Masterstudiengang International Information Systems Modulhandbuch – Sommersemester 2015 Impressum Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. Karl Wilbers Studiendekan Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Lange Gasse 20, 90403 Nürnberg, Tel.: 0911/5302-304 [email protected] Rechtsbelehrung Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr. Im Zweifelsfall gilt die Master-Prüfungsordnung. Wenden Sie sich bei Fragen bitte direkt an den zuständigen Modulverantwortlichen. Stand: 01. April 2015 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 2 of 132 Inhaltsverzeichnis I Customized Introduction ....................................................................... 8 Management Introduction (20 ECTS) ...................................................................................... 9 Management 1 (10 ECTS)............................................................................................... 10 Management 2 (10 ECTS)............................................................................................... 12 Informatics Introduction (20 ECTS) ........................................................................................ 15 Informatics 1 (10 ECTS) .................................................................................................. 16 Informatics 2 (10 ECTS) .................................................................................................. 18 Informatics II Part 1 ................................................................................................ 19 Informatics II Part 2 (Option 1) ............................................................................... 21 Informatics II Part 2 (Option 2) ............................................................................... 23 II Foreign Language Skills ...................................................................... 25 III International Information Systems Management ............................... 28 Managing IT-enabled Businesses .......................................................................................... 29 Managing IT-enabled Organizations ...................................................................................... 31 Managing Enterprise-Wide IT Architectures ........................................................................... 35 Managing Global Projects and Information Technology ........................................................ 38 IT-enabled Innovation and Value Creation ............................................................................. 41 IT-enabled Processes and Services ...................................................................................... 43 IV Informatics ........................................................................................... 47 Database Systems................................................................................................................. 48 DBRN (Datenbanken in Rechnernetzen) ......................................................................... 49 DSS (Datenstromsysteme) .............................................................................................. 51 DW (Data Warehousing) ................................................................................................. 53 EBT (E-Business Technologies) ...................................................................................... 55 EIS (Evolutionäre Informationssysteme).......................................................................... 57 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 3 of 132 KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Databases) ..................................................................... 59 MMDB (Multimedia Datenbanken) ................................................................................... 61 OODB (Objektorientierte Datenbanken) .......................................................................... 63 TAS (Transaktionssysteme) ............................................................................................ 65 Module Description 01-12................................................................................................ 67 Module Description 13-16................................................................................................ 70 POIS (Process-oriented Information Systems) ................................................................ 73 SWAT (Schnelles Web Anwendungs Tutorium) .............................................................. 76 DSES (Datenschutz und Elektronische Signaturen) ........................................................ 79 Nailing your thesis ........................................................................................................... 82 Software Engineering ............................................................................................................ 83 Software Engineering (Chair: Saglietti) ............................................................................ 84 Option A ................................................................................................................. 85 Option B ................................................................................................................. 87 Option C ................................................................................................................. 89 Option D ................................................................................................................. 91 Option E ................................................................................................................. 93 Option F ................................................................................................................. 95 Option G................................................................................................................. 97 Option H ................................................................................................................. 99 Option I ................................................................................................................ 101 Software Engineering (Chair: Riehle) ............................................................................ 103 Option A ............................................................................................................... 104 Option B ............................................................................................................... 106 Option C ............................................................................................................... 108 Option D ............................................................................................................... 110 Option E ............................................................................................................... 112 Option F ............................................................................................................... 114 Option G............................................................................................................... 116 Option H ............................................................................................................... 118 Option I ................................................................................................................ 120 Option J................................................................................................................ 122 Option K ............................................................................................................... 124 V Seminars............................................................................................. 126 IBS (Interdisciplinary Business Seminar) ....................................................................... 127 Value Co-Creation Seminar ........................................................................................... 129 VI Master Thesis ..................................................................................... 131 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 4 of 132 Abkürzungsverzeichnis ECTS European Credit Transfer System EK Einführungskurs Co Courses h Hours / Stunden HS Hauptseminar Lect. Lecture MC-Test Multiple-Choice-Test min Minutes P Presentation / Präsentation ProS Proseminar S Seminar SS Summer Term / Sommersemester SWS Time a module will be held per week. One SWS is 45 min / Semesterwochenstunden Ü Exercise / Übung V Lecture / Vorlesung WS Winter Term / Wintersemester International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 5 of 132 Modulübersicht International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 6 of 132 Please note: According to section 3 subsection 4 of the examination regulations of the study program M. Sc. International Information Systems as amended on 15.02.2013 (Fachprüfungsordnung des Masterstudiengangs International Information Systems in der Fassung vom 15.02.2013) students are required to spend at least one semester abroad. Students can go on an exchange semester to a foreign university, do their master’s thesis in cooperation with a foreign university or with a company located outside of Germany. Bitte beachten Sie: Gemäß § 3 Abs. 4 der Fachprüfungsordnung des Masterstudiengangs International Information Systems in der Fassung vom 15.02.2013 müssen die Studierenden im Verlauf des Studiums mindestens ein Semester im Ausland verbringen. Hierfür kommt ein Studiensemester an einer ausländischen Hochschule, die Masterarbeit an einer ausländischen Hochschule oder die Ausarbeitung der Masterarbeit bei einem Unternehmen im Ausland in Betracht. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 7 of 132 I Customized Introduction Depending on their previous field of study, students take one of these two options. Students with a background in computer science background and students with a background in business information systems must take the “Management” option. Students with management background are required to study “Informatics”. Je nach Vorbildung belegen die Studenten eine der zwei folgenden Optionen. Studenten mit Grundkenntnissen in Wirtschaftsinformatik oder Informatik belegen die Module im „Management“ Bereich. Studenten, die BWL Grundkenntnisse haben, belegen die Option “Informatics“. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 8 of 132 Management Introduction (20 ECTS) International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 9 of 132 Management 1 (10 ECTS) 1 Module description IIS7001 Management I 10 ECTS 2 Courses IIS37101 IIS37102 Lect 1/S 1: Foundations of International Management I (2 SWS) 5 ECTS IIS37201 IIS37202 Lect 2/S 2: Foundations of International Management II (2 SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Holtbrügge and colleagues 4 Head of module Prof. Holtbrügge 5 Contents Foundations of International Management I: 1. Environment of International Management: History and Major Trends 2. Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations of International Management 3. Theories of Internationalization 4. Strategic management in International Corporations Topics may change without prior notice. Foundations of International Management II: 1. Organization of International Corporations 2. Human Resources Management in International Corporations 3. Public Affairs Management in International Corporations Topics may change without prior notice. 6 Learning targets and skills The participants understand and analyze typical management problems of international firms. The participants will get to know modern theories and methods of international management and will be able to apply these to practical problems. They get a detailed overview of the current state of international management research and are able to evaluate theoretical and empirical studies in this area critically. 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum 9 Module application First semester Master in International Information Systems: Module in the section Customized Introduction to IIS (Management) International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 10 of 132 10 Method of examination Portfolio: 11 Grading procedure Lect 1: 60-minute written examination, S 1: presentation and class participation (Lect 1: 60-minütige Klausur, S 1:Präsentation und Mitarbeit) Lect 2: 60-minute written examination, S 2: presentation and class participation (Lect 2: 60-minütige Klausur, S 2: Präsentation und Mitarbeit) Lect 1: written examination 80%, S 1: presentation and class participation 20% (Lect 1: Klausurergebnis 80%, S1: Präsentation und Mitarbeit) Exam language: English Lect 2: written examination 80%, S 2: presentation and class participation 20% (Lect 2: Klausurergebnis 80%, S 2: Präsentation und Mitarbeit) Exam language: English 12 Course frequency Each WS 13 Expected time input Presence: 90 h Home study: 210 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English 16 Preparatory literature Holtbrügge, D./Welge, M.K.: Internationales Management. 5th ed., Stuttgart 2010 (Lect.1/S.1: chapters 1-4; Lect 2/S.2: chapters 5-6, 8). Cavusgil, S.T./Knight, G./Riesenberger, J.R.: International Business. The New Realities. 3rd edition. Pearson Prentice Hall: New Jersey (chapters 1-3, 6, 9-10, 12-16). International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 11 of 132 Management 2 (10 ECTS) “Management II” is a 10 ECTS-module including combinations of two of the following lectures: Lect. 1: Case solving seminar Lect. 2: Case writing seminar Lect./S 3: E-Business Strategy and Networking Each of the courses is a 5 ECTS-course. To complete the module, students have to take two out of the three courses (see the possible combinations shown as options 1-3 below). Das 10 ECTS-Modul “Management II” enthält Wahlkombinationen, die jeweils zwei der folgenden Lehrveranstaltungen beinhalten: Lect. 1: Case solving seminar Lect. 2: Case writing seminar Lect./S 3: E-Business Strategy and Networking Jede dieser Lehrveranstaltungen ist 5 ECTS wert. Um das Modul zu absolvieren, müssen die Studierenden zwei der drei Lehrveranstaltungen belegen (siehe nachfolgende Kombinationen in den Optionen 1-3). 1 Module description IIS7011 Management II 10 ECTS 2 Courses IIS70101 and IIS70102 or Option 1: Lect. 1: Case solving seminar (2+2 SWS) and Lect. 2: Case writing seminar (2+2 SWS) 5 ECTS and 5 ECTS IIS70101 and IIS56201 + IIS56202 Option 2: Lect. 1: Case solving seminar (2+2 SWS) and Lecture/Exercise 3: E-Business Strategy and Networking or or IIS70102 and IIS56201 + IIS56202 Option 3: Lect. 2: Case writing seminar (2+2 SWS) and Lecture/Exercise 3: E-Business Strategy and Networking 3 Lecturers Prof. Bodendorf, Prof. Möslein and colleagues 4 Head of module Prof. Bodendorf, Prof. Möslein 5 Contents Lecture 1: or 5 ECTS and 2,5 + 2,5 ECTS 5 ECTS and 2,5 + 2,5 ECTS The course relies on cases to understand and solve problems in real business situations. Students may work in teams and apply their theoretical knowledge in solving the cases. This will provide the students International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 12 of 132 an opportunity to develop key skills such as communication, group working and problem solving skills. Lecture 2: In this course students will focus on the development of cases in International Management of IS. Students will learn how to write their own case studies. In doing so they will get access to international corporations and gain experience in the field of international management of IS. Through case writing students will get familiar with interview techniques, data analysis and improve their presentation and writing skills. Lecture/Exercise 3: The course provides a comprehensive overview of business models and business IT alignment. It emphasizes theory and practice of so called inter-organizational systems, electronic markets and market engineering. In addition it deals with business and social networking between companies and their partners. 6 Learning targets and skills The students 7 Suggested prerequisites 8 Integration in curriculum 9 Module application process comprehensive, detailed, and specialized knowledge of current trends in e-business. can independently define new usage-oriented problems in business, considering the economic impact, and solve them with the aid of suitable methods. understand the contents of case studies and interpret them on the basis of theoretical research models. investigate relevant company and case information for selected theoretical research models. conduct the discussion of complex problem-solving approaches in groups and present their work results. Students with a background in Business Information Systems are only allowed for this module. First semester Master in International Information Systems: Module in the section Customized Introduction to IIS (Management) 10 Method of examination Portfolio: Lect. 1: seminar paper and presentation (Lect. 1: Seminararbeit und Präsentation) Lect. 2: research project and presentation (Lect. 2: Projektarbeit und Präsentation) Lecture/ Exercise 3: written examination (50 %) and written assignment (50 %) (Lecture/Exercise 3: Klausurergebnis 50% und Hausarbeit 50%) International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 13 of 132 11 Grading procedure Option 1: Lect. 1 and Lect. 2 each 50% of module score (Option 1: Lect. 1 und Lect. 2 jeweils 50% der Modulnote) Option 2: Lect. 1 and Lecture/ Exercise 3 each 50% of module score (Option 2: Lect. 1 und Lecture/Exercise 3 jeweils 50% der Modulnote) Option 3: Lect. 2 and Lecture/ Exercise 3 each 50% of module score (Option 3: Lect. 2 und Lecture/ Exercise 3 jeweils 50% der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Each WS 13 Expected time input Presence: 90 h Home study: 210 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English 16 Preparatory literature Naumes, W., Naumes, M.J.: The Art & Craft of Case Writing International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 14 of 132 Informatics Introduction (20 ECTS) International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 15 of 132 Informatics 1 (10 ECTS) 1 Modulbezeichnung IIS7023 Informatics I 10 ECTS 2 Lehrveranstaltungen IIS30501 IIS30502 V: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (4 SWS) 5 ECTS Ü: Tafelübungen zu Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 2,5 ECTS (2 SWS) Ü: Rechnerübungen zu Algorithmen und Datenstruktu- 2,5 ECTS ren (2 SWS) 3 Dozenten Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Stamminger, Prof. Dr. Christoph Pflaum 4 Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Dr. Michael Philippsen 5 Inhalt 6 Lernziele und Kompetenzen Grundlagen der Programmierung Datenstrukturen Objektorientierung JAVA-Grundkenntnisse Aufwandsabschätzungen Grundlegende Algorithmen Die Studierenden erlernen die Grundlagen der Programmierung anhand der Programmiersprache JAVA verstehen objektorientiertes Programmieren kennen fundamentale Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen können Algorithmen entwickeln und analysieren 7 Empfohlene Vorausset- Keine zungen für die Teilnahme 8 Einpassung in Muster- 1. Semester studienplan 9 Verwendbarkeit des Mo- Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik duls Bachelor Informatik Bachelor IuK Lehramt Informatik (alle Schulformen) Bachelor Computational Engineering Bachelor Technomathematik Bachelor Mathematik mit Nebenfach Informatik International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 16 of 132 Master International Information Systems: Teilmodul zu Informatics im Bereich Customized Introduction to IIS 10 Studien- und Prüfungs- Die Modulprüfung besteht aus: leistungen unbenotetem Schein, erworben durch das erfolgreiche Lösen von wöchentlichen Hausaufgaben Klausur von 120 Minuten 11 Berechnung Modulnote 100% der Klausurnote 12 Turnus des Angebots Vorlesung nur im WS; Übungsbetrieb bis auf Widerruf in jedem Semester (WS und SS) 13 Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit: 120 h Eigenstudium: 180 h 14 Dauer des Moduls 1. Semester 15 Unterrichtssprache Deutsch 16 Vorbereitende Literatur Lehrbuch: Saake, Sattler: „Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen - Eine Einführung mit JAVA“ International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 17 of 132 Informatics 2 (10 ECTS) The module “Informatics II” comprises two parts: Part 1: The course “Konzeptionelle Modellierung” (lecture and exercise) is mandatory. Part 2: Students have to take either “Praktische Softwaretechnik” (Option 1) or “Software Development in Large Projects” (Option 2). Das Modul „Informatics II“ besteht aus zwei Teilen: Teil 1: Die Lehrveranstaltung „Konzeptionelle Modellierung“ (Vorlesung und Übung) ist verpflichtend. Teil 2: Die Studierenden belegen entweder die die Vorlesung „Praktische Softwaretechnik“ (Option 1) oder “Software Development in Large Projects” (Option 2). International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 18 of 132 Informatics II Part 1 1 Modulbezeichnung IIS7024 Informatics II (Teil 1) 5 ECTS 2 Lehrveranstaltungen IIS31301 V: Konzeptionelle Modellierung (2 SWS) Ü: Konzeptionelle Modellierung (2 SWS) 2,5 ECTS 2,5 ECTS 3 Dozenten Prof. Dr. Richard Lenz 4 Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Dr. Richard Lenz, Prof. Dr. Klaus Meyer-Wegener 5 Inhalt Die Vorlesung behandelt die folgenden Themen: Grundlagen der Modellierung Datenmodellierung am Beispiel Entity-Relationship-Modell Modellierung objektorientierter Systeme am Beispiel UML Relationale Datenmodellierung und Anfragemöglichkeiten Grundlagen der Metamodellierung XML Multidimensionale Datenmodellierung Domänenmodellierung und Ontologien 6 Lernziele und Kompetenzen Qualifikationsziel ist es, Studierenden der Informatik und anderer Studiengänge die grundlegenden Techniken im Bereich der Modellierung zu vermitteln. