Wer sich selbst und andere kennt, Wird auch hier erkennen: Orient und Okzident Sind nicht mehr zu trennen. (Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe; Aus dem Nachlass) 5th International Congress on Transcultural Psychosomatics, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 8 - 10 May, 2015 Marburg Preliminary Scientific Program (subject to change) Vorläufiges wissenschaftliches Programm (Änderungen vorbehalten) Version 28-April-2015 Friday, May 8, 2015 | Freitag, 8. Mai 2015 Pre-Conference Workshops (will be only held in German | nur in deutscher Sprache) Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Gutenbergstrasse 18, Room 03064 Gutenbergstrasse 18, Room 03013 U. von Lersner, Berlin 09:00 – Interkulturelle Kompetenz in 12:00 der Psychotherapie [Intercultural competence in psychotherapy] M. Bender, Hadamar Psychoedukationsprogramm zur Bewältigung von arbeitsplatzbezogenem Stress“ (PeBAS) [A psychoeducational program for coping with occupational distress – PeBAS] Scientific Program | Wissenschaftliches Programm Keynote Lectures in Alte Aula| Hauptvorträge in der Alten Aula (Lectures will be translated simultaneously into German) 13:00 Welcome Address & Opening (W. Rief, Marburg) D. Hinton, Harvard, USA 13:15 – Keynote: Transcultural Aspects in Psychosomatic Medicine 14:15 [Transkulturelle Aspekte in der psychosomatischen Medizin] A. Heinz, Berlin, Germany 14:15 – Keynote: Transcultural psychiatry and psychotherapy – Historical 14:55 burden and novel approaches [Transkulturelle Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie –Historische Belastung u. neue Ansätze] 14:55 – 15:15 Coffee Break B. Wagner, Berlin, Germany 15:15 – Keynote: E-mental-Health as humanitarian aid: Internet based psychotherapy for Arabic patients with PTSD 15:55 [E-Mental-Health als humanitäre Hilfe: Arabischsprachige Internetbasierte Psychotherapie für PTSD Patienten] H. Reich & R. Nater-Mewes, Marburg, Germany 15:55 – Keynote: Enhancing the motivation for psychotherapy in inpatients with a Turkish migration background 16:35 [Steigerung der Psychotherapie-Motivation bei PatientInnen mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund] Version 28-April-2015 Saturday, May 9, 2015 | Samstag, 9. Mai 2015 Venue: Landgrafenhaus Scientific Program | Wissenschaftliches Programm 09:00 – 10:30 Room +2/0090 (LH102) Room +1/0080 (LH100) Symposium 1: (German) Transkulturelle Psychotherapie I Symposium 2: (English) Psychosomatics I [Transcultural Psychotherapy I] 10:30 – 11:00 11:00 – 12:30 (in German | auf Deutsch) Room +2/0010 (LH209) Workshop 3: M. Schouler-Ocak 08:00 – 11:00 Symposium 3: (English) Transcultural Psychotherapy II Symposium 4: (English) Psychosomatics II Lunch Break Arbeit mit Patienten mit Migrationshintergrund [Working with patients with migration background] Coffee Break 12:30 – 13:30 13:30 – 14:30 14:30 – 16:00 Workshops Workshop 4: 11:15 – 14:15 S. Tagay Behandlungskonzepte bei traumatisierten Flüchtlingen [Treatments for traumatized refugees] Guided Poster Tour in the Foyer Symposium 5: (German) Depression Symposium 6: (English) Anxiety disorders | OCD |PTSD [Depression] 16:00 – 16:15 16:15 – 17:45 Version 28-April-2015 Coffee Break Expert Panel Discussion Room +1/0080 (100) Workshop 5: 14:30 – 17:30 A. Khatib Transkulturelle Aspekte zur Suchttherapie [Transcultural aspects in addiction therapy] Saturday, May 9, 2015 | Samstag, 9. Mai 2015 Scientific Program | Wissenschaftliches Programm Symposium 1: Transkulturelle Psychotherapie I (German) [Transcultural Psychotherapy I] Chair: L. Hölzel Venue: Landgrafenhaus Room +2/0090 (LH102) G. Hasler, Bern M. Mösko, Hamburg E. Koch, Marburg 09:00 – 10:30 L. Hölzel et al., Freiburg U. v. Lersner, Berlin Kulturelle Aspekte der Stress-Resilienz [Cultural aspects of stress resilience] Stand der Interkulturellen Öffnung in der psychosozialen Versorgung in Deutschland [Current state of cross-cultural opening in mental health care services in Germany] Stationäre Psychotherapie für Migranten [Inpatient psychotherapy for immigrants] Symposium 2: Psychosomatics I (English) [Psychosomatik I] Chair: M. Kleinstäuber Venue: Landgrafenhaus Room +1/0080 (LH100) The Effectiveness of Emotional Self-Regulation H. Nasiri et al., on reducing pain, stress, anxiety and depression Isfahan in patients with migraine W. Larbig, Tübingen „Tour d’horizon“ over 40 years of pain research in Tübingen A. Aghaei & S. Farajzadeh, Isfahan “The comparison of Psychosomatic