单复树之分,而汉语名词没有。在翻 译英语复数名词时译者可采用以下几种翻译方式: a. 在名词后加"们",如:ladies and gentle men 女士们,先生们 b. 重复名量词,如: Mountains ⇀座座大山,rivers ⇀ 一条条河 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 c. 加数词, 如: The lion is the king of the animals. 汉语:狮子是百兽之王。 d. 增加“一些”,“各种”等词,如: Steps have been taken, but without success. 尽管已经采取了一些措施,但毫无结果。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 (5)名词所有格译法 名词所有格不一定译成“的:字,如: a bird’s view 鸟瞰 St. Peter’s 圣彼得教堂 The barber’s 理发店 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 7. 英语动词的翻译 (1)英语动词有时态和语态的变化,而汉语动词 没有时态和语态的变化。从理论而言,英语动词 有十六种时态,而汉语动词除了 “着”“了”“过”等虚词可以与英语进行时、 完成时或过去时相比之外,别无其他能与英语对 应表示时体的方式。如: He has been teaching English for 20 years. 汉语:他已教了20年的英语。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 除此之外,英语可以通过固定的语法手段将动作 的进行过程与状况作更准确、更细致的描绘。有 时这种描绘还能融入作者或说话人的一种感情色 彩。而汉语动则无此语法手段。如:I am living in a very pleasant flat.(表示满意) 汉语:我现在住在一间非常舒适的公寓里。 因此,在翻译时态句时,译者要认真把握好原文 中的时态所表达的内涵,在汉译时准确增添相应 的表示时间的词或增加表示情感的词。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 (2)英语重被动;汉语重主动 被动语态是英语中一种常见的语法现象。英语中常用被动 句主要是从施事原因,句法要求,修辞考虑,文体的要求 的需要。英文中的科技文章,报刊文章和官方文章等正式 文体等常常使用被动句。英语中也存在意义被动句(如: This kind of shampoo sells well.),但远比结构被 动句少。汉语则常用意义被动句,少用结构被动句。这主 要是因为汉语被动式的使用受到意义和形式的限制,当不需 要或不可能说出施事者时,汉语可以采用无主句或主语省 略句来保持句子的主动形式。[4]除此之外,汉语还可 以采用通称或泛称作主语,以保持句子的主动形式,或采 用处置式,“为……所”或“是……的”。“加以/予以” 等转换形式来表示被动。如: 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 (1) The result of the invention of steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power. 汉语:蒸汽机发明的结果是,机械力代替了人力。(被动 句译成主动句) (2) The history was created by people. 汉语:历史是人民创造的。(汉译成 “是……的”) (3) He was forced by family circumstances to leave school at sixteen. 汉语:他为家境所迫,16岁便辍学了。(译成“为…… 所”) 实践 目录 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 (3)英语中非谓语动词短语的译法 英语中分词短语、动名词短语、动词不定式短语结构非常 多见,而汉语中没有这种形态,因此翻译时要利用汉语动 词形态变化少,而功能大的特点,重新安排句式。可讲英 语非谓语动词短语译成连动式、复合式等。如: The storm being over, we drove on. 暴风雨停了, 我们继续驱车前行。(并列句) His being late made the teacher very anger. 因为他来晚了,老师很生气。(偏正复合句) He got up early to catch the first bus. 为了赶上 头班车,他一大早就起来了。偏正复合句) 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 8. 英语倍数的表示与翻译 The GNP is four times as high as a decade ago. 现在的国民总产值是十年前的四倍。 The GDP is four times higher than a decade ago. 现在的国民总产值比十年前提高了四倍。 The rate of recovery from this disease is estimated to be as low as 20%. 据估计,这种病的康复率很低,只有20%。 Its tea export decreased by10% in 1990 compared with 1989. 1990年,它的茶叶出口量比1989年减少了10%。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 9.英语形容词、副词等比、优比、劣比情况的翻译 Only people as old as the Speaker of the House of Representative can safely so bet. 只有像众议院议长这样高龄的人,才有如此断言的把握。 (等比)(和……一样) Jim can swim twice as fast as Jack.吉姆的有用 速度比杰克快一倍。(优比)(比……更……) A divorce is less easy to obtain in Asia than in Europe. 在亚洲不如像在欧洲那样容易获准离婚。(劣比) (….. 不如……) 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 定语 英语单词作定语时,大都放在其所修饰的词之前,英汉 类同。短语作定语时,英语一般后置,而汉语前置。 (1) 英语前置,汉语也前置 two comfortable single beds 两张舒适的单 人床 Chinas first SMS (short message service website) 中国第一家短信网站 (2) 英语后置,汉语前置 a hotel with a few Chinese touches 地下活 动基地 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 (2) 状语 英语中状语的位置比较活,可以放在句前、句中或者句末, 而汉语中,状语往往放在其所修饰的动词之前。如: Please read it carefully !(句末) 汉译:请仔细阅读此文/句,说明!