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AIIA Summit 2015: Navigating the Internet of Things
Thank you for attending AIIA’s Navigating the Internet of Things Summit, the first
national event bringing together government, decision-makers, industry practitioners
and sector experts to explore the opportunities and implications of the Internet of
What exactly is the Internet of Things?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or "things" embedded
with electronics, software, sensors and connectivity to enable it to achieve greater
Elizabeth Vega
value and service by exchanging data with the manufacturer, operator and/or other
connected devices. Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system but is able to
interoperate within the existing internet infrastructure.
The Internet of Things will change the way we work and live
By the year 2020 GigaOm predicts there will be 24 Billion devices connected to the internet; Gartner predicts there will
be 26 billion devices; and CISCO predicts there will be 50 billion! Industry analysis indicates that IoT is poised to
generate $4.6 trillion in potential value for the public sector over the next decade, and $14.4 trillion for the private
sector over the same period.
If machine to machine, or IoT communication is included in the energy, agriculture and transport industries, there will
be an estimated reduction of 9.1 gigatons to global greenhouse gas emissions over the coming decade according to a
recent report by Carbon War Room.
Internet of Things from a Government Perspective
Governments around the world are faced with the challenge of doing more with less. This challenge is exacerbated by
pressures to keep up with the service expectations of citizens and employees who are more mobile and social than
ever, and demand new ways of engagement. Government is expected to be a leader in harnessing new technologies
to make smarter policy and public service delivery decisions, while simultaneously and continuously delivering basic
Now, imagine a world where these needs could be met - a world where all devices are connected, and where
everything has the capacity to be intelligently and seamlessly linked to a ubiquitous network optimizing efficiencies,
environments and work processes.
Transforming the Physical Economy
The physical world around us will, for many of us, be our first point of contact with the Internet of things. In 2008, there
were already more "things" connected to the Internet than people, and by 2020, the “Internet of things” will be
powered by billions of sensors embedded within our living and working environments.
Cities around the world are investing in a "Digital Skin" and smart infrastructure. They are planning and building IoT
capabilities into their city plans including everything from Smart-parking and street-light sensors, to waste
management, to shipping port co-ordination using Geo-tracking and IoT technologies.
Transforming the Delivery of Services
From on-demand services via mobile apps, to smart-watches monitoring the health of patients, to the way our food is
grown and delivered onto your dinner plate every evening, service delivery is being disrupted, re-imagined, and
transformed through IoT in profound ways.
The majority of organisations that have deployed IoT solutions have seen an almost 30% cost reduction in their
day-to-day expenses.
Transforming the Economy
In its 2013 "Global Information Technology Report,” the international strategy consultancy company Booz & Company
studied the economic and social effects of digitization. According to the study, a 10% increase in a country’s
digitization rate leads to a 0.75 percent higher gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and a 1.02 percent lower
unemployment rate – the internet of things is a part of this potential.
The Internet of Things as an opportunity for Australia
Many countries are realizing the economic potential that the internet of things provides, and re-defining their
strategic and investment policies to capitalize on these new and exciting opportunities. The proliferation of the IoT will
create an unprecedented social and economic impact. The time is now for Australia to lead the way and forge a path in
the digital technology revolution that is the Internet of Things.
Whether you are in Government or industry, the 2015 Navigating the Internet of Things Summit will give you the
opportunity to meet, mingle, and explore new frontiers of technological development with industry experts, thought
leaders, and change makers in Australian society.
Summit Schedule
8.00am – 8.45am
8.45am – 8.55am
Welcome by Master of Ceremonies Elizabeth Vega, CEO, Informed Solutions
8.55am – 9.00am
Welcome by AIIA Chairman, Kee Wong, Managing Director e-Centric Innovations
9.00am – 9.20am
Opening address: The Hon Malcolm Turnbull
9.20am – 9.50am
Keynote Address: Lutz Heuser, CEO Urban Institute, Germany
Real-time Insights – How to run cities and regions even smarter
Industrial Internet or Industry 4.0 are the current trends to leverage Internet of Things
within production and logistics. But how about public infrastructures? The talk will
provide insight into worldwide initiatives on leveraging urban sensors for getting a
real-time picture of the city and communities. We will discuss how public authorities
can provide better citizen services and transform their jurisdiction into an even
smarter government service. Examples given from ongoing regional and local
initiatives will show that integrated planning and collaborative operation of urban
infrastructure will provide better service by real-time insight.