disorders between Azeri and Isfahani cultures” Entwicklung und Testung kultursensitiver Informationsmaterialien - eine doppelblinde randomisiert kontrollierte Studie (KULTINFO) [Development and testing of culture-sensitive patient information material in a double-blind randomizedcontrolled trial – KULTINFO] Leitlinien und Trainings für interkulturelle Kompetenz in der Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung von Psychotherapeuten [Guidelines and trainings for psychotherapists to enhance transcultural competence in the therapeutical setting] 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break Version 28-April-2015 Saturday, May 9, 2015 | Samstag, 9. Mai 2015 Symposium 3: Transcultural psychotherapy II (English) Symposium 4: Psychosomatics II (English) [Transcultural Psychotherapy II] Chair: M. Kleinstäuber Venue: Landgrafenhaus Room +2/0090 (LH102) [Psychosomatik II] Chair: C. Weise Venue: Landgrafenhaus Room +1/0080 (LH100) M. Zarghami, Sari M. Haddadi & A. Aghaei, Isfahan 11:00 – 12:30 Scientific Program | Wissenschaftliches Programm Iranian Common Attitude Toward Opium Consumption Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Stress Management Group Training on Psychosomatic Symptoms in mothers of Child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) I. Struina et al., Regulation of Shame and Pride in Adolescents Frankfurt/M. with Collectivistic Migration Background A. Whittal, Bremen Effects of individual immigrant attitudes and host culture attitudes on doctor-immigrant patient relationships and communication: Factors influencing immigrant health A. Allahyari Teheran Development of psychotherapy in Iran and the Iranian psychotherapy association M. Esmaeili et al., Isfahan Effectiveness of mindfulness based cognitive therapy on psychological well-being in women with diabetes type I in Isfahan Y. Zhang et al., Freiburg A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Symptoms and Health-related Quality of Life M. Shahriari & P. Adibi, Isfahan Comparison of patients and health provider perception and expectation of treatment and their presumptions of functional gastrointestinal disorders in Iran and Germany M. R. Najafi & M. Reisifar, Isfahan Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures in transcultural context 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 – 14:30 Version 28-April-2015 Guided Poster Tour in the Foyer Chairs: M. Kleinstäuber, R. Nater-Mewes, C. Weise Saturday, May 9, 2015 | Samstag, 9. Mai 2015 Scientific Program | Wissenschaftliches Programm Symposium 5: Depression (German) Symposium 6: Anxiety disorders | OCD | PTSD (English) [Depression] Chair: H. Reich Venue: Landgrafenhaus Room +2/0090 (LH102) Depression und Angst bei älteren russischstämmigen Menschen mit jüdischem Hintergrund aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion: Y. Nesterko Wie wirken sich Diskriminierung und Religiosität et al., Leipzig aus? [Angststörungen, Zwangsstörungen, PTSD] Chair: R. Nater-Mewes Venue: Landgrafenhaus Room +1/0080 (LH100) C. Heeke et al., Berlin [Depression and anxiety in elderly Jews from former Soviet Union in Germany: The role of discrimination and religiosity] M. Schouler14:30 Ocak, Berlin – 16:00 N. Shahhosseini et al., Marburg S. Schödwell et al., Berlin Suizidales Verhalten von Migranten und ethnischen Minderheiten in Europa [Suicidal behavior of immigrants and ethnic minorities in Europe] Einflussfaktoren auf die depressive Symptomatik bei Asylsuchenden in Hessen [Influencing factors on depressive symptoms in asylum seekers in Hessen] Krankheit oder Unheil?! - Herausforderungen für Behandler in Myanmar bei der Versorgung depressiver Symptome [Disease or misfortune?! – Challenges for Myanmar health care professionals in the treatment of depressive symptoms] M. Modalal & F. Seele, Marburg A. Ebrahimi et al., Isfahan M. Abedi & R. Iezadi, Isfahan 16:00 – 16:15 Coffee Break Version 28-April-2015 Armed conflict in Colombia: Rates and risk of prolonged grief disorder among bereaved individuals and relatives of disappeared people Hair cortisol concentration (HCC) among asylum seekers living in Hessen and its correlation with traumatization and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Compression of cognitive-behavioral, and meta-cognition therapy on cognitive avoidance, negative problem orientation, intolerance of uncertainty, worry and anxiety symptoms in patients with GAD Intensive Counseling for obsessivecompulsive