(动词之前) 但也有例外,如: They did not want him, let alone his encyclopedias. 他们连他都不需要,更别说他的那几本百科全书了。 (英汉位置相同) 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.1 词与词序 ——实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 www.themegallery.com 3.1.2 词与词序 Part two 翻译实践练习 1、Father’s attitude toward anybody who wasn’t his kind used to puzzle. It was so dictatorial. There was no live and let live about it. 从前,我总不懂父亲为什幺对那些脾气跟他不一样的人采 取那么个态度。那么专制!一点儿“你好我好”也没有。 2、Hardly a day passes without him getting scratched or bruised as he scrambles for a place on a bus. 他挤公共汽车,身上不是这里擦破,就是那里碰伤,几乎 天天如此。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.2 词与词序 3、---What’s twice two? 二二得几呀? -------Why, a child can answer that. 还用问吗?连小孩子都知道。 4.American President Eisenhower was not so bold as General Eisenhower. 艾森豪威尔当总统的时候可没有他当将军的时候 果断。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.2 词与词序 5.If you go there, it must be understood that you do so at your own risk. 话得说明白,你要是去的话,自己负责。 6、You can always tell the somebodies from the nobodies at a cocktail party. The somebodies come late. 在鸡尾酒会上人们常常可以看出大人物与无名小 卒来。那些迟到的是大人物。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.2 词与词序 7、I have let the cat out of the bag already, Mr. Cornhel, and I might as well tell the whole thing now. 既然我已经泄露了秘密,科塞先生,现在不妨把 全部情况告诉我吧。 8、It used to be said that English people take their pleasure sadly. 以前人们常说,英国人享乐时也郁郁寡欢。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.2 词与词序 9、The limited gain could hardly serve as a relieving justification for the tremendous cost the federal government had paid so far. 联邦政府迄今已付出巨大代价,但所得有限,实 难心安理得。 10、Because of objections, the engineering project was shelved temporarily. 由于他的反对,这项工程只好暂时搁置。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.2 词与词序 11、By the time the trial began on July 10, our town of 1,500 people had taken on a circus atmosphere. 7月10日审判开始时,我们这个仅有1500人的小镇像杂 技场一样热闹、喧嚣起来。 12、Indeed, this nation’s best-loved author was every bit as adventurous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined. 的确,这位在位在该国最受欢迎的作家的探索精神、爱国 热情、浪漫风格及幽默感丝毫不亚于人们的想象。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.2 词与词序 13、After five months of winter, we are desperate for some kinder weather and a chance to enjoy life out of doors. 经历五个月的严冬,我们渴望天气暖和起来,从而有机会 享受户外生活。 14、Just days after the birth of calves from an adult cow, Japanese scientists said that calves cloned from cells from adults’ ears and buttocks could be on the way. 由成年母牛克隆的小牛犊刚刚出生几天之后,日本科学家 说,从成年母牛的耳朵或臀部细胞克隆牛犊的实验也将展 开。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.2 词与词序 15、We crept silently and nervously like prowling cats, making our way towards the entrance. 我们像只扑食的猫,屏住呼吸,紧张地向着入口 处移动脚步。 16、Most people are a mix of optimism and pessimism, but are inclined in one direction or the other. 在多数人身上,乐观主义和悲观主义兼而有之; 但是倾向于其中之一。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.2 词与词序 17、Deeply concealed as it is in ordinary times, a latent dependence reveals itself when the time of one’s being left alone lengthens considerably. 分别得越久,平常潜藏在内心深处的那份依恋暴露得越充 分。 18、The treaty provides for freedom of movement, equality before the law, presumption of innocence, freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and participation in public affairs and elections. 