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der praktischen Anwendung dieser allgemeinen Konzepte anhand von Beispielen (ER-Modell, UML, Relationenmodell) 7 Empfohlene Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme Gewünscht "Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen" und "Grundlagen der Logik und Logikprogrammierung" 8 Einpassung in Musterstudienplan 1. Semester 9 Verwendbarkeit des Moduls Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik Bachelor Informatik Bachelor IuK Master International Information Systems: Teilmodul zu Informatics im Bereich Customized Introduction to IIS 10 Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen Klausur von 90 Minuten International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 19 of 132 11 Berechnung Modulnote 100% der Klausurnote 12 Turnus des Angebots Jedes Semester 13 Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit: 60 h Eigenstudium: 90 h 14 Dauer des Moduls 1 Semester 15 Unterrichtssprache Deutsch 16 Vorbereitende Literatur Alfons Kemper, Andre Eickler: Datenbanksysteme : Eine Einführung. 6., aktualis. u. erw. Aufl. Oldenbourg, März 2006. - ISBN-10: 3486576909 (Kapitel 2 bis 4 und Abschnitt 17.2) Bernd Oestereich: Analyse und Design mit UML 2.1. 8. Aufl. Oldenbourg, Januar 2006. - ISBN-10: 3486579266 Ian Sommerville: Software Engineering. 8., aktualis. Aufl. Pearson Studium, Mai 2007. - ISBN-10: 3827372577 Horst A. Neumann: Objektorientierte Softwareentwicklung mit der Unified Modeling Language. (UML). Hanser Fachbuch, März 2002. - ISBN-10: 3446188797 Rainer Eckstein, Silke Eckstein: XML und Datenmodellierung. Dpunkt Verlag, November 2003. - ISBN-10: 3898642224 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 20 of 132 Informatics II Part 2 (Option 1) Informatics II (Teil 2: Option 1) 5 ECTS Lecture: Praktische Softwaretechnik (4 SWS) Prof. Dr. B. Hindel, Dr.-Ing. M. Jung, Prof. Dr. D. Kips, Dr.-Ing. N. Oster, Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 5 ECTS 3 Module description IIS7024 Courses IIS70241 Lecturers 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 5 Contents Software applications conquer new fields every day. Often a number of functional and non-functional requirements have to be accounted for. Thus, successful development of complex software systems makes a disciplined engineering approach necessary. 1 2 This lecture will enable the student to understand the typical problems to be dealt with in large software development projects, and it will establish a broad knowledge about the main concepts, methods, notations, and tools of modern software engineering. We will cover the following topics: 6 Learning targets and skills Basic issues of software engineering process models (waterfall, V-model, iterative models, XP, RUP, …) software management (organization, staff, project planning risk management, configuration management, tools) requirements and requirements engineering analysis (modeling, base concepts, function hierarchies, object oriented class models, entity relationship modeling, scenarios and interactions, state machines, Petri nets, control structures, activity diagrams, decision tables, structured analysis, object oriented analysis) software ergonomics (dialogs, graphical user interfaces, handbooks) software design (structured design, modular design, abstract data types, object oriented design, software architectures, design patterns) acceptance, installation, maintenance, enhancements software testing: terms and methodology quality assurance (metrics, verification, reviews) process quality (maturity models, CMM. CMMI, bootstrap, SPICE) This lecture should increase awareness for typical problems during the software development process establish a broad basic knowledge of concepts, methods, terms and tools of modern software engineering, International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 21 of 132 7 Suggested prerequisites 8 Integration in curriculum show their theoretical and methodical foundations, discuss their ability to solve typical problems, reveal aspects in common, coherences and differences between them, explore the limits of their practical applicability. None First semester Module application Master in International Information Systems: Module in the section Customized Introduction to IIS (Informatics) 10 Method of examination Lect.: 90-minute written examination (Lect.: 90-minütige schriftliche Prüfung) 11 Grading procedure Lect.: 100% of module score (Lect.: 100 % der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Each WS 13 Expected time input Presence: 60 h 9 Home study: 120 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language German 16 Preparatory literature None International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 22 of 132 Informatics II Part 2 (Option 2) 1 Module description IIS7024 Informatics II (Teil 2: Option 2) 5 ECTS 2 Courses Software Development in Large Projects (lectures + exercises, 4 SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti Dipl.-Inf. R. Lill 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti 5 Contents 6 Learning targets and skills Introduction to the single phases of software development: requirements analysis, specification, design, implementation, test, maintenance Exemplifying application of selected, representative techniques supporting the developments phases mentioned above Ergonomic principles for usage interfaces Object-oriented analysis and design with UML Design patterns as constructive, re-usable solutions to whole classes of problems Automatic support for code implementation from UML diagrams Testing strategies Re-factoring techniques supporting the maintenance phase On the basis of programming skills already acquired the students will learn systematic and structured approaches to deal with the complexity of "developing in the large", gain the capability of expressing complex problems in a well-defined way by means of appropriate specification languages, of analyzing such problems, as well as of deriving appropriate designs for their solution, get experience in the application of UML diagrams for the purpose of object-oriented analysis and design activities, get proficiency in re-using general design solutions by specialization of established design patterns, get acquainted with principles of the testing process, get familiar with re-factoring strategies aimed at increasing systematically software modifiability. 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum First semester International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 23 of 132 9 10 Module application Master in International Information Systems: Module in the section Customized Introduction to IIS (Informatics) Method of examination 90-minute written examination or 30-minute oral examination (schriftl. Prüfung (90 min) oder mündl. Prüfung (30 min)) After half of the lectures the students may take an optional written examination (45 minutes). The points achieved in this exam can improve the score of the final exam by up to 0.7, provided that the final exam is passed. (Nach der Hälfte der Vorlesungszeit wird die Teilnahme an einer freiwilligen 45-minütigen Klausur angeboten. Die dort erreichten Punkte können die Note der Abschlussprüfung um bis zu 0,7 verbessern, unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Abschlussprüfung bestanden wird.) 11 Grading procedure Lect.: 100% of module score (Lect.: 100 % der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Each WS 13 Expected time input Presence: 60 h Home study: 90 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language German (also in English if required) 16 Preparatory literature Lehrbuch der Softwaretechnik (Band 1), Helmut Balzert, 2000 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 24 of 132 II Foreign Language Skills As part of the curriculum “Foreign Language Skills” is a mandatory module. Das Modul „Foreign Language Skills” ist eine Pflichtveranstaltung. 1 Modulbezeichnung IIS7090 Foreign Language Skills 2 Lehrveranstaltungen Allgemeinsprachliche Grundausbildung 1 Übung im Umfang von 5 ECTS in einer Fremdsprache aus dem Bereich UNIcert I oder II, d.h. aus dem Niveaubereich A1 bis B2 GER 5 ECTS 1x5 ECTS oder Fachsprachliche Grundausbildung 1 Übung im Umfang von 5 ECTS oder 2 Übungen im Umfang von 2,5 ECTS in einer Fremdsprache aus dem Bereich UNIcert III Fachsprache. Die Kurse enden auf dem Niveau C1 GER 3 Dozenten Mitarbeiter der Abteilung Fremdsprachenausbildung Nürnberg des Sprachenzentrums der FAU (Leitung: Dr. Mario Oesterreicher) 4 Modulverantwortlicher Dr. Mario Oesterreicher International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 oder 1x 5 ECTS oder 2x 2,5 ECTS 25 of 132 5 Inhalt Allgemeinsprachliche Grundausbildung: Vermittlung und Vertiefung grundlegender schriftlicher und mündlicher Kompetenzen Einführung in Präsentations- und kommunikativen Kompetenzen unter Berücksichtigung interkultureller Spezifika Auf- und Ausbau einer fremdsprachlichen Hilfsmittelkompetenz Fachsprachliche Grundausbildung: 6 Lernziele und Kompetenzen Vermittlung und Vertiefung handlungsorientierter schriftlicher und mündlicher Kompetenzen mit fachsprachlichem Bezug Vermittlung von Präsentations- und kommunikativen Kompetenzen unter Berücksichtigung interkultureller Spezifika Förderung der Studierfähigkeit Auf- und Ausbau einer fremdsprachlichen Hilfsmittelkompetenz Allgemeinsprachliche Grundausbildung: Die Studierenden erwerben die nötigen Grundkenntnisse der jeweiligen Fremdsprache. Sie werden an eine schriftlich und mündlich idiomatische Ausdrucksweise herangeführt. Sie erhalten einen Einblick in die interkulturellen und sprachimmanenten Spezifika der entsprechenden Kommunikationsformen. Sie können den Erwerb von in vorausgegangenen Modulen begonnenen Sprachen fortsetzen. Fachsprachliche Grundausbildung: Die Studierenden lernen schriftlichen und mündlichen Diskursen sowohl im Studium als auch arbeitsplatzbezogen zu folgen. Sie lernen sich idiomatisch adäquat schriftlich und mündlich auszudrücken. Sie erreichen eine Vertrautheit mit den interkulturellen und sprachimmanenten Spezifika der entsprechenden Kommunikationsformen. Sie können an in vorhergehenden Modulen erworbene Kenntnisse anknüpfen. 7 Empfohlene Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme Abschluss der dem Sprachkurs jeweils vorangehenden Niveaustufe des GER – nachweisbar über einen Einstufungstest, entsprechende Zertifikate oder erfolgreich abgeschlossene Kurse 8 Einpassung in Musterstudienplan Ab 1. Semester 9 Verwendbarkeit des Moduls Master International Information Systems; Master in Arbeitsmarkt & Personal (Wahlbereich); Master in Sozialökonomik (Wahlbereich) ; Master in Economics (Wahlbereich) 10 Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen Je Übung eine 60 minütige Abschlussklausur + mündliche Leistung International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 26 of 132 11 Berechnung Modulnote Ü = 100% 12 Turnus des Angebots Jährlich im WS und SS 13 Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzstudium: 60 h Eigenstudium: 90 h 14 Dauer des Moduls 1-2 Semester 15 Unterrichtssprache Je nach gewählter Fremdsprache 16 Vorbereitende Literatur Lt. Auskunft Dozent International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 27 of 132 III International Information Systems Management All courses are mandatory. Alle Kurse sind obligatorisch. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 28 of 132 Managing IT-enabled Businesses 1 Module description IIS7041 Managing IT-enabled Business 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS70412 IIS70413 Lecture: E-Business Intelligence & Relationships Exercise: E-Business Intelligence & Relationships 2,5 ECTS 2,5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Bodendorf and colleagues 4 Head of module Prof. Bodendorf 5 Contents Lect/Ex: The course focuses on the analysis and improvement of a company's relationships with its customers using business intelligence. Strategies, methods, and tools of business intelligence are presented. Business scenarios illustrate the application of concepts and IT systems for business intelligence. Special attention is given to marketing support. In an integrated exercise students work on marketing-oriented business cases using innovative instruments like data mining or case based reasoning. 6 Learning targets and skills The students can describe important business intelligence concepts and independently apply them to new problem areas in companies. evaluate the characteristics of different business intelligence methods and are able to independently select the proper method for use cases in Customer Relationship Management. discuss problem-solving approaches in groups and present their work results. 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum Second semester International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 29 of 132 9 Module application Master in International Information Systems: Module 1 in the section IISM Master Marketing Master Management 10 Method of examination Portfolio: Lecture: written examination (Vorlesung: Klausur ) Exercise: written assignment (Übung: Hausarbeit) 11 Grading procedure Lecture: 50% of module score (Vorlesung: 50% der Modulnote) Exercise: 50% of module score (Übung: 50% der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Each SS 13 Expected time input Presence: 60 h Home study: 90 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English 16 Preparatory literature None International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 30 of 132 Managing IT-enabled Organizations The module focuses on management and strategies of IT enabled companies and networked organizations. Students have to choose one out of two options (Lect. 1/Ex. 1 + Lect.2/Ex. 2 OR Lect. 1/Ex. 1 + Lect. 3/Ex. 3) for completing this module. In the first option, the module has one course each in the first and second semesters. In the second option, both the courses are in the first semester. Dieses Modul fokussiert sich auf das Management und Strategien von IT-Unternehmen und vernetzten Organisationen. Die Studenten müssen eine der zwei Optionen (Lect. 1/Ex. 1 + Lect.2/Ex. 2 ODER Lect. 1/Ex. 1 + Lect. 3/Ex. 3) wählen. In der ersten Option findet jeweils ein Kurs im ersten und zweiten Semester statt. In der zweiten Option finden beide Kurse des Moduls im ersten Semester statt. 1 Module description IIS7050 Managing IT-enabled Organizations 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS70501 Lect. 1/Ex. 1: Innovation and Leadership (2 SWS) 2,5 ECTS IIS70502 Choose: or Lect. 2/Ex. 2: IT Industry in India (2 SWS) IIS70503 or Lect 3./Ex. 3: Strategies for Platform Mediated Organizations (2 SWS) 3 Lecturers Prof. Möslein and colleagues 4 Head of module Prof. Möslein International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 2,5 ECTS 2,5 ECTS 31 of 132 5 Contents Lect1/Ex1: Creating a sustainable innovative environment is a leadership task. In order to succeed at this task, leaders must develop innovative abilities to deal with the challenges inherent in a business environment characterized by fluid, unstructured and changing information. The aim of this course is to get an overview of how to structure leadership systems towards innovation, how leaders can motivate to foster innovative thinking and what new forms of innovation (e.g. open innovation) mean for the definition of leadership. Lect2/Ex2: The course gives the participants a thorough understanding of IT and IT-enabled services industry in India. We shall explore the birth and growth of IT clusters in India, advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing & offshoring, its inherent risks and opportunities and moving up the value chain. The course gives an overview to global delivery models used in this industry and also covers specific aspects of Indian culture to ensure that students are comfortable dealing with Indian companies in the future. Lect3/Ex3: This course builds on the platform and network in core strategy and aims to highlight the specific strategies for firms operating in platformmediated-networks (PMN). Firms in platform-mediated-networks face certain challenges atypical of typical product or service firms – they operate in multi-sided markets; face network effects that typically allow only few firms to exist as platform intermediaries; and traditional rules for pricing fail in such markets. Based on the work of Professor Thomas Eisenmann at Harvard Business School. The course will be delivered through a set of cases that ensures that participants appreciate the multi-dimensional nature of managing in network businesses. Please check the website for further details. 