9.50am – 10.10am
Steve Leonard: Executive Deputy Chairman, Infocomm Development Authority of
Singapore (IDA)
Smart Nation – Solving Global Challenges
There are two megatrends that impact urban cities globally today – urban density
and ageing population, and these would have implications on various sectors such as
healthcare and transport. A Smart Nation, driven by data can meet these challenges,
and make lives better for all. The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore’s
Executive Deputy Chairman Steve Leonard will fill you in on Singapore’s vision of a
Smart Nation, and how Singapore will leverage on the concerted effort across
government to use data better, to collect more information for and about
government service with one goal in mind – to better anticipate citizens’ needs and
create services and solutions that can serve citizens better. With greater access to
open data, citizens can improve their daily living and to be an active participant in
the shaping of this nation. Smart Nation will also create the environment that
provides opportunities for businesses to build world leading products and services,
many being powered by Data and Analytics.
10.10am – 10.15am
Spotlight Case Study - Susan Harris: CEO, Intelligent Transport Systems Australia
10.15am – 10.45am
Morning Tea
10.45am – 11.15am
Shaji Sethu: Executive General Manager, Oakton Applications
Theme 1
Transforming the Physical Economy and Built Environment
The Internet of Things – Changing the way we live and work
11.15am – 11.45am
Ros Harvey: Chief Strategy Advisor, Sirca
The Internet of Things: An Opportunity for Public and Private Partnerships in
the Digital Economy
The Internet of Things offers government the opportunity to create new and
better services. The challenge is not technical but what are the business models
that can unlock the potential. In this session Ros will focus on practical examples
of how government can leverage the Internet of Things in partnership with the
private sectors and researchers, to create value and reduce costs. Along the way it
means re-imagining the role of government in the knowledge economy. The real
question is do we have the political will to do this?
11.45am – 12.15pm
Lee Hickin: Commercial Lead for Internet of Things, Microsoft
12.15pm – 12.20pm
Spotlight Case Study – David Gambrill, NICTA, Sydney Harbour Bridge Project
12.20pm – 12.50pm
Dan Paull: AIIA Geo-Spatial Special Interest Group
12.50pm – 12.55pm
Spotlight Case Study: Suvendu Mukherjee, Product Manager, Broadcast Australia
12:55pm – 1.05pm
Pia Waugh: Department of Finance, Digital Transformation and Government as an API
1.05pm – 1.55pm
Theme 2
Transforming the Delivery of Services
The Internet of Things – Delivering new services and the same services differently
1.55pm – 2.25pm
Simon Rossi: General Manager, Uber Melbourne
2.25pm – 2.55pm
Brian McCarson: Chief IoT Systems Architect, Intel
2.55pm – 3.00pm
Spotlight Case Study: Matthew Pryor, Observant
3.00pm – 3.30pm
Jason McClure: Chief Executive Officer, SlicedTech
The Uber of Health Care: GP2U, IoT Disrupting Traditional Health Service Models
3.30pm – 4.00pm
Afternoon Tea
Theme 3
Transforming the Economy
The Internet of Things – What it takes to be competitive
4.00pm – 4.30pm
Jake McMullin: Managing Director, Stripy Sock
4.30pm – 4.35pm
Spotlight Case Study – Raja Jurdak, CSIRO, “Internet of Nomadic Things: Tracking
Flying Foxes across Australia”
4.35pm – 5.05pm
Glenn Archer: VP Public Sector, Gartner
Digital Government is a Journey
Governments around the world are updating their IT strategic plans to enable the
transformation of public services by bringing cloud, social, mobile and
information technologies together with the Internet of Things. These technologies
are enabling new business models to deliver public services in radically new and
digitally supported ways. The balance between people, processes and things will
increasingly focus on things and processes more than people. A focus on data will
smooth the transition to Digital Government with real value achieved by Digital
Civic Moments.
5.05pm – 5.20pm
Summary and Next Steps
Elizabeth Vega
CEO, Informed Solutions
Kee Wong
Managing Director e-Centric Innovations
Malcolm Turnbull
MP Minister of Communications
Lutz Heuser
CTO of Urban Software Institute
Steve Leonard
Deputy Chairman, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA)
Susan Harris
CEO, Intelligent Transport Systems Australia
Shaji Sethu
Executive General Manager, Oakton Applications
Ros Harvey
Chief Strategy Advisor, Sirca
Lee Hickin
Chief IoT Systems Architect, Intel
David Gambrill
NICTA, Sydney Harbour Bridge Project
Dan Paull
Suvendu Mukherjee
Product Manager, Broadcast Australia
Pia Waugh
Department of Finance
Simon Rossi
GM Uber Melbourne
Brian McCarson
Commercial Lead for Internet of Things, Microsoft
Matthew Pryor
Jason McClure
CEO, Sliced Tech
Jake McMullin
Managing Director & Co-Founder, Stripy Sock
Raja Jurdak
Glenn Archer
VP Public Sector, Gartner