条约规定了迁徙自由权,法律面前的平等权,无罪推定权, 良心和宗教自由权,言论、和平集会、参与公共事务和选 举的自由权。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.1.2 词与词序 19、Each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, each absorbs New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company. 每个人都带着初恋的激情拥抱纽约,每个人都是 以冒险家的新奇眼光吸纳纽约,每个人所发出的 光和热都足以使爱迪生联合电气公司相形见拙。 www.themegallery.com 3.1.2 词与词序 20、They found that the kind of stress most likely to invite a cold is ongoing (lasting a month or more) and involves conflict with colleagues, family or friends. 他们发现,长时间处在压力之下(1个月或更长), 最容易诱发感冒,并使人与同事、家人或朋友之 间产生矛盾。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.2.1 句子 Part One 理论 英汉句子的特点 (1)英语重形合,汉语重意合 英语国家沿袭了古希腊人严格而规范的语词系统。古希腊 人认为,语词系统与思维系统是相一致的,要表达一个清 晰合理的思想离不开清晰合理的词形和句法。而在一个毫 无条理的陈述结构中,思想肯定也是杂乱无章的,而杂乱 无章的思想是毫无意义的。英语形合的特征正是在这样一 个背景下产生的。与之相反,中国人看重直觉,强调意念 流,只要能够达意,词的形式是无关紧要的,词语之间的 关系常在不言中,语法意义和逻辑关系常隐藏在字里行间。 如: www.themegallery.com 3.2.1 句子 Even if the monk can run away, his temple cannot run with him. 跑了和尚,跑不了庙。 Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 www.themegallery.com 3.2.1 句子 英语句子“多随举随释”枝杈蔓生,呈树状结构,分叉处 有介词,关系代词连接。而汉语按时间顺序或逻辑顺序逐 层展开,节节延伸,犹如竹子。英语的词组与词组、句子 与句子之间结构关系和逻辑联系必须交代的十分清楚。英 语的关系词(包括介词、关系代词、关系副词、连接词 等—)十分丰富,英语正式靠这些关系词的过渡和连接, 从形态上来维系句内和句间的某些成分),主干上枝蔓横 生;句子成分随时可以加以修饰,而修饰语的某一成分又 可以被别的成分修饰。汉语句子结构成竹状,逐节(短语 或小句)展开。汉语的句子可以在同一施事或主题语之下 按逻辑顺序铺陈,虽然小句间有逗号隔开,但语句的联系 仍是紧密的。这样,汉译时经常由英语的树状转化为汉语 的竹节状。 如: www.themegallery.com 3.2.1 句子 The boy, who was crying as if his heart would break, said, when I spoke to him, that he was very hungry because he had Had no food for two days. 汉语: 男孩哭得心都要碎了,当我问及他时,他说饿极了, 有两天没吃东西了。 从上例可以看出,英语十分注重句子的形式和结构的完整, 上面英语句子主干是“the boy said,” 但却节外生枝, 由“who, as if, when, that, because 等多个连接 词连出5个句子,形成一个空间架构,犹如“枝繁叶茂的 参天大树”,呈树状。而汉语则节节展开,言简意赅,语 义连贯,结构紧凑,呈竹状。 www.themegallery.com 3.2.1 句子 (2)英语多复合长句;汉语多简单短句 由于英语重形合,加之各种的替代词与关系词的广泛运用, 导致英语较多出现“多枝共干”式的长句、复合句。而汉 语则多短句、简单句。如: As we lived near the road, we often had the traveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine, for which we had great reputation, and I confess, with the veracity of an historian, that I never knew one of them to find fault with it. 汉语:我们就住在路边。过路人或外乡人常到我们家,尝尝 我们家酿的酸果。这种酒很有名气。我敢说,尝过的人从 未挑剔过。我这话像史学家的话一样靠得住。 www.themegallery.com 3.2.1 句子 上述英语句子由一个主句“we often had the traveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine,” (主干)和三个主从 复合句 (枝干)(分别由“as”“ for which”和 “that”引导)、一个并列句(由and引导)组成, 形成了自然而又条理清晰的复合长句。译成汉语 时,形成了5个自成一体的句子。在翻译的过程中 如果遇到一些特别长,特别复杂的句子时,译者 可以先找出句子的主干,梳理其结构,缕清逻辑 关系,然后化长为短,译成符合汉语表达习惯的 短句。 www.themegallery.com 3.2.1 句子 英汉句式转换的方法 (1)英语单句结构转换为汉语复句结构: Written language comes after spoken language. 先有口语,后有笔语。(汉语为联合复句) He didn’t drop out of school despite his poverty-stricken family. 尽管他家境贫寒,但他没有辍学。(汉语为偏正复句) (2)英语复合句结构转换成汉语简单句结构 The policeman came to the criminal, who was more dead than alive. 那警察走到半死不活的犯人面前。 www.themegallery.com 3.2.1 句子 It was four o’clock and he had a cup of coffee in the Black & White. 4点钟他在黑白咖啡屋喝了一杯咖啡。 (3)英语主从复合句结构转换成汉语联合复句结构 He said no word to his wife as she passed with a plate. 他妻子拿了格盘子走过去,他连一句话也没跟她说。 4. 英语并列复合句转换成汉语偏正复合句 Old John stood there speechless, for hews burning with anger. 老约翰一声不坑地站在那里,(因为)他正怒火中烧呢。 