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Weitere Hinweise:
Auf die Care for ME! Campaign von SOS-Kinderdorf International müssen Sie nicht
family strengthening programme = Familienhilfe, vgl.
As part of the Care for ME! campaign, the “Grow without violence” project from
SOS Children’s Villages Peru has had a great impact on communities. It
fostered the debate about active fatherhood and promoted the creation of
public policies that guarantee the right of all families and their communities of
living without violence.
With the “Grow without violence” project, the family strengthening and community
development programme in Zárate, Peru, wants to reduce the level of family violence
and advocate for a culture of good treatment, in which the children and families from
Huáscar and Zárate (San Juan de Lurigancho district) could be raised with love,
respect and security. This project is being funded by the Bernard Van Leer
Foundation, a private grant-making foundation which wants to promote more
cohesive, considerate and creative societies with equal opportunities and rights for
San Juan de Lurigancho district has high rates of violence. According to the statistics
from the Women’s Emergency Centre from the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable
Populations, in 2012 about 1090 cases of family and sexual violence were heed. The
real facts are even higher. SOS Children’s Villages Peru, knowing about this situation
and from their position as an organization dedicated themselves to the promotion and
protection of human rights and developed this project with the purpose of working
directly with the families from the family strengthening programmes. Furthermore,
through different public campaigns, activities and advocacy work with high impact on
communities, they want to contribute to the break of the cycle of violence.
One of the actions has been parenting workshops, which promote the active
participation of fathers in the bond with their children and their mothers. "The work on
the Active Fatherhood as a way of preventing violence is an initiative and a new
challenge that SOS Peru has assumed” said Rosa Vilchez, Resource Mobilization
Advisor. “There is an atmosphere of violence and instability in San Juan de
Lurigancho, and our activity is important in the sense that we address a concern for
the district. Therefore, it is necessary to extend our intervention to influence public
policy. Working with men, so they get involved in the direct and tender care of their
children, is a cultural challenge to be faced” said Rosa.
Two of the success factors of this project were, first, the positioning of SOS
Children’s Villages Peru in the district, and second, having a methodological proposal
of Family Development Plan and Positive Masculinity. For the latter, the MenCare
methodology was used, which introduces 10 themes as backbone:
Be Involved from the Start
Share the Care Work
Be Proud& Show it
Provide Health Care
Just Play
Be Brave: Show Affection
Raise without Violence
Teach Equality & Respect
Support the Mother
Inspire by these 10 themes and methodology, they worked on specific experiential
topics with fathers from San Juan de Lurigancho district. These topics were:
Knowing pregnancy from male experience
Gender and non-violent parenting
Learning to identify and stop violence against women and children
The childcare at home
The target was to reach with this project: children and adolescents of the district,
mothers and fathers participating in the Strengthening Families Program in San Juan
de Lurigancho, families within the community of the district, and the Ministry of
Education and Municipal Defenders of Children and Adolescents.
At this stage of the project the impact has been the following:
Some other results achieved at this stage are:
1. Families and communities sensitized and trained about positive education,
promoting a culture of good treatment in which the priority is the healthy
development of children
2. Established model of intervention for prevention and reaction towards
violence, which can be replicated in other districts in Peru and Latin America.
3. Municipalities, communities and civil society aware about co-responsibility in
the promotion of a non-violence culture.
4. Children, municipalities, families, and communities aware about their roles and
responsibilities towards the promotion of non-violence.
The funding from the Bernard Van Leer Foundation has been extended until May
2015. This year the goal is to strengthen the implementation of public policies for
children in the district and the positioning of a culture of good treatment. The project
has validated replicable strategies for prevention and treatment of family violence and
the development of active fatherhood, which will soon be implemented in the districts
of Comas, Carabayllo, Ayacucho and Huancayo, where they will continue promoting
children, adolescents and families’ rights to live a life without violence.