IKT und Sicherheitstechnik Newsletter Ausgabe März 2015 ***************************************** Der IKT und Sicherheitstechnik Newsletter des Enterprise Europe Network Niedersachsen informiert Sie monatlich über aktuelle Technologieangebote und -gesuche von europäischen Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen aus dem Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien sowie der Sicherheitstechnik. Wenn Sie Interesse an einer Thematik oder einem Kooperationsangebot haben, oder selber ein Solches erstellen wollen, nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit Ihrem Ansprechpartner bei der NBank, der Leibniz Universität Hannover oder der Hochschule Osnabrück auf. ***************************************** Inhaltsverzeichnis I. Kooperationsangebote IKT........................................ 1 II. Kooperationsangebote Sicherheitstechnik............. 2 III. Öffentliche Ausschreibungen.................................. 3 V. Veranstaltungen........................................................ 3 ***************************************** I. Kooperationsangebote IKT ***************************************** Technologiegesuch (Ref: TRSE20141022001) Software for recognition of patterns on distorted surfaces A Swedish university spin-off company active in agile software development to a global market, specializing in media asset management (MAM), open source solutions, and interaction design is now looking for software for recognition of patterns on distorted surfaces, that can be included in their MAM-tools with existing metadata extraction battery. Technical, license and commercial cooperation are sought. ***************************************** Technologieangebot (Ref: TOMK20140224001) An innovative software for enterprise social networking A Macedonian company offers an innovative software for facilitating social networking in enterprises. The Für weitere Informationen stehen Matthias Wurch Leibniz Universität Hannover Tel. 0511 - 762-5682 E-Mail: [email protected] in-house developed modules are integrated in an intranet platform where employees can exchange knowledge, ideas and process updates. The solution is fully adaptable to address a variety of enterprises’ needs, regardless of the structure or sector of operation. The company is looking for partners for license agreements, technical cooperation or commercial agreement with technical assistance. ***************************************** Technologieangebot (Ref: TOIT20130905001) An innovative approach on web application for consultants and consulting firms An Italian company specialized in software development is seeking technical partners for its web application designed to help consultants and consulting firms to keep track of their business. Actually the SME is interested in expanding its activities, through commercial agreements and technical co-operation with industrial partners available to adapt this system to specific needs. ***************************************** Technologieangebot (Ref: TOES20140925001) Innovative IT engine for integration of Health Information Systems A Southern Spanish SME has developed an innovative IT engine for integration of health information systems. The engine is capable to integrate heterogeneous systems in a simpler, scalable and more economical way. Besides, it contributes to avoid all the difficulties presented by some standards by using a single interface that connects and synchronizes all systems. They are seeking local IT integrators for technical cooperation and final users for commercial agreements with technical assistance. ***************************************** Technologieangebot (Ref: TOIT20140220001) Interactive audio guide with intelligent labels An Italian company has developed interactive audio guides that allow users interact with the environment through intelligent labels. Guides may be applied to museums or parks and would be available to user‘s mobile phone. The company is interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance or joint developments of the product. Ihre Ansprechpartner in Niedersachsen gern zur Verfügung: Steven Amenda Pero von Strasser NBank Hochschule Osnabrück Tel. 0511 - 30031-361 Tel. 0541 - 969-3681 E-Mail: E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] 2 ***************************************** Technologieangebot (Ref: TOFI20141218001) Software and hardware development for high definition video and audio systems A Finnish company with extensive experience in high definition video and audio systems offers its services in software and hardware development. The company provides custom design services, technology platforms and OEM solutions for consumer electronics, professional A/V (audiovisual), medical imaging and industrial A/V. The company is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance from companies requiring high quality audio and video design services. ***************************************** Technologieangebot (Ref: TOES20130826002) Comprehensive software for the creation and management of internet travel portals A Spanish technology company has developed a software tool for the travel segment. The technology provides the necessary software for the creation and management of internet travel portals. The company is interested in product transfer through licensing; establishing joint ventures with tourism software companies with synergies on products; and is open for technological cooperation for further joint development proposals. ***************************************** Technologieangebot (Ref: TODE20150304002) Expertise in Big Data, High Performance Computing and Cloud Technologies is sought A German company developed a systematic concept for making precise quantitative (numeric) data interoperable and searchable. It is a general approach and can be demonstrated. First possible applications are interoperable eHealth, science, e-commerce, later also Web Search. The small company searches a sufficiently large partner for development (fully scalable implementation in professional web design), for application and advancement of the technology and / or joint venture. ***************************************** II. Kooperationsangebote