www.themegallery.com 3.2.1 句子 5. 英语被动结构转换成汉语主动结构 Semi-finals of the “Mr. America” contest were held last Sunday. 上星期日举行了“美国先生“半决赛。 3. 英语长句结构的转换 在动笔翻译之前,先要做到三点: – 弄清语法关系 – 区分主从意思 – 确定表达顺序 如: www.themegallery.com 3.2.1 句子 It was decided that (the former Italian colonies) should remain under British military urle for the time being, and that the four powers could not agree within a year as to their disposition, the matter would be referred to the United Nations General Assembly. 首先,理清语法关系。这是一个主从复合句,其树形结构 图大致如下: 主句 |主语从句(1) It was decided |that they should…|if the four… 主句从句(2) the matter… that www.themegallery.com 3.2.1 句子 其次把握各层意思之间的关系。这个句子的重心不在主句 上,而在两个主句从句上。另外,从形式上看,两个主句 从句式并列的,但从意义上看,第二个主语从句建立在第 一个主语从句的基础上,要弄清后者,必须先弄清前者。 再次,决定表达顺序,即先译什么,后译什么。既然第一 个从句式第二个从句的基础,理当先译第一个主语从句。 第二个主语从句本身又包含了一个条件状语从句,从逻辑 上看,这个条件在前,结果在后的主从复合句,恰好复合 汉语的表达习惯,翻译时可顺其自然. 经决定,这些前意大利殖民地暂时仍处于英国军事统治之 下,如果四大国在一年内对它们的处理办法不能取得一直 意见,这个问题将提交联合国大会。 www.themegallery.com 3.2.1 句子 请试译下列各句: 1、In developing countries, funding for education has been low, average 5.2% of the tital budget, though in some countries it is around 26%. 发展钟国家的教育经费一直少,平均占国家总预算的 5.2&,而有些国家则占到了26%。 2、The book has risen quickly to the top of the bestseller list, from which his commission is, for him, astronomical, though the author is not yet at the peak of his career. 该书很快跃为畅销书榜首,他因此获得了一笔对他来说是 天文数字的酬金,尽管该书的作者尚未达到其事业的顶峰。 www.themegallery.com 3.2.1 句子 3、So I was there (at a cocktail party, trapped in a crowed room, people milling all around me, each with a drink in hand, chitchatting while the waiters skillfully negotiated their way through the bustle with trays of colorful beverages and fancy hors d’oeuvres. 这样,我便来到鸡尾酒会上。我被困在一个拥挤的房间里, 人们手里拿着酒,在我四周走来走去,交谈者;招待员手 里举着放有五颜六色的饮品和美味小吃的托盘,灵巧地穿 梭在熙熙攘攘的人群中。 www.themegallery.com 3.2.2 句子实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 www.themegallery.com 3.2.2 句子 Part Two 翻译实践练习 1.A few of the pictures are worth mentioning both for their technical excellence and interesting content. 其中有几张照片技术高超,内容有趣,值得一提。 2.The Panamanian leader publicly insinuated that he possessed compromising information about Mr. Bush that was liable to harm his bid for the White House. 这位巴拿马领导人公开暗示,他掌握着布什先生的材料。 这些材料公开出来会危及布什为入住白宫而进行的竞选。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.2.2 句子 3、I assimilated many skills and values that summer, but I will mention just one more: I remember objecting to having an election bumper sticker placed on my car. 那年夏天,我学到的技能,懂得的道理不胜枚举。不过,我只想再 说一件事。记得当时我反对把大幅竞选宣传品贴在我的车上。 4、There is a flurry of hotels construction in metropolitan Manila, unmatched since 1976, when seven new hotels opened to coincide with the annual IMF World Bank meetings held there. 大马尼拉市刮起了一股兴建宾馆之风,这种情况在1976年以来还是 首现。1976年,马尼拉曾有七家宾馆落成开张,迎来了国际货币基 金组织和世界银行在该市举行的年会。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.2.2 句子实践 5、I had read too many novels and had learned too much at school not to know a good deal about love. 我读过许许多多小说,在学校里也时有所闻,关于爱情不 至于知道的太少吧。 6、Do you share the view that too many people are talking too much about China? 关于中国说长道短的人太多了,你同意这种看法吗? 7、I was truly dumbfounded by this deep fury that possessed her whenever she looked at me. 她一见到我就这幺气势汹汹,真把我惊呆了。 