6 Learning targets and skills The students will understand and explore the theories and practicalities of leadership in open innovation contexts. will gain knowledge on leading and communicating innovation and translate it in leadership behavior in real case contexts. will learn to assess, reflect and feedback the impact of practical leadership for innovation. discuss problem-solving approaches in groups and present their work results. can identify and unravel the business problem in a case study and actively take part in class discussions can describe platform intermediation in two sided markets, platform dominance and Winner-takes-all dynamics International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 32 of 132 can develop strategies for creating platform mediated networks and understand pricing in these businesses 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum First and second or third semester 9 Module application Master in International Information Systems: Module 2 in the section IISM 10 Method of examination Portfolio: Lect1/Ex1: presentation and project report (Vorlesung 1/ Übung 1: Präsentation, Projektbericht) Lect2/Ex2: case studies and seminar report (Vorlesung 2/Übung 2: Fallstudien, Seminararbeit) or Lect3/Ex3: case studies and seminar report (Vorlesung 3/Übung 3: Fallstudien, Seminararbeit) 11 Grading procedure Lect1/Ex1: 50% of module score (Vorlesung 1/ Übung 1: 50 % der Modulnote) Lect2/Ex2: 50% of module score (Vorlesung 2/ Übung 2: 50 % der Modulnote) or Lect3/Ex3: 50% of module score (Vorlesung 3/ Übung 3: 50 % der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Lect. 1/Ex. 1: IuL: Each WS Lect. 2/Ex. 2: IT in India: Each SS or Lect. 3/Ex. 3: SPMO: WS 14/15 13 Expected time input Innovation and Leadership + IT Industry in India: Presence: 60 h Home study: 90 h or Innovation and Leadership + Strategies for Platform Mediated Organizations: Presence: 45 h Home study: 105 h International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 33 of 132 14 Module duration Innovation and Leadership + IT Industry in India: 2 semester or Innovation and Leadership + Strategies for Platform Mediated Organizations: 1 semester 15 Lecture language English 16 Preparatory literature None International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 34 of 132 Managing Enterprise-Wide IT Architectures 1 Module description IIS7030 Managing Enterprise-Wide IT Architectures 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS70301 and IIS70302 Lecture.: Fundamentals of Enterprise-Wide IT Architecture Management (2 SWS) 2,5 ECTS Exercise: Case Study Seminar(2 SWS) 2,5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Amberg and colleagues 4 Head of module Prof. Amberg 5 Contents Lecture: Fundamentals of Enterprise-Wide IT Architecture Management The lecture “Fundamentals of Enterprise-Wide IT Architecture Management” provides the fundamentals of business process management and the underlying IT architecture. The course has a strong focus on concepts of business-IT-alignment e.g., service oriented architectures, cloud computing, and enterprise-wide IT systems as well as important paradigms to (re-) design enterprise IT architectures. Case Study Seminar Managers and business leaders in the field of information technology must make decisions with limited information and a swirl of business activities going on around them. They are required to evaluate options, make choices, and find solutions to the challenges they face every day. In this seminar, students will take on the perspective of a decision-maker by analyzing and discussing complex management challenges illustrated in different case studies from leading business schools. 6 Learning targets and skills Lecture: Fundamentals of Enterprise-Wide IT Architecture Management In this lecture, students gain knowledge of various tools and methods to optimize and (re-) design IT-oriented business processes, International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 35 of 132 can assess IT architectures and their performance and detect problems and capabilities regarding IT infrastructures, are able to look at IT architecture management in a scientific way, learn critical vocabulary, theories, and methods. Case Study Seminar This seminar aims at fostering students’ ability to develop analysisbased solutions, recommendations, and action plans, thereby providing management lessons they can put into practice in their professional lives. In particular, students will… know about real-world challenges in the area of IT management, as well as methods for analyzing case studies, be able to apply the vocabulary, theory, and methods they have learned in the lecture, be able to develop solutions to business problems, as well as defend their solutions and discuss them critically in a group setting, be able to present solutions to case study problems in English language. 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum Second semester 9 Module application Master in International Information Systems: Module 3 in the section IISM Method of examination Portfolio: 10 Lecture: written examination, presentation (Vorlesung: Klausur, Präsentation) Case Study Seminar: written case summaries, case discussions, and presentation (Seminar: Zusammenfassungen von Fallstudien, Diskussion von Fallstudien und Präsentation) 11 Grading procedure Lecture: 50% of module score (Vorlesung: 50% der Modulnote) Case Study Seminar: 50% of module score (Seminar: 50% der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Each SS 13 Expected time input Presence: 60 h Home study: 90 h International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 36 of 132 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English 16 Preparatory literature Lecture: Rood, M. A. Enterprise architecture: Definition, content, and utility, in Proceedings of the Third Workshop on: Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, 1994, pp. 106-111. Case Study Seminar: Ellet, W. The Case Study Handbook: How to Read, Discuss, and Write Persuasively About Cases. Harvard Business Review Press, 2007. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 37 of 132 Managing Global Projects and Information Technology 1 Module description IIS7060 2 Courses IIS70601 IIS70602 Lect1/Ex1: Managing Information Technology (2 SWS) Lect2/Ex2: Managing Global Projects (2 SWS) Lecturers Prof. Amberg and colleagues Head of module Prof. Amberg Contents Lect1/Ex1: 3 Managing Global Projects & Information Technology 5 ECTS 2,5 ECTS 2,5 ECTS The traditional role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) as gatekeeper of technology and protector of corporate information asset activities is changing. Next to the daily duties to keep the IT operations and projects running – often facing shrinking budget constraints – an enterprise IT manager becomes an important business partner in supporting the transformation of the traditional business to the digital age. The course has a strong focus on the role of IT within different types of enterprises and highlights IT from two different angles: IT as organizational function and IT as driver of organizational transformation. The lecture is divided into two parts (1) IT Management in enterprises (2) IT-driven business models Lect2/Ex2: Increasing globalization of business operations and the high importance of project structures for global operations force companies worldwide to develop and strengthen their capabilities for managing International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 38 of 132 global projects. Therefore, future professionals capable of successfully coordinating projects across multiple countries and cultures will have excellent career prospects. To prepare students for the task of managing global projects, the course will focus on the following topics: Characteristics and organization of global projects Cultural influences (effects and remedies) Controlling of globally distributed projects Challenges of IS outsourcing/offshoring projects. For each of these topics, students will be given an introduction to the topic (knowledge transfer) and then work on Harvard case studies to gain deeper insights into the topic (knowledge application). In addition, students will work in teams on a project from a real-life case scenario during the semester. Learning targets and skills Lect1/Ex1: The students describe and explain key IT Management models explain and evaluate design options of an IT organization and challenges of the CIO explain main organizational IT cost categories and tasks of managing IT costs apply the Balanced Scorecard Concept to IT describe components of a (digital) business model evaluate (digital) business models Lect2/Ex2: The course follows a student-centered learning approach, consisting of a cycle of knowledge transfer and application. The course imparts knowledge in the following areas: characteristics of global projects, principles and techniques of project management, current trends in the area of IT-outsourcing/offshoring. The main goal of the course is to familiarize students with the foundations of successful management in global IT-projects. Suggested prerequisites Lect1/Ex1: None Integration in curriculum Third semester Lect2/Ex2: Basic knowledge on project management principles and techniques International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 39 of 132 Module application Master in International Information Systems: Module 4 in the section IISM Method of examination Portfolio: Lect1/Ex1: Essays, case studies, presentation (Vorlesung 1/ Übung 1: Aufsätze, Fallstudien, Präsentation) Lect2/Ex2: case studies, research project /project report (Vorlesung 2/ Übung 2: Fallstudien, Projektarbeit/-bericht) Grading procedure Lect1/Ex1: 50% of module score (Vorlesung 1/ Übung 1: 50 % der Modulnote) Lect2/Ex2: 50% of module score (Vorlesung 2/ Übung 2: 50 % der Modulnote) Course frequency Each WS Expected time input Presence: 60 h Home study: 90 h Module duration 1 semester Lecture language English Preparatory literature Lect1/Ex1: Carr, N. G. (2003): IT doesn’t matter. Harvard Business Review, 81(5), 41–9, 128. Christensen, C. M., & Overdorf, M. (2000). Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change. Harvard Business Review, 78(2), 66–76. Lect2/Ex2 Amberg M., Wiener M.: IT-Offshoring: Management Internationaler IT-Outsourcing-Projekte. Physica-Verlag, ISBN-10: 3790817325. Binder J.: Global Project Management: Communication, Collaboration and Management Across Borders. Gower Publishing Ltd, ISBN: 0566087065. Choudhury V., Sabherwal R.: Portfolios of Control in Outsourced Software Development Projects. Information Systems Research, 14(3), pp. 291-314. Kirsch L.J.: Deploying Common Systems Globally: The Dynamics of Control. Information Systems Research, 15(4), pp. 374-395. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 40 of 132 IT-enabled Innovation and Value Creation 1 Module description IIS7071 IT-enabled Innovation and Value Creation 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS70721 Innovation Technology 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Möslein and colleagues 4 Head of module Prof. Möslein 5 Contents The class covers social and technological aspects of innovation technologies. As a bridging technology, the semantic web, 3D printing and open hardware will serve as the basis for linking and enabling different types of innovation technologies across the boundaries of socio-technical systems Social and organizational theory will amongst others contain: Systems theory, communication theory and organization theory, basics of open innovation, open research, interactive value creation and open evaluation. User Innovation and toolkits for user innovation and design. The technological aspect of the class will deal with: Theory, infrastructure and underlying technologies of the world wide web Open hardware and 3D printing technologies During the course, students will conduct an individual research project linking organizations and technology either through theoretical/empirical work or through prototyping solutions in a design science approach. To explore the possibilities of novel web technology students will publish about their specific topic and as well comment on and rate their peers’ entries. The preliminary findings of the research projects will be presented during the course of the semester. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 41 of 132 6 Learning targets and skills The students can: differentiate between and evaluate the main information and communication theories. differentiate between and assess the most important developments on the web and web based technologies develop a research design for a literature overview or a design-oriented project. discuss theories, as well as the design and the progress of their project. 7 Suggested prerequisites Basic knowledge of web technologies (i.e. basic html or understanding of web technology in general) 8 Integration in curriculum Third semester 9 Module application Master in International Information Systems: Module 5 in the section IISM 10 Method of examination Portfolio: Lect/Ex: Research project and assignments (Vorlesung/ Übung: Projekarbeit und Hausarbeit) 11 Grading procedure 100% of module score (100% der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Each WS 13 Expected time input Presence: 30 h Home study: 120 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English 16 Preparatory literature Berners-Lee, T., Weitzner, D. J., Hall, W., O'Hara, K., Shadbolt, N., Hendler, J. A., et al. (2006). A Framework for Web Science. Foundations and Trends® in Web Science, 1(1), 1-130. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 42 of 132 IT-enabled Processes and Services The module focuses on the design, management and IT-applications of business processes and services or service products in companies and networked organizations. It is divided into two courses. Students have to choose one out of two. Dieses Modul behandelt das Design, Management und die IT-Anwendungen von Businessprozessen und Businessservices sowie Serviceprodukten in Unternehmen und Netzwerkorganisationen. Das Modul ist in zwei Kurse unterteilt. Die Studenten müssen eine der zwei Optionen wählen. 1 Module description IIS7081 IT-enabled Processes and Services (Option 1) 2 Courses IIS70815 IIS70816 Lecture: Advanced Process Management Exercise: Advanced Process Management 3 Lecturers Prof. Bodendorf and colleagues 4 Head of module Prof. Bodendorf 5 Contents Lecture and Exercise: 5 ECTS 5 ECTS This course is about strategic business process planning and business IT alignment. Additionally, it covers business process analysis, planning, engineering, monitoring and controlling. Furthermore, it provides a comprehensive understanding of workflow management systems, service-oriented architectures, intelligent agents and assistants as well as process portals. 6 Learning targets and skills The students select suitable process architectures and organizational structures within the scope of business process management. can model, analyze, and implement (with the aid of IT) complex processes. independently transfer business process management concepts to new use cases. discuss problem-solving approaches in groups and present their work results. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 43 of 132 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum Third semester 9 Module application Master in International Information Systems: Module 6 in the section IISM 10 Method of examination Portfolio: Lecture: written examination (Vorlesung: Klausur) Exercise: written assignment (Übung: Hausarbeit) 11 Grading procedure Lecture: 50% of module score (Vorlesung: 50% der Modulnote) Exercise: 50% of module score (Übung: 50% der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Each WS 13 Expected time input Presence: 60 h Home study: 90 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English 16 Preparatory literature None International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 44 of 132 1 Module description IIS7082 IT-enabled Processes and Services (Option 2) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS70817 IIS70818 Lecture: Advanced Service Management Exercise: Advanced Service Management 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Bodendorf and colleagues 4 Head of module Prof. Bodendorf 5 Contents Lecture and Exercise: This course consists of two parts. Part one of the course provides an overview of service science. Characteristics of service design, production, and deployment are presented. The second part focuses on service businesses, such as finance, commerce, logistics, tourism, education, entertainment, healthcare and industrial services. Digital products and value added services are discussed as well as service engineering and service technologies (e.g., self service systems, multimedia, and security Systems). 6 Learning targets and ski- The students lls can plan and develop services, as well as independently utilize IT-aided methods to create services. understand the special requirements of different industries and develop service concepts on this basis. discuss problem-solving approaches in groups and present their work results. 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum Second semester 9 Module application Master in International Information Systems: Module 6 in the section IISM 10 Method of examination Portfolio: Lecture: written examination (Vorlesung: Klausur) Exercise: written assignment (Übung: Hausarbeit) 11 Grading procedure Lecture: 50% of module score (Vorlesung: 50% der Modulnote) Exercise: 50% of module score (Übung: 50% der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Each SS International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 45 of 132 13 Expected time input Presence: 60 h Home study: 90 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English and German 16 Preparatory literature None International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 46 of 132 IV Informatics The Informatics part is broken down into “Database Systems” and “Software Engineering”. Der Bereich Informatics ist in die Module „Database Systems” und „Software Engineering“ aufgeteilt. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 47 of 132 Database Systems Students have to earn 15 ECTS in the subject area Database Systems. Thus, they have to take three 5-ECTS-modules out of 19 given options. The graph below shows the available options and when they are offered. Im Modulbereich Database System müssen die Studenten 15 ECTS einbringen. Das heißt, dass von 19 möglichen Modulen drei 5-ECTS-Module absolviert werden müssen. Die nachfolgende Grafik zeigt die angebotenen Module und in welchem Fachsemester die Veranstaltungen stattfinden. Morphologischer Kasten (Master) DE WS DE DE OOMMDB OODBEIS OODBEBT DE DE DE DE DE DE EISEBT MMDBEIS MMDBEBT DE DE MSc INF „Projekt“ DE DE DE [ MSc Seminar ] ES DS Master & EN DE DE KDDDSS EN SS EN EN DE DBRNTAS EN DE DE DE DE DE DE DE KDDTAS E KDDDBRN KDDDW DSSDW EN DSSDBRN DSSTAS DWDBRN DWTAS EN POIS (Dr. Stiehl) DE E SWAT ES DS DE DE EN DE EN Alle weiteren Infos per UnivIS! Kombis mit DW (Nürnberg!) Jede Lehrveranstaltung kann nur höchstens einmal verwendet werden! Since most of the modules are combinations of two lectures and many lectures appear in more than one module, the lectures are described in a first step. Afterwards, the available modules are listed and explained in more detail. Da die meisten Module zwei Lehrveranstaltungen kombinieren und etliche Lehrveranstaltungen in mehr als einem Modul auftauchen, wird mit einer Beschreibung der Lehrveranstaltungen begonnen. Anschließend werden die angebotenen Modulkombinationen aufgelistet und näher erläutert. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 48 of 132 DBRN (Datenbanken in Rechnernetzen) 1 LV-Bezeichnung IIS72521 Datenbanken in Rechnernetzen 2 Art und Umfang V: Datenbanken in Rechnernetzen (2 SWS) 3 Dozenten Prof. Dr. Richard Lenz 4 Inhalt Rechnernetze entsprechen dem momentanen Stand der Technik; isolierte Rechnersysteme nehmen an Zahl und Bedeutung ab. Das Betreiben von Datenbanksystemen in Rechnernetzen erfordert neuartige Konzepte, die über die einer zentralisierten Datenbankverwaltung hinausgehen. In der Vorlesung werden Ansätze zur Datenbankverwaltung in verteilten Systemen vorgestellt. Verteilte Datenbanken, Parallele Datenbanken, DB-Sharing und heterogene Datenbanksysteme werden untersucht. Darüber hinaus widmet sich ein weiteres Hauptkapitel der Vorlesung der Verwendung und dem Betrieb von Datenbanksystemen im Internet. 