Sicherheitstechnik ***************************************** Forschungspartnergesuch: RDGR20150225001 H2020 BES-03-2015 partner search: R&D/pilot production of a light optionally-piloted multipurpose vessel for maritime border surveillance A consortium of Greek companies, research and industrial partners will submit a proposal to BES-032015 call. They seek additional partners (universities, entities, SMEs) in order to develop a multi-purpose surveillance vessel carrying on deck a VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) craft & surveillance equipment with adequate operating range. The innovative craft through its cost effective operational profiles, will contribute to standardisation in construction & operation. ***************************************** Technologiegesuch: TRUK20150219001 Sensor technology sought for real-time performance monitoring protective helmet A UK-based company which designs, develops and supplies protection equipment to police and other security forces seeks a partner to work with it, under a technology cooperation agreement, to develop a real-time performance measurement function to be incorporated into a new protective helmet. The partner must be able to supply performance measurement technology which senses such things as dehydration, overheating etc and meets strict requirements at relatively low cost. ***************************************** Technologieangebot: TONL20150223002 Integrated microwave photonic antenna system technology for the fifth generation (5G) and broadband satellite communication applications A Dutch SME specializes in the development and production of antenna technology. The SME offers integrated microwave photonic antenna technology to enable the next generation of robust high speed broadband communication. Demonstrators of onchip integrated ultra-flat dynamic antenna arrays, capable of maintaining connection with satellites at high speeds, are available. The Dutch SME looks for commercial agreements with technical assistance or joint ventures with telecom system integrators. ***************************************** Technologieangebot: TONL20150211001 Novel micron-sized carbon filler to improve material performance for lightweight applications A Dutch university spin-off company develops and manufactures a new material consisting of pure carbon that forms micron-sized three dimensional networks. These provide an optimum structure for enhancing the transfer of electrons, heat or mechanical forces. Added in low amounts, the performance of elastomers, thermoplastics and thermosets can be significantly improved. The company is seeking partners in various high-end industrial sectors for commercial agreements with technical assistance. ***************************************** Technologieangebot: TONL20130708002 Additive manufacturing / 3D print technology for technical ceramic parts A Dutch research organisation developed a 3D printing technology capable of producing technical ceramic parts directly from 3D CAD data. The parts are built ‘layer-by-layer’ using a highly filled, photo curable ceramic paste. Afterwards the green parts are debinded and sintered. Currently several ceramic materials can be processed, such as aluminum oxide and nitride, silicon carbide and piezoelectric ceramics. The Dutch partner is interested in technical cooperation projects. 3 ***************************************** Businessoffer: BOES20140903001 A Spanish company specialist in the development and production of instrumentation and underwater robots and buoys is looking for partners in Europe for the distribution or coproduction of their products The company is a small research-focused company developing underwater instrumentation and robotics, and offers mechanical and electronic design, advanced manufacturing and prototype design. The company is operating in international markets and is looking for partners in Europe interested in distributing and promoting the products in European markets. ***************************************** Businessoffer: BOUK20141203001 Specialist commercial and secure environment washroom equipment manufacturers seek agents and distributors UK company design and manufacture solid surface products for commercial and specialist sanitary ware applications. They are looking for trade intermediaries, commercial agents and distributors in the USA, Germany, Ireland, Turkey, Canada, Brazil. ***************************************** Businessoffer: BOIT20150209003 Italian company specialized in the design, manufacturing and maintenance of boats for the most specific and demanding professional uses is looking for agents or distributors abroad. An Italian company specialized in the production of professional boats in aluminium, metal, steel alloy (for use in emergency, rescue, fire protection, military specifications, law enforcement), is looking for trade intermediary services (distributors and agents) to reach new European markets. ***************************************** Businessoffer: BONO20150220001 Norwegian supplier of container-based products for International camps, search for high end agents A Norwegian company in the defence and peacekeeping operations market produces large containerbased products such as kitchens, sanitation and waste treatment for use at camps worldwide. Due to excellent quality and reputation, they have an increasing demand. In order to meet the demand, they look for professional agents or dealers in Europe. The agents must have a documented network to the defence industry. Commercial Agency Agreement or Distribution Services Agreement are offered. ***************************************** III. Öffentliche Ausschreibungen ***************************************** 2015/S 059-104662 Schweiz-Freiburg: Ausrüstung für Brandbekämpfung, Rettung und Sicherheit Ausrüstung für Brandbekämpfung, Rettung und Si- cherheit. Kraftfahrzeuge für den Transport von weniger als 10 Personen. Schlusstermin für den Eingang der Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge: 29.4.2015 - 12:00. Sprache, in der Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge verfasst werden können: Französisch. ***************************************** 2015/S 059-104440 Österreich-Wien: