How about an English lesson in an art environment?

Andrea Fraser
Andrea Fraser
Andrea Fraser
A Visit to the Sistine Chapel, 2005
(Ein Besuch in der Sixtinischen Kapelle)
Video (Farbe, Ton)
12 Min.
Courtesy of the artist
Projection, 2008,
Galerie Nagel Draxler,
Kunst muss hängen, 2001
Videoinstallation Video, Farbe, Ton, 32 min 55
sec (Loop)
Darstellerin: Andrea Fraser
Produktion: Andrea Fraser und Galerie Nagel,
Köln, 2001,
Eine abstrakte Darstellung II, 2001
Gemälde, Ölfarbe und Graphit auf grundierter
65,6 x 70,3 cm
Projektionsfläche ca. 244 x 335 cm
© Sammlung Generali Foundation −
Dauerleihgabe am Museum der Moderne
How about an English lesson in an art environment?
Have your English students participate in a workshop run
by English professionals and art educators!
‚Museum Highlights’
The Museum der Moderne Salzburg is currently showing works by American
performance artist Andrea Fraser. As a student of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu,
Fraser’s focus as both an artist and scientist is on society and institutions – like art
Her works deal with the unspoken relations between artists, art works and viewers.
What do we expect when we visit a museum?
How do we experience art works?
What makes an artist?
Why do we listen to a tour guide?
Do you always agree to the guide’s explanations?
We’ll take a closer look at Andrea Fraser’s videos and installations and encourage
students to speak their minds.
Be part of the scene!
Age Range: 14–18 years
Dates/Times: individual appointments upon request
Duration: 60-70 minutes
Price: € 3/student (free admission)
Elevator: € 1,30/student
English professionals/art educators:
Ilse Renate Pürstl is a certified English teacher and art educator who studied art
history in San Francisco, California. She has extensive experience working with
teenagers and children.
Theresa Weiss is an experienced museum instructor who studied art history in Vienna
and Salzburg. She has been working with American teenagers and children for
several years (e.g. at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts).
Information and bookings:
T +43.662 84 22 20-351, -352, oder -356
[email protected]
Museum der Moderne auf dem Mönchsberg
Mönchsberg 32
5020 Salzburg
T +43.662 84 22 20-403
Museum der Moderne im Rupertinum
Wiener Philharmoniker Gasse 9
5020 Salzburg
T +43.662 84 22 20-451
Di–So 10–18 Uhr
Mi 10–20 Uhr