实践 目录 www.themegallery.com 3.2.2 句子实践 8、I’ll have to beard the lion in his den when I go to ask my boss for a better job. 我要去求老板给我一份好工作,就不得不壮着胆子当面跟 他理论一番。 9、A divorced woman is likely to find herself in an unenviable position. 离婚女子很容易觉察自己被人另眼相看。 10、All told China has roughly 380 million women between the age of 15 and 55, and few of them---particularly in the cities— want to look any less that the best their budgets allows. 中国年龄在15-55岁之间的妇女总共有3.8亿,只要经 济条件允许,她们几乎人人呢都想尽可能把自己打扮的绰 约靓丽,这种情形在城市尤为明显。 实践 目录 www.themegallery.com 3.2.2 句子实践 11、I was such a fan that after reading that he walked at a rate of 120 steps per minute, I practiced his pace until it became second nature. 我对他仰慕得五体投地。在读到他以每分钟120步的速 度行走以后,我如法炮制,直到成为自己的习惯。 12、For any machine whose input force and output force are known, its mechanical advantage can be calculated. 只要知道任何一部机器的输入和输出功率,就能求出其机 械效益。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.2.2 句子实践 13、A potentially dangerous blunder by police and security authorities here yesterday saw Mrs. Thatcher mobbed by yelling demonstrators during a shopping mall walkabout. 警察和安全部门一时的粗心大意昨天险些惹出大祸。撒切尔夫人在 这里的一个购物中心漫步时,被愤怒喊叫的示威人群团团围住了。 14、Cable television which in many countries now gives a choice of dozens of channels will soon be used to protect our homes by operating burglar and fire alarms linked to police and fire station. 在许多国家,有线电视可提供几十个频道的节目,不久,人们还可 以通过它将盗警与火警报警器分别与警察局与消防站相连,以此看 家护院。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.2.2 句子实践 15、Floods occur when soil and vegetation cannot absorb all the water; water then runs off the land in quantities that cannot be carried in stream channels or retained in natural ponds and constructed reservoirs. 当土壤与植被不能吸纳所有水量时,洪水便会发生;此时水流无法 导入水道,也不能纳入天然水塘或人造的水库,而是在田地上肆虐 横流。 16、Eleven European countries, together producing 20 percent of the world’s exports, will launch the euro on January 1, 1999, creating what the European Union’s Statistical Agency (Eurostat) has called “the world’s. 占世界出口总值20%的欧洲11国将在1999年1月1日启动欧元, 从而产生欧盟统计署所称的“世界上最大的贸易力量”。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.2.2 句子实践 17、Husbands, kids, careers and avocations—all require attention; too often, making time for our friends comes last on the list of priorities. 丈夫、孩子、事业和业余爱好都要投入精力。因而很多时 候把朋友撇到了一边。 18、Star performers at work know that real initiative means going beyond your regular work to come up with new ideas that really help the company’s bottom line. 明星工作者深知,真正的首创精神意味着超越常规工作, 想出新点子,并使之确实适合公司的基本情况。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.2.2 句子实践 19、The past of man has been on the whole a pretty beastly business, a business of fighting and bullying and gorging and grabbing and hurting. 人类的过去总的来说是很野蛮的,人们一直都在打仗斗殴, 恃强欺弱、强抢硬夺和相互伤害。 20、For all of the political savvy(精明) that has shaped the planning of Desert Shield so far, the top brass are keenly aware that some political dimensions of the military operation remain beyond their control. 尽管“沙漠盾牌”行动在形成的过程中有不少精明的政治 见地,但高级军事指挥官十分敏锐地感到,军事行动中的 某些政治因素仍然是他们鞭长莫及的。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.1 第三节 篇章 Part One 理论 英文篇章的特点 英语篇章中,不同的文体有不同的特点,掌握不 同文体的写作手法对一个翻译者来说非常重要。 譬如,政论文体重论述,需要很强的逻辑性;科 技文体重叙述,层次要分明,文学语言重描写, 形象、生动、活泼。因此,在翻译英语篇章时要 注意一下几点: 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.1 第三节 篇章 细读文章; 了解该文章的社会文化背景 弄清文体 切记整篇文章的衔接和聚合,注意各句之间的连贯和 一致,前后参照,相互呼应,首尾相贯。 