5 Lernziele und Kompetenzen Die Teilnehmer lernen 2,5 ECTS die Arten von Schemata in verteilten Datenbanken zu unterscheiden verschiedene Katalogstrukturen zu verstehen die verschiedenen Korrektheitskriterien für die nebenläufige Ausführung von verteilten Transaktionen zu verstehen Vor- und Nachteile der Replikationstechniken zu beurteilen das Potenzial föderierter Datenbanken und anderer Formen von Datenbank-Kopplung zu beurteilen 6 Empfohlene Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme Grundlagen im Bereich von Datenbanksysteme – im Umfang der Module KonzMod und IDB im Bachelorstudium Informatik oder des Moduls DBNF in anderen Studiengängen. 7 Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen siehe Modulbeschreibung 8 Turnus des Angebots Jährlich, im Sommersemester Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit: 30h (2h x 15) 9 im SS 2015 wird die Veranstaltung einmalig nicht angeboten; die Prüfung kann abgelegt werden Eigenstudium: 45h (1h x 15 + 30h) International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 49 of 132 ca. 1h pro Woche Nachbereitung im laufenden Semester und ca. 30h Prüfungsvorbereitung in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit; erfolgt keine begleitende Nachbereitung, sind ca. 45h für die Prüfungsvorbereitung einzukalkulieren 10 Dauer 1 Semester 11 Unterrichtssprache Deutsch 12 Vorbereitende Literatur RAHM, Erhard: Mehrrechner-Datenbanksysteme : Grundlagen der verteilten und parallelen Datenbankverarbeitung. Bonn : AddisonWesley, 1994. - ISBN 3-8319-702-8 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 50 of 132 DSS (Datenstromsysteme) 1 LV-Bezeichnung IIS72502 Datenstromsysteme 2 Art und Umfang V: Datenstromsysteme (2 SWS) 3 Dozenten Prof. Dr. Klaus Meyer-Wegener 4 Inhalt Datenströme gibt es schon lange. Sie fließen als Nachrichten durch Netze, werden in Protokolldateien abgelegt (und dort oft vergessen oder nur bei Problemen im Nachhinein konsultiert), werden zur Anzeige gebracht, gefiltert, ausgewertet, transformiert usw. Beispiele sind die unterschiedlichsten Arten von Messwerten (Temperatur, Helligkeit, Feuchtigkeit, Druck, chemische Zusammensetzung), Börsen- und Wirtschaftsnachrichten (Preise), Gebote in Online-Auktionen, Aktionen in Rechnersystemen (Anmeldungen, Zugriffe, Programmausführungen), um nur ein paar zu nennen. 2,5 ECTS Bislang wurden die Systeme zur Verarbeitung dieser Datenströme als Individuallösungen erstellt, oft sogar auf sehr speziellen Plattformen (SPS). Um das Jahr 2000 herum begann sich auch die Datenbank-Forschung mit diesem Problem zu befassen, weil man erkannt hatte, dass sich eine Reihe von Techniken dieses Gebiets auch auf Datenströme anwenden lassen, vor allem die Anfrageverarbeitung und -optimierung, aber auch Verteilung und Datenunabhängigkeit. Damit lassen sich auch für die Verarbeitung von Datenströmen generische Lösungen erstellen - so wie Datenbanksysteme eine generische Lösung für die Auswertung gespeicherter Daten sind. Die nun entstehenden Datenstromsysteme werden in dieser Vorlesung vorgestellt. Diskutiert werden dabei u.a. 5 Lernziele und Kompetenzen Anfragesprachen Schemastrukturen Sensornetze als eine der wichtigsten Datenquellen Anfrageauswertung und –optimierung Architekturen Anwendungsszenarien Die Teilnehmer lernen die verschiedenen Ansätze der Datenstromverarbeitung zu unterscheiden Stromoperationen zu verstehen Ansätze zur Implementierung von DSS kennen International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 51 of 132 das Potenzial dieser Systeme einzuschätzen 6 Empfohlene Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme Grundlagen im Bereich von Datenbanksysteme – im Umfang der Module KonzMod und IDB im Bachelorstudium Informatik oder des Moduls DBNF in anderen Studiengängen. 7 Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen siehe Modulbeschreibung 8 Turnus des Angebots Jährlich, im Sommersemester Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit: 30h (2h x 15) 9 im SS 2016 wird die Veranstaltung einmalig nicht angeboten; die Prüfung kann abgelegt werden Eigenstudium: 45h (1h x 15 + 30h) d.h. je Vorlesung ca. 1h pro Woche Nachbereitung im laufenden Semester und ca. 30h Prüfungsvorbereitung in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit; erfolgt keine begleitende Nachbereitung, sind ca. 45h für die Prüfungsvorbereitung einzukalkulieren 10 Dauer 1 Semester 11 Unterrichtssprache Deutsch 12 Vorbereitende Literatur AGGARWAL, Charu C. (Hrsg.): Data Streams : Models and Algorithms. Boston/Dordrecht/London : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2006 GOLAB, Lukasz ; ÖZSU, M. Tamer: Issues in Data Stream Management. ACM SIGMOD Record 32 (June 2003) issue 2, pp. 5–14 ARASU, Arvind ; BABU, Shivnath ; WIDOM, Jennifer: The CQL Continuous Query Language : Semantic Foundations and Query Execution. VLDB Journal 15 (June 2006) no. 2, pp. 121-142 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 52 of 132 DW (Data Warehousing) 1 LV-Bezeichnung DW Data Warehousing 2 Art und Umfang V: Data Warehousing (2 SWS) 3 Dozenten Prof. Dr. Thomas Ruf 4 Inhalt Das "Data Warehouse" stellt sowohl im theoretischen Bereich der Datenbankforschung als auch in der praktischen Anwendung in der Wirtschaft ein "Hot Topic" dar. Die breite Fächerung des Themengebietes macht es notwendig, sich dem Begriff "Data Warehouse" von verschiedenen Blickwinkeln zu nähern. Die Hauptpunkte der Vorlesung liegen dabei in der Diskussion der unterschiedlichen Architekturansätze, den zugehörigen Datenmodellen und den verarbeitungstechnischen Grundlagen. Weiterhin wird auf aktuelle Diskussionspunkte wie die Realisierungstechniken ROLAP und MOLAP oder die Aggregatbildung, -verwendung und -haltung eingegangen. Aspekte der Architektur und des Betriebs von Data Warehouse- Systemen runden den theoretischen Vorlesungssteil ab. Die Vorlesung ist geprägt von einer Mischung aus theoretischen Grundlagen, praktischer Anwendung und neuen Forschungsergebnissen. Um einen stärkeren Praxisbezug zu erreichen, werden mehrere Vorträge von Firmenvertretern gehalten, um von ihren Erfahrungen bei dem Aufbau eines "DataWarehouses" und vom aktuellen Stand der Technik aus Anbietersicht zu berichten. 5 Lernziele und Kompetenzen Die Studierenden 2,5 ECTS können wichtige Konzepte des Data Warehousing und Data Mining selbständig auf neue Problemstellungen in der Marktforschung übertragen und anwenden. können multidimensionale Datenbanken logisch modellieren entwickeln ein Verständnis für die Architektur und den Betrieb technischer Data Warehouse - Systeme erschließen sich selbständig das Wissen zur Entwicklung neuer Verfahren zur Datenermittlung und -analyse. 6 Empfohlene Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme Grundlagen im Bereich von Datenbanksystemen – im Umfang der Module KonzMod und IDB im Bachelorstudium Informatik oder des Moduls DBNF in anderen Studiengängen oder eigene Vorkenntnisse. 7 Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen siehe Modulbeschreibung International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 53 of 132 8 Turnus des Angebots Jährlich, im Sommersemester 9 Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit: 30h (2h x 15) Eigenstudium: 45h (1h x 15 + 30h) d.h. je Vorlesung ca. 1h pro Woche Nachbereitung im laufen-den Semester und ca. 30h Prüfungsvorbereitung; erfolgt keine begleitende Nachbereitung, sind ca. 45h für die Prüfungsvorbereitung einzukalkulieren 10 Dauer 1 Semester 11 Unterrichtssprache Deutsch 12 Vorbereitende Literatur BAUER, A. ; GÜNZEL, H.: Data Warehouse Systeme. Architektur, Entwicklung, Anwendung. Heidelberg : dpunkt.verlag, 2007 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 54 of 132 EBT (E-Business Technologies) 1 LV-Bezeichnung EBT eBusiness Technologies 2 Art und Umfang V: eBusiness Technologies (2 SWS) 3 Dozenten Dr. Florian Irmert, Dr. Christoph Neumann (Lehrbeauftragte) 4 Inhalt Softwareentwicklungsprozesse, OOA&D 2,5 ECTS Web-Anwendungen / Portaltechnik Enterprise Technologien / Komponentenmodelle Datenzugriff / Persistenz-Frameworks / OR-Mapping 5 Lernziele und Kompetenzen Qualifikationsziel ist es, Studierenden der Informatik und anderer Studiengänge in die Architektur und die Implementierung von eBusiness-Anwendungen (im speziellen: Web-Anwendungen) theoretisch und praktisch einzuführen. Dies soll ihnen im Beruf die angemessene Entwicklung solcher Anwendungen ermöglichen. 6 Empfohlene Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme Module "Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen" (wg. Objektorientierung), "Konzeptionelle Modellierung" (wg. Datenmodellierung und UML), "Softwareentwicklung in Großprojekten" (wg. Entwurfsmustern und IT-Vorgehensmodellen), "Systemprogrammierung" (wg. Betriebssystem-Architektur), "Berechenbarkeit und formale Sprachen" (als Grundlage für XML) und "Rechnerkommunikation" (wg. Transferprotokollen), "Datenbanksysteme" – ggf. parallel (wg. Schichtenarchitektur und Transaktionen). Die relevanten Inhalte können ggf. auch in anderen Modulen erworben worden sein. 7 Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen siehe Modulbeschreibung 8 Turnus des Angebots Jährlich, im Wintersemester 9 Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit: 30h (2h x 15) Eigenstudium: 45h (1h x 15 + 30h) ca. 1h pro Woche Nachbereitung im laufenden Semester und ca. 30h Prüfungsvorbereitung in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit; erfolgt keine begleitende Nachbereitung, sind ca. 45h für die Prüfungsvorbereitung einzukalkulieren. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 55 of 132 10 Dauer 1 Semester 11 Unterrichtssprache Deutsch 12 Vorbereitende Literatur Craig Larman: Applying UML and Patterns. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 2004 Rod Johnson: Expert One-on-one J2EE Design and Development. Wiley & Sons, 2003 Craig Walls, Ryan Breidenbach: Spring in Action. 2. Aufl. Manning Publications, 2007 Gustavo Alonso, Fabio Casati, Harumi Kuno, Vijay Machiraju: Web Services. Springer, 2003. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 56 of 132 EIS (Evolutionäre Informationssysteme) 1 LV-Bezeichnung EIS Evolutionäre Informationssysteme 2 Art und Umfang V: Evolutionäre Informationssysteme (2 SWS) 3 Dozenten Prof. Dr. Richard Lenz 4 Inhalt 2,5 ECTS Grundlagen rechnergestützter Informationssysteme und Organisatorisches Lernen Erfolgsfaktoren für IT-Projekte Software-Wartung vs. Software-Evolution Architekturmodelle Grundprinzipien evolutionärer Systeme Anwendungsintegration Datenqualität in Informationssystemen 5 Lernziele und Kompetenzen Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung EIS lernen die Studenten, warum und wie mit einem ständig wechselnden Bedarf in Informationssystemen umgegangen werden kann. 6 Empfohlene Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme Module "Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen" (wg. Objektorientierung), "Konzeptionelle Modellierung" (wg. Datenmodellierung und UML), "Softwareentwicklung in Großprojekten" (wg. Entwurfsmustern und IT-Vorgehensmodellen), "Systemprogrammierung" (wg. Betriebssystem-Architektur), "Berechenbarkeit und formale Sprachen" (als Grundlage für XML) und "Rechnerkommunikation" (wg. Transferprotokollen), "Datenbanksysteme" – ggf. parallel (wg. Schichtenarchitektur und Transaktionen). Die relevanten Inhalte können ggf. auch in anderen Modulen erworben worden sein. 7 Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen siehe Modulbeschreibung 8 Turnus des Angebots Jährlich, im Wintersemester 9 Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit: 30h (2h x 15) Eigenstudium: 45h (1h x 15 + 30h) ca. 1h pro Woche Nachbereitung im laufenden Semester und ca. 30h Prüfungsvorbereitung in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit; erfolgt keine begleitende Nachbereitung, sind ca. 45h für die Prüfungsvorbereitung einzukalkulieren International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 57 of 132 10 Dauer 1 Semester 11 Unterrichtssprache Deutsch 12 Vorbereitende Literatur Nandish Patel: Adaptive Evolutionary Information Systems. Idea Group Publishing, 2003. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 58 of 132 KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Databases) 1 LV-Description KDD Knowledge Discovery in Databases 2 Courses Lect: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (2 SWS) 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Klaus Meyer-Wegener 4 Contents 5 Learning targets and skills 2,5 ECTS Introduction Data mining: discovering interesting patterns from large amounts of data KDD process: data cleaning, data integration, data selection, transformation, data mining, pattern evaluation, and knowledge presentation Data mining functionalities: characterization, discrimination, association, classification, clustering, outlier and trend analysis, etc. Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology for Data Mining Data Preprocessing Data Mining Primitives, Languages, and System Architectures Concept Description: Characterization and Comparison Mining Association Rules Classification and Prediction Cluster Analysis Mining Complex Types of Data Applications and Trends The students will learn about: the particular challenges of data mining on large sets of data the technologies available for data analysis systems offering these technologies the process of data mining applications Basics in the field of database systems – within the scope of the modules KonzMod and IDB in the Bachelor program Computer Science or the module DBNF in other study programs) 6 Suggested prerequisites 7 Method of examination See module description 8 Integration in curriculum Each SS in SS 2016 the lecture is not offered; examination is possible International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 59 of 132 9 Expected time input Presence: 30h (2h x 15) Home study: 45h (1h x 15 + 30h) Ca. 1h per week is required for follow-up course work during the lecture period and ca. 30h for the exam revision during the lecture free period, if follow-up course work is not performed continuously, ca. 45h should be allowed for exam revision 10 Module duration 1 Semester 11 Lecture language English 12 Preparatory literature HAN, Jiawei ; KAMBER, Micheline; PEI, Jian : Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques. 3 rd edition. San Francisco u.a. : Morgan Kaufmann, 2011 DU, Hongbo: Data Mining Techniques and Applications. Andover, UK : Cengage Learning, 2010 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 60 of 132 MMDB (Multimedia Datenbanken) 1 LV-Bezeichnung MMDB Multimedia-Datenbanken 2 Art und Umfang V: Multimedia-Datenbanken (2 SWS) 3 Dozenten Prof. Dr. Klaus Meyer-Wegener 4 Inhalt 5 Lernziele und Kompetenzen: 2,5 ECTS Eigenschaften von Multimedia-Daten spezifische Strukturen und Suchmethoden bei Text, Graphik, Rasterbil, Audio und Video Speichersysteme für Multimedia Abstrakte Datentypen für Medienobjekte relationale Schemata SQL-Erweiterungen, SQL/MM Die Teilnehmer sollen lernen Multimedia-Objekte in einer Datenbank zu verwalten Abstrakte Datentypen für Multimedia zu entwickeln ein SQL-Schema mit Multimedia-Objekten zu definieren 6 Empfohlene VorausGrundlagen von Datenbanksystemen – im Umfang der Module setzungen für die Teil- KonzMod und DBS im Bachelorstudium Informatik oder des Moduls nahme DBNF in anderen Studiengängen 7 Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen siehe Modulbeschreibung 8 Turnus des Angebots Jährlich, im Wintersemester 9 Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit: 30h (2h x 15) Eigenstudium: 45h (1h x 15 + 30h) ca. 1h pro Woche Nachbereitung im laufenden Semester und ca. 30h Prüfungsvorbereitung in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit; erfolgt keine begleitende Nachbereitung sind ca. 45h für die Prüfungsvorbereitung einzukalkulieren 10 Dauer 1 Semester 11 Unterrichtssprache Deutsch International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 61 of 132 12 Vorbereitende Literatur MEYER-WEGENER, Klaus: Multimediale Datenbanken. 2., überarb. u. erw. Aufl. Stuttgart : Teubner, 2003 (Leitfäden der angewandten Informatik). - ISBN 3-519-12419-X. LU, Guojun: Multimedia Database Management Systems. Boston, London :Artech House, 1999. - ISBN 0-89006-342-7 (14GI mat 17.6.4-174) SUBRAHMANIAN, V.S.: Principles of Multimedia Database Systems. San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann, 1998. - ISBN 1-55860466-9 KHOSHAFIAN, Setrag ; BAKER, A. Brad: MultiMedia and Imaging Databases. San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann, 1996. - ISBN 155860-312-3 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 62 of 132 OODB (Objektorientierte Datenbanken) 1 LV-Bezeichnung OODB Objektorientierte Datenbanken 2 Art und Umfang V: Objektorientierte Datenbanken (2 SWS) 3 Dozenten Prof. Dr. Klaus Meyer-Wegener 4 Inhalt 5 Lernziele und Kompetenzen: 2,5 ECTS nicht-relationale Datenmodelle: hierarchisch, Netzwerk Probleme mit relationalen Systemen in Anwendungen wie GIS und CAD verschiedene Definitionen von Objektorientierung das ODMG-Modell Persistenz von Objekten und Anbindung an Programmiersprachen Objektrelationale Datenbanken, SQL:1999 Die Teilnehmer sollen lernen den Unterschied von struktureller und verhaltensmäßiger Objektorientierung zu verstehen im ODMG-Modell zu modellieren Anfragen in der OQL zu schreiben Programme zu schreiben, die auf eine OODB zugreifen ein SQL-Schema mit objektrelationalen Erweiterungen zu definieren 6 Empfohlene VorausGrundlagen von Datenbanksystemen – im Umfang der Module setzungen für die Teil- KonzMod und IDB im Bachelorstudium Informatik oder des Moduls nahme DBNF in anderen Studiengängen 7 Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen siehe Modulbeschreibung 8 Turnus des Angebots Jährlich, im Wintersemester 9 Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit: 30h (2h x 15) Eigenstudium: 45h (1h x 15 + 30h) ca. 1h pro Woche Nachbereitung im laufenden Semester und ca. 30h Prüfungsvorbereitung in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit; erfolgt keine begleitende Nachbereitung, sind ca. 45h für die Prüfungsvorbereitung einzukalkulieren International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 63 of 132 10 Dauer des Moduls 1 Semester 11 Unterrichtssprache Deutsch 12 Vorbereitende Literatur GEPPERT, Andreas: Objektrelationale und objektorientierte Datenbankkonzepte und -systeme. Heidelberg : dpunkt, 2002. - ISBN 389864-124-4 HEUER, Andreas: Objektorientierte Datenbanken : Konzepte, Modelle, Standards und Systeme. 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Aufl. Bonn : Addison-Wesley, 1997. - ISBN 3-89319-800-8 (im Buchhandel nicht mehr lieferbar, aber: 14GI/mat 17.6.1-495b) MEIER, Andreas ; WÜST, T.: Objektorientierte und objektrelationale Datenbanken : Ein Kompass für die Praxis. 