Datenverarbeitungsgeräte (Hardware) Die WienIT EDV Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG ist eine 100-prozentige Tochtergesellschaft der Wiener Stadtwerke Holding AG und als IT-Dienstleister des WSTW Konzerns mit der Durchführung der Ausschreibung zum Abschluss einer Rahmenvereinbarung für die Beschaffung von IT-Client Hardware (Arbeitsplatz) für mehrere Konzernunternehmen beauftragt. Gegenstand der Ausschreibung ist der Abschluss einer Rahmenvereinbarung für den Kauf und die Lieferung von PCs und Notebooks. Details siehe ergänzende Unterlagen zum Teilnahmeantrag. Schlusstermin für den Eingang der Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge: 13.4.2015 - 12:00. Sprache, in der Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge verfasst werden können: Deutsch. ***************************************** 2015/S 059-104654 die Schweiz-Zürich: Softwarepaket und Informationssysteme Mit dieser Ausschreibung sucht die Stadt Zürich einen oder mehrere Citrix Solution Advisor Platinum Partner für künftige Software Beratungen und Lizenzbeschaffungen im Bereich Citrix. Schlusstermin für den Eingang der Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge: 30.4.2015 - 12:00. Sprache, in der Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge verfasst werden können: Deutsch. ***************************************** IV. Veranstaltungen ***************************************** Kooperationsbörse Technology Coorperation Days auf der HANNOVER MESSE 2015, 14.-16. April 2015, Hannover Die Kooperationsbörse Technology Cooperation Days, die im Rahmen der HANNOVER MESSE 2015 stattfindet, bietet Unternehmen, Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen mit Schwerpunkt auf Smart Factories & Industrial Manufacturing die Möglichkeit, Geschäftskooperationen anzubahnen und Partnerschaften für gemeinsame Projekte zu initiieren. Die Anmeldegebühr beträgt 119 EUR (inkl. MwSt. und Messeeintritt). Unternehmen, die industrielle Lösungen/Lizenzen „einkaufen“ wollen, können über ein sogenanntes „Buyers-Profile“ kostenfrei teilnehmen. Die Technology Cooperation Days 4 werden von der NBank in Kooperation mit der Physikalisch Technischen Bundesanstalt (PTB) und internationalen Netzwerkpartnern im EEN organisiert. Als Ansprechpartner steht Ihnen Steven Amenda (Steven. [email protected], Tel: 0511 30031361) gerne zur Verfügung. ***************************************** Security & Emergency Reponse Days Matchmaking Event, 22.-26. April 2015, Kortrijk (Belgium) Every two years the Infopol fair (www.infopol.be/ en/home) brings together purchase managers and decision makers from the entire safety, security and emergency chain to see the latest trends in: • The equipment for police, fire brigades and ambulances • Security and emergency services • Surveillance • Mobility, parking and road safety This edition, a matchmaking event which will be organised by Enterprise Europe Network Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia during the Infopol in Kortrijk, Belgium. We will enhance the cooperation with the public emergency response services, by offering broad opportunities for meetings with decision makers for purchasing and innovation at these public services. For more information please visit www.b2match.eu/ infopol2015 or contact Patrick De Molder ([email protected], Tel.: +32(50)32 5025) ***************************************** Matchmaking Event: ICT, Aerospace and Security Solutions - IDEF2015 MATCHMAKING 06. Mai – 08. Mai 2015, ISTANBUL IDEF is the biggest defence industry fair in Eurasian region and one of the top four in the world with an increasing trend in terms of the number of participating countries, delegations and companies. Within the scope of these informations, it was proven that IDEF Fair was placed within the most successful and conspicuous organizations realized on the international platform in Defence Industry, which makes IDEF a perfect opportunity for the companies to participate in matchmaking events during the exhibition. This matchmaking organisation will be held at ODTU Teknokent booth, during the larger event of the IDEF 2015 Exhibition, with 13 participating companies of Teknokent Defence Industry Cluster (TSSK) with the other participating companies of the fair. Participation in the matchmaking sessions is free of charge. Please register at: https://www.b2match.eu/ idef2015/contact Registration for the matchmaking deadline: April 1, 2015 Book meetings deadline: April 15, 2015 Matchmaking dates: May 6-7-8, 2015 ***************************************** Impressum ***************************************** Der Newsletter wird herausgegeben von der NBank, der Leibniz Universität Hannover und der Hochschule Osnabrück. IDEF‘15, 12th International Defence Industry Fair, which was held under the auspices and support of the Ministery of National Defence in response of Turkish Armed Forces Foundation (TAFF), was realized by the cooperation of Tüyap Fairs and Exhibitions Organization Inc. between May 5-8, 2015. Verantwortlich für den redaktionellen Inhalt: Matthias Wurch Leibniz Universität Hannover - uni transfer Brühlstr. 27 30169 Hannover Tel: 0511 / 762-5682 Fax: 0511 / 762-5723 E-Mail: [email protected] IDEF International Defence Industry Fair has been held once in every odd year since 1993. IDEF has played an essential role on the development of friendship and cooperation between participant countries. IDEF, as a high technology defence industry fair, incorporating main defence industry branches and their subordinates, is an essential international marketing arena for defence industry companies. Rechtliche Hinweise: Die Inhalte dieses Newsletters werden mit größtmöglicher Sorgfalt erstellt. Die Herausgeber übernehmen jedoch keine Gewähr für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der bereitgestellten Inhalte. Namentlich gekennzeichnete Beiträge geben die Meinung des jeweiligen Autors und nicht immer die Meinung der Herausgeber wieder. Enterprise Europe Network wird im Rahmen des Programms für Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Innovation (CIP) von der EU gefördert. Sie finden uns im Internet unter www.een-niedersachsen.de
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