disorder in Iran Saturday, May 9, 2015 | Samstag, 9. Mai 2015 Iranian Expert Panel (Chairs: W. Rief & D. Hinton) Venue: Landgrafenhaus Room +1/0080 (LH100) H. Ahadi, Karaj/Kish & The science of Psyche (Ilm-Al Nafs) and Modern A. R. Sharifnia, Kish Psychology 16:15 – 17:45 A. Attari, Isfahan Zar syndrome in Iran S. A. Jalili, Teheran Mental Health in Iran K. Solati Dehkordy, Shahrekord Effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction training and drug therapy on quality of life in patients with irritable bowel syndrome Ch. Rahimi Taghanaki, Shiraz A cross cultural comparison of cognitive beliefs of university students in Iran and Kuwait Social Program | Kulturprogramm Friday, May 08, 2015 at 6:00p.m. | Freitag, 08. Mai 2015, 18:00 Uhr One-hour sightseeing walk through the old town of Marburg (in English) Geführter Spaziergang durch Marburg (auf Deutsch) Saturday, May 09, 2015 at 9:00 p.m. | Samstag, 09. Mai 2015, 21:00 Uhr 21:00 "Get-together" takes place at the landgrave castle (Culture and beverages are provided) [Gemeinsamer Umtrunk im Landgrafenschloss, Fürstensaal] Version 28-April-2015 Saturday, May 9, 2015 | Samstag, 9. Mai 2015 Guided Poster Tour Presenter Poster Title F. Afsar et al., Isfahan The relationship of psychosomatic disorders and demographic characteristics among students of Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Iran S. Arjmandi et al., Isfahan The effect of neurofeedback training on separation anxiety and depression among the children of divorce N. Basiri et al., Isfahan The relationship between insomnia severity, sleep quality and psychological wellbeing N. Basiri et al., Isfahan The Effect of Dialectical Behavior Therapy on reducing Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms A. Bieda et al., Bochum F.-A. Dietel, Münster A. Ebrahimi et al., Isfahan Sind interkulturelle Vergleiche möglich? Überprüfung der Messinvarianz von Skalen zur Erfassung salutogener Faktoren in Deutschland, Russland und China [Are intercultural comparisons possible? Validation of the measurement invariance of scales for the assessment of salutogenetic factors in Germany, Russia, and China] Body dysmorphic disorder and body image concerns in the Western world: a cross-cultural comparison of features and treatment aspects A report of the comparison project progress on prevalence of psychosomatic symptoms in patients in Iran and Germany samples: A cross-cultural study L. Esmaeili et al., Isfahan The effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on depression, anxiety and stress in women with breast cancer J. Ezzati, Kish Ways of coping with arthritic diseases Rheumatoid Arthritis C. Heeke et al., Berlin Do trials help to deal with traumatic experiences from collective violence? Readiness to reconcile and post-traumatic stress disorder in civil party applicants to the Khmer Rouge tribunal in Cambodia M. Hofmann et al., Marburg Breaking Bad News: What patients want and what they get in Germany R. Karampour, Teheran S. Mahdavi et al., Isfahan Version 28-April-2015 Pilot study on factor analyses of WISC-R Test and TOLD-p:3 in a Iranian sample of children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) The effectiveness of the Acceptance and Commitment therapy on aggression and interpersonal sensitivity in female patients with Psoriasis Presenter Poster Title A. Memarian, Isfahan The effectiveness of emotional self-regulation on reducing pain, stress, anxiety and depression in patients with migraine The effect of the combination of the two treatments of selfhypnosis training and Citalopram on patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and their quality of life Z. Moghanizadeh et al., Mashhad T. Mooghali et al., Teheran The evaluation of life skills training on improving quality of life and life orientation in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients L. Nohr et al., Münster Causal attributioin for mental illness in Cuba: A qualitative analysis R. Salman, Hannover Gesundheit mit Migranten für Migranten – MiMi das interkulturelle Health Literacy Programm [Healthiness with and for migrants – MiMi: The intercultural Health Literacy Program] H. Graf von Reventlow et al., Frankfurt/ Main Yearly Figures of a German Counselling and Psychotherapy Service for Refugees and Victims of Organized Violence M. Zare, Isfahan Psychosomatic disorders and epilepsy: a brief review Version 28-April-2015
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