3., überarb. und aktual. Aufl. Heidelberg : dpunkt, 2003. - ISBN 3-89864-191-0 TÜRKER, Can: SQL:1999& SQL:2003 : Objektrelationales SQL, SQLJ & SQL/XML. Heidelberg : dpunkt, 2003. - ISBN 3-89864-2194 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 64 of 132 TAS (Transaktionssysteme) 1 LV-Description IIS72541 Transactionsystems (Transaktionssysteme) 2 Courses Lect: Transactionsystems (Transaktionssysteme) (2 SWS) 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Richard Lenz 4 Contents Transactions are the core mechanism to guarantee database consistency in the presence of failures. The lecture introduces the cornerstones of the Transaction Concept and related techniques and system architectures. Topics are: 2,5 ECTS Reconstructing the Transaction Model Advanced Transaction Models Queued transaction processing Implementing the ACID properties of transactions: Concurrency control, logging and recovery TP Monitors: TRPC, Architecture of TP Monitor, Transaction Manager Learning targets and skills The participants learn 6 Suggested prerequisites Basics in the field of database systems – within the scope of the modules KonzMod and IDB in the Bachelor program Computer Science or the module DBNF in other study programs) 7 Method of examination See module description 8 Integration in curriculum Each SS Expected time input Presence: 30h (2h x 15) 5 9 to identify the boundaries of traditional transactions to describe advanced transaction models to explain synchronization and recovery mechanisms in SS 2015 the lecture is not offered; examination is possible Home Study: 45h (1h x 15 + 30h) Ca. 1h per week is required for follow-up course work during the lecture period and ca. 30h for the exam revision during the lecture free period, if follow-up course work is not performed continuously, ca. 45h should be allowed for exam revision 10 Module duration 1 Semester International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 65 of 132 11 Lecture language Englisch 12 Preparatory literature BERNSTEIN, P. A. ; NEWCOMER, E.: Principles of Transaction Processing. Morgan Kaufmann, 1997 GRAY, J.N. ; REUTER, A.: Transaction Processing : Concepts and Techniques. Morgan Kaufmann, 1992 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 66 of 132 Module Description 01-12 The following module description is valid for this list of lecture combinations (Options 1-12): Die nachfolgende Modulbeschreibung ist gültig für diese Liste von Lehrveranstaltungskombinationen (Optionen 1-12): Database Systems Option Acronym Corresponding lectures Semester Option 1 IIS-7262 DBRNDSS Datenbanken in Rechnernetzen & Datenstromsysteme Summer semester Option 2 IIS-7263 DBRNKDD Datenbanken in Rechnernetzen & Knowledge Discovery in Databases Summer semester Option 3 IIS-7241 DBRNTAS Datenbanken in Rechnernetzen & Transaktionssysteme Summer semester Option 4 IIS-7264 DSSKDD Datenstromsysteme & Knowledge Discovery in Databases Summer semester Option 5 IIS-7265 DSSTAS Datenstromsysteme & Transaktionssysteme Summer semester Option 6 IIS-7266 KDDTAS Knowledge Discovery in Databases & Transaktionssysteme Summer semester Option 7 IIS-7261 EBTEIS eBusiness Technologies & Evolutionäre Informationssysteme Winter semester Option 8 IIS-7267 EBTMMDB eBusiness Technologies & Multimedia-Datenbanken Winter semester Option 9 IIS-7268 EBTOODB eBusiness Technologies & Objektori- Winter semester entierte Datenbanken Option 10 IIS-7269 EISMMDB Evolutionäre Informationssysteme & Multimedia-Datenbanken Winter semester Option 11 IIS-7272 EISOODB Evolutionäre Informationssysteme & Objektorientierte Datenbanken Winter semester Option 12 IIS-7221 OOMMBD Objektorientierte Datenbanken & Multimedia-Datenbanken Winter semester International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 67 of 132 1 Modulbezeichnung IIS1730 Database Systems (Options 1-12) 5 ECTS 2 Lehrveranstaltungen V: Lecture 1 (2 SWS) V: Lecture 2 (2 SWS) 2,5 ECTS 2,5 ECTS 3 Dozenten Prof. Dr. Richard Lenz Prof. Dr. Klaus Meyer-Wegener 4 Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Dr. Klaus Meyer-Wegener 5 Inhalt siehe Lehrveranstaltungsbeschreibung 6 Lernziele und Kompetenzen: siehe Lehrveranstaltungsbeschreibung 7 Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme siehe Lehrveranstaltungsbeschreibung 8 Einpassung in Musterstudienplan Master International Information Systems: zweites oder drittes Fachsemester 9 Verwendbarkeit des Moduls Teilmodul im Bereich Database Systems im Masterstudiengang International Information Systems Modul ist nur wählbar, wenn es nicht in der für das Masterstudium qualifizierenden Bachelorprüfung nach der geltenden Prüfungsordnung als Leistung eingebracht wurde. 10 Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen Klausur von 60 Minuten Dauer, die je nach Studiengang als "schriftliche Prüfung" oder als "schriftliche Leistungsfeststellung zum Erwerb eines benoteten Scheins" gewertet wird; falls weniger als 12 Teilnehmer: Kolloquium von 30 Minuten Dauer, das je nach Studiengang als "mündliche Prüfung" oder als "mündliche Leistungsfeststellung zum Erwerb eines benoteten Scheins" gewertet wird 11 Berechnung Modulnote Das Ergebnis der Prüfung bzw. Leistungsfeststellung bestimmt die Modulnote. 12 Turnus des Angebots Siehe Lehrveranstaltungsbeschreibung 13 Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit: 60h (2*2h x 15) Eigenstudium: 90h (2*1h x 15 + 60h) International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 68 of 132 d.h. je Vorlesung ca. 1h pro Woche Nachbereitung im laufen-den Semester und ca. 60h Prüfungsvorbereitung in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit; erfolgt keine begleitende Nachbereitung sind ca. 90h für die Prüfungsvorbereitung einzukalkulieren 14 Dauer des Moduls Ein Semester 15 Unterrichtssprache siehe Lehrveranstaltungsbeschreibung 16 Vorbereitende Literatur siehe Lehrveranstaltungsbeschreibung International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 69 of 132 Module Description 13-16 The following module description is valid for this list of lecture combinations (Options 1316): Die folgende Modulbeschreibung ist gültig für diese Liste von Lehrveranstaltungskombinationen (Optionen 13-16): Database Systems Option Acronym Corresponding lectures Semester Option 13 IIS-7252 DBRNDW Datenbanken in Rechnernetzen & Data Warehousing Summer semester Option 14 IIS-7251 DSSDW Datenstromsysteme & Data Warehousing Summer semester Option 15 IIS-7253 DWKDD Data Warehousing & Knowledge Dis- Summer semester covery in Databases Option 16 IIS-7254 DWTAS Data Warehousing & Transaktionssysteme Summer semester International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 70 of 132 1 Modulbezeichnung IIS1730 2 Lehrveranstaltungen IIS72501 Database Systems (Options 13-16) 5 ECTS Data Warehouses (DW) (2 SWS) Lecture 2 (2 SWS) 2,5 ECTS 2,5 ECTS 3 Dozenten 4 Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Dr. Klaus Meyer-Wegener 5 Inhalt siehe Lehrveranstaltungsbeschreibung 6 Lernziele und Kompetenzen: siehe Lehrveranstaltungsbeschreibung 7 Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme siehe Lehrveranstaltungsbeschreibung 8 Einpassung in Musterstudienplan Master International Information Systems: zweites Fachsemester 9 Verwendbarkeit des Moduls Teilmodul im Bereich Database Systems im Masterstudiengang International Information Systems 10 Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen Prof. Dr. Thomas Ruf Prof. Dr. Klaus Meyer-Wegener DW: Schriftliche Abschlussklausur (60 min., keine Hilfsmittel) zum Semesterende während der Vorlesungszeit Lecture 2: Klausur von 60 Minuten Dauer, die je nach Studiengang als "schriftliche Prüfung" oder als "schriftliche Leistungsfeststellung zum Erwerb eines benoteten Scheins" gewertet wird; falls weniger als 12 Teilnehmer: Kolloquium von 30 Minuten Dauer, das je nach Studiengang als "mündliche Prüfung" oder als "mündliche Leistungsfeststellung zum Erwerb eines benoteten Scheins" gewertet wird 11 Berechnung Modulnote Das arithmetische Mittel der beiden Teilprüfungen ergibt die Modulnote 12 Turnus des Angebots Jährlich, im Sommersemester International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 71 of 132 13 Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit: 60h (2*2h x 15) Eigenstudium: 90h (2*1h x 15 + 60h) d.h. je Vorlesung ca. 1h pro Woche Nachbereitung im laufenden Semester und ca. 60h Prüfungsvorbereitung in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit; erfolgt keine begleitende Nachbereitung sind ca. 90h für die Prüfungsvorbereitung einzukalkulieren 14 Dauer des Moduls 1 Semester 15 Unterrichtssprache Deutsch 16 Vorbereitende Literatur siehe Lehrveranstaltungsbeschreibung International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 72 of 132 POIS (Process-oriented Information Systems) 1 Module description POIS IIS7275 Process-oriented Information Systems (Option 17) 5 ECTS 2 Courses POIS Lect: Process-oriented Information Systems (2 SWS) Ex: Process-oriented Information Systems (2 SWS) 2,5 ECTS 2,5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Dr. Volker Stiehl (SAP, Lehrbeauftragter) 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Richard Lenz 5 Contents In a globalized world enterprises are facing tough challenges as changes are permanently accompanying them. As a consequence companies have to adapt their differentiating business processes in even shorter timeframes. If they do not follow these changes, they are threatening their existence. Ideally the company’s IT department can help in overcoming those challenges by taking their part in implementing the company’s strategy as fast as possible. Unfortunately the key question remains unanswered: How can an IT department ensure the fast implementation of new strategic processes so that they become a key pillar for a company? This course will address the question from different angles and will come up with solutions which primarily rely on the following three pillars: a business-process-driven methodology for deriving the essential parts/artifacts of the resulting business application; a sustainable and flexible architecture for process-driven applications separating the problem space in several layers; the general use of BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) for modeling as well as implementing all processes (business processes as well as technical integration processes) of a processdriven application. As the topic is closely related to service-oriented architecture (SOA), the course will also briefly touch the basic technologies and concepts in the SOA domain (e.g. XML, Web Services, SOAP, UDDI registries, repositories, WSDL). 6 Learning targets and skills Goals of the course: Identify the use case for process-oriented information systems. Understand the complexity and challenges of process-oriented information systems. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 73 of 132 Understand the need for a sustainable methodology and architecture to address the challenges. Learn how to separate functionalities in different layers and how to implement each of those layers to keep the flexibility companies require. Use the BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) standard for modeling and implementing all kinds of processes within a processoriented application. Embrace the heterogeneous IT landscape in companies which has grown over several years. Learn how the flexibility of applications can be increased by using business rules management systems (BRMS) and analytical applications. 7 Suggested prerequisites 8 Integration in curriculum 9 Module application Basics in the field of database systems – within the scope of the modules KonzMod and IDB in the Bachelor program Computer Science or the module DBNF in other study programs) Master Computer Science: second semester Master International Information Systems: second semester Master Computer Science: 5-ECTS-module in major field of study „Database Systems” Master International Information Systems: 5-ECTS-module in the section "Database Systems" 10 Method of examination 60-minute written examination (Klausur von 60 Minuten Dauer, die je nach Studiengang als "schriftliche Prüfung" oder als "schriftliche Leistungsfeststellung zum Erwerb eines benoteten Scheins" gewertet wird) 11 Grading procedure Exam: 100% (100% der Klausurnote) 12 Course frequency Each SS (starting SS 2012) 13 Expected time input Presence: 60 h Home study: 90 h 14 Module duration 1 Semester 15 Lecture language English 16 Preparatory literature Josuttis, Nicolai: SOA in Practice: The Art of Distributed System Design (2007) International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 74 of 132 Hohpe, Gregor; Woolf, Bobby: Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions (2003) Stiehl, Volker: Prozessgesteuerte Anwendungen entwickeln und ausführen mit BPMN. Heidelberg: dpunkt.verlag (2012) International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 75 of 132 SWAT (Schnelles Web Anwendungs Tutorium) 1 Modulbezeichnung IIS7274 Database Systems (Option 18) 5 ECTS 2 Lehrveranstaltungen IIS72741 Ü: S.W.A.T - Schnelles Web Anwendungs Tutorium (4 SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Dozenten Dr. Florian Irmert, Niko Pollner, Julian Rith (Lehrbeauftragte) 4 Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Dr. Klaus Meyer-Wegener 5 Inhalt Entwurf und Implementierung einer modularen und mehrschichtigen Web-Applikation Kreatives Arbeiten im Team Anwendung iterativ-inkrementeller oder agiler Methoden zum Projektvorgehen Einsatz von Entwicklungsumgebungen wie Eclipse/IDEA, BuildUmgebungen wie Maven/Ant+Ivy/Gradle und Versionskontrollsysteme wie SVN/git Verwendung aktueller Web-Technologien: von Hibernate, Spring und JSP bis hin zu JEE, JSF, Ajax (in der Regel erfolgt die Entwicklung auf Basis eines Technologie-Stacks nach Vorgaben durch die Betreuer; auf Teilnehmerpräferenzen kann jedoch eingegangen werden) 6 Lernziele und Kompetenzen Qualifikationsziel ist es, die Teilnehmer mit grundlegenden Programmiertechniken für Webanwendungen vertraut zu machen. Die Teilnehmer arbeiten sich in die verschiedenen Technologien ein und lernen diese effizient einzusetzen. 7 Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme Master-Module: Veranstaltung: eBusiness Technologies (wg. Scrum und RUP, Advanced XML, OOA&D Crash Course (Adv. UML), O/R-Mapping (Hibernate, JPA), Component Models (Spring, EJB/JEE), Web Basics, WS-*, Presentation Tier (MVC, JSP, AJAX, JSF)) Bachelor-Module: Modul: "Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen" (wg. Objektorientierung) Modul: "Konzeptionelle Modellierung" (wg. Datenmodellierung und UML) International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 76 of 132 Modul: "Softwareentwicklung in Großprojekten" (wg. Entwurfsmustern und IT-Vorgehensmodellen) Modul: "Systemprogrammierung" (wg. Betriebssystem-Architektur) Modul: "Rechnerkommunikation" (wg. Transferprotokollen) Modul: "Datenbanksysteme" (wg. Schichtenarchitektur, Transaktionen) Praktische Fähigkeiten: 8 Einpassung in Musterstudienplan 9 Verwendbarkeit des Moduls 10 Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen Bachelor-Studiengang Informatik: sechstes Fachsemester Master-Studiengang Informatik: erstes oder drittes Fachsemester Master International Information Systems: per IIS-Referenz-Curriculum nicht möglich, da der Besuch von eBT erst im 3. Fachsemester erfolgen sollte und im 4. Fachsemester kein DBS-Modul einplanbar ist; auf besonderen Wunsch und bei ausreichenden Vorkenntnissen werden IIS-ler in früheren Fachsemestern zugelassen "Vertiefung Informatik" im Bachelor-Studiengang Informatik eine Hälfte des Wahlpflichtmoduls "Informatik I" oder "Informatik IV" in Master-Studiengang Informatik Wahlpflichtmodul "Informatik V", "Informatik VI" oder "Informatik VIII" im Master-Studiengang Informatik Wahlpflichtmodul "Vertiefung Datenbanksysteme A" (z.B. Master-Studiengang International Information Systems) Portfolio: 11 Berechnung Modulnote Gute Java Kenntnisse und Kenntnisse im Bereich Datenbanksysteme. Die relevanten Inhalte können ggf. auch in anderen Modulen erworben werden. Fachvortrag von 10 Minuten Dauer Praktisch: Aktive und kontinuierliche Entwicklung der Softwaremodule sowie die Integration der Module zu einem Gesamtsystem (als zentrale Aufgabe zur Erreichung des angestrebten Qualifikationsziels) Kolloquium von 10 Minuten Dauer, das je nach Studiengang als "mündliche Prüfung" oder als "mündliche Leistungsfeststellung zum Erwerb eines benoteten Scheins" gewertet wird Das Ergebnis des Kolloquiums bestimmt die Modulnote zu 100%. Der Fachvortrag und die eigenständig erarbeiteten Beiträge zum SW-System bilden die inhaltliche Ausgangsbasis für das Kolloquium. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 77 of 132 12 Turnus des Angebots Jährlich, im Sommersemester 13 Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit während der Vorlesungszeit: 30h (2h x 15) Eigenstudium und praktische Arbeit: 60h (4h x 15) Blockpraktikum: 60h (7,5 Bearbeitertage) 14 Dauer des Moduls 1 Semester 15 Unterrichtssprache Deutsch 16 Vorbereitende Literatur Guide to Web Application and Platform Architectures. Jablonski, S., Petrov, I., Meiler, C., Mayer, U. 2004, XII, 245 p. 149 figs., Hardcover ISBN: 3-540-00947-7 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 78 of 132 DSES (Datenschutz und Elektronische Signaturen) 1 Modulbezeichnung IIS7271 Database Systems (Option 19) 5 ECTS 2 Lehrveranstaltungen IIS72701 V: Aspekte des Datenschutzes und ausgewählte Si2,5 ECTS cherheitsstrukturen in der Informationstechnik (2 SWS) V: Electronic Signatures (ES) (2 SWS) 2,5 ECTS 3 Dozenten Prof. Dr. Michael Tielemann (DATEV, Lehrbeauftragter) 4 Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Dr. Michael Tielemann 5 Inhalt DS: Grundlagen des Datenschutzes Begriffsklärung: Vertraulichkeit, Integrität, Authentizität Sicherheit vs. Verfügbarkeit vs. Datenschutz Datenschutz-Richtlinien, weitere rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen des BDSG, der OECD und dem Safe Harbour Abkommen Maßnahmen zum IT-Grundschutz Übersicht über das BSI-Grundschutzhandbuch Grundlagen der Kryptographie Verschlüsselungsverfahren Codes und Kryptoanalyse Infrastrukturen und Schlüsselmanagement Trustcenter Technische Rahmenbedingungen und Standards Sicherheitsstufen und juristische Einordnung elektronischer Signaturen Langzeitarchivierung elektronischer Signaturen ES: Die Vorlesung gibt einen Überblick über die relevanten gesetzlichen Regelungen wie EU-Signaturrichtlinie und deren nationale Umsetzung in Signaturgesetz und Verordnung (SigG/V). Eine Reihe technischer Interpretationen der gesetzlichen Vorgaben werden vorgestellt. Dies sind u. a. sichere Signaturerstellungseinheit (Smart Card), Zertifikatsproduktion, Trustcenter, Registrierungs- und Auslieferungsprozesse, Signatursicherheitsniveaus sowie Zertifikatsauskunfts- und Zeitstempelsysteme. Es werden vertrauensbildende Maßnahmen und Evaluierungsmethoden bei der SW-Erstellung wie ITSEC und Common Criteria im Zertifizierungsprozess nach SigG besprochen. Neben beispielhaften Anwendungen der elektronischen Signatur- und Zeitstempelkomponenten wird eine International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 79 of 132 Einführung in relevante Standards (IETF, CEN, ISIS-MTT) und aktuelle Problemstellungen (z. B. E-Government, elektronische Rechnungen, virtuelle Poststelle, beweissichere Archivierung) gegeben. Lernziele und Kompetenzen: Die Teilnehmer erwerben aktuelles und grundlegendes Verständnis lernen die gesetzlichen und technischen Randbedingungen kennen reflektieren Aufwand, Komplexität und Nutzen von elektronischen Signaturen. 6 Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme Grundlagen von Datenbanksystemen – im Umfang der Module KonzMod und DBS im Bachelorstudium Informatik oder des Moduls DBNF in anderen Studiengängen 7 Einpassung in Musterstudienplan Master Informatik: Beginn im zweiten und Abschluss/Prüfung im dritten Fachsemester Master International Information Systems: Beginn im zweiten und Abschluss/Prüfung im dritten Fachsemester 8 Verwendbarkeit des Moduls eine Hälfte des Wahlpflichtmoduls "Informatik II" oder "Informatik III" im Master-Studiengang Informatik (über zwei Semester) eine Hälfte des Wahlpflichtmoduls "Informatik IV" im Master-Studiengang Informatik (über zwei Semester) Wahlpflichtmodul "Informatik VII" im Master-Studiengang Informatik (über zwei Semester) Wahlpflichtmodul "Informatik VIII" im Master-Studiengang Informatik (über zwei Semester) Wahlpflichtmodul "Vertiefung Datenbanksysteme A" Teilmodul im Bereich Database Systems im Master-Studiengang International Information Systems 9 Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen Klausur von 90 Min. Dauer, die je nach Studiengang als „schriftliche Prüfung“ oder als „schriftliche Leistungsfeststellung zum Erwerb eines benoteten Scheins“ gewertet wird. 10 Berechnung Modulnote Das Ergebnis der Prüfung bzw. Leistungsfeststellung bestimmt die Modulnote. 