对于不同的文体,我们将在今后的学习中具体 讲述。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 实践 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 Part Two 翻译实践练习 1、One of the great charms of Lawrence as a companion was that he could never be bored and so could never be boring. 作为朋友,劳伦斯有不少可爱之处,其一是他从不讨 厌人。因此,也从不讨人厌。 2、Life is a gift and privilege, one we should appreciate every day of our lives. 生命是赐予,是权力,应该珍惜生命的每时每刻。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 3、I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry. (Pride and Prejudice) 我还没有认识你一个月,就觉得像你这样一个人,哪怕天下 的男人都死光了我也不愿意嫁给你。 4、Discipline means choices. Every time you say yes to a goal or objective, you say no to many more. Every prize has its price. The prize is the yes; the price is the no. 自律就意味着有取有舍。每当选取了一个目标,也就同好似 舍去了其它许多目标。每项成绩的获得都要付出代价。成绩 来自所取,代价就是所舍弃的。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 5、Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to it always being combined with elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has s strong affinity. 人类直到19世纪才认识铝:因为铝对氧有很强的 亲和力,它总是和其它元素结合在一起,最常见 的是和氧结合在一起,在自然界的任何地方都找 不到处于游离状态的铝。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 6、As we lived near the road, we often had the traveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine. 我们就住在路边。过路人或外乡人常到我们家, 尝尝我们家酿的醋栗酒。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 7、This glorious mishmash constitute an informal history of the 20th century America by an inquisitive writer who interviewed everyone from Harry Truman to Irving Berlin to 50 cents whores in the slums of New Orleans. 这部洋洋大观的“大杂烩)堪称20世纪美国的一 部野史。它是一位充满好奇心的作者对许多美国 人的采访实录,采访对象既有美国总统哈里··杜 鲁门到欧文·柏林这样的名人,也有新奥尔良贫民 窟中为了50美分卖身的妓女。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 8、Bright red costumes with hats, shoes and stockings to match, are to be all the craze in the Spring. Start women will have to be careful not to yawn in the streets in case some short-sighted person is on his way to post a letter. 鲜红的套裙配上得体的帽子和鞋袜,是春天女士们 最时髦的着装。但是,她们这种打扮在大街上大哈 欠也要当心,否则近视眼寄信人就可能会把信投到 他们嘴里。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 9、In a richly accented voice, evocative of her Viking forbears, she said that from the age of twelve, when she first discovered Pear Buck’s work, she had read all of it that she could find in her tiny island library. 她那浓重的口音使人想起了斯堪的纳维亚的祖先。 她说,她12岁时第一次发现了赛珍珠的作品,从 此便读编了小岛图书馆里所有的赛氏著作。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 10、The trunks of trees too were dusty and the leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze, falling and the soldiers marching and afterwards the road bare and white except for the leaves. 树干也是积满尘土,树叶早落,军队一走过,沙尘 就飞,树叶儿就坠。军队走完之后,路上除落叶外, 白土漫漫,空无他物。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 11、It would take me an entire book to list all of the people I have known in my life who spent the majority of their lives as single people, but who were the undisputed focus of a large group of friends. 我一生中认识了许多人,他们一生中打部分时间 是单身,但却是无可厚非的众星捧月的核心人物。 要把这些人的名字一一列举可能要编一本书。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 12、Spring has always rightly been identified with youth, and the sorrow of youth are poignant and bitter. 