11 Turnus des Angebots Jährlich, im Sommersemester (DS) und im anschließenden Wintersemester (ES) 12 Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit: 60h (2*2h x 15) Eigenstudium: 90h (2*1h x 15 + 60h) International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 80 of 132 d.h. je Vorlesung ca. 1h pro Woche Nachbereitung im laufen-den Semester und ca. 60h Prüfungsvorbereitung in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit; erfolgt keine begleitende Nachbereitung sind ca. 90h für die Prüfungsvorbereitung einzukalkulieren 13 Dauer des Moduls Zwei Semester, beginnend im Sommersemester mit DS 14 Unterrichtssprache Deutsch 15 Vorbereitende Literatur Keine International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 81 of 132 Nailing your thesis Option H of Software Engineering (Chair: Riehle) on page 121 can also be selected as Option 20 of Database Systems. Option H des Modulbereichs Software Engineering (Chair: Riehle) auf Seite 121 kann auch als Option 20 des Modulbereichs Datenbanksysteme gewählt werden. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 82 of 132 Software Engineering Software Engineering modules are offered by two different chairs. Once students have chosen a chair they have to complete the 15 ECTS at this chair. Software Engineering besteht aus Modulen, die von zwei unterschiedlichen Lehrstühlen angeboten werden. Die Studenten müssen sich zu Beginn für einen Lehrstuhl entscheiden und die 15 ECTS nur bei diesem einen Lehrstuhl absolvieren. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 83 of 132 Software Engineering (Chair: Saglietti) The students have to choose between the following options A-I. Important: A module option cannot be accredited if it contains already accredited courses. Die Studenten müssen zwischen den folgenden Optionen A-I wählen. Wichtig: Eine Moduloption kann nicht eingebracht werden, wenn sie sich aus Lehrveranstaltungen zusammensetzt, die Teil bereits eingebrachter Module sind. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 84 of 132 Option A 1 Module description IIS7200 Software Engineering (Option A) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71101 IIS71102 Course 1: Software Engineering in Practice (practical exercises, 3 SWS) 2,5 ECTS IIS7201 IIS7202 Course 2: Seminar Design Patterns and Anti-Patterns (seminar, 2 SWS) 2,5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Dipl.-Inf. M. Spisländer Dipl.-Inf. M. Meitner 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti 5 Contents 6 Learning targets and skills During the practical exercises different CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tools are presented, covering all relevant aspects of analysis and development of complex software. The benefit of applying such tools in industrial-size projects are experienced by the attendees by solving typical problems arising in software projects both on their own and under supervision. The seminar covers classical design patterns and anti-patterns in software development. Design patterns systematically describe general solutions for recurring software design problems. They also offer a common vocabulary to software engineers, thus substantially facilitating their communication. On the other hand, antipatterns describe poor, unfortunately typical solutions to software design problems for which preferable alternative solutions are presented. Benefits as well as limits of different tools supporting software engineering tasks are taught by practically application to real-life examples in analysis, design, testing, correctness proofs and project management. In addition to learning modern software engineering techniques, the students will achieve and intensify their communicational skill in preparing and giving a technical talk as well as in contributing to the discussion with the members of the audience. 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum Second semester International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 85 of 132 9 Module application 10 Method of examination Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering Portfolio: Course 1: 30-minute oral examination (Kurs 1: Mündliche Abschlussprüfung (30 min) am Rechner) Course 2: 60-minute presentation and 15-minute oral examination (Kurs 2: Präsentation (60 min) und mündliche Abschlussprüfung (15 min)) 11 Grading procedure Course 1: 50% Course 2: 50% 12 Course frequency Course 1: Each semester (without guarantee) Course 2: Each summer term (without guarantee) 13 Expected time input Presence: 60h Home study: 90h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language German (also in English if required) 16 Preparatory literature None International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 86 of 132 Option B 1 Module description IIS7201 Software Engineering (Option B) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71303 Software Test and Analysis (Verification and Validation) (lectures + exercises, 4 SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti Dipl.-Inf. Marc Spisländer 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti 5 Contents The module addresses the topic of analyzing and testing software systems, especially in case of embedded software applied to safetyrelevant complex applications. Depending on the degree of reliability required, numerous techniques for testing and analysis at different levels of rigor are presented, addressing both approaches to detect faults during the development process (verification) and approaches to detect faults during the requirements phase (validation), thus covering the whole spectrum of verification and validation (so-called V & V). 6 Learning targets and skills The students will acquire knowledge on: system analysis: failure mode & effect, fault tree analysis risk analysis & safety classes according to international standards, testing strategies required for the certification of highly reliable software, in particular structural-based coverage criteria analysis techniques supporting automatic proofs of correctness or the automatic generation of counter-examples 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum Third semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering Method of examination 90-minute written examination or 30-minute oral examination (schriftl. Prüfung (90 min) oder mündl. Prüfung (30 min)) 10 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 87 of 132 11 Grading procedure Exam: 100% (100% der Klausurnote) 12 Course frequency Each winter term 13 Expected time input Presence: 60h Home study: 90h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English (Exercises in German if required) 16 Preparatory literature None International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 88 of 132 Option C 1 Module description IIS7202 Software Engineering (Option C) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS31601 Software Development in Large Projects (lectures + exercises, 4 SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti Dipl.-Inf. R. Lill 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti 5 Contents 6 Learning targets and skills Introduction to the single phases of software development: requirements analysis, specification, design, implementation, test, maintenance Exemplifying application of selected, representative techniques supporting the developments phases mentioned above Ergonomic principles for usage interfaces Object-oriented analysis and design with UML Design patterns as constructive, re-usable solutions to whole classes of problems Automatic support for code implementation from UML diagrams Testing strategies Re-factoring techniques supporting the maintenance phase On the basis of programming skills already acquired the students will learn systematic and structured approaches to deal with the complexity of "developing in the large", gain the capability of expressing complex problems in a well-defined way by means of appropriate specification languages, of analyzing such problems, as well as of deriving appropriate designs for their solution, get experience in the application of UML diagrams for the purpose of object-oriented analysis and design activities, get proficiency in re-using general design solutions by specialization of established design patterns, get acquainted with principles of the testing process, get familiar with re-factoring strategies aimed at increasing systematically software modifiability. 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum Third semester International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 89 of 132 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering 10 Method of examination 90-minute written examination or 30-minute oral examination (schriftl. Prüfung (90 min) oder mündl. Prüfung (30 min)) 9 After half of the lectures the students may take an optional written examination (45 minutes). The points achieved in this exam can improve the score of the final exam by up to 0.7, provided that the final exam is passed. (Nach der Hälfte der Vorlesungszeit wird die Teilnahme an einer freiwilligen 45-minütigen Klausur angeboten. Die dort erreichten Punkte können die Note der Abschlussprüfung um bis zu 0,7 verbessern, unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Abschlussprüfung bestanden wird.) 11 Grading procedure Exam: 100% (100% der Klausurnote) 12 Course frequency Each winter term 13 Expected time input Presence: 60h Home study: 90h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language German (also in English if required) 16 Preparatory literature None International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 90 of 132 Option D 1 Module description IIS7203 Software Engineering (Option D) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71302 Foundations of Software Engineering -- Constructive Phases (lectures + courses, 4 SWS, first 2 months of the semester) 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti Dipl-Inf. M. Meitner Dipl.-Inf. M. Spisländer 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti 5 Contents This module addresses a broad spectrum of scientific engineering principles and alternative approaches during the conception and the development of large-scale, complex software systems. They provide a comprehensive overview on constructive techniques in modern software engineering. 6 Learning targets and skills Students familiarize with several alternative development approaches and tools differing in their degree of rigor and cost and thus suitable to different types of software projects, depending a. o. on the project size, the company structure or the reliability requirements. 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum Second semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering 10 Method of examination 90-minute written examination or 30-minute oral examination (schriftl. Prüfung (90 min) oder mündl. Prüfung (30 min)) 11 Grading procedure Exam: 100% of module score (Prüfung: 100% der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Each summer term 13 Expected time input Presence: 60 h Home study: 90 h International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 91 of 132 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language German (also in English if required) 16 Preparatory literature none International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 92 of 132 Option E 1 Module description IIS7204 Software Engineering (Option E) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71304 Software Reliability (lectures + courses, 4 SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti Dipl.-Inf. M. Meitner 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti 5 Contents This module addresses quantitative approaches for the determination of the reliability degree achieved by a software system during and after testing. 6 Learning targets and skills Students learn systematic procedures allowing to estimate software reliability of conventional products during testing; such estimates offer support to the project manager for the purpose of determining the optimal time for product release. Students learn systematic procedures allowing to demonstrate the achievement of reliability and availability targets by well-founded statistical approaches as required by licensors of mission-critical software systems. 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum Second semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering 10 Method of examination 90-minute written examination or 30-minute oral examination (schriftl. Prüfung (90 min) oder mündl. Prüfung (30 min)) 11 Grading procedure Exam: 100% of module score (Prüfung: 100% der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Each summer term 13 Expected time input Presence: 60 h Home study: 90 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language German (also in English if required) 16 Preparatory literature none International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 93 of 132 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 94 of 132 Option F 1 Module description IIS7205 Software Engineering (Option F) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71101 IIS71102 Course 1: Software Engineering in Practice (practical exercises, 3 SWS) 2,5 ECTS IIS71308 Course 2: Seminar Introduction to Cryptography (seminar, 2 SWS) 2,5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Dipl.-Inf. M. Spisländer Dipl.-Inf. M. Meitner 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti 5 Contents 6 Learning targets and skills During the practical exercises different CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tools are presented, covering all relevant aspects of analysis and development of complex software. The benefit of applying such tools in industrial-size projects are experienced by the attendees by solving typical problems arising in software projects both on their own and under supervision. The seminar introduces to the main concepts and algorithms of modern cryptography Benefits as well as limits of different tools supporting software engineering tasks are taught by practically application to real-life examples in analysis, design, testing, correctness proofs and project management. In addition to learning modern software engineering techniques, the students will achieve and intensify their communicational skill in preparing and giving a technical talk as well as in contributing to the discussion with the members of the audience. 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum Third semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering 10 Method of examination Portfolio: International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 95 of 132 Course 1: 30-minute oral examination (Kurs 1: Mündliche Abschlussprüfung (30 min) am Rechner) Course 2: 60-minute presentation and 15-minute oral examination (Kurs 2: Präsentation (60 min) und mündliche Abschlussprüfung (15 min)) 11 Grading procedure Course 1: 50% Course 2: 50% 12 Course frequency Course 1: Each semester (without guarantee) Course 2: Each winter term (without guarantee) 13 Expected time input Presence: 60h Home study: 90h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language German (also in English if required) 16 Preparatory literature None International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 96 of 132 Option G 1 Module description IIS7206 Software Engineering (Option G) 10 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71301 Course 1: Foundations of Software Engineering (lectures + courses, 6 SWS) 7,5 ECTS IIS71307 Course 2: Design Patterns and Anti-Patterns (seminar, 2 SWS) 2,5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti Dipl.-Inf. M. Spisländer 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti 5 Contents This module presents an extensive overview on software engineering throughout the complete software life-cycle, including technical (constructive and analytical approaches), as well as organizational measures (project management, software metrics), with particular emphasis on novel design technologies enhancing design re-usability by means of logical patterns. 6 Learning targets and skills Course 1 addresses a broad spectrum of scientific engineering principles and approaches during the conception, development and analysis of large-scale, complex software systems, including human factors, software metrics for quality assurance and control, cost models and personnel management. Course 2 covers classical design patterns and anti-patterns in software development. Design patterns systematically describe general solutions for recurring software design problems. They also offer a common vocabulary to software engineers, thus substantially facilitating their communication. On the other hand, anti-patterns describe poor, unfortunately typical solutions to software design problems for which preferable alternative solutions are presented. Students familiarize with several alternative development, analysis and management approaches differing in their degree of rigor and cost and thus suitable to different types of software projects, depending a. o. on the project size, the company structure or the reliability requirements. In addition to learning modern software engineering techniques, the students will achieve and intensify their communicational skill in preparing and giving a technical talk as well as in contributing to the discussion with the members of the audience. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 97 of 132 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum Second semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering Method of examination Portfolio: 10 Course 1: 90-minute written examination or 30-minute oral examination (Kurs 1: schriftl. Prüfung (90 min) oder mündl. Prüfung (30 min)) After half of the lectures the students may take an optional written examination (45 minutes). The points achieved in this exam can improve the score of the final exam by up to 0.7, provided that the final exam is passed. Nach der Hälfte der Vorlesungszeit wird die Teilnahme an einer freiwilligen 45-minütigen Klausur angeboten. Die dort erreichten Punkte können die Note der Abschlussprüfung um bis zu 0,7 verbessern, unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Abschlussprüfung bestanden wird. Course 2: 60-minute presentation and 15-minute oral examination (Kurs 2: Präsentation (60 min) und abschl. mündl. Prüfung (15 min)) 11 Grading procedure Course 1: 75% of module score (Kurs 1: 75% der Modulnote) Course 2: 25% of module score (Kurs 2: 25% der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Course 1: Each summer term Course 2: Each summer term (without guarantee) 13 Expected time input Presence: 120 h Home study: 180 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language German (Course 1 also in English if required) 16 Preparatory literature none International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 98 of 132 Option H 1 Module description IIS7207 Software Engineering (Option H) 10 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71301 Course 1: Foundations of Software Engineering (lectures + courses, 6 SWS) 7,5 ECTS IIS71306 Course 2: Software Engineering in Practice (practical exercises, 3 SWS) 2,5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti Dipl.-Inf. M. Spisländer 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti 5 Contents This module presents an extensive overview on software engineering throughout the complete software life-cycle, including technical (constructive and analytical approaches), as well as organizational measures (project management, software metrics), with particular emphasis on novel design technologies enhancing design re-usability by means of logical patterns. 6 Learning targets and skills 7 Suggested prerequisites Course 1 addresses a broad spectrum of scientific engineering principles and approaches during the conception, development and analysis of large-scale, complex software systems, including human factors, software metrics for quality assurance and control, cost models and personnel management. During course 2 different CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tools are presented, covering all relevant aspects of analysis and development of complex software. The benefit of applying such tools in industrial-size projects are experienced by the attendees by solving typical problems arising in software projects both on their own and under supervision. Students familiarize with several alternative development, analysis and management approaches differing in their degree of rigor and cost and thus suitable to different types of software projects, depending a. o. on the project size, the company structure or the reliability requirements. Students familiarize with several software engineering tools differing in their degree of rigor and cost and thus suitable to different types of software projects, depending a. o. on the project size, the company structure or the reliability requirements. None International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 99 of 132 8 Integration in curriculum Second semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering Method of examination Portfolio: 10 Course 1: 90-minute written examination or 30-minute oral examination (Kurs 1: schriftl. Prüfung (90 min) oder mündl. Prüfung (30 min)) After half of the lectures the students may take an optional written examination (45 minutes). The points achieved in this exam can improve the score of the final exam by up to 0.7, provided that the final exam is passed. (Nach der Hälfte der Vorlesungszeit wird die Teilnahme an einer freiwilligen 45-minütigen Klausur angeboten. Die dort erreichten Punkte können die Note der Abschlussprüfung um bis zu 0,7 verbessern, unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Abschlussprüfung bestanden wird.) Course 2: 30-minute oral examination (Kurs 1: Mündliche Abschlussprüfung (30 min) am Rechner) 11 Grading procedure Course 1: 75% of module score (Kurs 1: 75% der Modulnote) Course 2: 25% of module score (Kurs 2: 25% der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Course 1: Each summer term Course 2: Each semester (without guarantee) 13 Expected time input Presence: 120 h Home study: 180 h 14 Module duration 1-2 semester 15 Lecture language German (course 1 also in English if required) 16 Preparatory literature none International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 100 of 132 Option I 1 Module description IIS7208 Software Engineering (Option I) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71305 Fault-Tolerant Software Architectures (lectures + courses, 4 SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti Dipl.-Inf. R. Lill 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti 5 Contents This module addresses redundant approaches supporting the tolerance of sporadic software failures during operation. 6 Learning targets and skills The students will acquire knowledge on constructive approaches to software fault tolerance, particularly concerning the optimization of the architectural aspects involved (form and degree of redundancy, properties of adjudication mechanisms) on qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques for the assessment of redundant computer systems, including in particular diverse software systems. 7 Suggested prerequisites None 8 Integration in curriculum Third semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering 10 Method of examination 90-minute written examination or 30-minute oral examination (schriftl. Prüfung (90 min) oder mündl. Prüfung (30 min)) 11 Grading procedure Exam: 100% of module score (Prüfung: 100% der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Each winter term 13 Expected time input Presence: 60 h Home study: 90 h 14 Module duration 1 semester International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 101 of 132 15 Lecture language German (also in English if required) 16 Preparatory literature none International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 102 of 132 Software Engineering (Chair: Riehle) Depending on the chosen modules, students have to do either two or three out often given options (Options A - K). In Abhängigkeit der gewählten Module, müssen die Studenten entweder zwei oder drei aus zehn Optionen (Optionen A - K) belegen. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 103 of 132 Option A 1 Module description IIS7161 Software Engineering (Option A) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71611 Analysis and Design with UML (Lecture with Exercises, 4 SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Detlef Kips 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Detlef Kips 5 Contents In recent years OMG („Object Management Group“) has established UML („Unified Modeling Language“) as the world wide accepted standard for analysis and design of object oriented software. A broad repertoire of graphical and textual methods enables the user to express the requirements for the system to be developed and to define the static and dynamic properties in a semi-formal way. The lecture will introduce syntax and semantics of the UML in detail. Furthermore, students will learn how UML can be used during all phases of a "typical" software development process. For this purpose, the different diagram types and notation elements of UML are introduced step by step and used in a continuous application example. 6 Learning targets and skills overview of all relevant UML notation elements accompanied with an informal introduction to their semantics establishing a basic understanding of the UML metamodel approach introduction of a typical methodology for developing an object oriented analysis and design model based on UML notation using a non-trivial real world problem example establishing a well founded understanding of relations between the various levels of an UML based system model 7 Suggested prerequisites Successful completion of the module “Praktische Softwaretechnik”. The prerequisites for taking this module may also have been acquired in other modules. 8 Integration in curriculum Second semester International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 104 of 132 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering 10 Method of examination 30 min. oral examination (30 min. mündliche Prüfung) 11 Grading procedure 100 % of module score (100% der Modulnote) (result of the oral examination) 12 Course frequency each SS 13 Expected time input Presence time: 60 h Self study: 90 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language German 16 Preparatory literature none International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 105 of 132 Option B 1 Modulbezeichnung IIS7171 Software Engineering (Option B) 5 ECTS 2 Lehrveranstaltungen IIS71711 Testing of Software Systems (4 SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Dozenten Dr.-Ing. Klaudia Dussa-Zieger Dr.-Ing. Norbert Oster 4 Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 5 Inhalt 6 Lernziele und Kompetenzen Grundlagen (Motivation, Testprozess, Psychologie) Testen im Softwarelebenszyklus (Teststufen) Integrationstest (big-bang, bottom-up, top-down, u.a.) Testarten (functional=black, strukturell=white, modellbasiert) Statische Analysen, Reviews u.a. Testmanagement (TMMI/TPI, Team/Personal-Aspekte) Werkzeuge Risikomanagement Testbewertung (Mutationsanalyse) Statistisches Testen (Zuverlässigkeitswachstum, Probabilistischer Test) Formale Methoden (Model Checking, Theorem Proving) Beherrschen der grundlegenden Terminologie. Fähigkeit, eigenständig Testprozesse zu definieren und aufzusetzen. Verständnis der Vor- und Nachteile unterschiedlicher Test- und Analysestrategien. Über die Grundlagen der Software-Qualitätssicherung hinausgehende Methoden und Werkzeuge kennenlernen, die insbesondere auch für sicherheitskritische Softwaresysteme von Bedeutung sind. 7 Empfohlene Vorausset- Es wird empfohlen, das Modul „Praktische Softwaretechnik“ vorher zungen für die Teilzu belegen. Die relevanten Inhalte können ggf. auch in anderen Monahme dulen erworben worden sein. 8 Einpassung in Musterstudienplan Zweites Semester 9 Verwendbarkeit des Moduls BA CE: Technisches Wahlfach Informatik MA CE: Wahlpflichtfach Informatik International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 106 of 132 BA Informatik: Wahlpflichtmodul der Vertiefungsrichtung Software Engineering, im 5. oder 6. Semester MA Informatik: Wahlpflichtmodul der Vertiefungsrichtung Software Engineering Master International Information Systems: Modul im Bereich Software Engineering BA IuK: Wahlfach 5. oder 6. Semester Zukünftig auch MA IuK 10 Studien- und Prüfungs- 30 Min. mündliche Prüfung leistungen 11 Berechnung Modulnote 100 % der Modulnote 12 Turnus des Angebots Testen von Softwaresystemen (TSWS): im SS 13 Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit: 60 h Eigenstudium: 90 h 14 Dauer des Moduls 1 Semester 15 Unterrichtssprache Deutsch (bei Bedarf auch Englisch) 16 Vorbereitende Literatur Keine International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 107 of 132 Option C 1 Module description IIS7181 Software Engineering (Option C) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71811 Lect: Software Project Management (4 SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Hindel 4 Head of module Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Hindel 5 Contents Numerous statistics show that only a few software projects are finished successfully regarding time and costs. Some are finished with significant deficits, but many are unsuccessful at all. Often bad project management is the cause. The lecture shows an overview of the basic aspects of project management and demonstrates their mode of operation exemplified by real world problems. 6 Learning targets and skills 7 Suggested prerequisites Successful completion of the module “Praktische Softwaretechnik”. The prerequisites for taking this module may also have been acquired in other modules. 8 Integration in curriculum Third semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering 10 Method of examination 30 min. oral examination (Mündl. Prüfung (30 min)) 11 Grading procedure 100% of module score (100% der Modulnote) Ability to plan and control software development processes Capability to estimate and manage risks Understanding of the basics of human resource management (Result of the oral examination) 12 Course frequency Each WS 13 Expected time input Presence: 60 h Home study: 90 h International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 108 of 132 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language German 16 Preparatory literature Hindel et al.: „Basiswissen Software-Projektmanagement“, 3.Auflage, dpunkt.verlag 2009, ISBN 978-3-89864-561-4 International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 109 of 132 Option D 1 Module description IIS7192 Software Engineering (Option D) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71921 The AMOS Project(2 + 2 SWS) 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 5 Contents The AMOS Project teaches agile methods (Scrum and XP) and open source software development using a single semester-long project. The module consists of multiple parts. 5 ECTS Part 1 is a 2 SWS lecture that introduces students to agile methods and open source software development on a conceptual level. Topics covered are: Agile methods and software development processes The scrum roles, process practices, including product and engineering management Technical practices like refactoring, continuous integration, and test-driven development Principles and best practices of open source software development Part 2 is a 2 SWS exercise in which students take on one of the Scrum roles like product owner or team member and act accordingly. This is a practical hands-on experience. In the 5 ECTS Version, students assume the role of a product owner. In this function, a student defines, prioritizes, communicates, and reviews requirements. A couple of other specialized and technical student roles may be available. Class presence is scheduled as a 4h block on Wednesdays with the lecture in the morning and the exercises following after lunch. The actual software being developed changes from semester to semester. It is typically a combination of a web service with a mobile application. For some impressions please take a look at There should be a StudOn class section with additional materials; please make sure you sign-up. If the materials aren't there yet, they'll be coming soon. 6 Learning targets and skills Conceptual understanding of software products and software development in an industry context International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 110 of 132 Conceptual understanding of agile methods, in particular Scrum and Extreme Programming Conceptual understanding of open source software development and its underlying principles Practical hands-on experience with a Scrum process and XP technical practices 7 Suggested prerequisites Successful completion of the module “Praktische Softwaretechnik”. The prerequisites for taking this module may also have been acquired in other modules. 8 Integration in curriculum Second semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering. The module can only be selected if it was not already successfully completed for the Bachelor’s degree that qualified the student for the Master’s program. 10 Method of examination Class participation (for more information see 11 Grading procedure 100% of module score (100% der Modulnote (Mitarbeit)) 12 Course frequency Each SS 13 Expected time input Presence: 60 h Home study: 90 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English 16 Preparatory literature See International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 111 of 132 Option E 1 Module description IIS7193 Software Engineering (Option E) 10 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71931 The AMOS Project (2 + 2 SWS) 10 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 5 Contents The AMOS Project teaches agile methods (Scrum and XP) and open source software development using a single semester-long project. The module consists of multiple parts. Part 1 is a 2 SWS lecture that introduces students to agile methods and open source software development on a conceptual level. Topics covered are: Agile methods and software development processes The scrum roles, process practices, including product and engineering management Technical practices like refactoring, continuous integration, and test-driven development Principles and best practices of open source software development Part 2 is a 2 SWS exercise in which students take on one of the Scrum roles like product owner or team member and act accordingly. This is a practical hands-on experience. In the 10 ECTS Version, students assume the role of a team member. In this function, a student assesses requirements, estimates their effort, and implements them Class presence is scheduled as a 4h block on Wednesdays with the lecture in the morning and the exercises following after lunch. The actual software being developed changes from semester to semester. It is typically a combination of a web service with a mobile application. For some impressions please take a look at There should be a StudOn class section with additional materials; please make sure you sign-up. If the materials aren't there yet, they'll be coming soon. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 112 of 132 6 Learning targets and skills Conceptual understanding of software products and software development in an industry context Conceptual understanding of agile methods, in particular Scrum and Extreme Programming Conceptual understanding of open source software development and its underlying principles Practical hands-on experience with a Scrum process and XP technical practices 7 Suggested prerequisites Successful completion of the module “Praktische Softwaretechnik”. The prerequisites for taking this module may also have been acquired in other modules. 8 Integration in curriculum Second semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering The module can only be selected if it was not already successfully completed for the Bachelor’s degree that qualified the student for the Master’s program. 10 Method of examination Class participation (Mitarbeit) 11 Grading procedure Class participation (Mitarbeit) (for more information see 12 Course frequency Each SS 13 Expected time input Presence: 90 h Home study: 180 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English 16 Preparatory literature None International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 113 of 132 Option F 1 Module description IIS7195 Software Engineering (Option F) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71951 IIS71952 Product Management (4 SWS) OSRG-PROD 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle, M.B.A. 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 5 Contents Product management is an important function in software development organizations. A product manager conceives and defines new products. His or her task is to understand the market incl. important customers, to develop a product vision from that understanding, to translate it into product requirements, define those requirements on a by-feature basis and work with engineering to ensure these features are properly realized in the product under development. Role, tasks, and responsibilities of a product manager Process, methods, techniques and tools of product management Managing incremental/sustaining as well as disruptive innovation Open source product management; new trends in product management This course has two main components: The PROD part is conducted in traditional seminar style. Students pick a topic and present about it in class. We then discuss its content. PROD runs as a block from 9am – noon on Tuesday morning. For past impressions see There should be a StudOn class section with additional materials; please make sure you sign-up. If the materials aren't there yet, they'll be coming soon. 6 Learning targets and skills Understand the role, function, and responsibilities of a product manager Understand key concepts, methods, and tools of software product management Understand different business situations, incl. incremental vs. disruptive innovation International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 114 of 132 7 Suggested prerequisites Successful completion of the module “Praktische Softwaretechnik”. The prerequisites for taking this module may also have been acquired in other modules. 8 Integration in curriculum Second semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering The module can only be selected if it was not already successfully completed for the Bachelor’s degree that qualified the student for the Master’s program. 