春天总是被理所当然地与青春相提并论,但青春 也有辛酸而痛苦的悲哀。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 13、It \was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way. 这是一个最好的历史时期,也是一个最坏的历史时期;这是一个充 满智能的年代,又是一个不乏愚蠢的年代;这是一个富有信仰的时 代,这又是一个轻易怀疑的时代;这是一个光明普照的季节,有时 一个黑暗笼罩的季节;这是一个昭示希望的春,这又好似一个导致 绝望的冬天;我们的面前无所不有,我们的面前有一无所有;我们 都将直上天堂,我们有奖直下地狱。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 14、It is a ling way from Peking to London. The distance has sometimes seemed compounded by historical, philosophical and political gaps in our outlooks. It is nevertheless many years since our two worlds first touched. Our political relations have been more varied. 北京和伦敦相距遥远,我们的历史、哲学和政治观 点上的差异有时似乎扩大了这个距离。然而,从我 们两国最初接触到现在,已经很久了,我们的政治 关系中出现了各种变化。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 15、For hundreds of years, people in the Middle East have built windcatchers onto their homes. These structures sit on rooftops and look somewhat like camping shelters. They trap cool breeze high in the air and funnel them into the houses. 几百年来,中东地区的居民一直在自己家门口建有 捕风口。这些捕风口建在房顶上面,看起来有些像 宿营地的帐篷。它们可以吸入高空的凉风,经通风 筒导入室内。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 16、The great difficulty of introducing radically new computer architectures which requires customers to rewrite most of their way to the commercial market place. 采用全新的计算机结构,势必要求用户改写其大 部分软件,因此难以付诸实践,这就排除了这些 技术进入商品市场的可能性 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 17、The selfless act of egg-giving is a very altruistic act, but we can’t ignore the fact that it carries risks. Firstly, there is the general anesthetic when the eggs are collected. Secondly, we don’t know what the ling-term cancer risks are for women whose ovaries have been stimulated in this way. 无私捐献卵子是一种利他行为,但是我们不能忽视带有危 险成分的事实。首先,在通过手术获得卵子时采用的是全 身麻醉;其次,我们还不知道,女性的卵巢受过这种方式 的刺激后是否有长期致癌的危险。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 18、Almost single-handedly, she changed the parameters of British politics, ending the free-lunch mentality that prevail since 1945 and replacing it with an unyielding commitment to free markets and individual responsibility. 她几乎是单枪匹马地改变了英国的政治格局,结 束了1945年以后风行一时的享受免费优惠的心 态,而坚定地奉行自由市场和个人责任。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 19、The birthrate in Japan has declined to an all-time low, an average 1.57 children for each female, and Japanese women are establishing a new identity, struggling against entrenched male chauvinism. Now Japanese men have to pay for their traditional practice of enslaving their wives as child-bearers. 日本的出生率已降到每位妇女只生1.57个孩子的空前的 低水平。日本妇女正在确立新的自我意识,与根深蒂固的 大男子主义作斗争。现在,日本的男子必须为他们的妻子 视为生育工具的传统奴役行为付出代价。 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 20、What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man in for a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months? 比方说,有一位46岁的男子在于家人外出度假前,到医 院进行常规体检,尽管他自己觉得身体很棒,却发现自己 患有某种癌症,最多还能活6个月。碰到这种情况,当医 生的该对他说些什么呢? 目录 实践 www.themegallery.com 3.3.2 翻译实践 Part Three 总结 (summary) 本章要点:1.英汉词汇的差异与翻译 2.英汉词类的差异与翻译 3.英汉句式的差异与翻译 4.英语长句的翻译 Part Four 巩固 (consolidation) 参读书目: 1. 英汉翻译基础教程 (穆雷)第二单元 英汉对比 2.实用翻译教程 (冯庆华) 第二章 语义翻译 3. 英汉翻译教程 (杨士焯) 第二章翻译理解篇 www.themegallery.com www.binhai.com
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