10 Method of examination Portfolio: 11 Grading procedure presentation (Seminarpräsentation zu Thema) class participation (Mitarbeit am Unterricht) The module score (100%) is composed of: presentation: 50% class participation: 50% Die Modulnote (100 %) setzt sich zusammen aus: Präsentation: 50% Mitarbeit: 50% 12 Course frequency Each SS 13 Expected time input Presence: 60 h Home study: 90 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English (presentations can be done in German if required) 16 Preparatory literature See International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 115 of 132 Option G 1 Module description IIS7196 Software Engineering (Option G) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71961 IIS71962 Software Architecture (Lecture with exercises, 4SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Dr. Martin Jung Prof. Dr. Riehle, M.B.A 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Riehle, M.B.A 5 Contents The architecture of a software system specifies its fundamental components, their structure and the relationships among them. Also, it describes their individual behavior and the interactions among the components. This lecture conveys the following aspects of software architecture: Basic building blocks and relationships Architecture description languages Architectural styles and patterns Libraries, frameworks and platforms Formal as well as industrial standards Software architecture of example systems Nonfunctional aspects of software architecture Tools and technologies Process of developing and maintaining software architecture Architecture driven software development Role and responsibility of the software architect Composition: The lecture will introduce, explain and discuss the contents as stated above. The lecture is accompanied by video presentations. Based on the videos, assignments are handed out and need to be answered by the students. The problem statement of an exemplary software system is introduced at the beginning of the lecture and students will work on this projects along the lecture in teams or individually. An interim presentation of the project results will be held and discussed in class. In a final interview, each student will be interviewed on the lecture contents in the context of the example project. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 116 of 132 Learning targets and skills 6 Holistic understanding of software architecture as an integral part of industry scale software development Ability to assess, select and create suitable software architecture Knowledge of architecture driven development, tools and technologies Knowledge of methodology and a typical process to create and maintain software architecture Knowledge of the typical skills and responsibilities of the software architect 7 Suggested prerequisites Successful completion of the module “Praktische Softwaretechnik”. The prerequisites for taking this module may also have been acquired in other modules 8 Integration in curriculum Second semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering 10 Method of examination Portfolio: 11 Grading procedure Active participation in class (Aktive Teilnahme am Unterricht) Hand-in of the assignments concerning video talk analysis (Abgabe von Hausarbeiten) Results of the example project (Ergebnisse des Beispielprojekts) The module score (100 %) is composed of: Hand-in (written assignments, research project):40% Final interview on lecture contents: 60% Die Modulnote (100 %) setzt sich zusammen aus: Abgabe von Hausarbeiten und Projektergebnissen: 40% Beantwortung von Fragen zu den Vorlesungsinhalten: 60% 12 Course frequency Each SS 13 Expected effort Time in class: 60 h Self study and assignments: 90 h 14 Module duration 1 Semester 15 Lecture language German, Video talks are mostly in English 16 Preparatory literature none International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 117 of 132 Option H 1 Module description IIS7197 Software Engineering (Option H) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS427754 Lecture and Exercise: Nailing your thesis (4 SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 5 Contents This class teaches you how to perform research. According to most Prüfungsordnungen your Bachelor or Master theses have to be scientific work, and this class teaches you how to do it. The class consists of a weekly lecture and exercise. The weekly lecture discusses the following topics: What is science? Engineering vs. design science vs. social science Research question, strategy, exploration, hypothesis, validation Exploratory research: Selected research methods Empirical research: Selected research methods The research paper and thesis writing process Publishing; the scientific community The weekly exercises (2 SWS) apply what you learned in the lecture part to a particular research topic. The research topics change each semester and are presented in the first class session. Typically, they have to do something with open source and software engineering. Feel free to bring your own research question to class! The class language is German or English (decided during the first class session). The presentation will have to be done in English and the research paper will have to be written in English. The exercises for the research paper involve qualitative and quantitative data analysis; thus, math and programming skills are needed. For the 5 ECTS variant, the presentation will comprise the review and scientific analysis of one or two research papers chosen during the first two weeks of class. You will read and report about the paper, analyse the references and related work, and assess the paper from a scientific perspective. 6 Learning targets and skills Holistic understanding of computer and information systems research Development of necessary skills in selected qualitative and quantitative research methods International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 118 of 132 Holistic understanding and practical competence in writing research papers/theses 7 Suggested prerequisites Successful completion of the module “Praktische Softwaretechnik”. Mathematical as well as programming skills. The prerequisites for taking this module may also have been acquired in other modules. 8 Integration in curriculum Third semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering, module in the section Database Systems 10 Method of examination Portfolio: 11 Grading procedure active class participation (Aktive Teilnahme am Unterricht) presentation (Seminarpräsentation zu Thema) The module score (100%) is composed of: class participation: 50% presentation: 50% Die Modulnote (100 %) setzt sich zusammen aus: Teilnahme: 50% Präsentation: 50% 12 Course frequency Each WS 13 Expected time input Presence: 30 h Home study: 120 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English 16 Preparatory literature None International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 119 of 132 Option I 1 Module description IIS7198 Software Engineering (Option I) 10 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71982 Lecture and Exercise: Nailing your thesis (4 SWS) 10 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 5 Contents This class teaches you how to perform research. According to most Prüfungsordnungen your Bachelor or Master theses have to be scientific work, and this class teaches you how to do it. The class consists of a weekly lecture and exercise. The weekly lecture discusses the following topics: What is science? Engineering vs. design science vs. social science Research question, strategy, exploration, hypothesis, validation Exploratory research: Selected research methods Empirical research: Selected research methods The research paper and thesis writing process Publishing; the scientific community The weekly exercises (2 SWS) apply what you learned in the lecture part to a particular research topic. The research topics change each semester and are presented in the first class session. Typically, they have to do something with open source and software engineering. Feel free to bring your own research question to class! The class language is German or English (decided during the first class session). The presentation will have to be done in English and the research paper will have to be written in English. The exercises for the research paper involve qualitative and quantitative data analysis; thus, math and programming skills are needed. For the 10 ECTS variants, the class paper will be your written summary of the research work you performed during the semester. It is intended to be as close to a real research paper as possible and will be graded accordingly. How to do your research right is taught as part of the lecture. 6 Learning targets and skills Holistic understanding of computer and information systems research Development of necessary skills in selected qualitative and quantitative research methods International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 120 of 132 Holistic understanding and practical competence in writing research papers/theses 7 Suggested prerequisites Successful completion of the module “Praktische Softwaretechnik”. Mathematical as well as programming skills. The prerequisites for taking this module may also have been acquired in other modules. 8 Integration in curriculum Third semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering 10 Method of examination Portfolio: 11 Grading procedure active class participation (Aktive Teilnahme am Unterricht) written assignment (Wissenschaftliche Arbeit zu Thema) The module score (100%) is composed of: class participation: 25% written assignment: 75% Die Modulnote (100 %) setzt sich zusammen aus: Teilnahme: 25% Hausarbeit: 75% 12 Course frequency Each WS 13 Expected time input Presence: 30 h Home study: 120 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English 16 Preparatory literature None International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 121 of 132 Option J 1 Module description IIS7199 Software Engineering (Option J) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71991 IIS71992 Lecture and Exercise: Advanced Design and Programming (PSWT-ADAP) (4 SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 5 Contents This course teaches students advanced concepts of object-oriented design and programming. The course helps you design and implement software better and faster. It is independent of any particular application domain, so it is not about efficient database performance or robust network protocols. The current planning covers the following topics: Objects and Values Classes and Interfaces Method Design Principles Modeling and Inheritance Implementing Inheritance Design by Contract Role Objects Collaboration-based Design Design Patterns Object Creation Singleton Objects Domain-Driven Design Framework Design Error and Exception Handling Meta-Object Protocols For the syllabus see The 4 SWS will be spent as chunks of lecturing followed by exercises; you should be savvy with your IDE. There should be a StudOn class section with additional materials; please make sure you sign-up. If the materials aren't there yet, they'll be coming soon. For the schedule see International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 122 of 132 Learning targets and skills 6 Suggested prerequisites 7 Conceptually understand principles of advanced object-oriented design and programming Comprehensively apply these advanced principles in software design and programming Successful completion of the module “Praktische Softwaretechnik”. Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen Additional programming experience The prerequisites for taking this module may also have been acquired in other modules. Laptop/notebook for classroom use 8 Integration in curriculum During or after first semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering (Lecture and Exercise) 10 Method of examination Portfolio: class participation (Teilnahme am Unterricht) homework provision (Hausarbeit) 11 Grading procedure Grades are based on linearly combining the individual grades from class participation and homework results as weighted by the amount of work (ECTS) needed for it. For more information see 12 Course frequency Each WS 13 Expected time input 60h in class, 90h pre- and post-work 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language German 16 Preparatory literature See International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 123 of 132 Option K 1 Module description IIS7172 Software Engineering (Option K) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS71721 IIS71722 Lecture and Exercise: Free, Libre and Open Source Software (OSS-FLOSS) (4 SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 4 Head of module Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle 5 Contents This course introduces students to Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) and its impact on the software industry. Topics covered by the course are: Open Source Projects and Processes Open Source Consumers Community Open Source Commercial Open Source Open Source Labor Economics Beyond Open Source The course combines weekly lectures with exercises (homework). Homework typically involves reading materials and summarizing these readings in short one-page documents. Occasionally, we may watch and discuss a video. There should be a StudOn course section with additional materials; please make sure you sign-up. If the materials aren't there yet, they'll be coming soon. For the schedule see The schedule should also contain a link to the StudOn course section. 6 Learning targets and skills 7 Suggested prerequisites Understand how open source software projects work (in comparison to traditional projects) Understand open source business models to be able to function effectively in relevant job functions Understand how product companies can and should utilize open source strategically and tactically Successful completion of the module “Praktische Softwaretechnik”. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 124 of 132 The prerequisites for taking this module may also have been acquired in other modules. Informatik Bachelor: During or after 4th semester Informatik Master: During or after 1st semester Master International Information Systems: During or after 1st semester 8 Integration in curriculum 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Software Engineering (Lecture and Exercise) The module can only be selected if it was not already successfully completed for the Bachelor’s degree that qualified the student for the Master’s program. 10 Method of examination Portfolio: 11 Grading procedure class participation: 40% (Teilnahme am Unterricht: 40%) home work: 60% (Hausarbeit: 60%) The module score (100%) is composed of: class participation: 40% home work: 60% Die Modulnote (100 %) setzt sich zusammen aus: Teilnahme am Unterricht: 40% Hausarbeit: 60% 12 Course frequency Each WS 13 Expected time input 60h in class, 90h pre- and post-work 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English 16 Preparatory literature - International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 125 of 132 V Seminars As part of the curriculum, the “seminars” module is mandatory. Students have to choose one out of two options. Das „Seminars“-Modul ist eine Pflichtveranstaltung. Die Studenten müssen eine der zwei Optionen absolvieren. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 126 of 132 IBS (Interdisciplinary Business Seminar) 1 Module description IIS7200 Seminars (Option 1) 5 ECTS 2 Courses IIS72001 Interdisciplinary Business Seminar 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Bodendorf and colleagues 4 Head of module Prof. Bodendorf 5 Contents This seminar confronts students with real international IS business challenges in an interdisciplinary context. Students learn how to address real-world problems and to create application-oriented solutions based on sound methods rooted in robust theoretical frameworks and a well-founded evidence base. 6 Learning targets and skills The students can independently define new usage-oriented problems in e-business, considering the economic impact on companies, and solve them with the aid of suitable methods. discuss problem-solving approaches in groups and present their work results. 7 Suggested prerequisites Command of English 8 Integration in curriculum Second or third semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Seminars 10 Method of examination Portfolio: Written assignment and presentation (Seminararbeit und Präsentation) 11 Grading procedure 100% of module score (100% der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Each semester 13 Expected time input Presence: 30 h Home study: 120 h International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 127 of 132 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English 16 Preparatory literature Will be announced at the beginning of the course. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 128 of 132 Value Co-Creation Seminar 1 Module description Seminars (Option 2) 5 ECTS IIS7220 2 Courses Value Co-Creation Seminar 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Möslein and colleagues 4 Head of module Prof. Möslein 5 Contents Producers of goods or service providers are not the only ones responsible for the creation of value in business interactions. Various authors have lately turned the attention to the role of customers as co-creators. In this seminar, we will study the current literature on the topic and discuss it from a practical perspective. 6 Learning targets and skills The students: gain deeper insight into the theories of value co-creation. learn to work with scientific papers and apply the results. develop skills in collaborative interaction within the context of the seminar. Fluent english 7 Suggested prerequisites 8 Integration in curriculum Third semester 9 Module application Master International Information Systems: Module in the section Seminars 10 Method of examination Lect/Ex: Seminar work and presentation (Vorlesung/ Übung: Seminararbeit und Präsentation) 11 Grading procedure 100% of module score (100% der Modulnote) 12 Course frequency Each WS 13 Expected time input Presence: 30 h Home study: 120 h 14 Module duration 1 semester 15 Lecture language English International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 129 of 132 16 Preparatory literature None International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 130 of 132 VI Master Thesis As part of the curriculum “Master Thesis” is a mandatory module. Das Modul „Mastarbeit” ist verpflichtender Bestandteil des Curriculums. 1 Modulbezeichnung IIS1999 Masterarbeit (Master Thesis) 30 ECTS 2 Lehrveranstaltungen Masterarbeit 30 ECTS 3 Dozenten Prof. Amberg / Prof. Bodendorf / Prof. Möslein / Prof. Meyer-Wegener / Prof. Riehle / Prof. Saglietti / Prof. Freiling / Prof. Tielemann / Prof. Kleinöder / Prof. German / Prof. Grosso 4 Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Bodendorf stellvertretend für die Dozierenden im Studiengang 5 Inhalt Die Masterarbeit beinhaltet das Verfassen einer konzeptionellen oder empirischen Arbeit zu einem Thema aus dem Bereich Wirtschaftsinformatik. Die Masterarbeit sollte einen Bezug zu internationalen Aspekten der Wirtschaftsinformatik herstellen. 6 Lernziele und Kompetenzen Die Studierenden sind in der Lage, innerhalb einer vorgegebenen Frist ein Thema bzw. eine Fragestellung aus dem Bereich Wirtschaftsinformatik selbstständig mit wissenschaftlichen Methoden zu bearbeiten sowie die Erkenntnisse prägnant aufzuarbeiten und kompetent zu interpretieren. International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 131 of 132 7 Empfohlene Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme 8 Einpassung in Musterstudienplan 4. Semester 9 Verwendbarkeit des Moduls Master International Information Systems Voriger Besuch der Veranstaltungen des 1.-3. Semesters Mit der Anmeldung zur Masterarbeit im Studiengang International Information Systems muss ein Nachweis über den bereits absolvierten oder den geplanten verpflichtenden Auslandsaufenthalt erbracht werden. 10 Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen Masterarbeit: schriftliche Arbeit 11 Berechnung Modulnote Masterarbeit 100% 12 Turnus des Angebots Nach Maßgabe des jeweiligen Lehrstuhls 13 Arbeitsaufwand Präsenzzeit: 0 h Eigenstudium: 900 h 14 Dauer des Moduls 6 Monate 15 Unterrichtssprache Deutsch oder Englisch 16 Vorbereitende Literatur Aktuelle Forschungsliteratur International Information Systems (IIS) | Master of Science Program | Modulhandbuch | Stand: 01. April 2015 132 of 132
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